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Re-release of the 2006 Element 2 Technician Class Question Pool

February 6, 2006

To all i nterested parties: The QPC stri ves to maintain the highest standards of accuracy in the question pools provided by this committee, but unfortunately, as in many human endeavors, perfection is an elusive goal. A few additional errors were discovered in the 2006 Element 2 pool after the initial release. Most of these errors were simple typographic problems, but in at least 3 cases the errors were si gni fi cant enough that the QPC decided to remove the entire questi on from the pool. In 3 more cases, a question was substantially re-worded.

Accordingly, the 2006 Element 2 pool is being re-released to the public on this date. Previous versions should not be used in any form, and should be di scarded enti rely. Only the version dated February 6, 2006 is to be used. Hopefully, no additional errors will be discovered, but if that should happen, then any subsequent changes will be handled by deletion of the affected question.

The Questi on Pool Committee apologizes to all users for this second release of the questi on pool and any inconvenience it might have caused.

The following questi ons have been removed. Subsequent questions in the affected sections are not to be renumbered.

T3B11 T5D06 T6B09 T7A08

There are 392 questi ons in this pool. There are no graphi cs files required for this pool.

As before, this pool will become effective for exami nations given on or after July 1, 2006, and will be valid until June 30, 2010.

If you have an issue with any particular question, please send your input to the question pool committee using the following email address: qpcinput@

Do not send input to the QPC members or assistants directly. When making submi ssi ons, please include the question number(s) involved, and a brief explanation of what you think is incorrect.

You may also use this address to send in comments, criticisms, and suggestions for new questions or changes to the topic areas for any of the pools. Please make sure the subject line in your message i ncludes a reference to which pool you are addressi ng.

This document is intended to be used for general reference. VECs that require an editable version of the pool, or need the pool in a different format, should access the NCVEC web-site: to obtain downloadable versions of this file. Several different formats are available.

Jim Wiley, KL7CC

Chairman, NCVEC Question Pool Committee

|Committee members: Perry Green, WY1O Larry Pollock, NB5X |Tom Fuszard, KF9PU Gordon West, WB6NOA |

|QPC Assistants: Roland Anders, K3RA Fred Maia, W5YI |Steve Sternitzke, NS5I |

|Dave De Febo, WB9BWP | |

Errata sheet 2006 Element 2 pool

The foll owing questi ons were edited in some fashion from their origi nal form, or removed from the original issue of the pool.

|Question |Error reported |Action taken |

|T1C02 |Incorrect grammar in di stractor B |Corrected |

|T2B09 |Incorrect Part 97 reference |Corrected |

|T2C04 |Incorrect Part 97 reference |Corrected |

|T2D03 |Incorrect Part 97 reference |Corrected |

|T3B07 |Missing Part 97 reference |Ref erence inserted |

|T3B11 |Error in FCC rule database |Question withdrawn |

|T3C09 |Suggested answer is incorrect |Correct answer is " D" |

|T3C10 |Missing punctuation in question |Comma inserted |

|T4E02 |Two answers labeled as "B" |Correction supplied |

|T4E07 |Grammar error in question |Revised text |

|T5D06 |Deleted question. | |

|T5D11 |Grammar error in question |Revised text |

|T6A04 |Grammar error in question |Inserted word "is" |

|T6A08 |Grammar error in question |Revised text |

|T6B09 |Deleted question | |

|T7A02 |Grammar error |Revised text |

|T7A08 |Deleted question. | |

|T8A02 |Ambiguous reference to Part 97 section |Clarified reference |

|T8A03 |Missing period in distractor C |Inserted correction |

|T8A10 |Listed answer is incorrect |Correct answer is "D" |

|T8B08 |Conflicts with T8B11 |Question rewritten |

|T8B11 |Conflicts with T8B08 |Question rewritten |

|T8C10 |Grammatical errors |Question rewritten |

|T9A05 |Spelling error in di stractor D |Corrected |

|T9A06 |Grammatical errors |Question rewritten |

|T9A12 |Grammar error |Question rewritten |

|T9C01 |Distractor A (correct answer) is wrong |Distractor rewritten |

|T9C02 |Grammar error |Question rewritten |

|T9C07 |Grammar error |Question rewritten |

|T9C10 |Grammar error |Question rewritten |

|T0C02 |Grammar error |Corrected |

|T0C06 |Typo |Corrected |

2006 Technician Class (Element 2) Master syllabus

Released 6 February, 2006

35 Exam questions

SUBELEMENT T1 FCC Rules, station license responsibilities - 4 exam questions 4 groups

T1A - Basis and purpose of the Amateur Radio Servi ce, penal t i es for unl i censed operat i on, other penal t i es, examinat i ons

T1B - ITU regions, international regulations, US call sign structure, special event calls, vanity call signs

T1C – Authorized frequencies (Technician), reciprocal li censi ng, operat i on near band edges, spect rum shari ng

T1D - The st at i on li cense, cor r ect name and address on f i le, license term, renewal s, grace period

4 SUBELEMENT T2 - Control operator duties 4 exam questions groups

T2A - Prohi bit ed communi cat i ons: musi c, broadcast i ng, codes and ci phers, busi ness use, permissi ble communi cat i ons, bulletins, code practice, incidental music

T2B - Basi c i dent if i cat i on requi rement s, repeater I D standards, identification for non-voice modes, identification r equi r ement s f or mobi le and port abl e oper at i on

T2C – Def i ni t i on of cont r ol oper at or, locat i on of cont r ol operator, automati c and remote control, auxiliary stati ons

T2D - Operat i ng anot her person' s stat i on, guest operat ors at your stati on, third party communi cati ons, autopatch, i nci dental busi ness use, compensat i on of operat ors, club stations, station security, station inspection, protection agai nst unaut horized t ransmissi ons

4 SUBELEMENT T3 Operating practices 4 exam questions groups

T3A - Choosing an operating frequency, calling CQ, calling another stati on, test transmissi ons

T3B - Use of mini mum power, band plans, repeater coordi nati on, mode restri cted sub-bands

T3C - Courtesy and respect for others, sensitive subject areas, obscene and i ndecent language

T3D - Interference to and from consumer devi ces, public rel ati ons, intentional and uni ntenti onal interference

SUBELEMENT questions

T4A – si gnal

T4B – i dent i wav es

T4C - ampl i f

T4D –

T4 Radio and electronic fundamentals 5 exam 5 groups

Names of electrical units, DC and AC, what is a radio , conductors and insulators, electrical components

relationship between frequency and wavel ength, fication of bands, names of frequency ranges, types of

How r adi o wor ks: r ecei ver s, t r ansmit t er s, t r anscei ver s, i ers, power supplies, types of batteries, service life

Ohms law rel at i onshi ps

T4E - Power cal cul at i ons, uni t s, ki lo, mega, milli , micro

SUBELEMENT T5 Station setup and operation - 4 exam questions 4 groups

T5A - Station hookup – microphone, speaker, headphones, filters, power source, connect i ng a comput er

T5B - Operat i ng cont rol s

T5C – Repeaters; repeater and simplex operating techniques, offsets, selective squelch, open and closed repeaters, linked repeat er s

T5D – Recogni ti on and correcti on of probl ems, symptoms of overl oad and overdri ve, distortion, over and under modulation, RF feedback, off frequency signals, fading and noi se, pr obl ems wit h di gi t al communi cat i ons li nks

SUBELEMENT T6 Communications modes and methods 3 exam questions - 3 groups

T6A - Modul ati on modes, descri pti ons and bandwidth (AM, FM, SSB)

T6B - Voi ce communi cat i ons, EchoLi nk and I RLP

T6C – Non-voice communi cati ons - i mage communi cati ons, data, CW, packet, PSK31, Morse code techniques, Q signals

SUBELEMENT T7 Special operations 2 exam questions 2 groups

T7A – Operating in the fiel cont rol , contests, speci al

T7B – Satellite operation, bands, LEO, orbi t cal cul at operating protocols, AMSAT,

d, radio direction finding, radio event st at i ons

Doppler shift, satellite sub ion, split frequency operation, I SS communi cat i ons

3 SUBELEMENT T8 Emergency and Public Service Communications exam questions 3 groups

T8A - FCC decl arati ons of an emergency, use of non-amateur equi pment and frequenci es, use of equi pment by unlicensed persons, tact i cal call si gns

T8B - Preparati on for emergency operati ons, RACES/ARES, safety of life and property, usi ng ham radio at civic events, compensat i on pr ohi bi t ed

T8C - Net operat i ons, responsi bi lit i es of the net cont rol stati on, message handling, interfacing with public safety officials

SUBELEMENT T9 Radio waves, propagation, and antennas - 3 exam questions 3 groups

T9A - Antenna types – vertical, horizontal, concept of gain, common port abl e and mobi le ant ennas, losses wit h short antennas, rel ati onshi ps between antenna length and frequency, dummy loads

