Answers Distribution Management System Business …

On the following pages, you will find listed enhancements that have been suggested for ANSWERS by various users for the next release, scheduled for fall of 2018. The enhancements are grouped by application. We are asking that you take time to review these and then decide on which ones would be most beneficial to your organization. Please keep in mind that this is simply a compiled list of all suggestions received by Data Resources Corporation and does not necessarily indicate our endorsement of any particular feature.

Once you have decided on which enhancements you would like to see, place your vote for those enhancements. Users may log onto our web-site support.htm and follow the link for “Software Enhancements” to enter your votes. Users may also email us a list of the enhancement numbers they wish to vote for. Before voting, insure that everyone involved in the voting process understands that you are limited to the number of votes you may cast based on the difficulty level of the enhancements. The different levels of difficulty are listed below along with the number of permitted votes. Then each enhancement is coded as to its difficulty level. Please do not vote for more than the maximum number permitted in each category, as votes exceeding the maximum are automatically discarded. However, you can move votes from a higher difficulty level to a lower level, but you are not allowed to move a vote from a lower level to a higher level. For example, you can use your difficult or moderate votes on basic changes, but you cannot use a basic or moderate vote for a difficult change.

The enhancement suggestions are numbered. In the column to the right of the enhancement number, you will find the difficulty level. Remember the difficulty level indicates the amount of time required by Data Resources Corporation to perform the change relevant to other changes. While each update to ANSWERS is a major effort in time and resources and a lengthy process, we must still budget the time carefully. It is therefore important to take this into consideration when voting.

➢ Basic (maximum votes = 12)

➢ Moderate (maximum votes = 6)

➢ Difficult/Extremely Difficult (maximum votes = 3)

Please submit your votes to Data Resources Corporation by Friday, January 12th, 2018.

|No. |Application |Difficulty |Enhancement Suggestion |

|1 |General |Basic |In all programs that prompt for a password, if a wrong password is entered, keep the password |

| | | |box on the screen so the password can be reentered. |

|2 |General |Basic |When sending a notification of a record busy, can it also play a sound such as a buzz, beep or|

| | | |fog horn! (DRC Note: This would only work if the receiving computer of the message has sound |

| | | |and speaker capabilities as some business computers do not.) |

|3 |General |Basic |Having a variable in the forms at the boxes at the bottom on forms that is information that |

| | | |shows up on all Purchase Orders or Quotes, etc., and the variable would be like the email |

| | | |address for the person preparing the form. Also, the ability to have variables in messages |

| | | |that go out on email or fax forms. |

|4 |General |Basic |Currently when adding new customer or new vendor contacts, the phone #'s, fax #'s, email |

| | | |addresses, etc. all default from the main payables/purchases contact or the billing/sales |

| | | |contact. Lots of people use direct numbers or are located at a different location that than |

| | | |that of the main contacts. We end up adding the wrong information to the contact from the |

| | | |very beginning. I would like an option/switch to be able to turn off these fields from |

| | | |automatically defaulting from the main contact info when adding a new contact. |

|5 |General |Basic |Send a Message: We want a box that shows EVERYONE you have selected to send the message to in |

| | | |a separate box, so we can glance at it without having to scroll, similar to the box that was |

| | | |provided a few releases bac. OR like when you are sending a message out of Outlook. You click |

| | | |on the "To..." button, it lists your contacts, you click on 3 contacts and say OK they end up |

| | | |in your TO entry box. And when you use the search function once you have the person you wanted|

| | | |high-lighted, you can push and that will select them and put the check-mark next to |

| | | |their name and then you can start this process over again. This would make the whole process |

| | | |of sending a message to many recipients more fluid. |

|6 |General |Moderate |I would like to have options for variables in the default company-wide and user-specific |

| | | |email/fax messages that would allow you to pull in information from the sales order, purchase |

| | | |order, quote, etc. that you would like referenced in the message. For example: YYYYYYYY, |

| | | |Please find attached our purchase order # ZZZZZZ. Please confirm pricing and let us know the |

| | | |estimated ship date of any items that are on backorder. Thank you! Where "Y" is the variable|

| | | |for the vendor contact name and "Z" is the variable for the purchase order #. (DRC Note: This |

| | | |change is ranked as a Moderate due to the number of programs that allow emailing although the |

| | | |change to each individual program is more Basic in nature.) |

| | | | |

|7 |Inventory |Basic |Provide customizable searches by user. This would allow the user room to "save" searches they|

| | | |use frequently in inventory. For example, when searching by a particular vendor, they could |

| | | |"save" their search and then have all their saved searches as options from the Search Methods |

| | | |pull-down menu bar so they do not have to continually reselect product codes, vendors, or |

| | | |enter descriptions they use a lot. Allow them to remove saved searches as necessary. They |

| | | |should be allowed to store a reasonable number, such as 15 or 20 per user. |

|8 |Inventory |Basic |Provide additional units history display for "Units Purchased" for 24 months. This would work|

| | | |similar to the current Units Sold, but would be based on units received in. It would display |

| | | |for 24 months and provide breakdowns of the detail when viewing monthly totals (just as the |

