***Note: This note should be deleted prior to application submission.The Cooperating Technical Partners should complete the fields for all sections of this template relevant to the activities deemed applicable to the project; activities not applicable to the project should be deleted. ***This template should be used by Cooperating Technical Partners who are applying for an award to complete Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies activities for a flood risk project(s). FILLIN \* MERGEFORMAT {Insert Cooperating Technical Partners Name(s)}Cooperating Technical Partners Community Outreach AND mitigation strategies Statement of WorkCommunity Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Statement of Work No. FORMTEXT {Insert Statement of Work Number}In accordance with the Cooperative Technical Partnership Agreement dated FORMTEXT {Insert Cooperating Technical Partners Partnership Agreement date} between FORMTEXT {Insert Cooperating Technical Partners name} (herein referred to as “Cooperating Technical Partners”) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the following explains the scope to be undertaken by FORMTEXT {Insert Cooperating Technical Partners name} to enhance communication and coordination detailed within this Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Statement of Work No. FORMTEXT {Insert Statement of Work #} as follows:CONTENTS TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \u SECTION 1 – OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE PAGEREF _Toc507093363 \h 3SECTION 2 – PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE PAGEREF _Toc507093364 \h 14SECTION 3 – FUNDING/LEVERAGE PAGEREF _Toc507093365 \h 15SECTION 4 – STANDARDS PAGEREF _Toc507093366 \h 16SECTION 5 – SCHEDULE PAGEREF _Toc507093367 \h 16SECTION 6 – CONTRACTORS PAGEREF _Toc507093368 \h 17SECTION 7 – REPORTING PAGEREF _Toc507093369 \h 18SECTION 8 – PROJECT COORDINATION PAGEREF _Toc507093370 \h 19SECTION 9 – POINTS OF CONTACT PAGEREF _Toc507093371 \h 20SECTION 1 – OBJECTIVE AND SCOPEThe objective of the Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies activity documented in this Statement of Work is to recognize and enhance activities undertaken by Cooperating Technical Partners that create an environment where communities:Understand their flood risk and the importance of addressing that risk;Are more willing to engage with the Mapping Partner and FEMA to analyze their risks;Are better primed to take action to reduce their risk, based on that analysis.Specifically, tasks funded under this Statement of Work support and enhance Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies activities within FORMTEXT {Insert watershed/county, community, or state name(s)}. All processes and deliverables shall be completed in accordance with FEMA’s Guidelines and Standards for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping, Revision 10, dated November 2019 located on FEMA’s website. These guidelines and standards define the specific implementation of the statutory and regulatory requirements for National Flood Insurance Program flood risk projects and address the performance of related Risk Mapping, Assessment, and Planning (Risk MAP) activities.Tasks completed under this Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Statement of Work will be completed by the following Cooperating Technical Partners: FORMTEXT {insert names of SC, CTC, and/or MCC that will participate in this project}; FORMTEXT {Insert name of Cooperating Technical Partners contractor, if applicable}Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies tasks cannot result in the production of a Flood Insurance Rate Map. The checked activity/activities that must be accomplished under this Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Statement of Work are as follows (please click/check the box of the activities included in this Statement of Work):?Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Engagement Plan?Strategic Planning for Community Engagement?Meetings and Process Facilitation?Mitigation Support?Communication and Outreach to Communities?Training and Community Capability Development?Mitigation Planning Technical Assistance?Staffing?Pilot Projects?MentoringContractor support may be used for all activities except staffing and mentoring, which must be completed by the Cooperating Technical Partners.All supporting data must be retained for three years from the date a funding recipient submits its final expenditure report to FEMA. Your organizational access to the Mapping Information Platform signifies that you have access to personally identifiable information. As such, please ensure you are meeting the requirements in the Department of Homeland Security standard terms and conditions (Term and Condition Section V) to appropriately protect said information.***Note: The Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Engagement Plan sub-section should be deleted if Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies engagement plan activities are not included in this scope of work. This instructional note should be deleted prior to application munity Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Engagement Plan Responsible Mapping Partner: FORMTEXT {Insert name of Cooperating Technical Partners and other responsible Mapping Partner(s)}.Scope: Document prepared by recipients and used by Regional Offices in support of Risk MAP Multi-year Planning. The plan must:1.Document the capabilities and accomplishments of the partner related to Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies.2.Explain the recipient’s vision for implementing or participating in Risk MAP, specifically describing how the partner’s activities advance the vision, goals, and objectives of Risk MAP for encouraging communities to take action to mitigate risk.3.Include examples or updates from previous years’ activities (if applicable).4.Provide recommendations to FEMA regarding action and outreach potential for future Risk MAP projects within the state, local area, tribal area, or territory.Recipients that are also completing activities under the Program Management Statement of Work may combine Business Plan and the Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Engagement Plan for these two Statement of Works into a comprehensive Business Plan that includes the required elements for both the Program Management Statement of Work Business Plan and the Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Statement of Work Engagement Plan. Recipients must work with their FEMA Regional Office for additional details and requirements of Business/Engagement Plans, including due dates, for the State and/or Local Business Plans. FORMTEXT <Add additional details regarding the scope of this task as propsoed by the Cooperating Technical Partners or negotiated with FEMA, such as if the Business Plan must be delivered by a certain date to be used in Regional Multi-year Program Planning Activities.