T9B – Propagation, fading, multipath distortion,

ref lecti ons, radio horizon, terrain blocking, wavel ength vs.

penetrati on, antenna orientati on

T9C – Feedlines types, losses vs. frequency, SWR concepts, measuri ng SWR, matchi ng and power transfer, weat her protection, feedline failure modes

3 SUBELEMENT T0 Electrical and RF Safety 3 exam questions groups

T0A – AC power ci rcui ts, hazardous voltages, fuses and

ci rcui t breakers, groundi ng, li ght ni ng protect i on, battery saf et y, el ect r i cal code compl i ance

T0B – Ant enna i nst al lat i on, t ower saf et y, over head power li nes

T0C - RF hazards, radi at i on exposure, RF heat i ng hazards, proximity to antennas, recognized safe power levels, hand

held safety, exposure to others

2006 Technician Class License Question Pool

Released 6 February, 2006

35 Exam questions

SUBELEMENT T1 FCC Rules, station license responsibilities - 4 exam questions 4 Groups

T1A - Basis and purpose of the Amateur Radio Service, penalties for unlicensed operation, other penalties, examinations 1 exam question

T1A01 (A) [97.3(a)(1)]

Who is an amateur operator as defi ned i n Part 97?

A. A person named in an amateur operator/pri mary license grant in t he FCC ULS dat abase

B. A person who has passed a written license examination

C. The per son named on t he FCC For m 605 Appli cat i on

D. A per son hol di ng a Rest r i ct ed Oper at i ng Per mit


T1A02 (B) [97.1]

What is one of the basic purposes of the Amateur Radio Service as defi ned i n Part 97?

To support teaching of amateur radio classes in schools

B. To provide a vol untary noncommerci al communi cati ons service to the publ i c, part i cul arl y i n t i mes of emergency

To provide free message service to the public

To all ow the publ i c to communi cat e wit h other radi o servi ces ~~

T1A03 (C) [97.501]

What classes of US amateur radio licenses may currently be earned by examinat i on?

Novi ce, Techni ci an, General , Advanced

Techni ci an, General , Advanced

Techni ci an, General , Extra

Techni ci an, Tech Plus, General

T1A04 (C) [97.509(b)]

Who is a Vol unteer Examiner?

A. A cert i f i ed i nst r uct or who vol unt eer s t o examine amat eur t eachi ng manual s

B. An FCC empl oyee who accredi ts vol unteers to admini ster amateur li cense exams

C. An amateur accredi ted by one or more VECs who vol unteers to admini st er amat eur li cense exams

D. Any per son who vol unt eer s t o examine amat eur st at i on equi pment ~~

T1A05 (A) [97.505(a)(6)]

How long i s a CSCE val i d for li cense upgrade purposes?

365 days

Unt i l t he cur rent li cense expi r es


D. Unti l two years following the expi rati on of the current li cense


T1A06 (D) [97.509(a)(b)(3)(i)]

How many and what class of Vol unteer Examiners are requi red to admini st er an El ement 2 Techni ci an wri t t en exam?

Three Examiners hol di ng any class of li cense

Two Examiners hol di ng any class of li cense

Three Examiners hol di ng a Techni ci an Class li cense

Three Examiners hol di ng a General Class li cense or

hi gher


T1A07 (B) [97.5]

Who makes and enforces the rules for the Amateur Radio Service in the United States?

The Congress of the United States

The Federal Communi cat i ons Commissi on

The Vol unteer Examiner Coordi nators

The Federal Bureau of Investigation

T1A08 (D) [97.1]

What are two of t he f ive f undament al pur poses f or t he Amat eur Radi o Servi ce?

A. To pr ot ect hi st or i cal r adi o dat a, and hel p t he publi c understand radio hi story

B. To ai d f or ei gn count r i es i n i mpr ovi ng r adi o communi cat i ons and encourage visits from foreign hams

C. To moderni ze radio electronic design theory and i mprove schematic drawings

D. To i ncr ease t he number of t r ai ned r adi o oper at or s and electronics experts, and i mprove international goodwill ~~

T1A09 (D) [97.3(a)(5)]

What i s t he def i ni t i on of an amat eur r adi o st at i on?

A. A stati on in a public radio service used for radio communi cat i ons

B. A stati on using radio communi cati ons for a commerci al purpose

C. A st at i on usi ng equi pment f or t r ai ni ng new broadcast operators and techni ci ans

D. A stat i on i n an Amat eur Radi o Servi ce consi st i ng of t he apparatus necessary for carrying on radio communi cati ons ~~

T1A10 (B) [97.3(A)(23)]

What i s a t ransmissi on call ed that di st urbs other communi cat i ons?

Interrupted CW

Harmful i nterference

Transponder si gnal s

Unidentified transmissions ~~

T1B - ITU regions, international regulations, US call sign structure, special event calls, vanity call signs - 1 exam question

T1B01 (C) [97.3(a)(28)] What is the ITU?

|A. |The |International |Telecommunications Utility |

|B. |The |International |Telephone Union |

|C. |The |International |Telecommunication Union |

|D. |The |International |Technology Union |


T1B02 (A) [97.301]

What is the purpose of ITU Regions?

A. They are used to assist in the management of frequency al locat i ons

B. They are usef ul when oper at i ng mar i t i me mobi le

C. They are used in call sign assignments

D. They must be used after your call sign to i ndi cate your locat i on


T1B03 (C) [97. 17(d)]

What syst em does t he FCC use t o sel ect new amat eur r adi o cal l si gns?

Cal l si gns are assi gned i n random order

The appl i cant i s al lowed t o pi ck a cal l si gn

Cal l si gns are assi gned i n sequent i al order

Volunteer Examiners choose an unassigned call sign ~~

T1B04 (A) [97. 19(d)]

What FCC call sign program might you use to obtai n a call sign cont ai ni ng your i ni t i al s?

The vanity call sign program

The sequential call sign program

The speci al event call si gn program

There i s no FCC provi si on for choosi ng a your call si gn

T1B05 (B) [97. 17(b)(2)]

How might an amat eur radi o club obt ai n a club stat i on call si gn?

By applying directly to the FCC in Gettysburg, PA

By appl yi ng t hr ough a Club St at i on Cal l Si gn Admini st rat or

By submitting a FCC Form 605 to the FCC in Washington, DC

By notifying a VE team using NCVEC Form 605


T1B06 (C)

Who i s el i gi ble t o appl y f or t empor ar y use of a 1- by- 1 f or mat Speci al Event cal l si gn?

|A. Only Amateur Extra class |amat eur s |

|B. Only military stations |radio club stations |

|C. Any FCC- li censed amat eur | |

|D. Only trustees of amateur ~~ | |

T1B07 (A) [97. 107]

When are you al lowed t o oper at e your amat eur st at i on i n a f or ei gn count ry?

A. When t here i s a r eci pr ocal oper at i ng agr eement between t he count r i es

B. When there is a mutual agreement all owing third party communi cat i ons

C. When aut hor i zat i on per mit s amat eur communi cat i ons i n a f or ei gn language

D. When you are communi cat i ng wit h non- li censed i ndi vi dual s i n another country


T1B08 (C)

Which of t he f ol lowing cal l si gns i s a val i d US amat eur cal l?





T1B09 (B)

What let t er s must be used f or t he f i r st let t er i n US amat eur cal l si gns?

|A. |K, |N, |U and |W |

|B. |A, |K, |N and |W |

|C. |A, |B, |C and |D |

|D. |A, |N, |V and |W |


|T1B10 (D) |used i n US amat eur cal l si gns? |

| | |

|What numbers are |number, 10 t hr ough 99 number, 22 through 45 , 1 though 9 |

| |, 0 through 9 |

|A. Any two-digit | |

|B. Any two-digit | |

|C. A single digit | |

|D. A single digit ~~ | |

T1C Authorized frequencies (Technician), reciprocal licensing, operation near band edges, spectrum sharing 1 exam question

T1C01 (C) [97.5(a)]

What i s r equi red bef ore you can cont r ol an amat eur st at i on i n t he US?

A. You must hol d an FCC rest r i ct ed oper at or' s per mit f or a licensed radio station

B. You must submit an FCC Form 605 with a license examination fee

C. You must be named i n t he FCC amat eur li cense dat abase, or be an al i en wit h reci procal operat i ng aut horizat i on

D. The FCC must i ssue you a Cert if i cat e of Successful Compl et i on of Amateur Trai ni ng


T1C02 (B) [97.5(a)]

Where does a US amat eur li cense all ow you to t ransmit?