| | | |current Units Sold) does. |

|9 |Inventory |Basic |Provide additional units history display for "Units Returned" for 24 months. This would work |

| | | |similar to the current Units Sold, but would be based on units returned only. It would |

| | | |display for 24 months and provide breakdowns of the detail when viewing monthly totals (just |

| | | |as the current Units Sold) does. |

|10 |Inventory |Basic |Provide additional units history display for "Units Transferred" in and out for 24 months. |

| | | |This would work similar to the current Units Sold, but would be based on units transferred in |

| | | |and out. It would display for 24 months and provide breakdowns of the detail when viewing |

| | | |monthly totals (just as the current Units Sold) does. |

|11 |Inventory |Basic |Allow entering the longer/full part # (up to 40 characters) in the Stock # Conversion Input |

| | | |program. Right now, it is limited to just 19 characters. |

|12 |Inventory |Basic |When setting up a Kit item, we should be able to change the cost of the components inside that|

| | | |window.  |

|13 |Inventory |Basic |Put a scanner icon on the Inventory Adjustment screen to enable scanning adjustment requests |

| | | |onto entries and then be able to view attachments/documents in Transaction History on |

| | | |adjustments. |

|14 |Inventory |Basic |Add an option to sort the Stock Number Conversion Input list box in Descending order as well |

| | | |as Ascending order like it is now. |

|15 |Inventory |Basic |Provide an option to only display items on the Purchase Order that have NOT been received. |

|16 |Inventory |Basic |When you make a change to a part like its description have the system go out and update any |

| | | |sales order, purchase order, return, quote that it exists on and change it there as well so |

| | | |that you don't have to go back to the sales order, etc., and remove the part and add it back |

| | | |on again to get the new description defaulted or remember to change it manually. |

|17 |Inventory |Basic |I would like to see an Inventory Turn calculation that goes over a 12-month period instead of |

| | | |a fiscal year spread. The way it is now, you can change absolutely nothing in what you do and |

| | | |every month your turns get better, because it looks at more data. I don’t even use the turn |

| | | |reports early in the year because they look bad and I know that the ones that I use later in |

| | | |the year aren’t realistic, as they get better month after month no matter what. I’d like to |

| | | |see an inventory turns report that uses 12 months of rolling data. The way it is now simply |

| | | |doesn’t work for us. |

|18 |Inventory |Basic |Add Vendor Part Number as an optional import field to the Electronic Catalog and for the Price|

| | | |File Import. (We currently use the Catalog Optional Part Number 3 for another purpose) |

|19 |Inventory |Basic |The Unreceived Credits Report needs more sorting and parameter options similar to the Open |

| | | |Vendor Returns Report such as: |

| | | |(1) Option for report by date range to get a report on the oldest outstanding vendor returns. |

| | | |(2) Option for a detailed report (to include information such as Ship Via, and Bill of Lading,|

| | | |and any comment lines that are a part of the vendor return) or a summary report. This report |

| | | |would be helpful when making vendor payments in AP. |

|20 |Inventory |Basic |Create an option to move the Back Order quantity total into the "on hand" box. This would give|

| | | |an accurate quick look at the actual quantity available for sale in the warehouse without the |

| | | |operator needing to subtract out the Back Order quantity. |

|21 |Inventory |Moderate |Allow the Inventory Inquiry screens to be resizable. On the main screen, when larger, allow |

| | | |seeing all warehouse quantities window, cost information, and other pertinent information. |

|22 |Inventory |Moderate |In Inventory Maintenance we need the ability to have both the Order Point and Maximum Stock |

| | | |Quantity to extend out to 2 decimal places for high dollar inventory items that are cut or |

| | | |fabricated and sold into smaller pieces. |

|23 |Inventory |Moderate |In the Inventory item search window, we would like the Alpha Key and Alternate Alpha Key |

| | | |searches combined so that we could search on either one and the items that matched in either |

| | | |one would come up without us having to switch between the 2 search methods. This would be |

| | | |similar to how we can now search for customers and vendors under new and old names. |

|24 |Inventory |Moderate |In fields that request a product code such as Inventory, Order Entry, P/O Entry, etc. allow |

| | | |typing in letters like can be done on customers and vendors and having that take you to a |

| | | |search where we could pick the proper product code as opposed to having to type the number or |

| | | |click the binoculars to start a search. (DRC Note: This is a relatively simple change in each|

| | | |program but is ranked as a Moderate change due to the number of programs that prompt for a |

| | | |product code.) |

|25 |Inventory |Moderate |I would like to recommend Vendor Return Import. The other feature that currently exists is |

| | | |copying from a PO that you can import to, but then you must manually confirm each SKU quantity|

| | | |to be returned. |

|26 |Inventory |Difficult |Provide quantity breaks by price level. Instead of having one set of quantity price breaks, |

| | | |allow each price level to have quantity price breaks. If a customer is set up on a particular|

| | | |price level, or has an exception giving them a specific price level, the quantity break |

| | | |pricing for that level would apply. |

|27 |Inventory |Difficult |Increase the decimal places available for inventory item costs. The options currently allow |

