Green Bank Proposal Processing

Green Bank Proposal Processing


This document will attempt to discuss the steps taken by the GBT scheduler to process proposals from prior to proposal submission through the approval process and up to notification of proposal dispositions. There are three dates during a year that regular observing proposals are accepted. Proposal deadlines (DL) are approximately February 1, June 1 and October 1 and the basic stages are centered about these deadlines. Target of Opportunity and Large proposals go through a similar (but not identical) process as the regular proposals.

Some confusion might arise throughout the various reports and discussions in this document regarding receivers which will be referred to as bands and/or frontends occasionally. The process outlined below refers only to what is currently undertaken in Green Bank. There usually are ongoing changes each year (in report details in particular). The details will certainly be different from those of the VLA/VLBA system although I suspect in a larger view the overall process is similar. Not all detail is outlined since that could fill volumes and would take considerable more effort to assemble. Finally it should be noted some of the reports require information not strictly considered directly part of the proposal handling process. The book keeping information from other parts of the system, such as the amount of observing time charged to individual proposals as a function (of at least month), the last time a particular proposal was observed, etc are need and merged into some of the reports.

The process outlined in this document addresses regular proposals only and is summarized as follows.

• Prior to the proposal deadline – referee verification (DL – 1m)

• Post deadline tasks – printing proposals, transfer of data, preparation for reviews (DL to DL+2 w)

• Preparation for proposal selection meeting (DL+2– DL+1.5 months)

• Receipt of Referee reviews and preparation of PSC booklet (DL+1.5m – DL+1.75m)

• Proposal Selection Meeting (DL + 2.1 months)

• Proposal dispositions (DL+3m)

Prior to the Proposal Deadline

About one month prior to the regular proposal deadline several tasks are completed. These include:

• Preparation of the Call for Proposals. This is posted as a news item on the GB home page and emailed to the gbtnews exploder about 2-3 weeks prior to the deadline.

• Proposal Reviews

o Proposals are peer reviewed for scientific merit by reviewers external to NRAO. These reviewers normally have a two year term. The GBT assigns a reviewer to one or more of the five different categories based on their expertise (this number may shortly increase). These categories are: Astrochemistry, Extrgalactic, Galactic, Pulsar, Solar System.

o Proposals are reviewed technically by NRAO staff who are experts in the use of the GBT.

• The list of available scientific referees is reviewed to determine if any have terms that are finished (see report REFCATEGORIES in Appendix C). Arrangements are made to replace those that are retiring. One of the reports used for selecting new referees is REFCATEGORIESPP (in Appendix C) because it lists both present and past referees.

• Emails are sent to each active referee to remind them of the upcoming deadline and to verify their Fedex shipping address (see REFEREEADVANCEDEMAIL in Appendix B).

• An email is also sent to experienced referees (have reviewed at least the previous deadline proposals) to give feedback on how proposals which they reviewed for the last trimester, faired overall and summarize their status (see REFFEEDBACK in Appendix B).

One of the first tools needed is for referee maintenance. Appendix A lists the table structure for the main referee table, referees. The basic information needed to define a referee is unique identifier (refkey), pointer to people table identifying the individual (peoplekey), up to four specialties can be assigned (specialty1, …) although two at most are currently used for scientific referees and none are used for technical referees, trimester reviews last sent (trimester and date sent), type of referee (S for scientific, T for technical), status (I for inactive and A for active), start and end dates for term (only meaningful for scientific referees at present) and a unique display code to identify the referee for the PSC and the proposal authors in their disposition notices. The display code changes for each trimester (to keep the anonymity of the referee) – currently this is set manually by scheduler to 1 character each trimester. This could easily be assigned to a 2 or 3 digit number by a random number generator for each trimester (initiated manually by the scheduler).

The maintenance tool needs to allow creation of a referee record and associate an individual from the people (or user table) and define the other parameters as well. It should be possible for the scheduler to change any of these fields at any time. For example occasionally referees want to retire before their term is formally finished, etc.

POST Proposal Deadline – Part One

The initial processing includes the following basic steps.

• Printing of all proposals (now done by bulk from the PST directly) and duplication of each of the proposals for various distributions. This will not be discussed further at this time.

• Transfer of proposals to the GB database and generation of an automatic email confirmation (see PROPOSALCONFIRMATION in Appendix B) once the PST data has been transferred. The basic proposal PST information is transferred to the following tables listed in Appendix A: authors, impdates, optdates, proposal, resources, sessionsou, sessions, sources, ss_students, and ss_supervisor. Furthermore people (institutions, etc) information is transferred to the tables listed in Appendix A: people, and instnames . The basic tool used for all of these tasks, general proposal maintenance and other taks discussed later on is the PROPOSAL program.

• A summary of the GBT proposals received (see PROSUM1 in Appendix C) is generated and distributed to management in GB.

• Assignment of science categories to the proposals (these are the same categories assigned to the referees in last section). The GB system allows assigning up to 2 categories per proposal. These are summarized in report ASSIGNEDREFS (Appendix C)

• Automatic assignment of scientific referees with allowance for individual proposal override (this is a three step process).

• Information is passed to Shirley Curry so that she can put all the proposals for each scientific referee into one package and have them sent to the referees by Fedex next day.

• Emails are sent to each of the scientific referees listing the proposals they will receive and a template they must return to the scheduler with their reviews (see REFTEMPLATE in Appendix B).

• Technical referees are assigned by a GB Scientist and manually entered into the GB database system.

• A complete set of proposals are distributed to all Proposal Selection Committee (PSC) members as well as a limited subset of NRAO staff (for purposes of technical reviews).

• A summary of the GBT student support applications for the trimester is generated (STUDENTSUPPORT in Appendix C) and forwarded to Dale Frail.

Assignment of Scientific referees

This is a multi step process. The two tables used for referee ratings and proposal assignments are pratings and refnotes (see appendix A). When a referee is assigned to a proposal in a specific trimester one record is created in the pratings table and when a referee is first assigned to any proposal in a specific trimester one record is created in the refnotes table. The refnotes table basically stores information about the referee that pertains to his reviews as a group for the trimester (such as average score, average fractional time, ‘global’ notes for the group of proposals he reviewed, etc). The ratings for specific proposals for each referee and proposal are stored in the pratings table.

