Handbook on Jury Use in the Federal District Courts

Handbook on Jury Use in the Federal District Courts

a publication of the ~ Federal Judicial Center '@I



The Chief Justice of the United States ChlJirHUln

Judge J. Clifford Wallace United StR.tes Court ofAppelJls

for the Ninth Circuit

Judge Monroe G. McKay United StlJtes Court ofAppelJls

for the Tenth Circuit

Judge Jose A. Cabranes United StlJtes District Court

District ofConnecticut

Chief Judge William C O'Kelley United StR.tes District Court Northern District ofGeorgilJ

Judge David D. Dowd, Jr. United StR.tes District Court

Northern District of Ohio

Judge Robert E. Ginsberg United StlJtes &nkruptcy Court

Northern District ofIllinois

L. Ralph Mecham [}jrector ofthe AdministrlJtil'e Office

ofthe United StlJtes Courts

Director Judge John C Godbold

Deputy Director Charles W. Nihan

Division Directors

Daniel L. Skoler Continuing EduclJtion & TrlJining

Russe" R. Wheeler SpecilJI EduclJtionlJl Serl'ices

William B. Eldridge ReselJrch

Richard D. Fennell Innol'lJtions & Systems Dtl'elopment

Alice L. O'Donnell

Inter-judicilJI AjflJir; & InforHUltion Serl'ices

1520 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C 20005 Telephone (202) 633-6365

Handbook on Jury Use

in the Federal District Courts

Jody George, Deirdre Golash, and

Russell Wheeler

Federal Judicial Center


This publication was produced in furtherance of the Center's statutory mission to develop and conduct programs of continuing education and training for personnel of the federal judicial system. The state ments, conclusions, and pOints of view are those of the authors. This work has been reviewed by Center staff, and publication signifies that it is regarded as responsible and valuable. It should be emphasized, however, that on matters of policy the Center speaks only through its Board.

Cite as]. George, D, Golash &: R. Wheeler, Handbook on jury Use in

the Federal District Courts (Federal judicial Center 1989),



Preface.................................................................................................................................. ix

Reference Materials..................................................................................................... xi

Acknowledgments.......................................................................................................... xiii

1. Juries andJuty ManageoJ.eOt............. ....... ........ ........ ......... ............. ......... 1

Types of Juries.......................................................................................................... 1

Overview of the Jury Selection Process ..................................................... 2

Goals of the Jury Selection Process............................................................. 3

Regional and National Interest in Effective Juror Utilization....... 4

Circuit Judidal COundls............................................................................ 4

Judidal Conference of the United States........ ............... .................. 4

Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts........................ .................. 5

Federal Judidal Center......... ...................................................................... 5

u.s. Congress.......... .......... ..... .............. ............................................................. 6

2. Developing a Jury Plan.................................................................................. 7

Mandatory Jury Plan Elements........... .......... ....... .... ....................................... 7

Management of the Jury Selection Process........... ..... .......... .......... 7

Source Lists........................ .................. ...... ........................................................ 8

Procedures for Selecting Names from Source Lists................... 8

Plan Approval and Modification. ......... ..... ................................................... 9

District Plans vs. Divisional Plans................................. ................... ............ 9

Jury Manuals .............................................................................................................. 10

3. Creating the MasterJury \Vheel.................. ......................................... 11

Identifying Source Lists ....................................................................................... 11

Voter Lists .......................................................................................................... 12

Supplementary Sources..................................................................... ......... 12



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