FedEx Logistics announces HQ at Gibson Guitar building

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Friday, February 15, 2019

Vol. 134 | No. 27 Rack?50?/Delivery?39?

CEO of Memphis-based FedEx Logistics Richard Smith answers questions after a press conference to announce that FedEx Logistics

will be moving into the Gibson Guitar Factory Downtown.

(Jim Weber/Courtesy of The Daily Memphian)

FedEx Logistics announces HQ at Gibson Guitar building

WAYNE RISHER Courtesy of The Daily Memphian

FedEx Logistics will move headquarters to the Gibson Guitar building next year, giving Memphis-based FedEx its first significant office presence in the heart of its hometown.

And the Gibson building's owners say they'll build a new, eight-story office tower due south of the Gibson, potentially giving FedEx Logistics room for future expansion Downtown.

FedEx Logistics' move will be part of a $44 million investment that will bring 680 jobs Downtown over the next three years and position FedEx Logistics to eventually grow its workforce Downtown to as many as 1,200.

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee joined FedEx, Memphis, Shelby County and Greater Memphis Chamber officials Tuesday in a much-anticipated announcement that had appeared dead in the water less than

three months ago. "FedEx Logistics is announcing today

they're locating their headquarters in Downtown Memphis," said Lee, relishing his administration's first economic development win in Memphis since he took office last month.

"It's very important that Shelby County and Memphis have an accelerated transformation. It's important to the state of Tennessee, and that's what's happening right here today," Lee said.

Lee said the Department of Economic and Community Development was still working on a state incentive package, but it would definitely include measures to protect taxpayers' investment and avoid repeating mistakes made with Electrolux. Electrolux was attracted to Memphis with large incentives, most of them no strings attached, but recently said it will close in two years.

FedEx Logistics, the newly rebranded

specialty services arm of FedEx Corp. that's led by Richard W. Smith, will relocate about 330 Memphis area employees into Gibson, where they'll be joined by about 350 workers relocating from out of state, Smith said.

The executive offices will be moving from 25,000 square feet at the Crescent Center in East Memphis starting in April 2020. FedEx has hired Looney Ricks Kiss architects to design a renovation and mezzanine-level addition to expand the Gibson building to 200,000 square feet from 154,000 square feet.

The rest of FedEx Logistics' approximately 3,000 Memphis area workers will stay put in properties scattered across the area, Smith said. The logistics unit has about 22,000 employees companywide, said Smith, president and chief executive officer.


Office/hotel tower to rise Downtown near FedEx expansion

TOM BAILEY Courtesy of The Daily Memphian

In a powerful one-two punch for Downtown, developers on Tuesday announced an eight-story, 250,000-square-foot office tower with a 250-room full-service hotel will rise next to where FedEx Logistics is moving its global headquarters into the Gibson Guitar building.

Called The Clipper, the new, $250 million office tower/hotel will include 50,000 square feet of ground-floor space for potential restaurants and retailers, multi-level parking and public green spaces.

The hotel will feature "best-in-class" food, a rooftop deck and conference center. Senate Hospitality, which owns the nearby Westin Beale Street, will be a partner.

The same landlords who own the Gibson Guitar building own the property where The Clipper will rise: New York-based real estate investment firm Somera Road Inc., its affiliate Somera Gibson Holdings, and local partner Orgel Family LP.

The Clipper will be built on what is now a 385-space, surface parking lots at 0 Pontotoc, immediately south of where Gibson Guitar is.

"A strong Downtown Memphis is critical, and we wanted to be a part of its momentum," Ian Ross, managing director of Somera Road, said in a release. "We are thrilled to welcome the FedEx family to the Gibson building..."

The Clipper is a FedEx reference, to company founder Frederick W. Smith's analogy that FedEx is the clipper ship of the computer age. A sculpture of a clipper ship will be placed prominently as part of the FedEx Logistics development.

Richard W. Smith, president and chief executive of FedEx Logistics, said in a prepared statement, "I am thrilled about this development project, which along with the FedEx Logistics headquarters at the former Gibson Guitar Factory building, will unlock massive opportunity for our business community and transform this southwest area of downtown


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The Tipping Point

Corrigan finds charm, character living in Memphis

Friday, February 15, 2019

Memphis stands at the threshold of incredible possibility. In this series, we introduce innovative Memphians who are driving our city forward and forging its future success.

CHRISTIN YATES Courtesy of The Daily Memphian

Growing up, Eustis Corrigan lived in several states including Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and a one-year stint in Tennessee -- in fact, right here in Memphis. His parents moved to Memphis in 2011, and, after attending college at Ole Miss, Corrigan had no intentions of making Memphis home.

"I was trying to go back to Mississippi," Corrigan said. "I ended up interviewing around Memphis, mainly at financial firms, and I kept exploring the city."

Corrigan landed his first job at First Tennessee Bank Advisors (FTB Advisors) as an advisor in 2014. Later, in 2017, he joined the team at UBS, where he and his partner focus on managing financial affairs for executives of public and private companies

around the country. While living in Memphis was not origi-

nally in the cards for Corrigan, he has come to love the Bluff City and all that it offers.

"I really like how a lot of the new, fun, happening things are going on inside the loop, whether it's Midtown or Crosstown or the stuff going on downtown and in the South Main Arts District."

Corrigan often has friends visit Memphis, and while their original perception of the city may be somewhat negative, they leave with a different attitude toward the city.

"I live in the High Point area. If only Ernestine and Hazel's was closer, that would be awesome," he said with a laugh.

At UBS, Corrigan is involved in company volunteer initiatives such as working with the Mid-South food Bank.

"One of my goals for 2019 is to take what I've learned and initiate more engagement with volunteer programs," Corrigan said. "I know there are tons of ways to get involved. It's just picking one that can fit my schedule and supports what I want to put sweat


(Antwoine McClellan)

equity into." An avid golfer, Corrigan enjoys taking

advantage of local country clubs such as Chickasaw Country Club and Galloway Golf Course.

"What's really cool is being young enough to really experience everything that is going on in Memphis," Corrigan said. "Some of the really fun, lively attractions are special experiences to have at a young age."

The oldest of four brothers, Corrigan says his younger brother likely did not have intentions of making Memphis home after college either, but the longer he stayed and explored, the harder it was to leave.

"The more time you spend in the city, the more fun it is to be a part of the growth that's going on," he said.

Corrigan travels to other cities such as Nashville and Dallas for work, and while those cities are growing, he believes they are losing their edge.

"Memphis has a lot of charm and a lot of character to it. I think that's what you're seeing now with a lot of these developers coming in and reinstating the charm," Corrigan said. "Whether they're redoing old buildings or building something on South Main, that's what's special about this city. Other cities may be growing, but they don't have near the character that Memphis has."


Memphis into a thriving campus for our growing company.

"This is an ideal location for a global business like ours, which will benefit tremendously from the talent we will be able to attract to downtown Memphis," he said.

"The Clipper represents the cutting edge of a live/work/play environment," project partner Benjamin Orgel said in the release. "This is the next wave of energy that Memphis' residents, employees and visitors need."

Downtown Memphis Commission president and chief executive Jennifer Oswalt said new development and density are exciting and "replacing surface parking lots with mixed-use development aligns well with the mission of the DMC."

"Having two projects of this magnitude happening across the street from each other along with everything else happening downtown -- St. Jude, Union Row, the Riverfront -- shows the strength of our momentum," Mayor Jim Strickland said in the release. "I said during my State of the City address that we're going to `build

up, not out,' and this project is a prime example of that."

Ross said developers weren't ready to discuss yet what public incentives they'll be seeking from the Downtown Memphis Commission and its affiliates, although he said, "A project of this magnitude won't work without public support and public incentives. With regards to specifics, we're really not there yet, and we're still kind of compiling our research and our work."

Ross said there would be a public parking component, but The Clipper and FedEx Logistics wouldn't be totally dependent on parking built on The Clipper site. He said arrangements have been worked out to use other parking facilities, such as at the FedExForum and the Lee's Landing garage. The facilities have heavy night-time demand but spaces available during the day.

The Clipper project will include approximately three parking spaces per 1,000 square feet, he said. The total spaces in the project is still to be determined, Ross said.

Cushman & Wakefield/Commercial Advisors will manage commercial leasing services of The Clipper.

Ross said other contractor/professional

The Clipper hotel and office building will be built on what is now a 385-space, surface parking

lots at 0 Pontotoc, immediately south of where Gibson Guitar is located.


service providers would be ESa (Earl Swensson Associates Inc.) of Nashville, architects on office tower; Danny Bounds of Bounds & Gillespie Architects of Memphis on the hotel; Kansas City contractor J.E. Dunn,

contractor on The Clipper; and KimleyHorn, engineers.

All information on The Clipper, including 3-D renderings and videos, can be found at .

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Friday, February 15, 2019

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Your finances in 2019


RAY'S TAKE A new year often starts with high ambitions and new resolutions. Regrettably for most, after a month or two most of us slip back to our old habits with a little extra regret. Whether you made resolutions on your health or wealth, it's never too late to make a fresh start! One of the best habits to get in for your fiscal health is the annual review, and any time is the perfect time to do your financial statement. Write down the value of

everything you own and everything you owe and calculate the difference. That's the score on the board and get in the habit of doing it once a year.

But don't stop there. When it comes to your finances in 2019, take time to evaluate what worked and what didn't last year. Set new goals and put them on paper or on your phone as a daily, visual reminder to keep working towards your new goals.

A new year brings lots of new rules and changes to our finances from Washington. The most important change is the new tax bill. This year Americans will see the new tax bill in action when filing taxes for 2018. "After filing taxes people will know how the tax bill affected their personal situation," says T.

Rowe Price's Stuart Ritter, CFP. "That gives people an opportunity to adjust withholding going forward, to pay less in taxes, and to decide what they might do with the money they save." According to a Morgan Stanley analysis, tax refunds will be 26% more than last year. Social Security beneficiaries will also see a 2.8% increase in their cost of living adjustment (COLA) this year.

IRS contribution limits are also going up in 2019. For anyone using a 401(k), 403(b) or 457 plan or the government's Thrift Savings Plan, you can now contribute an additional $500 to a maximum of $19,000. The contribution limit for an IRA is also increasing by $500.

Make sure your financial goals for 2019 include setting long term goals, paying off debt and building an emergency fund. The time to fix the roof is while the sun is shining!

DANA'S TAKE One new financial habit to consider for

2019 is minimalism. In Goodbye, Things, author Fumio Sasaki tells of his journey from a guy who spent most of his life accumulating stuff and feeling miserable to becoming a guy who is far happier with about 200 objects in his apartment. Mr. Sasaki describes how getting rid of stuff made him feel free and created ripples of positive change in every aspect of his life.

Hearing his journey made me reflect on how much time, energy and money I spend on choosing stuff, buying it, organizing it, cleaning it and then, alas, getting rid of it. Ugh.

Learn about minimalism and see how it might free up resources to pursue your dreams in life.

Ray Brandon, CEO of Brandon Financial Planning, and his wife, Dana, a licensed clinical

social worker, can be reached at .


Ian Ross, founder and principal of building owner Somera Road Inc., presented Smith with the last Gibson ES 355 guitar to roll off the line at the factory. Ross said the last day of production was Tuesday.

Tuesday afternoon, Somera and its Memphis partners announced plans for The Clipper, a new development on Gibson's surface parking lot across Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Plans call for a 250,000-square-foot office tower, hotel, restaurants and other uses.

Smith and Ross teased during a morning news conference that Somera's announcement would relate to FedEx Logistics' ability to grow its workforce Downtown in the future.

Standing in a curving, window-lined upstairs space overlooking the FedExForum, Smith told the crowd that unless plans change, they were looking at his future office view. "Welcome to my office."

Smith said FedEx Logistics planned to paint its logo on the rooftop in even bigger letters than the parent company's logo on top of the FedExForum.

"When you look around today, you understand the profundity of the state's largest private employer planting a very large flag in our urban core. It's hard to imagine that momentum slowing down any time soon," Smith said.

"This is the physical manifestation of our `Go Big' strategy. It will be a landmark facility for us," Smith said.

Smith said he believes being Downtown in an iconic space will improve FedEx's appeal to younger workers, including the Generation Z and millennial workforce, and contribute to a more vibrant atmosphere of innovation for FedEx.

"As president and CEO of FedEx Logistics, I'm overjoyed for our team members when I think of the opportunity this facility represents," Smith said. "This space will not only be a state of the art home for a growing company, but also

a place where our team members from diverse backgrounds and skills and different parts of our businesses, can work alongside one another, learning, developing and coming up with incredible new ways to innovate our industry through collaboration."

Smith, who is also Greater Memphis Chamber chairman, credited City Council member Berlin Boyd, then serving as the council's chairman, with first broaching the subject of FedEx having a Downtown office presence.

Boyd said he drove Smith around Downtown and "When we mentioned this building, he saw the vision ? close proximity to FedExForum, being close to the Westin, being close to Downtown to have the quality for your employees to be able to get out and walk. It offers so much ? the vibrancy of the area, the energy of the area."

The FedEx-Gibson deal was delayed twice last year: First by the murder of Greater Memphis Chamber president Phil Trenary on a Downtown sidewalk last September, then by the company's rebranding, Smith said.

Referring to the new development The Clipper, Smith indicated it would give the FedEx Logistics headquarters room to grow.

"The other thing you've gotta understand, and you will understand at 1 o'clock today, we really needed to make it bigger," Smith said Tuesday morning. "To make this a global headquarters, and my company has got 22,000 employees, our headquarters is going to have to be bigger," Smith said. Plans for The Clipper were announced at 1 p.m.

"This building can only hold about 700 people when it's all built out, and we're going to need more space than that. At 1 o'clock you'll know what I'm talking about. There's more to come," Smith said.

While acknowledging The Clipper's office tower could handle additional FedEx Logistics space needs, Ross said it's not being built specifically for that purpose, but rather to meet an identified need for new Class A space to house more office workers Downtown.

Ross said, "I think it could both be expansion space for FedEx, although there's no deal there at this time. It could be space for existing users Downtown. It could be for suburban users that are looking to be in the urban core. I think what would be most exciting for the city and the state is finding new users from outside of Tennessee."

Smith's father, Frederick W. Smith, launched FedEx as Federal Express at Memphis International Airport in 1973 and built it into a global, $65 billion a year shipping industry giant.

FedEx Logistics, formerly FedEx Trade Networks, ties together FedEx operating units FedEx Express, FedEx Ground and FedEx Freight, providing services such as freight forwarding, supply chain management, ocean shipping and 3-D printing.

Approximately 30,000 employees in the Memphis area make FedEx Corp. the largest private employer and a ubiquitous force in the city's economic, social and political life.

The governor hailed the investment by Tennessee's largest private employer, saying, "FedEx and its subsidiaries have been a true Tennessee success story, and we as a state are proud to see this company continue to grow and call Tennessee home."

While the FedEx brand is prominent Downtown because of FedExForum naming rights, the company until now had not directly joined efforts to revive the central business district as a haven for office workers.

Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland welcomed FedEx to the stable of well-known corporate brands Downtown, including AutoZone, ServiceMaster, First Tennessee Bank and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Strickland said it was another example of his mantra that Memphis has momentum. "We will keep the pedal to the medal and push full steam ahead," Strickland said. It continues the city administration's emphasis on bringing investment to the core of Memphis. "We will build up, not out, and this

work is evidence of that." FedEx Logistics hands Down-

town advocates another major success and eliminates the possibility that the building might stand empty when Gibson leaves.

