





1.- apparel (n) clothing, that which serves as dress or decoration: (v) to put clothes on,

dress up.

Synonym: clothing Antonym: unclothe

2.- besiege (v) to attack by surrounding with military forces, to cause worry or trouble.

S: to pressure

3.- compress (v) to press together, to reduce in size or volume.

(n) a folded cloth or pad applied to an injury.

S: shrink A: enlarge

4.- denounce (v) to condemn openly, to accuse formally.

S: criticize A: acclaim

5.- dispatch (v) to send off or out for a purpose, to kill’ (n) an official message, promptness,

speed, the act of killing.

S: a report A: to withhold

6.- douse (v) to plunge into a liquid, drench, to put out quickly, extinguish.

S: soak A: to dry out

7.- expressly (adv.) plainly, in so many words, for a particular purpose.

S: pointedly A: implicitly

8.- famished (adj. part.) suffering severely from hunger or from lack of something.

S: starving A: well fed

9.- forsake (v) to give up, renounce, to leave abandon.

S: to abandon A: hold on

10.- gainful (adj.) profitable, bringing in money or some special advantage

S: moneymaking A: unprofitable

11.- immense (adj.) very large or great, beyond ordinary means of measurement

S: enormous A: tiny

12.- inept (adj.) totally without skill or appropriateness.

S: unskilled A: skillful

13.- ingenious (adj.) showing remarkable originality, inventiveness or resourcefulness,

S: resourceful A: unoriginal

14.- instantaneous (adj.) done in an instant, immediate.

S: prompt A: gradual

15.- irk (v) to annoy, trouble, make weary.

S: to bother A: delight

16.- libel (n) a statement that unfairly or falsely harms the reputation of the person about

whom it is made. (v.) to write or publish such a statement.

S: a slander

17.- misgiving (n) a feeling of fear, doubt, or uncertainty

S: hesitation A: assurance

18.- oaf (n) a stupid person, a big, clumsy, slow individual.

S: a bonehead


19.- recede (v) to go or move backward, to become more distant as the floodwaters.

S: to retreat A: to advance

20.- repast a meal, a food.

S: a meal


1.-adverse (adj.) unfavorable, negative, working against, hostile.

S: difficult A: favorable

2- arid (adj.) extremely dry, uninteresting, dull.

S: waterless A: soggy

3- assailant (n) a person who attacks violently (with blows or words) injured by an unknown.

S: mugger A: a victim

4- billow (n) a large wave, (v) to rise or swell like a wave.

S: surge A: collapse

5- confront (v) to meet face-to-face, especially as a challenge.

S: to face A: to evade

6- constrain (v) to force, compel, to restrain, hold back.

S: to restrict A: to liberate

7- contemporary (adj.) belonging to the same period of time as oneself. (n.) a person of the

same time.

S: current A: antique

8.- depict (v) to portray, to represent or show in the form of a picture.

S: represent

9.- disinterested (adj.) fair minded, free from selfish motives, indifferent.

S: apathetic A.- partial

10.- encompass – (verb) to encircle, go or reach around, to enclose, to include with a certain

or class.

S: to include A: omit

11.- groundless – (adj.) without any good reason or cause, unjustified.

S; baseless A: reasonable

12.- hypocrite (n) a person who pretends to be what he or she is not or better than he or she

really is.

S: a two-faced person

13.- incomprehensive (adj.) impossible to understand.

S: confusing A: clear

14.- manipulate (v) to handle or use skillfully, to manage or control for personal gain or


S: to handle

15.- maximum (n) the greatest possible amount or degree. (adj.) reaching the greatest

possible amount or degree.

S: greatest A: minimum


16.- mimic (n) a person who does imitations, (v) to imitate, to make fun of.

S: to imitate

17.- ruffle (v) to wrinkle, make uneven, to annoy, upset, to flip through: (n) a gathered strip

of material used for trimming edges: a ripple.

S: to upset, to annoy A: to smooth out

18.- serene (adj.) peaceful, calm, free of emotional upset, clear and free of storm, majestic.

S; tranquil A: agitated

19.- sheepish (adj.) embarrassed, resembling a sheep in meekness, timid.

S: embarrassed A: confident

20.- stamina (n) the strength needed to keep going or overcome physical or mental strain,


S: staying power

U N I T 3

1.- barrage (n) a rapid, large scale outpouring of something

S: blast

2.- bigot (n) an intolerant , prejudiced person.

S: someone who is prejudiced or blasted A: someone without prejudice

3.- designate (v) to indicate, point out, to appoint, (adj.) selected but not yet installed.

S: to nominate

4.- diversity (n) difference, variety: a condition of having many different types or forms.