After all proposals have been imported and assigned scientific categories the auto referee assignment can be initiated. The first step in the process is to assign referees to each proposal without making entries into the either the pratings or refnotes table. A report is generated listing the results of this process (see REFASSIGNMENTPRELIMINARY in Appendix C). This report along with four other reports (see PROSUM1, REFCATEGOIRES, ASSIGNEDREFS and COVERINFO in Appendix C) is given to an independent Scientist on the GB staff for review and further assignment changes or suggestions.

Once decisions have been made about changes in this automatic assignment (additions, reassignments, etc) the second step takes place. At this stage the auto assignment is re-run and then installed (a separated step). After this is complete changes or additions to the assignments to the individual referees are manually entered.

The algorithm used to assign referees is fairly simple. Each proposal is examined until all available referees have been assigned. The basic guideline is that up to 5 referees will be assigned (if available) and each referee is assigned no more than a specific number of proposals. The current system uses 5 for the number of referees per proposal and 50 proposals per referee. Both of these numbers are changeable when initiating the auto assignment. Passes are made through the available referee list accepting the first available referee with the same primary or first category. Referees are rejected when either (a) they are one of the authors of the proposal, (b) they are already assigned to this proposal or (c) when they have met their quota of proposals. To partially balance the process each successive pass through the referee list for a particular category will start in the list where the last search ended. Each referee is assigned up to four categories and the first assigned one is treated as the primary one. The secondary categories (2 through 4) are only used when the proposal quota has not been reached with the primary category. This algorithm could be slightly more flexible and allow other possible scenarios.

Maintenance of proposal information, referee assignments, proposal ratings, etc is performed through the PROPOSAL program.

Referee Notification

After the referee assignments are complete, three reports are generated to assist Shirley Curry in preparation of shipping paper copies to the appropriate referees. These reports include REFASSIGN, REFASSIGN2 and REFADDR (see Appendix C). The proposals are Fedexed to the referees as soon as possible with a cover letter indicating the review deadline (usually about 1.5 months after proposal deadline).

Within one or two days of this event an email is sent to each referee listing the proposals he has been assigned, a template to fill in for each proposal review that is to be returned and a deadline for the reviews (see REFTEMPLATE in Appendix B).

Once the technical referees have been assigned to the proposals an email is sent to the technical referees (see TECHREFEMAIL in Appendix B) listing the proposals they are to review. Their reviews do not include a rating score and they must enter their review on a web page specifically set up for this purpose (url is sent in their email).

Referee Reminder

About one week before the referee deadline (Approximately DL+1.5 months) an email is sent to the referees who have not yet submitted their reviews reminding them of the deadline (see REFREMINDER in Appendix B).

Proposal Deadline – Part Two

Most of the tasks involve various steps in preparing for the Proposal Selection Committee (PSC) meeting (DL+2.1m). These include the following.

LST and Frequency Pressure

One of the major goals is to estimate both LST demand and low frequency versus high frequency pressure. This necessitates estimating the specific requirements for non-astronomy time (test, commissioning, calibration, maintenance), time for previously approved proposals and time from the new set of proposals. Such estimates require filling in the vother table (see Appendix A) for non-astronomy time and the vprog table for the astronomy time.

• Non-Astronomy information needs to be entered as

o N x T @ ST every Y days [x M every Z days]

▪ N is number of inner repeats

▪ T is number of contiguous hours

▪ @ ST is the ET date and start time of first slot (or alternatively just the start LST)

▪ Y is number of days separating the inner repeats

▪ M is the number of outer repeats separated by Z days

▪ Dynamic Code to indicate time is to be scheduled as fixed, high frequency or low frequency

o The information would be entered specifically for each type of test and month for the trimester in consideration

• Astronomy information needs to be entered as

o N x T @ CL every Y days [x M every Z days] +/- DeltaT

▪ N is number of inner repeats

▪ T is number of contiguous hours

▪ @ CL is the center LST

• For most coordinated observations a central UT date and time is required

• A desired starting date may also be specified

▪ Y is number of days separating the inner repeats

▪ M is the number of outer repeats separated by Z days

▪ +/- DeltaT indicates possible window of CL–DeltaT to CL+DeltaT in which the T hours can be scheduled

o OR for non-regular repeats as

▪ T @ CT on days x1, x2, x3, x4, … +/- DeltaT

• T is number of contiguous hours

• @ CL is the center LST

o For most coordinated observations a central UT date and time is required

o A desired starting date may also be specified

• +/- DeltaT indicates possible window of CL–DeltaT to CL+DeltaT in which the T hours can be scheduled

• The sequence x1,x2,x3,… is a relative sequence of days on which the slot is to be repeated (eg on days 1,2,5,9,12,20)

▪ Dynamic Code to indicate time is to be scheduled as fixed, high frequency or low frequency or the default automatic (to be determined by frequency of observation)

o For new proposals this information can usually be generated initially from the session information in the proposal. However due to inconsistencies and misunderstandings of sessions it is not possible to rely solely on this translation and therefore further editing is usually needed.

o It is necessary to review and indicate which already approved proposals must be considered for this analysis as well as make any necessary adjustments.

The tool for maintaining this information must be flexible enough to allow full maintenance of any aspect of this data (currently the main tasks are handled by SCNALYZE discussed later in the section, Proposal Selection Meeting; another tool, BOOKEEPING, is also used for a subset of this maintenance) and generate appropriate reports. These reports will be described later when specific reports are assembled for the PSC meeting. The tool must be able to perform the necessary calculations for any subset of proposals and/or other requirements to determine the LST pressure as well as high and low frequency demand from all categories (maintenance through astronomy). The current tool allows control through a list of items (proposals) to exclude. Types of calculations needed:

• Use the Dynamic code to do the calculations by: fixed, high frequency, low frequency, and total Time Categories

• Calculate the total time requirements for each of the Time Categories for each proposal and all non astronomy requirements

• Amount of time at each LST hour bin from 0 – 24 hours for each proposal as well as maintenance, test, commissioning or calibration requirement and for each of the Time Categories

• Determine the total requirements for the trimester as each new proposal is accepted and display results for the PSC. This would be a PSC meeting tool similar to one currently used by the GBT PSC (with necessary improvements).

Once the vprog table has been filled for the new proposals in the trimester under consideration and just prior to the PSC meeting the original entries are copied to the vprogreq table. The original table will be modified during and after the PSC meeting to conform to the decisions of the committee.

Referee Reviews

The technical reviews are entered by the technical referees using a web page and usually require no further processing before the PSC meeting.