| | | |for up to 2 or 4 decimal positions, but I would like the option for 5 or 6 decimal places. We|

| | | |have more and more vendors that are increasing the number of decimal places they use. (DRC |

| | | |Note: This request is ranked as Difficult due to the numerous programs, screens and reports |

| | | |that would have to be changed/expanded to allow showing extra decimal positions.) |

| | | | |

|28 |Order Processing |Basic |Keep a history of the special charge units sold (in the same manner as the inventory units |

| | | |sold is kept). This would allow viewing the total monthly units of a Special Charge item for |

| | | |24 months, as well as the detail breakdown for each month to see the invoice #'s and customers|

| | | |the item was sold on and to. |

|29 |Order Processing |Basic |Provide an option that will allow duplicating a special charge item, the same way inventory |

| | | |items are duplicated. This will make it easier to set up similar special charge items. |

|30 |Order Processing |Basic |Add a checkbox for residential address to help with UPS residential address shipping charges. |

| | | |This would be needed in Customer Maintenance, Alternate Ship-To Maintenance, Order Entry |

| | | |Ship-To window and then would be passed onto into shipping software in the export file created|

| | | |by Answers. (DRC Note: Once included in the export file to UPS or FedEx, the import maps in |

| | | |your shipping software would need to be updated to import and/or map this new field.) |

|31 |Order Processing |Basic |Provide a way to notify warehouse or shipping personnel that an order has been canceled. For |

| | | |example, a customer orders some material and schedules a pick-up or delivery date. We pick the|

| | | |order and stage it. But then the customer calls back and cancels the order and we need |

| | | |something to tell the warehouse that they need to put the material back in stock and not to |

| | | |deliver it. Maybe like a copy of the Pick Ticket or Order Acknowledgment with CANCELLED on it.|

|32 |Order Processing |Basic |Allow printing the title CREDIT in the upper-left corner and/or the large CREDIT letters in |

| | | |red instead of black like for invoices. |

|33 |Order Processing |Basic |Add the date and time the orders were entered and put on hold to the Order Approval window. |

|34 |Order Processing |Basic |On line items on a Sales Order be able to click an "Alternate Vendor" button to choose the |

| | | |correct pricing and cost to order the item need from the alternate vendor. |

|35 |Order Processing |Basic |When we are in a new quote, we can switch from customer search to prospect search very quickly|

| | | |by clicking the button below.  This is quite helpful. The issue we have is if we are on the |

| | | |phone and you do a standard customer inquiry, we can search for a prospect without opening a |

| | | |new screen for prospect inquiry. I think it would help to have this same button available to |

| | | |toggle between customer inquiry and prospect inquiry from the same spot. |

|36 |Order Processing |Basic |Although the gross margin for line items appears on the totals tab of Quote/Order Entry, we |

| | | |would like to see it on the details tab with each line item, so you can see it when you are |

| | | |entering an order or quote. |

|37 |Order Processing |Basic |In Sales Orders, Quotes and Returns, have the ability to put a page break in when you want it |

| | | |to happen when entering a long sales order or quote or return. Then have Quotes, Pick |

| | | |Tickets, Order Acknowledgements, Invoices all pay attention to these requested page breaks and|

| | | |go to a new page when detected. |

|38 |Order Processing |Basic |If there is an overflow Aisle/Bin location entered for an inventory Stock #, then it should |

| | | |print as a comment line below the Stock # on the Original page (1st page) of the Pick Ticket. |

|39 |Order Processing |Basic |Ability to enter credit approval code while in order entry on customers with Medium Credit |

| | | |security or when using Medium Credit security as the default. This would allow an option to |

| | | |have Medium-level credit security work similar to Low credit security which allows entry of a |

| | | |password directly from in Order Entry. |

|40 |Order Processing |Basic |The ability to put a pop up message within an individual sales order (not necessarily the |

| | | |customer master) for individual order based reminder messages. For instance, when an order has|

| | | |extended terms and the backorder does not come until after the original terms date. Just |

| | | |another checklist to look at the terms before order complete. |

|41 |Order Processing |Basic |We print pick tickets with double line spacing and would like to have Overflow Aisle/Bin |

| | | |locations print on them as well as on other reports such as inventory. |

|42 |Order Processing |Basic |We need better communication between sales and purchasing agents. For items creating a |

| | | |backorder on a sales order, create a way to send the purchasing agent a note if any special |

| | | |handling is required for that backordered item. When this note for special handling is |

| | | |created, it would highlight the vendor on the Suggested PO Review and as well as the item that|

| | | |contains the note. This would make the purchasing agent aware of the special handling required|

| | | |for this item. An example would be a nonstock item that needs to be shipped next day air. |

|43 |Order Processing |Basic |Allow for more than 10 different purchase order numbers to be created from the same sales |

| | | |order. Currently there is a limit of 10 different purchase orders that can be created from |

| | | |any one sales order. (DRC Note: Multiple line items to the same P/O only count once, not per |

| | | |line item.) |

|44 |Order Processing |Basic |Add the ability in customer Sales Returns to have a negative freight charge in the freight |