From anywher e i n t he wor ld

B. From wher ever the Amat eur Radi o Servi ce i s regul at ed by the FCC or where reci procal agreements are i n place

From a country that shares a third party agreement with the US

Only from the mailing address printed on your license ~~

T1C03 (B) [97. 111]

Under what condi t i ons are amat eur st at i ons al lowed t o communi cat e wit h stat i ons operat i ng i n other radi o servi ces?

When other radi o servi ces make cont act wit h amat eur stat i ons

When aut hor i zed by t he FCC

When communi cat i ng wit h stat i ons i n t he Family Radi o Servi ce

When commer ci al broadcast st at i ons are of f t he ai r ~~

T1C04 (B) [97.301(a)]

Which frequency is within the 6-meter band?

|A. |49.00 |MHz |

|B. |52. 525 |MHz |

|C. |28. 50 |MHz |

|D. |222.15 |MHz |

T1C05 (A) [97.301(a)]

Whi ch amat eur band are you usi ng when t ransmitt i ng on 146. 52 MHz?

|A. |2 |meter |band |

|B. |20 |meter |band |

|C. |14 |meter |band |

|D. |6 |meter |band |


T1C06 (C) [97.301(a)]

Which 70-centimeter frequency is authorized to a Technician class li cense hol der operat i ng i n I TU Regi on 2?

|A. |455. 350 |MHz |

|B. |146.520 |MHz |

|C. |443. 350 |MHz |

|D. |222. 520 |MHz |


T1C07 (B) [97.301(a)]

Which 23 centimeter frequency is authorized to a Technician class li cense hol der operat i ng i n I TU Regi on 2?

|A. |2315 |MHz |

|B. |1296 |MHz |

|C. |3390 |MHz |

|D. |146.52 MHz |


T1C08 (D) [97.301(a)]

What amat eur band are you usi ng if you are operat i ng on 223. 50 MHz?

|A. |15 |meter |band |

|B. |10 |meter |band |

|C. |2 |meter |band |

|D. |1.25 meter band |

T1C09 (C) [97. 303]

What do t he FCC r ul es mean when an amat eur f r equency band i s sai d to be available on a secondary basis?

Secondary users of a frequency have equal rights to operate

Amat eur s are onl y al lowed t o use t he f r equency at ni ght

Amateurs may not cause harmful i nterference to pri mary users

Secondary users are not all owed on amateur bands


T1C10 (D) [97. 111]

When may a US amateur operator communi cate with an amateur in a foreign country?

A. Onl y when a t hi r d- part y agr eement exi st s between t he US and t he foreign country

B. At any time except between 146.52 and 146.58 MHz

C. Onl y when a foreign amateur uses English

D. At any t i me unl ess pr ohi bi t ed by ei t her gover nment


T1C11 (D) [97.113(a)(5)]

Which of the following types of communications are not permitted i n t he Amat eur Radi o Servi ce?

Br i ef t r ansmissi ons t o make adjust ment s t o t he st at i on

B. Br i ef t r ansmissi ons t o est abl i sh two-way communi cat i ons wit h ot her st at i ons

C. Transmissi ons to assist persons learni ng or i mprovi ng proficiency in CW

D. Communi cat i ons on a regul ar basi s that coul d reasonabl y be furnished alternatively through other radio servi ces ~~


T1D - The station license, correct name and address on file, license term, renewals, grace period 1 exam question

T1D01 (B) [97. 17(a)]

Whi ch of the foll owing servi ces are issued an operator stati on li cense by t he FCC?

Family Radi o Servi ce

Amateur Radio Service

General Radi otel ephone Service

The Citizens Radio Service ~~

T1D02 (A) [97.5(b)(1)]

Who can become an amat eur li censee i n t he US?

Anyone except a represent at i ve of a f or ei gn gover nment

Only a citizen of the United States

Anyone except an empl oyee of t he US gover nment



T1D03 (D) [97.5(b)(1)]

What i s t he mini mum age r equi red t o hol d an amat eur li cense?

14 years or older

18 years or ol der

70 years or younger

There i s no mini mum age requi rement


T1D04 (D) [97.5(a)]

What government agency grants your amateur radio license?

The Depart ment of Def ense

The Bureau of Public Communications

The Depart ment of Commerce

The Federal Communi cat i ons Commissi on

T1D05 (C) [97.5(a)]

How soon may you transmit after passing the required examination el ements for your fi rst amateur radio license?


30 days after the test date

As soon as your li cense grant appears i n t he FCC's ULS dat abase

As soon as you receive your license in the mail from the FCC ~~

T1D06 (C) [97.25(a)]

What i s t he nor mal t er m f or an amat eur st at i on li cense grant?

5 years

7 years

10 years

For the lifetime of the licensee


T1D07 (A) [97.21(b)]

What is the grace period during which the FCC will renew an expi red 10-year li cense wit hout r e- examinat i on?

2 years

5 years

10 years

There is no grace period


T1D08 (D) [97. 103(a)]

What i s your r esponsi bi li t y as a st at i on li censee?

A. You must al low anot her amat eur t o oper at e your st at i on upon request

B. You must be present whenever t he st at i on i s oper at ed

C. You must not i f y t he FCC i f anot her amat eur act s as t he cont r ol oper at or

D. Your st at i on must be oper at ed i n accordance wit h t he FCC r ul es

T1D09 (A) [97.23]

When may the FCC revoke or suspend a li cense if the mai li ng address of the holder is not current with the FCC?

If mail is returned to the FCC as undeliverable

When the licensee transmits without having updated the address

When t he li censee oper at es port abl e at a di f f er ent address

If the address is not updated within the 2 year grace period ~~

T1D10 (B) [97.23]

The FCC requi res whi ch address to be kept up to date on the Uni versal Li censi ng System database?

The station location address

The station licensee mailing address

The station location address and mailing address

The station transmitting location address ~~

T1D11 (A) [97.21(b)]

When are you per mit t ed t o cont i nue t o t r ansmit i f you f or get t o renew your amateur license and it expires?

A. Transmitt i ng i s not all owed until the li cense i s renewed and appears on the FCC ULS database

B. When you identify using the suffix EXP

C. When you notify the FCC you intend to renew within 90 days

D. Transmitting is allowed any time during the 2-year grace period ~~

T1D12 (A) [97.23]

Why must an Amateur radio operator have a correct name and mai li ng address on file with the FCC?

A. To receive mai l delivery from the FCC by the Uni ted St ates Postal Service

B. So the FCC Field office can contact the licensee

C. It isn't required when you haven't operated your station in a year

D. So the FCC can locate your t ransmitt i ng locat i on

4 SUBELEMENT T2 - Control operator duties 4 exam questions groups

T2A - Prohibited communications: music, broadcasting, codes and ciphers, business use, permissible communications, bulletins, code practice, incidental music 1 exam question

T2A01 (A) [97. 113(b)]

When i s an amat eur st at i on aut hor i zed t o t r ansmit i nf or mat i on t o the general public?

|A. Never |s bei ng pai d |

|B. Onl y when t he oper at or i |on lasts more than 10 minutes on lasts longer than 15 minutes |

|C. Only when the transmissi | |

|D. Only when the transmissi ~~ | |

|T2A02 (A) [97. 113(a)(4), 97. 113(e)] |musi c? |

| | |

|When i s an amat eur st at i on aut hor i zed t o t r ansmit |dental to an cat i ons |

| |ons |

|A. Amat eurs may not t ransmit musi c, except as i nci | |

|authorized rebroadcast of space shuttle communi | |

|B. Onl y when the musi c produces no spurious emissi | |

|C. Only to interfere with an illegal transmission | |

|D. Only when the music is above 1280 MHz | |

|~~ | |

T2A03 (C) [97. 113(a) (4), 97. 21 1( b), 97. 217]

When i s the t ransmissi on of codes or ci phers all owed to hi de the meaning of a message transmitted by an amateur station?

Only during contests

Only when operat i ng mobi le

C. Only when t r ansmit t i ng cont r ol commands t o space st at i ons or radio control craft

Only when frequencies above 1280 MHz are used

T2A04 (A) [97.113(a)(4)]

When may an amat eur st at i on t r ansmit f al se or decept ive si gnal s?


When operating a beacon transmitter in a "fox hunt" exercise

Only when maki ng uni dent if i ed t ransmissi ons

When needed t o hi de t he meani ng of a message f or secrecy ~~

T2A05 (C) [97. 119(b)]

When may an amat eur stat i on t ransmit uni dent if i ed communi cat i ons?

Onl y dur i ng br i ef t est s not meant as messages

Only when t hey do not i nt er f er e wit h ot hers

Only when sent f r om a space st at i on or t o cont r ol a model craft

Only dur i ng two-way or t hi r d part y communi cat i ons


T2A06 (A) [97.3(a)(10)]

What does t he t er m broadcast i ng mean?