S: variety

5.- enigma (n) someone or something that is extremely puzzling: that which cannot be

understood or explained.

S: mystery

6.- gloat (v) to look at or think about with great intensity and satisfaction: to take great

personal joy in

S: to relish A: to regret

7.- global (adj.) of, related to, or involving the entire world, comprehensive.

S: worldwide A: regional

8.- illusion (n) a false idea: something that one seems to see or to be aware of that

really does not exist.

S: fantasy

9.- infuriate (v) to make very angry, enrage.

S: to provoke A: pacify

10.- motivate (v) to provide with a reason for doing: to push on to some goal

S: encourage A: dissuade

11.- pacifist - (n) one who is against war or the use of violence: (adj.) opposing war or


S: someone who is against war A: a warmonger

12.- queue (n) a line of people waiting for something (such as a bus or the opening of a store)

(v) to form such a line.

S: a column, row, line A: a milling and disorganized crowd

13.- restrict (v) to keep within set limits: to confine or limit.

S: to hold back A: to open up


14.- sage (adj.) wise: (n) a very wise person.

S: wise A: foolish

15.- slake (v) to satisfy, relieve, or bring to an end.

S: gratify A: aggravate

16.- terrain (n) the landscape, especially considered with regard to its physical features or

fitness, for some use: a field of knowledge.

S: ground, territory

17.- vocation (n) any trade, profession, or occupation: a sense of fitness or special calling for

one’s work.

S: a profession A: a hobby, pastime

18.- vow (n) a solemn or sacred promise or pledge: (v) to declare or promise in a solemn way.

S: a pledge

19.- waylay (v) to lie in wait for and attack, ambush.

S: attack, entrap

20.- wither (v) to dry up, wilt, sag: to cause someone to feel ashamed, humiliated, or very small

S: to shame, to shrivel A: to bloom, flower

U N I T 4

1.- acquit (v.) to declare not guilty, free from blame, discharge completely: to conduct or


S: clear of blame, dismiss A: declare guilty

2.- deem (v.) to think, believe, to consider, have an opinion.

S: to judge

3.- devastate (v) to destroy, lay waste.

S: destroy A: to develop

4.- discredit (v.) to throw doubt upon, cause to be distrusted: to damage I reputation: (n.) a

loss or lack of belief, confidence, or reputation.

S: to throw doubt on A: to confirm

5.- elusive (adj.) difficult to catch or to hold: hard to explain or understand.

S: slippery, puzzling A: easy to catch

6.- generate (v.) to bring into existence: to be the cause of.

S: to create, produce A: to end, to extinguish

7.- idolize (v) to worship as an idol, make an idol of: to love very much.

S: to worship A: to detest

8.- ingratitude (n) a lack of thankfulness.

S: ungratefulness A: thankfulness

9.- keepsake (n) something kept in memory of the giver, a souvenir.

S: reminder, a souvenir

10.- mortal (n.) a being that must eventually die: (adj.) of or relating to such a being: causing

death, fatal: possible, conceivable.

S: human, fatal, extreme A: undying

11.- ovation (n) an enthusiastic public welcome, an outburst of applause

S: cheers A: booing


12.- petty – (adj.) unimportant, trivial: narrow annulment, –minded: secondary in rank, minor.

S: insignificant A: important significant

13.- plight (n.) a condition or state (usually bad): (v) top ledge, promise solemnly.

S: to pledge

14.- repent (v) to feel sorry for what one has done or has failed to do.

S: feel sorry for A: to have no regrets

15.- reverie (n) a daydream: the condition of being lost I thought.

S: fantasy

16.- revocation (n) an act or instance of calling back, repealing: an annulment, cancellation.

S: cancellation, withdrawal A: a ratification

17.- scan (v.) to examine closely: to look over quickly, but thoroughly: to analyze the rhythm

of a poem.

S: to glance at

18.- strand (n.) a beach or shore: a string of wire, hair, etc.: (v.) to drive or run aground: to

leave in a hopeless position.

S: to abandon, thread A: to rescue, save

19.- strife (n.) bitter disagreement: fighting, struggle.

S: conflict, struggle A: harmony, agreement

20.- topple (v) to fall forward: to overturn, bring about the downfall of.

S: to overturn, to upset A: to establish


1.- acute (adj.) with a sharp point: keen and alert: sharp and severe: rising quickly to a high

point and lasting for a short time.

S: sharp, severe A: dull, obtuse

2.- bluster (v.) to talk or act in a noisy and threatening way: to blow in a stormy gusts: (n)

speech that is loud and threatening.