| | | |amount field. This way you can account for the cost of the freight on the return that should |

| | | |be deducted from the credit total. Currently you have to enter this type of freight as a |

| | | |special charge line item. |

|45 |Order Processing |Basic |Show the collect number on everything such as the sales |

| | | |order/invoice/pick-ticket/acknowledgement/purchase order. We want to be able to see the |

| | | |collect number on the computer screen without having to click around in the body of the order |

| | | |or in the shipping info block and the collect number should show up on all of the printed |

| | | |material. |

|46 |Order Processing |Basic |In a Sales Order, the Sales Order Detail tab, when you put an inventory part on the order, at |

| | | |the bottom it lists: Available, Committed, On Order, Back Order, Damaged, Showroom. We would |

| | | |like to add the (Stocking Status) i.e. Stocked/Non-Stock/Inactive/Discontinued item. This |

| | | |information could be pulled from inventory maintenance drop-down status field. |

|47 |Order Processing |Basic |Once a customer is on credit review I would like it to not allow any orders to be entered just|

| | | |like when the customer is on inactive. That comment box comes up and says - Error “(RED)X |

| | | |Inactive Account. Orders Cannot Be Entered for this Customer!” |

|48 |Order Processing |Basic |When you make a sales order terms either of the 3 credit card options (i.e. CCVS, CCMC, CCAX) |

| | | |it would be nice if the “Order Notifications Options” box would automatically prompt us so we |

| | | |can have the invoice go to the person who needs the credit card invoice/receipt copy. |

|49 |Order Processing |Basic |Provide some automatic means to automatically add a credit card surcharge % to orders with CC |

| | | |terms. This way we would not have to remember to do things such as add a -3% discount/mark-up|

| | | |or special charge and do the math manually. A special charge would work fine to use if it |

| | | |would be added automatically to the end of the order and it the configured % would compute |

| | | |automatically as we want to show it to customers, so they know they are being surcharged for |

| | | |paying with a credit card in hopes of possibly deterring credit cards in the future. |

|50 |Order Processing |Basic |We need an auto delete/expire feature for customer pricing exceptions so that if a customer |

| | | |price exception is not used in a preselected number of months, the price will automatically |

| | | |return to the standard price (1-6 pricing) as set on customer’s record. |

|51 |Order Processing |Basic |Ability to copy the Header Information (all of the fields) from an old invoice to a new order |

| | | |being entered. |

|52 |Order Processing |Moderate |Allow Special Charges to maintain a cost and therefore calculate a true gross margin. |

|53 |Order Processing |Moderate |Allow Special Charges to be flagged for use on Purchase Orders. |

|54 |Order Processing |Moderate |When entering a Sales Return provide an option to allow entering the original sales order, |

| | | |invoice, or customer P/O # and automatically fill in the sales return header and detail lines |

| | | |(selected or all) to make sales returns easier and less rekeying. This option would enter the|

| | | |original ticket first, fill in the header information automatically based on the original |

| | | |order, then when going to the detail lines, allow the user to select which lines to return, or|

| | | |return them all. Once the return is created, the user can edit the quantities, items, and |

| | | |header information as necessary. |

|55 |Order Processing |Moderate |When invoicing a customer sales order, allow right-clicking on a Non-Stock line item and |

| | | |giving the option of searching for a purchase order and selecting specific lines off the |

| | | |purchase order or the entire purchase order to be added up as the cost. |

|56 |Order Processing |Moderate |For customers who have more than one account, due to having multiple locations, we would like |

| | | |to be able to combine the sales price history so when we enter an item and click on the |

| | | |pricing scratch pad, it will show the sales history for that item for all the locations. The |

| | | |invoices and the parts go to the respective locations, so they need separate accounts, but we |

| | | |don't want to have any price discrepancies due to different salesman entering orders for the |

| | | |different locations. We want to be sure we charge the same for all locations. |

|57 |Order Processing |Moderate |Another issue the guys have is the fact that we use USER cost to quote and it gives them no |

| | | |flexibility on large quotes that involve builds.  The only way they can get a true cost on a |

| | | |build is to sit there and do it on paper, hose assembly by hose assembly. Maybe there could |

| | | |be a way to do a toggle over to next cost calculations (where we store actual anticipated |

| | | |cost) -OR- the ability to override and punch special costs into the build as they are |

| | | |currently locked. This is a real issue on large special quotations! |

|58 |Order Processing |Moderate |Allow creating a partial shipment on inventory items setup to use Quantity Detail like is used|

| | | |often when selling wire in the Electrical Distribution industry. |

|59 |Order Processing |Moderate |So right now, I’m dealing with a customer who has two large stock orders in our system. Not |

| | | |really large by a dollar standpoint but more that they have a lot of different items on two |

| | | |orders that are holding a lot of inventory. Right now, what I do is go through each of those |

| | | |orders a couple of times a day and place everything on backorder to free up inventory until we|

| | | |receive our stock order. Usually those orders take up to 4 weeks to arrive in our warehouse. |