A. Tr ansmissi ons i nt ended f or r ecept i on by t he general publi c, either di rect or rel ayed

B. Ret ransmissi on by aut omat i c means of programs or si gnal s from non- amat eur st at i ons

C. One-way radio communi cati ons, regardl ess of purpose or content

D. One-way or two-way r adi o communi cat i ons between two or mor e st at i ons


T2A07 (C) [97.113(a)(4)]

Whi ch of t he f ol lowing are speci f i cal ly pr ohi bi t ed i n t he Amat eur Radi o Servi ce?

Discussi on of polit i cs

Discussi on of programs on broadcast stati ons

I ndecent and obscene language

Morse code pr act i ce

T2A08 (B) [97. 3( a) (10), 97. 11 3( b)]

Whi ch of t he f ol lowing one-way communi cat i ons may not be transmitted in the Amateur Radio Service?

Tel ecommand of model craft

Br oadcast s i nt ended f or r ecept i on by t he general publ i c

Br i ef t r ansmissi ons t o make adjust ment s t o t he st at i on

Morse code pr act i ce


T2A09 (C) [97. 113(2)]

When does t he FCC al low an amat eur r adi o st at i on t o be used as a met hod of communi cat i on f or hi r e or mat er i al compensat i on?

Onl y when maki ng test t ransmissi ons

Onl y when news i s bei ng broadcast i n t i mes of emergency

Only when i n accordance wit h part 97 rul es

D. Onl y when your empl oyer is usi ng amateur radio to broadcast advert i si ng


T2A10 (B) [97.113(a)(3),(a)5(e)]

What t ype of communi cat i ons are pr ohi bi t ed when usi ng a repeat er aut opat ch?

Cal ls t o a recorded weat her report

B. Cal ls t o your empl oyer request i ng di r ect i ons t o a cust omer' s office

Calls to the police reporting a traffic accident

Cal ls to a public utility reporting an outage of your tel ephone ~~

T2A11 (C) [97.113(a)3]

When may you use your st at i on t o t el l peopl e about equi pment you have for sale?

|A. Never |on |

|B. When you are conduct i ng an on- li ne auct i |pment f or sal e or t r ade |

|C. When you are offeri ng amateur radio equi on an occasi onal basi s | |

|D. When you are hel pi ng a recogni zed chari t |y |

T2B - Basic identification requirements, repeater ID standards, identification for non-voice modes, identification requirements for mobile and portable operation 1 exam question

T2B01 (B) [97. 119(a)]

What must you t r ansmit t o i dent i f y your amat eur st at i on?

Your tactical ID

Your cal l si gn

Your f i r st name and your locat i on

Your f ul l name ~~

T2B02 (A) [97. 119(a)]

What i s a t ransmissi on call ed that does not cont ai n a stat i on i dent i f i cat i on?

Uni dent i f i ed communi cat i ons or si gnal s

Rel uct ance modul at i on

Test emissi on

Intentional interference


T2B03 (B) [97. 119(a)]

How oft en must an amat eur st at i on t r ansmit t he assi gned cal l si gn?

A. At the beginning of each transmission and every 10 minutes dur i ng communi cat i on

B. Every 10 minutes during communi cati ons and at the end of each communi cat i on

C. At the end of each transmission

D. Onl y at t he end of t he communi cat i on


T2B04 (D) [97.119(b)]

What i s an accept abl e met hod of t r ansmit t i ng a repeat er st at i on i dent i f i cat i on?

By phone usi ng t he Engli sh language

By video i mage conforming to applicable standards

By Morse code at a speed not to exceed 20 words per minute

All of t hese answers are cor r ect.

T2B05 (C) [97. 119(a)]

What identification is required when two amateur stations end communi cat i ons?

No i dent if i cat i on i s requi red

One of the stat i ons must t ransmit both stat i ons' call si gns

Each station must transmit its own call sign

Both stat i ons must t ransmit both call si gns


T2B06 (B) [97. 119(a)]

What i s t he longest per i od of t i me an amat eur st at i on can oper at e wit hout t ransmitt i ng its call si gn?

|A. |5 |minutes |

|B. |10 |minutes |

|C. |15 |minutes |

|D. |30 |minutes |


T2B07 (C) [97. 119(b)(2)]

What i s a per missi ble way t o i dent i f y your st at i on when you are speaking to another amateur operator using a language other than Engli sh?

A. You must i dent if y usi ng t he off i ci al ver si on of t he for ei gn language

B. I dent if i cat i on i s not requi red when usi ng other languages

C. You must identify using the English language

D. You must identify usi ng phonetics


T2B08 (D) [97. 119(d)]

How often must you identify using your assigned call sign when operating while using a special event call sign?

Every 10 minutes

Once when t he event begi ns and once when i t concl udes


Once per hour

T2B09 (A) [97. 119(c)]

What is requi red when usi ng one or more sel f-assi gned i ndi cators wit h your assi gned cal l si gn?

|A. |The i ndi cat or must FCC rules or with|not conf li ct wit h an i ndi cat or speci f i ed by a prefix assigned to another country |

| |The i ndi cat or must The i ndi cat or |consi st onl y of numer i c di gi t s |

|B. |must state |i nclude t he 2- let t er abbr evi at i on f or your |

|C. |The i ndi cat or must double slash mark| |

| | |be separated from your call sign by a |

|D. | | |


T2B10 (B) [97. 119(e)]

What i s t he cor r ect way t o i dent i f y when vi si t i ng a st at i on i f you hold a hi gher class license than that of the stati on licensee and you are using a frequency not authorized to his class of license?

Send your cal l si gn f i r st, f ol lowed by hi s cal l si gn

Send hi s cal l si gn f i r st, f ol lowed by your cal l si gn

Send your call si gn onl y, hi s i s not requi red

Send his call sign followed by "/KT"


T2B11 (A) [97.119(f)(2)]

When exerci si ng the operat i ng pri vi leges earned by examinat i on upgr ade of a li cense what i s meant by use of t he i ndi cat or "/AG"?

Aut hor i zed Gener al

Adjunct General

Address as General

Automat i call y General ~~

T2C Definition of control operator, location of control

1 operator, automatic and remote control, auxiliary stations exam question

T2C01 (B) [97.7]

What must every amat eur stat i on have when t ransmitt i ng?

A frequency- measuri ng device

A cont r ol oper at or

A beacon transmitter

A third party operator


T2C02 (C ) [97.5(b)(1)]

How many amateur operator / pri mary stati on licenses may be held by one person?

|A. As many as desi red |t r ansmit t er ocat i |

|B. One for each portable |on |

|C. Only one | |

|D. One for each station l ~~ | |

T2C03 (B) [97. 205( a)]

What mini mum class of amat eur li cense must you hol d t o be a cont r ol oper at or of a repeat er st at i on?

Techni ci an Plus

Techni ci an


Amateur Extra ~~

T2C04 (D) [97.3(a)(12)]

Who i s r esponsi ble for t he t r ansmissi ons f r om an amat eur st at i on?

Auxiliary operator

Oper at i ons coor di nat or

Thi rd-party operator

Control operator

T2C05 (C) [97.7]

When must an amat eur st at i on have a cont r ol oper at or?

Onl y when t r ai ni ng anot her amat eur

Whenever t he st at i on r ecei ver i s oper at ed

Whenever the stat i on i s t ransmitt i ng

A cont r ol oper at or i s not needed


T2C06 (D) [97. 3]

What i s t he cont r ol poi nt of an amat eur st at i on?

The on/off switch of the transmitter

The i nput / out put port of a packet cont r ol ler

The variable frequency oscillator of a transmitter

D. The location at which the control operator function is per f or med


T2C07 (C) [97. 109(d)]

What t ype of amat eur st at i on does not r equi r e a cont r ol oper at or t o be at t he cont r ol poi nt?

A locally controlled station

A r emot el y cont r ol led st at i on

An automatically controlled station

An earth stati on controlling a space stati on ~~

T2C08 (A) [97. 3( a)]

What are t he t hr ee t ypes of st at i on cont r ol per mit t ed and recogni zed by FCC rul e?

Local , r emot e and aut omat i c cont r ol

Local , di st ant and aut omat i c cont r ol

Remot e, di st ant and unaut hor i zed cont r ol

All of the choices are correct

T2C09 (C) [97. 3( a) ]

What t ype of cont r ol i s bei ng used on a repeat er when t he cont r ol oper at or i s not present?

Local control

Remot e cont r ol

Aut omat i c cont r ol

Uncont roll ed


T2C10 (D) [97. 109(a)]

What t ype of cont r ol i s bei ng used when t r ansmit t i ng usi ng a handhel d radi o?

