
Round 1:IntroductionsRound 2: Madison and Lee: What is your view on whether or not the United States should have a strong central government? Round 3:Henry and Jay: Do you favor or oppose the Constitution? Why or why not?Round 4:Hamilton and Mason: What is your opinion on if the Constitution should have a Bill of Rights? Round 5:All Federalists ask an Anti-Federalist a questionRound 6:All Anti-Federalists ask a Federalist a questionRound 7:Hamilton: What did you mean when you said that judges need an independent spirit? Does anyone disagree?Round 8:Mason: What is your strongest point against the Constitution? Does anyone disagree?Round 9:Madison: What is a republic and does the Constitution support a Republic?Does anyone disagree? Round 10:Jay: What are the three basic ideas behind the Constitution?Round 11: Lee: How did you and the other Anti-Federalists voice your opinions on this matter?Round 12:Henry: What were two things you liked about the Articles of Confederation and why? Does anyone disagree? ................

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