| | | |What I would like to see is a radio button that would take these orders out of the backorder |

| | | |journal process when checked. Then when all of the inventory for that order arrives it can be|

| | | |unchecked and the inventory for that order would be filled with the next backorder journal. |

|60 |Order Processing |Moderate |Enable customer rebate prices and costs to apply within a bill-of-materials. |

|61 |Order Processing |Moderate |Have the ability to sell an inventory item in "a kit" that has insufficient quantity and |

| | | |therefore be able to bypass validation similar to what we can do now on-line items when |

| | | |configured to allow. |

|62 |Order Processing |Difficult |Provide a way to "re-instate" a quote or sales order that was cancelled from the O/P Log |

| | | |Viewer. The O/P Log has the line items that was on the quote/order at the time it was |

| | | |cancelled, provide an option to re-create/re-instate the quote/order and pull in those line |

| | | |items. |

|63 |Order Processing |Difficult |Add the ability to configure Order Entry to which boxes the tab button moves the cursor to |

| | | |and/or which boxes get skipped when entering the Header and Line Entry details on an order. |

|64 |Order Processing |Difficult |We would like the ability to change the Profit Center/Warehouse after a quote or sales order |

| | | |number has been assigned and we have selected the customer.  Effectively, while we are on the |

| | | |header tab. We have multiple profit centers for accounting reasons (separating our main |

| | | |location, branches, belt division, internet business, etc.) and often find we have to change |

| | | |the Profit Center (Warehouse #) when the customer’s notes pop up.  Currently, we have to |

| | | |cancel the order or quote completely and start over. It would be great if we could just |

| | | |change the warehouse # on an existing order or quote. |

| | | | |

|65 |Purchasing |Basic |Create a way to choose items on the Suggested PO Review to create an order for those items |

| | | |only regardless of the other items’ status. This would be helpful with items that need to be |

| | | |expedited. |

|66 |Purchasing |Basic |Option to delay a vendor from reappearing in Suggested PO Review for specified number of days |

| | | |unless, a backorder is generated for that vendor during this time. |

|67 |Purchasing |Basic |When on a line item in Purchase Order entry that has a committed order. You can click on the |

| | | |drop-down arrow next to committed at the bottom of the PO window to pull up the committed |

| | | |orders window, it would be nice to be able to highlight an order and edit it from this window.|

|68 |Purchasing |Basic |We have a system that collects and records the detail history of Lost Sales. That history is |

| | | |shown behind the unit sales button on the PO Review. Since we have an expanded PO Review |

| | | |screen, we need a column on the PO review that indicates which items have had lost sales. |

|69 |Purchasing |Basic |Need to identify vendors requiring purchases to be made on specific days on the week and tying|

| | | |this to the Suggest PO review. |

|70 |Purchasing |Moderate |Would like more detail available in purchase order logs that would show the before and after |

| | | |changes made and who made them. |

| | | | |

|71 |Accounts Receivable|Basic |Add an option to the Account Analysis tab to allow viewing unpaid invoices only. |

|72 |Accounts Receivable|Basic |Create a location in Credit Management Work Center to store common & reoccurring trade credit |

| | | |references address & contact information within our own industry. This would speed up sending |

| | | |out credit reference requests on prospective customers. |

|73 |Accounts Receivable|Basic |When doing a cost change on an invoice that has more than one line requiring a cost change, we|

| | | |would like the ability to continue to the next line on the same invoice. Currently, we change |

| | | |a line, click ok and then it takes us out of that invoice. We then must go back to the invoice|

| | | |and right click to go back to the cost change again. We would like a "continue to next line" |

| | | |option. |

|74 |Accounts Receivable|Basic |When you click on the contacts, you do not see the cell phone number unless you open the |

| | | |contact completely up. Can we have the ability to determine what number shows up first so |

| | | |that we can do that on a per customer basis or per contact basis. |

|75 |Accounts Receivable|Basic |I would like to see an update form on the customer accounts in Customer Maintenance or |

| | | |Inquiry, so we can just email the customer and ask that they update their information. |

|76 |Accounts Receivable|Basic |Customer Purchase Order Search pulls up all orders/invoices for a given criteria; but if you |

| | | |select one and it’s the wrong one, you must repeat the entire process. Need the ability to |

| | | |return the search list easily. This happens when the same customer P/O # has been used on |

| | | |different orders or invoices. Sometimes even if it is the right one, we still want to view |

| | | |other orders or invoices that used that same P/O #, so would be helpful if we could just |

| | | |return to the search window and all the listed orders and invoices when done viewing each one.|

|77 |Accounts Receivable|Basic |Phone number search only works on invoices and not orders. Expand the search to orders. |

|78 |Accounts Receivable|Basic |Have the ability to add phone numbers for the different ship to or location. We have several |

| | | |companies that have many branches across the states and would like to have a place to store |

| | | |each locations info such as sales person, address, phone #, fax# and shipping info. |

|79 |Accounts Receivable|Basic |Add a column in the customer invoice inquiry tab that shows the items that were backordered on|

| | | |the invoice. When viewing customer invoices in invoice history currently, you are only able |

