-685805334000Flextrack Request for ProposalsIM/IT Professional Consultant ServicesThis Request for Proposals is issued in conjunction with, and includes and incorporates the information set out in, Flextrack Requisition Number: _________ (the “Requisition”) issued on: [Author: enter date here] (together, the Requisition and this Request for Proposals are referred to as the “RFP”). [Author: please ensure all information in Requisition and this RFP is consistent]Proposals must be in English and must be submitted electronically using the Flextrack Vendor Management System (“VMS”) in accordance with Section 1.3.Only vendors registered to use the Province VMS can submit a proposal. Closing Time: Proposals must be received before 2:00 PM [Author: choose applicable time zone: Pacific Time or Mountain Time] on: [Insert Date] to be considered.CONFIRMATION OF PROPONENT’S INTENT TO BE BOUND:By submitting a proposal through the VMS in response to this RFP, the Proponent agrees to all the terms and conditions of the RFP and agrees as follows: The Proponent has carefully read and examined the entire RFP and any attachments; The Proponent has conducted such other investigations as were prudent and reasonable in preparing the proposal; andThe Proponent agrees to be bound by the statements and representations made in its proposal.A proposal submitted in response to the RFP is deemed to incorporate the Confirmation of Proponent’s Intent to Be Bound, without alteration. The Proponent agrees that the act of submitting a proposal through the VMS in response to this RFP is intended to express acceptance of this Confirmation of Proponent’s Intent to be Bound, without further action required. RFP PROCESS RULES 1.1DefinitionsThroughout this Request for Proposals, the following definitions apply:“Addenda” means all additional information regarding this RFP including amendments to the RFP; “Closing Time” means the closing time and date for this RFP as set out on the cover page of this RFP;“Contract” means the written agreement resulting from the RFP executed by the Province and the successful Proponent, which will be substantially in the form of the IT GSA, as modified by this Request for Proposals; “Consultant” means the individual consultant(s) proposed by the Proponent in its proposal for the position(s) described in this RFP, and may include an employee or subcontractor of the Proponent;“Contractor” means the successful Proponent to the RFP who enters into a Contract with the Province; “Flextrack Vendor Management System” or “VMS” means the website used to issue solicitations and receive submissions located at ; “Government Contact” means the individual named as the contact person for the Province in the RFP;“IT GSA” means the Province’s Information Technology and Management Consulting Professional Services Agreement found at HYPERLINK "" ; “Ministry” means the ministry of the government of British Columbia issuing this RFP; “must”, or “mandatory” means a requirement that must be met in order for a proposal to receive consideration; “Proponent” means a person or entity (excluding its parent, subsidiaries or other affiliates) with the legal capacity to contract, that submits a proposal in response to the RFP;“proposal” means a written response to the RFP that is submitted by a Proponent;“Province” means Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia and includes the Ministry;“RFP” means the solicitation described in this document, including any attached or referenced appendices, linked documents, schedules or exhibits and as may be modified in writing from time to time by the Province by Addenda, and includes any all information set out in the Requisition; “Requisition” has the meaning set out on the cover page of this Request for Proposals;“should”, “may” or “weighted” means a requirement having a significant degree of importance to the objectives of the RFP; and“Tax Verification Letter” means a letter issued by the Province’s Ministry of Finance to verify that a Proponent meets its applicable B.C. corporate income tax filing obligations and provincial sales tax (PST) filing and payment obligations, which may be required to be produced by a Proponent as a condition of Contract finalization, as described in Section 1.28.[Author: insert additional definitions specific to your procurement, in alphabetical order, into the above list. Defined terms should be capitalized throughout the RFP]1.2Acceptance of Terms and ConditionsSubmitting a proposal indicates acceptance of all the terms and conditions set out in the RFP, including those that follow and that are included in all appendices and any Addenda. Submission of ProposalsProposals must be submitted before Closing Time using the VMS in accordance with the instructions set out in the Vendor User Guide for the Flextrack-Province of BC VMS, received upon executing the Flextrack – Supplier Agreement. The Proponent is solely responsible for ensuring that the complete electronic proposal, including all attachments, is received before Closing Time.The maximum size of each attachment must be 10 MB or less.If the file size of an electronic submission exceeds the maximum size, the Proponent may make multiple submissions to reduce attachment file size to be within the maximum size. Attachments must not be compressed, must not contain a virus or malware, must not be corrupted and must