>Standards: All work shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 4 – Standards.Deliverables: The Cooperating Technical Partners shall deliver the following checked item(s) to the FEMA Regional Project Officer (please click/check the box of the deliverables included in this Statement of Work):?Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Engagement PlanALTERNATE LANGUAGE IF Cooperating Technical Partners HAS BOTH Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies AND Program Management Scopes of WorkCommunity Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Engagement Plan Responsible Mapping Partner: FORMTEXT {Insert name of Cooperating Technical Partners and other responsible Mapping Partner(s)}.Scope: Combined the Business Plan requirements of the Program Management and Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies awards into a single deliverable, with approval from the FEMA Regional Project Officer.***Note: The Strategic Planning for Community Outreach and Engagement sub-section should be deleted if strategic planning for community outreach and engagement activities are not included in this scope of work. This instructional note should be deleted prior to application submission.Strategic Planning for Community Outreach and EngagementResponsible Mapping Partner: FORMTEXT {Insert name of Cooperating Technical Partners and other responsible Mapping Partner(s)}.Scope: FORMTEXT <Add additional details regarding the scope of this task, as appropriate.>The Cooperating Technical Partners will strategically prepare for engagement with communities and stakeholders, to strengthen and focus project discussions towards taking mitigation action to reduce natural hazard risk.Mitigation action can be encouraged through flood risk and other natural hazards awareness and outreach activities and advanced by proper project management, supporting technical data development, and communications planning throughout the Risk MAP process. There are a range of planning efforts the Cooperating Technical Partners could undertake to improve community engagement, which could be grouped into a joint planning process, or undertaken individually. Note: Communication and outreach activities described in this task are meant to be supplemental or complementary efforts to those identified in the Flood Risk Project Mapping Activity Statement Mapping Activity Statement. Cooperating Technical Partners and the FEMA Region are responsible for confirming no duplication of effort in other awards (grants, cooperative agreements, interagency agreements, and contracts).Examples include:Integration Planning – Help state, federal, and local partners coordinate efforts that move communities towards reducing flood risk. For example, convening a variety of stakeholders (who might have diverse goals) and providing tools and knowledge to conduct joint mitigation planning in a watershed.Awareness and Action Strategy – Develop a regional approach to better understand communities’ needs and priorities up front by conducting primary and secondary research on demographics, community communications practices and preferences, evaluation of local plans and initiatives, identification of local decision-makers and potential advocates, mitigation history and potential roadblocks, existing relationships with state and federal agencies, munity Prioritization – Prioritize the action potential, action readiness, or need of communities within a watershed to inform project scoping and planning. Watershed and Community Assessment – Assess a watershed and high priority communities to understand their mitigation priorities and their existing relationships with FEMA and other federal agencies to inform future outreach. The assessment may include local planners, floodplain administrators, elected officials, community leaders, local levee/dam/coastal leadership, business owners, residents, participants from other local departments such as public works, and others, based on local needs.Relationship Management and Action Plan – Evaluate, update, and execute on the relationship plan and mitigation action plan(s). Establish or strengthen relationships between FEMA and local stakeholders.Standards: All work shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 4 – Standards.The Cooperating Technical Partners will coordinate with their FEMA Point of Contact to ensure up to date products and templates are used and new products are coordinated and fully reviewed prior to dissemination.Deliverables: The Cooperating Technical Partners shall deliver the following checked item(s) to the FEMA Regional Project Officer (please click/check the box of the deliverables included in this Statement of Work):?Integrated and strategic plan for advancing relationships with partners and community stakeholders?Activities that increase flood risk awareness and subsequent or related mitigation actions?New or updated community profiles that reflect insights gained from community research?Prioritized list of communities, their potential for action readiness within a watershed based on action potential or action readiness, contribution to the action target, and detailed outreach and coordination activities?Watershed and community assessment and mitigation action plan for prioritized communities?Communication and outreach strategy?Update to Cooperating Technical Partner’s website and other digital platforms as needed?Other: FORMTEXT {Insert additional details}.