Highlight Summary: Report of Real Property Owned ...

Highlight Summary: Report of Real Property Owned throughout the World as of 9/30/2000

Statistics in Brief

UNITED STATES: Number of Installations is 40,439, Total Acres are 635,354,700.5, Number of Buildings is 430,373, Buildings Floor Area are 2,968,249,134 square feet, and Total Cost (in thousands)$254,051,999

OUTLYING AREAS OF THE UNITED STATES: Number of Installations is 236, Total Acres are 199,438.3. Number of Buildings is 812, Buildings Floor Area are 4,494,236 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) is $2,065,478

FOREIGN COUNTRIES: Number of Installations is 398, Total Acres are 269,439.3, Number of Buildings is 3,420, Buildings Floor Area are 30,408,713 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) is $3,951,179

WORLDWIDE TOTAL: Number of Installations is 41,073, Total Acres are 635,823,578.1, Number of Buildings is 434,605, Buildings Floor Area are 3,003,152,083 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) is $260,068,656

Highlight Summary Notes:

This report's information represents the most recently submitted data from each federal agency.

The number of installations, number of buildings, and building square footage are not included for military functions in foreign countries and outlying areas of the United States.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs is no longer reporting tribal land.

These agencies did not submit a FY 2000 inventory to the Worldwide Inventory; therefore, the agency’s last data submission is being used. Please contact the person listed below for information on the agency’s current real property holdings


Mr. Bishop Buckley 202-712-4110

Date of last submission FY 1997

ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL Ms. Amita N. Poole 202-720-9448

Date of last submission FY 1999


Date of last submission FY 1994

DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Mr. Kenneth Sellers 202-219-6414

Date of last submission FY 1995

DEPARTMENT OF STATE Mr. Terrence F. Wilmer 703-875-6358

(Office of Foreign Buildings)

Date of last submission FY 1997

DEPARTMENT OF STATE Mr. Howard Aldag 202-647-3477

Date of last submission FY 1997

DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Mr. William E. Edwards 202-767-4275

Date of last submission FY 1999

DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY Ms. Carolyn Austin-Diggs 202-622-0022

Date of last submission FY 1995


COMMISSION Mr. J. R. Ryan 202-418-1950

Date of last submission FY 1988

GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Mr. Kenneth Mehan 202-512-0935

Date of last submission FY 1989

SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Mr. Richard H. Rice, Jr. 202-357-1873

Data of last submission is unknown

TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY Mr. David Gentry 423-632-2506

Date of last submission FY 1994

VETERANS AFFAIRS Ms. Amelia McLellan 202-565-7001

Date of last submission FY 1995

Table of Contents: INTRODUCTION 1

Section 1. Introduction

Coverage Page 1

Federal Installation Coverage Page 1

Land Page 1

Buildings, Other Structures, and Facilities Page 1

Excess and Surplus Real Property Page 1

Cost Basis Page 1

Other Coverage Page 2

Exclusions Page 2

Source Data Page 2

Background Page 2

Inventory Availability Page 3

Section 2. Federal Real Property Owned Throughout the World

Summary of Acquisition Costs Page 4

Prior Year Comparison of Real Property Owned Page 7

Cost Page 7

Acreage Page 7

Floor Area Page 8

Section 3. Federal Real Property Owned in the United States

Summary Page 9

By Agency Page 9

By State Page 10

Acreage by Predominant Usage Page 11

Buildings by Predominant Usage Page 13

Structures and Facilities by Predominant Usage Page 14

Section 4. Real Property Owned Outside the United States 17

Summary Page 17

Buildings, Other Structures, and Facilities of Civil Agencies Page 17

Section 5. Real Property Held in Trust by the Federal Government FEDERAL GOVERNEMENT 19

Summary Page 19

Section 6. Federal Real Properties Under the Federal Legislative Branch 20

Summary Page 20

U.S. Capitol Buildings and Grounds Page 20

Capitol Power Plant Page 20

Library of Congress Page 20

U.S. Botanic Garden Page 20

U.S. Supreme Court Page 20

Appendix 1: Summary Tables of Real Property Owned by the United States throughout the World Page A-1

Appendix 2: United States General Services Administration List of Regional Offices








Section 1. Introduction


This report summarizes detailed data in the annual inventory compiled by the General Services Administration (GSA) pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (63 Statute 377), as amended.

The detailed inventory lists each Federal installation owned by the United States (including wholly owned Government corporations) throughout the world, as of September 30, 2000. (See page 3 for availability of detailed inventory to the public.)

Federal Installation Coverage

For each Federal installation, the detailed inventory shows (1) name and location—state, county, and city, including street address where appropriate; (2) acreage—method of acquisition, dates acquired, predominant usage, and cost of land; (3) buildings—number, square feet of floor area, dates acquired, predominant usage and cost of buildings; and (4) predominant use and cost of structures and facilities. Many of the larger installations, such as national parks and forests, wildlife refuges, dams and unreserved public domain lands in the various States, contain property in multiple counties. This inventory does not show the multiple counties in which these installations are located, but does indicate the reporting agency.

Each installation listed in the detailed inventory contains a usage classification for land, each building, and each structure or facility in the installation. The current predominant use of the land, building, or structure determines its classification. For example, buildings used primarily for storage purposes are classified storage even though certain portions of them are used for other purposes. Similarly, land and other structures used primarily for storage purposes are classified as storage although each may have additional uses.


This summary inventory report includes unreserved public domain land; public domain lands reserved for national parks, national forests, military installations, or other purposes; and land acquired by purchase, donation, and other methods. It also includes land in which the Government has a long-term interest, which is considered by the reporting agency as being tantamount to ownership. Land is identified as either urban or rural and is classified by method of acquisition. Methods of acquisition are shown in three categories: (1) public domain, (2) other (e.g., purchase, donation, exchange) and (3) long-term interest.

“Public domain” is defined to cover original public domain lands and those withdrawn from the original public domain for the specific uses of various Federal agencies. The term “original public domain land” embraces all the area to which title was vested in the U.S. Government by virtue of its sovereignty. Public domain lands also include lands within Federal ownership, which were obtained by the Government in exchange for public domain lands, which have reverted to Federal ownership through the operation of public land laws.

“Long-term interest,” for purposes of this inventory, is defined to cover land in foreign countries in which the U.S. Government has a long-term interest; such as, that acquired by treaty or long-term lease (i.e., 99 years, in perpetuity), and which the reporting agency, as a matter of policy, considers as the equivalent of ownership by the United States.

“Other” is defined to cover land acquired by purchase, condemnation, donation, exchange, and other methods of acquisition (other than public domain or long-term interest).

Buildings, Other Structures, and Facilities

Buildings and other structures and facilities owned by the Government, whether or not located on Government owned land, are included in this report. Buildings and other structures and facilities under construction are included only if they were available for use as of September 30, 2000.

Excess and Surplus Real Property

Real property excess to the needs of the reporting agency or surplus to the needs of the United States is included in this report but is not separately identified. However, the supporting detailed inventory provides an indication of those installations for which all or some portion may be excess or surplus. The reporting agency retains accountability for excess and surplus real property until it is transferred to another Federal agency, sold, or otherwise disposed.

Cost Basis

The Federal Government accounts for real property in accordance with principles prescribed by the General Accounting Office in Title 2, Subsection 12.5 of Accounting Principles and Standards for Federal Agencies. Estimated costs (preferably from the date of acquisition) are used when actual costs are not reasonably ascertained.

All properties are reported at actual or estimated cost without considering depreciation, obsolescence, or economic changes in value. The cost of properties acquired through donation, exchange, devise, forfeiture, or judicial process is estimated at amounts that the Government would have had to pay for properties if purchased at the date of acquisition by the Government.

Costs applicable to buildings include permanent type items such as plumbing, elevators, heating, lighting fixtures, and air conditioning systems normally required for the functional use of a building, as well as other capital improvements. In addition, cost includes items such as safes, vaults, and truck scales, which are built into the structures or are permanently affixed.

No costs are included in this report for: (1) unreserved public domain; (2) public domain reserved for national parks, national forests, military installations, and other purposes; and (3) historical sites acquired by methods other than by purchase. However, the acreage for such lands is included in the inventory.

Public domain lands are shown by agency and state in Appendix 1, Tables 3 and 4, respectively.

Other Coverage

Data on properties held in trust by the Federal Government are reported separately from data on federally owned real property. Data on trust properties are limited to acreage and number of buildings and are shown in Section 5 and Appendix 1, Table 10.

Properties managed by the Architect of the Capitol are shown separately in Section 6 of this report. Data for these properties are not included in other sections, summary tables, or charts.


Excluded from the inventory are lands administered by the United States under trusteeship by authority of the United Nations. Also excluded are lands owned by the sovereign governments of the various outlying areas of the United States. Property owned by the District of Columbia government is similarly excluded.

The inventory excludes properties acquired through foreclosure, confiscation, or seizure to be disposed of in settlement of a claim or debt to the Federal Government.

Machinery, processing equipment, demountable and movable structures, as well as furniture and special use items, which are not considered part of the realty reported, are also excluded from the inventory.

Easements, rights-of-way, as well as improvements to land, buildings, or structures and facilities occupied by the Government as lessee, are excluded. However, federally owned buildings and/or structures and facilities located on leased land are included.

Source Data

The summary real property data in this report are based on detailed inventory reports submitted by federal real property holding agencies pursuant to Federal Property Management Regulations, Subchapter A, Part 101-3, Annual Real Property Inventories. These detailed inventory reports are prepared from property and accounting records and files maintained by the individual agencies in accordance with their own policies and procedures.

The reporting entity, for purposes of this inventory, is an installation. An installation may consist of land, buildings, other structures and facilities, or a combination of them. Installations vary in size and type.

Some examples of installations are a national forest, a national park, a hydroelectric project, a single office or warehouse building, and an unimproved site.

Civil agencies reported separately for each installation throughout the world. The Department of Defense reported individually for each installation in the United States and summary data only on total acres and total cost for its military functions in outlying areas of the United States and in foreign countries.

Agency reports were carefully reviewed for accuracy, completeness, and conformance with instructions. Questionable items were resolved with agency representatives and the detailed inventory listings supporting the summary data in this report, were certified by the respective agencies.


he Government-wide real property inventory program was initiated and is being continued pursuant to the desire of the Senate Committee on Appropriations. The first inventory covered only federally owned real property in the United States, as of December 31, 1953. The program has been expanded to include annual inventories, as of September 30, 2000, covering all real property owned by and leased to the United States throughout the world. A comprehensive history of the real property inventory program is contained in the Senate hearings on the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1958 (Public Law 85-170).

The House Committee on Government Operations is also interested in this inventory program. Biennially, special tables summarizing inventory data on federally owned real property are furnished to this committee for inclusion in its real and personal property inventory report.

The Government-wide real property inventory constitutes a central source of information to the Congress, Office of Management and Budget, General Accounting Office, General Services Administration, and various other federal agencies.

The availability of pertinent information in a single place covering all real property owned by and leased to the United States throughout the world, serves to reduce the requirement for time-consuming special studies and inquiries. The detailed inventory listings are used as a screening device and serve as an indicator when identifying potential sites or buildings for current or future needs.

The inventory is a ready reference to all of the Government’s holdings in a given area. This provides information, which, prior to the inventory, was not available without consultations among many agencies and site inspections.

The real property inventory, in combination with other available data, is used in: planning space needs, promoting fuller utilization of available properties, conducting property management and property accounting surveys, the evaluation of budgetary requests for acquisition of real property, and facilitating on-site inspection activities.

The General Services Administration collaborated with the General Accounting Office in providing appropriate guidelines to Federal agencies designed to assure consistent application of sound practices and adequate standards in accounting and reporting for owned and leased properties.

The Department of Education uses the inventory regularly in the administration of Public Laws 815 and 874 (81st Congress) for determining payments to school districts based on Federal property located in such districts. The availability of the inventory has enabled the Department to readily identify ineligible claims by applicants for Federal grants under those laws.

Inventory Availability

he real property inventory was established primarily to serve as a ready reference within the Federal Government to all of the Government's holdings. As a byproduct, copies of the worldwide detailed inventory listings, arranged both geographically and by reporting agency, are on file and available for public inspection in the Central Office of the General Services Administration in Washington, D.C. Copies are also available in each GSA regional office. See Appendix 2 for a list of regional offices and the areas under their jurisdiction. Additionally, by special request, the detailed inventory listings are available for sale at the Central Office of GSA in Washington, D.C.

