February - fadjarp3g

Report on Attending the APEC-Tsukuba International Conference IX: Innovation of Mathematics Teaching and Learning through Lesson Study. February 10-16, 2015. Tokyo,?Japan.The University of Tsukuba, Japan, invited 2 participants from Indonesia.Prof, Dr. rer nat Widodo (The Head of PPPPTK Matematika, Yogyakarta.)Fadjar Shadiq, M.App.Sc (The?Deputy Director for Administration of?SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics), on behalf of Prof. Subanar, Ph.D (The?Director of?SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics.)to attend the APEC-Tsukuba International Conference IX.Such as the previous Conference, this Conference includes keynote lectures, short presentations, discussions, open lesson, and workshops. Although the conference is focused on mathematics education, the conference will be meaningful for other subjects on the context of lesson study. The Conference was hosted by the Centre for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development (CRICED), University of Tsukuba, with the General Chair was Prof. Masami Isoda (APEC Project Overseer), while the APEC Project Co-Overseer was Ass. Prof. Dr. Maitree Inprasitha (Khon Kaen University Thailand). In addition, this international level conference was attended by prominent mathematics educators from Europe (Barbara Jaworski) and Hiroshi Fujita (from Japan, Asia), as a Former President of Mathematics Education Society of Japan, Past President of Mathematical Society of Japan, and Past President of Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. There are 4 activities during?the Conference.February 10, 2015.?From 10am to 17pm. Textbook Workshop.?Venue: Gakkotosho Pub/Tosho Insatsu, Higashi Jujo St./Oji Kamiya St., Tokyo. In evaluating the text books published by Gakkotosho Pub, Fadjar Shadiq suggested that four important questions should be aroused regarding how to help our students to learn mathematics: meaningfully easily? joyfully? to use their heads (think)? to be an independent learner?” Based on those 4 questions, Fadjar Shadiq concluded that the text books published by Gakkotosho Pub meet those 4 conditions. He found that every topic is started with problem or activity that will challenge every student to think and relate the new knowledge with the preexisting knowledge known to students. In addition, the text books give opportunity to every students learn Mathematics joyfully. The reason is the said text books are designed colourful and every topic relate to real life situation.February 11, 2015: APEC Conference. Theme: “Mathematics Education for Future Prediction”?Venue: Tokyo Campus, University of Tsukuba, Myogadani St., Tokyo.Hiroshi Fujita stated: “The role of future prediction in recent science and technology is quite innovative and challenging and its inuence is extensive to life and work in human society: ranging from weather forecast , medical diagnosis, business prospect, market research, earthquake warning, to global problems like the climate change.”In addition, Barbara Jaworski reported: “Research on Teacher Education in Mathematics - through Collaborative Inquiry-Based Processes Including Teachers and Students.” She stated that inquiry in the classroom should give opportunity to students to: (1) ask questions and seek answers and (2) recognise problems and seek solutions. She also proposed that inquiry can be found in three layers: (1) inquiry in mathematics classroom, (2) inquiry in mathematics teaching and (3) inquiry in research into learning and teaching of mathematics.February 14 & 15, 2015: ICME (International Commission for Mathematics Education) Survey Team Meeting.?Venue: Tokyo Campus, University of Tsukuba, Myogadani St., Tokyo. The Survey Team led by Barbara Jaworski. Barbara Jaworski stated the importance of mathematics educators community shared their ideas and experienced. February 16, 2015: SEAMEO-RECSAM (Regional Centre for Science and Mathemnatics) and University of Tsukuba Joint Symposium.?Tokyo Campus, University of Tsukuba, Myogadani St., TokyoSuhaidah (SEAMEO-RECSAM) stated that the Standards provide specific information about the Dimensions by describing elements of each Dimension. They articulate what teachers are expected to possess, know and do. SEARS MT (Southeast Asia Regional Standards For Mathematics Teachers) proposed by SEAMEO-RECSAM consist of four dimension: (1) Professional Knowledge Standards, (2) Professional Teaching and Learning Process Standards, (3) Personal and Professional Attributes Standards and (4) Professional Communities Standards. ................

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