be able to be opened. Proponents are solely responsible for ensuring that any attachments are not corrupted. The Province may reject proposals that are compressed, cannot be opened or that contain viruses or malware or corrupted attachments. The Province strongly encourages Proponents to submit proposals with sufficient time to complete the upload and transmission of the complete proposal and any attachments before Closing Time. The Proponent bears all risk associated with delivering its proposal by electronic submission, including but not limited to delays in transmission between the Proponent’s computer and the VMS.Additional Information All Addenda will be posted to the VMS. It is the sole responsibility of Proponents to check for Addenda on the VMS. Late ProposalsProposals will be marked with their receipt time by the VMS. Only complete proposals received and marked before the Closing Time will be considered to have been received on time. Proposals received late will be marked late and not considered or evaluated. In case of a dispute, the proposal receipt time as recorded by the VMS will prevail whether accurate or not.Proposal Open for AcceptanceProposals will be open for acceptance and irrevocable for at least 90 days after the Closing Time. Firm PricingPrices will be firm for the entire Contract period unless the RFP specifically states pleteness of ProposalBy submitting a proposal the Proponent warrants that, if the RFP is to design, create or provide a system or manage a program, all components required to run the system or manage the program have been identified in the proposal or will be provided by the Contractor at no additional charge.Changes to ProposalsBy submitting a clear and detailed written notice through the VMS, the Proponent may amend or withdraw its proposal before the Closing Time. Upon Closing Time, all proposals become irrevocable. The Proponent will not change any part of its proposal after the Closing Time unless requested by the Province for purposes of clarification.Conflict of Interest/No Lobbyinga)A Proponent may be disqualified if the Proponent’s current or past corporate or other interests, or those of a proposed subcontractor, may, in the Province’s opinion, give rise to an actual or potential conflict of interest in connection with the services described in the RFP. This includes, but is not limited to, involvement by a Proponent in the preparation of the RFP or a relationship with any employee, contractor or representative of the Province involved in preparation of the RFP, participating on the evaluation committee or in the administration of the Contract. If a Proponent is in doubt as to whether there might be a conflict of interest, the Proponent should consult with the Government Contact prior to submitting a proposal. By submitting a proposal, the Proponent represents that it is not aware of any circumstances that would give rise to a conflict of interest that is actual or potential, in respect of the RFP.A Proponent must not attempt to influence the outcome of the RFP process by engaging in lobbying activities. Any attempt by the Proponent to communicate for this purpose directly or indirectly with any employee, contractor or representative of the Province, including members of the evaluation committee and any elected officials of the Province, or with the media, may result in disqualification of the Proponent.SubcontractorsUnless the RFP states otherwise, the Province will accept proposals where more than one organization or individual is proposed to deliver the services described in the RFP, so long as the proposal identifies the lead entity that will be the Proponent and that will have sole responsibility to deliver the services under the Contract. The Province will enter into a Contract with the Proponent only. The evaluation of the Proponent will include evaluation of the resources and experience of proposed sub-contractors, if applicable.All subcontractors, including affiliates of the Proponent, should be clearly identified in the proposal. A Proponent may not subcontract to a firm or individual whose current or past corporate or other interests, may, in the Province’s opinion, give rise to an actual or potential conflict of interest in connection with the services described in the RFP. This includes, but is not limited to, involvement by the firm or individual in the preparation of the RFP or a relationship with any employee, contractor or representative of the Province involved in preparation of the RFP, participating on the evaluation committee or in the administration of the Contract. If a Proponent is in doubt as to whether a proposed subcontractor might be in a conflict of interest, the Proponent should consult with the Government Contact prior to submitting a proposal. By submitting a proposal, the Proponent represents that it is not aware of any circumstances that would give rise to a conflict of interest that is actual or potential, in respect of the RFP.Where applicable, the names of subcontractors listed in the proposal will be included in the Contract. No additional subcontractors will be added nor other changes made to this list in the Contract without the written consent of the Province.EvaluationProposals will be assessed in accordance with the evaluation criteria. The Province will be under no obligation to receive further information, whether