S: to spout, to brag

3.- bungle (v.) to act or work clumsily and awkwardly: to ruin something by clumsiness.

S: mess up, to blunder A: to accomplish skillfully

4.- commentary (n.) a series of notes clarifying or explaining something: an expression of


S: opinion

5.- duration (n.) the length of the time that something continues or lasts.

S: the length of time something lasts

6.- eerie (adj.) causing fear because of strangeness: weird.

S: frightening, creepy A: undisturbing

7.- facet (n.) one aspect or side of a subject or problem: one of the cut surfaces of a gem.

S: a side, element

8.- fidelity (n.) the state of being faithful: accuracy in details, exactness.

S: loyalty A: disloyalty

9.- fray (n.) a brawl, noisy quarrel: (v.) to wear away by rubbing: make ragged or worn:

to strain, irritate.

S: unravel, a quarrel


10.- headstrong (adj.) willful, stubborn.

S: obstinate A: obedient

11.- inhabitant (n.) a person or animal living permanently in a given place.

S: native, a resident A: a stranger, foreigne

12.- numb (adj.) having lost power of feeling or movement: (v.) to dull the feeling of:

to cause to lose feeling.

S: unfeeling A: sensitive, alert

13.- pacify (v.) to make peaceful or cal, to soothe.

S: calm, soothe A: to anger

14.- ravenous (adj.) greedy: very hungry: eager for satisfaction.

S: starved A: well-fed

15.- refute (v.) to prove incorrect.

S: to disprove A: to prove, support

16.- remorse (n.) deep and painful regret for one’s past misdeeds.

S: regret, guilt A: guiltlessness

17.- setback (n.) something that interferes with progress: a disappointment, unexpected loss

or defeat: a steplike recession in a wall.

S: a failure reversal A: an advance, progress

18.- smug (adj.) overly self-satisfied, self-righteous.

S: conceited A: discontented

19.- synopsis (n.) a brief statement giving a general view of some subject, book, etc.:

a summary.

S: an outline

20.- tarry (v.) to delay leaving: to linger, wait: to remain or stay for a while

S: to remain A: to rush, hasten, to leave


1.- agenda (n.) the program for a meeting: a list, outline, or plan of things to be considered

or done.

S: a schedule

2.- amiable (adj.) friendly, good-natured.

S: pleasant A; unfriendly, gruff.

3.- befuddle (v.) to confuse, make stupid.

S: stupefy A: to set straight

4.- blight (n.) a disease that causes plants to wither and die: a condition of disease or ruin:

(v.) to destroy, ruin.

S: an eyesore, to spoil A: promote, encourage

5.- boisterous (adj.) rough and noisy in a cheerful way: high-spirited.

S: loud, disorderly A: quiet, calm, well-behaved

6.- clarity (n.) clearness, accuracy.

S: precision A: confusion

7.- complaint (adj.) willing to do what someone else wants: obedient.

S: docile A: obstinate, rebellious

8.- conserve (v.) to preserve: to keep from being damaged, lost, or wasted: to save.

S: care for A: dissipate


9.- debut (n.) a first public appearance, a formal entrance into society: to make a first


S: coming out A: retirement

10.- gory (adj.) very bloody: marked by bloodshed, slaughter, or violence.

S: bloody, gruesome A: bloodless

11.- gross (adj.) overweight: coarse, vulgar: very noticeable: total: (n.) an overall total

(without deductions): twelve dozen: (v.) to earn.

S: total, fat A: partial, fine, thin

12.- induce (v.) to cause, bring about: to persuade.

S: to bring on A: to prevent

13.- leeway (n.) extra space for moving along a certain route: allowance for mistakes or

Inaccuracies: margin of error

S: latitude, allowance

14.- limber (adj.) flexible: (v.) to cause to become flexible.

S: pliable A: stiff, rigid

15.- maze (n.) a network of paths through which it is hard to find one’s way: something very

mixed-up and confusing.

S: labyrinth

16.- oracle (n.) someone or something that can predict the future.

S: a prophet

17.- partisan (n.) a strong supporter of a person, party, or cause: one whose support is

unreasoning: a resistance fighter, guerrilla: (adj.) strongly supporting one side only

S: fan, booster A: a critic, impartial

18.- reimburse (v.) to pay back: to give payment for

S: refund, compensate

19.- vacate (v.) to go away from, leave empty: to void, annul.

S: depart, abandon A: to occupy, keep

20.- vagabond (n.) an idle wanderer: a tramp: (adj.) wandering, unsettled: irresponsible.

S: a wanderer, footloose A: resident, settled


1.- authorize (v.) to approve or permit: to give power or authority to.