It continues Downtown's momentum, building on ServiceMaster's move of its 1,200-employee headquarters into the long-vacant Peabody Place entertainment complex, and Indigo Ag's selection of Toyota Center for its nearly 900-employee North American commercial operations headquarters.

There also has been a series of cross-town moves of employees to Downtown, including Wunderlich Securities and Southern Sun Asset Management and an expansion by First Tennessee Bank.

Nashville-based Gibson Brands announced in the fall of 2017 that it would vacate its guitar factory in Downtown Memphis, which opened in 2001 a block south of the Beale Street entertainment district.

Investment capital firms Somera Road Inc. of New York and Tricera Capital of Miami bought the building and a 350-space surface parking lot from Gibson for $14.4 million. Majority owner Somera later partnered with local developers, Billy and Benjamin Orgel's Orgel Family LP, to work out a redevelopment plan.

Gibson continued to operate in the building under a lease, but after filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy last year said it planned to eventually move Memphis' guitar production to Nashville. The Gibson Beale Street Showcase and Guitar Factory covers nearly six acres at 145 George W. Lee.

Ross said when Somera and its partners bought the Gibson building, "We had no expectation of this happening so quickly. We love the momentum that is going on in Downtown Memphis. I invest in about 40 markets around the country and I can tell you what's happening here is truly special... there's a determination amongst Memphians to make Downtown happen. And we're just happy to be a part of it. Absolutely did not

see this coming." In addition to LRK architects,

developers will use Memphis contractor Grinder Taber Grinder for the renovation, with J.E. Dunn, contractor on The Clipper, as an investor.

Besides its executive offices at the Crescent Center, FedEx Logistics has operations in Collierville, where it operates a packaging lab, Germantown and the southeast Memphis-Shelby County transportation, warehouse and distribution corridor.

About a year ago, FedEx announced it was beefing up what was then called FedEx Trade Networks by consolidating services and functions that previously were operated separately.

Reports surfaced last spring that FedEx was in negotiations for the Gibson building, but the company in November took the unusual step of squelching the rumors by issuing a statement saying it was "no longer considering the Gibson Guitar Factory building as a potential option for relocation of its headquarters."

However, Richard Smith in January hinted that the move was still a possibility and said that the newly renamed FedEx Logistics had been focused since last year on putting the company together in one corporate entity.

Smith has been president and chief executive of the trade and specialty unit since July 2017.

Smith said in January the company was "looking at synergies and where it makes the most sense to pull people together in a headquarters."

In its current configuration, FedEx Logistics covers air and ocean cargo networks; trade brokerage and facilitation; custom critical services; supply chain services; cross border e-commerce and fulfillment; forward depots and 3-D printing; warehousing and transportation management; time- and temperature-controlled deliveries; critical inventory logistics; and repair and return services.

Reporter Bill Dries contributed to this story.





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BLUE REO SC 1 V Wayne Batchelor Et Al, Pltf(s): BLUE REO SC 1, LLC, Pltf Atty(s): James A Crislip, Def(s): Wayne Batchelor, Nadine Batchelor, Any Unknown Parties, Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion Calendar, CH-19-0100

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Roderick Robinson V Jacqueline Robinson, Pltf(s): Roderick County Trustee, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Delinquent Taxpayers, Def

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Karen Marchand Shaw V Kevin Michael Shaw, Pltf(s): County Trustee, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Delinquent Taxpayers, Def

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Dermon-Warner Properties LLC V Steve H Warner, Pltf(s)C:OLBERTsee, Pltf Atty(s): Thomas E Williams, Gregory S Gallagher, Roberta

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Nevil Kustoff, Def(s): Jo Linda Buckhanan, Charlene Williams Lyon,

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Atty(s): Andrew E Bender, Earnest E Fiveash, W Shawn Lynch, Mo-

CUaNrIOoNlyn Marion Et Al V Ezell Armstrong Jr Et Al, Pltf(s): tion Calendar, TRD-9485

Laura Armstrong, Carolyn Marion, BeverIlTyAAWLAlMoyBdA, Lois Armstrong, State Of TN V Del Taxpayers (County - 2008), Pltf(s): LaPqOuNiTtOaTAOCrmstrong, Pltf ALEttEy(s): Larry A Weissman, Def(s): Ezell Shelby County Government, Shelby CountyTrustee, State OfTennes-

Armstrong, Shanikka Armstrong, Def Atty(s): Andrew E Bender, see, Pltf Atty(s): Thomas E Williams, Gregory S Gallagher, Robert B

Motion Calendar, CH-12-1787

MARION Rolwing, Robert B Rolwing, John A Zelinka, Roberta Nevil Kustoff,

Stewart Granger V Gena Michelle Granger, Pltf(s): Stewart Granger, Pltf Atty(s): Laquita R Stokes, Def(s): Gena Michelle Granger, Def Atty(s): Sam P Zerilla, MotMioOnNCRaOlEendar, CH-16-0728

Arnita Williams V Tracy Lemon Et Al, Pltf(s): Arnita Williams, Pltf Atty(s): Kevin A Snider, Def(s): Tracy Lemon, Deeshia SimmonsLemon, Demarcus Simmons, Deleshia Simmons, Def Atty(s): Lauren Paxton Roberts, J Anne Tipps, Motion Calendar, CH-16-1304

Laurynas Petrauskas V Jonathan Summers, Pltf(s): Laurynas Petrauskas, Pltf Atty(s): James C Wright, Def(s): Jonathan Summers, Def Atty(s): Lanier Fogg, Bruce D Brooke, Motion Calendar, CH-17-0094

Def(s): Charles Faithful, 2861 Kimball Apartments, LLC, Delinquent Taxpayers, Gregory Brannick, Lisa Renna Hart, Rickey Earl Branch, Phyllis Carolyn Buckner, Jo Linda Buckhanan, Charlene Williams Lyon, Tammy Denise Love, Joseph Jackson, Alex Henry Chalmers, Mary V Chalmers, Def Atty(s): Michael Don Harrell, Harris P Quinn, Earnest E Fiveash, Joseph R Prochaska, W Shawn Lynch, Motion Calendar, TRD-9486

The State Of TN V Del Taxpayers (County 2009), Pltf(s): Shelby County Government, Shelby County Trustee, Treasurer City Of Memphis, State Of Tennessee, Pltf Atty(s): Elijah Noel, Elijah Noel, Gregory S Gallagher, John A Zelinka, Roberta Nevil Kustoff, Def(s): Bruce S Kramer, Gail O Mathes, Charles E Hodum, William

Karen Nordbye Carlson V Cedar Carlson Nordbye, Pltf(s): Nixon, Buehler Enterprises, Inc, Harold E Buehler, Darin Bommarito,

Karen Lynn Nordbye Carlson, Pltf Atty(s): Gail R Sevier, Abigail D Hall, Larry D Patton, William H Thomas, Darren Cunningham, Jerry L

Def(s): Cedar Lorca Carlson Nordbye, Def Atty(s): Laura D Rogers, Harris, Allen B Nolen, Evolve Bank & Trust, United Development

Rebecca A Bobo, Motion Calendar, CH-17-0310

Co, LP -970, United Development Co, LP-971, United Development

Joaquin Garcia V Yesenia Siqueiros, Pltf(s): Joaquin Garcia, Pltf Atty(s): R Linley Richter, Def(s): Yesenia Siqueiros, Def Atty(s): Marti L Kaufman, Motion Calendar, CH-17-0782

Mari McRae Et Al V James Bassett Et Al, Pltf(s): Marci McRae, Grailen Johnson, Pltf Atty(s): Edd Peyton, Def(s): Lasonya Wrench, James Bassett, Individually and His Capacity As An Officer, Dwight Gray, Individually and In His Capacity As An Officer, The Clarke Address, Inc DBA Clarke Address Condominium HOA, James Bassett, Gray Dwight, Stanley Throgmorton, Kimberly Hearn, Def Atty(s): Peter D H Baskind, Motion Calendar, CH-17-1437

Yolanda D Anderson V Tamara N Anderson, Pltf(s): Yolanda Demetria Anderson, Pltf Atty(s): Brandi Price, Def(s): Tamara Nicole Anderson, Def Atty(s): Juliet Hill Akines, Motion Calendar, CH-17-1487

Co, LP-972, United Development Co, LP -980, United Development Co 2001 LP, Joellen Buehler, Delinquent Taxpayers, Barlow Revell, Christopher Marcquet Taylor, Calvin E Johnson, Sandra Howery Johnson, Darnita Lee, Estate Of Florence L Potts, David A Gill, The Simpson Organization, Three-N-One Corporation, Ted Cupp, Patricia Klinefelter, Leslie Klinefelter, Paul D Hankins, Kelley S Hankins, Dana Sue Percer, Marlyn Wyman, Azu Onuoha, Penn A Kem LLC, Reginald Mcwilliam, Anthony D Hayes, Brad Bowling, Fairco 64, LLC, Susan Fulmer Austin, Sanders James Practical Faith Ministries, Charles L Owens, Louise Owens, Buehler Affordable Homes, LLC, Wilodean Precise, Alvin Lewis Duckett, Marylin Ford Ingram, Gregory Brannick, Carrie Yancey McCall, Lisa Renna Hart, Anita Charisse Moyt, Diane Patterson, Rickey Earl Branch, Angela Anderson, Phyllis Carolyn Buckner, Patrick McGowan, Sonya L Salkin, Eddie J Sykes, Christine S Sykes, Yusuf Boyd, Reginald McWilliams, Jesse Biggs,

Ricky Batts Jr V Laura (Mansho) Batts, Pltf(s): Ricky Batts, Pltf Atty(s): Yollander Hardaway, Warren P Campbell, Eric Lindquester, Christopher Williams, Def(s): Laura Mansho Batts, Def Atty(s): Laura D Rogers, Rebecca A Bobo, Motion Calendar, CH-17-1655

Imc Global Solutions V Wright Farms Et Al, Pltf(s): Imc Global Solutions LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Ronald D Krelstein, Def(s): Gregory Wright, Wright Farms 1 Haymakers Inc, Def Atty(s): Jon David Rogers, Motion Calendar, CH-18-0141

Herbert Moore V The Clarke Address Et Al, Pltf(s): Herbert Moore, Pltf Atty(s): Darrell J O'Neal, Laura Smittick, Def(s): Dwight Gray, The Clarke Address Inc, Def Atty(s): Peter DH Baskind, Brandon F McNary, Motion Calendar, CH-18-0695

Ifasola Elesije V Oyawadamilola Elesije, Pltf(s): Ifasola Akofe Elesije, Pltf Atty(s): Laquita R Stokes, Def(s): Oyawadamilola Yemojanifa Elesije, Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion Calendar, CH-18-0997

Sharon Renee Hayslett, Gordon Robertson, Doris Bibbs Harris, Jo Linda Buckhanan, CharleneWilliams Lyon,Tammy Denise Love, Verlie M Jones, Joseph Jackson, Alex Henry Chalmers, Mary V Chalmers, Joyce T Johnson, Chester B Smith, Marylin Ford Ingram, Def Atty(s): Katharine A Jungkind, Tommy L Fullen, John McQuiston, Matthew Thornton, Allan B Thorp, Felix H Bean, William A Cohn, Earnest E Fiveash, B David Sweeney, Scott A Kramer, Thomas D Yeaglin, Javier M Bailey, James Sanders, Wendy Geurin Smith, W Shawn Lynch, Clayton C Purdom, Thomas Brach, Seth McNamee, Bettye S Bedwell, Motion Calendar, TRD-9488

State Of Tennessee, Et Al V Delinquent Taxpayers, Pltf(s): Shelby County Government, Shelby County Trustee, Treasurer City Of Memphis, State Of Tennessee, Pltf Atty(s): Elijah Noel, Gregory S Gallagher, John A Zelinka, Roberta Nevil Kustoff, Def(s): Lee A Warren, Ted M Winestone, Forest Hill Funeral Homes and Cemetery, Bluff City Partners, LLC, Larry D Patton, Penn A Kem LLC, Brenda G Hill, Alethea Elise Skefos, Darren Cunningham, Jerry L Harris, Brad

Diane Rimmer V Travis Shontel Curry, Pltf(s): Diane Rimmer, Rainey, James J Skefos, Mortgage Electronic Registration System

Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s):Travis Shontel Curry, Def Atty(s): N/A, Mo- Inc, Calvin E Johnson, Sandra Howery Johnson, Alvin Lewis Duckett,

tion Calendar, CH-18-1018

Marylin Ford Ingram, Gregory Brannick, Carrie Yancey McCall,

BC Factoring LLC V Elite Managment Solutions Et Al, Pltf(s): BC Factoring LLC, Pltf Atty(s): David J Harris, Nathan A Bicks, Charles S Higgins, Def(s): Elite Management Solutions Inc, Jamal McCall, Web Dubois Consortium Of Charter Schools Inc, Monument Academy Public Schools, Regina Haley, Arabeth Enterprises, Def Atty(s): Robin H Rasmussen, Robert LJ Spence, Edd Peyton, Andre B Mathis, Motion Calendar, CH-18-1136

Melody Dionne Bojang V Yusupha FK Bojang, Pltf(s): Melody Dionne Bojang, Pltf Atty(s): Kortney D Simmons, Joanna R Wilson, Def(s): Yusupha Fk Bojang, Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion Calendar, CH-18-1494

Federal National Mortgage V Diversified Capital, Pltf(s): Federal National Mortgage Association, Pltf Atty(s): Nicholas H Adler, Def(s): Diversified Capital Corporation Of Tennessee, Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion Calendar, CH-18-1510

Delinquent Taxpayers (Real Property), Valsamis Pete A Revocable Trust, Lisa Renna Hart, Diane Patterson, Rickey Earl Branch, Cindy Lasha Wooten, Angela Anderson, Skefco Properties, Inc, 14 S Second Corp, Alpha Visions, LLC, Skefos, Kapos and Makris, Partners, James Skefos and Harry Valsamis, Partners, Skefos & Makris, Partners, Skefos, Valsamis and Consolidated Poultry & Egg Co, Inc, Howard Hines, Deloris A Hines, Reginald McWilliams, Phyllis Carolyn Buckner, Wayne Ferrell Graham, Marshall D Gordon, Evergreen Hills Inc, Adminstrator Of The Estate Of Harriel Walker (Closed), Totsie L Wesley, Gentry Smith, Maggie L Matlock, Bennie L Matlock, Larry Grace, John Proctor, Catherine Booker Proctor, Ophelia Arlene Young, Annie May Stepheny, Earl Michael Braun, Tena J Williamson, Joseph G Markel, Sharon Renee Hayslett, Shelby Oaks Mobile Home Community and Moore Communities, LLC, Melody C Mafa, Sandra W Murphy, Clara M Dorsey, CEWare Towers, Inc, Christopher Burrows, Timothy M Burrows, Melinda C Burrows, John H Burrows,

Jessika L Neal V John R Neal, Pltf(s): Jessika Neal, Pltf Atty(s): Jerry Schatz, Def(s): John Neal, Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion Calendar, CH-18-1690