Universities, libraries, trade associations, the press, and the general public continually express interest in data derived from the inventory. State and local governments have been furnished data to be used in connection with tax studies. Planning commissions use the inventory in developing proposals for tomorrow’s communities.

Section 2. Federal Real Property Owned throughout the World

Summary of Acquisition Costs

The acquisition cost of real property owned by the Government throughout the world as of September 30, 2000, was $260.1 billion, an increase of $21.8 billion from last year. This section summarizes and explains the more significant changes in Federal real property during the past year.

Table 2.1 summarizes data in this report on Federal real property throughout the world. (See Appendix 1, Table 1, for further detail). The Department of Defense furnished only summary data on total acres, and totals for its military functions located outside the United States. Therefore, the table below and all other charts in this report do not show detail information for military functions outside the United States.

The Federal Government owns real property in each of the States, 7 outlying areas of the United States (e.g., Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam) and 173 foreign countries. Summary data on Federal real property within each State and the District of Columbia is shown in Appendix 1, Table 6, while data on federally owned real property outside the United States within each country is shown in Appendix 1, Table 9. The costs of federally owned real property in each of the major geographical areas are shown in Figure 2.1 on the next page. The Department of Defense owns real property costing $145.3 billion (55.9 percent) of the total cost of $260.1 billion. Table 2.2 on the next page shows the cost of federally owned real property by major reporting agency and by major geographical groupings.

Additional summary data on the cost of Federal real property of each reporting agency by real property category and location is shown in Appendix 1, Table 2.

The United States Government owns 635.8 million acres throughout the world. It is all located in the United States except for 468.8 thousand acres.

Table 2.1 Federal Real Property throughout the World


Civil Agencies have 34,616 Installations, Land = 611,193,799.4 Acres, Buildings Floor Area 976,123,473 square feet, and Total Cost (in thousands) $113,643,804 43.7%

Defense Agencies (Civil Functions) have 1,354 Installations, Land = 8,335,257.6 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 16,686,691 square feet, and Total Cost (in thousands) $31,431,372 12.1%

Defense Agencies (Military Functions) have 4,469 Installations, Land = 15,825,643.5 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 1,975,438,970 square feet, and Total Cost (in thousands) $108,976,823 41.9%

TOTAL FOR THE UNITED STATES is 40,439 Installations, Land = 635,354,700.5 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 2,968,249,134 square feet, and Total Cost (in thousands) $254,051,999 97.7%


Civil Agencies have 232 Installations, Land = 140,369.6 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 4,484,061 square feet, and Total Cost (in thousands)$331,971 0.1%

Defense Agencies (Civil Functions) have 4 Installations, Land = 46.0 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 10,175 square feet, and Total Cost (in thousands)$258,093 0.1%

Defense Agencies (Military Functions) have Land = 59,022.7 Acres, and Total Cost (in thousands) $1,475,414 0.6%

TOTAL for OUTLYING AREAS OF THE UNITED STATES is 236 Installations, Land = 199,438.3 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 4,494,236 square feet, and Total Cost (in thousands)$2,065,478 0.8%


Civil Agencies have 396 Installations, Land = 182,295.2 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 30,347,377 square feet, and Total Cost (in thousands) $777,055 0.3%

Defense Agencies (Civil Functions) have 2 Installations, Land = 87,136.5 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 61,336 square feet, and Total Cost (in thousands) $50,742 0.0%

Defense Agencies (Military Functions) have 7.6 $3,123,382 1.2%

TOTAL for FOREIGN COUNTRIES is 398 Installations, Land = 269,439.3 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 30,408,713 square feet, and Total Cost (in thousands) $3,951,179 1.5%


Civil Agencies have 35,244 Installations, Land = 611,516,464.2 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 1,010,954,911 square feet, and Total Cost (in thousands)$114,752,830 44.1%

Defense Agencies (Civil Functions) have 1,360 Installations, Land = 8,422,440.1 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 16,758,202 square feet, and Total Cost (in thousands)$31,740,207 12.2%

Defense Agencies (Military Functions) have 4,469 Installations, Land = 15,884,673.8 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 1,975,438,970 square feet, and Total Cost (in thousands)$113,575,619 43.7%

TOTAL for WORLDWIDE is 41,073 Installations, Land = 635,823,578.1 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 3,003,152,083 square feet, and Total Cost (in thousands) $260,068,656 100.0%

Table 2.1 Note:

The number of installations, number of buildings, and building square footage are not included for

Military functions in foreign countries and outlying areas of the United States.

Of the 635.4 million acres of federally owned land in the United States, 562.6 million acres (88.5 percent) are public domain. Table 2.3 on the next page shows Federal land by methods of acquisition and by major geographical area. Table 2.3 excludes acreage for foreign base rights under control of the Department of Defense resulting from international agreements with foreign countries where occupancy is on a term basis revocable at the discretion of the host government. The Federal Government also holds in trust 4.7 million acres (BIA is no longer reporting Tribal lands). See Section 5 for detailed data. Figures 2.2 and 2.3 show the worldwide distribution of land owned by the United States by method of acquisition and controlling agency. The Department of the Interior, with responsibility for the Nation’s unreserved public domain, the national parks, wildlife refuges, and reclamation projects, leads all agencies in holdings. This Department controls 430.0 million acres (70.3 percent) of the total of 611.5 million acres owned by the United States. The Department of Agriculture, with responsibility for the national forests, is the second largest landholder and controls 177.9 million acres (29.1 percent) of the total. Table 2.4 shows the acreage of the principal land controlling agencies by major geographical areas. Additional summary data on Federally owned acreage throughout the world by agency are shown in Appendix 1, Tables 2 and 3.

Figure 2.1 Cost of Real Property Owned (in thousands)

This figure is a pie graph showing the relative costs of real property owned in the United States, Outlying Areas of the United States and Foreign Countries

In Foreign Countries the acquisition cost of real property is $3,951,179 (1.5%)

In Outlying Areas of the United States the acquisition cost of real property is $2,065,478 (.8%)

In the United States the acquisition cost of real property is $254,051,999 (97.7%)

Table 2.2 Cost by Major Reporting Agency and Geographical Groupings (in thousands)

Defense Agencies

Military Functions cost (in thousands) in the United States $108,976,823, in Outlying Areas of the United States $1,475,414, in Foreign Countries $3,123,382, making Total $113,575,619 which is 43.7% of Total

Civil Functions cost (in thousands) in the United States $31,431,372, in Outlying Areas of the United States $258,093, in Foreign Countries $50,742, making Total $31,740,207, which is 12.2%of Total acquisition cost worldwide

Defense Agencies Total cost (in thousands) in the United States $140,408,195, in Outlying Areas of the United States $1,733,507, in Foreign Countries $3,174,124, making Total $145,315,826, which is 55.9% of Total acquisition cost worldwide

Civil Agencies

Interior cost (in thousands) in the United States $20,829,888, in Outlying Areas of the United States $58,069, in Foreign Countries $29,151, making Total $20,917,108, which is 8.0%of Total acquisition cost worldwide

Energy cost (in thousands) in the United States $16,226,133, in Outlying Areas of the United States $0, in Foreign Countries $0, making Total $16,226,133, which is 6.2%of Total acquisition cost worldwide

Veterans Affairs (VA) cost (in thousands) in the United States $12,716,418, in Outlying Areas of the United States $41,720, in Foreign Countries $58,818, making Total $12,816,956,which is 4.9%of Total acquisition cost worldwide

United States Postal Service cost (in thousands) in the United States $12,573,869, in Outlying Areas of the United States $58,286, in Foreign Countries $9,682, making Total $12,641,837, which is 4.9%of Total acquisition cost worldwide

Agriculture cost (in thousands) in the United States $11,597,791, in Outlying Areas of the United States $14,908, in Foreign Countries $0, making Total $ 11,612,699, which is 4.5%of Total acquisition cost worldwide

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) cost (in thousands) in the United States $11,361,183, in Outlying Areas of the United States $0, in Foreign Countries $0, making Total $11,361,183, which is 4.4%of Total acquisition cost worldwide

General Services Administration (GSA) cost (in thousands) in the United States $11,146,064, in Outlying Areas of the United States $79,297, in Foreign Countries $0, making Total $11,225,361, which is 4.3%of Total acquisition cost worldwide

National Aeronautics And Space Administration (NASA) cost (in thousands) in the United States $6,759,125, in Outlying Areas of the United States $11, in Foreign Countries $54,756, making Total $6,813,892, which is 2.6%of Total acquisition cost worldwide

Other Civil Agencies (18) cost (in thousands) in the United States $6,440,863, in Outlying Areas of the United States $27,700, in Foreign Countries $624,648, making Total $7,093,211, which is 2.7%of Total acquisition cost worldwide

Justice cost (in thousands) in the United States $3,992,470, in Outlying Areas of the United States $51,980, in Foreign Countries $0, making Total $4,044,450, which is 1.6%of Total acquisition cost worldwide

Civil Agencies Total cost (in thousands)in the United States $113,643,804, in Outlying Areas of the United States $331,971, in Foreign Countries $777,055, making Total $114,752,830, which is 44.1%of Total acquisition cost worldwide

Total All Agencies cost (in thousands) in the United States $254,051,999, in Outlying Areas of the United States $2,065,478, in Foreign Countries $3,951,179, making Total $260,068,656, which is 100.0%of Total acquisition cost worldwide

Figure 2.2 Land owned by the U.S. by Acquisition Method (in acres). This figure is a pie graph representing the relative number of acres by acquisition method

Public Domain 562,647,247.4 acres, which is 88.5% of owned acres worldwide

Long-term Interest 61,636.4 acres, which is 0.0% of owned acres worldwide

Purchase, Donation, etc. 66,418,984.3 acres, which is 10.4% of owned acres worldwide

Other 6,695,710.0 acres, which is 1.1% of owned acres worldwide

Table 2.3 Methods of Land Acquisition by Major Geographic Location

Method of Acquisition - Public Domain United States 562,647,247.4 acres, Outlying Areas of the United States 0.0 acres, Foreign Countries 0.0 acres, Total 562,647,247.4 acres, Percent of Total 88.5% of owned acres worldwide

Methods of Acquisition --Purchases, Exchanges, United States 66,273,682.3 acres, Outlying Areas of the United States 43,438.5 acres, Foreign Countries 101,863.5 acres, Total 66,418,984.3 acres, Percent of Total 10.4% of owned acres worldwide

Method of Acquisition --Long-Term Interest United States 31.8 acres, Outlying Areas of the United States 59,407.8 acres, Foreign Countries 2,196.8 acres, Total 61,636.4 acres, Percent of Total 0.0%of owned acres worldwide

Method of Acquisition --Other United States 6,433,739.0 acres, Outlying Areas of the United States 96,592.0 acres, Foreign Countries 165,379.0 acres, Total 6,695,710.0 acres, Percent of Total 1.1% of owned acres worldwide

Total Worldwide - United States 635,354,700.5 acres, Outlying Areas of the United States 199,438.3 acres, Foreign Countries 269,439.3 acres, Total 635,823,578.1 acres, Percent of Total 100.0% of owned acres worldwide

Figure 2.3 Land owned by the U.S. by Agency (in Acres, Civil Agencies Only). This figure is a pie graph representing the relative number of acres owned by Agriculture, Interior and all other agencies, excluding the Department of Defense

Agriculture owns 177,945,370.7 acres worldwide, which is 29.1% of owned acres worldwide

Interior owns 429,991,246.1 acres worldwide, which is 70.3% of owned acres worldwide

Other Agencies (22) own 3,579,847.4 acres worldwide, which is 0.6% of owned acres worldwide

Table 2.4 Principal Land Controlling Civil Agencies by Major Geographical Areas


Interior owns in the United States 429,716,846.7 acres, in Outlying Areas of the United States 111,409.4 acres, in Foreign Countries 162,990.0 acres, making a total of 429,991,246.1 acres, which is 70.3% of Total acres owned worldwide

Agriculture owns in the United States 177,917,142.3 acres, in Outlying Areas of the United States 28,228.4 acres, in Foreign Countries 0.0 acres, making a Total of 177,945,370.7 acres, which is 29.1% of Total acres owned worldwide

Energy owns in the United States 2,137,779.2 acres, in Outlying Areas of the United States 0.0 acres, in Foreign Countries 0.0 acres, making a Total of 2,137,779.2 acres, which is 0.3% of Total acres owned worldwide

Other Civil Agencies (21) own in the United States 1,422,031.2 acres, in Outlying Areas of the United States 731.8 acres, in Foreign Countries 19,305.2 acres, making a Total of 1,442,068.2 acres, which is 0.2% of Total acres owned worldwide

Total All Agencies own in the United States 611,193,799.4 acres, in Outlying Areas of the United States 140,369.6 acres, in Foreign Countries 182,295.2 acres, making a Total of 611,516,464.2 acres, which is 100.0% of Total acres owned worldwide

Prior Year Comparison of Real Property Owned

A comparison of floor area, land, and floor area and land costs of Federal real property throughout the world as of September 30, 2000, and September 30, 1999, shows an increase in total cost of $21.7 billion, an increase of 5.2 million acres of land, and an increase of 84.8 million square feet of floor area. These data are shown in Table 2.5. FY 1999 figures may differ from those previously published due to data improvements.

