WeWaiKai Nation


Michelle Billy, We Wai Kai Nation Social Development Manager


Income Assistance Payment Date

January 20, 2021 (for February 2021)

February 17, 2021 (for March 2021)

March 24, 2021 (for April 2021)

*Cut off day for your paperwork (renewal slips/job search) is 10th of the month.

If you have not submitted your utility bills & renewal slip / job search forms please do so immediately if you require continued assistance.


Colleen can take you to your pre-scheduled medical appointment at your family physician office (not to walk in clinics at big box stores due to higher risk of COVID-19 exposure).

Please check days & times with Colleen (250-287-0613) prior to booking your DR.’s apt.

You will be provided with a mask to wear. Also, the van now has barriers installed for added COVID-19 safety for the driver and passenger.

Colleen continues to grocery shop for elders and and make & deliver hot lunches. Call Colleeen if you would like to learn to do online grocery shopping or if you would like her to pick up your groceries.


The youth programs continue to run under stringent Covid safety protocols at both Quinsam and Cape Mudge. You must pre-register for the sessions. Please contact Raven for the Cape Mudge Program at 250-202-6924 or Michelle & Taylor for the Quinsam youth groups at 250-203-6297. Taylor is very excited to be running the teen group in a new space.

It will be next door to the current youth room and will have some fun games! [pic][pic] [pic][pic]

We Wai Kai Elders are having a Cristmas Raffle [pic]

See the insert in the newsletter, the Wewaikai Nation Membership Only Facebook Page or for more information contact Colleen @ 250-287-0613

The draw date is Dec. 15/20



KDC Health- call 250-286-8064 or 250-286-9766

Vancouver Island Crisis Line *24/7 - 1-888-494-3888

Crisis Nurse at the hospital 250-286-7159

CR Mental Health and Substance Use 250-850-2620 self- refer or dr. referred for an intake apt.

Quadra Island Medical Clinic 250-285-3540

heretohelp.bc.ca Mental Health and Substance Use Info.

foundrybc.ca 250-286-0611 Foundry offers young people ages 12 -24 health and wellness resources, services, and supports. As well as offering a Homelessness Prevention Program.

Smart Recovery held in Rose Harbour Common Room every Wed. & Fri. 1:30-2:30pm.

Pre- register by email: kateb@annelmorehouse.ca or phone: 250-286-3666 *Bring a pencil


KUU-US Crisis Line Society 1-800-KUU-US17 (1-800-588-8717)

First Nations and Aboriginal specific crisis line available 24/7, regardless of where individuals reside in BC.

KUU-US services are for First Nations, by First Nations and all crisis response personnel are certified and trained in Indigenous cultural safety and therefore bring an understanding of First Nations history and trauma from the residential school to their roles. Last year, KUU-US helped over 10,000 individuals with mental health issues and crises related to residential school, child welfare, addiction, health concerns, divorce/separation, suicide ideation/survivorship, grief/loss, crime, abuse, peer pressure and financial distress.

Crisis Line:  1-888-494-3888

Crisis Chat: vicrisis.ca

Crisis Text:  250-800-3806


BC’s Representative for Children & Youth

Advocacy for Children & Youth rcy.bc.ca 1 800 476- 3933

TalktotheRep.ca Children and Youth in Care have rights. The Representatives advocate for children and youth.

To help the Office spread the word about its advocacy services through social media to all youth in B.C., especially youth in care and Indigenous youth. 

Check out the Representative’s youth Facebook page (RCYBCyouth),  Instagram account (@RCYBCyouth), YouTube channel (Rep4Youth), and youth Twitter page (@RCYBCyouth) to see some of the Social Media Youth Team’s work! We post updates regularly, so be sure to follow us.

Ministry of Social Development Income Assistance Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance Program provides financial assistance to eligible people with low incomes. Contact Income Assistance at 1-866-866-0800 .bc.ca/publicat/bcea/applying.htm

Pharmacare Program Government of BC Provides information about the status of individual claims being processed and how to apply for reimbursement. Contact Health Services at 1-800-554-0250

KDC Health Patient Travel, Resources and Services 250-286-9766

Clerk for CR Area – Dianna Smith

Patient Navigator – Tanille Johnston

Affordable Child Care Benefits - BC Ministry of Child and Family Development Monthly payment that helps families with low incomes to cover the costs of childcare. Contact Enquiry BC at 1-888-338-6622 .bc.ca/childcare/

Canada Child Tax Benefit Canadian Government the Canada Child Tax Benefit is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children under 18. May include the National Child Benefit Supplement, BC Family Bonus, and Universal Child Care Benefit. Contact Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800-387-1193 cra-arc.bc.ca/benefits/

211 is a helpline available 24 hours a day, every day. When somebody calls, they are connected with a real person who will ask questions about their situation and then find the right programs and services. Sometimes it’s a senior remaining safe in their home but needing help accessing groceries, other times it’s a parent looking for help to pay bills after being laid off, or a young person looking for help to understand what government programs are available to them.

Free Tax Clinic

@ Opportunities Career Services Society


Located across from City Hall.

(250) 286-3436

Email address


Free Tax clinic at Opportunities Career Services Society cont.….•

Every Tuesday and Thursday from 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM

Starting 2020-09-01 to 2020-12-31

Closed during lunch/dinner

Closed during holidays

Mon-Fri from 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM

Starting 2020-10-13 to 2020-12-31

Closed during lunch/dinner

Closed during holidays


NIEFS (North Island Employment Foundations Society)

If you are looking for a job you can call NIEFS @ 250-286-3441 and make an apt. with an Employment Counsellor who can assist you with your resume and job search.

NVIATS (North Vancouver Island Aboriginal Training Society)

If you are looking for a job; training; support; or would like to talk to a career advisor call 250-286-3455 and leave a message. Someone will get back to you. You can also email the career advisors; Danielle @ dlecours@ or Lorraine @ lredpath@

Job Search and Employment / Training






Jobs for Youth -





310Mental Health Support


(no need to dial area code


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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