Once the scientific reviews have been received they are reviewed visually for obvious corruption of the template and any corrections are applied using a text editor. These reviews are then imported into the system. The next stage is to calculate the ratings for all the new proposals. The first of two steps involves calculating the average and rms of the individual referee ratings. These are

avg = Sum(r) / n

rms = Sqrt[(Sum(r*r) –Sum(r)*Sum(r)/n)/(n-1)]

where r is the individual proposal rating (between 0.1 and 9.9) and n is the number of proposals reviewed by the referee for the current trimester. This average and rms are stored in the refnotes table for the particular referee and trimester. These two numbers are then used to calculate a scale and offset assuming that we want to force all referees to have an average of 5.0 and an rms of 2.0. That is

scale = 2.0 / rms

offset = 5.0 – avg

The average rating of the proposals is then calculated for two cases:

A. an straight (un-weighted) average

avg = Sum(r) / n

rms = Sqrt[(Sum(r*r) –Sum(r)*Sum(r)/n)/(n-1)]

B. a weighted average

avg = Sum(R) / n

rms = Sqrt[(Sum(R*R) –Sum(R)*Sum(R)/n)/(n-1)]

R = scale * ( r + offset )

These results are stored in the proposal table for the specific proposal in question.

The tool used for calculation of these average ratings needs to allow for ignoring any specific rating(s) by proposal as well all ratings of a specified referee(s). The tool, PROPOSAL, does all of the necessary work from importing to calculation of average ratings.

There is no rating associated with technical reviews. These reviews are reported along with the scientific reviews.

Target Conflicts

Each source in the new proposal is checked to see that a previously approved proposal is not already observing the same target for the same objectives. The algorithm for this search includes the steps ( I ) determine the highest frequency the new proposal will use for the source, ( II ) calculate the GBT half power beam width (hpbw) for this highest frequency, ( III ) search all other sources both in previously approved proposals and in the newly submitted ones whose position falls with a box that is 2 * hpbw centered on position, and ( IV ) generate report SOURCEMATCHFEOVERLAP and SOURCEMATCH.

**************************** NOTICE ************************************

This is currently a major weakness of the proposal process. The checks for proposed targets should be made against what sources were actually observed not those listed in previously approved proposals. There are have already been known instances where sources listed in a proposal were not observed. The current process would flag these targets and the new proposal group with the same target and objective would normally not be allowed to observe it unless the proprietary period was past. Of course the opposite is also valid; that is the observer could observe a target without approval with potential difficult consequences down the road. This issue needs to be addressed.


Preparation of the PSC Booklet

The material gathered for the Proposal Selection Meeting (DL+2.1m) is a culmination of the proposal handling effort put into this process up to this point in the process and is a collection of reports collated in the form of a booklet. The list of reports follows.





























Proposal Selection Meeting

The basic tool used for the PSC meeting is the Scheduling Committee ANALYZE (SCANALYZE) program. This tool has many tasks.

• Enter basic observing requirements for new and old proposals. This is discussed under the LST and Frequency Pressure sub section of the previous section, Proposal Deadline – Part Two. Another tool, BOOKEEPING, is also used for some of these tasks as well.

• Calculation of all the LST and frequency time requirements requested for the new proposals, older proposals yet to be completely discharged and the non-astronomy time for the trimester.


• Graphically displays LST distribution for high frequency, low frequency and total demand currently approved.

• Graphical summary of the LST distribution for all sources specifically entered into the proposal.

• Tracks changing total (and other) demand in LST and frequency pressure as new projects are approved.

The SCANALYZE tool along with the PSC booklet are the main resources used during the PSC meeting.

POST Proposal Selection Meeting

After the proposal meeting steps taken include in the following order.

• Technical and scientific referee comments are edited to correct spelling, grammatical and ‘less than tactful’ comments (very few of the latter)

• The PSC comments for each proposal are entered and/or edited, and time allotment and group assignment verified.

• A preliminary version of the contents of the disposition email is generated and turned into a report (PROPDISP in Appendix C).

• The PROPDISP report is reviewed by another member of the PSC for omissions or any oversight in the details for each new proposal. If any changes are determined they are made immediately to the necessary book keeping data.

• Disposition emails are sent to every author on every new proposal as soon after the PSC meeting as is practical (usually within the last 3 weeks of the third month in the current trimester or about 5-7 weeks before the beginning of the new trimester). The sample email is PROPDISPOSITION in Appendix B.

• A report is generated listing all approved proposals for this trimester (see ALLACEPTEDFOR1TRIMESTER) and distributed.

• Web pages for all approved proposals accepted from the PSC meeting are generated form the PROPOSAL tool and transferred to the web.

Appendix A - Table Structures

The GB proposal and scheduling data base was initially setup in dbase tables. The structures of the relevant tables are listed below.


Table structure for p:\data\authors.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

pcode CHARACTER 10

peoplekey NUMERIC 6 0

astro_id NUMERIC 10 0

authorder NUMERIC 3 0

thesis CHARACTER 1

observing CHARACTER 1

Total Length: 31


Indexes for p:\data\authors.DBF:


Peoplekeyunique - Peoplekey Unique

Pcode - pcode

Pcac - pcode+str(authorder,3,0,"0")

Peoplekey - peoplekey


Table structure for p:\data\availability.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

avkey AUTOINC 11

trimester CHARACTER 3

pcode CHARACTER 10

otherpcodes CHARACTER 250

datetype CHARACTER 10

fromdate DATE 8 / /

fromtime CHARACTER 4

todate DATE 8 / /

totime CHARACTER 4

obsfromdate DATE 8 / /

obstodate DATE 8 / /

peoplekey LONG 11

observer CHARACTER 30

obsemail CHARACTER 100

obsphone CHARACTER 100

notes MEMO 10

Total Length: 575


Indexes for p:\data\availability.DBF:


Pkfd - str(peoplekey,6,0,"0")+dtos(fromdate)

Peoplekey - peoplekey

Avkey - avkey

Pcode - pcode


Table structure for p:\data\bandstats.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

trimester CHARACTER 3


shortband CHARACTER 1

rejectcount NUMERIC 6 0

acceptcount NUMERIC 6 0

totalcount NUMERIC 6 0

pulsarreject NUMERIC 6 0

pulsaraccept NUMERIC 6 0

pulsartotal NUMERIC 6 0

sortorder NUMERIC 3 0

Total Length: 73


Indexes for p:\data\bandstats.DBF:


Trimester - trimester


Table structure for p:\data\codetable.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default


c10code CHARACTER 10

c6code CHARACTER 6

c2code CHARACTER 2

c1code CHARACTER 1

icode NUMERIC 6 0

c15code CHARACTER 15

pstcode CHARACTER 50

pstonly CHARACTER 1

descr CHARACTER 60

wcdesc CHARACTER 60

typecode CHARACTER 20

Total Length: 241


Indexes for p:\data\codetable.DBF:


Typedescr - type+descr

Typecode - typecode

Type - type


Table structure for p:\data\control.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

gbtpcode NUMERIC 6 0

peoplekey NUMERIC 6 0

refkey NUMERIC 6 0

schedkey NUMERIC 6 0

stkey NUMERIC 6 0

sdkey NUMERIC 6 0

vpkey NUMERIC 6 0

Total Length: 314


Indexes for p:\data\control.DBF:



Table structure for p:\data\countries.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

countryname CHARACTER 50

Total Length: 50


Indexes for p:\data\countries.DBF:


Countryname - countryname


Table structure for p:\data\equipavail.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

eakey AUTOINC 11

equiptype CHARACTER 10

equipment CHARACTER 10

eastart DATE 8 / /

eaend DATE 8 / /

eastate CHARACTER 10

eanotes CHARACTER 250

Total Length: 307


Indexes for p:\data\equipavail.DBF:


Eastate - eastate

Eakey - eakey

Equipment - equipment

Eastart - eastart

Eastartequipment - dtos(eastart)+equipment

Equiptype - equiptype

Eteqes - equiptype+equipment+dtos(eastart)


Table structure for p:\data\etemplate.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default


subject CHARACTER 150

header MEMO 10

body MEMO 10

footer MEMO 10

attachments CHARACTER 200

Total Length: 400


Indexes for p:\data\etemplate.DBF:


Name - name


Table structure for p:\data\impdates.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

pcode CHARACTER 10

sessnum NUMERIC 3 0

avkey LONG 11

startdate DATE 8 / /

starttime CHARACTER 4

enddate DATE 8 / /

endtime CHARACTER 4

notes MEMO 10

Total Length: 58


Indexes for p:\data\impdates.DBF:


Pcode - pcode

Pcsnsd - pcode+str(sessnum,3,0)+dtos(startdate)

Avkey - avkey


Table structure for p:\data\instnames.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

instkey AUTOINC 11

parent LONG 11

shortname CHARACTER 20

longname CHARACTER 70

reportname CHARACTER 70

otherlocs CHARACTER 60


country CHARACTER 20

degreegrant CHARACTER 1

institype LONG 11

Total Length: 276


Indexes for p:\data\instnames.DBF:


Countryuc - upper(country)

Country - country

Reportname - reportname

Longname - longname

Shortname - shortname

Instkey - instkey

Ikcalc - instkey*1

Shortnameuc - upper(shortname)

Longnameuc - upper(longname)

Repornameuc - upper(reportname)


Table structure for p:\data\lstpressure.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

lst NUMERIC 6 3

time NUMERIC 10 0

descr CHARACTER 20

Total Length: 36


Indexes for p:\data\lstpressure.DBF:


Lst - lst

Descr - descr


Table structure for p:\data\mschedtime.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

mstkey AUTOINC 11

etdate DATE 8 / /

startet CHARACTER 4

lengthet NUMERIC 6 3

startsdn NUMERIC 5 0

startlst CHARACTER 4

pcode CHARACTER 10

project CHARACTER 1


bands CHARACTER 20


vpkey NUMERIC 6 0

colorcode CHARACTER 1

target CHARACTER 30

Total Length: 206


Indexes for p:\data\mschedtime.DBF:


Vpkey - vpkey

Mstkey - mstkey

Pcdatetime - pcode+dtos(etdate)+startet

Datetime - dtos(etdate)+startet


Table structure for p:\data\observers.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

pcode CHARACTER 10

peoplekey NUMERIC 6 0

obsname CHARACTER 50

obsemail CHARACTER 100

obsphone CHARACTER 50

ignore CHARACTER 1

Total Length: 217


Indexes for p:\data\observers.DBF:


Peoplekey - peoplekey

Pcode - pcode


Table structure for p:\data\optdates.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

pcode CHARACTER 10

sessnum NUMERIC 3 0

avkey LONG 11

startdate DATE 8 / /

starttime CHARACTER 4

enddate DATE 8 / /

endtime CHARACTER 4

notes MEMO 10

Total Length: 58


Indexes for p:\data\optdates.DBF:


Avkey - avkey

Pcode - pcode

Pcsnsd - pcode+str(sessnum,3,0)+dtos(startdate)


Table structure for p:\data\peopletypes.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

peopletype CHARACTER 15

Total Length: 15


Indexes for p:\data\peopletypes.DBF:



Table structure for p:\data\people.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

peoplekey NUMERIC 6 0

astro_id NUMERIC 10 0

peopletype CHARACTER 20

title CHARACTER 15

gender CHARACTER 1

lastname CHARACTER 20

firstname CHARACTER 20

middlename CHARACTER 20

preferredname CHARACTER 20

initials CHARACTER 10

affiliation LONG 11

institype NUMERIC 3 0

instkey LONG 11

email CHARACTER 250

phone CHARACTER 250


userid CHARACTER 20


educ NUMERIC 3 0

phdyear CHARACTER 4

dissertation CHARACTER 1

institute CHARACTER 70

mailaddr MEMO 10

mailcntry CHARACTER 20

shipaddr MEMO 10

shipcntry CHARACTER 20

approvedforremoteobs CHARACTER 1

approveddate DATE 8 / /

resassociate LOGICAL 1

created DATETIME 17 / / : :

updated DATETIME 17 / / : :

username CHARACTER 20

note CHARACTER 200

vla DATE 8 / /

vlba DATE 8 / /

byrd DATE 8 / /

alma DATE 8 / /

Total Length: 1431


Indexes for p:\data\people.DBF:


Affiliation - affiliation

Name - upper(lastname+firstname)

Peoplekey - peoplekey

Lastname - upper(trim(lastname))

Students - str(educ,1,0,"0")+upper(lastname+firstname)