Radio control

Unattended control

Aut omat i c cont r ol

Local control ~~

T2C11 (B) [97.3]

What t ype of cont r ol i s used when t he cont r ol oper at or i s not at the station location but can still make changes to a transmitter?

Local control

Remot e cont r ol

Aut omat i c cont r ol

Uncont roll ed


T2C12 (C) [97.3(a)(13)]

What i s t he def i ni t i on of a cont r ol oper at or of an amat eur st at i on?

Anyone who oper at es t he cont r ol s of t he st at i on

Anyone who i s r esponsi ble f or t he st at i on' s equi pment

An operator desi gnated by the licensee to be responsible for

t he st at i on' s t r ansmissi ons t o assure compl i ance wit h FCC r ul es

The oper at or wit h t he hi ghest class of li cense who i s i n

control of the station

T2D - Operating another person's station, guest operators at your station, third party communications, autopatch, incidental business use, compensation of operators, club stations, station security, station inspection, protection against unauthorized transmissions 1 exam question

T2D01 (A) [97. 103(a)]

Who i s r esponsi ble f or proper oper at i on i f you t r ansmit f r om anot her amat eur' s st at i on?

Both of you

Only t he ot her st at i on li censee

Only you as t he cont r ol oper at or

D. Onl y the stat i on li censee, unless the stat i on records shows anot her cont r ol oper at or at t he t i me


T2D02 (A) [97. 105(b)]

What oper at i ng pr i vi leges are al lowed when anot her amat eur hol di ng a hi gher class li cense i s cont r ol li ng your st at i on?

All privileges allowed by the higher class license

Only the privileges allowed by your license

C. All t he emissi on pr i vi leges of t he hi gher class li cense, but only the frequency privileges of your license

D. All the frequency pri vileges of the hi gher class license, but only the emission privileges of your license


T2D03 (B) [97. 105(b)]

What oper at i ng pr i vi leges are al lowed when you are t he cont r ol oper at or at t he st at i on of anot her amat eur who has a hi gher class license than yours?

Any privileges allowed by the higher class license

Only the privileges allowed by your license

C. All t he emissi on pr i vi leges of t he hi gher class li cense, but only the frequency privileges of your license

D. Al l the frequency pri vileges of the hi gher class license, but only the emission privileges of your license

T2D04 (B) [97.113(a)(3)]

Whi ch of t he f ollowing i s a pr ohi bit ed amat eur r adi o t r ansmissi on?

Usi ng amateur radio to seek emergency assi stance

Using amateur radio for conducting business

C. Usi ng an amateur phone patch to call for a taxi or food deli very

D. Usi ng an amateur phone patch to call home to say you are running late


T2D05 (A) [97. 3( a) 46]

What i s t he def i ni t i on of t hi r d- part y communi cat i ons?

|A. A message sent between two amat eur st at |i ons for someone el se itical party |

|B. Public service communi cati ons for a pol | |

|C. Any messages sent by amat eur st at i ons |amat eur |

|D. A three-minute transmission to another ~~ | |

T2D06 (B) [97.5(b)(2)]

How many persons are requi red to be members of a club for a club st at i on li cense t o be i ssued by t he FCC?

At least 5

At least 4

A trustee and 2 off i cers

At least 2 ~~

T2D07 (C) [97. 11(a)]

When may you oper at e your amat eur st at i on aboard an ai r craft?

At any time

Onl y whi le the ai rcraft i s on the ground

C. Onl y wit h the approval of the pi lot i n command and not usi ng the aircraft's radio equipment

D. Only when you have written permission from the airline and onl y usi ng the ai rcraft's radi o equi pment


T2D08 (B) [97. 103(c)]

When i s t he FCC al lowed t o i nspect your st at i on equi pment and station records?

Only on weekends

At any time upon request


Only during dayl i ght hours ~~

T2D09 (A)

How might you best keep unaut hor i zed per sons f r om usi ng your amat eur st at i on?

A. Disconnect the power and microphone cables when not usi ng your equi pment

B. Connect a dummy load to the antenna

C. Put a "Danger - Hi gh Vol t age" si gn i n t he st at i on

D. Put f uses i n t he mai n power li ne


T2D10 (B) [97. 109(b)]

Why are unl i censed per sons i n your f amily not al lowed t o t r ansmit on your amat eur st at i on i f you are not t here?

|A. They must |not use your equi pment wit hout your per missi on |

|B. They must |be li censed bef ore t hey are al lowed t o be cont r ol |

|oper at or s | |

|C. They must |know how to use proper procedures and Q signals know the right frequencies and emissions for ng |

|D. They must | |

|t ransmitt i ~~ | |

T2D11 (D) [97. 113(d)]

When i s i t per missi ble f or t he cont r ol oper at or of a club st at i on t o accept compensat i on f or sendi ng i nf or mat i on bul let i ns or Mor se code practice?

When compensat i on i s pai d f r om a non- prof i t or gani zat i on When t he club st at i on li cense i s held by a non- prof i t organi zat i on

Anyt i me compensat i on i s needed

When t he st at i on makes t hose t r ansmissi ons f or at least 40 hours per week


4 SUBELEMENT T3 Operating practices 4 exam questions groups

T3A - Choosing an operating frequency, calling CQ, calling another station, test transmissions 1 exam question

T3A01 (B)

Which of the following should you do when selecting a frequency on which to transmit?

Cal l CQ t o see i f anyone i s li st eni ng

Li st en t o det er mine i f t he f r equency i s busy

Transmit on a frequency that allows your signals to be heard

Check f or maxi mum power out put


T3A02 (B)

How do you call another station on a repeater if you know the station's call sign?

Say "break, break" then say the station's call sign

Say t he st at i on' s cal l si gn t hen i dent i f y your own st at i on

Say "CQ" three ti mes then the other station's call sign

Wai t f or t he st at i on t o cal l "CQ" t hen answer i t


T3A03 (A)

How do you i ndi cat e you are looki ng f or any st at i on wit h whi ch t o make cont act?

|A. |CQ followed |by |your |callsign |

|B. |RST f ol lowed |by |your |call sign |

|C. |QST f ol lowed |by |your |call sign |

|D. |SK f ol lowed |by |your |call sign |


T3A04 (C)

What should you transmit when responding to a call of CQ?

Your own CQ f ol lowed by t he ot her st at i on’s cal lsi gn

Your cal lsi gn f ol lowed by t he ot her st at i on’s cal lsi gn

The ot her st at i on’s cal lsi gn f ol lowed by your cal lsi gn

A si gnal report f ol lowed by your call si gn

T3A05 (C) [97. 119(a)]

What t er m descr i bes a br i ef t est t r ansmissi on t hat does not i nclude any st at i on i dent i f i cat i on?

A test emissi on wit h no i dent if i cat i on requi red

An ill egal un- modul ated t ransmissi on

An illegal unidentified transmission

A non-voi ce I D t ransmissi on


T3A06 (A)

What must an amat eur do when maki ng a t ransmissi on to test equi pment or ant ennas?

Properly identify the station

Make test transmissions only after 10:00 PM local time

Notify the FCC of the test transmission

State the purpose of the test during the test procedure ~~

T3A07 (D)

Whi ch of t he f ol lowing i s t rue when maki ng a t est t r ansmissi on?

A. St at i on i dent if i cat i on i s not requi red if the t ransmissi on i s less than 15 seconds

B. St at i on i dent if i cat i on i s not requi red if the t ransmissi on i s less than 1 watt

C. Stat i on i dent if i cat i on i s requi red only if your stat i on can be heard

D. Station identification is required at least every ten minutes and at the end of every transmission.


T3A08 (D)

What i s t he meani ng of t he procedural si gnal "CQ"?

Cal l on t he quarter hour

New ant enna i s bei ng t est ed (no st at i on shoul d answer)

Only the called station should transmit

Cal li ng any st at i on

T3A09 (A) [97.119(b)(2)]

Why should you avoid using cute phrases or word combi nati ons to identify your station?

They are not easily understood by some operators

They might offend some operators

They do not meet FCC i dent if i cat i on requi rements

D. They might be i nterpreted as codes or ci phers i ntended to obscure your identification


T3A10 (B)

What br i ef st at ement i s of t en used i n place of "CQ" t o i ndi cat e t hat you are li st eni ng f or cal ls on a repeat er?

Say "Hello test" followed by your call sign

Say your cal l si gn

Say the repeater call sign followed by your call sign

Say the letters "QSY" followed by your call sign ~~

T3A11 (A) [97.119(b)(2)]

Why shoul d you use t he I nt er nat i onal Tel ecommuni cat i on Uni on (I TU) phonet i c al phabet when i dent i fyi ng your st at i on?