Nathaniel Wellikoff V Christopher Bringle, Pltf(s): Nathaniel Wellikoff, Saradasri Karri, Pltf Atty(s): Derek E Whitlock, Jason Michael Goldstein, Def(s): Greg Bringle, Christopher Bringle, Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion Calendar, CH-18-1770

Remark Trust V Vatterott Educational Centers, Pltf(s):

Doris Bibbs Harris, Jo Linda Buckhanan, Charlene Williams Lyon, Brenda Gay Hill, Tammy Denise Love, Dayster, LLC, ADP Properties Inc, Shyamala Tucker, Donna Louise Jones, Verlie M Jones, Joseph Jackson, Alex Henry Chalmers, Mary V Chalmers, Joyce T Johnson, Chester B Smith, Marylin Ford Ingram, Def Atty(s): Scott B Peatross, Sam Blaiss, Katharine A Jungkind, Ted I Jones, Gerald S Green, Craig M Beard, Ben G Sissman, Alan R Wolfe, Edwin C Lenow, Beth Buchwald Brooks, Eugene G Douglass, JD Barton, Michael D McCullar, Cary R Califf, Earnest E Fiveash, Dwight T Moore, John L

Friday, February 15, 2019

Ryder, John B Turner, John R Hershberger, Lawrence M Magdovitz II, T Edgar Davison, W Shawn Lynch, David W Houston, Chastity R Sharp, Mark Cantora, Caroline B Stefaniak, Robert W Reid, Motion Calendar, TRD-9490

The State Of TN V Del Taxpayers (County-2011), Pltf(s): Shelby County Government, City Of Millington, Shelby County Trustee, City Of Memphis, Town Of Arlington Tennessee, City Of Germantown, City Of Bartlett, State Of Tennessee, City Of Collierville, Pltf Atty(s): Elijah Noel, Gregory S Gallagher, John A Zelinka, Roberta Nevil Kustoff, Herman Morris, Def(s): Universal Life Insurance Company, Deborah June Basham Wilson, Mad Will Properties LLC, Myrtle Lee Hentrel, M Latroy Williams, Larry D Patton, Cocaine Alcohol Awareness Program Inc, Janis Fullilove, Brenda G Hill, Alvin Lewis Duckett, Marylin Ford Ingram, Gregory Brannick, Delinquent Taxpayers (Real Property), Rickey Earl Branch, Gentry Smith, John Proctor, Catherine Booker Proctor, Prince C Chambliss, Patricia T Chambliss, Landmark Training Development Company, Sharon Renee Hayslett, Rushton E Patterson, Frances B Patterson, Ketan Sheth, Mundaca Financial Services, LLC, Second Chances Foundation, Inc, Beverly J Hawkins, Norman H Badrian, Sherrie L Badrian, Quail Hollow Office Partnership, Barbara L Bowling, Bobby G Seat, 1044 Brookfield, John E Chester, Jeanne P Chester, Estate Of George Whittington, Caola Pearl, Randolph O Liverpool, Thirty Eight Seventy Tree Eaglenest (Trust), Forty Three Eighty One Place (Trust), FCS Properties, LLC, Larry S Taylor, Joseph G Markle, Clarence Seiferth, R&F Ventures LLC, Hedgepeth Construction Company, Inc, Blue Hen Properties LLC, Timmy J Massey, Cynthia K Massey, Priscilla R Ingram, Ida M Anderson, P Gonya Hentrel, Joe N Caldwell, Marie Caldwell, Sixteen Ninety Nine Airways Warehouse, LLC, Clara M Dorsey, Smart, Inc-Student Making A Rewarded, Doris Bibbs Harris, Jo Linda Buckhanan, Charlene Williams Lyon, Brenda Gay Hill,Tammy Denise Love, Geraldine Mitchell, Maggie Booker, Reginald Dijuan Tigue, Leon Boddie, Azu Onuoha, Donna Louise Jones, Verlie M Jones, Joseph Jackson, Alex Henry Chalmers, Mary V Chalmers, Joyce T Johnson, Raymond Lawrence Hardy, Lynn Vaulx, Regina Yvette Carter, Chester B Smith, Augusta W Thompson, Willie B Thompson, Marylin Ford Ingram, Bernice Hopkins, Def Atty(s): Katharine A Jungkind, Ted I Jones, Gerald S Green, Edwin C Lenow, Aubrey L Brown, Richard M Carter, Robert K Alvarez, Robert K Alvarez, Arthur E Ray, Herschel L Rosenberg, Cary R Califf, William A Cohn, Earnest E Fiveash, Andrew H Raines, John L Ryder, Prince C Chambliss, Michael W Mitchell, J Michael Fletcher, Richard Click, William Thomas, Harold D Archibald, Katy C Laster, W Shawn Lynch, David W Houston, Matthew P Gabriel, Rosalind E Brown, Clayton C Purdom, Chasity Sharp-Grice, Lawrence M Magdovitz II, Gregory D Cotton, Motion Calendar, TRD-9492

The State Of Tennessee V Del Taxpayers (Co-2012), Pltf(s): Shelby County Government, City Of Millington, Shelby County Trustee, City Of Germantown, City Of Bartlett, City Of Lakeland, Treasurer City Of Memphis, State Of Tennessee, City Of Collierville, City Of Arlington, Tennessee, Pltf Atty(s): T James Watson, Elijah Noel, Gregory S Gallagher, John A Zelinka, Roberta Nevil Kustoff, Def(s): Prince C Chambliss, Mad Will Properties LLC, Cocaine Alcohol Awareness Program Inc, Penn A Kem LLC, Brenda G Hill, Wali Ibn Saleem Shaheed, Randolph O Liverpool, Delinquent Taxpayers, Marylin Ford Ingram, Gregory Brannick, Rickey Earl Branch, Reginald McWilliams, Gentry Smith, Tony A Newsome, Sharon Renee Hayslett, Joseph G Markle, Clara M Dorsey, Brenda Gay Hill, Rena Satterwhite, David White, Denise H White, Reginald Dijuan Tigue, Leon Boddie, Azu Onuoha, Donna Louise Jones, Verlie M Jones, Joseph Jackson, Alex Henry Chalmers, Mary V Chalmers, Joyce T Johnson, Wayne Whitten, Wyndi M Dillon, William H Thomas, Raymond Lawrence Hardy, Lynn Vaulx, Regina Yvette Carter, Chester B Smith, Marylin Ford Ingram, Roger K Williams, Claudia Cockrell, Bernice Hopkins, Levolyn Williams, Felecia D Common, Def Atty(s): Gerald S Green, Arthur E Ray, William A Cohn, Earnest E Fiveash, Curtis D Johnson, Samuel J Muldavin, Devenus Foster, David M Anthony, W Shawn Lynch, Joshua Bradley, Motion Calendar, TX-2014

The State Of Tenn V Del Real Prop Taxpayers (2013), Pltf(s): Shelby County Government, City Of Millington, City Of Germantown, City Of Bartlett, City Of Lakeland, Treasurer City Of Memphis, State Of Tennessee, City Of Arlington, Tennessee, City Of Collierville, Sharon L Huery, Pltf Atty(s): Elijah Noel, Gregory S Gallagher, John A Zelinka, Def(s): Vernon Foster, Devenus Foster, Lola B Bethel, Joe Hankins, Donna Willhite, Lonnie Harris, Seiferth Clarence, Larry Patton, Major Lewis Currie, James J Skefos, Nita Faye Daugherty, Lucille M Jones Living Trust, David Neely, Gregory Brannick, Delinquent Taxpayers (Real Property), Rickey Earl Branch, Sharon Renee Hayslett, Joseph G Markle, Clara M Dorsey, Azu Onuoha, Donna Louise Jones, Alex Henry Chalmers, Lynn Vaulx, Regina Yvette Carter, Marylin Ford Ingram, Bernice Hopkins, Patricia A Cook, Roger Macdonald, Def Atty(s): Kenneth P Jones, John B Philip, Peggy Lee, Arthur E Ray, LE Van Eaton, Earnest E Fiveash, Devenus Foster, W Shawn Lynch, Robert W Reid, Motion Calendar, TX-2015

State Of Tennessee V Delinquent Taxpayers (2014), Pltf(s): City Of Millington, Shelby County Trustee, City Of Memphis, City Of Germantown, City Of Bartlett, City Of Lakeland, State Of Tennessee, City Of Arlington, Tennessee, City Of Collierville, Pltf Atty(s): Elijah Noel, Gregory S Gallagher, John A Zelinka, W Shawn Lynch, Def(s): William Thomas, Delinquent Taxpayers, Reginald McWilliams, Reginald McWilliams, Joseph G Markel, Joseph G Markle, Clara M Dorsey, Donna Louise Jones, Alex Henry Chalmers, Bernice Hopkins, Larry Patton, Onuoha Azu, LindaTaylor, Karl Winfield, William Hezel, Ruthie Williams, Nita Faye Daugherty, Naalo Investment LLC, Def Atty(s): Kim G Sims, Earnest E Fiveash, Pablo Adrian Varela, Edward T Autry, Motion Calendar, TX-2016

The State Of Tennessee V Del Taxpayers (2015), Pltf(s): Shelby County Government, City Of Millington, City Of Germantown, City Of Bartlett, City Of Lakeland, State Of Tennessee, City Of Arlington, Tennessee, City Of Collierville, City Of Memphis, Pltf Atty(s): Elijah Noel, Gregory S Gallagher, Jocelyn V Henderson, W Shawn Lynch, Def(s): Jimmie D Drewry, Donna Drewry, William M Monroe, Marti K Monroe, Miller Memphis, Inc, Clarence D Seiferth, Larry D Patton, Mary D Wright,T C Haynes, Miller Memphis LLC, Delinquent Taxpayers, Joseph G Markel, Clara M Dorsey, Donna Louise Jones,


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Friday, February 15, 2019

The Daily News, Memphis

Page 5

Law & Government

Bernice Hopkins, Leanita Sowell Nedostup, Danis Ellis, Joe Hankins, Deborah J Stebenne, Onuoha Azu, Nita Faye Daugherty, Lucille M Jones Living Trust, Janessa L Ivery-Key, William M Haezel, Andre Mathews, Alisa Leann Johnson, Alex Henry Chalmers, Larry Williams, Anjou Properties, LLC, Jesse Cunningham, Def Atty(s): Edward M Bearman, Marti L Kaufman, Archie Sanders, William A Cohn, Earnest E Fiveash, Robert S Kirk, Ronald L Coleman, W Shawn Lynch, Motion Calendar, TX-2017

State Of Tennesse V Delinquent Taxpayers (2016), Pltf(s): Shelby County Government, City Of Millington, City Of Germantown, City Of Bartlett, City Of Lakeland, State Of Tennessee, City Of Arlington, Tennessee, City Of Collierville, City Of Memphis, Pltf Atty(s): Elijah Noel, Gregory S Gallagher, W Shawn Lynch, Def(s): Delinquent Taxpayers, Clara M Dorsey, Donna Louise Jones, Kumar Banerjee, Bernice Hopkins, Joe Hankins III, Alisa Leann Johnson, Alex Henry Chalmers, Patrick Sears, Willie Jacox, Beverly Goines, Def Atty(s): Earnest E Fiveash, Ross E Webster, Motion Calendar, TX-2018

10:00 AM

Bank Of America V Coralynn Morgan-McCaster Et Al, Pltf(s): Bank Of America, NA, Pltf Atty(s): Howard Keith Morrison, Def(s): Coralynn Morgan-McCaster, Fred McCaster, Jacqueline A Berry, Cynthia L McCaster, Corey McCaster, Brittanee Sabb, Kenney D McCaster, Estate Financial Services, S&H Home Solutions Corp, Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion Calendar, CH-16-0255

Stephanie Fifer V Seneca Specialty Insurance Co, Pltf(s): Stephanie Fifer, Pltf Atty(s): Randall J Fishman, Joseph B Baker, Def(s): Seneca Specialty Insurance Company, Vayudev Inc DBA Delux, Def Atty(s): Parks T Chastain, Motion Calendar, CH-17-1211

Herbert Moore V The Clarke Address Et Al, Pltf(s): Herbert Moore, Pltf Atty(s): Darrell J O'Neal, Laura Smittick, Def(s): Dwight Gray, The Clarke Address Inc, Def Atty(s): Peter DH Baskind, Brandon F McNary, Motion Calendar, CH-18-0695

10:30 AM

Reaves Family Et Al V Cyndi Cole, Et, Pltf(s): Reaves Family Partnership, Reaves Family Trust, John Duke, Pltf Atty(s): Richard J Myers, Def(s): Cyndi Cole, Jeff H Farmer, Mike Fearnley, Miriam Fearnley, John Fortino, Howard R Greene, Michael S Joyce, Heidi Hosick Joyce, Geoffrey P Wilson, Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion Calendar, CH-18-1596

Caitlin R Chittom V Stephen B Phillips Et Al, Pltf(s): Caitlin Reed Chittom, Pltf Atty(s): Robert A Wampler, Tillman C Carroll, Def(s): Charles Schwab & Co Inc, Stephen Brice Phillips, Vishria Financial Group, LLC, Def Atty(s): N/A, N/A, CH-19-0141

11:00 AM

Penney Mosley V City Of Memphis Civ Serv Merit Bd, Pltf(s): Penney Mosley, Pltf Atty(s): Laura Smittick, Def(s): City Of Memphis Civil Service Merit Board, Def Atty(s): Sharon L Petty, Hearing, CH-17-1389

Georgette Elise Brooks V City Of Memphis, Pltf(s): Georgette Elise Brooks, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): City Of Memphis, Def Atty(s): Freeman B Foster, Motion Calendar, CH-18-1424

Chancery Court's Current Calendar can be viewed on Chancery Court's website at -


Shelby County Circuit Court


Felicia Corbin-Johnson, Div. 1 James F. Russell, Div. 2 Valerie L. Smith, Div. 3 Gina C. Higgins, Div. 4 Rhynette Hurd, Div. 5 Jerry Stokes, Div. 6 Mary Wagner, Div. 7 Robert S. Weiss, Div. 8 Yolanda R. Kight, Div. 9

Temiika Gipson Clerk

Tel: 222-3800 140 Adams, Room 324 Hours: M-F, 8 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m.

Complaints & Petitions

Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their Attorneys, Case Type, Filing Date, and Docket Number.