Table structure for p:\data\pratings.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

pcode CHARACTER 10

semester CHARACTER 3

refkey NUMERIC 6 0


rating NUMERIC 6 2

fractobs NUMERIC 6 2

fractobs2 NUMERIC 6 2

fractcode CHARACTER 1

includerating CHARACTER 1

conflictofinterest CHARACTER 1

special1 CHARACTER 20

special2 CHARACTER 20

notes MEMO 10

scnotes MEMO 10

invnotes MEMO 10

pratekey AUTOINC 11

Total Length: 122


Indexes for p:\data\pratings.DBF:


Rkpc - str(refkey,6,0,"0")+pcode

Ptr - pcode+type+str(refkey,6,0,"0")

Pratekey - pratekey

Pcode - pcode

Refkey - refkey

Rks - str(refkey,6,0,"0")+semester


Table structure for p:\data\proposal.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

pcode CHARACTER 10

instrument CHARACTER 20

otherinstr CHARACTER 30

relpcodes CHARACTER 100

prevpcode CHARACTER 30

newpcode CHARACTER 30

combinedpcode CHARACTER 30

semester CHARACTER 3

title CHARACTER 250

shorttitle CHARACTER 50

dateprep DATE 8 / /

datercvd DATE 8 / /

dissertation CHARACTER 1

scicats CHARACTER 200

sciencegroup CHARACTER 30

abstract MEMO 10

dispdate DATE 8 / /

onsiteobserverID NUMERIC 6 0

contactID NUMERIC 6 0

friendID NUMERIC 6 0

piid NUMERIC 6 0

numsources NUMERIC 3 0

numsess NUMERIC 3 0

numauthors NUMERIC 3 0

totaltime NUMERIC 8 2

processor CHARACTER 15

helptype CHARACTER 20

obspresent CHARACTER 1

pitversion CHARACTER 20

specnotes MEMO 10

proptype CHARACTER 10

jointtype CHARACTER 10

status1 CHARACTER 6

status2 CHARACTER 6

holdstatus CHARACTER 6

statusq CHARACTER 1

holdfortm CHARACTER 3

subject1 CHARACTER 10

subject2 CHARACTER 10

subject3 CHARACTER 10

ackdate DATE 8 / /

referee NUMERIC 6 2

refereerms NUMERIC 6 2

referee2 NUMERIC 6 2

referee2rms NUMERIC 6 2

reffractobs NUMERIC 6 2

refrank NUMERIC 3 0

refrank2 NUMERIC 3 0

nmbr_refs NUMERIC 3 0

scgroup CHARACTER 1

commnotes MEMO 10

allochours NUMERIC 7 2

allocBhours NUMERIC 7 2

usedhours NUMERIC 7 2

usedBhours NUMERIC 7 2

extrahours NUMERIC 7 2

lastmdate CHARACTER 10

frontends CHARACTER 20

backends CHARACTER 20

obstypes CHARACTER 20

switch CHARACTER 10

line CHARACTER 200

benotes MEMO 10

lastobsdate DATE 8 / /

lastscheddate DATE 8 / /

scaflagstatus CHARACTER 1

scaflaglowfreq CHARACTER 1

scaflaghighfreq CHARACTER 1

numstudents NUMERIC 2 0

thesis CHARACTER 1

studentapplic CHARACTER 1

created DATETIME 17 / / : :

updated DATETIME 17 / / : :

username CHARACTER 20

Total Length: 1457


Indexes for p:\data\proposal.DBF:



iif(status1="Hold ".and.empty(newpcode),holdfortm,semester)+str(referee2,6,2,"0")

Trimesterpcode - semester+pcode

Pcode - pcode

Referee2 - str(referee2,6,2,"0")

Scastpcode - scaflagstatus+pcode


Table structure for p:\data\qps.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

qspkey AUTOINC 11


email CHARACTER 100

peoplekey NUMERIC 6 0

Total Length: 147


Indexes for p:\data\qps.DBF:


Peoplekey - peoplekey

Email - email

Name - name

Qspkey - qspkey


Table structure for p:\data\referees.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

refkey NUMERIC 6 0

peoplekey NUMERIC 6 0

specialty1 CHARACTER 10

specialty2 CHARACTER 10

specialty4 CHARACTER 10

specialty3 CHARACTER 10

semsent CHARACTER 3

semdate DATE 8 / /


status CHARACTER 1

begindate DATE 8 / /

enddate DATE 8 / /

displaycode CHARACTER 10

Total Length: 91


Indexes for p:\data\referees.DBF:


Status - status

Refkey - refkey


Table structure for p:\data\refnotes.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

refkey NUMERIC 6 0

semester CHARACTER 3

rcvdate DATE 8 / /

comment MEMO 10

scalefactor NUMERIC 6 2 1.00

offset NUMERIC 3 1 0.00

average NUMERIC 6 2

avgrms NUMERIC 6 2

number NUMERIC 3 0

Total Length: 51


Indexes for p:\data\refnotes.DBF:


Refkey - refkey

Rksm - str(refkey,6,0,"0")+semester

Semester - semester


Table structure for p:\data\resources.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

pcode CHARACTER 10

sessnum NUMERIC 3 0

res_group CHARACTER 60

res_name CHARACTER 60

res_telescope CHARACTER 10

res_type CHARACTER 10

res_code CHARACTER 10

res_user CHARACTER 30

res_details MEMO 10

Total Length: 203


Indexes for p:\data\resources.DBF:


Pcsnrtrc - pcode+str(sessnum,3,0,"0")+res_type+res_code

Pcode - pcode


Table structure for p:\data\scsumm.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

pcode CHARACTER 10

title CHARACTER 250

msg MEMO 10

rating NUMERIC 10 3

Total Length: 280


Indexes for p:\data\scsumm.DBF:


Pcode - pcode


Table structure for p:\data\sessionsou.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

pcode CHARACTER 10

sessnum NUMERIC 3 0

sourcekey NUMERIC 6 0

Total Length: 19


Indexes for p:\data\sessionsou.DBF:


Pcode - pcode

Pcsnsk - pcode+str(sessnum,3,0,"0")+str(sourcekey,6,0,"0")