written or oral, from any Proponent. The Province is under no obligation to perform any investigations or to otherwise verify any statements or representations made in a proposal.Proposals from not-for-profit agencies will be evaluated against the same criteria as those received from any other Proponents.The Province may consider and evaluate any proposals from other jurisdictions on the same basis that the government purchasing authorities in those jurisdictions would treat a similar proposal from a British Columbia supplier.ContractBy submitting a proposal, the Proponent agrees that should its proposal be successful the Proponent will enter into a Contract with the Province on substantially the same terms and conditions described in section 5 of this RFP and such other terms and conditions to be finalized to the satisfaction of the Province, if applicable. Written notice to a Proponent that it has been identified as the successful Proponent and the subsequent full execution of a written Contract will constitute a Contract for the goods or services, and no Proponent will acquire any legal or equitable rights or privileges relative to the goods or services until the occurrence of both such events.Contract Finalization DelayIf a written Contract cannot be finalized with provisions satisfactory to the Province within thirty days of notification of the successful Proponent, the Province may, at its sole discretion at any time thereafter, terminate discussions with that Proponent and either commence finalization of a Contract with the next qualified Proponent or choose to terminate the RFP process and not enter into a Contract with any of the Proponents. DebriefingFollowing the award and execution of the Contract, Proponents will be notified of the results. Unsuccessful Proponents may request a debriefing meeting with the Province.Proponents’ ExpensesProponents are solely responsible for their own expenses in participating in the RFP process, including costs in preparing a proposal and for subsequent finalizations with the Province, if any. The Province will not be liable to any Proponent for any claims, whether for costs, expenses, damages or losses incurred by the Proponent in preparing its proposal, loss of anticipated profit in connection with any final Contract, or any other matter whatsoever. Limitation of DamagesBy submitting a proposal, the Proponent agrees that it will not claim damages, for whatever reason, relating to the Contract or in respect of the competitive process, in excess of an amount equivalent to the reasonable costs incurred by the Proponent in preparing its proposal and the Proponent, by submitting a proposal, waives any claim for loss of profits if no Contract is made with the Proponent.Liability for ErrorsWhile the Province has used considerable efforts to ensure information in the RFP is accurate, the information contained in the RFP is supplied solely as a guideline for Proponents. The information is not guaranteed or warranted to be accurate by the Province, nor is it necessarily comprehensive or exhaustive. Nothing in the RFP is intended to relieve Proponents from forming their own opinions and conclusions with respect to the matters addressed in the RFP.No Commitment to AwardThe RFP should not be construed as an agreement to purchase goods or services. The lowest priced or any proposal will not necessarily be accepted. The RFP does not commit the Province in any way to award a Contract. No Implied ApprovalsNeither acceptance of a proposal nor execution of a Contract will constitute approval of any activity or development contemplated in any proposal that requires any approval, permit or license pursuant to any federal, provincial, regional district or municipal statute, regulation or by-law.Legal EntitiesThe Province reserves the right in its sole discretion to:disqualify a proposal if the Province is not satisfied that the Proponent is clearly identified;prior to entering into a Contract with a Proponent, request that the Proponent provide confirmation of the Proponent’s legal status (or in the case of a sole proprietorship, the Proponent’s legal name and identification) and certification in a form satisfactory to the Province that the Proponent has the power and capacity to enter into the Contract; not to enter into a Contract with a Proponent if the Proponent cannot satisfy the Province that it is the same legal entity that submitted the Proponent’s proposal; andrequire security screenings for a Proponent who is a natural person, subcontractors and key personnel before entering into a Contract and decline to enter into a Contract with a Proponent or to approve a subcontractor or key personnel that fail to pass the security screenings to the Province’s satisfaction.Reservation of RightsIn addition to any other reservation of rights set out in the RFP, the Province reserves the right, in its sole discretion:to modify the terms of the RFP at any time prior to the Closing Time, including the right to cancel the RFP at any time prior to entering into a Contract with a Proponent;in accordance with the terms of the RFP, to accept the proposal or proposals that it deems most advantageous to itself;to waive any non-material irregularity, defect or deficiency in a proposal;to request clarifications from a Proponent with respect to its proposal, including clarifications as to