
You will be assigned a major trading city from 1200-1450. You will research your city using the internet, library sources or your book.Cities:Hangzhou (Jan, Feb Birthdays)Kashgar (March)Samarkand (April)Malaka (a.k.a. Malakka, Melaka) (May, June)Delhi (July,August)Kilwa (September)Timbuktu (October)Venice (November) 9. Fez ( December)SPECIFIC MATERIALS (you will create both):- A Tourism poster enticing people to visit your city. -A Brochure enticing people to visit your city- At least two Yelp-style reviews of your city (one must be from a merchant and one must be from a FAMOUS cultural visitor - religious pilgrim, travel writer, etc.)GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:Your materials must include:- Historical context (You are marketing your city at some point from 1200-1450 but you can choose the specific time period depending on when your city was flourishing. Make it clear what’s going on in your city’s history or the wider world. Is your city part of a larger empire? Were they just conquered? Are they about to be conquered? (You can use foreshadowing!)-A clear audience (Who would want to come to your city? Who would be most welcomed? Why would they be coming to your city? Who might not be welcome in your city?)-Visuals from the city (What were major monuments or attractions? What cultural and religious influences would be present in the city? What is the environment like?)-Specific mentions of the types of goods that were commonly traded in your city“PRESENTATION”Your materials will be displayed in class for everyone to “visit.” The class will look at each of the cities and take notes of unique aspects of the city on the worksheet provided. Take note of popular religions, key trading goods, and anything else that might help you discuss cultural, economic, and environmental exchange from 1200 to 1450!GRADING RUBRICDid the student(s) work productively during class time?/50Did the project include:all required materials?Historical context?A clear audience?Visuals from the city?Types of goods traded?/20Was the information presented:Accurate?Relevant?Supported by evidence, whenever possible?/12Were the materials:Neat and easy for others to understand?“Professionally finished,” within reason?Creatively presented, beyond the basic requirements? /12AP Complexity:Did the project show a complex and deep understanding of the topic, using historical processes (the “C’s”) and/or evidence to corroborate, qualify, or modify the argument(s) they were making within the project?/8 ................

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