***Note: The Meetings and Process Facilitation sub-section should be deleted if meetings and process facilitation activities are not included in this scope of work. This instructional note should be deleted prior to application submission.Meetings and Process Facilitation (if needed)Responsible Mapping Partner: FORMTEXT {Insert name of Cooperating Technical Partners and other responsible Mapping Partner(s)}.Scope: FORMTEXT <Add additional details regarding the scope of this task, as appropriate.>The Cooperating Technical Partners will hold meetings and facilitate the decision-making processes. Meeting activities are only allowable if they are not funded under an award for a specific project area outlined in a Flood Risk Project Mapping Activity Statement, or the Cooperating Technical Partners must provide additional scope to clarify the difference between the funding under the Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Statement of Work and the Mapping Activity Statement for the specific flood risk project. The following potential activities included in this task are listed below:Process Facilitation – Support for implementation of the strategic planning efforts may include: identifying and supporting key community priorities and key influencers; support community identification of mitigation opportunities; gap analysis of community requirements for mitigation implementation; ongoing relationship management; monitoring, evaluation, and update. Flood Risk Review Meeting – Activities may include planning, presenting, and facilitating discussions of data inputs and engineering models used for flood studies with community officials, with an emphasis on fostering productive discussions based on a shared understanding of flood risk that has been gained through the development of the maps. In addition, draft work maps showing initial study results will be presented during the meeting. The meeting may also include review of mitigation actions and any non-regulatory products if developed during the project, as well as reporting on outreach activities, if applicable. Note: this meeting is included in a Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies scope only if it is not already being done as part of a Flood Risk munity Consultation Officer’s (CONSULTATION COORDINATION OFFICER) Meeting – Activities may include planning, presenting, and facilitating discussions with community officials for awareness and acceptance of regulatory products, as well as reporting on outreach activities, if applicable. The purpose of the meeting will be to review data inputs to a flood study, preview changes to preliminary FIRM data and maps, discuss newly identified flood risk and community actions to reduce risk, and provide information about the appeals period, map adoption, and insurance impacts. The CONSULTATION COORDINATION OFFICER meeting is also an opportunity to deepen relationships with local officials; how community officials convey flood risk to their residents should be a key part of this conversation. Identify if they need support and how to best support them. Note: this meeting is included in a Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies scope only if it is not already being done as part of a Flood Risk Project.Resilience Meeting – Activities may include the planning, presenting, and facilitation of community discussions related to mitigation plan status, community risks and hazards, local mitigation action opportunities and mitigation best practices, how to identify resources for mitigation projects, as well as reporting on Outreach Activities and Awareness Indictors, if applicable. Note: this meeting is included in a Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies scope only if it is not already being done as part of a Flood Risk Project.The Mapping Partner shall notify FEMA and all applicable parties of all meetings with community officials at least three to six weeks prior to the meeting (with as much notice as possible). FEMA and/or its contractor(s) may or may not attend the community meetings.Standards: All work shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 4 – Standards.Deliverables: The Cooperating Technical Partners shall deliver the following checked item(s) to the FEMA Regional Project Officer (please click/check the box of the deliverables included in this Statement of Work):?Key influencers list?Key Influencer Relationship Management Plan?Meeting minutes, attendees list, and actions discussed/identified (provided to FEMA Region within 2 weeks of the meeting).?Report on Awareness Post-Meeting Survey results as a result of the Discovery, Flood Risk Review, Resilience, and CONSULTATION COORDINATION OFFICER Meetings, if applicable.?Other: FORMTEXT {Insert additional details}.***Note: The Mitigation Support sub-section should be deleted if mitigation support activities are not included in this scope of work. This instructional note should be deleted prior to application submission.Mitigation Support Responsible Mapping Partner: FORMTEXT {Insert name of Cooperating Technical Partners and other responsible Mapping Partner(s)}.Scope: FORMTEXT <Add additional details regarding the scope of this task, as appropriate.