Carol Dennis VS William Thomas, Pltf(s): Carol J Dennis, Pltf Atty(s): John P Wade, Def(s): William A Thomas, John Doe, Def Atty(s): N/A, Personal Injury, 2/13/2019, CT-0642-19

Connie Anderson VS Exxon Mobil Corp, Pltf(s): Connie Anderson, David Anderson, Pltf Atty(s): Les Jones, Def(s): Exxon Mobil Corporation, TN Management Group LLC, Def Atty(s): N/A, Personal Injury, 2/13/2019, CT-0650-19

Dewayne Dodson VS Big League Sports Bar Grill, Pltf(s): Dewayne Dodson, Pltf Atty(s): Kristen J Downey, Jennifer L Miller, Def(s): Big League Sports Bar and Grill, Inc, Def Atty(s): N/A, Personal Injury, 2/13/2019, CT-0645-19

Hope Torkell VS Walker Nelms Jr, Pltf(s): Hope Torkell, Pltf Atty(s): Ryan M Skertich, Carl Krausnick, Def(s): Walker Nelms, Engineered Comfort, Inc, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, 2/13/2019, CT-0636-19

Kimberly Madison-Poole VS Corbin Harris, Pltf(s): Kimberly Madison-Poole, Mykal Madison, Pltf Atty(s): Allen Gressett, Def(s): Corbin B Harris, Holly Harris, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, 2/13/2019, CT-0647-19

Midland Funding LLC VS Connie Shannon, Pltf(s): Midland Funding LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Mark B Cunningham, Def(s): Connie Shannon, Def Atty(s): N/A, Pet To Enforce For Jdgmnt, 2/13/2019, CT-0648-19

Navy Federal Credit Union VS Jerry Gray, Pltf(s): Navy Federal Credit Union, Pltf Atty(s): Brie D Wallace, Def(s): Jerry Gray, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, 2/13/2019, CT-0635-19

Shem Jackson VS The Estate Of Dorian Neal, Pltf(s): Shem Jackson, Pltf Atty(s): John H Parker II, Def(s): The Estate Of Dorian J Neal, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, 2/13/2019, CT-0646-19

Tieresse Murphy VS Ronald Montgomery, Pltf(s): Tieresse

Murphy, Pltf Atty(s): Andre C Wharton, Def(s): Ronald Montgomery, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, 2/13/2019, CT-0651-19 Tyhessia Toure VS Walmart Stores East LP, Pltf(s): Tyhessia Toure, Pltf Atty(s): Kristen J Downey, Jennifer L Miller, Def(s): Wal-Mart Stores East, LP, Def Atty(s): N/A, Personal Injury, 2/13/2019, CT-0643-19


Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their Attorneys, Filing Date, and Docket Number.

Amanda McCammon VS Corbin Harris, Pltf(s): Amanda Faith McCammon, Pltf Atty(s): Cornelius K Bostick, Def(s): Corbin Blake Harris, Def Atty(s): N/A, 2/13/2019, CT-0638-19

Amber Young VS Christopher Young, Pltf(s): Amber Bernadette Young, Pltf Atty(s): Bradley J Cordts, Wilson Newell, Def(s): Christopher Derrion Young, Def Atty(s): N/A, 2/13/2019, CT-0634-19

Andrea Brook VS Ronald Brook, Pltf(s): Andrea Marie Brook, Pltf Atty(s): Brandi Lynn Heiden, Def(s): Ronald Duane Brook, Def Atty(s): N/A, 2/13/2019, CT-0632-19

Darryl Spencer VS Porsha Spencer, Pltf(s): Darryl Deleone Spencer, Pltf Atty(s): Sean Mark Harrell, Def(s): Porsha Spencer, Def Atty(s): N/A, 2/13/2019, CT-0641-19

James Jobe VS Mary Jobe, Pltf(s): James Miller Jobe, Pltf Atty(s): Mitchell D Moskovitz, Olivia S Garber, Def(s): Mary Paige Jobe, Def Atty(s): N/A, 2/13/2019, CT-0644-19

Malvin Osborne VS Julia Wilkes, Pltf(s): Malvin Edwin Osborne, Pltf Atty(s): Jeffrey Jones, Def(s): Julia Annette Wilkes, Def Atty(s): N/A, 2/13/2019, CT-0631-19

Suzanne Kilzer VS John Kilzer, Pltf(s): Suzanne Kilzer, Pltf Atty(s): Amy J Amundsen, Def(s): John Turner Kilzer, Def Atty(s): N/A, 2/13/2019, CT-0633-19

Symbat Smith VS Brandon Smith, Pltf(s): Symbat Talgatkyzy Smith, Pltf Atty(s): R Miles Mason, Def(s): Brandon Joel Smith, Def Atty(s): N/A, 2/13/2019, CT-0640-19


February 15, 2019

Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their Attorneys, Case Type, and Docket Number.

Div 1

9:00 AM

David Gwinn Jr VS Lawanda Gwinn, Pltf(s): David Gwinn, Pltf Atty(s): Jeffrey Jones, Sean Mark Harrell, Def(s): Lawanda L Gwinn, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-000011-14

Anna Wilson VS Janifer Jamison, Pltf(s): Anna Wilson, Pltf Atty(s): John B Bartels, Matthew V Porter, Def(s): Janifer Jamison, Def Atty(s): Addison Marie Wilson, Bradford D Box, Auto Accident, CT-000023-17

Gateway Financial Solutions VS Keith Miller, Pltf(s): Gateway Financial Solutions Inc, Pltf Atty(s): Trace Dillon, Def(s): Keith J Miller, Lover M Palmer, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-000702-17

Clemment Freeman VS Douglas Martinez, Pltf(s): Clemment Freeman, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Douglas Urbina Martinez, Def Atty(s): Bailey L Walden, Bradford D Box, Auto Accident, CT-001216-17

Brittany Kirk VS Brandon Kirk, Pltf(s): Brittany Caroline Kirk, Pltf Atty(s): J O'Neal Perryman, Ralph T Gibson, Def(s): Brandon Jon Kirk, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-002035-17

Stacie Waddell VS David Waddell, Pltf(s): Stacie Martin Waddell, Pltf Atty(s): Adam N Cohen, Dorothy J Pounders, G Hite McLean, Leslie Gattas, Mitchell D Moskovitz, Def(s): David Sewall Waddell, DSW Trust, Waddell & Associates Inc, Waddell & Associates LLC, WaddellTrust, Def Atty(s): Amy J Amundsen, Blaine Smith, John R Branson, Jonathan E Nelson, Joseph W Smith, Kavita Goswamy Shelat, Melody McAnally, Divorce With Children, CT-003296-17

Luther McLellan VS M and J Lodging, Pltf(s): Luther McClellan, Pltf Atty(s): Jennifer L Miller, Def(s): Jagruti Patel, La Quinta Inn & Suites Memphis Airport Graceland, M&J Lodging LLC, Memphis Light Gas and Water, Metro Materials Inc, Minesh Patel, Def Atty(s): Brian L Yoakum, David Darnell, Dennis G Sadler, Jeffrey E Nicoson, John Willet, Lang Wiseman, Will Patterson, Personal Injury, CT-003303-17

Brenda Brady VS Life Care Services LLC, Pltf(s): Brenda Brady, Pltf Atty(s): Eric J Lewellyn, Garth Carson, Kevin Cavender, Kimberly C Shields, Lan Chen, Def(s): John Doe, Life Care Services LLC, SHP IV Germantown LLC, Def Atty(s): Colleen Schuetz, Minton Mayer, Personal Injury, CT-004029-18

Tevin Wilson VS Roscoe Johnson, Pltf(s): Adrienne White, Tevin Wilson, Pltf Atty(s): Louis P Chiozza Jr, Def(s): Deloris Johnson, Roscoe Johnson, Def Atty(s): Robert L Moore, Auto Accident, CT-004351-18

Willie Jones VS Lycurtis Bryson, Pltf(s): Willie Jones, Pltf Atty(s): Derek Fairchilds, Def(s): Autozone, Inc, Lycurtis Bryson, Thornia Crawford, Def Atty(s): Christopher M Myatt, Paul L Burson, Auto Accident, CT-004470-18

Trina Petty VS Graceland Nursing Center, Pltf(s): Ida Mae Ewing, Trina Petty, Pltf Atty(s): James E King, Def(s): Graceland Nursing Center LLC, Robert Burns, Def Atty(s): Katherine M Anderson, Minton Mayer, W Bradley Gilmer, Malpractice, CT-005423-14

Marvin Dear VS Hope Banks, Pltf(s): Marvin Edward Dear, Pltf Atty(s): Lucie K Brackin, Def(s): Hope Banks, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-005676-18

CRJ Properties LLC VS Israel Britt-Taylor, Pltf(s): CRJ Properties LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Lawrence E Baer, Lisa A Zacharias, Def(s): Israel Ismael Britt-Taylor, Def Atty(s): Ted I Jones, Breach Of Contract, CT-0360-19

10:00 AM

Melissa Goldson VS Jason Goldson, Pltf(s): Melissa Lea Goldson, Pltf Atty(s): Kendra Hazlett Armstrong, Def(s): Bari Bailey, Jason Elliott Goldson, Def Atty(s): John R Candy, Divorce With Children, CT-000240-17

Sarah Snyder VS Gabriel Snyder, Pltf(s): Sarah Elizabeth Snyder, Pltf Atty(s): R Linley Richter Jr, Def(s): Gabriel Sean Snyder, Def Atty(s): Jonathan W Davis, Transfer From Shelby Co, CT-005671-18

Marvin Dear VS Hope Banks, Pltf(s): Marvin Edward Dear, Pltf Atty(s): Lucie K Brackin, Def(s): Hope Banks, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-005676-18

Tina Broome VS Wesley Williams, Pltf(s):Tina Joann Broome, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Wesley Lee Williams, Def Atty(s): N/A, Miscellaneous, CT-0426-19

Div 2

9:00 AM

Raylonda Niter VS Rodriguez Niter, Pltf(s): Raylonda Shinneka

Niter, Pltf Atty(s): Juliet Akines, Def(s): Rodriguez Marcellus Niter, Def Atty(s): Cornelius K Bostick, Divorce With Children, CT-002141-18

Semma Qauran VS Qais Budeiri, Pltf(s): Semma Hazem Quran, Pltf Atty(s): Amy H Cannon, Def(s): Qais Adel Budeiri, Def Atty(s): Abigail Hall, Divorce With Children, CT-002307-18

Christopher Vinnett VS Avis Vinnett, Pltf(s): Christopher Anthony Vinnett, Pltf Atty(s): Precious Moore, Rachel L Hodges, Def(s): Avis Marie Vinnett, Def Atty(s): Misty D Becker, Divorce With Children, CT-002711-16

Cassandra Cauthen VS City Of Memphis, Pltf(s): Cassandra Cauthen, Pltf Atty(s): John B Bartels, Matthew V Porter, Def(s): City Of Memphis, Def Atty(s): Prince C Chambliss, Auto Accident, CT-002797-16

Patrice Levy VS Federal Express Corp, Pltf(s): Patrice Levy, Pltf Atty(s): Allen Gressett, Matthew L Harris, Def(s): Federal Express, Trust Building Services Inc, Def Atty(s): David I Feigelson, David S Zinn, James L Cresswell, Logan A Klauss, Personal Injury, CT-004211-17

Mae Riley VS Graceland Nursing LLC, Pltf(s): Dillene Reed, Mae Riley, Pltf Atty(s): Les Jones, Ryan Saharovich, Def(s): Graceland Nursing LLC, Def Atty(s): Minton Mayer, Malpractice, CT-004324-16

Page Mathis VS Cameron Head, Pltf(s): James Mathis, Page Mathis, Pltf Atty(s): Adam H Johnson, Def(s): Cameron D Head, Michael W Head, Def Atty(s): Robert L Moore, Auto Accident, CT004523-18

Raymond Turner VS Antonikka Mosley, Pltf(s): Ashley Nichols, Raymond Turner, Pltf Atty(s): John B Bartels, Matthew V Porter, Def(s): Antonikka Mosley, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, CT-004536-18

Lynn Grantland VS Bluecross Blueshield, Pltf(s): Kimberly Grantland, Lynn Grant, Pltf Atty(s): John B Bartels, Def(s): Blue Cross/ Blue Shield, Def Atty(s): Andrew H Owens, Breach Of Contract, CT-004661-12

Div 3

9:00 AM

Laura Johnson VS West Farmington Partners, Pltf(s): Laura Johnson, Pltf Atty(s): John B Bartels, Matthew V Porter, Def(s): West Farmington Partners, LP, Def Atty(s): Andrew H Owens, Personal Injury, CT-000662-16

Krestyn Spray VS Lance Rezmer, Pltf(s): Krestyn Spray, Pltf Atty(s): Iclem Jaber, Def(s): Lance Rezmer, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-002221-18

Roy Reel VS Jessie Hearns Lien, Pltf(s): Roy Reel, Pltf Atty(s): Joseph Michael Cook, Shantell Suttle, Def(s): Jessie Hearns, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-002763-16

Judy Golden VS Charles Golden, Pltf(s): Judy Anne Golden, Pltf Atty(s): Peggy J Lee, Def(s): Charles Golden, Def Atty(s): Psonya Hackett, Divorce With Children, CT-002812-17

Stephanie Booker VS John Doe, Pltf(s): Andor Williams, Antonio Curry, Catrina Bolton, Darius Williams, Stephanie Booker, Trinita Williams, Pltf Atty(s): Louis P Chiozza Jr, Def(s): John Doe, Def Atty(s): Bradford D Box, John C Meriwether, Auto Accident, CT-003065-16

Albert Leflore VS John Doe, Pltf(s): Albert Le'Flore, Pltf Atty(s): Louis P Chiozza Jr, Def(s): Angela Jones, Breanna Mason, Jamar Vann, John Doe, Kenneth Johnson, Rosalyn Boyd, Def Atty(s): Forrest R Jenkins, Pamela Warnock Blair, Auto Accident, CT-003534-18

Sallee Chalk VS William Chalk, Pltf(s): Sallee Chalk, Pltf Atty(s): Brent Rose, Def(s): William Robert Chalk, Def Atty(s): Andrew Zachary Graham, Daniel Loyd Taylor, Divorce With Children, CT-003560-17

Christian Allison VS Marlee Allison, Pltf(s): Christian Taylor Allison, Pltf Atty(s): Jana Davis Lamanna, Warren P Campbell, Def(s): Marlee Alexander Allison, Def Atty(s): Matthew R Macaw, Divorce With Children, CT-003776-18

Kardejah Jamerson VS Robert Seeman, Pltf(s): Kardejah Jamerson, Pltf Atty(s): Steve Taylor, Def(s): Robert Seeman, Shelby County Tennessee, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, CT-004686-18

SheilaTucker, Pltf Atty(s): J Mark Benfield, Def(s): Sandeep Samant, Def Atty(s): Katherine M Anderson, W Bradley Gilmer, Malpractice, CT-000175-16

Terri King-Thompson VS Graceland Nursing LLC, Pltf(s): Terri King-Thompson, Pltf Atty(s): Austin C Gardner, Cameron C Jehl, Carey L Acerra, Deena K Arnold, Def(s): Aaron Lankry, Eliezer Scheiner, Graceland Nursing LLC, Def Atty(s): Minton Mayer, Malpractice, CT-000289-17

Ashley Basquez VS Methodist Healthcare Memphis Hos, Pltf(s): Ashley N Basquez, Ava Rose Bouey, Bunszell Bouey, Pltf Atty(s): Chad Graddy, Def(s): Methodist Healthcare Memphis Hospitals, OB/GYN Centers Of Memphis MPLLC, Stephen Ehiremen, Def Atty(s): Craig C Conley, Darrell E Baker, Deborah Whitt, Hugh Francis, IV, M Jason Martin, Malpractice, CT-001284-18

Belz Hotel Group, LLC VS Pharma Conference, Inc, Pltf(s): Belz Hotel Group LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Paul I Mendelson, Def(s): Pharma Conference, Inc, Def Atty(s): Phillip E Mischke, Breach Of Contract, CT-001420-18

Jane Doe KT VS Serenity Day Spa Inc, Pltf(s): Jane Doe (KT), Pltf Atty(s): Louis P Chiozza Jr, Def(s): Ryan Davis, Serenity Day Spa, Inc, Def Atty(s): Stephen R Leffler, Miscellaneous, CT-001980-18