Table structure for p:\data\sessions.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

sesskey AUTOINC 11

pcode CHARACTER 10

sessnum NUMERIC 3 0


startlst NUMERIC 13 8

stoplst NUMERIC 13 8

centerlst NUMERIC 13 8

elevlimit CHARACTER 20

sesslength NUMERIC 9 3

totsesslen NUMERIC 10 5

numsess NUMERIC 3 0

sessinter NUMERIC 5 0

opacity CHARACTER 10

pointing CHARACTER 10

phase CHARACTER 10

surface CHARACTER 10

figmerit CHARACTER 20

resgroups CHARACTER 200

sorsgroups CHARACTER 200

constraint MEMO 10

synnotes MEMO 10

impnotes MEMO 10

comments MEMO 10

pairconstraint MEMO 10

Total Length: 650


Indexes for p:\data\sessions.DBF:


Pcsn - pcode+str(sessnum,3,0,"0")

Pcode - pcode


Table structure for p:\data\sorsvalidation.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

pcode CHARACTER 10

sourcekey NUMERIC 6 0

obspcode CHARACTER 10

obssourcekey NUMERIC 6 0

Total Length: 32


Indexes for p:\data\sorsvalidation.DBF:


Pcode - pcode


Table structure for p:\data\sourcematch.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

trimester CHARACTER 3

pcode CHARACTER 10

source CHARACTER 24

searchignore LOGICAL 1

mainpi CHARACTER 40

oldpcode CHARACTER 10

oldscgroup CHARACTER 1

oldsource CHARACTER 16

oldra_j2000 NUMERIC 15 9

olddec_j2000 NUMERIC 15 9

oldsearchignore LOGICAL 1

feoverlap CHARACTER 1

beoverlap CHARACTER 1

title CHARACTER 200


status1 CHARACTER 1

status2 CHARACTER 1

deltara NUMERIC 9 4

deltadec NUMERIC 9 4

searchradius NUMERIC 10 4

line CHARACTER 250

lastobserved DATE 8 / /

Total Length: 666


Indexes for p:\data\sourcematch.DBF:





Table structure for p:\data\sources.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

pcode CHARACTER 10

sourcekey NUMERIC 6 0

trimester CHARACTER 3

project CHARACTER 4

source CHARACTER 24


ranote CHARACTER 30

decnote CHARACTER 30

ra_epoch NUMERIC 15 9

dec_epoch NUMERIC 15 9

deltara NUMERIC 15 9

deltadec NUMERIC 15 9

ra_j2000 NUMERIC 15 9

dec_j2000 NUMERIC 15 9

groups CHARACTER 200

reference CHARACTER 30

properties MEMO 10

app_date DATETIME 17 / / : :

searchignore LOGICAL 1

Total Length: 463


Indexes for p:\data\sources.DBF:




Pcsk - pcode+str(sourcekey,6,0,"0")

Pcode - pcode

Dec_j2000 - dec_j2000


Table structure for p:\data\ss_students.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

pcode CHARACTER 10

peoplekey NUMERIC 6 0

astro_id NUMERIC 6 0


observing CHARACTER 1


institute CHARACTER 100

email CHARACTER 100

budget NUMERIC 8 2

work MEMO 10

Total Length: 311


Indexes for p:\data\ss_students.DBF:


Pcode - pcode


Table structure for p:\data\ss_supervisor.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

pcode CHARACTER 10

peoplekey NUMERIC 6 0

astro_id NUMERIC 6 0

trimester CHARACTER 3


institute CHARACTER 100

email CHARACTER 100

awards CHARACTER 100

travel CHARACTER 150

budget NUMERIC 8 2

computer CHARACTER 150

Total Length: 683


Indexes for p:\data\ss_supervisor.DBF:


Pcode - pcode


Table structure for p:\data\syncdates.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

pcode CHARACTER 10

sessnum NUMERIC 3 0

startdate DATE 8 / /

enddate DATE 8 / /

Total Length: 29


Indexes for p:\data\syncdates.DBF:


Pcsnsd - pcode+str(sessnum,3,0)+dtos(startdate)

Pcode - pcode


Table structure for p:\data\vother.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

vokey AUTOINC 11

yearmon CHARACTER 6

etdate DATE 8 / /

ettime CHARACTER 4

etlength CHARACTER 4



lststart CHARACTER 4

priority NUMERIC 3 0

contact CHARACTER 15

schedflagstatus CHARACTER 1

mult NUMERIC 3 0

outermult NUMERIC 3 0

multcomplete NUMERIC 3 0

daysep NUMERIC 3 0

outermultcomplete NUMERIC 3 0

outerdaysep NUMERIC 3 0

dyncode CHARACTER 1

Total Length: 170


Indexes for p:\data\vother.DBF:


Vokey - vokey

Yearmon - yearmon


Table structure for p:\data\vprogreq.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

This table is identical to vprog but holds the original parameters before the PSC meeting.


Table structure for p:\data\vprog.DBF:


Name Type Len Dec Default

vpkey NUMERIC 6 0

sesskey NUMERIC 6 0

pcode CHARACTER 10

project CHARACTER 4

pcode2 CHARACTER 10

pcode3 CHARACTER 10

instrument CHARACTER 20

config CHARACTER 8

nighttime CHARACTER 1

contig CHARACTER 1

pdate DATETIME 17 / / : :

bands CHARACTER 20

backends CHARACTER 20

mult NUMERIC 3 0

daysep NUMERIC 3 0

hours NUMERIC 13 9

lst NUMERIC 13 9

minlst NUMERIC 13 9

maxlst NUMERIC 13 9

lutc LOGICAL 1

leeway NUMERIC 13 9

dayreq DATE 8 / /

leewayday NUMERIC 13 9

delay NUMERIC 3 0

delayafterkey NUMERIC 6 0

scheduledhours NUMERIC 13 9

scheduledEthours NUMERIC 13 9

scheduledBuhours NUMERIC 13 9

priority NUMERIC 3 0

multcompleted NUMERIC 3 0

lastobsdate DATE 8 / /

outermult NUMERIC 3 0

outerdaysep NUMERIC 3 0

outermultcompleted NUMERIC 3 0

fullyscheduled CHARACTER 1

schedflagstatus CHARACTER 1

dyncode CHARACTER 1

comment CHARACTER 80

schedularnote CHARACTER 80

observers CHARACTER 60

target CHARACTER 30

repeatseq CHARACTER 50

Total Length: 639


Indexes for p:\data\vprog.DBF:


Priority - priority

Vpkey - vpkey

Fspr - outerdaysep+str(priority,3,0)

Pcpr - pcode+str(priority,3,0,"0")

Pcode - pcode

Prpc - str(priority,3,0,"0")+pcode

Pcodeproject - pcode+iif(empty(project), " ",project)

Sesskey - sesskey

Appendix B – Example Emails



The GBT 08A trimester proposal deadline (1 Oct 2007) is fast

approaching. We will ship you a batch of GBT proposals for review

by FedEx within two weeks past this deadline. About the same time

you will receive email instructions for your reviews, when they will

be due and a template to enter your comments and ratings.