Detailed data on real property changes in acreage, floor area and total cost for each reporting agency during the fiscal year may be found in Appendix 1, Table 5. Analysis of substantial or significant changes on cost, acreage, and floor areas are set forth below.


Table 2.6 shows the agencies accounting for the changes in cost for all real property (land, buildings, and structures and facilities).


There was a net increase of 5.2 million acres in federally owned land as of September 30, 2000, due to data improvements.

Table 2.5 Prior Year Comparison of Floor Area and Land, FY 2000 compared with FY 1999

Land (acres) for FY 2000 = 635,823,578.1 acres, for FY 1999 = 630,648,302.1 acres, making a Net Change of 5,175,276.0 acres, which is a 0.8% Change

Building Floor Area for FY 2000 = 3,003,152,083 square feet, for FY 1999 = 2,918,374,263 square feet, making a Net Change of 84,777,820 square feet, which is a 2.9% Change

Total Cost (in thousands) for FY 2000 = $260,068,656, for FY 1999 = $238,327,442, making a Net Change of $21,741,214,which is a 9.1% Change

Table 2.6 Agencies Accounting for Cost Changes (in thousands)


State (BBG) in FY 2000 had acquisition cost of $64,765, and in FY 1999 $9,703, making a Net Change of $55,062, which is a 567.5% Change

Independent US Government Offices in FY 2000 had acquisition cost of $162, and in FY 1999 $754,711, making a Net Change of ($754,549), which is a - 100.0% Change

National Archives and Records Administration in FY 2000 had acquisition cost of $322,621, in FY 1999 $2,529,400, making a Net Change of ($2,206,779), which is a -87.2% Change

Transportation in FY 2000 had acquisition cost of $883,280, in FY 1999 $3,869,540, making a Net Change of ($2,986,260), which is a -77.2% Change

Education in FY 2000 had acquisition cost of $31,642, in FY 1999 $106,942, making a Net Change of ($75,300), which is a -70.4% Change

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

in FY 2000 had acquisition cost of $131,391, in FY 1999 $84,828, making a Net Change of $46,563, which is a 54.9% Change

Army in FY 2000 had acquisition cost of $35,383,404, in FY 1999 $22,942,600, making a Net Change of $12,440,804, which is a 54.2% Change

Interior in FY 2000 had acquisition cost of $20,917,108, in FY 1999 $17,095,556, making a Net Change of $3,821,552, which is a 22.4% Change

State in FY 2000 had acquisition cost of $781,196, in FY 1999 $643,744, making a Net Change of $137,452, which is a 21.4% Change

Corps of Engineers in FY 2000 had acquisition cost of $31,740,207, in FY 1999 $26,169,313, making a Net Change of $5,570,894, which is a 21.3% Change

National Aeronautics And Space Administration (NASA) in FY 2000 had acquisition cost of $6,813,892, in FY 1999 $5,620,957, making a net change of $1,192,935, which is a 21.2% change

Energy in FY 2000 had acquisition cost of $16,226,133, in FY 1999 $14,464,782, making a Net Change of $1,761,351, which is a 12.2% change

United States Postal Service in FY 2000 had acquisition cost of $12,641,837, in FY 1999 $11,372,997, making a Net Change of $1,268,840, which is an 11.2% change

Other Agencies (19) in FY 2000 had acquisition cost of $134,131,018, in FY 1999 $132,662,369, making a net change of $1,468,649, which is a 1.1% change

TOTAL in FY 2000 = $260,068,656, FY 1999 = $238,327,442, Net Change = $21,741,214 and Percent of Change = 9.1%

Notes for Tables 2.5 and 2.6:

The Bureau of Indian Affairs is no longer reporting tribal lands.

Building square footage is not included for military functions in foreign countries and outlying areas of the United States.

Due to expiration of the Panama Canal Treaty, the Independent US Government Offices is no longer reporting Panama Canal Commission data.

Floor Area

Table 2.7 shows the agencies accounting for the major changes in floor area of Federal buildings. The Panama Canal Treaty of 1977 for U.S. operation of the Panama Canal terminated on December 31, 1999, and the Republic of Panama assumed full responsibility for the Canal. Therefore, data is no longer reported for the Panama Canal Commission (Independent US Government Offices).

Overall, the floor area of Federal buildings increased by 84.8 million square feet in the fiscal year ending September 30, 2000.

Table 2.7 Agencies Accounting for Floor Area Changes (sq. ft.)


Independent US Government Offices owned in FY 2000 0 square feet, in FY 1999 2,795,640 square feet, making a Net Change of -2,795,640, which is a -100.0% Change

Education owned in FY 2000 1,454,072 square feet, in FY 1999 5,444,969 square feet, making a Net Change of -3,990,897 square feet, which is a -73.3% Change

Transportation owned in FY 2000 44,051,444 square feet, in FY 1999 25,494,641 square feet, making a Net Change of 18,556,803, which is a 72.8% Change

Corps of Engineers owned in FY 2000 16,758,202 square feet, in FY 1999 11,319,158 square feet, making a Net Change of 5,439,044, which is a 48.1% Change

United States Postal Service owned in FY 2000 218,629,728 square feet, in FY 1999 162,939,568 square feet, making a Net Change of 55,690,160 square feet, which is a 34.2% Change

Justice owned in FY 2000 56,314,000 square feet, in FY 1999 48,545,724 square feet, making a Net Change of 7,768,276 square feet, which is a 16.0% Change

Federal Emergency Management Agency owned in FY 2000 545,000 square feet, in FY 1999 482,734 square feet, making a Net Change of 62,266 square feet, which is a 12.9% Change

General Services Administration (GSA) owned in FY 2000 187,794,872 square feet, in FY 1999 169,235,084 square feet, making a Net Change of 18,559,788 square feet, which is a 11.0% Change

Health and Human Services (HHS) owned in FY 2000 21,105,732 square feet, in FY 1999 22,752,228 square feet, making a Net Change of -1,646,496 square feet, which is a -7.2% Change

Interior owned in FY 2000 73,359,838 square feet, in FY 1999 69,087,893 square feet, making a Net Change of 4,271,945, which is a 6.2% Change

Commerce owned in FY 2000 5,792,144 square feet, in FY 1999 6,023,457 square feet, making a Net Change of -231,313 square feet, which is a -3.8% Change

Other Agencies (20) owned in FY 2000 2,377,347,051 square feet, in FY 1999 2,394,253,167 square feet, making a Net Change of -16,906,116 square feet, which is a -0.7% Change

TOTAL owned in FY 2000 3,003,152,083 square feet, in FY 1999 2,918,374,263 square feet, making a Net Change of 84,777,820 square feet, which is a 2.9% Change

Table 2.7 Notes:

The Bureau of Indian Affairs is no longer reporting tribal lands.

Building square footage is not included for military functions in foreign countries and outlying areas of the United States.


Section 3: Federal Real Property owned in the United States


The Federal Government owns approximately 40,439 installations in the United States comprising 635.4 million acres; 2,968.2 million square feet of floor area and various other structures and facilities.

Federal real property is located in each of the 50 States and the District of Columbia with a cost of $254.1 billion (97.7 percent) of the total worldwide cost of $260.1 billion. Appendix 1, Table 6, contains summary data on Federal realty by States.

A distribution of the cost of $254.1 billion, by type of Federal real property in the United States, is shown graphically in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 Cost of Federal Real Property (in thousands). This figure is a pie graph of the relative acquisition costs of land, buildings and structures and facilities in the United States.

Buildings acquisition cost = $135,536,958, which is 53.4% of the total acquisition cost in the United States

Structures and Facilities acquisition cost = $97,786,509, which is 38.5% % of the total acquisition cost in the United States

Land acquisition cost = $20,728,532, which is 8.2% of the total acquisition cost in the United States

Figure 3.1 shows those structures and facilities represent $97.8 billion (38.5 percent) of the total cost of Federal real property in the United States. Structures and facilities owned by the Federal Government include: utility systems, communication systems, roads and bridges, railroads, monuments and memorials, airfield pavements, harbor and port facilities, hydroelectric and other power development projects, reclamation and irrigation projects, underground vaults, sliding ship ways, sidewalks, and parking areas.

The Federal Government owns 635.4 million acres in the United States consisting of 562.6 million acres of public domain land and 72.7 million acres acquired by purchase, donation, and other methods. No cost is recorded by the agencies, or reported, for the 562.6 million acres of public domain. The total cost reported for the 72.7 million acres acquired by purchase, donation, and other methods is $20.7 billion. Appendix 1, Table 4 contains summary data on Federal land in each State by method of acquisition and compares this acreage with the total land in the State. In addition to the federally owned acreage, the Government holds 4.7 million acres in trust (BIA no longer reports Tribal lands). No cost is reported for acreage held in trust. Appendix 1, Table 10, and Section 5 contain summary data on trust acreage by State.

The Federal Government owns 430,373 buildings in the United States ranging from 4.5 million square feet in the Pentagon to less than 100 square feet of storage, service, or other purpose space in small buildings located throughout the United States. Federal buildings in the United States contain a total of 2.97 billion square feet and cost $135.5 billion.

By Agency

The Department of Defense controls more federally owned building space in the United States than any other Government agency and also lead in the total cost of real property. Defense controls 2 billion square feet of Federal buildings (67.1 percent) of the total in the United States. This Department’s real property costs $140.4 billion (55 percent) of the total cost of all Federal real property in the United States.

The Departments of Agriculture and Interior together own 607.6 million acres (95.6 percent) of the total federally owned land in this country. Table 3.1 summarizes data in this report on the Federal real property in the United States by major reporting agency. Appendix 1, Table 2 shows additional summary data on acreage, floor area and total cost by agency. Data by bureau or other major organizational unit are shown in Appendix 1, Table 7.

Table 3.1 Federal Real Property in the United States by Major Reporting Agency


Air Force has Land = 831,477.4 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 602,970,363 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $38,683,216, which is 15.2% of Total Cost in the United States

Army has Land = 11,654,313.4 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 761,408,556 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $35,353,844, which is 13.9% of Total Cost in the United States

Navy has Land = 3,339,284.7 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 606,539,228 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $34,856,763, which is 13.7% of Total Cost in the United States

Corps of Engineers has Land = 8,335,257.6 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 16,686,691 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $31,431,372, which is 12.4% of Total Cost in the United States

Interior has Land = 429,716,846.7 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 72,485,768 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $20,829,888, which is 8.2% of Total Cost in the United States

Energy has Land = 2,137,779.2 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 124,658,840 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $16,226,133, which is 6.4% of Total Cost in the United States

Veterans Affairs (VA) has Land = 22,920.1 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 135,312,376 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $12,716,418, which is 5.0% of Total Cost in the United States

United States Postal Service has Land = 19,866.6 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 217,918,716 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $12,573,869, which is 4.9% of Total Cost in the United States

Agriculture has Land = 177,917,142.3 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 36,893,778 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $11,597,791, which is 4.6% of Total Cost in the United States

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has Land = 989,397.5 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 3,248,267 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $11,361,183, which is 4.5% of Total Cost in the United States

General Services Administration (GSA) has Land = 45,728.0 Acres, Buildings Floor Area 187,209,104 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $11,146,064, which is 4.4% of Total Cost in the United States

National Aeronautics And Space Administration (NASA) has Land = 102,319.0, Buildings Floor Area = 43,609,075 $6,759,125, which is 2.7% of Total Cost in the United States

Justice has Land = 30,236.7 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 55,866,013 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $3,992,470, which is 1.6% of Total Cost in the United States

Health and Human Services (HHS) has Land = 955.7 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 21,079,855 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $1,431,223, which is 0.6% of Total Cost in the United States

National Science Foundation (NSF) has Land = 4,140.7 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 970,874 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) $1,196,779, which is 0.5% of Total Cost in the United States

Labor has Land = 3,744.8 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 9,895,753 $1,162,843, which is 0.5% of Total Cost

Other Agencies (15) have Land = 203,290.1 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 71,495,877 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $2,733,018, which is 1.1% of Total Cost in the United States

TOTAL for the United States: Land = 635,354,700.5 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 2,968,249,134 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $254,051,999, which is 100.0% of Total Cost in the United States

By State

The Federal Government owns real property in each of the 50 States and the District of Columbia, which ranges in cost from $30.7 billion in California to $260.4 million in Vermont. The cost of real property in the District of Columbia is $3.2 billion.