S: to order, to approve A: to forbid

2.- booty (n.) plunder: spoils taken (as from an enemy in war): anything valuable

obtained by force or dishonesty.

S: loot, plunder, spoils

3.- culprit (n.) a person who has committed a crime or is guilty of some misconduct;

an offender.

S: lawbreaker

4.- dawdle (v.) to waste time: to be idle: to spend more time in doing something than

Is necessary.

S: to delay A: to hurry, speed up


5.- dissect (v.) to cut apart In preparation to scientific study: to analyze with great care.

S: examine A: fuse, to sew together

6.- expend (v.) to pay out, spend, to use up.

S: consume A: to save

7.- fatality (n.) an event resulting in death: an accidental death.

S: mortality A: an injury

8.- gullible (adj.) easily fooled, tricked, or cheated.

S: innocent naïve A: suspicious

9.- illicit (adj.) not permitted, unlawful, improper.

S: illegal unlawful A: permissible

10.- immerse (v.) to plunge or dip into a fluid: to involve deeply, absorb.

S: to engross, to dip A: pull out

11.- inflammatory (adj.) causing excitement or anger: leading to violence or disorder.

S: provoking A: calming, soothing

12.- memorandum (n.) a note to aid one’s memory: an informal note or report (pl.,

memorandums or memoranda).

S: a reminder

13.- pathetic (adj.) marked by strong emotion, especially pity and sorrow: able to move people emotionally: worthy of pity, woefully inadequate

S: distressing A: funny, hilarious

14.- persevere ( v.) to keep doing something in spite of difficulties: to refuse to quit even

when the going is tough.

S: pursue, stick to it A: to give up

15.- prevaricate ( v.) to lie, tell an untruth: to mislead on purpose.

S: stretch the truth A: to tell the truth

16.- quash (v.) to crush, put down completely.

S: suppress A: ignite, encourage

17.- relish (n.) enjoyment or satisfaction: something that adds a pleasing flavor: (v.) to

enjoy greatly.

S: pleasure A: hate, dislike

18.- reminisce (v.) to recall one’s past thoughts, feelings, or experiences.

S: to remember, recall

19.- scour (v.) to clean or polish by hard rubbing: to examine with great care: to move

about quickly in search of.

S: to scrub, polish, search A: to dirty, soil

20.- writhe (v.) to make twisting or turning movements in a way that suggests pain or


S: to twist, thrash


1.- affluence (n.) wealth, riches, prosperity, great abundance.

S: wealth, prosperity A: poverty

2.- arrears (n., pl.) unpaid and overdue debts: an unfinished duty.

S: late, overdue

3.- cascade (n.) a steep, narrow waterfall: something falling or rushing forth in quantity,

(v.) to flow downward (like a waterfall).

S: a waterfall A: a drip


4.- cringe (v.) to shrink back or hide in fear or submissiveness.

S: to fawn A: swagger

5.- crotchety (adj.) cranky, ill-tempered: full of odd whims.

S: crabby A: sociable

6.- format (n.) the size, shape, or arrangement of something.

S: design

7.- immobile (adj.) not movable, not moving.

S: stationary A: portable

8.- impassable (adj.) blocked so that nothing can go through.

S: closed A: clear, fit for travel

9.- innovation (n.) something new, a change: the act of introducing a new method, idea,

device, etc.

S: modernization

10.- jovial (adj.) good-humored, In high spirits: merry.

S: cheerful A: gloomy

11.- manacle (n., usually pl.) a handcuff, anything that chains or confines: (to chain or

restrain (as with handcuffs).

S: to put in chains A: set free

12.- martial (adj.) warlike, fond of fighting: relating to war, the army, or military life.

S: hostile, warlike A: peaceable

13.- minimum (n.) the smallest possible amount: (adj.) the lowest permissible or possible.

S: the least possible A: highest

14.- nimble (adj.) quick and skillful in movement, agile, clever.

S: agile, flexible A: clumsy, stiff

15.- onset (n.) the beginning, start (especially of something violent and destructive):

an attack, assault.

S: beginning A: conclusion

16.- partition (n.) something that divides (such as a wall): the act of dividing something into

parts or shares

S: separation, divider

17.- perishable (adj.) likely to spoil or decay.

S: short-lived, spoil A: long-lasting, durable

18.- retrieve (v.) to find and bring back. Get back, recover, to put right, to make good.

S: regain, recover

19.- sinister (adj.) appearing evil or dangerous, threatening evil or harm.

S: frightening A: cheering

20.- taut (adj.) tightly drawn, tense: neat, in good order.

S: strained, tight A: loose, messy, sloppy


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