> The Cooperating Technical Partners will leverage Risk MAP data, analyses, products, and/or processes to support communities to advance mitigation actions. Funds cannot be used to update all or part of a Hazard Mitigation Plan but may be used to integrate hazard mitigation concepts into community plans and regulations. The Cooperating Technical Partners shall work in close coordination with state and local Emergency Management Offices throughout the life cycle of a Risk MAP project to collect and quantify Actions Identified and Actions Advanced as part of a project specific Mapping Activity Statement. Additionally, Actions should be collected throughout the period of performance of this grant for any projects even after the close out of a Risk MAP project. This activity is used to provide for the coordinated effort with local emergency management to communicate with communities outside of the life cycle of the Risk MAP project, extending beyond completion of the project for all watersheds that fall within the Period of Performance of this Statement of Work.Potential activities include:Action Identified – Support for communities to identify mitigation opportunities and/or select alternatives through the provision of data and/or analysis. Data is considered new data or aggregation of existing data that is delivered and disseminated in formats readily consumed by the end user. Analysis (i.e., risk assessments; social vulnerability analysis; triple bottom line analysis; and feasibility assessments) may be performed to help identify solutions to identified problems and/or develop requirements for project solutions.Action Advanced – Support for communities to advance mitigation opportunities including scoping/design; budgeting; obtaining funding; project planning; technical support for zoning, code, and/or ordinance development; and outreach strategies for project support. Evaluation and Valuation – Support provided to the community to evaluate and demonstrate the value of the mitigation investment, including calculating economic, environmental, and/or social benefits as well as avoided losses from natural hazard events.Other – Other activities as negotiated with the FEMA Region.Standards: All work shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 4 – Standards.Deliverables: The Cooperating Technical Partners shall deliver the following checked item(s) to the FEMA Regional Project Officer (please click/check the box of the deliverables included in this Statement of Work):?Action Identification and Advancement Strategy;?Quarterly projections indicating the potential collection of Actions Identified and Advanced;?Updates to Mitigation Action Tracker with new Actions Advanced or status updates on existing Actions Advanced through this coordination.?Other: FORMTEXT {Insert additional details}.***Note: The Communication and Outreach to Communities sub-section should be deleted if activities under communication and outreach to communities are not included in this scope of work. This instructional note should be deleted prior to application munication and Outreach to CommunitiesResponsible Mapping Partner: FORMTEXT {Insert name of Cooperating Technical Partners and other responsible Mapping Partner(s)}.Scope: FORMTEXT <Add additional details regarding the scope of this task, as appropriate.> The Cooperating Technical Partners will develop, promote and deliver resources and services to communities for risk awareness and mitigation action, such as developing messages and products to implement strategic outreach campaigns. Activities include:Product Development & Dissemination – Develop and disseminate messages and products that increase flood and other natural hazard risk awareness, such as media materials, social media, website, etc. Outreach Campaign Implementation – Support the implementation of outreach campaigns in communities such as the High-Water Mark Campaign and Flood Safe.Other – Other activities as negotiated with the FEMA Region.Standards: All work shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 4 – Standards.Deliverables: The Cooperating Technical Partners shall deliver the following checked item(s) to the FEMA Regional Project Officer (please click/check the box of the deliverables included in this Statement of Work):?Newly developed messaging and outreach materials that frame flood risk in an accessible way for communities?Report on outreach activities?Other: FORMTEXT {Insert additional details}.***Note: The Training and Community Capability Development sub-section should be deleted if training and community capability development activities are not included in this scope of work. This instructional note should be deleted prior to application submission.Training and Community Capability DevelopmentResponsible Mapping Partner: FORMTEXT {Insert name of Cooperating Technical Partners and other responsible Mapping Partner(s)}.Scope: FORMTEXT <Add additional details regarding the scope of this activity, as appropriate>Develop and provide training to State and Local Officials throughout the course of a flood risk project (at the discretion of the Regional Office) that promotes awareness and mitigation action. The Cooperating Technical Partners must ensure, and must provide documentation when requested by FEMA, that activities funded through this Statement of Work do not replace activities funded under other federal grant programs, such as Hazard Mitigation Planning or Floodplain Management grant programs. The recipient must identify if the training will be conducted by in-house staff or through contracted services.Training can be provided at any time during a Risk MAP project, and it may be beneficial to include a series of training activities over the course of a flood risk project. The Cooperating Technical Partners will coordinate and/or administer training for communities and/or individual groups regarding FORMTEXT {Insert name of training topic(s)}. The Cooperating Technical Partners will:Determine target audience Advertise to, and confirm training participantsDetermine training facilityDeliver trainingConduct training evaluationsFollow-up with participants on unresolved issuesActivities may include planning, developing, and delivering trainings or direct support in the areas of:Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) – Support local, state, and tribal communities to identify, capture, and document the necessary data to run a BCA as well as understand how to run the FEMA approved BCA model. Funds cannot be used to run a benefit cost analysis.Building Science – Support state, local, tribal, or territory communities in the understanding of construction issues