Emotional Well-Being Workbook - Whole Person


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Facilitator Reproducible Sessions

for Motivated Behavior Modification

John J. Liptak, Ed.D.

Ester R. A. Leutenberg




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Facilitator Reproducible Sessions

for Motivated Behavior Modification


John J. Liptak, Ed.D.

Ester R.A. Leutenberg

Duluth, Minnesota

? 2014 Whole Person Associates, 210 West Michigan St., Duluth MN 55802-1908 ? 800-247-6789


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Emotional Well-Being

Whole Person

210 West Michigan Street

Duluth, MN 55802-1908



Emotional Well-Being Workbook

Facilitator Reproducible Sessions

for Motivated Behavior Modification

Copyright ?2014 by John J. Liptak and Ester R. A. Leutenberg.

All rights reserved. Except for short excerpts for review purposes

and materials in the assessment, journaling activities, and

educational handouts sections, no part of this book may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic

or mechanical without permission in writing from the publisher.

Self-assessments, exercises, and educational handouts are meant

to be photocopied.

All efforts have been made to ensure accuracy of the information

contained in this book as of the date published. The author(s)

and the publisher expressly disclaim responsibility for any

adverse effects arising from the use or application of the

information contained herein.

Printed in the United States of America


10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Editorial Director: Carlene Sippola

Art Director: Joy Morgan Dey

Library of Congress Control Number: 2013954249

ISBN: 978-1-57025-308-9

? 2014 Whole Person Associates, 210 West Michigan St., Duluth MN 55802-1908 ? 800-247-6789


Our thanks to these professionals who make us look good!

Art Director 每 Joy Dey

Editor and Lifelong Teacher 每 Eileen Regen

Editorial Director 每 Carlene Sippola

Proofreader 每 Jay Leutenberg

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Reviewer 每 Carol Butler

Introduction for the Facilitator

What is Emotional Well-Being?

Are your clients having difficulty understanding and expressing their emotions, feeling frustrated and

angry but unable define why, living pessimistically and hopelessly, feeling inadequate for reasons they

are unable to articulate, complaining about their inability to cope with the ups and downs of daily living,

or acting scared at the thoughts of their lives changing? If so, they need to develop greater emotional

wellness skills. Emotional wellness involves connecting your clients to their authentic emotions and

helping them learn to deal with these emotions in healthy ways. The Emotional Well-Being Workbook is

designed to help your clients connect with their emotions in a way that allows them to live an emotionallybalanced life.

Emotional well-being is related to how well your clients are able to express, understand, cope with, and

manage their emotions. It reflects people who are aware of, and accepting of, their own emotions and the

emotions of others. By reading this book and completing the assessments, activities, and exercises, your

clients will benefit in the following ways:

? Resilient 每 They will be resistant from stress, guilt, anxiety, and depression.

? Change 每 They will be able to manage the uncertainty of change and transform their lives

from the opportunities that change brings.

? Self-Esteem 每 They will be able to identify and operate from their strengths, with supreme

confidence in their abilities.

? Growth 每 They will be able to harness the power of their emotions to grow personally

and professionally.


? Optimism 每 They will begin to live their lives from the standpoint of positivity and possibility.

Living an emotionally well life does not mean that your clients will not experience stress, daily hassles,

depression or life challenges. Like all people, they will continue to experience loss, grief, hardship, sadness

and anxiety. The difference is that they will be armed with the knowledge, skills and abilities to deal

effectively with whatever life throws at them. They will be positive people who have the ability to bounce

back in the face of adversity. They will have the tools and techniques to cope with difficult life situations

and maintain a positive outlook and positive sense of who they are as human beings.

? 2014 Whole Person Associates, 210 West Michigan St., Duluth MN 55802-1908 ? 800-247-6789


Emotional Well-Being

Emotional Well-Being Workbook Sections

Observable actions and mannerisms that people display when reacting to particular stimuli are called

behaviors. Behavior modification involves identifying ineffective behaviors, intentionally targeting

them, setting goals for behavioral change, monitoring progress and determining effective rewards for

improved behaviors.

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The Mind-Body Wellness Series is composed of workbooks designed to help people learn how to

discontinue old, destructive health habits and adopt new, healthy lifestyle choices. The model, referred

to as Motivated Behavior Modification (MBM), looks at specific learned behaviors and the impact of

environmental stimuli on those behaviors. It focuses on helping participants change undesirable and

unhealthy lifestyle behaviors by objectively identifying unrealistic behaviors and replacing them with

healthier, more effective behaviors.

Section 1 每 Bounce Back

This chapter will help participants explore how effectively they bounce back from difficult situations

and circumstances.

Section 2 每 Identify and Express Emotions

This chapter will help participants explore how effectively they express their emotions to other people

in their life.

Section 3 每 Balance Work and Personal Life

This chapter will help participants determine how well they are living a balanced life.

Section 4 每 Maintain a Hopeful Outlook

This chapter will help participants explore how hopeful they are about the future.

Section 5 每 Feel Good About Yourself

This chapter will help participants explore how they feel about themselves.

Section 6 每 Accept Change


This chapter will help participants explore how well they are able to be spontaneous when their

lives change.

Section 7 每 Enjoy Life, Laugh and Have Fun

This chapter helps participants explore how much fun and joy they are experiencing in life.

(Continued on the next page)


? 2014 Whole Person Associates, 210 West Michigan St., Duluth MN 55802-1908 ? 800-247-6789


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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