Mr. Hammill's Spot

Honors Civics and Economics Name _______________________________ Period ___

Unit 2 Syllabus


Lego’s of America

Test Date:

Quiz- ANYTIME…with notice


Key Terms: (Identify these terms and how they impacted the new government)

1. Locke

2. Rousseau

3. Hobbes

4. Montesquieu

5. inalienable rights

6. Mayflower Compact

7. House of Burgesses

8. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

9. Magna Carta

10. Maryland Toleration Act

11. Zenger Case

12. Declaration of Independence

13. Articles of Confederation

14. Shays Rebellion

15. Constitutional Convention

16. Great Compromise

17. 3/5 Compromise

18. Commerce Compromise

19. Slave Trade Compromise

20. Electoral College

21. Virginia Plan

22. New Jersey Plan

23. Federalist Papers

24. Federalist vs. Anti Federalist Debate

25. Bill of Rights

Discussion/Critical Thinking Questions (Each response should be written in paragraph format. Go into detail, each response should be at least 5 complete sentences.)

1. How did salutary neglect impact the political and economic relationship between the colonies and Britain?

2. How did the desire for representative government lead to conflict? (include actual vs. theoretical representation)

3. Explain the reasons for the American revolution

4. Explain how the grievances of the colonies were reflected in the new government. (What did the revolution change?)

5. How did the Enlightenment ideas impact the government of the USA?

6. What are the fundamental principles of the Declaration of Independence?

7. Explain the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and how they lead to its’ downfall. (include Shays’ rebellion)

8. What were the major arguments for and against the ratification of the Constitution? (include Federalists and Anti-Federalists)

Unit #2

Reflective Guide

|My Unit Goal |

| |

|Reflection |

|Knowledge |Classroom Participation |Study Habits |

|A) By the end of the unit, I felt prepared for the assessment |A) I was fully engaged throughout each day’s lesson |A) I reviewed the content of this unit every night |

|Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |

|Strongly Agree |Agree |Disagree |

|Strongly Agree |

Next Steps:

Of the above items, which do you think is the most important in helping you reach your goal for Unit 2?

How are you going to hold yourself accountable for meeting your goal for Unit 2?

How can I help you reach your goal?


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