A. The wor ds are i nt er nat i onal ly r ecogni zed subst i t utes for letters

B. There is no advantage

C. The words have been chosen to represent amateur radio terms

D. It preserves traditions begun in the early days of amateur radi o

T3B - Use of minimum power, band plans, repeater coordination, mode restricted sub-bands 1 exam question

T3B01 (A)

What i s a band plan?

A vol unt ary gui deli ne, beyond t he di vi si ons est abl i shed by t he

FCC f or usi ng di f f er ent oper at i ng modes wit hi n an amat eur band

A gui del i ne f r om t he FCC f or maki ng amat eur f r equency band

al locat i ons

C. A gui del i ne f or oper at i ng schedul es wit hi n an amat eur band publ i shed by t he FCC

A plan devi sed by a local group


T3B02 (C)

Whi ch of t he f ol lowing st at ement s i s t r ue of band plans?

|A. They are mandated by the |FCC to regulate spectrum use |

|B. They are mandated by the |ITU |

|C. They are vol untary gui del |i nes f or ef f i ci ent use of t he r adi o |

|spect r um |n t he US |

|D. They are mandatory only i ~~ | |

T3B03 (C)

Who devel oped t he band plans used by amat eur r adi o oper at or s?

|A. |The |US Congress |

|B. |The |FCC |

|C. |The |amat eur communi t y |

|D. |The |Interstate Commerce Commissi on |


T3B04 (C)

Who i s i n charge of t he repeat er f r equency band plan i n your local area?

The local FCC field office


The recognized frequency coordination body

Repeater Council of America

|T3B05 (A) |

|What i s t he mai n pur pose of repeat er coor di nat i on? |

|A. |To |reduce i nterference and promote proper use of spect r um |

|B. |To |coordi nate as many repeaters as possi ble i n a small area |

|C. |To |coordinate all possible frequencies available for repeater |

| |use | |

|D. |To |promote and encourage use of si mpl ex frequenci es |


T3B06 (C) [97.205(g)]

Who i s account abl e i f a communi cat i ons t hat vi ol

The repeater trustee

The repeat er cont r ol

The transmitting stat

All of these answers ~~

repeater stat i on i nadvert ent ly ret ransmit s ate FCC rules?

oper at or

i on

are correct

T3B07 (D) [97.313(a)]

Whi ch of t hese st at ement s i s t r ue about legal power level s on t he amateur bands?

A. Always use the maxi mum power all owed to ensure that you compl et e t he cont act

B. An amateur may use no more than 200 Watts PEP to make an amat eur cont act

C. An amateur may use up to 1500 Watts PEP on any amateur f r equency

D. An amat eur must use the mini mum t ransmitt er power necessary to carry out the desired communi cation


T3B08 (C) [97. 305( c)]

Whi ch of t he bands avai labl e t o Techni ci an class li censees have mode restricted sub-bands?

The 6- met er, 2- met er, and 70- cent i met er bands

The 2- met er and 13- cent i met er bands

The 6-meter, 2-meter, and 1 1/4-meter bands

The 2- met er and 70- cent i met er bands

T3B09 (A) [97. 305 (a) (c)]

What emissi on modes are per mit t ed i n t he rest r i ct ed sub- band at 50.0-50.1 MHz?

CW only


SSB only

CW and SSB ~~

T3B10 (A) [97. 305 (a) (c)]

What emissi on modes are per mit t ed i n t he rest r i ct ed sub- band at 144.0-144.1 MHz?

CW only


SSB only

CW and SSB ~~

T3C - Courtesy and respect for others, sensitive subject areas, obscene and indecent language 1 exam question

T3C01 (A)

What i s t he proper way t o break i nt o a conver sat i on between two stati ons that are using the frequency?

Say your cal l si gn between t hei r t r ansmissi ons

Wait for them to finish and then call CQ

Say "Break- break" between t hei r t r ansmissi ons

D. Cal l one of t he oper at or s on t he t el ephone t o i nt er r upt t he conver sat i on


T3C02 (D)

What is consi dered to be proper repeater operating practi ce?

Moni t or before t r ansmit t i ng and keep t r ansmissi ons short

Identify legally

Use the mini mum amount of t ransmitt er power necessary

All of t hese answer s are cor r ect


T3C03 (A)

What should you do before responding to another stati ons call?

A. Make sure you are operating li cense class

B. Adjust your t r ansmit t er for

C. Ask the station to send thei

D. Verify the other station’s l ~~


on a permissible frequency for your

maxi mum power out put

r signal report and location

i cense class

T3C04 (C) [97. 101(b)]

What r ul e appli es i f two amat eur st at i ons want t o use t he same f r equency?

A. The st at i on oper at or wit h a lesser class of li cense must yi el d the frequency to a higher-class licensee

B. The st at i on oper at or wit h a lower power out put must yi el d t he f r equency t o t he st at i on wit h a hi gher power out put

C. No frequency will be assigned for the exclusive use of any st at i on and nei t her has pr i or i t y

D. St at i on oper at or s i n I TU Regi ons 1 and 3 must yi el d t he frequency to stations in ITU Region 2


T3C05 (D) [97. 113(a)(4)]

Why i s i ndecent and obscene language pr ohi bi t ed i n t he Amat eur Servi ce?

Because it is offensive to some i ndi vi duals

B. Because young chi ldr en may i nt er cept amat eur communi cat i ons with readily available receiving equipment

Because such language is specifically prohi bi ted by FCC Rules

All of these choices are correct


T3C06 (B)

Why should amateur radio operators avoid the use of racial or et hni c slurs when t al ki ng to other stat i ons?

Such language is prohibited by the FCC

B. It is offensive to some people and reflects on all amateur radio operators

Some of t he t er ms used may be unf amili ar t o

You t ransmissi ons might be recorded for use ~~

a poor publ i c i mage

ot her oper at or s i n court

T3C07 (C)

What shoul d you do if you hear a newly li censed operat or that i s havi ng t rouble wit h t hei r stat i on?

|A. Tell them to get of f the air properly |unt i l t hey lear n how oper at e |

|B. Report them to the FCC |p with the problem |

|C. Cont act t hem and of f er t o hel | |

|D. Move to another frequency ~~ | |

T3C08 (B) [97. 113(a)(4)]

Where can an official list be found of prohi bi ted obscene and indecent words that should not be used in amateur radio?

|A. On the FCC web site |list of prohi bi ted obscene and i ndecent |

|B. There is no official wor ds |Commerce web site |

|C. On t he Depart ment of |i n publ i c domai n and f ound i n al l amat eur |

|D. The official list is st udy gui des | |

|~~ | |

T3C09 (D) [97. 113(a)(4)]

What t ype of subject s are not pr ohi bi t ed communi cat i ons whi le using amateur radio?

Pol it i cal di scussi ons

Jokes and stories

Rel i gi ous preferences

All of t hese answer s are cor r ect


T3C10 (C) [97. 101 (a)]

When ci rcumstances are not specifically covered by FCC rul es, what general oper at i ng st andar d must be appl i ed t o amat eur st at i on operat i on?

Designated operator control

Politically correct control

Good engi neer i ng and amat eur pr act i ces

Reasonabl e oper at or cont r ol

T3D - Interference to and from consumer devices, public relations, intentional and unintentional interference - 1 exam question

T3D01 (D)

What shoul d you do if you recei ve a report that your t ransmissi ons are causi ng splatter or i nterference on nearby frequenci es?

Increase transmit power

Change mode of transmission

Report t he i nt er f er ence t o t he equi pment manuf act ur er

D. Check t r ansmit t er f or off f r equency oper at i on or spur i ous emissi ons


T3D02 (D)

Who is responsible for taking care of the interference if signals f r om your t r ansmit t er are causi ng f r ont end over load i n your neighbor's tel evi si on recei ver?

i s causi ng share the evi si on


A. You al one are r esponsi ble, si nce your t r ansmit t er the problem

B. Both you and the owner of the tel evi si on recei ver responsi bi li ty

C. The FCC must deci de i f you or t he owner of t he t el recei ver i s responsi ble

D. The owner of the tel evi si on recei ver i s responsi bl ~~


T3D03 (C)

What i s t he maj or cause of t el ephone i nt er f er ence?

The telephone wiring is inadequate

Tropospheric ducting at UHF frequencies

C. The t el ephone was not equi pped wit h adequat e i nt er f er ence protecti on when manuf act ured.

I mpr oper locat i on of t he t el ephone i n t he home

T3D04 (B)

What i s t he proper course of act i on i f you uni nt ent i onal ly

i nt er f er e wit h anot her st at i on?