and opportunities in the identified natural hazard and risk munity Capability Development – Support building community capability to sponsor and implement mitigation actions through activities such as: capability assessment; gap analysis; and process, change, and project munity Rating System (CRS) – How to integrate CRS elements into mitigation plans and floodplain ordinances (public information, mapping and regulation, flood damage reduction, warning, and response).Community Planning – Support state, local, tribal, or territory communities in the consideration of natural hazards in all relevant areas of community planning, i.e., comprehensive plans, capital improvement plans, stormwater management, etc.Grant Application Development – Support state, local, tribal, or territory jurisdictions in the development of scopes of work, schedules, and budgets for a successful mitigation activity grant application. Funds may not be used to develop, submit, or execute a grant proposal on behalf of a state, local, tribal, or territory jurisdiction.Mitigation Planning Technical Assistance – Support state, local, tribal, or territory communities by the creation and dissemination of training and technical assistance for achieving mitigation actions. This task cannot fund an activity that is already funded through another federal grant (including the Program Management Statement of Work) and should not duplicate assistance available to any community engaged in a Risk MAP Project or a pre- or post-disaster grant funded through the Hazard Mitigation Assistance program. Training can be provided at any time during the Risk MAP project. It may be desired to include a series of training activities over the course of a flood risk project.Risk Assessment – Support state, local, tribal, or territory communities in the assessment of relative risk for decision support, including HAZUS or other methods. Provide technical assistance on how to use a risk assessment tool. Risk MAP Data Availability and Tools – Support building community capability to use and understand the regulatory and flood risk components and tools of a Risk MAP project including Flood Risk Products.Other – Other activities as negotiated with the FEMA Region.Standards: All activities shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 4 – Standards. Cooperating Technical Partners must coordinate with the FEMA Regional Project Officer to ensure that any training developed or delivered also complies with regional standards.Deliverables: The Cooperating Technical Partners shall deliver the following checked item(s) to the FEMA Regional Project Officer (please click/check the box of the deliverables included in this Statement of Work):?Copies of draft and final training materials?A list of training instructors?A list of all participants and completed course evaluations (such as pre- and post-knowledge surveys) after each training course?Report on outreach activities, if applicable?A description of how training will benefit the public and accomplish the Risk MAP goals of awareness and action.?Other: FORMTEXT {Insert additional details}.***Note: The Mitigation Planning Technical Assistance sub-section should be deleted if training and mitigation planning technical assistance activities are not included in this scope of work. This instructional note should be deleted prior to application submission.Mitigation Planning Technical AssistanceResponsible Mapping Partner: FORMTEXT {Insert name of Cooperating Technical Partners and other responsible Mapping Partner(s)}.Scope: FORMTEXT <Add additional details regarding the scope of this task, as appropriate.>Encourage hazard mitigation plan implementation and advance community hazard mitigation actions through technical assistance that supports the Mitigation Planning Process and Risk MAP projects. Develop and disseminate products and materials to support state, local, tribal, or territory jurisdictions to develop, evaluate, update, and implement their mitigation plans and strategies. Technical Assistance provided through Risk MAP should focus on building a community’s capability to plan for and reduce risk. Technical Assistance should encourage hazard mitigation plan implementation and advance community hazard mitigation actions through the Mitigation Planning Process in the form of administration, Technical Assistance for specific planning requirements, and resources for improved planning. The following steps are emphasized:Incorporating new flood hazard and risk information.Updating and refining mitigation strategies especially as related to new flood hazard/risk information.Training mitigation planning teams.Incorporating mitigation concepts into existing community plans, programs, and policies.This task may not be used to fund the creation or update of a Hazard Mitigation Plan. This task cannot fund an activity that is already funded through another federal grant (including the Program Management Statement of Work) and should not duplicate assistance available to any community engaged in a Risk MAP project or an Hazard Mitigation Assistance planning or project grant, including planning-related activities Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants.Cooperating Technical Partners must ensure that technical assistance activities proposed in the Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Statement of Work are focused on support related to community engagement, risk communication and identifying and/or advancing mitigation action, and that these activities are not duplicated in the Program Management Statement of Work.Standards: All Technical Assistance activities shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 4 – Standards. Coordinate with the FEMA Regional Project Officer to ensure that technical assistance also complies with regional standards. Additional information may be available in FEMA’s guidance document Risk MAP Guidance for Incorporating Mitigation Planning Technical Assistance and Training into Flood Risk Projects (February 2018).Deliverables: The Cooperating Technical Partners shall deliver the following checked item(s) to the FEMA Regional Project Officer (please click/check the box of the deliverables included in this Statement of Work):?Copies of all technical data provided to state, local, tribal, or territory communities.?A report detailing the technical assistance provided, including date(s) of technical assistance, type of assistance and state, local, tribal, or territory community stakeholders supported?Other: FORMTEXT {Insert additional details}.