Deanna Allen VS Richard McLaine, Pltf(s): Deanna Allen, Pltf Atty(s): Juliane D Morris, Kimberly C Shields, Lan Chen, Steven Marshall, Def(s): Joel Fernald, Richard McLaine, Def Atty(s): Paul L Burson, Auto Accident, CT-002802-15

Michael Floyd VS Gary Williams Parenti Watson, Pltf(s): Michael G Floyd, Pltf Atty(s): Michael G Floyd, Def(s): Gary Williams Parenti Watson and Gary PLLC, Willie Gary, Def Atty(s): Stephen R Leffler, Breach Of Contract, CT-002848-18

Alisa Sisco VS Justice Sisco, Pltf(s): Alisa Nicole Snyder Sisco, Pltf Atty(s): Jeffrey Jones, Def(s): Justice Skylar Sisco, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-004049-16

Georganna O'Brien VS David O'Brien, Pltf(s): Georganna Renee O'Brien, Pltf Atty(s): Megan Rhea House, Def(s): David Quinn O'Brien, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-004416-16

Stephen Anderson VS Caroline Anderson, Pltf(s): Stephen Dean Anderson, Pltf Atty(s): Anne B Davis, Def(s): Caroline Gannaway Anderson, Def Atty(s): Stevan L Black, Divorce With Children, CT-004437-18

Malakai Gunn VS Minnie Logan, Pltf(s): Portia Gunn, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Minnie Logan, Roy Logan, Def Atty(s): Bradford D Box, W Christopher Frulla, Minor Settlement, CT-005012-18

Lisa Atarian VS Saint Francis Hospital Bartlett, Pltf(s): Lisa Atarian, Vicki Jane Rice, Pltf Atty(s): Austin C Gardner, Cameron C Jehl, Carey L Acerra, Deena K Arnold, Def(s): Saint Francis HospitalBartlett, Inc, Tenet Healthcare Corporation, Def Atty(s): Jonathan T Martin, Malpractice, CT-005235-17

Robert McClain VS John Doe, Pltf(s): Robert Earl McClain, Pltf Atty(s): John P Wade, Def(s): John Doe, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, CT-005561-18

Marathon Management LLC VS Bobby Todd, Pltf(s): Marathon Management LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Lawrence E Baer, Def(s): Bobby Todd, Def Atty(s): Joseph S Ozment, Breach Of Contract, CT-0312-19

10:00 AM

John-Paul Laborde VS Stephanie Laborde, Pltf(s): JohnPaul Philip Laborde, Pltf Atty(s): Jeremy A Davis, Def(s): Stephanie Heather Laborde, Def Atty(s): R Linley Richter Jr, Divorce With Children, CT-001858-16

Chelsea Price VS Terry Kownack Jr, Pltf(s): Chelsea Price, Pltf Atty(s): Theresa Childress, Def(s): Terry Kownack, Def Atty(s): Ivan D Harris, Divorce With Children, CT-003282-10

2:00 PM

Levi Robinson VS John Doe, Pltf(s): Levi Robinson, Pltf Atty(s): Stephen F Libby, Def(s): Allstate Insurance Company, Jane Doe, John Doe, Def Atty(s): H Lynne Smith, Auto Accident, CT-000641-16

Div 5

Murali Ponnapula VS Imanuel Wright, Pltf(s): Murali Ponnapula, Pltf Atty(s): John B Bartels, Matthew V Porter, Def(s): Imanuel Wright, Def Atty(s): Andrew H Owens, Auto Accident, CT-004704-17

Rickey Hill VS Beverly Hill, Pltf(s): Rickey Lee Hill, Pltf Atty(s): Jeremy A Davis, Def(s): Beverly McCoy Hill, Def Atty(s): Princess Woodard, Divorce, CT-005108-16

Clarke Address Inc VS Cynthia Murden, Pltf(s): The Clarke Address Inc, Pltf Atty(s): Alexander Jeffrey Hall, Brandon F McNary, Robert A Talley, Def(s): Cynthia Murden, Dwight Gray, Def Atty(s): Darrell O'Neal, Laura Smittick, Breach Of Contract, CT-005165-17

9:00 AM

Kathy Johannsen VS M and J Lodging LLC, Pltf(s): Kathy J Johannsen, Pltf Atty(s): Murray B Wells, Def(s): La Quinta Franchising LLC, La Quinta Holdings Inc, La Quinta Worldwide LLC, M and J Lodging LLC, Memphis Light Gas and Water, Metro Materials Inc, Minesh Patel, Def Atty(s): Brian L Yoakum, David Darnell, Dennis G Sadler, Jeffrey E Nicoson, John Willet, Lang Wiseman, Nicole D Berkowitz, Phillip E Mischke, Will Patterson, Personal Injury, CT-003460-17

Quinton Barnett VS Neighborhood Tire and Battery, Pltf(s): Quinton Barnett, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Neighborhood Tire and Battery, Def Atty(s): April Bostick, Tort, CT-003916-17

Div 4

Helen McNary VS Cory White, Pltf(s): Fantasia Harvey, Helen

9:00 AM

Dynamic Care and Rehab VS Skyline Mphs Healthcare, Pltf(s): Dynamic Care and Rehabilitation, LLC, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Skyline Of Memphis Healthcare and Rehab Center LLC, Def Atty(s): Kannon C Conway, Pablo Adrian Varela, Breach Of Contract,

McNary, Pltf Atty(s): Shantell Suttle, Def(s): Cory White, Def Atty(s): Dawn Carson, Personal Injury, CT-004689-16

Rose Bryan VS Anthony Terry, Pltf(s): Rose Bryan, Pltf Atty(s): Jef Feibelman, Def(s): Anthony Terry, Mahogany Truck Repair and Towing, Premium 2000 Truck Commercial Warranty-Travis Albert,



Murray Tucker VS Sandeep Samant, Pltf(s): Murray Tucker,

Continued on page 6




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The Daily News, Memphis

Friday, February 15, 2019

Law & Government

Circuit Court

Continued from page 5

Def Atty(s): W R Whitsitt, Tort, CT-005407-18

Terrance Hardin VS Cameka Hardin, Pltf(s): Terrance Duane Hardin, Pltf Atty(s): Theresa Childress, Def(s): Cameka Shanta Hardin, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-005467-18

Div 6

9:00 AM

Jay Dempsey VS Memphis Elite United, Pltf(s): Jay William Dempsey, Lauren Dempsey, Nella Dempsey, Pltf Atty(s): Bobby F Martin Jr, Def(s): Memphis Elite Cheer and Dance DBA Memphis Elite Cheer Gym, Memphis Elite United, Def Atty(s): Brian Chadwick Rickman, Jennifer Sutch, Personal Injury, CT-000561-17

Madalay Enterprises, LLC VS Beruk Construction Inc, Pltf(s): Mandalay Enterprises, LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Malcolm B Futhey, Def(s): Beruk Construction, Inc, Def Atty(s): Mark J Grai, Breach Of Contract, CT-001911-17

Ericka Hayes VS Baptist Memorial Health, Pltf(s): Ericka Hayes, Estate Of Jacquelyne Reed-Meade, Pltf Atty(s): Charles Wesley Fowler, Howard B Manis, Kimberly C Shields, Timothy R Holton, Def(s): Baptist Memorial Health Care, Baptist Mempiral Hospital-Memphis, Def Atty(s): Christopher S Campbell, John K Shelton, Sara M Garner, Malpractice, CT-003036-15

Totally Amazing Properties VS Southern Comfort Air, Pltf(s): Totally Amazing Properties LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Michael G Floyd, Def(s): Southern Comfort Air Heating and Plumbing LLC, Steve Matlock, Western Surety Company, Def Atty(s): Amy Enix, Justin D Wear, Philip L Robertson, Stephen R Leffler, Breach Of Contract, CT-003046-17

Michael Burgess VS Jacqueline Burgess, Pltf(s): Michael Allen Burgess, Pltf Atty(s): Psonya Hackett, Def(s): Jacquelyn Michelle Burgess, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-003922-18

Michael Morgan VS Adrianne Morgan, Pltf(s): MichaelWesley Morgan, Pltf Atty(s): Stuart B Breakstone, Def(s): Adrienne Morgan, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-003978-18

Doritha Askew VS Milton Kelly, Pltf(s): Doritha Askew, Pltf Atty(s): Brandon S Leslie, John Michael Bailey, Def(s): Milton Kelly, Def Atty(s): Catherine H Costict, Dawn Carson, Hal S (Hank) Spragins, Auto Accident, CT-004919-17

Medela LLC VS Target Medical Inc, Pltf(s): Medela LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Amy L Eversole, Eric Grimes, Def(s): Target Medical Inc, Tom Brockway, Def Atty(s): Charles M Weirich Jr, Breach Of Contract, CT-005054-18

10:00 AM

Jason Roth VS Stephanie Livingston, Pltf(s): Jason Roth, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Stephanie Livingston, Def Atty(s): N/A, Miscellaneous, CT-0425-19

3:30 PM

Shenice Mitchell VS Quentin Becker, Pltf(s): Jonnay Mitchell, Jorrlyn Mitchell, Shenice Mitchell, Pltf Atty(s): Eric A McEnerney, Def(s): Quentin Becker, Wendy Becker, Def Atty(s): James E Conley Jr, Shaterra L Reed, Auto Accident, CT-000803-15

Div 7

9:00 AM

Julius Malone VS Irvin Taylor, Pltf(s): JuliusT Malone, Margaret S Malone, Pltf Atty(s): Brittany Neal, Eric J Lewellyn, Henry E Reaves, Steven Marshall, Def(s): ASF Intermodal LLC, IrvinTaylor, Def Atty(s): Carl Wyatt, Nicholas E Bragorgos, Auto Accident, CT-000503-16

Kathleen Harris VS Gary Harris, Pltf(s): Kathleen Antoinette Harris, Pltf Atty(s): Cornelius K Bostick, Def(s): Gary Dewayne Harris, Def Atty(s): Michael R Working, Divorce, CT-000919-18

Kierra Buchanon VS Garrett Ragsdale, Pltf(s): Kierra Buchanon, Tiana Buchanon, Pltf Atty(s): Kenneth M Margolis, Def(s): Garrett T Ragsdale, Def Atty(s): Robert L Moore, Auto Accident, CT-001166-18

Richard Winston VS Kristal Washington, Pltf(s): Richard Winston, Pltf Atty(s): Stuart Baker Yates, Def(s): Kristal R Washington, Virgis J Clayborn, Def Atty(s): Forrest R Jenkins, Auto Accident, CT-001863-17

Jamaicah Davis VS Sean Davis, Pltf(s): Jamaicah Ligeria Cham-

ber Davis, Pltf Atty(s): Jeffrey Jones, Def(s): Sean Bradley Davis, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-001963-18

Mondher Khebou VS Life Storage, Pltf(s): Hedi Khebou, Mondher Khebou, Pltf Atty(s): James Jones, Def(s): Life Storage, LP, Simply Self Storage, LLC, Def Atty(s): Jeffrey C Smith, Breach Of Contract, CT-001988-17

Phyllis Faulkner VS Lee Faulkner, Pltf(s): Phyllis J Faulkner, Pltf Atty(s): Julie D Byrd Ashworth, Precious Moore, Def(s): Lee E Faulkner, Def Atty(s): Mitchell D Moskovitz, Divorce, CT-002067-11

Meghan Newman VS Mark Newman, Pltf(s): Meghan Marie Newman, Pltf Atty(s): Mitchell D Moskovitz, Olivia S Garber, Def(s): Mark Philip Newman, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-002856-18

Dorothy Shockley VS John Howard, Pltf(s): Dorothy Shockley, Latasha Shockey, Pltf Atty(s): Allen Gressett, Def(s): Alina Perez, John C Howard, Def Atty(s): James E King, Auto Accident, CT-003570-18

Tacaris Payne VS John Doe, Pltf(s): Deltorio Campbell, Frederick Brown, Kurvey Shelton, Tacarus Payne, Pltf Atty(s): John B Bartels, Matthew V Porter, Def(s): John Doe, Def Atty(s): Craig B Flood, Auto Accident, CT-003703-16

Anuraj Sidhu VS Savira Sidhu, Pltf(s): Anuraj Sidhu, Pltf Atty(s): Leslie Gattas, Timothy M Ginski, Def(s): Savira Sidhu, Def Atty(s): C Suzanne Landers, Divorce, CT-004024-17

Latonya Burrow VS Keil Reilly, Pltf(s): Latonya Burrow, Pltf Atty(s): Bobby F Martin Jr, Def(s): Graham Lighting Fixtures, Inc, Keil Reilly, Def Atty(s): Effie V Cozart, Auto Accident, CT-004632-18

Texsiera Wakefield VS Lisa Wilborn, Pltf(s): Texsiera Wakefield, Pltf Atty(s): Herbert J Sievers, Def(s): Lisa Wilborn, Raven White, Def Atty(s): James B McClain III, Robert L Moore, Auto Accident, CT-004939-18

Tysha Rich VS Jelisha Abston, Pltf(s): Kenya I Brown, Tysha Marquitta Rich, Pltf Atty(s): Brian Chadwick Rickman, Roland Eugene Cowden, Def(s): Jelishia Y Abston, Def Atty(s): Harry W Lebair, Auto Accident, CT-004994-17

Cecelia Reid VS Baptist Memorial Hospital, Pltf(s): Cecelia M Reid, Michael L Reid, Pltf Atty(s): Chad Graddy, Def(s): Baptist Memorial Hospital, Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic PLLC, Def Atty(s): J Kimbrough Johnson, James L Kirby, Marcy D Magee, Natalie Bursi, Malpractice, CT-005082-16

Alexander Clayborn Jr VS Tiffany Gray, Pltf(s): Alexander Clayborn, Pltf Atty(s): Ryan D Rich, Def(s): Tiffany Mishe Gray, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-005617-18

10:00 AM

Carol Blankenship VS Charles Blankenship, Pltf(s): Carol Ann Blankenship, Pltf Atty(s): Gregory D Cotton, Def(s): Charles Garnet Blankenship, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-000695-10

Roger Tyler VS Tameika Tyler, Pltf(s): Roger Kimani Tyler, Pltf Atty(s): Nakeshia Walls, Def(s): Tameika Mounia Tyler, Def Atty(s): Juliet Akines, Divorce With Children, CT-001673-17

Div 8

9:00 AM

Hilliary Milligan VS Jefferson Foreman, Pltf(s): Hilliary Peyton Milligan, Pltf Atty(s): Bradley W Eskins, John Aaron Vaught, Def(s): Jefferson Foreman, MPCoperations LLC, Def Atty(s): Brian Chadwick Rickman, Jennifer Sutch, Auto Accident, CT-001683-17

Kevin Davis VS Tammy Davis, Pltf(s): Kevin Letrell Davis, Pltf Atty(s): Theresa Childress, Def(s): Tammy Denise Davis, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-002086-18

Kandis Scurlock VS Appling Lake Apartments, Pltf(s): Kandis Scurlock, Pltf Atty(s): Ashley Schuerman Bennett, Def(s): Appling Lakes Apartments, Appling Lakes LLC, Cottonwood Capital Property Management II LLC, Def Atty(s): Robert A Cox, Personal Injury, CT-002281-18

