Dimensional Analysis WorkSheet

Dimensional Analysis Review Worksheet


1.  Solve using the conversion factors that are listed in the table below.

a. Your cruise ship is leaving for a 610-league adventure. How many nautical miles is this?

b.  Later the ship is discovered at 38 fathoms deep under water. Convert this to meters.

c. Fortunately you survived! You are stranded on a deserted island that is located 12.5 degrees north of the equator. How many kilometers is this?

d. If you are rationed to 32 gills of fresh water a day. How many liters is this?

e. To reach the top of a palm tree for a coconut you will have to climb 7.4 meters. How many hands is this?

f. The island is rich with hot chile peppers. You can collect 1.6 pecks a day. How many liters could you collect in 1 week?


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|Table of Weights and Measures |

|  |  |Volume |

|Length |Area | |

|  |  |  |

|1 nautical mile = 6076.11549 feet |1 township = 36 square miles |4 gills = 1 pint |

|1 inch = 2.54 cm |*Derive your area conversion factors by |2 pints = 1 quart |

|1 league = 5 280 yards |working with length and squaring all |1 liter = 1.0567 quarts |

|1 cable = 120 fathoms |dimensions. Ex. |1 bushel = 4 pecks = 32 quarts |

|1 fathom = 6 feet |122 inch2 = 12 foot2 |1 gallon = 4 quarts |

|1 degree = 69.047 miles |or |  |

|1 mile = 5280 feet |144 square inch = 1 square foot | |

|1 hand = 4 inches | | |

|  | | |



There are two mole equalities that we have talked about.

1 mol = 6.02 x 1023 particles [atoms, molecules, formula units]

1 mol = Molar Mass [also called gram-formula-mass]

2.Solve the following problems:

a. How many molecules are there in 400 grams of glucose, C6H12O6?

b. How many grams are 1.20 x 1025 atoms of phosphorous?

c. How many atoms are in 0.750 grams of zinc?

d. How many molecules are in 375 grams of N2O5?

e. Find the number of moles of argon in 452 g of argon.

f. Find the grams in 1.26 x 10-4 mol of HC2H3O2.

g. Find the mass in 2.6 mol of lithium bromide.

h. How many moles are 1.20 x 1025 atoms of phosphorous?

i. How many atoms are in 0.750 moles of zinc?

j. How many grams are in 0.400 moles of N2O5?


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