California leads other States in cost of federally owned real property ($30.7 billion) and in floor area (416.0 million square feet).

Alaska leads in federally owned land with 220.9 million acres (34.8 percent) of the total federally owned land in the United States. See Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Federal Real Property by State


California Land = 47,889,218.7 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 416,040,186 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $30,658,782, which is 12.1% of Total Cost in the United States

Texas Land = 2,307,171.0 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 206,330,346 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $16,214,803, which is 6.4% of Total Cost in the United States

Washington Land = 12,176,082.0 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 86,785,112 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $12,987,316, which is 5.1% of Total Cost in the United States

Tennessee Land = 2,115,019.2 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 70,352,051 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $11,131,568, which is 4.4% of Total Cost in the United States

Virginia Land = 2,279,561.3 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 151,977,779 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $9,185,658, which is 3.6% of Total Cost in the United States

Oregon Land = 32,356,070.1 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 21,150,233 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $9,172,710, which is 3.6% of Total Cost in the United States

Florida Land = 4,599,237.0 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 112,133,693 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $8,369,599, which is 3.3% of Total Cost in the United States

Maryland Land = 166,213.0 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 111,773,278 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $7,813,447, which is 3.1% of Total Cost in the United States

New York Land = 221,538.5 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 107,530,114 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $7,800,757, which is 3.1% of Total Cost in the United States

Alabama Land = 1,325,698.1 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 56,941,388 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $7,256,518, which is 2.9% of Total Cost in the United States

Georgia Land = 2,027,086.9 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 111,896,139 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $6,859,091, which is 2.7% of Total Cost in the United States

Illinois Land = 590,477.8 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 87,883,161 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $6,730,044, which is 2.6% of Total Cost in the United States

South Carolina Land = 1,109,545.1 59,951,529 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $6,561,886, which is 2.6% of Total Cost in the United States

New Mexico Land = 26,572,245.8 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 55,866,195 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $5,962,480, which is 2.3% of Total Cost in the United States

Ohio Land = 441,303.3 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 77,004,242 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $5,913,718, which is 2.3% of Total Cost in the United States

North Carolina Land = 1,988,594.7 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 86,375,461 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $5,576,044, which is 2.2% of Total Cost in the United States

Mississippi Land = 1,671,595.8 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 34,674,468 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $5,302,131, which is 2.1% of Total Cost in the United States

Colorado Land =24,108,409.8 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 59,559,576 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $5,183,536, which is 2.0% of Total Cost in the United States

Pennsylvania Land = 716,527.5 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 71,818,065 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $5,123,499, which is 2.0% of Total Cost in the United States

Alaska Land = 220,851,882.2 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 52,826,892 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $4,918,380, which is 1.9% of Total Cost in the United States

Louisiana Land = 1,198,765.1 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 46,759,916 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $4,744,555, which is 1.9% of Total Cost in the United States

Arizona Land = 32,379,448.9 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 48,352,211 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $4,643,822, which is 1.8% of Total Cost in the United States

Missouri Land = 4,798,315.7 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 52,988,457 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $4,574,774, which is 1.8% of Total Cost in the United States

Hawaii Land = 638,621.8 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 78,256,945 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $4,565,630, which is 1.8% of Total Cost in the United States

Idaho Land = 33,106,382.4 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 18,410,322 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $4,301,156, which is 1.7% of Total Cost in the United States

New Jersey Land = 123,791.0 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 72,740,993 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $4,038,362, which is 1.6% of Total Cost in the United States

Kentucky Land = 1,446,750.4 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 51,371,591 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $4,034,708, which is 1.6% of Total Cost in the United States

Other States (24) Land = 176,149,147.4 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 560,498,791 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $44,427,025, which is 17.5% of Total Cost in the United States

TOTAL Land = 635,354,700.5 Acres, Buildings Floor Area = 2,968,249,134 square feet, Total Cost (in thousands) = $254,051,999, which is 100.0% of Total Cost in the United States

The Federal Government owns 359.4 million acres (47.7 percent) of the acreage in the 11 Western States. These lands are principally public domain used for national forest, national parks, and grazing.

These three categories of land usage comprise 593.9 million acres (93.4 percent) of the total federally owned 635.4 million acres in the United States. Figure 3.2, is a map of the United States, indicating the percent of federally owned land in each area. Summary data on the amount of federally owned land in each state by method of acquisition and a comparison of federally owned land with the total acreage of each state are shown in Appendix 1, Table 4.

Figure 3.2 Land owned by region of the United States. This figure is a map of the United States showing the percent of federally owned land in five regions of the United States.

Alaska Region, 1 state, has 60.4% of all federally owned land in the United States

Hawaii Region, 1 state, has 15.6% of all federally owned land in the United States

North East, North Central region, 22 states, have 4.0% of all federally owned land in the United States

South Atlantic, South Central, DC region, 16 states, has 5.5% of all federally owned land in the United States

Western region, 11 states, has 47.7% of all federally owned land in the United States

Alaska region, Total Federally owned Acres = 220,851,882.2, Acreage of State = 365,481,600.0, which =6 0.4% Of region Owned by federal Government

Hawaii region, Total Federally owned Acres = 638,621.8, Acreage of State = 4,105,600.0, which = 15.6% Of region Owned by federal Government

Northeastern, North Central region, Total Federally owned Acres = 22,339,672.0, Acreage of States = 559,998,080.0, which = 4.0% Of region Owned by federal Government

South Atlantic, South Central, DC region, Total Federally owned Acres = 32,118,047.6, Acreage of States=588,810,240.0, which = 5.5% Of region Owned by federal Government

Western region, Total Federally owned Acres = 359,406,476.9, Acreage of States =752,947,840.0, which = 47.7% Of region Owned by federal Government

Total all regions, Total Federally owned Acres = 635,354,700.5, Acreage of States =2,271,343,360.0, which = 28.0% Of region Owned by federal Government

Data on the amount of urban and rural federally owned land in each State are found in Appendix 1, Table 6.

Acreage by Predominant Usage

Of the 635.4 million acres owned by the Federal Government in the United States, 347.6 million acres (54.7 percent) are primarily forest and wildlife. The number of acres in each major usage category is shown in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 Federal Land


Forest and Wildlife Usage Type = 347,576,965.7acres, which is 54.7% of total federally owned land

Grazing Usage Type = 152,161,742.2 acres, which is 23.9% of total federally owned land

Parks and Historic Sites Usage Type = 94,117,899.3 acres, which is 14.8% of total federally owned land

Military - Except Air Fields Usage Type = 13,137,328.5 acres, which is 2.1% of total federally owned land

Flood Control and Navigation Usage Type = 8,798,615.6 acres, which is 1.4% of total federally owned land

Reclamation and Irrigation Usage Type = 6,067,795.3 acres, which is 1.0% of total federally owned land

Vacant Usage Type = 5,130,166.7 acres, which is 0.8% of total federally owned land

All Other Usage Type = 4,103,555.9 acres, which is 0.6% of total federally owned land

Research and Development Usage Type = 2,421,248.4 acres, which is 0.4% of total federally owned land

Power Development and Distribution Usage Type = 653,892.3 acres, which is 0.1% of total federally owned land

Airfields Usage Type = 643,083.7 acres, which is 0.1% of total federally owned land

Industrial Usage Type = 391,366.9 acres, which is 0.1% of total federally owned land

Institutional Usage Type = 68,566.5 acres, which is 0.0% of total federally owned land

Office Building Locations Usage Type = 66,850.7 acres, which is 0.0% of total federally owned land

Storage Usage Type = 7,297.1 acres, which is 0.0% of total federally owned land

Agricultural Usage Type = 4,016.8 acres, which is 0.0% of total federally owned land

Post Office Usage Type = 2,556.9 acres, which is 0.0% of total federally owned land

Housing Usage Type = 1,246.5 acres, which is 0.0% of total federally owned land

Harbor and Port Terminals Usage Type = 505.5 acres, which is 0.0% of total federally owned land

Total All Usage Types = 635,354,700.5 acres, which is 100.0% of total federally owned land

Certain agencies, because of their assigned functions, control major portions of the acreage in each of the principal land usage categories. For example, the Department of Interior leads in six of the land usage categories. Table 3.4 shows the acreage for each major land usage category by principal controlling agency.

Table 3.4 Major Land Usage Categories by Controlling Agency (in Acres)

Forest and Wildlife land usage

Interior has179, 061,505.6 acres, which is 51.5% of Forest and Wildlife usage

Agriculture has 168,390,023.1 acres, which is 48.4% of Forest and Wildlife usage

Corps of Engineers has 104,841.9 acres, which is 0.0% of Forest and Wildlife usage

Energy has 19,693.8 acres, which is 0.0% of Forest and Wildlife usage

Other Agencies (1) have 901.3 acres, which is 0.0% of Forest and Wildlife usage

Total = 347,576,965.7 acres, which is 100.0% of Forest and Wildlife usage

Grazing land usage

Interior has 145,039,783.0 acres, which is 95.3% of grazing land usage

Agriculture has 7,121,959.2 acres, which is 4.7% of grazing land usage

Other Agencies (0) have 0.0 acres, which is 0.0% of grazing land usage

Total = 152,161,742.2 acres, which is 100.0% of grazing land usage

Parks and Historic Sites land usage

Interior has 93,954,282.5 acres, which is 99.8% of Parks and Historic Sites land usage

Tennessee Valley Authority has 155,276.7 acres, which is 0.2% of Parks and Historic Sites land usage

Veterans Affairs (VA) has 6,571.4 acres, which is 0.0% of Parks and Historic Sites land usage Other Agencies (3) have1,140.7 acres, which is 0.0% of Parks and Historic Sites land usage

Army has 628.0 acres, which is 0.0% of Parks and Historic Sites land usage

Total = 94,117,899.3 acres, which is 100.0% of Parks and Historic Sites land usage

Military - Except AirFields land usage

Army has 11,653,685.4 acres, which is 88.7% of Military - Except AirFields land usage

Air Force has 699,917.4 acres, which is 5.3% of Military - Except AirFields land usage

Navy has 696,925.8 5.3% of Military - Except AirFields land usage

Transportation has 86,783.3 acres, which is 0.7% of Military - Except AirFields land usage

Other Agencies (1) have 16.6 acres, which is 0.0% of Military - Except AirFields land usage

Total = 13,137,328.5 acres, which is 100.0% of Military - Except AirFields land usage

Flood Control and Navigation land usage

Corps of Engineers has 7,788,705.5 acres, which is 88.5% of Flood Control and Navigation land usage

Tennessee Valley Authority has 703,112.9 acres, which is 8.0% of Flood Control and Navigation land usage

Interior has 238,325.6 acres, which is 2.7% of Flood Control and Navigation land usage

State has 65,578.8 acres, which is 0.7% of Flood Control and Navigation land usage

Other Agencies (1) have 2,892.8 acres, which is 0.0% of Flood Control and Navigation land usage

Total = 8,798,615.6 acres, which is 100.0% of Flood Control and Navigation land usage

Reclamation and Irrigation land usage

Interior has 6,036,983.2 acres, which is 99.5% of Reclamation and Irrigation land usage

Agriculture has 30,785.0 acres, which is 0.5% of Reclamation and Irrigation land usage

State has 27.1 acres, which is 0.0% of Reclamation and Irrigation land usage

Other Agencies (0) have 0.0 acres, which is 0.0% of Reclamation and Irrigation land usage

Total = 6,067,795.3 acres, which is 100.0% of Reclamation and Irrigation land usage