Rosalynn Campbell VS Jacquelyn Whitthorne, Pltf(s): Rosalynn Campbell, Pltf Atty(s): Garth Carson, Juliane D Morris, Kimberly C Shields, Lan Chen, Steven Marshall, Def(s): Jacquelyn Whitthorne, John Doe, Def Atty(s): Dawn Carson, Dylan J Gillespie, Hal S (Hank) Spragins, Auto Accident, CT-004633-18

Div 9

9:00 AM

Rosa Weston VS George Thorton, Pltf(s): Larry Weston, Rosa



Weston, Pltf Atty(s): John B Bartels, Matthew V Porter, Def(s): George Thorton, Def Atty(s): Paul L Burson, Auto Accident, CT-000891-17 Angela Sanders VS Frank Sanders, Pltf(s): Angela Arnette Sanders, Pltf Atty(s): Theresa Childress, Def(s): Frank Sanders, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-001928-17 Angelia Johnson VS Tyler Flowers, Pltf(s): Angelia Johnson, Chris Johnson, Pltf Atty(s): Thomas R Greer, Def(s): Tyler Flowers, Def Atty(s): Andrew H Owens, Dawn Carson, Hal S (Hank) Spragins, Russell B Jordan, Auto Accident, CT-002925-16 Beverly Francis-McRee VS Lemont Glover, Pltf(s): Beverly Francis-McRee, Pltf Atty(s): Daryl Andre Gray, Def(s): Lemont A Glover, Def Atty(s): Russell C Rutledge, Auto Accident, CT-003126-17 Jerricka Flake VS LECO Realty Inc, Pltf(s): Jacqulyn Flake, Jerricka Rashawn Flake, Pltf Atty(s): Marc A Sorin, Richard Sorin, Def(s): Etta M Chase Revocable Trust, LECO Realty Inc, Def Atty(s): Cameron Watson, Lindsey Shepard, Marc O Dedman, S Newton Anderson, Tort, CT-003288-17 Nina Telford VS John Doe, Pltf(s): Nina Telford, Pltf Atty(s): Juliane D Morris, Kimberly C Shields, Lan Chen, Steven Marshall, Def(s): John Doe, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, CT-004604-18 Aiden McNeil VS Carol Masek, Pltf(s): Adam McNeil, Aiden McNeil, Amanda McNeil, Pltf Atty(s): John B Bartels, Matthew V Porter, Def(s): Carol Masek, Kyle Lowery, Samantha Lowery, Def Atty(s): Andrew H Owens, Personal Injury, CT-005202-16 Waterford Place Apartments VS Tedrick Moore, Pltf(s): Waterford Place Apartments, Pltf Atty(s): Bruce L Feldbaum, Def(s): Tedrick Moore, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-0363-19 10:00 AM Terrence Brooks VS Jazma Brooks, Pltf(s):Terrence Deshawn Brooks, Pltf Atty(s): Cornelius K Bostick, R Linley Richter Jr, Def(s): Jazma Latrece Brooks, Def Atty(s): Charles E Rich, Divorce With Children, CT-002891-10 Charles Adkins III VS Misti Adkins, Pltf(s): Charles Edward Adkins, Pltf Atty(s): Lisa A Zacharias, Def(s): Misti Renee Adkins, Def Atty(s): Amy H Cannon, Divorce With Children, CT-003382-09 Daniel Magro VS Adria Magro, Pltf(s): Daniel Lee Magro, Pltf Atty(s): Brent Rose, Jason R Ridenour, Leslie Gattas, Def(s): Adria Elizabeth Magro, Def Atty(s): Charles W McGhee, Divorce With Children, CT-004245-07 Daniel Magro VS Adria Magro, Pltf(s): Daniel Lee Magro, Pltf Atty(s): Brent Rose, Jason R Ridenour, Leslie Gattas, Def(s): Adria Elizabeth Magro, Def Atty(s): Charles W McGhee, Divorce With Children, CT-004245-07 Home River Group VS Mia Scullark, Pltf(s): Home River Group, Pltf Atty(s): Derek E Whitlock, Def(s): Mia Scullark, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-004960-18

Circuit Court's Current Calendar can be viewed on Circuit Court's website at -


Shelby County Probate Court


Kathleen N. Gomes, Judge, 222-3761 Karen D. Webster, Judge, 222-3767

Bill Morrison, Clerk Tel. 222-3768

140 Adams, Room 124 Hours: M-F, 8 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m.


Shown here: Subject and Docket Number.

Administrator was appointed for the estate of Katherine D Snipes with bond, PR013265

Administrator was appointed for the estate of Dorian J Neal with bond, PR013268

Guardianships (Minor)

Shown here: Subject, Attorney and Docket Number. Sorted by Name.

Sherlyng Vanessa Sabillon Rodgri, Atty: Price, Brandi, PR013270


Shown here: Estate Name, Attorney, and Docket Number.

Petition filed for the will of John Mark Wiggins to Probate. Atty: Bradley, James Anthony, PR013269

Petition filed for the will of William Jere Orman, Sr to Probate. Atty: Wages, Wilson, PR013267

US District Court

Judges & Magistrates

S. Thomas Anderson, Chief Judge John T. Fowlkes Jr., District Judge Sheryl H. Lipman, District Judge Thomas L. Parker, District Judge James D. Todd, Senior District Judge Jon P. McCalla, Senior District Judge Samuel H. Mays Jr., Senior District Judge J. Daniel Breen, Senior District Judge Diane K. Vescovo, Chief U.S. Magistrate Judge Tu M. Pham, U.S. Magistrate Judge Edward G. Bryant, U.S. Magistrate Judge Charmiane G. Claxton, U.S. Magistrate Judge

Thomas M. Gould, Clerk Tel. 495-1200

Bankruptcy Court Judges

David S. Kennedy, Chief Judge Jennie D. Latta, Judge

George W. Emerson Jr., Judge Paulette J. Delk, Judge Jimmy L. Croom, Judge

Kathleen A. Ford Clerk of Court Tel. 328-3500

Bankruptcy Petitions

Shown here: Petitioner (Ptr), Address, Petitioner's Attorney, Docket Number. Multiple petitioners noted with a number. Sorted

by Filing City, Type, then Docket Number.

Bankruptcy Definitions ? Chapter 7 - Liquidation (Bankruptcy trustee sells non-exempt assets and

in return individual debtors receive discharges from certain debts.) ? Chapter 9 - Adjustment of Debts of a Municipality ? Chapter 11 - Reorganization ? Chapter 12 - Adjustment of Debts of a Family Farmer with Regular

Annual Income ? Chapter 13 - Adjustment of Debts of an Individual with Regular Income

(A so-called "wage earner case")


Chapter 7

Ptr(1): Lavondra H Moore, 3585 Lowbranch Apt 1, 38116, Atty: Lashundra Davis-Culpepper, 019-21296

Ptr(1): Keith E Broome II, 8822 Chimneyrock Blvd, 38016, Atty: BD Sweeney, 019-21303

Ptr(1): Sophiah H Anderson, 9103 Farmoor Rd, 38139, Atty: Darrell L Castle, 019-21315

Ptr(1): Christopher S Avery, 1900 Grenville Drive, 38138, Atty: Preston Wilson, 019-21317

Ptr(1): Chasidy L Dungan, 1990 Lakefront Drive #101, 38017, Atty: Preston Wilson, 019-21325

Chapter 13

Ptr(1): Carolyn D Lewis, 1094 Portside Drive, 38018, Atty: BD Sweeney, 019-21294

Ptr(1): Keosha D Miles, 2101 Imogene Apt 202, 38114, Atty: Edwin C Lenow, 019-21295

Ptr(1): Sedtrice D Curry, 3869 Jackson Avenue #3, 38128, Atty: Michael J Baloga, 019-21297

Ptr(1): Ramona A Wilkerson, 1127 James Street #8, 38106, Atty: Ryan Rich, 019-21298

Ptr(1): Louis D McKinney, 1740 Winfield, 38116, Atty: Thomas C Fila, 019-21299

Ptr(1): Francis H Hodges, 912 Lackey Road, 72364, Atty: Steven F Bilsky, 019-21300

Ptr(1): Evett Spears, 6367 Kirby Downs Drive, 38115, Atty: Earnest E Fiveash Jr, 019-21301

Ptr(1): Leaundra Dockery, 2555 Calvert Avenue #1, 38108, Atty: Michael J Baloga, 019-21302

Ptr(1): Bernetta B Delk, 9972 Misty Elm Drive, 38016, Atty: Philip F Counce, 019-21304

Ptr(1): Sharon V Courtney, 4400 Helene Rd, 38117, Atty: Earnest E Fiveash Jr, 019-21305

Ptr(1): Orlando Woods, 914 Maria Street, 38122, Atty: Marcelle Z Nia, 019-21306

Ptr(1): Bryant E Wood, 3396 E Briarpark #3, 38116, Atty: SJ Garrett, 019-21307

Ptr(1): Betty Minter, 3300 Vineyard Haven Place, 38128, Atty: Ricky Hutchens, 019-21308

Ptr(1): Ernest C Echols, 2834 Brewer Ave, 38114, Atty: Brian M Glass, 019-21309

Ptr(1): Tamara C Jefferson, 6344 Berrypick Lane South, 38141, Atty: Ursula Jones, 019-21310

Ptr(1): Gordon W Richardson Jr, 577 Sharon Drive, 38122, Atty: Steven F Bilsky, 019-21311

Ptr(1): Summer S Hampton, 3820 Clark Road, 38115, Atty: Jimmy E McElroy, 019-21312

Ptr(1): JL Sanderson, 1616 Key Corner Road, 38040, Atty: Scott Lovelace, 019-21313

Ptr(1): Clara Wheeler, 6714 Reindeer Ave, 38115, Atty: James A Cohen, 019-21314

Ptr(1): Mario D Burks, 55 Whispering Ridge Cv, 38060, Atty: Darrell L Castle, 019-21316

Ptr(1): Demon L Young, 7128 Wetherburn Cove, 38125, Atty: Ursula Jones, 019-21318

Ptr(1): James O Shipp Jr, 3329 Cody, 38115, Atty: Gene Bell, 019-21319

Ptr(1): Winfred L Ross, 2446 Park Ave, 38114, Atty: Herbert D Hurst, 019-21321

Ptr(1): Richard Smith Jr, 3613 Debby Dr, 38127, Atty: Earnest E Fiveash Jr, 019-21322

Ptr(1): Taffica R Reed, 3638 Russelwood Dr, 38128, Atty: Earnest E Fiveash Jr, 019-21323

Ptr(1): Valencia Jasso, 2756 Summit Arbors Cir #108, 38128, Atty: Juliet Akines, 019-21324


Chapter 7

Ptr(1): Paula J Wisinski, 268 Holmes Street, 38351, Atty: Richard H Walker, 019-10336

Chapter 13

Ptr(1): David L Strange, 74 Addison Way, 38305, Atty: Ken Walker, 019-10331

Ptr(1): Cynthia A Lloyd, 150 Lily Pond Lane, 38237, Atty: Brad George, 019-10332

Ptr(1): Chandra R Taliaferro-Jones, 112 York Commons, 38063, Atty: CJ Teel Jr, 019-10333

Ptr(1): Theresa A Easley, 670 Smith Avenue, Lot 36, 38351, Atty: Richard H Walker, 019-10335

Ptr(1): Nakeyia D Easley, 670 Smith Avenue Lot 36, 38351, Atty: Richard H Walker, 019-10337

Ptr(1): Britty R Freeman, 609 Irvine St, 38242, Atty: CJ Teel Jr, 019-10338

Ptr(1): Antonio R Whiteside, 15 Sherrell Dr Apt 15, 38301, Atty: TV Smith, 019-10339

Ptr(1): Shequetta D Maxwell, 21 Brooks Dr, 38301, Atty: Louis W Ringger, 019-10340

Ptr(1): Kent Arnesen, 610 East College Street Apt B7, 38301, Atty: Gwen Hewitt, 019-10341





Friday, February 15, 2019


The Daily News, Memphis

Page 7



Real EstateLAUD&ERDALDE evelopment




Coverage Area ? Public Records






Real Estate Transactions



Shelandra Ford, County Register


TelC. H2E2S2T-E8R100

Warranty Deeds, Trust Deeds, and other special deeds are compiled daily from the records of the Shelby County Register's office. Warranty Deeds usually convey title to real estate from the seller to the buyer. Trust Deeds, in effect, convey a lien on the real estate from a borrower, guarantor, person or firm putting up the real estate as collateral or

Copyright ? 2019, The Daily NMeCwNsAPIuRbYlishing Company, Memphis, TN 38103. All rights to reproduction and/or republication to materials

security for some purpose, to a lender, person or firm receiving collateral or security for some purpose. A lender is usually designated by its trustee. In many instances, the borrower is at the same time a buyer of the real estate, and is executing a purchase money mortgage.

herein are reserved by the publisher.

When that occurs, the Warranty Deed and Trust Deed will usually have consecutive, or nearly consecutive, instrument numbers.

HARDIN WAYONtEher special deeds also transfer an interest in the real estate from the grantor to the grantee.



Electrical PermMiARtSsHALL


Permits filed with the County Construction Code Enforcement


Office.TSUhNoICwAn here: Address, Contractor, Property Owner, and Description. Sorted by Zip, then Address.LAFAYETTE

PAANllOeLnA Medlock,

Construction Code Enforcement


Tel. 385-5073


4310 CooQlUISTMpArNings Cove, Woods Electric, Inc (E000), Wire

New 8968




Electric Company (E000), CIAnLsHtaOlUl N

Washer, Dryer Circuit, 30 Amps

5570 W Hayes Crest Cr, Otto Electric Company (E000), New

Home Construction


9460 S Darren Cr, Precision Electric & Lighting Srvices, LLC,



6075 US Highway 72, Co-Ben Electric Co, LLC (E000), Remodel

Existing Space

8892 Rosemark Rd, American Electric Contractors (E020), New

Practice Facility

7705 N US Highway 51, Tippit Electric Co (E000), Rework For

Body Shop, Low Voltage

6075 US Highway 72, Security Fire Protection, Addition 1

Strobe, 1 Horn/Strobe


40 N Front St, South Central A/V (E029), Install Sound System,

CCTV System, 6 Floors

22 N BB King Blvd, Rush Electric Company (E000), Run 150' 2

276 S Front St, State Systems, Inc (E000), Install Cable


1265 Union Ave, ESSC, Inc (E029), Pull Cable For 1 System

On 2 Floors

53 N Belvedere Blvd, Dana Mitchell Electric Inc (E000), Put


53 N Belvedere Blvd, Dana Mitchell Electric Inc (E000), Replace

Fire Damaged Wire, Install Arc Fault Device On Line Side

1420 Union Ave, Williams Sign Co (E036), N/A


1 Bass Pro Dr, Tippit Electric Co (E000), N/A


1410 Humber St, Max Electric Inc (E000), Remove Knob, Tube In

Attic, Rework All Opened Joists


971 N Idlewild St, Patriot Electric (E000), Repair Electrical

Service, Add Circuit For Microwave


3556 Chelsea Ave, Chism Electric Company, Inc (E000), N/A


3454 S Third St, Williams Sign Co (E036), N/A

737 Bonwood St, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Fire Ruling


378 Patterson St, Shelby Electric Company (E000), Replace

Existing Walkway Lighting With LED Fixtures, Add 2x30 Amp 480

Volt Panel

3771 Poplar Ave, Shelby Electric Company (E000), Replace Exist-

ing Walkway Lighting With LED Fixtures


2674 Burns Ave, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace

2674 Burns Ave, Michael Scott DBA Arlington Mechanical (M000),

Replace Panel, Meter Base, Riser, Lights, Devices, No Service For

More Than 365 Days, MPB


2785 S Mendenhall Rd, One CallTelecom, LLC (E029), Run Voice,

Data, Paging Cable, Terminate To Patch Panel

2554 Mount Moriah Rd, Dynamic Electric, Inc (E000), Demo

Out Unused Circuits, 6 120/208 Volt Add As Needed Circuits,

20 Amps


4865 Carnes Ave, Whitfield, Paul Electric Co (E020), Wire Shop


5561 E Holmes Rd, Princeton Electric Co, Inc (E000), Add New

Paint Booth


6367 Shadowood Ln, Par Electric, Inc (E000), Master Bath


6500 Quince Rd, Data Network Systems (E029), N/A

6656 Pondside Cr, Patriot Electric (E000), Replace Panel, Add

Smoke Upgrade Ground, Remove Stabbed Receptacles, Install

New Outlets, GFIs

1282 Bristol Dr, Ellendale Electric Co, Inc (E000), 1-5 Cirucits

Warranty Deeds

Zip/Price Address

Buyer/BorrowerL(AsU) DERDALE




$262,000 5290 Hidden Meadows $250,000 T5IP3P7A0HLamb Valley Dr $120,000 7142 Pleasant Ridge Rd