provisions in its proposal that are conditional or that may be inconsistent with the terms and conditions of the RFP, without any obligation to make such a request to all Proponents, and consider such clarifications in evaluating the proposal;to reject any proposal due to unsatisfactory references or unsatisfactory past performance under contracts with the Province, or any material error, omission or misrepresentation in the proposal;at any time, to reject any or all proposals; andat any time, to terminate the competition without award and obtain the goods and services described in the RFP by other means or do nothing.Ownership of ProposalsAll proposals and other records submitted to the Province in relation to the RFP become the property of the Province and, subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the RFP, will be held in confidence. For more information on the application of the Act, go to submission of a proposal, Proponents agree to grant to the Province a non-exclusive, royalty free, limited license to use and reproduce proposals and other records submitted to the Province in relation to the RFP, for the purposes of the procurement process and any related proceedings. CopyrightThis document is subject to copyright and may be used, reproduced, modified and distributed to the extent necessary for the Proponent to prepare and submit a proposal.Confidentiality AgreementThe Proponent acknowledges that prior to the Closing Time it may be required to enter into a confidentiality agreement with the Province in order to obtain access to confidential materials relevant to preparing a proposal.1.26Collection and Use of Personal InformationProponents are solely responsible for familiarizing themselves, and ensuring that they comply, with the laws applicable to the collection and dissemination of information, including resumes and other personal information concerning employees and employees of any subcontractors. If the RFP requires Proponents to provide the Province with personal information of employees who have been included as resources in response to the RFP, Proponents will ensure that they have obtained written consent from each of those employees before forwarding such personal information to the Province. Such written consents should specify that the personal information may be forwarded to the Province for the purposes of responding to the RFP and used by the Province for the purposes set out in the RFP. The Province may, at any time, request the original consents or copies of the original consents from Proponents, and upon such request being made; Proponents will immediately supply such originals or copies to the Province.Trade AgreementsThis RFP is covered by trade agreements between the Province and other jurisdictions, including the following:[Author: Edit the list of Trade Agreements below to reflect only those that apply to this purchase. Thresholds are listed after each agreement and can be deleted once an agreement is selected. Exemptions from trade obligations may apply to certain purchases regardless of value. Regardless of the minimum allowed posting period, the posting period should be reasonable considering the complexity of the specific procurement, involvement of subcontractors, etc.For any questions regarding the impact of the Trade Agreements on your procurement or whether a specific trade agreement applies, please contact the Ministry's Procurement Specialist, Procurement Services Branch, or Ministry of Attorney General, Legal Services Branch.]New West Partnership Trade Agreement [Select if value is equal to or greater than $75,000 for services]Canadian Free Trade Agreement [Select if value is equal to or greater $121,200 for services]Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement [Select if value is equal to or greater than $366,800 for services]Canada-UK Trade Continuity Agreement [Select if value is equal to or greater than $366,800 for services]Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership [Select if value is equal to or greater than $651,000 for services]WTO Agreement on Government Procurement [Select if value is equal to or greater than $651,000 for services]For more information, Proponents may contact the Government Contact. Tax Verification LetterAs a condition of Contract finalization as described in Section 1.14, the successful Proponent (or any successor to that Proponent) will be required to provide the Ministry with a valid Tax Verification Letter, unless an exception applies as described below. If a Proponent is not able to produce the required Tax Verification Letter during Contract finalization, then the Province will be entitled to terminate discussions with that Proponent and proceed as described in Section 1.14.b)A Tax Verification Letter will not be required if:(i)the Contract is valued at less than CAN$100,000, including all fees, expenses and all options to extend or renew the Contract; or(ii)the Contract is in relation to a government transfer as described in Chapter 21 of the Province’s Core Policy and Procedures Manual.c)If a Tax Verification Letter is required, the Contract will contain, in addition to all other applicable schedules, a schedule that describes the Tax Verification Letter requirements of the Contract.For more information, Proponents may contact the Government Contact2.THE OPPORTUNITYThis is a procurement for [#] of, Author: select position from drop-down menu as further described in the Requisition and section 3 of this RFP, to work on the [Author: enter project name]. All vendors and Proponents please take note: Unless an exception applies as described in Section 1.28 b), as a condition of Contract finalization the successful Proponent will be required to provide the Province with a Tax Verification Letter. Please see Section 1.28 for further details. As set out in Section 1.28, the Province will be unable to finalize a Contract with a Proponent that is unable to produce a Tax Verification Letter as a part of Contract finalization, if required.2.1Project ContextThe [Author: enter project name] is [Author: enter description of project here]. 