***Note: The Staffing sub-section should be deleted if training and staffing activities are not included in this scope of work. This instructional note should be deleted prior to application submission.StaffingResponsible Mapping Partner: FORMTEXT {Insert name of Cooperating Technical Partners and other responsible Mapping Partner(s)}.Scope: FORMTEXT {Insert description of current staffing levels and types of staff supporting Community Engagement and Risk Communication activities. It should be clear what is being funded under the COMS SOW vs. Program Management SOW vs. Flood Risk Project MAS.} FORMTEXT {Detail request for additional staff to be supported under this agreement and what their roles, responsibilities, and hours allocated to project/budgets will be.} FORMTEXT <Add additional details regarding the scope of this task, as appropriate.>Standards: All staffing activities work shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 4 – Standards.Deliverables: The Cooperating Technical Partners shall deliver the following checked item(s) to the FEMA Regional Project Officer (please click/check the box of the deliverables included in this Statement of Work):? FORMTEXT {Insert number of staff} will attend regional mapping meetings hosted by FEMA Regions?Maintain FORMTEXT {Insert number of staff}; potentially utilize FORMTEXT {Insert number of staff} current personnel to support Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies activities?Report on Outreach Activities, if applicable?Other: FORMTEXT {Insert additional details}.***Note: The Mentoring sub-section should be deleted if mentoring activities are not included in this scope of work. This instructional note should be deleted prior to application submission.MentoringResponsible Mapping Partner: FORMTEXT {Insert name of Cooperating Technical Partners and other responsible Mapping Partner(s)}.Scope: FORMTEXT <Add additional details regarding the scope of this task, as appropriate.> Share Cooperating Technical Partners program experience and related information with peer participants regarding best practices and process improvements related to Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies activities.Standards: All staffing activities work shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 4 – Standards.Deliverables: The Cooperating Technical Partners shall deliver the following checked item(s) to the FEMA Regional Project Officer (please click/check the box of the deliverables included in this Statement of Work):?List of existing or potential Cooperating Technical Partners entities to be mentored?Schedule and explanation of Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies mentoring activities?Report detailing Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies mentoring activities provided?Participant Surveys completed by mentored individuals that provide feedback on the quality and benefits of the mentor(s) and Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies mentoring activities?<Insert #> Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Best Practice write-ups to be shared nationally on the FEMA Cooperating Technical Partners Collaboration Center?Other: FORMTEXT {Insert additional details}.***Note: The Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Pilot Projects sub-section should be deleted if pilot projects activities are not included in this scope of work. This instructional note should be deleted prior to application munity Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Pilot Projects Responsible Mapping Partner: FORMTEXT {Insert name of Cooperating Technical Partners and other responsible Mapping Partner(s)}.Scope: (As defined by and negotiated with the FEMA Regional Office and approved in coordination with FEMA Headquarters) FORMTEXT <Add additional details regarding the scope of this task, as appropriate.>Standards: All work shall be performed in accordance with the standards specified in Section 4 or as specified below.Deliverables: The Cooperating Technical Partners shall deliver the following checked item(s) to the FEMA Regional Project Officer (please click/check the box of the deliverables included in this Statement of Work):?Report on Pilot Activities, if applicable?Other: FORMTEXT {Insert additional details}.Table 1.1: Percentage of Staff Time Spent on Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies TasksTask and ActivityStaff positions funded under this taskStrategic Planning for Community EngagementMeetings and Process FacilitationMitigation SupportCommunica-tion and OutreachTraining and Community Capability DevelopmentMitigation Planning Technical AssistancePilot ProjectsMentoringTotal(no more than 100% per employee)Example: Communications Specialist80%10%5%3%2%0000 FORMTEXT {Insert position name here}SECTION 2 – PERIOD OF PERFORMANCEThe activities outlined in this Statement of Work will be completed as specified in the Cooperative Agreement Funding Opportunity Announcement, Award Notice, and/or Articles of Agreement. The Statement of Work may be terminated at the option of FEMA or the Cooperating Technical Partners in accordance with the provisions of the Partnership Agreement dated FORMTEXT {Insert Partnership Agreement Date}. If the Statement of Work is terminated, all products produced to date must be returned and remaining funds, provided by FEMA for this Statement of Work, from uncompleted activities will be returned to FEMA.SECTION 3 – FUNDING/LEVERAGEFEMA is providing funding, in the amount of FORMTEXT {Insert amount of funding provided by FEMA through a Cooperative Agreement} to the Cooperating