Vacant land usage

Interior has 5,119,511.0 acres, which is 99.8% of Vacant land usage

Agriculture has 10,344.5 acres, which is 0.2% of Vacant land usage

Energy has 155.0 acres, which is 0.0% of Vacant land usage

Environmental Protection has 110.0 acres, which is 0.0% of Vacant land usage

Other Agencies (5) have 46.2 acres, which is 0.0% of Vacant land usage

Total = 5,130,166.7 acres, which is 100.0% of Vacant land usage

All Other land usage

Navy has 1,961,289.6 acres, which is 47.8% of All Other land usage

Agriculture has 1,903,137.8 acres, which is 46.4% of All Other land usage

Other Agencies (12) have 96,575.8 acres, which is 2.4% of All Other land usage

Tennessee Valley Authority has 83,995.4 acres, which is 2.0% of All Other land usage

Corps of Engineers has 58,557.3 acres, which is 1.4% of All Other land usage

Total = 4,103,555.9 acres, which is 100.0% of All Other land usage

Research and Development land usage

Energy has 1,835,664.3 acres, which is 75.8% of Research and Development land usage

Agriculture has 456,709.9 acres, which is 18.9% of Research and Development land usage

National Aeronautics And Space Admin. Has 102,319.0 acres, which is 4.2% of Research and Development land usage

Commerce has 13,316.9 acres, which is 0.6% of Research and Development land usage

Other Agencies (7) have 13,238.3 acres, which is 0.5% of Research and Development land usage

Total = 2,421,248.4 acres, which is 100.0% of Research and Development land usage

Power Development and Distribution land usage

Corps of Engineers has 380,588.7 acres, which is 58.2% of Power Development and Distribution land usage

Interior has 219,979.9 acres, which is 33.6% of Power Development and Distribution land usage

Tennessee Valley Authority has 43,161.1 acres, which is 6.6% of Power Development and Distribution land usage

Energy has 10,162.6 acres, which is 1.6% of Power Development and Distribution land usage

Other Agencies (0) have 0.0 acres, which is 0.0% of Power Development and Distribution land usage

Total = 653,892.3 acres, which is 100.0% of Power Development and Distribution land usage

Airfields land usage

Navy has 512,711.3 acres, which is 79.7% of Airfields land usage

Air Force has 130,277.5 acres, which is 20.3% of Airfields land usage

Interior has 90.5 acres, which is 0.0% of Airfields land usage

Agriculture has 4.4 acres, which is 0.0% of Airfields land usage

Other Agencies (0) have 0.0 acres, which is 0.0% of Airfields land usage

Total = 643,083.7 acres, which is 100.0% of Airfields land usage

Industrial land usage

Energy has 239,509.0 acres, which is 61.2% of Industrial land usage

Navy has 149,542.9 acres, which is 38.2% of Industrial land usage

Tennessee Valley Authority has 1,249.1 acres, which is 0.3% of Industrial land usage

Air Force has 1,040.4 acres, which is 0.3% of Industrial land usage

Other Agencies (3) have 25.5 acres, which is 0.0% of Industrial land usage

Total = 391,366.9 acres, which is 100.0% of Industrial land usage

Institutional land usage

Justice has 29,443.5 acres, which is 42.9% of Institutional land usage

Veterans Affairs (VA) has 16,165.9 acres, which is 23.6% of Institutional land usage

Navy has 15,842.4 acres, which is 23.1% of Institutional land usage

Labor has 3,632.1 acres, which is 5.3% of Institutional land usage

Other Agencies (8) have 3,482.6 acres, which is 5.1% of Institutional land usage

Total = 68,566.5 acres, which is 100.0% of Institutional land usage

Office Building Locations land usage

General Services Administration has 45,671.0 acres, which is 68.3% of Office Building Locations land usage

United States Postal Service has 16,685.1 acres, which is 25.0% of Office Building Locations land usage

Other Agencies (14) have 2,357.6 acres, which is 3.5% of Office Building Locations land usage

Corps of Engineers has 1,395.7 acres, which is 2.1% of Office Building Locations land usage

Justice has 741.3 acres, which is 1.1% of Office Building Locations land usage

Total = 66,850.7 acres, which is 100.0% of Office Building Locations land usage

Storage land usage

Navy has 2,972.7 acres, which is 40.7% of Storage land usage

Energy has 2,785.1 acres, which is 38.2% of Storage land usage

Interior has 664.3 acres, which is 9.1% of Storage land usage

Agriculture has 632.5 acres, which is 8.7% of Storage land usage

Other Agencies (9) have 242.5 acres, which is 3.3% of Storage land usage

Total = 7,297.1 acres, which is 100.0% of Storage land usage

Agricultural land usage

Agriculture has 1,746.2 acres, which is 43.5% of Agricultural land usage

Energy has 1,121.7 acres, which is 27.9% of Agricultural land usage

Interior has 864.5 acres, which is 21.5% of Agricultural land usage

Other Agencies (4) have 165.6 acres, which is 4.1% of Agricultural land usage

Tennessee Valley Authority has 118.8 acres, which is 3.0% of Agricultural land usage

Total = 4,016.8 acres, which is 100.0% of Agricultural land usage

Post Office land usage

United States Postal Service has 2,556.9 acres, which is 100.0% of Post Office land usage

Other Agencies (0) have 0.0 acres, which is 0.0% of Post Office land usage

Total = 2,556.9 acres, which is 100.0% of Post Office land usage

Housing land usage

Agriculture has 629.0 acres, which is 50.5% of Housing land usage

Interior has 264.8 acres, which is 21.2% of Housing land usage

Air Force has 242.1 acres, which is 19.4% of Housing land usage

Other Agencies (6) have 63.2 acres, which is 5.1% of Housing land usage

Treasury has 47.4 acres, which is 3.8% of Housing land usage

Total = 1,246.5 acres, which is 100.0% of Housing land usage

Harbor and Port Terminals land usage

Corps of Engineers has 474.7 acres, which is 93.9% of Harbor and Port Terminals land usage

Transportation has 17.8 acres, which is 3.5% of Harbor and Port Terminals land usage

Agriculture has 9.5 acres, which is 1.9% of Harbor and Port Terminals land usage

Commerce has 3.5 acres, which is 0.7% of Harbor and Port Terminals land usage

Other Agencies (0) have 0.0 acres, which is 0.0% of Harbor and Port Terminals land usage

Total = 505.5 acres, which is 100.0% of Harbor and Port Terminals land usage

The cost for the 635.4 million acres of federally owned land acquired by purchase or other methods is $20.7 billion.

Table 3.5 shows the cost of federally owned land by predominant usage category. Additional data on federally owned land by predominant usage, controlling agency and State, are shown in Appendix 1, Tables 11 and 12.

Table 3.5 Cost of Federal Land

Parks and Historic Sites land usage costs $4,673,189, which is 22.5% of total land cost in the United States

Flood Control and Navigation land usage costs $4,078,272, which is 19.7% of total land cost in the United States

Forest and Wildlife land usage costs $4,007,591, which is 19.3% of total land cost in the United States

Office Building Locations land usage costs $2,563,554, which is 12.4% of total land cost in the United States

Vacant land usage costs$993,485, which is 4.8% of total land cost in the United States

All Other land usage costs $959,902, which is 4.6% of total land cost in the United States

Military - Except Air Fields land usage costs $784,473, which is 3.8% of total land cost in the United States

Institutional land usage costs $568,988, which is 2.7% of total land cost in the United States

Airfields land usage costs $469,117, which is 2.3% of total land cost in the United States

Reclamation and Irrigation land usage costs $426,218, which is 2.1% of total land cost in the United States

Post Office land usage costs $374,336, which is 1.8% of total land cost in the United States

Research and Development land usage costs $356,911, which is 1.7% of total land cost in the United States

Storage land usage costs $150,404, which is 0.7% of total land cost in the United States

Industrial land usage costs $125,537, which is 0.6% of total land cost in the United States

Power Development and Distribution land usage costs $119,935, which is 0.6% of total land cost in the United States

Grazing land usage costs $33,199, which is 0.2% of total land cost in the United States

Housing land usage costs $28,835, which is 0.1% of total land cost in the United States

Agricultural land usage costs $13,326, which is 0.1% of total land cost in the United States

Harbor and Port Terminals land usage costs $1,260, which is 0.0% of total land cost in the United States

Total land usage costs $20,728,532, which is 100.0% of total land cost in the United States

Buildings by Predominant Usage

The Federal Government owns 430,373 buildings in the United States with a gross floor area of more than 3 billion square feet. The total cost of these buildings is $135.5 billion.

In the United States, 72 percent of the floor area of Federal buildings, 2.1 billion square feet, is used for housing, service, storage, and office. In terms of cost, these categories comprise $79.9 billion (57 percent) of the total cost of $129.5 billion for buildings in the United States.

Figure 3.3 graphically illustrates the floor area and cost of Federal buildings by predominant usage category. Additional data on federally owned buildings by controlling agency and State, are shown in Appendix 1, Tables 13 and 14.

Buildings by usage type, Floor Area in square feet

Post Office Floor Area = 23,535,951square feet

Institutional - Prison Floor Area = 50,599,703 square feet

All Other Floor Area = 67,097,722 square feet

Other Institutional Uses Floor Area = 112,372,058 square feet

Industrial Floor Area = 116,685,362 square feet

Institutional - Hospital Floor Area = 140,070,832 square feet

Institutional - School Floor Area = 149,475,489 square feet

Research and Development Floor Area = 151,801,184 square feet

Storage Floor Area = 402,137,602 square feet

Service Floor Area = 479,642,419 square feet

Office Floor Area = 602,333,388 square feet

Housing Floor Area = 672,497,424 square feet

Building by usage type, acquisition Costs (in thousands)

Post Office costs $1,705,413

Institutional - Prison costs $3,287,545

Other Institutional Uses costs$5,308,439

All Other costs $5,508,758

Industrial costs $6,053,478

Storage costs $6,101,243

Institutional - School costs $7,759,544

Institutional - Hospital costs $12,747,464

Research and Development costs $13,203,540

Housing costs $18,847,881

Service costs $25,381,103

Office costs $29,632,550

Structures and Facilities by Predominant Usage

The Federal Government owns structures (other than buildings) and facilities in the United States costing $99.8 billion. Six usage categories: power development and distribution; flood control and navigation; utility systems; roads and bridges; other; and reclamation and irrigation; account for $77.8 billion, (78 percent) of the total cost of structures and facilities.

Figure 3.4 graphically illustrates the cost of structures and facilities by predominant usage category. Additional data on federally owned structures and facilities by controlling agency and State are shown in Appendix 1, Tables 15.

Figure 3.4 Acquisition Cost (in thousands) of Federal Structures & Facilities in the U.S.

Misc. Military Structures & Facilities in the U.S. costs $2,095,380

R&D, non-building Structures & Facilities in the U.S. costs $3,538,057

Airfield Pavements Structures & Facilities in the U.S. costs $3,609,590

Service, non-building Structures & Facilities in the U.S. costs $4,034,245

Reclamation and Irrigation Structures & Facilities in the U.S. costs $6,029,419

All Other Structures & Facilities in the U.S. costs $8,230,823

Roads and Bridges Structures & Facilities in the U.S. costs $11,542,482

Utility Systems Structures & Facilities in the U.S. costs $12,498,423

Flood control & Navigation Structures & Facilities in the U.S. costs $19,200,416

Power Development & Distribution $ Structures & Facilities in the U.S. costs 20,421,752

Table 3.6 gives the major usage categories of Federal structures and facilities in the United States.