I would like to verify that we have your correct shipping address

for Fedex overnight:

University of You know where

Department of Funny Bones

2005 Ghost Hall

1725 Deadly Cave

Stoney Graveyard, WI 00000


Please let me know if this is the correct shipping address. If it

is not, please send me the correct address. If you have any

questions, don't hesitate to contact me.




Proposal: GBT07B-007

Title: A search for 21cm absorption in strong MgII absorbers in

redshift desert

Authors: Nissim Kanekar, Sara Ellison, Jason Prochaska

Disposition and Proposal Selection Committee Comments


Your proposal was in Group A [see link below for explanation]

and was allotted 32.0 hours of observing time. Four of your sources

are targets of already approved proposals and you may not observe


Proposal: GBT05C-057

Title: Search for 21cm Absorption toward radio loud, Extremely

Optically Faint Sources

PI: R. Jorgenson

Target: J120854+544158

Proposal: GBT06B-022

Title: Search for Molecules in CaII Absorbers

PI: M. Zwaan

Target: J121604+58433

Proposal: GBT06C-053

Title: Search for Molecules in CaII Absorbers

PI: M. Zwaan

Target: J110334+111442

Proposal: GBT06C-055

Title: HI 21cm absorption in MgII Absorbers

PI: M. Zwaan

Target: J235810-102008

You should also note that the PF2 receiver will not be installed

during September and that likely only 3 of the PF1 feeds will be


********* SCHEDULING NOTE ***********************************

It is our goal and intention to schedule your allotted time during

the period 1 September 2007 through 30 September 2007 and will be

part of the test of a new dynamic scheduling procedure. This test

will take place during the month of September only and will have

different requirements for the observers to follow than the current

scheme. The description of and requirements for the observers will

be outlined in detail at the link listed below.

As the 07B call for proposal indicated, proposals approved for this

trimester will be be scheduled on a shared risk basis. Therefore

your proposal will automatically become inactive after September 30

even if the observations are not complete.


The individual referee comments on your proposal are listed below.

If you have any questions please contact me at


Proposal process description and group definitions available at

Description and requirements for dynamic scheduling during September


+++++ Scientific Reviews +++++

********* Referee B Ref avg=2.20 rms=0.27 *************

Rating: 2.00 Fraction of observing: 100%

Referee had no comments. rcb

********* Referee P Ref avg=3.65 rms=1.42 *************

Rating: 2.00 Fraction of observing: 50%

This is a well-written, well-scientifically argued proposal to

search for HI absorption in quasars in the 'redshift desert'.

********* Referee S Ref avg=4.00 rms=2.19 *************

Rating: 2.00 Fraction of observing: 100%

This is an excellent proposal. The search for 21-cm absorption

in a well defined sample of MgII/FeII absorbers - most of which

lie in the "redshift desert" - is important and will deliver

around 10 new detections and their physical conditions. The

team has shown their expertise in this field through many high

impact publications. It would be great if the observing

bandwidth could be doubled without lowering the required

velocity resolution.

+++++ Technical Reviews +++++

********* Referee

With 2 spectral windows, the maximum number of channels will be

512 and not 1024. I do not think this will be a problem for the

observations. It was unclear what the brightness’s of the

background sources are. If they are all above 100 mJy (as

implied in the sample selection), then the proposed integration

times should be sufficient.



This email formally acknowledges receipt of the following proposal and transfer of the details to the Green Bank database from the NRAO PST database.

Your proposal included an application for student support.

Proposal: GBT07C-070

Title: Searching for CO emission from z~1 Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies

PI: P. Whoever

Contact: P. Whoever

Req Time: 30.00

If you have any questions please contact me.




This is a follow up to the GBT proposal package that was

mailed (Fedex overnight) to you on Wednesday Feb 7.

Enclosed is a template to use to complete your

reviews. The instructions for completing the following

template are available at

Please return your reviews no later than March 12, 2007.

***Reminder*** The rating scale indicates highly rated proposals by

lower numbers.



Please include everything after this line.


@Input type: S (do not change this line)

@Reference number: 11 (do not change this line)


Enter any general or global comments between header markers



Enter specific proposal reviews below.


@Proposal: GBT07B-001

PI: Itziar de Gregorio-Monsalvo

Title: CCS and ammonia large-scale emission in L1448 region

@Rating (1=outstanding, 9=poor; 0.1 to 9.9):

@PercentageofRequestedtime (0-100%):






@Proposal: GBT07B-009

PI: Nami Sakai

Title: Production Pathway of Sulfur Bearing Carbon Chain


@Rating (1=outstanding, 9=poor; 0.1 to 9.9):

@PercentageofRequestedtime (0-100%):






@Proposal: GBT07B-016

PI: Michael McCarthy

Title: A Search for the Negative Molecular Ion C3N- in TMC-1

@Rating (1=outstanding, 9=poor; 0.1 to 9.9):

@PercentageofRequestedtime (0-100%):








The following GBT proposals have been assigned to you for a

technical review. The guidelines for your review are outlined at

the link


Please complete your reviews no later than July 13, 2007 and enter

them at the link:

username: fghigo

password: ******




Proposals to Review


Proposal: GBT07C-004

PI: Tony Remijan

Title: Carbon Bearing Sulfur Chains in IRC+10216 - June 2007


Proposal: GBT07C-008

PI: Bruce Campbell

Title: Arecibo-GBT 70-cm Radar Mapping of the Moon's Northwest



Proposal: GBT07C-013

PI: Nissim Kanekar

Title: Conjugate OH lines in the z ~ 0.886 gravitational lens

towards 1830-21


Proposal: GBT07C-015

PI: Di Li

Title: Temperature and Turbulence Structure of Massive Quiescent





This is a reminder that it is important to receive your GBT proposal reviews no later than July 13.