Technical Partners for the completion of this Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Statement of Work. The Cooperating Technical Partners shall provide any additional resources required to complete the assigned activities for this Statement of Work. The leverage listed below includes in-kind services, case and/or Blue Book values for tasks and activities associated with the project. Contact your Regional Project Officer for a copy of the Blue Book or visit FEMA’s website “Estimating the Value of Partner Contributions to Flood Mapping Projects (Blue Book).” Table 3.1: Contribution and LeverageTask and ActivityProject TaskFEMA ContributionPartner Contribution% Partner Leverage(of Total Project Task Cost)Total Project Task Cost(FEMA + Partner)Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Engagement Plan (required)Strategic Planning for Community Outreach and EngagementMeetings and Process FacilitationMitigation SupportCommunication and Outreach to CommunitiesTraining and Community Capability DevelopmentMitigation Planning Technical AssistanceStaffingPilot ProjectsMentoringTOTAL FUNDING AMOUNTS$$%$SECTION 4 – STANDARDSThe standards relevant to this Statement of Work are presented in FEMA Policy 204-078-1 Standards for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping, Revision 10, dated November 2019 located on FEMA’s website. Additional information, along with links to Guidance, Technical References, Templates, and other resources that support these standards, may be accessed and/or downloaded from FEMA’s website “Guidance and Standards for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping”. . FEMA is in the process of updating existing guidance and continues to update guidance and standards on a rolling basis. In the meantime, Cooperating Technical Partners may refer to historical documents for assistance. Additionally, Cooperating Technical Partners and their subawardees must comply with FEMA’s Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations Emergency Management and Assistance, and the appropriate year Cooperating Technical Partners Funding Opportunity Announcement and Agreement Articles. Cooperating Technical Partners shall also coordinate with their regional office to determine additional standards that should be met.SECTION 5 – SCHEDULEThe activities documented in this Statement of Work shall be completed in accordance with Table 5.1: Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Deliverables Schedule. If changes to this schedule are required, the Cooperating Technical Partners shall coordinate with FEMA and other necessary Mapping Partners in a timely manner. Please also identify to whom the products and/or deliverables associated with each task are to be submitted to (i.e., community, FEMA Regional Project Officer, etc.). FORMTEXT <Insert deliverables for all activities included in this Statement of Work in the table below. Examples provided in italics. Deliverables can be itemized/scheduled individually or grouped into a single deliverable date. Due dates will be negotiated with the FEMA PO.> Table 5.1: Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Deliverables Schedule***Note: Insert deliverables activities identified in this Statement of Work. Examples shown below. The examples should be deleted if they are not included in this scope of work. This instructional note should be deleted prior to application submission.Task and ActivityStatement of Work TaskDeliverableDeliverable Due DateSubmitted ToCommunity Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Engagement Plan (required)Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Engagement PlanEx: 2 months from award dateFEMA POStrategic Planning for Community Outreach and Engagement1) Relationship Management Plan2) Communication and Outreach Strategy3 months from award date (for both), evaluate annuallyFEMA POStrategic Planning for Community EngagementNew or updated Community ProfileWithin 30 days of FEMA request or identification FEMA POTraining and Community DevelopmentBenefit Cost Analysis workshop – develop and deliver training(provide final attendee list and completed participant pre/post surveys)One per monthCommunity(FEMA PO)Training and Community DevelopmentCommunity Planning Seminar – develop and deliver training(provide final attendee list and completed participant pre/post surveys)Fall target: OctSpring target: AprCommunity(FEMA PO)SECTION 6 – CONTRACTORSContractor support may be used for all activities within this Statement of Work, except staffing and mentoring, which must be completed by the Cooperating Technical Partners.The Cooperating Technical Partners intends to use the services of FORMTEXT {Insert name of Cooperating Technical Partners contractor} as a contractor for this Statement of Work. The Cooperating Technical Partners shall ensure that the procurement for all contractors used for this Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Activity complies with the requirements of 2 Code of Federal Regulations Part 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. Guidance provided in this part includes, but is not limited to, contract administration and record keeping, notification requirements, review procedures, competition, methods of procurement, and cost and pricing analysis. Additionally, contractors must not pose a conflict of interest issue nor be active in writing the scope of this Statement of Work.ORThe Cooperating Technical Partners does not intend to use the services of a contractor for this Statement of Work. No transfer of funds to agencies other than those identified in the approved cooperative agreement application shall be made without prior approval from FEMA. The Cooperating Technical Partners shall ensure that the procurement for all contractors, if any are used for this Statement of Work, complies with the requirements of 2 Code of Federal Regulations Part 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards..Guidance provided in this part includes, but is not limited to, contract administration and recordkeeping, notification