Table 3.6 Building Usage Categories Comparison Costs Between Defense and Other Agencies

Housing usage type

Army has 231,322,623 square feet, which is 34.4% of the housing usage type, and costs $6,655,833, which is 35.3% of the costs of housing usage type

Navy has 202,921,204 square feet, which is 30.2% of the housing usage type, and costs $6,455,739, which is 34.3% of the costs of housing usage type

Air Force has 190,212,283 square feet, which is 28.3% of the housing usage type, and costs $4,755,030, which is 25.2% of the costs of housing usage type

Other Agencies (17) have 32,695,410 square feet, which is 4.9% of the housing usage type, and costs $462,458, which is 2.5% of the costs of housing usage type

Interior has 15,345,904 square feet, which is 2.3% of the housing usage type, and costs $518,821, which is 2.8% of the costs of housing usage type

Total = 672,497,424 square feet, which is 100.0% of the housing usage type, and costs $18,847,881, which is 100.0% of the costs of housing usage type

Office usage type

United States Postal Service has189,768,070 square feet, which is 31.5% of the office usage type, and costs $8,478,122, which is 28.6% of costs of office usage type

General Services Administration has 168,841,310 square feet, which is 28.0% of the office usage type, and costs $10,384,081, which is 35.0% of costs of office usage type

Other Agencies (22) have 111,886,534 square feet, which is 18.6% of the office usage type, and costs $5,919,684, which is 20.0% of costs of office usage type

Army has 82,795,150 square feet, which is 13.7% of the office usage type, and costs $3,054,918, which is 10.3% of costs of office usage type

Navy has 49,042,324 square feet, which is 8.1% of the office usage type, and costs $1,795,745, which is 6.1% of costs of office usage type

Total = 602,333,388 square feet, which is 100.0% of the office usage type, and costs $29,632,550, which is 100.0% of costs of office usage type

Service usage type

Air Force has 191,882,198 square feet, which is 40.0% of service usage type, and costs $11,016,890, which is 43.4% of costs of service usage type

Navy has152,994,929 square feet, which is 31.9% of service usage type, and costs $6,739,395, which is 26.6% of costs of service usage type

Army has 84,251,507 square feet, which is 17.6% of service usage type, and costs $4,584,332, which is 18.1% of costs of service usage type

Other Agencies (18) have 34,664,466 square feet, which is 7.2% of service usage type, and costs $1,301,366, which is 5.1% of costs of service usage type

Energy has 15,849,319 square feet, which is 3.3% of service usage type, and costs $1,739,120, which is 6.9% of costs of service usage type

Total = 479,642,419 square feet, which is 100.0% of service usage type, and costs $25,381,103, which is 100.0% of costs of service usage type

Storage usage type

Army has 173,562,640 square feet, which is 43.2% of storage usage type, and costs $1,796,007, which is 29.4% of costs of storage usage type

Navy has 87,181,675 square feet, which is 21.7% of storage usage type, and costs $1,131,434, which is 18.5% of costs of storage usage type

Air Force has 71,251,355 square feet, which is 17.7% of storage usage type, and costs $1,609,852, which is 26.4% of costs of storage usage type

Other Agencies (22) have 53,954,364 square feet, which is 13.4% of storage usage type, and costs $1,519,767, which is 24.9% of costs of storage usage type

General Services Administration has 16,187,568 square feet, which is 4.0% of storage usage type, and costs $44,183, which is 0.7% of costs of storage usage type

Total = 402,137,602 square feet, which is 100.0% of storage usage type, and costs $6,101,243, which is 100.0% of costs of storage usage type

Research and Development usage type

Other Agencies (13) have 48,631,494 square feet, which is 32.0% of Research and Development usage type, and costs $3,503,279, which is 26.5% of costs of research and development usage type

Navy has 29,313,512 square feet, which is 19.3% of Research and Development usage type, and costs $1,863,261, which is 14.1% of costs of research and development usage type

Energy has 28,615,618 square feet, which is 18.9% of Research and Development usage type, and costs $2,492,303, which is 18.9% of costs of research and development usage type

Air Force has 26,249,135 square feet, which is 17.3% of Research and Development usage type, and costs $2,708,923, which is 20.5% of costs of research and development usage type

National Aeronautics and Space Administration has 18,991,425, which is 12.5% of Research and Development usage type, and costs $2,635,774, which is 20.0% of costs of research and development usage type

Total = 151,801,184 square feet, which is 100.0% of Research and Development usage type, and costs $13,203,540, which is 100.0% of costs of research and development usage type

Institutional - School usage type

Army has 56,479,514 square feet, which is 37.8% of Institutional – School usage type, and costs $2,604,471, which is 33.6% of costs of institutional – school usage type

Navy has 39,476,241 square feet, which is 26.4% of Institutional – School usage type, and costs $2,240,836, which is 28.9% of costs of institutional – school usage type

Air Force has 35,293,639 square feet, which is 23.6% of Institutional – School usage type, and costs $2,006,582, which is 25.9% of costs of institutional – school usage type

Other Agencies (11) have 9,630,924 square feet, which is 6.4% of Institutional – School usage type, and costs $272,269, which is 3.5% of costs of institutional – school usage type

Interior has 8,595,171 square feet, which is 5.8% of Institutional – School usage type, and costs $635,386, which is 8.2% of costs of institutional – school usage type

Total = 149,475,489 square feet, which is 100.0% of Institutional – School usage type, and costs $7,759,544, which is 100.0% of costs of institutional – school usage type

Institutional - Hospital usage type

Veterans Affairs has 94,671,946 square feet, which is 67.6% of Institutional - Hospital usage type, and costs $8,648,292, which is 67.8% of costs of institutional – hospital usage type

Army has 16,568,771 square feet, which is 11.8% of Institutional - Hospital usage type, and costs $1,786,160 14.0% of costs of institutional – hospital usage type

Air Force has 14,126,181 square feet, which is 10.1% of Institutional - Hospital usage type, and costs $1,032,785 8.1% of costs of institutional – hospital usage type

Navy has 9,513,600 square feet, which is 6.8% of Institutional - Hospital usage type, and costs $889,510 7.0% of costs of institutional – hospital usage type

Other Agencies (8) have 5,190,334 square feet, which is 3.7% of Institutional - Hospital usage type, and costs $390,717 3.1% of costs of institutional – hospital usage type

Total = 140,070,832 square feet, which is 100.0% of Institutional - Hospital usage type, and costs $12,747,464 100.0% of costs of institutional – hospital usage type

Industrial usage type

Energy has 43,168,581 square feet, which is 37.0% of industrial usage type, and costs $3,482,363, which is 57.5% of costs of industrial usage type

Army has 31,114,038 square feet, which is 26.7% of industrial usage type, and costs $1,229,790, which is 20.3% of costs of industrial usage type

Air Force has 14,949,830 square feet, which is 12.8% of industrial usage type, and costs $351,497, which is 5.8% of costs of industrial usage type

Other Agencies (14) have 14,506,300 square feet, which is 12.4% of industrial usage type, and costs $640,348, which is 10.6% of costs of industrial usage type

Navy has 12,946,613 square feet, which is 11.1% of industrial usage type, and costs $349,480, which is 5.8% of costs of industrial usage type

Total = 116,685,362 square feet, which is 100.0% of industrial usage type, and costs $6,053,478, which is 100.0% of costs of industrial usage type

Other Institutional Uses usage type

Army has 66,598,212 square feet, which is 59.3% of Other Institutional Uses usage type, and costs $2,519,936 47.5% of costs of other institutional uses usage type

Other Agencies (16) have 14,518,385 square feet, which is 12.9% of Other Institutional Uses usage type, and costs $1,029,941, which is 19.4% of costs of other institutional uses usage type

Veterans Affairs has12,960,563 square feet, which is 11.5% of Other Institutional Uses usage type, and costs $783,703, which is 14.8% of costs of other institutional uses usage type

Interior has 11,250,696 square feet, which is 10.0% of Other Institutional Uses usage type, and costs $621,203, which is 11.7% of costs of other institutional uses usage type

Air Force has 7,044,202 square feet, which is 6.3% of Other Institutional Uses usage type, and costs $353,656, which is 6.7% of costs of other institutional uses usage type

Total = 112,372,058 square feet, which is 100.0% of Other Institutional Uses usage type, and costs $5,308,439, which is 100.0% of costs of other institutional uses usage type

All Other usage type

Other Agencies (22) have 20,962,660 square feet, which is 31.2% of all other usage type, and costs $1,134,377, which is 20.6% of costs of all other usage type

Navy has 18,297,891 square feet, which is 27.3% of all other usage type, and costs $1,569,744, which is 28.5% of costs of all other usage type

Interior has 12,272,692 square feet, which is 18.3% of all other usage type, and costs $963,014, which is 17.5% of costs of all other usage type

Transportation has 9,668,855 square feet, which is 14.4% of all other usage type, and costs $456,678, which is 8.3% of costs of all other usage type

Air Force has 5,895,624 square feet, which is 8.8% of all other usage type, and costs $1,384,945, which is 25.1% of costs of all other usage type

Total = 67,097,722 square feet, which is 100.0% of all other usage type, and costs $5,508,758, which is 100.0% of costs of all other usage type

Institutional - Prison usage type

Justice has 48,684,537 square feet, which is 96.2% of institutional – prison usage type, and costs $3,245,409, which is 98.7% of costs of institutional – prison usage type

Army has 1,507,173 square feet, which is 3.0% of institutional – prison usage type, and costs $30,540, which is 0.9% of costs of institutional – prison usage type

Air Force has 407,993 square feet, which is 0.8% of institutional – prison usage type, and costs $11,596, which is 0.4% of costs of institutional – prison usage type

Other Agencies (0) have 0 square feet, which is 0.0% of institutional – prison usage type, and costs $0, which is 0.0% of costs of institutional – prison usage type

Total = 50,599,703 square feet, which is 100.0% of institutional – prison usage type, and costs $3,287,545, which is 100.0% of costs of institutional – prison usage type

Post Office usage type

United States Postal Service has 23,094,265 square feet, which is 98.1% of post office usage type, and costs $1,692,657, which is 99.3% of cost of post office usage type

Army has 413,556 square feet, which is 1.8% of post office usage type, and costs $12,355, which is 0.7% of cost of post office usage type

Veterans Affairs has 17,601 square feet, which is 0.1% of post office usage type, and costs $181, which is 0.0% of cost of post office usage type

Energy has 7,542 square feet, which is 0.0% of post office usage type, and costs $216, which is 0.0% of cost of post office usage type

Other Agencies (1) have 2,987 square feet, which is 0.0% of post office usage type, and costs $4, which is 0.0% of cost of post office usage type

Total = 23,535,951 square feet, which is 100.0% of post office usage type, and costs $1,705,413, which is 100.0% of cost of post office usage type

The Department of Defense controls structures and facilities, which account for the major portion of the leading usage categories. This is illustrated in Table 3.7, which shows data for the major building usage categories, by principal controlling agency. The Department of Defense accounts for the major portion of cost in 11 out of the 19 predominant usage categories of structures and facilities. This is illustrated in Table 3.7.

Table 3.7 Structure and Facilities Usage Categories Comparison Costs Between Defense and other Agencies

Power Development and Distribution Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Tennessee Valley Authority has $9,122,209, which is 44.7% of total cost for this category

Corps of Engineers has $4,567,601, which is 22.4% of total cost for this category

Energy has $4,092,394, which is 20.0% of total cost for this category

Interior has $1,566,273, which is 7.7% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (6) have $1,073,275, which is 5.3% of total cost for this category

Total = $20,421,752, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Flood Control and Navigation Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Corps of Engineers has $17,608,691, which is 91.7% of total cost for this category

Tennessee Valley has $1,084,657, which is 5.6% of total cost for this category

Interior has $366,470, which is 1.9% of total cost for this category

State has $117,327, which is 0.6% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (7) have $23,271, which is 0.1% of total cost for this category

Total = $19,200,416, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Utility Systems (Heating, Sewage, Water, and Electrical Systems) Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Navy has $3,580,978, which is 28.7% of total cost for this category

Air Force has $3,183,925 25.5% of total cost for this category

Army has $2,508,911 20.1% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (17) have $2,100,267 16.8% of total cost for this category

Veterans Affairs (VA) has $1,124,342 9.0% of total cost for this category

Total = $12,498,423 100.0% of total cost for this category

Roads and Bridges Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Agriculture has $5,139,630 44.5% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (16) have $2,563,140 22.2% of total cost for this category

Interior has $1,512,815 13.1% of total cost for this category

Army has $1,342,436 11.6% of total cost for this category

Air Force has $984,461 8.5% of total cost for this category

Total = $11,542,482 100.0% of total cost for this category

All Other Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Corps of Engineers has $2,655,446 32.3% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (18) have $2,083,319 25.3% of total cost for this category

Air Force has $1,704,844 20.7% of total cost for this category

Agriculture has $1,106,158 13.4% of total cost for this category

Interior has $681,056 8.3% of total cost for this category

Total = $8,230,823 100.0% of total cost for this category

Reclamation and Irrigation Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Interior has $5,438,682 90.2% of total cost for this category

Army has $577,176 9.6% of total cost for this category

Corps of Engineers has $5,990 0.1% of total cost for this category

Veterans Affairs (VA) has $4,622 0.1% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (5) have $2,949 0.0% of total cost for this category

Total = $6,029,419 100.0% of total cost for this category

Service - Other than Buildings Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Army has $1,647,972 40.8% of total cost for this category

Air Force has $1,277,880 31.7% of total cost for this category

Navy has $827,111 20.5% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (13) have $174,734 4.3% of total cost for this category