| | | |to see the items and quantities that were billed. You cannot determine the quantities of the |

| | | |items that were backordered. |

|80 |Accounts Receivable|Basic |When we are trying to collect money, we often put notes on multiple invoices that say paying |

| | | |this Friday. We must Copy and Paste from one invoice to the others. It would be nice if we |

| | | |could select all the invoices maybe with a check mark and paste the same note one time to get |

| | | |it applied to all of the invoices selected. This would give users the ability to post the |

| | | |same Invoice Note to multiple selected customer invoices all at the same time while writing |

| | | |the note just one time. Subsequent editing of existing notes would work the same way as long |

| | | |as you have selected the same multiple invoices. |

|81 |Accounts Receivable|Basic |I have certain customers that want to inquire about paying particular invoices at one time |

| | | |(not necessarily in order), and while I am in the customer inquiry screen it would be helpful |

| | | |to have a running tally of the Invoices as they are selected. As of right now I have to keep a|

| | | |calculator handy to manually add up the Invoices. |

|82 |Accounts Receivable|Basic |Have the Invoice Note icon (Green Square) show up in the invoice detail lines if there is one |

| | | |for that Invoice/Credit Memo/etc on the Cash Posting Screen. That way it will be easier to see|

| | | |which lines have a note attached at a glance (like it shows up on Customer Inquiry Account |

| | | |Analysis/History lines) instead of clicking on each line to check. |

|83 |Accounts Receivable|Basic |Credit Management Work Center: Option to PRINT this payment history from date ________ to date|

| | | |___________ |

|84 |Accounts Receivable|Moderate |Create a new window in Contacts to view, edit and print labels for customer contacts. Show the|

| | | |contacts in a scrolling list and include “check boxes” to the right of each contact that can |

| | | |be named (ex. gift, card, calendar, etc.). Also print or not to print label “check box” or a |

| | | |“select all” at the top of the screen. Also allow for both Work and Home addresses to be |

| | | |stored and used. |

|85 |Accounts Receivable|Moderate |Automate International Ship-To addresses/fields with UPS WorldShip/FedEx Software for shipping|

| | | |internationally. We currently have to manually enter in UPS/FedEx. international Ship-To |

| | | |addresses due to lack of the number of fields in Answers. |

|86 |Accounts Receivable|Moderate |Revamp and simplify Customer Terms Codes and make them exactly like Vendor Terms Codes. |

|87 |Accounts Receivable|Moderate |Credit Management Work Center: Customers are sorted by Customer Number. Could they be sorted |

| | | |by Alpha Key on Customer Payment History, Customer Aging and Tax-Exempt Certificate. (Our |

| | | |numbers are used up some places or the company changes their name.) |

|88 |Accounts Receivable|Moderate |Add the ability to search for partial P/O #'s across ALL customers to the Customer Inquiry |

| | | |Customer P/O# Search feature. |

|89 |Accounts Receivable|Difficult |Allow more than 89 Alternate Ship-To Addresses to be setup per customer. (DRC Note: While |

| | | |this is a simple change in individual programs, it is ranked as Difficult to the number of |

| | | |programs that would have to be changed to enlarge the Ship-To number from a 2-digit to a |

| | | |3-digit number in files, screens and reports.) |

|90 |Accounts Receivable|Difficult |Separate City and State into two different fields. This would enable using Customer Mass |

| | | |Maintenance to change and update tax jurisdictions as well as sorting by city and state. (DRC|

| | | |Note: We could probably add some City/State logic to allow filtering in Customer Mass |

| | | |Maintenance without having to always store the city and state separately which would make this|

| | | |suggestion much easier.) |

|91 |Accounts Receivable|Difficult |In Customer Inquiry-->Invoice History, create a new option to correct inventory Kit Component |

| | | |posting on an invoice. As it is, you can correct cost only and to correct inventory you have |

| | | |to do that in inventory adjustments. But the wrong Kit Components are still listed in Invoice |

| | | |History. Solution: Right click the invoice in history, click on “change posting”. A separate |

| | | |window will pop-up or drop down with the kit components and quantities per item on the |

| | | |invoice. From there you can select the kit component line to edit, add or delete. Then have |

| | | |the system make all the necessary general ledger entries and inventory posting corrections. |

| | | |Also put password protection on this option. |

| | | | |

|92 |Accounts Payable |Basic |Add a “VIEW” button to the Misc. AP Invoice/PO Search screen. The way it is now, once you |

| | | |select the line to view it closes the search window and you have to reenter the search |

| | | |criteria again. |

|93 |Accounts Payable |Basic |Add an option to the Account Analysis tab to allow viewing unpaid invoices only. |

|94 |Accounts Payable |Basic |In Vendor Inquiry Purchase Order tab and searches, add the ability to search for all line |

| | | |items ordered for a particular customer. It would also be nice if searching by customer could |

| | | |be a filter in the "Search All" feature. |

|95 |Accounts Payable |Basic |In Vendor File Maintenance, Vendor Inquiry, Cash Requirements, I would like to have the |

| | | |ability to give my vendors a "Business Type" similar to what we have in A/R Customer setup, |