requirements, review procedures, competition, methods of procurement, and cost and pricing analysis. Additionally, contractors must not pose a conflict of interest issue nor be active in writing the scope of this Statement of Work.SECTION 7 – REPORTINGFinancial Reporting: Because funding has been provided to the Cooperating Technical Partners by FEMA, financial reporting requirements for the Cooperating Technical Partners will be in accordance with the terms of the Cooperative Agreement Funding Opportunity Announcement, Articles of Agreement, or Award Notice for this Statement of Work. The Cooperating Technical Partners shall also refer to 2 Code of Federal Regulations Part 200. The Cooperating Technical Partners shall provide financial reports to the FEMA Regional Project Officer and Assistance Officer in accordance with the terms of the signed Cooperative Agreement for this Statement of Work.Performance Reporting: Recipients are responsible for providing updated performance reports using the Performance Reporting SF-PPR on a quarterly basis throughout the period of performance, including partial calendar quarters as well as for periods where no grant award activity occurs. The Cooperating Technical Partners shall refer to 2 Code of Federal Regulations Part 200 to obtain minimum requirements for progress reporting. The Project Officer, as needed, may request additional information on progress.The Cooperating Technical Partners may meet with FEMA and/or its contractor(s) as frequently as needed to review the progress of the project in addition to the quarterly financial and status submittals. These meetings may alternate between the FEMA Regional Office, the FORMTEXT {Insert Cooperating Technical Partners Name} office, and conference calls, as necessary.The Cooperating Technical Partners must report performance of the grant in conjunction with the progress reporting. The performance of the Cooperating Technical Partners is measured by the following criteria. If you are completing a Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies project in conjunction with a Flood Risk Project Mapping Activity Statement, then you may use the measures outlined in that Mapping Activity Statement for your Standard Form-Performance Progress Report performance criteria.Quantitative Targets for performance measures will be defined using the Cooperating Technical Partners Performance Measures Menu in conjunction with your FEMA program manager and amended to the Mapping Activity Statement.Table 7.1: Performance Measures TargetsNote: Insert appropriate measures in table below based on the document “Cooperating Technical Partners Performance Measures Matrix” and coordination with your FEMA program manager. This instructional note should be deleted prior to application submission.MeasureTargetInsert MeasureInsert TargetEarned Value Data Entry:The Cooperating Technical Partners is required to report on the earned value of projects that are in the Mapping Information Platform monthly and must give explanations for variances outside of the tolerance defined above. The FEMA Regional Offices must implement a Corrective Action Plan when a Cooperating Technical Partners partner is outside of the tolerance. A Corrective Action Plan must define the reason for the variance and the intended resolution. FEMA Regional Offices must coordinate with FEMA Headquarters when these plans are developed.Program Management and overarching Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies Statement of Work tasks are now conducted in the Mapping Information Platform. Cost and schedule performance measures must be defined and documented in those separate Mapping Activity Statement or Statement of Work. These measures must be used to monitor partner performance and to determine future funding eligibility. This exception only applies to tasks not able to be conducted or tracked in the Mapping Information Platform. FORMTEXT <Add/delete/modify information/activities, as necessary.>SECTION 8 – PROJECT COORDINATIONThroughout the project, all members of the Project Team will coordinate, as necessary, to ensure that activities, products, and deliverables meet FEMA requirements and contain accurate, up-to-date information. Coordination activities shall include: FORMTEXT <Add/delete/modify information, as necessary.>Meetings, teleconferences, and video conferences with FEMA and other Project Team members FORMTEXT {specify frequency or dates for meetings};Telephone conversations with FEMA and other Project Team members on a scheduled FORMTEXT {specify schedule for calls} basis, and an ad hoc basis, as required;E-mail, facsimile transmissions, and letters, as required.SECTION 9 – POINTS OF CONTACTThe points of contact for this Community Engagement and Risk Communication Statement of Work are FORMTEXT {Insert name of FEMA Regional Project Officer}, the FEMA Regional Project Officer; FORMTEXT {Insert name of Cooperating Technical Partners Project Manager}, the Project Manager for FORMTEXT {Insert Cooperating Technical Partners name}; or subsequent personnel of comparable experience who are appointed to fulfill these responsibilities. When necessary, any additional FEMA assistance should be requested through the FEMA Regional Project Officer.Each party has caused this Statement of Work to be executed by its duly authorized representative. FORMTEXT {Insert name of Cooperating Technical Partners Project Manager}DateProject Manager FORMTEXT {Insert Cooperating Technical Partners name} FORMTEXT {Insert name of FEMA Regional Project Officer}DateRegional Project OfficerFederal Emergency Management Agency, Region FORMTEXT Region # FORMTEXT {Insert name of state authorized representative} Date FORMTEXT {Insert title of state authorized representative} FORMTEXT <In states where statutory and/or regulatory requirements require the state’s review and/or approval of new flood hazard data, the state will be a signatory to a community’s agreement. Otherwise, delete the state representative signature line.> ................

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