Interior has $106,548 2.6% of total cost for this category

Total = $4,034,245 100.0% of total cost for this category

Airfield Pavements Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Air Force has $2,322,031 64.3% of total cost for this category

Navy has $791,778 21.9% of total cost for this category

Army has $350,422 9.7% of total cost for this category

National Aeronautics and Space Administration has $75,850 2.1% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (8) have $69,509 1.9% of total cost for this category

Total = $3,609,590 100.0% of total cost for this category

Research and Development - Other than Buildings Structure and Facilities Usage Category

National Aeronautics and Space Administration has $1,177,276 33.3% of total cost for this category

National Science Foundation has $1,106,613 31.3% of total cost for this category

Air Force has $746,434 21.1% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (13) have $256,837 7.3% of total cost for this category

Energy has $250,897 7.1% of total cost for this category

Total = $3,538,057 100.0% of total cost for this category

Monuments and Memorials Structure and Facilities Usage Category PROPERTY OWNED OUT

Interior has $65,361, which is 50.8% of total cost for this category

Navy has $35,556, which is 27.7% of total cost for this category

Air Force has $11,546, which is 9.0% of total cost for this category

Army has $9,664, which is 7.5% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (7) have $6,425, which is 5.0% of total cost for this category

Total = $128,552, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Trust Structure and Facilities Usage Category

General Services Administration has $3,988, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (0) have $0, which is 0.0% of total cost for this category

Total = $3,988, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Harbor and Port Terminals Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Navy has $1,609,637, which is 69.6% of total cost for this category

Corps of Engineers has $441,492, which is 19.1% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (9) have $113,819, which is 4.9% of total cost for this category

Army has $101,964, which is 4.4% of total cost for this category

National Aeronautics and Space Administration has $45,910, which is 2.0% of total cost for this category

Total = $2,312,822, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Agricultural Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Interior has $256, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Veterans Affairs (VA) has $0, which is 0.0% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (0) have $0, which is 0.0% of total cost for this category

Veterans Affairs (VA) has $0, which is 0.0% of total cost for this category

Agriculture has $0, which is 0.0% of total cost for this category

Total = $256, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Miscellaneous Military Facilities Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Navy has $1,495,761, which is 71.4% of total cost for this category

Army has $460,401, which is 22.0% of total cost for this category

Air Force has $122,422, which is 5.8% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (4) have $9,402, which is 0.4% of total cost for this category

Agriculture has $7,394, which is 0.4% of total cost for this category

Total = $2,095,380, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Recreational Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Interior has $256, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Veterans Affairs (VA) has $0, which is 0.0% of total cost for this category

Agriculture has $0, which is 0.0% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (0) have $0, which is 0.0% of total cost for this category

Total = $256, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Storage - Other than Buildings Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Navy has $705,995, which is 48.2% of total cost for this category

Army has $339,656, which is 23.2% of total cost for this category

Air Force has $282,797, which is 19.3% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (14) have $84,985, which is 5.8% of total cost for this category

National Aeronautics and Space Administration has $52,002, which is 3.5% of total cost for this category

Total = $1,465,435, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Residential Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Interior has $256, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (0) have $0, which is 0.0% of total cost for this category

Veterans Affairs (VA) has $0, which is 0.0% of total cost for this category

Agriculture has $0, which is 0.0% of total cost for this category

Total = $256, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Communication Systems Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Army has $312,170, which is 24.8% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (14) have $310,606, which is 24.7% of total cost for this category

Navy has $284,423, which is 22.6% of total cost for this category

Air Force has $190,632, which is 15.1% of total cost for this category

Energy has $161,380, which is 12.8% of total cost for this category

Total = $1,259,211, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Railroads Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Army has $248,932, which is 46.9% of total cost for this category

Navy has $212,269, which is 40.0% of total cost for this category

Air Force has $48,978, which is 9.2% of total cost for this category

National Aeronautics and Space Administration has $15,656, which is 2.9% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (7) have $5,067, which is 1.0% of total cost for this category

Total = $530,902, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Navigation and Traffic Aids Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Navy has $173,656, which is 34.6% of total cost for this category

Air Force has $173,477, which is 34.6% of total cost for this category

Army has $53,739, which is 10.7% of total cost for this category

Corps of Engineers has $51,255, which is 10.2% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (7) have $49,160, which is 9.8% of total cost for this category

Total = $501,287, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Industrial - Other than Buildings Structure and Facilities Usage Category

Energy has $186,411, which is 48.6% of total cost for this category

Army has $130,118, which is 33.9% of total cost for this category

Interior has $28,908, which is 7.5% of total cost for this category

Other Agencies (6) have $21,196, which is 5.5% of total cost for this category

Navy has $16,836, which is 4.4% of total cost for this category

Total = $383,469, which is 100.0% of total cost for this category

Section 4: Federal Real Property Owned Outside the United States


The Federal Government owns real property outside the United States with an acquisition cost of $6.0 billion (2.3 percent) of the total worldwide cost of $260.1 billion. The $6.0 billion is comprised of $2.1 billion for Federal real property in outlying areas of the United States (e.g., Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.) and $4.0 billion for Federal real property in foreign countries.

Table 4.1 shows the cost of federally owned real property outside the United States by agency.

Navy: Total Cost (in thousands) $4,562,987, which is 75.8% of Total Cost

State: Total Cost (in thousands) $441,148, which is 7.3% of Total Cost

Corps of Engineers: Total Cost (in thousands) $308,835, which is 5.1% of Total Cost

Veterans Affairs (VA): Total Cost (in thousands1) $100,538, which is 1.7% of Total Cost

American Battle Monuments Commission: Total Cost (in thousands) $88,463, which is 1.5% of Total Cost

Interior: Total Cost (in thousands) $87,220, which is 1.4% of Total Cost

General Services Administration: Total Cost (in thousands) $79,297, which is 1.3% of Total Cost

United States Postal Service: Total Cost (in thousands) $67,968, which is 1.1% of Total Cost

National Aeronautics And Space Administration (NASA): Total Cost (in thousands)

$54,767, which is 0.9% of Total Cost

State (BBG): Total Cost (in thousands) $53,574, which is 0.9% of Total Cost

Justice: Total Cost (in thousands) $51,980, which is 0.9% of Total Cost

National Science Foundation (NSF): Total Cost (in thousands) $40,997, which is 0.7% of Total Cost

Army: Total Cost (in thousands) $29,560, which is 0.5% of Total Cost

State: Total Cost (in thousands) (USAID) $15,375, which is 0.3% of Total Cost

Other Agencies (7): Total Cost (in thousands) $33,948, which is 0.6% of Total Cost

TOTAL: Total Cost (in thousands) $6,016,657, which is 100.0% of Total Cost

The United States Government owns 468.9 thousand acres outside the United States of which 199.4 thousand acres are located in outlying areas of the United States and 269.4 thousand acres in foreign countries.

Table 4.2 shows the agencies reporting the major portions of acreage outside the United States.

Interior has 274,399.4 acres outside the United States, which is 58.5% of the total acreage

Corps of Engineers has 87,182.5 acres outside the United States, which is 18.6% of the total acreage

Navy has 59,030.3 acres outside the United States, which is 12.6% of the total acreage

Agriculture has 28,228.4 acres outside the United States, which is 6.0% of the total acreage

State (BBG) has 14,370.1 acres outside the United States, which is 3.1% of the total acreage

State has 2,365.9 acres outside the United States, which is 0.5% of the total acreage

American Battle Monuments Commission has 1,674.0 acres outside the United States, which is 0.4% of the total acreage

Veterans Affairs (VA) has 1,014.1 acres outside the United States, which is 0.2% of the total acreage

Transportation has 337.6 acres outside the United States, which is 0.1% of the total acreage

National Science Foundation (NSF) has 118.4 acres outside the United States, which is 0.0% of the total acreage

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has 69.2 acres outside the United States, which is 0.0% of the total acreage

United States Postal Service has 63.3 acres outside the United States, which is 0.0% of the total acreage

Other Agencies (7) have 24.4 acres outside the United States, which is 0.0% of the total acreage

TOTAL = 468,877.6 acres outside the United States, which is 100.0% of the total acreage

Appendix 1, Tables 8 and 9 contain data on Federal real properties located in outlying areas of the United States and in foreign countries. These tables show complete supporting data for civil agencies only. The Department of Defense furnished only summary figures on total acres and total costs for its military functions located outside the United States.

Buildings, Other Structures, and Facilities of Civil Agencies

Data on buildings and other structures and facilities outside the United States are reported by all civil Federal agencies. The total cost reported for these buildings and other structures and facilities is $847 million. Table 4.3 summarizes building data by selected civil agencies for properties outside the United States.

Table 4.3 Building Data by Selected Civil Agencies Outside the U.S.

State: Number of Buildings 2,716, Buildings Floor Area (sq. ft.) 26,409,723, Total Cost (in thousands) $273,674, 42.4% of Total Cost

Transportation: Number of Buildings 429, Buildings Floor Area (sq. ft.) 1,339,961, Total Cost (in thousands) $3,193, 0.5% of Total Cost

Interior: Number of Buildings 184, Buildings Floor Area (sq. ft.) 874,070, Total Cost (in thousands) $25,295, 3.9% of Total Cost

American Battle Monuments Commission: Number of Buildings 166, Buildings Floor Area (sq. ft.) 233,424, Total Cost (in thousands) $7,057, 1.1% of Total Cost

National Science Foundation (NSF): Number of Buildings 151, Buildings Floor Area (sq. ft.) 304,092, Total Cost (in thousands) $21,331, 3.3% of Total Cost

Agriculture: Number of Buildings 106, Buildings Floor Area (sq. ft.) 238,083, Total Cost (in thousands) $8,200, 1.3% of Total Cost

State (USAID): Number of Buildings 92, Buildings Floor Area (sq. ft.) 684,044, Total Cost (in thousands) $14,838, 2.3% of Total Cost

Other Agencies (9): Number of Buildings 281, Buildings Floor Area (sq. ft.) 4,748,041, Total Cost (in thousands) $291,418, 45.2% of Total Cost

TOTAL: Number of Buildings 4,125, Buildings Floor Area (sq. ft.) 34,831,438, Total Cost (in thousands) $645,006, 100.0% of Total Cost

Outside the United States, these agencies own 4,125 buildings with a total floor area of 34.8 million square feet and an acquisition cost of $645 million. The State Department and the Department of Transportation control more than 27 million square feet (79.6 percent) of the total floor area, costing $276 million (42.7 percent) of the total cost of federally owned buildings

outside the United States. The principal usages of buildings owned by civilian agencies outside the United States are office and housing which account for 26.7 million square feet of floor

area costing $431 million. The floor area and cost of buildings by predominant usage are shown in Table 4.4.

Table 4.4 Floor Area and Cost of Buildings in Outlying U.S. Areas and Foreign Countries for Civil Agencies Only

Usage Type

Office = Floor Area (sq. ft.) 13,950,464, Building Cost (in thousands) $238,594, which is 37.0% of Total Cost

Housing = Floor Area (sq. ft.) 12,824,600, Building Cost (in thousands) $192,539, which is 29.9% of Total Cost

Institutional - Hospital = Floor Area (sq. ft.) 1,545,170, Building Cost (in thousands) $71,976, which is 11.2% of Total Cost

Institutional - Prison = Floor Area (sq. ft.) 431,908, Building Cost (in thousands) $49,369, which is 7.7% of Total Cost

All Other = Floor Area (sq. ft.) 2,532,607, Building Cost (in thousands) $31,686, which is 4.9% of Total Cost

Storage = Floor Area (sq. ft.) 1,458,740, Building Cost (in thousands) $19,121, which is 3.0% of Total Cost

Other Institutional Uses = Floor Area (sq. ft.) 242,010, Building Cost (in thousands) $14,968, which is 2.3% of Total Cost

Service = Floor Area (sq. ft.) 1,240,880, Building Cost (in thousands) $12,970, which is 2.0% of Total Cost

Research and Development = Floor Area (sq. ft.) 154,552, Building Cost (in thousands) $8,508, which is 1.3% of Total Cost

Post Office = Floor Area (sq. ft.) 29,997, Building Cost (in thousands) $2,535, which is 0.4% of Total Cost

Institutional - School 382,048, Building Cost (in thousands) $1,571, which is 0.2% of Total Cost

Industrial = Floor Area (sq. ft.) 38,462, Building Cost (in thousands) $1,169, which is 0.2% of Total Cost

Total Floor Area and Cost of Buildings in Outlying U.S. Areas and Foreign Countries for Civil Agencies = Floor Area (sq. ft.) 34,831,438, Building Cost (in thousands) $645,006, which is 100.0% of Total Cost

Federal civil agencies reported structures and facilities other than buildings outside the United States costing $201.5 million. Monuments and memorials account for $51.9 million (25.7 percent) of the total cost of structures and facilities outside the United States. Additional summary data on federally owned buildings and other structures and facilities located outside the United States can be found in Table 4.5 and Appendix 1, Tables 8 and 9.

