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Click on the hyperlink below to begin your exploration of the judicial branch. the information provided on each page to answer the following questions. Each question must be answered using complete sentences or NO CREDIT will be given. Your answers should be typed in a different font than the questions. Submit your completed document on the Schoology site.Page OneAccording to the Constitution, who has the power to create federal courts that are below the Supreme Court?- According to Article III, Section 1, of the US Constitution, Congress has the power to create federal courts that are below the Supreme Court.Page TwoList one type of case that federal courts have jurisdiction over, one type that state courts have jurisdiction over, and one type that BOTH court systems can hear.- Federal courts have jurisdiction over cases involving the constitutionality of a law, US laws and treaties, ambassadors and public ministers, disputes between two or more states, Admiralty law, bankruptcy, and Habeas corpus issues- State courts have jurisdiction over most criminal cases, probate (involving wills and estates), most contract cases, tort cases (personal injuries), family law (marriages, divorces, adoptions), etc., - BOTH court systems can hear cases that have been appealed to a higher court of law – usually concerning the issue of whether the state law violated the federal Constitution (i.e., issue infringement upon one’s rights and freedoms)Page ThreeList the different courts in your state.- The different courts in PA are: a. Supreme Court b. Commonwealth Court c. Superior Court d. Court of Common PleasPage FourScroll down on the page and find the table that shows U.S. District Courts. How are the districts inside a state named? The districts are named by region. In PA, it’s named PA Eastern, PA Northern, and PA WesternIs your state divided into districts, or is it one big district? PA is divided into 3 districtsUse the map and other information on this page to help you complete this sentence: I live in the _____ District of [your state]. (If your state isn't divided into regions, you won't put anything in the first blank.) I live in the Eastern District of PA.Page FiveWhich circuit do you live in? (Hint: Nobody lives in the Federal Circuit.)- I live in the Third Circuit US Court of AppealsPage SixWho is the current Chief Justice? The current US Chief Justice is John G. RobertsWho has been on the court the longest? What year did that justice take his/her seat? Who is the newest justice? What year did he/she join the court? For this, IGNORE any justices that have (Retired) by their names.- Associate Justice Antonin Scalia is the longest-serving Supreme Court Justice. Nominated by President Ronald Reagan, he took his seat on September 26, 1986.- Associate Justice Elena Kagan is the newest Supreme Court justice. She was nominated by President Barrack Obama and took her seat on August 7, 2010 ................

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