2.2Background[Author: describe any relevant background to the opportunity or project here]2.3ScopeThe anticipated term of this opportunity is from an available start date of [Author: enter date here] to an anticipated end date of [Author: enter date here], with an option to extend for up to [Author: extension term here]. All proposed Consultants must be available to start within [Author: please enter amount of time from anticipated start date (days/weeks/months) within which the Consultants must be available to commence work.]The maximum contract value (exclusive of any applicable taxes) including expenses and travel (if applicable, and requiring prior approval by the Province) and may not exceed $[Author: enter maximum value here].3.QUALIFICATIONS3.1Consultant QualificationsThe [Author: enter position title here] is required to have the following skills and experience:[Author: insert description matching position title sought as per VMS description set out in Requisition]In addition to the skills and experience set out above, the Proponents should demonstrate that the proposed Consultant(s) have the following additional skills and experience:[Author: use this section to identify the additional requirements that a Proponent’s Consultant(s) should meet in order to demonstrate they are capable of delivering the services described in the RFP. For example, if there are specific experience requirements that are in excess of or in addition to the experience requirements set out in the base role description. If such additional requirements are necessary to ensure the Consultant(s) are capable of delivering the services, include a minimum score in the corresponding section of section 4.2.]3.1.1Response GuidelinesProponents should complete all information solicited in the VMS candidate submission link, and, in addition, provide the following:[Author: describe supporting materials here that would be required to demonstrate that the particular Consultants meet the above requirements, including the base position requirements and any additional requirements specified – including whether you require resumes/CVs and any certifications to be provided.]3.2Bill RateConsultant(s) are to be billed on the basis of [Author: enter basis for payment – hourly, daily or fixed fee] rates, to a maximum Contract price of [Author: enter total requisition cost here].[Author: Clearly describe what is to be included in the hourly bill rate(s) proposed and if any expenses or disbursements may be charged.]Rates quoted will be taken to mean, and will be deemed to be:in Canadian dollars; and exclusive of any applicable taxes.Response GuidelinesProponents are to follow the instructions in the VMS, including all instructions on the VMS candidate submission link.3.3ReferencesProponents should provide [insert number] references (i.e. names and contact information) of individuals who can verify the quality of work provided specific to the relevant experience of the Consultant(s) proposed. References from the Proponent’s own organization are not acceptable. References will be considered in accordance with section 1.22 (e) of this RFP.Response Guideline[Author: specify if references are to be provided, and the format the references should be provided in, or delete]4.EVALUATIONEvaluation of proposals will be by a committee formed by the Province and may include employees and contractors of the Province and other appropriate participants.The Province’s intent is to enter into a Contract with the Proponent who has met all mandatory criteria and minimum scores (if any) and who has the highest overall ranking. Proposals will be assessed in accordance with the entire requirements of the RFP, including mandatory and weighted criteria. Mandatory CriteriaProposals not clearly demonstrating that they meet the following mandatory criteria will be excluded from further consideration during the evaluation process.[Author: Include any mandatory requirements that all Proponents must meet as of the Closing Time. All RFP-specific mandatory requirements must be capable of evaluation on a pass/fail basis only. If further evaluation is required, then move the requirement into the weighted criteria. If a requirement does not require evaluation and only applies to the successful Proponent who will become the Contractor, do not include it as a mandatory; instead list it in section 5.2 “Service Requirements”.] Mandatory CriteriaThe proposal must be received before the Closing Time.The proposal must be in English.The Proponent must be registered to use the VMS.The proposal must be submitted using the VMS and in accordance with Section 1.3.