Jonathan M Otto, Shannon Otto TISHOBMoIbNbGyOJohnson, Andrea Johnson

Cristobal P Pina

US Bank National Association Tr Fraser, Jonathan R Fortune, Laura

38016 $233,000 7670 Spirit Lake Court $61,000 2408 TalmadgPeRPElNaTcIeSS

Irene Hernandez,CJOoLaBnERnTa Hernandez OCG Acquisitions GP

Ward, Marie L SFR MEM LLC


$549,999 4725 Magnolia Park Cir West Richard McKeever, Deanna McKeever Magnolia Homes Inc

UN$IO4N24,950 1594 Prairie Dunes Dr

Robert F Sawyer, Melinda M Sawyer

Grant Homes LLC

$385,000 712 Wellington Way P$O3N8T0O,0TO0C0 1230 BraddLoEcEk Dr $367,500 2791 Levee Oaks East

Anthony Colston, Elizabeth Colston ITAWAMBAAngela Brown, Christopher Brown

Patel, Hetal Symons, Kristen

Charles J Fullwood, Kimberly H Fullwood Rose, David

$299,000 290 Songbird Rd $130,000 76 Hinton Cv

Joshua A Smith, Allison M Smith Robert F Smith JMrARION

Degeorge, Teri H King, Jeffrey A

$0 10309 Waterford Rd

James W Clark Tr, Cathy J Clark Tr

Clark, James W


$177,500 678 South Sanga Rd MONROELee E Jones

Beno, Joseph

$0 288 Richard Way Dr

James Fitzpatrick Tr, Miriam Fitzpatrick Et Al Barsch, Kenneth R


$70,000 5972 Aspen Cv

Buy Memphis Now GP

James E Harris and Melissa Harris LLC


$319,900 435 South Front St No 105

Marshall A Wright, Kristen C Wright

Trenary, Bridget M

$304,000 1460 Island Place East

Marcin Wlodarski

Theut, Timothy N

$190,000 408 South Front St Unit 314 Edward J Garitty

Farrell, Donald M


$320,000 2108 Oliver Ave

William J Lard, Christina A Daly

Raymond, Pamela

$299,999 2157 Elzey Ave

Margaret N Carter

Horn, Samuel

$277,500 295 Garland St

William Stearnes

Stearnes, Carolyn H

$274,900 2167 Court Ave

Ellen C Ganey, Mark P Vives

Seedtick Properties LLC

$170,000 69 North Tucker St

Glen E Stovall

Wood, Karen K


$46,400 499 Jacklyn Ave

Broad St LLC

2 Plus 2 Equals 1 LLC

$26,000 1670 Cincinnati Rd

Catherine Lacy

Crawford, Betty M


$161,500 790 Evergreen St

Hannah Papa

Duncan, Jordan

$145,000 981 Sheridan St

Jonathan M Hetrick, Heather J Hetrick Pamela Genene Weems Revocable Living Trust


$64,000 1180 Elder Rd

Richard McNell

Mid South Homebuyers GP

$42,500 4646 White Fox St

REI Nation LLC

Nationwide Legacy LLC

$34,000 61 Otsego Dr


MDM Investments Of Memphis LLC


$11,000,000 3549 Norriswood Ave

TN Memphis Holdings LLC

FC Highlands LLC

$222,500 506 Ellsworth

Bradley C Hescock, Laura A Hescock

Campbell, Scot

$118,000 640 Shotwell St

Sophie E Thomas, Amanda B Young

Dilley, Phyllis R Tr

$115,000 3549 Southern Ave

TN Memphis 610 LLC

Loeb Bros Realty L P

$98,000 3661 Vanuys Rd

Neighborhood Revival LLC

Olmsted US III LLC

$59,000 4308 Willow Rd

Oakmark Holdings LLC

Abrahante, Anarsby L

$50,000 1617 Mary Dr

Mohammed S Adem

Wharton, Steve

$0 3802 Elliston Rd

Housing and Urban Development

Carrington Mortgage Services LLC


$340,000 295 Buena Vista Place

John D Ducrest

Gross, Charles H

$220,000 26 North Ashlawn Rd

Jonathan R Hendrick, Leah E Hendrick Boger, Laura S


$825,000 2281 Ketchum Rd

Tavis T Hon Tan, Phyllis Y Ru Tan

Redwoods Investments LLC


$61,000 6384 Hunters Place Dr

OCG Acquisitions GP



$250,000 363 Fairfield Cir West

John C Cameron, Elizabeth B Cameron Annette L Patterson Revocable Trust


$139,900 3358 Adeline St

Comad Zo Suites LLC

Memphis Cashflow GP

$85,500 4914 Cottonwood Rd

Spec IRA Srvs FBO Laurie Yonamine Trad Shelby Holdings LLC

$82,000 4848 Chuck Ave

Maria D Castillo, Juan C Gonzalez

Rodgers, Carlesly


$70,000 1206 Bristol Dr No 302

Crysta H Gingras

Acree, Bradley D


$425,000 5432 Gwynne Rd

Paul Roney, Margaret C Roney

Vazeii, Michael A

$89,000 6774 Enchanted Oak Place

Meredith Hatsell

Woodstock69 LLC


$130,000 515 Meade Cir

Performance Properties LLC

Welch, Timothy W

$23,000 3624 Macon Rd

Supreme Staffing LLC

Pina, Zoila V


$3,575,000 7915 Winchester Rd

Tallahassee Properties LLC

7915 Winchester Road Holdings LLC

$575,000 0 Lowrance Rd

Mohammad Assaf

Glenn D Lane Testamentary Share No 1


$57,500 4098 Drowsy Ln

Adam Larkin, Rocco Toscano

Pulliam Family LP

$13,500 5127 Corkwood Dr

Mid South Homebuyers GP

Alpha 55 LLC


$75,000 3828 Windermere Rd

Kenneth M Lundgren

Memphis Investment Rental Properties LLC

$54,500 4257 Ann Arbor Ln

REI Nation LLC

Dobbs, Cassandra

$47,000 1931 Davis Cir

Howard Rector, Ziba Rector

Testndwani, Anuradha


$195,000 7878 Sandywood Ln

Yamasa Co Ltd

Andrea G Lacey Trust

$100,000 7070 Petten Dr

Alexis J Montiel

Chen, Xudong

$55,000 2722 Van Leer Dr

Memphis Turnkey Properties GP

Carroll, Natasha D


$159,900 2872 Altruria Rd

Bradley S Keel

Denton, Richard N

$158,000 3110 Lichen Dr

Kaitlyn D Boswell, Joshua G Boswell

McDonald, Theresa


$126,000 5770 Rensslaer Dr

Edwin D Bielmas

Otto, Jonathan M


$285,000 7897 Cross Pike Dr

Joseph M Beno, Kelsey A Beno

Wogksch, Maura R

Property Description

Lot 111, Hidden Meadows Ph II Sub Lot 33, Arlington Trace Ph I Sub Lot 3, Ricksland Sub

Lot 58, Cordova Club PD Ph 1 Sec A Sub Lot 12, Countrywood Condominiums West

Lot 37, Magnolia Preserve PD Ph 1 Sub Lot 89, Villages At Porter Farms PUD Lot 6, Wellington Farms Ph 1 Sub Lot 66, Windsprings Ph II Sub Lot 34, Levee Oaks PUD Ph A Sub Lot 60, Spring Hill Sub Lot 22, Collierville Heights Kosloskis Lot 29, Beaver Creek Sec A Sub

Lot 179, Sanga Trails Ph V Sub Lot 104, Woodside At Walnut Grove Sec B

Lot 35, Waverly Plantation Sec A Sub

Lot 105, Nettleton Condominium Sub Lot 1, Riverpoint PD Sub Lot 314, Paperworks Lofts Condominiums

Lot 5, EO Baileys Part Of Lot 44 Various Lots, East End Highlands Sub Various Lots, Garland Place Sub Lot 49, Coles East End Sub Lot 5, Gilbert Real Estate Sub

Various Lots, Phillip Belz Philsar Sec C Sub Lot 10, Burnett 3rd Addn Sub

Various Lots, Crump and Guthries North Evergreen Lot 49, University Terrace Sub

Lot 8, Mitchell Road Sec A Sub Lot 249, Whitecap Terrace Sec C Sub Lot 32, Horn Lake Gardens Sub

Lot N/A, N/A Sub Lot 18, Country Club Place Sub Lot 5, Normal School Place Sub Lot N/A, N/A Sub Various Lots, Sherwood Forest 7th Addn Sub Lot 11, Cherry Leatherwood Sub Lot 131, Revised Belle Haven Sec C Sub Lot 33, East Memphis Park Sec A Sub

Lot 19, Buena Vista Terrace Blk 1 Sub Lot 51, Poplar Glen Sub

Various Lots, Yale Yards Blk E Sub

Lot 26, Huntington Place Ph 2 Sub

Lot 25, Greenway Gardens Sub

Lot 68, Mendenaire Sub Lot 71, Cottonwood Manor Sec A Sub Lot 144, Wooddale Sub

Lot 1206, Chatham Village Condominiums

Lot 15, Joe Lazarovs Walnut Grove Lot 6774, Whispering Oaks Condominiums

Lot 37, Graham Gardens Sec B Sub Various Lots, Biltmore Sub

Lot N/A, Winchester Hacks Cross PD Ph 1 Lot N/A, Stansell Crossing PD Sub

Lot 125, Georgian Woods Sec A Sub Lot 98, Cedarwood Sec C Sub

Lot 228, Timberlake Sec B Sub Lot 57, St Elmo Village Sec A Sub Lot 31, Thrifton 3rd Addn Sub

Lot 37, Bartlett Creek 1st Addn Sub Lot 50, Lakemeer Sec A 3 Sub Lot 62, Lakemeer Sec A 2 Sub

Lot 43, JD and JA Kearney Sub Lot 78, Wildwood Manor Sec A Sub

Lot 78, Brownsville Woods Sec A Sub

Lot 68, Crossroads Village Sec B Sub


19014513 19014359 19014453

19014460 19014416

19014438 19014392 19014469 19014482 19014137 19014478 19014490 19014454

19014443 19014134


19014282 19014121 19014160

19014142 19014496 19014525 19014145 19014346

19014485 19014408

19014154 19014209

19014527 19014172 19014096

19014411 19014151 19014140 19014415 19014186 19014091 19014198 19014317

19014299 19014312




19014184 19014441 19014442


19014107 19014488

19014374 19014440

19014399 19014354

19014097 19014532

19014306 19014502 19014512

19014136 19014357 19014308

19014560 19014352



Continued on page 8

Continued on page 8


Foreclosures.................................................10 Misc. Notices................................................26 Bankruptcies .................................................6

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Published Information

M T W Th F

Building Permits ? Amount & Location ? ? ? ? ?

Mechanical Permits ? Amount & Location ? ? ? ? ?

Electrical Permits ? Location & Description ? ? ? ? ?

Plumbing Permits ? Location & Description ? ? ? ? ?

Real Estate ? Warranty, Trust, Trustee & Quit Claim Deeds


Based on activity and availability of information.

Page 8

The Daily News, Memphis

Friday, February 15, 2019

Real Estate & Development

Electrical Permits

Continued from page 7

Warranty Deeds

Continued from page 7

1269 Essex Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Disconnect, Reattach Meter, Lighting

1262 Essex Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Disconnect, Reattach Meter, Lighting

1264 Essex Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Disconnect, Reattach Meter, Lighting

1275 Bristol Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Disconnect, Reattach Meter, Lighting

1277 Bristol Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Disconnect, Reattach Meter, Lighting

1279 Bristol Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Disconnect, Reattach Meter, Lighting

1285 Bristol Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Disconnect, Reattach Meter, Lighting

1287 Bristol Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Disconnect, Reattach Meter, Lighting

1304 Bristol Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace 1306 Bristol Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Discon-

nect, Reattach Meter, Lighting 1308 Bristol Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Discon-

nect, Reattach Meter, Lighting 1269 Essex Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Disconnect,

Reattach Meter, Lighting 1269 Essex Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Disconnect,

Reattach Meter, Lighting 1269 Essex Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Disconnect,

Reattach Meter, Lighting 1269 Essex Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Disconnect,

Reattach Meter, Lighting 1306 S Session Ct, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC

Disconnect, Reattach Meter, Lighting 1308 S Session Ct, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC

Disconnect, Reattach Meter, Lighting 1310 S Session Ct, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC

Disconnect, Reattach Meter, Lighting 1312 S Session Ct, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC

Disconnect, Reattach Meter, Lighting 1252 Bristol Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Discon-

nect, Reattach Meter, Lighting 1256 Bristol Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Discon-

nect, Reattach Meter, Lighting 1258 Bristol Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Discon-

nect, Reattach Meter, Lighting 1262 Bristol Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Discon-

nect, Reattach Meter, Lighting 1269 Essex Dr, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Replace AC Disconnect,

Reattach Meter, Lighting 38120

939 Ridge Lake Blvd, Banks Electric Incorporated (E000), N/A

939 Ridge Lake Blvd, Banks Electric Incorporated (E000), N/A

939 Ridge Lake Blvd, Banks Electric Incorporated (E000), N/A

939 Ridge Lake Blvd, Banks Electric Incorporated (E000), N/A

939 Ridge Lake Blvd, Banks Electric Incorporated (E000), N/A

610 N Oak Grove Rd, Whitfield, Paul Electric Co (E020), Temp Meter

610 N Oak Grove Rd, Whitfield, Paul Electric Co (E020), New Per Telephone, TV, Alarm 38122

1058 Maria St, Ellendale Electric Co, Inc (E000), N/A 38125

5171 Autumn Morning Cove, Precision Electric & Lighting Srvices, LLC, Wire New House, Telephone, Cables

4996 Granite Creek Rd, Whitfield, Paul Electric Co (E020), New Rcpt

7233 Winchester Rd, Tennessee Sign Service, Inc (E000), N/A 38126

600 Hernando St, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), Interior Remodel 38127

3290 Amselle Cr, Hiller Plumbing, Htg, Clg & Electrical (M000), Replace Panel 9 J 38128

4341 Ann Arbor Ln, Hiller Plumbing, Htg, Clg & Electrical (M000), New Panel - Upgrade 4 R 38133

2836 Wolfcreek Pw, Frank Balton & Co, Inc (E036), Wall Sign Front Entrance

2836 Wolfcreek Pw, City Wide Wiring, Inc (E000), Remodel For 2 Offices

7865 Educators Ln, Master Telecom, LLC (E000), 2 Systems, Data, Dmarc 38138

1730 S Germantown Rd, Security Fire Protection, Install Horn/ Stopes, Strobes, 2 Dust Detectors,Tie In Venthood

1730 S Germantown Rd, Williams Sign Co (E036), Install Sign Zip Code N/A

175 Toyota Pz, Security Fire Protection, Security Fire Protection, N/A

495 Zach H Curlin St, Davis Electric, Inc (E000), Davis Electric, Inc (E000), Demo Existing Lightin, Install New Lighting

12571 George Selby Dr, Ellendale Electric Co, Inc (E000), Ellendale Electric Co, Inc (E000), N/A

7380 Millington Rd, Harkey Electrical Inc (E000), Harkey Electrical Inc (E000), N/A

Plumbing Permits

Permits filed with the County Construction Code Enforcement Office. Shown here: Address, Contractor, Property Owner, and

Description. Sorted by Zip, then Address.