In the past referees have requested feedback on the results of their

reviews. Below you will find a summary of your rating and the other

referee ratings for the specific proposals you reviewed for

trimester 07B. The referee average rating for the proposals they

reviewed are indicated in square brackets. The Group is a

qualitative assessment of how the proposal faired overall (A highest

to C lowest) - this is explained in more detail at the link

If you have any questions, comments or suggestion about this

summary please contact me.



Title: Search for HI 21cm absorption in a complete sample of DLAs

PI: P. Whodunit

Requested time (hours): 30.0


Group: A

Time allotted: 24.0

Your rating: 2.0[2.2]

Other ratings: 3.0[3.7] 1.0[4.0] 0.0



Title: Measuring the dense gas mass in the most distant known

galaxy at z=5.2

PI: G. Bush

Requested time (hours): 40.0


Group: C

Time allotted: none

Your rating: 0.0[2.2]

Other ratings: 3.0[3.8] 4.0[4.0] 5.0[4.0] 3.5[3.7] 0.0



Title: A search for 21cm absorption in strong MgII absorbers in

redshift desert

PI: N. Tolliver

Requested time (hours): 63.0


Group: A

Time allotted: 32.0

Your rating: 2.0[2.2]

Other ratings: 2.0[3.7] 2.0[4.0] 0.0




Appendix C – Reports


Lists all proposals accepted prior to the current trimester in question. It is a one proposal per line summary grouped by previous trimester and sorted by proposal code. The information included is obvious from the column titles and further explained in the footnotes.


Lists proposal code, title, bands, backends, and referee categories with one line per proposal.


Lists all proposals from the new GBT set for every author who submitted proposals for the current set.


This lists basic information about each proposal including title, proposal code, abstract, science referee category, front ends, back ends, observing types, all authors, amount of time requested, PI and Contact.


An attempt is made to calculate for the amount of time each GBT and HAS proposal requires for the new trimester. The numbers are broken down into high frequency requirements, low frequency requirements and fixed. LST distributions are also calculated.


The report is similar to NEWTMSUMMARY except for all non-astronomy contributions estimated for the trimester.


This report is the same as NEWTMSUMMARY except only previously approved proposals that have not been completely discharged are considered.


This report list all GBT proposals submitted for a specific trimester. It is a one line per proposal summary and an estimate of the amount of time for each band at the end. The example report lists the basic information presented – with most details explained in the footer.


This report, similar in format to PROSUM1, lists all GBT proposals submitted that are joint for a specific trimester. It is a one line per proposal summary and an estimate of the amount of time for each band at the end. The example report lists the basic information presented – with most details explained in the footer.


This report lists statistics for the GBT proposals submitted for a specific trimester. This reports gives hour counts, some break down in type of observing (monitoring, etc) and other parameters, most of which are clearly stated in the report.


This report, similar in format to PROSUM1, lists all HSA proposals submitted for a specific trimester. It is a one line per proposal summary and an estimate of the amount of time for each band at the end. The example report lists the basic information presented – with most details explained in the footer.


Bar chart showing count of GBT proposals by one character band (receiver/front end) designation (explained in report SHORTCODES) for proposals submitted for the specific trimester. Proposals will be counted more than once if more than one band is requested in the proposal.


Bar chart showing count of GBT proposals by one character band (receiver/front end) designation (explained in report SHORTCODES) for proposals submitted prior to the specific trimester. Proposals will be counted more than once if more than one band is requested in the proposal and rejected versus accepted are displayed


A line graph showing LST demand of GBT proposals submitted for the specific trimester.


For each new proposal all referee comments are listed along with the individual referee rating, suggested fraction of time, the individual referee’s average score, the technical referee review along with the weighted and un-weighted proposal average and ranking. Other basic proposal information, such as title, bands, back ends, observing type, principle investigator is also listed.


One line summary per new GBT proposal for the trimester ordered by the weighted referee rating . Summary information includes: proposal code (without trimester), proposal title, requested frequencies, number of sources, un-weighted average referee rating, average fraction of suggested observing time, number of referees, rank. Also included is the weighted referee rating (* indicates rms > 2.0) and rank , observing types, requested hours, number of students, thesis observation and accumulated total referee hours in the last column.


This report is the same as RATESUM6_P except results are grouped by referee category and ordered by weighted referee rating within each group.


Same as RATESUM6_P report except it is two lines proposal where the second line list all the investigators on the proposal.


Same as RATESUM6_P report except the proposal summaries are order by un-weighted referee rating and no ranking is listed.


Same report as RATESUM6_P except it includes two additional accumulation columns, one for high frequency and one for low frequency. A few columns are also removed and or narrowed.


This lists the current referee shipping address.


This lists the proposal codes assigned for each referee.


This lists the referee assignments for each proposals (refkey is listed).


There are two sections to this report:

a) Listed by proposal (on two lines per proposal) the proposal code followed by the refkey for each referee and the proposal category on line 1 and the list of referee names on line 2.

b) The second part lists the proposal count per referee along with the referee name, refkey and their categories.


Report that simply lists the referee name, the term end date, the assigned categories (four columns), the referee id and the display code for each active scientific referee. The current report lists one referee per line and sorts it in order of term end date. A second report would list the active technical referees (since the categories are not used for these referees it is not necessary to list them.


This report is very similar to the REFCATEGORIES one except it (a) lists only scientific referees and (b) it lists both active and inactive scientific referees with all active referees first and all sorted by term end date.


Referee notes which were applicable to the set of new proposals under consideration.


Lists the one character symbols for receivers (bands, front ends), back ends and observing types


For each proposal separately, this report lists all sources from previously approved proposals whose positions overlap with targets in the particular proposal in question using the same band. Some basic information is also listed for each of the older proposals (title, bands, back ends, observing type, spectral lines being searched for if any, status of the observation, last observed date, etc.


Same as the SOURCEMATCHFEOVERLAP report except it will it lists all source overlaps independent of band.


Lists all sources for each new proposal. The name and position are listed.


Lists sources for for all previously approved proposals in order of their position. The name and position are listed.


A summary of the student support application which includes for each application all the relevant application information.


Trimester notes specifically for the PSC pertaining to trimester details.


Table of contents for the PSC booklet


Details for the estimate of time available for the trimester under consideration based on estimates for trimester maintenance, tests, commissioning and astronomy yet to be discharged.


Non-astronomy time is estimated for each month of the trimester being considered. Individual type tests, commissioning, etc are listed and the time broken down into fixed, highfrequency and low frequency. lists


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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