| | | |and then use the new Vendor Business Type in my reports such as Vendor History by Business |

| | | |Type, Cash Requirements by Business Type, etc. |

|96 |Accounts Payable |Basic |Provide new fields in Vendor Maintenance and Inquiry to store Credit Limits, Average Days to |

| | | |Pay, and Ageing break-down such as Current, Over 30, Over 60, etc. (like in A/R Customer |

| | | |Inquiry). This would be very helpful in negotiating new credit terms with our vendors. Show |

| | | |it in the General tab if possible as it would be great to have it there for easy viewing. |

|97 |Accounts Payable |Basic |I would like to see an update form on the vendor accounts in Vendor Maintenance or Inquiry, so|

| | | |we can just email the vendor and ask that they update their information. |

|98 |Accounts Payable |Basic |Provide additional sort options in Automated Check Writing other than by account number. (DRC|

| | | |Note: We are open to suggestions on this as to what other fields would be helpful to offer as |

| | | |sort options.) |

|99 |Accounts Payable |Basic |Add a check-box to have the Vendor Purchasing/Invoicing Notes display automatically in Vendor |

| | | |Inquiry like can be done for Invoice Entry and P/O Entry with check-boxes already. |

|100 |Accounts Payable |Basic |Add a "Vendor Credit Related Notes" icon in Vendor Maintenance and Vendor Inquiry that is |

| | | |specific for accounting notes. There should also be optional check boxes listed for these |

| | | |notes to be automatically displayed in specific corresponding areas that would make sense for |

| | | |these types of notes, such as to display automatically in Vendor Inquiry, A/P Invoice Entry, |

| | | |P/O Entry etc. This would be similar to the "Customer Credit Related Notes" icon that was |

| | | |added to customer inquiry in the last update. |

|101 |Accounts Payable |Basic |When you are in Vendor Inquiry Purchase Order tab and using the search button, we would like |

| | | |the ability to search the Vendor's S/O # and the same ability to search the Vendor's S/O # in |

| | | |the drop-down search methods when searching for a vendor in Vendor Inquiry |

|102 |Accounts Payable |Basic |In Accounts Payable Vendor Maintenance, would like to have more ability to set-up, maintain |

| | | |and run separate A/P recurring entry batches for processing at different times, potentially as|

| | | |quarterly, monthly, and possibly even any user defined interval. Would like to see additional |

| | | |fields added to the A/P recurring entry template such as “invoice date”, “invoice number”, and|

| | | |additional G/L Distribution Account fields (up to 10), that if not previously completed in |

| | | |Vendor Maintenance, would then default to an empty field when batches are copied. Also make |

| | | |the Recurring Entry window taller so that more entries can be seen for each vendor at one time|

| | | |without having to scroll as much. |

|103 |Accounts Payable |Basic |The Receipts button under the invoice shows the receipts history for that invoice, but when |

| | | |you go into the PO detail and then go to “view receipts for PO” the history is not shown after|

| | | |6 months. We need this history to continue to be retained at “view receipt for PO” also |

| | | |because the PO may have several releases and several invoices. |

|104 |Accounts Payable |Basic |Invoice/Credit Memo Entry: Within the search window of previously used Remittance Addresses, |

| | | |add an option to highlight an address and right-click with option to delete, as right now |

| | | |there is no way to get rid of old or duplicated addresses. |

|105 |Accounts Payable |Moderate |Would like the ability to post a pre-payment against a purchase order that has not been |

| | | |received. This could work much like the pre-payments allowed on open orders. Provide a way to|

| | | |flag terms on a P/O so that when the P/O is received that the Receipts History is flagged as |

| | | |pre-paid to the vendor to give our A/P user a way to know so that if she tries to enter |

| | | |another invoice for that P/O, that it has already been pre-paid and received and the duplicate|

| | | |invoice should not be entered again. We do not have the invoice # when we pre-pay, just our |

| | | |P/O # so usually post a dummy invoice using some form of the P/O # as the invoice #. Also, |

| | | |sometimes we have to do a partial down-payment such as 50% down and 50% billed after delivery.|

|106 |Accounts Payable |Moderate |Allow entering more than 10 G/L Accounts in the G/L Distribution section of A/P Invoices and |

| | | |Credit Memos. This would be very helpful when breaking invoices down for Salesman Expenses. |

|107 |Accounts Payable |Difficult |Keying in Credit Memos under A/P Credit Memo Entry (under a/p invoice entry): Apply same |

| | | |principles of keying in an invoice for payment to keying in a credit memo: Give us option to |

| | | |select items returned for credit instead of having to do the Vendor Return Entry/Maintenance |

| | | |steps. i.e. We key in invoice for 2pks of soda. We decide to return 1pk soda, and the vendor |

| | | |sends us credit for 1pk. Without doing the vendor return under vendor returns entry, we key in|

| | | |the Credit under Credit Memo Entry, it will notify you “no credits for this return#, accept |

| | | |anyway” we click yes. We key in invoice and date, and when we key in the credit amount, it |