Rot at e your ant enna sli ght ly

B. Pr oper ly i dent i f y your st at i on and move t o a di f f er ent f r equency

I ncr ease power

Change ant enna polar i zat i on


T3D05(C) [97. 101(d)]

When may you del i ber at el y i nt er f er e wit h anot her st at i on' s communi cat i ons?

|A. Only if the st |at i on i s operat i ng ill egal ly |requency you are |

|B. Only if the st usi ng |at i on begi ns t ransmitt i ng on a f |it can't be |

|C. Never | | |

|D. You may cause hel ped during | | |

| |deli berate i nterference because crowded band conditions | |


T3D06 (D)

Who has excl usi ve use of a speci f i c frequency when the FCC has not decl ared a communi cat i on emergency?

Any net st at i on t hat has t r af f i c

The station first occupying the frequency

I ndi vi dual s passi ng heal t h and wel fare communi cat i ons

No station has exclusive use of any frequency ~~

T3D07 (C)

What ef f ect might a break i n a cable t el evi si on t r ansmissi on li ne have on amat eur communi cat i ons?

A break cannot affect amateur communications

B. Har moni c r adi at i on f r om t he TV may cause t he amat eur transmitter to transmit off-frequency

TV interference may result when the amateur stati on is

t r ansmit t i ng, or i nt er f er ence may occur t o t he amat eur r ecei ver

The broken cabl e may pi ck up very hi gh vol t ages when the

amat eur st at i on i s t r ansmit t i ng


T3D08 (C)

What is the best way to reduce on the air interference when testing your transmitter?

Use a short i ndoor ant enna when test i ng

Use upper si de band when t est i ng

Use a dummy load when t est i ng

Use a simplex frequency instead of a repeater frequency

|~~ |[97. 103(a)] |

| | |

| |appl y to your stat i on when usi ng amat eur radi o at the publ i c ser vi ce off i ci al s or at t he scene of an|

|T3D09 (C) | |

| | |

|What rules request of| |

|emer gency? | |

| | |

|A. RACES | |

|B. ARES | |

|C. FCC | |

|D. FEMA ~~ | |

T3D10 (D)

What do RACES and ARES have i n common?

They represent t he two lar gest ham clubs i n t he Uni t ed St at es

One handles road traffic, the other weat her traffic

Neither may handle emergency traffic

Bot h or gani zat i ons pr ovi de communi cat i ons dur i ng emer genci es ~~

T3D11 (C)

What i s meant by r ecei ver f r ont - end over load?

Too much voltage from the power supply

Too much current from the power supply

Interference caused by strong signals from a nearby source

I nt er f er ence caused by t ur ni ng t he vol ume up t oo hi gh


SUBELEMENT T4 Radio and electronic fundamentals 5 exam questions 5 groups

T4A Names of electrical units, DC and AC, what is a radio signal, conductors and insulators, electrical components - 1 exam question

T4A01 (D)

El ectri cal current is measured in whi ch of the foll owing units?




Amperes ~~

T4A02 (B)

Electrical Power is measured in which of the following units?




Amperes ~~

T4A03 (D)

What i s t he name f or t he f low of el ect r ons i n an el ect r i c ci r cui t?


Resi st ance




T4A04 (B)

What i s t he name of a cur rent t hat f lows onl y i n one di r ect i on?

An al t er nat i ng cur rent

A di rect current

A normal current

A smooth current

T4A05 (B)

What is the standard unit of frequency?

The megacycl e

The Hertz

One t housand cycles per second

The el ect r omagnet i c f or ce ~~

T4A06 (A)

How much voltage does an automobi le battery usual ly supply?

|A. |About |12 volts |

|B. |About |30 vol t s |

|C. |About |120 volts |

|D. |About |240 vol t s |


T4A07 (D)

What is the basic unit of resistance?

The volt

The watt

The ampere

The ohm ~~

T4A08 (A)

What is the name of a current that reverses direction on a regular basi s?

An al t er nat i ng cur rent

A di rect current

A ci rcul ar current

A vertical current ~~

T4A09 (C)

Whi ch of t he f ollowing i s a good el ect r i cal conduct or?




Rubber ~~

T4A10 (B)

Whi ch of t he f ol lowing i s a good el ect r i cal i nsul at or?




Mercury ~~

T4A11 (B)

What i s t he t er m used t o descr i be opposi t i on t o cur rent f low i n ordi nary conductors such as wires?

I nduct ance

Resi st ance

Counter EMF

Magnet i sm ~~

T4A12 (C)

What i nst r ument i s used t o measur e t he f low of cur rent i n an electrical circuit?

Frequency meter

SWR meter

Ammet er

Voltmeter ~~

T4A13 (B)

What i nst r ument i s used t o measur e El ect r omot i ve Force (EMF) between two poi nts such as the poles of a battery?



Ammet er



T4B relationship between frequency and wavelength, identification of bands, names of frequency ranges, types of waves 1 exam question

T4B01 (C)

What i s t he name f or t he di st ance a r adi o wave t ravel s dur i ng one compl et e cycl e?

Wave speed


Wavel engt h

Wave spread ~~

T4B02 (D)

What t er m descr i bes t he number of t i mes t hat an al t er nat i ng current flows back and forth per second?

Pulse rate


Wavel engt h

Frequency ~~

T4B03 (B)

What does 60 hertz (Hz) mean?

6000 cycl es per second

60 cycl es per second

6000 meters per second

60 meters per second ~~

T4B04 (C)

El ect r omagnet i c waves t hat osci llat e mor e t han 20, 000 t i mes per second as they travel through space are generally referred to as what?

Gravity waves

Sound waves

Radi o waves

Gamma radiation

T4B05 (A)

How f ast does a r adi o wave t ravel through space?

At t he speed of li ght

At the speed of sound

Its speed i s i nversel y proport i onal to its wavel engt h

Its speed increases as the frequency increases ~~

T4B06 (B)

How does the wavelength of a radio wave relate to its frequency?

The wavelength gets longer as the frequency increases

The wavelength gets shorter as the frequency increases

There is no relationship between wavel ength and frequency

The wavel engt h depends on t he bandwidt h of t he si gnal ~~

T4B07 (D)

What is the formul a for convert ing frequency to wavelength in met er s?

A. Wavelength in meters equal s frequency i n Hertz mul t i pli ed by

| |300 | |

|B. |Wavelength |in meters equals frequency in Hertz divided by 300 |

|C. |Wavelength |in meters equals frequency in megahertz divided by |

| |300 | |

|D. |Wavelength |in meters equals 300 divided by frequency in |

| |megahert z | |


T4B08 (C)

What are sound waves in the range between 300 and 3000 Hertz cal led?

Test si gnal s

Ultrasonic waves

Voice frequencies

Radio frequencies

T4B09 (A)

What proper t y of a r adi o wave i s of t en used t o i dent i f y t he different bands amateur radio operators use?

The physi cal lengt h of t he wave

The mag net i c i nt ensi t y of t he wave

The time it takes for the wave to travel one mile

The vol t age st andi ng wave rat i o of t he wave ~~

T4B10 (A)

What is the frequency range of the 2 meter band in the United St at es?

|A. |144 to |148 |MHz |

|B. |222 to |225 |MHz |

|C. |420 to |450 |MHz |

|D. |50 to |54 MHz |


T4B11 (D)

What is the frequency range of the 6 meter band in the United St at es?

|A. |144 to |148 |MHz |

|B. |222 to |225 |MHz |

|C. |420 to |450 |MHz |

|D. |50 to |54 MHz |


T4B12 (C)

What is the frequency range of the 70 centimeter band in the United States?

|A. |144 to |148 |MHz |

|B. |222 to |225 |MHz |

|C. |420 to |450 |MHz |

|D. |50 to |54 MHz |

T4C - How radio works: receivers, transmitters, transceivers,

1 amplifiers, power supplies, types of batteries, service life exam question

T4C01 (B)

What is used to convert radio signals i nto sounds we can hear?


Recei ver




T4C02 (A)

What is used to convert sounds from our voice i nto radio signals?


Recei ver




T4C03 (A)

What two devi ces are combi ned i nt o one uni t i n a t r anscei ver?

Recei ver, transmitter

Recei ver, transformer

Recei ver, transi stor

Transmitter, decei ver ~~

T4C04 (C)

What devi ce i s used t o convert t he al t er nat i ng cur rent f r om a wal l outlet into low-voltage direct current?



Power Suppl y

Demodul at or

T4C05 (A)

What device is used to increase the output of a 10 watt radio to 100 watts?


Power supply


Attenuator ~~

T4C06 (D)

Whi ch of the battery types listed below offers the longest life when used with a hand-held radio, assuming each battery is the same physi cal si ze?


Alkal i ne




T4C07 (B)

What i s t he nominal vol t age per cel l of a f ul ly char ged ni ckel - cadmium battery?

1.0 volts

1.2 volts

1.5 volts

2.2 volts ~~

T4C08 (B)

What battery type on this list is not designed to be re-charged?


Car bon-zi nc

Lead-aci d


T4C09 (D)

What is required to keep rechargeable batteries in good condition and ready for emergencies?

