Loudoun County Public Schools




Week of February 11, 2013

Volume 7, Issue 20

This Week at a Glance


Guided Reading: Continue A Lion to Guard Us

Read Aloud: Give Me Liberty by L.M. Elliott

Word Study:

Pink: CVVC pattern review (ai/oa/ee/ea)

Blue: Syllable Junctures (vc/ccv, vcc/cv, and vv)

Yellow: Open and closed and inflected endings

Goldenrod: Silent beginning consonant sort (kn/wr/gn)

Purple: Syllable Juncture Review –al, -il, -el, -le, -ile

Math: Review 3 digit numbers divided by 2 digit numbers, division problem solving

Virginia Studies: Colonial Life test on Tuesday, begin Revolutionary War

Science: Animal Studies completed

**Science and Virginia Studies will alternate throughout the year.

Cool Facts about the

American Revolution

Did you know…….

The Americans of 1776 had the highest standard of living and the lowest taxes in the Western World! 

Farmers, lawyers and business owners in the Colonies were thriving, with some plantation owners and merchants making the equivalent of $500,000 a year. Times were good for many others too. The British wanted a slice of the cash flow and tried to tax the Colonists. They resisted violently, convinced that their prosperity and their liberty were at stake. Virginia's Patrick Henry summed up their stance with his cry: "Give me liberty or give me death!" 

There were two Boston tea parties! 

Everyone knows how 50 or 60 "Sons of Liberty," disguised as Mohawks, protested the 3 cents per pound British tax on tea by dumping chests of the popular drink into Boston Harbor on December 16, 1773. Fewer know that the improper Bostonians repeated the performance on March 7, 1774. The two tea parties cost the British around $3 million in modern money. 

The First Military Submarine

• [pic]

The "Turtle" was a pedal-powered submarine designed by David Bushnell. It was commissioned to plant a bomb on the hull of the "HMS Eagle," a British ship anchored in New York Harbor. Unfortunately, the "Turtle" failed in its mission, detonating the bomb underwater in the middle of the harbor instead. This early submarine marked one early attempt to tackle the problem of the mighty British Navy in comparison with the complete lack of naval power in the colonies.

Read more: 10 Interesting Facts About Revolutionary War Weapons |  

The Daly Dose

Attention Parents

First Semester Awards Have Been Rescheduled and will be presented to the students on

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 @ 9:15 AM

We look forward to seeing you there to celebrate the success of the students!

February Birthdays

Feb. 19 Ian Slebrch

Feb. 21 Krystal Wilder

Feb. 26 Nabil Hafassa

February 12: Rescheduled: First Semester Awards 9:15 AM

February 12: VA Studies Test

February 19: Math Division Test

February 22: Animal Unit test

February 19: My Choice chapter book #3 due

Important Dates

The Daly




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