Table 4.5 Cost of Structures and Facilities in Outlying U.S. Areas and Foreign Countries for Civil Agencies Only

Structures and Facilities Usage Types

Monuments and Memorials Cost (in thousands) $51,883, which is 25.7% of Total Cost

All Other Cost (in thousands) $47,036, which is 23.3% of Total Cost

Communication Systems Cost (in thousands) $45,996, which is 22.8%

Utility Systems (Heating, Sewage, Water, and Electrical Systems) Cost (in thousands) $24,535, which is 12.2% of Total Cost

Research and Development - Other than Buildings Cost (in thousands) $14,174, which is 7.0% of Total Cost

Roads and Bridges Cost (in thousands) $9,942, which is 4.9% of Total Cost

Harbor and Port Terminals Cost (in thousands) $3,904, which is 1.9% of Total Cost

Airfield Pavements Cost (in thousands) $1,626, which is 0.8% of Total Cost

Storage - Other than Buildings Cost (in thousands) $1,491, which is 0.7% of Total Cost

Service - Other than Buildings Cost (in thousands) $442, which is 0.2% of Total Cost

Navigation and Traffic Aids Cost (in thousands) $325, which is 0.2% of Total Cost

Reclamation and Irrigation Cost (in thousands) $146, which is 0.1% of Total Cost

Trust Cost (in thousands) $47, which is 0.0% of Total Cost

Miscellaneous Military Facilities Cost (in thousands) $0, which is 0.0% of Total Cost

Flood Control and Navigation Cost (in thousands) $0, which is 0.0% of Total Cost

Total of Structures and Facilities in Outlying U.S. Areas and Foreign Countries for Civil Agencies Only Cost (in thousands) $201,547, which is 100.0% of Total Cost


Section 5: Real Property Held in Trust by the Federal Government


The Federal Government holds in trust 76 installations, comprising 4.7 thousand acres and 158 buildings. These properties are under the control of three agencies: the Department of Health

and Human Services, the Department of Treasury and the Smithsonian Institution. The Department of the Interior (Bureau of Indian Affairs) is no longer reporting Indian tribal lands.

Trust properties, primarily land, are located in 21 States including the District of Columbia. The total of 4.7 thousand acres ranges from 0.2 acres in Utah to 3.1 thousand acres in Arizona.

Table 5.1 summarizes data for the principal States in which property is held in trust by the Federal Government.

Virginia: Number of Installations 2, Number of Buildings 89, Number of Acres 3,151.0, 67.7% of Total Cost of Trust Property

Arizona: Number of Installations 30, Number of Buildings 0, Number of Acres 470.9, 10.1% of Total Cost of Trust Property

District of Columbia: Number of Installations 2, Number of Buildings 30, Number of Acres 312.9, 6.7% of Total Cost of Trust Property

New Mexico Number of Installations 10, Number of Buildings 0, Number of Acres 224.8, 4.8% of Total Cost of Trust Property

South Dakota: Number of Installations 6, Number of Buildings 0, Number of Acres 160.8, 3.5% of Total Cost of Trust Property

Montana: Number of Installations 6, Number of Buildings 0, Number of Acres 112.9, 2.4% of Total Cost of Trust Property

Maryland: Number of Installations 2, Number of Buildings 34, Number of Acres 103.0, 2.2% Total Cost of Trust Property

Other States (13): Number of Installations 18, Number of Buildings 5, Number of Acres 118.9, 2.6% Total Cost of Trust Property

TOTAL: Number of Installations 76, Number of Buildings 158 , Number of Acres 4,655.2, 100.0% Total Cost of Trust Property

Additional summary data on trust properties held by the United States are detailed in Appendix 1, Table 10.


Section 6: Federal Real Properties Under the Legislative Branch


Properties under the Legislative Branch include the buildings and grounds of the U.S. Capitol,

the Capitol Power Plant, the Library of Congress, the U.S. Botanic Garden, and the Thurgood Marshall Judicial Office Building. Also included in this section is the U.S. Supreme Court Building, which comes under the Chief Justice of the United States. The Architect of the Capitol is responsible for the physical care of all of these properties.

U.S. Capitol Buildings and Grounds

These include all the properties occupied by the Congress, as listed in Table 6.1 and summarized below. The land includes 212.9 acres acquired by purchase and transfer between 1791 and 2000 at a total cost of $54.8 million. The buildings were constructed between 1793 and 2000 at a cost of $697.2 million and a total of 8.6 million square feet. Assignment of space in The Capitol is the responsibility of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration; in Senate office buildings and the Senate garage, the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration; in House office buildings, the House Office Buildings

Commission; and in the House garages, the Committee on House Administration, Subcommittee on Services.

Capitol Power Plant

The Capitol Power Plant supplies heat and air conditioning for The Capitol, the Senate and House office buildings, the Library of Congress buildings, the U.S. Supreme Court Building, and the Folger Shakespeare Library. It also provides heat for the U.S. Botanic Garden, the Senate garage, the Government Printing Office, the Washington City Post Office, and the Union Station

complex. The Plant is under the control of the House Office Building Commission, but the Architect of the Capitol is responsible for its physical care and operation.

The land, 6.3 acres, was acquired by transfer in 1904 without cost by Act of Congress.

Buildings. The main power plant is 244 by 117 feet with a maximum height of 85 feet. The old refrigeration plant is 123 by 80 feet and about 83 feet high.

Walk-through tunnels containing steam and chilled water distribution lines were constructed between 1904 and 1954 at a cost of $31.7 million Operations buildings were constructed between 1974 and 1982 at a total cost of $30.6 million contain 11,950 square feet of space.

Library of Congress

The Library of Congress occupies a total of 23.6 acres acquired by purchase and transfer between 1886 and 1992 at a cost of $10.5 million. Occupancy and use of the buildings and grounds are controlled by the Congress. The Librarian of Congress is responsible with all care, including assignment of space, not tasked to the Architect of the Capitol. Buildings. The Jefferson and Adams buildings were constructed between 1889 and 1938. The total floor area is 1.6 million square feet and the cost was $134.2 million. The James Madison Memorial Building was constructed between 1972 and 1983, has a floor area of 2.1 million square feet and cost $140.2 million. The most recent addition, the Library of Congress Special Facilities Center (formerly St. Cecilia's School) has a land area of 0.6 acre and a floor area of 40,412 square feet. The Center cost $4.2 million to buy and repairs/alterations cost $2 million.

U.S. Botanic Garden

The U.S. Botanic Garden, including the Poplar Point Nursery, is under the control of the Joint Committee on the Library. The Architect of the Capitol serves as its Acting Director. Land acquired between 1851 and 1946; 1996 by purchase, transfer, and public domain totals 30.8 acres costing $981.1 thousand The acreage is improved with conservatories, greenhouses, office

and storage space, and potting sheds constructed between 1873 and 1962. They cover 57,628 square feet and cost $10.8 million.

U.S. Supreme Court

This category includes property under the Chief Justice of the United States, occupied by the

Untied States Supreme Court and the Administrative Office of the U.S. courts.

The Marshal of the Court is responsible for all care not tasked to the Architect of the Capitol, except for assignment of space. Total area consists of 8.4 acres acquired by purchase between 1929 and 1983 at a cost of $2.4 million. Buildings. The U.S. Supreme Court Building was constructed between 1931 and 1935 at a cost of $24.9 million. Its total floor area is 414,289 square feet. Administrative offices are in the Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building, constructed between 1988 and 1992. The Thurgood Marshal Building has a floor area of 1 million square feet. Cost of the facility was $9.4 million. Title to the building will revert to the Government upon repayment of borrowed funds in the year 2024.

Table 6.1 Total Area of Properties Comprising Capitol Building and Grounds

(Defined IN 40 U.S.C. 193A and 193M)

(Includes both building sites and surrounding grounds)

1. Capitol Building and Grounds (includes Square 764 acquired 1973 - 2.2 acres) (items 2 to 21 on this list excluded) = 129.2 acres

2. Old Senate Office Building (Square 686) = 4.0 acres

3. New Senate Office Building (Square 725 - 1948 acquisition 3.0 acres; squares 724 and 725 - 1958-1959 acquisitions as Extension of Additional Senate Office Building Site 4.4 acres) = 7.4 acres

4. Extension of Additional Senate Office Building Site (Square 724 and 725 - 1970 acquisitions – Capitol Hill Apartments - 127 C Street, N.E., 2 houses - 129 - 131 C Street, N.E.; 13 houses - Schotts Alley) (27,644 sq. ft. in all) = 0.6 acres

5. Extension of Additional Senate Office Building Site (Square 724 - Plaza Hotel Properties acquired 1970 17,000 sq. ft.; Valanos property acquired in 1972 - 9667 sq. ft.) = 0.6 acres

6. Extension of Additional Senate Office Building Site (Square 725 - National Woman's Party - 2 houses- acquired in 1972 - 4,140 sq. ft.) = 0.1 acres

7. Acquisition of Properties in Square 724 to provide for construction of parking facilities for senate

(1) Immigration Building acquired in 1974 = 0.7 acres

(2) 10 privately-owned properties acquired in 1975 = 1.1 acres

8. Cannon House Office Building (Square 690) = 5.0 acres

9. Longworth House Office Building (Square 689) = 2.0 acres

10. Rayburn House Office Building (Square 635); 2 Underground Garages (Squares 637 and 691); Squares 639, 692, South of 635 = 15.4 acres

11. FBI Building Site - acquired April 1975 (approx.) = 3.1 acres

12. Streets added to Capitol Grounds by D.C. Home Rule Act - 1/1/75 = 5.0 acres

13. Square 636 (Old Laboratory Site); now occupied by part of the Rayburn House Office Building = 2.0 acres

14. Streets added by Public Law 96-432 = 27.0 acres

15. Lot 49 contained in Square 582, added by Public Law 96-432 = 1.6 acres

16. Lot 70 contained in Square 640, added by Public Law 96-432 = 3.3 acres

17. Lots 1, 2, 800, 801, 815 through 817. 819 through 822 contained in Square 693, added by Public Law 96-432 =0.6 acres

18. Streets and Contiguous Area Added by Public Law 97-379 = 1.9 acres

19. Lot 67, 79, 80, 807, 814, 818 and 834 contained in Square 693, added by Public Law 97-276 = 0.8 acres

20. Part of U.S. Reservation 17, site of 501 First Street, S.E. = 0.9 acres

21. Lot 803, Square 695 added as an addition to the United States Capitol Grounds, by transfer on November 1, 1987, under authority of Public Law 84-24, additional House Office Building Act of 1955, known as Coal Yard located at 42 I Street, S.E. added as an addition to the United States Capitol Grounds, by purchase in Fiscal Year 1993 and is to be used as the Senate Page Residence under authority of Public Law 102-330 as ammended by Public Law 103-50. S. Res. 176, 103rd Congress, designates the structure on said Lots in Square 782 as the "Daniel Webster Page Residence" = 0.6 acres

Total (as of September 30, 1999) = 0212.9 acres

Appendix 1: Summary of Real Property Owned by the United States throughout the World

The accessible version of this section is under development and will be added to this file as soon as possible.

Appendix 2: United States General Services Administration Regional Offices and addresses

Region 1

10 Causeway Street

Boston, MA 02222

Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Region 2

26 Federal Plaza

New York, NY 10278

New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

Region 3

100 Penn Square East

Philadelphia, PA 19107

Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Delaware.

Region 4

401 West Peachtree Street

Atlanta, GA 30365

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky.

Region 5

230 South Dearborn Street

Chicago, IL 60604

Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Region 6

1500 East Bannister Road

Kansas City, MO 64131

Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.

Region 7

819 Taylor Street

Fort Worth, TX 76102

Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico.

Region 8

Building 41, Denver Federal Center

P.O. Box 25006

Denver, CO 80225-0006

Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.

Region 9

525 Market Street

San Francisco, CA 95105

Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada.

Region 10

GSA Center

Auburn, WA 98002

Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.

National Capital Region

7Th and D Streets, SW

Washington, DC 20407

District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia.

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