| | | |should allow us to select the item we returned (Receipts for PO should pop up for us to select|

| | | |qty and items returned, instead of going through the whole Vendor returns entry). This should |

| | | |in turn show up under PO Receipts that the 1 item was returned and credited. |

| | | | |

|108 |Sales Analysis |Moderate |Give options on Salesman related reports to include or exclude salesman’s old accounts |

| | | |history. Show accounts that the salesman’s currently handles only if this option is checked. |

|109 |General Ledger |Basic |Change the General Ledger Account Search window so that you could start typing an Account Name|

| | | |or Account # and the cursor will jump to the closest match similar to searching for customers |

| | | |or vendors in their search windows. |

|110 |General Ledger |Basic |Within the General Ledger Journal Entry Import program and the Recurring J/E Maintenance |

| | | |program, could there be a code (ie. “REV”) or a check box, or some option that could |

| | | |automatically create a reversing journal entry on the first day of the next month? (There is |

| | | |already an available check box on the manual input G/L Journal entry screen.) It could either |

| | | |be an input that would control whether the entire journal entry import reverses or could be an|

| | | |input by individual line items, either way would be helpful. |

|111 |General Ledger |Basic |Provide an option that will make it easier to set / create Budget figures. These figures are |

| | | |on the master file, but time consuming to fill in. Provide an option to take "last year" |

| | | |figures and increase by a percentage and generate budget figures automatically. The option |

| | | |should allow entering a range of account numbers so that different groups of accounts can have|

| | | |their budget figures adjusted by different percentages. |

|112 |General Ledger |Basic |Create a tab or other display in the G/L Account Inquiry that shows the total debits and total|

| | | |credits for each period. Currently we have the increase or decrease total by period once the |

| | | |Post Journal Entries to Master has been run. This tab should show a current debits/credits to|

| | | |that period whether the period has been posted (closed) or not. DRC Note: This would only be|

| | | |able to show the debits and credits for the open fiscal year. If multiple years are open, |

| | | |only the fiscal year considered "current" could be shown. |

|113 |General Ledger |Basic |Provide a button or option to create a "reversing entry" in G/L Maintenance. If there is a |

| | | |journal entry you need to reverse, instead of having to manually open the General Journal |

| | | |Entry screen and key in the account numbers and amounts, allow the user to click on this |

| | | |option and have the screen filled in for them, with the same dates and accounts in reverse. |

| | | |Allow them to edit the account numbers if needed (such as when moving amounts out of the error|

| | | |account to the proper account), and the post the entry. This will save time and keying |

| | | |mistakes when entries are made in error and need to be reversed or when correcting invalid / |

| | | |error account entries. |

|114 |General Ledger |Basic |It would be lovely if items you exclude on one day would "reappear" on the next bank deposit |

| | | |slip or at least have an option to have them "reappear". I run that in the morning, so items |

| | | |for the current day need to be excluded (we deposit all previous day’s cash, etc.) The next |

| | | |day, I have to manually add back what I excluded the day before. |

|115 |General Ledger |Basic |Allow the Daily Business Summary report that runs each night to be archived automatically like|

| | | |many other reports. |

|116 |General Ledger |Basic |When setting up a new G/L Account, have the option to assign the new account to a Salesman in |

| | | |S/A. This would help insure that new accounts are applied correctly at time of entry if they |

| | | |are related to a particular salesperson. |

|117 |General Ledger |Basic |We need the option to require a password by user for certain highly classified GL accounts |

| | | |such as bank accounts, owner salaries, employee compensation, etc. This should also prevent |

| | | |access to any reports involving these accounts such as the Trial Balance, Activity Report, |

| | | |Master File Report, Journal Entry History Report, etc. |

|118 |General Ledger |Basic |Bank Reconciliation: Statement balance should retain last balance entered but still be |

| | | |highlighted when you tab to it. Otherwise you need to keep going back to statement copy to get|

| | | |balance if you close out and go back in. |

|119 |General Ledger |Basic |Bank Reconciliation: Option to print list of uncleared entries in general ledger after check |

| | | |reconciliation. |

|120 |General Ledger |Moderate |Make G/L Account Inquiry and Maintenance resizable so more information could be seen at one |

| | | |time on the tabs. |

| | | | |

|121 |Payroll |Basic |Create a location within payroll to store the employee maintenance info on previous employees,|

| | | |so the info would be readily available without being listed as a current employee. That way |

| | | |they would not show up in programs like the Time Clock, but we could still look up past data |

| | | |on them if needed. |

| | | | |

|122 |Web |Basic |Ability to see the tracking numbers on the view open orders screen on the Answers Website. |

| | | | |

|123 |Accounts Payable |Basic |Add a freight GL Account default to the Vendor File Maintenance window. This would make it so |

| | | |when freight was entered in A/P Invoice Entry window, it would be automatically distributed to|

| | | |the freight account assigned on the Vendor File Maintenance window. If no account was assigned|

| | | |on the Vendor File Maintenance window, it would use the default account as it currently does. |

| | | |Currently this is a global setting, so the freight account needs to change each time an A/P |

| | | |invoice is entered. |


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