[Author: insert any other mandatory criteria]Weighted CriteriaProposals meeting all of the mandatory criteria will be further assessed against the following weighted criteria. [Author: The following criteria are suggestions only; revise this table to match the Qualifications section of your RFP. If not using Minimum Scores, delete that column and the related sentence below the table. If using the VMS Flextrack candidate evaluation matrix, please ensure these categories and weightings align. Using a minimum score for consultant qualifications is recommended, particularly where additional consultant qualifications are included in section 3.1 above.]Weighted CriteriaWeightMinimum score Consultant Qualifications (section 3.1)(if applicable)Bill Rate (section 3.2)(if applicable)TOTALProponents that do not meet a minimum score (if any) within a weighted criterion will not be evaluated further. Price Evaluation[Author: provide a description of how price (either hourly rate or milestone flat fee) will be evaluated. An example of a common method and formula used is as follows:The proposal with the lowest price receives the full points allotted to pricing (weight).Each other proposal is compared to the lowest price bid and receives a fraction of the full points available for price based on the following formula:Lowest price proposed? divided by? Price proposed by this proposal? multiplied by? Points allotted to Price = Point score for this proposal.]Consultant Interview[Author: please note that conducting interviews can import a high degree of procurement risk into the RFP process. During the interviews new information could be introduced which could influence the evaluators. Moreover, evaluating interviews can import procurement risk, as scoring an interview/interview answers could be perceived as subjective.To mitigate against such risks, all proponents should be subjected to the same process, which should be disclosed in advance and the process should include a manner of authenticating and preserving the interview, such as a stenographer.The following non-exclusive considerations might help mitigate some of the increased procurement risk from conducting interviews: ensure that all proponents are apprised of and follow the same rules and requirements, which would all need to be expressly set out in the RFP as to evaluations or otherwise;ensure that all evaluators are present for the interviews or at least have access to complete real time compiled records of the interviews; ensure that there is a proper pre-scripting of questions to avoid inconsistencies between interviews that could lead to inconsistent application of evaluation criteria or an un-level playing field;ensure that a stenographer or other means of recording (audio or video)verbatim the entire interview proceeding is used, in a manner that could be properly authenticated; andensure that all proponents be kept apart from each other’s interviews and that interviews are not overlapping.[Author: delete this section if not conducting interviews. The language below is for placeholder purposes; please revise to reflect your intended approach.]Interviews will be conducted with proposed Consultants as follows, [Author: describe what interview will be used to evaluate].[Author: PICK ONE]Consultant(s) of the highest scoring Proponent meeting all mandatory criteria and relevant minimum scores in section 4.2 above will be offered an opportunity to attend interviews, on a date and time to be determined by the Province in its sole discretion. Interviews may be by person or by remote technology such as videoconferencing. Interviews will evaluate [Author: describe criteria for evaluation] and will be scored on a pass/fail basis. If the lead Proponent’s Consultant(s) fail the interview process, that Proponent will not be considered further in the RFP process and interviews will be offered to the Consultant(s) of the next highest scoring Proponent. This process may continue until all Consultants of a Proponent are successful in the interview process.Please note that interview questions will be pre-scripted and that a stenographer or other means of recording will be used during the interview process.OR Consultants of Proponents meeting all mandatory criteria and any minimum scores in the weighted criteria set out above will be offered an opportunity to attend interviews, on a date and time to be determined by the Province in its sole discretion. Interviews may be in person or by remote technology such as videoconferencing. Interviews will evaluate [Author: describe criteria for interview]. Interviews will be scored out of a total of [Author: enter points here] with a minimum score of [Author: enter points here] and the points will be added to the total points from the weighted criteria set out in section 4.2 above. Any Proponent whose Consultant(s) do not meet the minimum score described in this paragraph will not be considered further. The Proponent meeting all mandatory criteria and minimum scores with the highest combined score will be the lead Proponent.4.5Due DiligenceThe Province may in its sole discretion, but is under no obligation to, check references without first notifying the Proponent. The Province reserves the right to seek additional references independent of those supplied by the Proponent, including internal references in relation to the Proponent’s and/or any Consultant’s performance under any past or current contracts with the Province or perform any additional due diligence or other verifications as are deemed necessary by it to verify the information contained in the proposal. 