Allen Medlock, Construction Code Enforcement

Tel. 385-5073

38016 7130 Goodlett Farms Pw, Security Fire Protection Co, Inc

(M000), N/A 8763 Chimneyrock Blvd, Choate's Air Conditioning & Heating,

Replace Sewer Line 2079 Kings Cross Ln, Automatic Air Conditioning & Htg, LLC

(M000), Replace Sewer 1672 N Pisgah Rd, Legacy Plumbing Co Inc (P000), Install

Plumbing 1650 N Germantown Pw, Daniel McDowell Plumbing and Drain,

$0 3128 Tallwood Dr 38139

$660,000 1704 Dogwood Creek Rd $400,000 2157 Seton Pl

$0 1989 Cordes Rd 38141

$85,100 4885 Water Fowl Ln N/A

$125,000 N/A

Trust Deeds

Zip/Price Address

38053 $90,000 5972 Aspen Cv

38111 $11,000,000 3549 Norriswood Ave

$4,900,000 366 South Highland 38120

$0 5441 South Angela Rd 38125

$105,000 7208 Country Oaks Dr 38127

$46,000 4098 Drowsy Ln $0 5127 Corkwood Dr

38134 $2,000,000 5750 Ferguson Rd

38138 $175,000 1418 Tuscany Way

N/A $3,603,114 N/A $700,000 N/A $540,000 N/A $540,000 N/A $240,000 N/A

38002 $629,300 4331 Iberville Ct $370,500 4700 Chester Rd $268,580 12452 Noni Valley Dr $257,254 5290 Hidden Meadows Dr $236,121 4828 Snickers Dr $189,000 4700 Chester St $184,000 5120 Delaney Valley Ln $176,000 9516 El Hill Rd

38016 $153,000 7670 Spirit Lake Court

38017 $440,000 4725 Magnolia Park Cir West $363,000 2259 Robbins Nest Cv $349,125 2791 Levee Oaks East $308,000 712 Wellington Way $300,000 1344 Panola Cv $293,584 290 Songbird Rd $260,000 1230 Braddeck Dr $249,999 1594 Prairie Dunes Dr $56,000 1004 Tara Woods Dr

38018 $181,316 678 South Sanga Rd $0 1156 Sanbyrn Dr

38028 $120,000 1732 Collierville Arlington Rd $59,000 1344 Pine Acres

38053 $0 4992 Tickle View Dr $0 4992 Tickle View Dr

38103 $273,296 1460 Island Place East $255,920 435 South Front St Unit 105 $152,000 408 South Front St Unit 314

38104 $295,000 2108 Oliver Ave $290,999 2157 Elzey Ave $219,920 2167 Court Ave

38107 $145,100 790 Evergreen St $123,000 981 Sheridan St

38109 $51,200 1180 Elder Rd $0 4646 Berta Rd

38111 $166,800 506 Ellsworth St $112,100 640 Shotwell St

38112 $250,000 295 Buena Vista Place $220,000 26 North Ashlawn Rd

38116 $88,000 3922 Mary Lee Dr

38117 $200,000 363 Fairfield Cir West $108,000 4885 Flamingo Rd $55,600 1368 Marcia Rd

38119 $63,000 1206 Bristol Dr No 302

38120 $403,750 5432 Gwynne Rd $71,200 6774 Enchanted Oak Place 3

38122 $65,100 677 North Holmes St

38128 $60,000 3828 Windermere Rd $10,000 4635 Allendale Dr

38133 $98,188 7070 Petten Dr $25,000 7275 Burloe Cv

38134 $159,900 2872 Altruria Rd $150,100 3110 Lichen Dr $131,087 2693 Mercury St $86,487 2005 Montreat Dr

38135 $219,000 4479 Guinevere Ln $119,454 5770 Rensslaer Dr $50,000 5000 Rivercrest Ln $50,000 7560 4th Ave $40,000 4923 Kings Forest Dr $0 5770 Rensslaer Dr

38138 $294,000 7287 Staggs Leap Cir $235,000 7897 Cross Pike Dr $40,000 7661 Blackberry Ridge Cv

38139 $484,350 1704 Dogwood Creek Rd

William E Miles Tr, Melanie D Miles Tr

Ibraham A Qaddoumi, Tharwa Bilbeisi Glenn B Yeargan, Tammy L Yeargan Joseph E Peeler, Katherine H Peeler

Juan Hernandez

John Worley Jr Builder Inc

Miles, William E

Keenan, John M Brenda J Lupo Trust Campbell, Alan J

JPMorgan Chase Bank National Association

Stables Group LLC




Buy Memphis Now GP

C and J Property LLC

TN Memphis Holdings LLC, TN Mem OP LLC Monticello Funding LLC Series BTH 29

Highland Terrace LP

Southern Bancorp Bank

Melody Mabry Tr, 5441 South Angela Prop Tr BankTennessee

Charles E Miller Tr, Charles E Miller Rev Liv Wells Fargo Bank National Association

Auborn Ave LLC Mid South Homebuyers GP

BancorpSouth Bank BankTennessee

Performance Properties LLC

First Citizens National Bank

David C Seahorn Tr, Marsha W Seahorn Tr Regions Bank

Setzer Properties, CLD LLC Process Systems Inc Construction Co Correale Investment Properties LLC John Worley Jr Builder Inc Regency Homebuilders LLC

Branch Banking and Trust Co Triumph Bank First Aliance Bank Patriot Bank InSouth Bank


Christopher Lee John A Thomas, Rebecca W Thomas Charles R Frazier, Sondra J Frazier Jonathan M Otto, Shannon C Otto Bill Stewart, Linda J Stewart John A Thomas, Rebecca W Thomas Khadejeh Jaben, Saleh M Aldabashi Joshua J Acheson

Pinnacle Bank Bartlett Mortgage Inc Veteransloans Com Patriot Bank Quicken Loans Inc Bank Of Bartlett Southwest Funding LP Lenox Financial Mortgage Corp

Irene Hernandez, Joanna Hernandez Pinnacle Bank

Richard McKeever, Deanna McKeever Troy L Olsen, Kimberlee Olsen Charles J Fullwood, Kimberly H Fullwood Anthony Colston, Elizabeth Colston Thomas C Mathis, Donna D Mathis Joshua A Smith, Allison M Smith Christopher Brown, Angela Brown Robert F Sawyer, Melinda M Sawyer Rosemary Pearson

Regions Bank Quicken Loans Inc Mortgage Investors Group Patriot Bank SunTrust Bank Austin Capital Bank Ssb Renasant Bank BancorpSouth Bank Leaders Credit Union

Lee E Jones

Quicken Loans Inc

Devin D Donaldson, Allison S Donaldson Commercial Bank and Trust Co

Brenda C Bryan Tireka V Hobson

Southern Security Federal Credit Union BancorpSouth Bank

Douglas K Scott, Harriette Scott Douglas K Scott, Harriette Scott

One Reverse Mortgage LLC Housing and Urban Development

Marcin Wlodarski Marshall Wright, Kristen Wright Edward J Garitty

Triumph Mortgage Regions Bank Financial Federal Bank

William J Lard, Christina A Daly Margaret Carter Ellen C Ganey, Mark P Vives

Lard, Kenneth N Community Mortgage Corp Iberiabank

Hannah Papa

USAA Federal Savings Bank

Jonathan M Hetrick, Heather J Hetrick BancorpSouth Bank

Richard McNell Martha M Massey, Veronica Tuggle

Chemical Bank Housing and Urban Development

Bradley C Hescock, Laura A Hescock Sophie E Thomas, Amanda B Young

Commercial Bank and Trust Co Commercial Bank and Trust Co

John D Ducrest Leah E Hendrick, Jonathan R Hendrick

Loandepot Com LLC Commercial Bank and Trust Co

Morris E Smith, Helen M Smith

Regions Bank

John C Cameron, Elizabeth B Cameron Barbara W Blair Marcia G Casey, Stanley Casey

FirstBank Loandepot Com LLC Mr Cooper

Crysta H Gingras

Mortgage Investors Group

Margaret C Roney Meredith Hatsell

Financial Federal Bank Mortgage Investors Group

Stephan Mayer

Pinnacle Bank

Kenneth M Lundgren Delores I Wright

Securitynational Mortgage Co Leaders Credit Union

Alexis J Montiel James E Wright, Patricia B Wright

BancorpSouth Bank SunTrust Bank

Bradley S Keel Kaitlyn D Boswell, Joshua G Boswell Randall W Fears, Kelly C Fears Cedric Schaeffer, Ja Near Schaeffer

USAA Federal Savings Bank Triumph Mortgage Royal United Mortgage LLC Loandepot Com LLC

Vernon Greer, Lutica R Greer Edwin D Bielmas Stephen L St Clair, Melissa St Clair Sheila D Carver Melinda F Smock, Jeffery Smock Edwin D Bielmas

Mr Cooper Simmons Bank Southern Security Federal Credit Union Regions Bank BancorpSouth Bank Tennessee Housing Development Agency

Steve Thillen Joseph M Beno, Kelsey A Beno Bradley W Miller, Melissa A Miller

American Financing Corp Community Mortgage Corp Pinnacle Bank

Ibraham A Qaddoumi, Tharwa Bilbeisi Triumph Mortgage

Lot 611, Oakleigh Sec F Sub

Lot 214, Grove Park Ph VIII 1st Addn Lot 205, Kimbrough Woods Sec B 3 Sub Lot 25, Dogwood Trail 2nd Addn Sub

Lot 171, Mallard Ridge 1st Addn Sub

Lot 116, Stables Ph 4 Sub


19014462 19014451 19014265



Property Description


Lot 35, Waverly Plantation Sec A Sub

Lot N/A, N/A Sub Lot N/A, N/A Sub

Lot 20, Walnut Grove Village Sec A

Lot 29, Country Oaks Sub

Lot 125, Georgian Woods Sec A Sub Lot 98, Cedarwood Sec C Sub

Lot 8, JR Ferguson Sub

Lot 350, Poplar Estates Sec F Sub

Lot N/A, N/A Sub Lot N/A, N/A Sub Lot 22, Erwin Sub Lot 116, Stables Ph 4 Sub Lot 43, Stone Creek PD Ph 1c Sub


19014507 19014509



19014098 19014533



19014269 19014105 19014286 19014397 19014116

Lot 22, Cool Springs PRD Sub Lot N/A, N/A Sub Lot 1, Kensington PD Sub Lot 111, Hidden Meadows Ph II Sub Lot 10, Hunters Walk Ph I Sub Lot N/A, N/A Sub Lot 57, Delaney Square Sub Lot 25, Stonebridge Sec A Sub

Lot 58, Cordova Club PD Ph 1 Sec A Sub

Lot 37, Magnolia Preserve PD Ph 1 Sub Lot 337, Halle Plantation PD Ph VI Sub Lot 34, Levee Oaks PUD Ph A Sub Lot 6, Wellington Farms Ph 1 Sub Lot 76, Estanaula Trails Ph 1 Sub Lot 60, Spring Hill Sub Lot 66, Windsprings Ph II Sub Lot 89, Villages At Porter Farms PUD Lot 87, Tara Woods PUD Sub

Lot 179, Sanga Trails Ph V Sub Lot 99, Woodland Hills PD Ph 8 Sub

Lot N/A, N/A Sub Lot 12, Pine Acres Estates Sub

Lot 3, Fox Run Sec 2 Sub Lot 3, Fox Run Sec 2 Sub

Lot 1, Riverpoint PD Sub Lot 105, Nettleton Condominium Sub Lot 314, Paperworks Lofts Condominiums

Lot 5, EO Baileys Part Of Lot 44 Various Lots, East End Highlands Sub Lot 49, Coles East End Sub

Various Lots, Crump and Guthries North Evergreen Lot 49, University Terrace Sub

Lot 8, Mitchell Road Sec A Sub Lot 180, Whitecap Terrace Sec C Sub

Lot 18, Country Club Place Sub Lot 5, Normal School Place Sub

Lot 19, Buena Vista Terrace Blk 1 Sub Lot 51, Poplar Glen Sub

Lot 756, Graceland Sec C Sub

Lot 25, Greenway Gardens Sub Lot 17, Colonial Knoll Sub Lot 36, Parkside Manor Sub

Lot 1206, Chatham Village Condominiums

Lot 15, Joe Lazarovs Walnut Grove Lot 6774, Whispering Oaks Condominiums

Lot 172, Hillcrest Sub

Lot 228, Timberlake Sec B Sub Lot 16, Cedar Point Sec A Sub

Lot 50, Lakemeer Sec A 3 Sub Lot 17, Burloe 1st Addn Sub

Lot 43, JD and JA Kearney Sub Lot 78, Wildwood Manor Sec A Sub Lot 57, Elmore Park Meadows Sec A Sub Lot 93, Blue Ridge Park 1st Addn Sub

Lot 100, Castle Ridge PD Ph 4 Sub Lot 78, Brownsville Woods Sec A Sub Lot 118, Rivercrest PD Sec B Sub Lot 24, Appling Woods Sec A Sub Lot 13, Kings Crossing PD Ph I Sub Lot 78, Brownsville Woods Sec A Sub

Lot 10, Vineyards PD Ph 1 Sub Lot 68, Crossroads Village Sec B Sub Lot 1, Blackberry Ridge Sec A Sub

Lot 214, Grove Park Ph VIII 1st Addn

19014457 19014127 19014398 19014515 19014088 19014128 19014520 19014412


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19014444 19014320

19014130 19014365

19014181 19014182

19014122 19014283 19014161

19014143 19014497 19014146

19014155 19014210

19014528 19014435

19014152 19014141

19014300 19014313


19014506 19014249 19014539


19014108 19014489


19014307 19014334

19014358 19014410

19014561 19014353 19014335 19014078

19014260 19014446 19014126 19014258 19014360 19014447

19014110 19014178 19014250



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