5.CONTRACT Contract Terms and ConditionsProponents should review carefully the terms and conditions of the Information Technology and Management Consulting Professional Services Agreement (the “IT GSA”), including the Schedules, which can be accessed at the following link: submitting a response to this RFP, the Proponent agrees that should its response be successful the Proponent will enter into a Contract with the Province on substantially the same terms and conditions as set out in the IT GSA, as modified below, and such other terms and conditions to be finalized to the satisfaction of the Province, if applicable.[Author: If any of the exceptions in CPPM Chapter 6 policy 6.3.3(e)(4) apply, please contact your Ministry solicitor. Please note that under CPPM approval of your solicitor is required to use the Information Technology & Management Consulting Professional Services Agreement for all contracts above $250,000.]Service RequirementsThe Contractor’s responsibilities will include the following:...[Author: List the Contractor’s duties and responsibilities under the Contract that do not require evaluation under this RFP. For example, if the Contract will include reporting requirements (frequency, format, information to be reported) but you do not need to evaluate how the Proponent will perform the reporting, you can state the Contractor reporting requirements here. If the Contractor must meet specific performance standards and Proponents do not have the option of proposing a different approach, you can state what is expected here.]5.3InvoicingNotwithstanding the draft Schedule B Fees and Expenses attached to the IT GSA, the Contract will include a revised invoicing procedure, as set out in Appendix A.Appendix ASchedule B – Fees and Expenses to the IT GSA [Author: A customized form of Schedule B is always attached to the IT GSA.]1. MAXIMUM AMOUNT PAYABLE:Maximum Amount: Despite sections 2 and 3 of this Schedule, $_________ is the maximum amount which the Province is obliged to pay to the Contractor for fees and expenses under this Agreement (exclusive of any applicable taxes described in section 3.1(c) of this Agreement). 2. FEES: [Choose one or a combination of the following and delete the rest.]Daily RateFees: at a rate of $____ per day (based on a day of ___ hours) for those days during the Term when the Contractor provides the Services. If the Contractor provides the Services for less than the required hours on any day, then fees for that day will be reduced proportionally. Hourly RateFees: at a rate of $____ per hour for those hours during the Term when the Contractor provides the Services. Fixed RateFees: $__ for performing the Services during the Term. 3. EXPENSES:Expenses: [If the Contractor is not to be paid for any expenses, delete paragraphs (a) to (c) below and insert “None.”]travel, accommodation and meal expenses for travel greater than _______ [insert “32 kilometres” or other agreed distance] away from ____________ [insert place in which Contractor is located or other agreed location] on the same basis as the Province pays its ___________ [insert “Group I” or “Group II” or ? to complete this paragraph] employees when they are on travel status; andthe Contractor’s actual long distance telephone, fax, postage and other identifiable communication expenses; and [Describe here if any other type of expense to be permitted.] excluding goods and services tax (“GST”) or other applicable tax paid or payable by the Contractor on expenses described in (a) to (c) above [change to “(a) and (b) above” if (c) is to be deleted above] to the extent that the Contractor is entitled to claim credits (including GST input tax credits), rebates, refunds or remissions of the tax from the relevant taxation authorities.4. STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNT: Statements of Account: In order to obtain payment of any fees and expenses under this Agreement for [insert description of billing period here] (each a "Billing Period"), the Contractor must enter time/deliverables and permitted expenses, if applicable, into the Flextrack Vendor Management System located at (the “VMS”) for approval by the Province.The Province, through the Ministry Contract Manager, will approve or reject each entry made for the Billing Period in the VMS.An invoice will be issued by the VMS. This invoice may include consolidated billings for the Billing Period including this Contract and any other contract held by the Contractor through the VMS with respect to the applicable branch, division or office of the Ministry set out in the Requisition.Approved time/deliverables and permitted expenses, if any, will be included on the invoice for the Billing Period and emailed to the Contractor and a copy will be available to the Province within the VMS.The Province will pay the Contractor directly based on the amounts set out in the approved invoice.5. PAYMENTS DUE:Payments Due: Within 30 days of the invoice being approved by the Province, the Province must pay the Contractor the fees and expenses (plus all applicable taxes). ................

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