A. They must be i nspected for physi cal damage and repl aced if necessary

B. They should be stored in a cool and dry location

C. They must be given a mai ntenance recharge at least every 6 mont hs

D. All of t hese answer s are cor r ect


T4C10 (B)

What i s t he best way t o get t he most amount of energy f r om a bat t er y?

Draw cur rent f r om t he bat t er y as r api dl y as possi ble

Draw cur rent f r om t he bat t er y at t he slowest rat e needed

Reverse the leads when the battery reaches the 1/2 charge level

Charge the battery as frequently as possible


T4D Ohms law relationships 1 exam question

T4D01 (B)

What f or mula i s used t o cal cul at e cur rent i n a ci r cui t?

|A. |Current |(I) |equals |voltage |(E) |multiplied by resistance (R) |

|B. |Current |(I) |equals |voltage |(E) |divided by resistance (R) |

|C. |Current |(I) |equals |voltage |(E) |added to resistance (R) |

|D. |Current |(I) |equals |voltage |(E) |minus resistance (R) |


T4D02 (A)

What f or mul a i s used t o cal cul at e vol t age i n a ci r cui t?

|A. |Voltage |(E) |equals |current |(I ) |multi pli ed by resi stance (R) |

|B. |Voltage |(E) |equals |current |(I) |divided by resistance (R) |

|C. |Voltage |(E) |equals |current |(I) |added to resistance (R) |

|D. |Voltage |(E) |equals |current |(I) |minus resistance (R) |


T4D03 (B)

What formul a is used to cal cul ate resi stance i n a ci rcui t?

|A. |Resi stance |(R) |equals |voltage |(E) |multi plied by current (I) |

|B. |Resistance |(R) |equals |voltage |(E) |divided by current (I) |

|C. |Resistance |(R) |equals |voltage |(E) |added to current (I) |

|D. |Resistance |(R) |equals |voltage |(E) |minus current (I) |


T4D04 (B)

What i s t he r esi st ance of a ci r cui t when a cur rent of 3 amper es flows through a resistor connected to 90 volts?

3 ohms

30 ohms

93 ohms

270 ohms

T4D05 (C)

What is the resistance in a circuit where the applied voltage is 12 volts and the current flow is 1.5 amperes?

18 ohms

0. 125 ohms

8 ohms

13.5 ohms ~~

T4D06 (D)

What is the current flow in a circuit with an applied voltage of 120 volts and a resistance of 80 ohms?

9600 amperes

200 amperes

0. 667 amperes

1.5 amperes ~~

T4D07 (A)

What is the voltage across the resistor if a current of 0.5 amperes flows through a 2 ohm resi stor?

1 volt

0.25 volts

2.5 volts

1.5 volts ~~

T4D08 (A)

What i s t he vol t age across t he r esi st or i f a cur rent of 1 amper e f lows t hr ough a 10 ohm r esi st or?

10 volts

1 volt

11 volts

9 volts

T4D09 (A)

What i s t he vol t age across t he r esi st or i f a cur rent of 2 amper es f lows t hr ough a 10 ohm r esi st or?

20 volts

0.2 volts

12 volts

8 volts ~~

T4D10 (C)

What is the current flowing through a 100 ohm resi stor connected across 200 volts?

20, 000 amperes

0.5 amperes

2 amperes

100 amperes ~~

T4D11 (C)

What is the current flowing through a 24 ohm resi stor connected across 240 volts?

|A. |24,000 amperes |

|B. |0. 1 |amperes |

|C. |10 |amperes |

|D. |216 |amperes |


T4E - Power calculations, units, kilo, mega, milli, micro - 1 exam question

T4E01 (D)

What uni t i s used t o descr i be el ect r i cal power?




Watt ~~

T4E02 (A)

What i s t he f or mul a used t o cal cul at e el ect r i cal power i n a DC ci rcui t?

multiplied by current (I) divided by current (I) minus current (I)

plus current (I)

|A. |Power |(P) |equals |voltage |(E) |

|B. |Power |(P) |equals |voltage |(E) |

|C. |Power |(P) |equals |voltage |(E) |

|D. |Power |(P) |equals |voltage |(E) |


T4E03 (A)

How much power is represented by a voltage of 13.8 volts DC and a current of 10 amperes?

138 watts

0.7 watts

23.8 watts

3.8 watts ~~

T4E04 (B)

How much power i s bei ng used i n a ci rcui t when the voltage i s 120 vol t s DC and t he cur rent i s 2. 5 amper es?

1440 watts

300 watts

48 watts

30 watts

T4E05 (D)

How can you determine how many watts are bei ng drawn by your t r anscei ver when you are t r ansmit t i ng?

Measure the DC voltage and divide it by 60 Hz

Check t he f use i n t he power leads t o see what si ze i t i s

Look in the Radio Amateur's Handbook

D. Measure the DC vol t age at the t ranscei ver and mul t i ply by the current drawn when you t ransmit


T4E06 (B)

How many amper es are f lowing i n a ci r cui t when t he appl i ed vol t age

i s 120 vol t s DC and t he load i s 1200 wat t s?

|A. |20 |amperes |

|B. |10 |amperes |

|C. |120 |amperes |

|D. |5 amperes |


T4E07 (C)

How many milli amper es i s t he same as 1. 5 amper es?

15 milliamperes

150 milliamperes

1500 milli amperes

15000 milli amperes ~~

T4E08 (A)

What is another way to specify the frequency of a radio signal that is oscillating at 1,500,000 Hertz?

1500 kHz

1500 MHz

15 GHz

150 kHz

T4E09 (C)

How many vol t s are equal t o one ki lovol t?

one one- t housandt h of a vol t

one hundred volts

one t housand vol t s

one million volts ~~

T4E10 (A)

How many volts are equal to one microvolt?

one one- milli ont h of a vol t

one million volts

one t housand ki lovol t s

one one- t housandt h of a vol t ~~

T4E11 (B)

How many wat t s does a hand- hel d t r anscei ver put out i f t he out put power i s 500 milliwat t s?

0.02 watts

0.5 watts

5 watts

50 watts ~~

SUBELEMENT T5 Station setup and operation - 4 exam questions 4 groups

T5A - Station hookup microphone, speaker, headphones, filters, power source, connecting a computer 1 exam question

T5A01 (B)

What does a microphone connect to in a basic amateur radio st at i on?

The receiver

The transmitter

The SWR Bri dge

The Bal un


T5A02 (C)

Whi ch piece of stati on equi pment converts electrical signals to sound waves?

Frequency coordi nator

Frequency discriminator




T5A03 (B)

What i s t he t er m used t o descr i be what happens when a micr ophone and speaker are too close to each other?

Excessi ve wind noi se

Audio feedback

Inverted signal patterns

Poor el ect r i cal gr oundi ng ~~

T5A04 (C)

What could you use i n place of a regular speaker to hel p you copy si gnal s i n a noi sy area?

A video display

A low pass f i lt er

A set of headphones

A boom microphone ~~

T5A05 (A)

What is a good reason for usi ng a regul ated power supply for communi cat i ons equi pment?

To pr ot ect equi pment f r om vol t age f luct uat i ons

A regul ated power supply has FCC approval

A f use or ci r cui t breaker r egul at es t he power

Regulated supplies are less expensive


T5A06 (A)

Where must a filter be i nstal led to reduce spurious emissi ons?

At the transmitter

At the receiver

At t he st at i on power suppl y

At the microphone


T5A07 (D)

What type of filter should be connected to a TV receiver as the

f i r st st ep i n t r yi ng t o prevent RF over load f r om a near by 2- met er transmitter?

Low-pass filter

Hi gh- pass f i lt er

Band pass filter

Notch filter

T5A08 (C)

What i s connect ed between t he t r anscei ver and comput er t er minal i n a packet radio station?



Ter minal Node Cont r ol ler



T5A09 (D)

Which of these items is not required for a packet radio station?


Transcei ver

Power source

Microphone ~~

T5A10 (B)

What can be used t o connect a r adi o wit h a comput er f or dat a t ransmissi on?


Sound Card

Impedance matcher



T5B - Operating controls 1 exam question

T5B01 (B)

What may happen i f a t r ansmit t er i s oper at ed wit h t he micr ophone gai n set t oo hi gh?

The output power will be too high

It may cause the si gnal to become di st ort ed and unreadable

The frequency will vary

The SWR will i ncr ease


T5B02 (D)

What ki nd of i nf or mat i on may a VHF/ UHF t r anscei ver be capable of storing in memory?

Transmit and receive operating frequency

CTCSS tone frequency

Transmit power level

All of t hese answer s are cor r ect


T5B03 (A)

What is one way to select a frequency on which to operate?

Use the keypad or VFO knob to enter the correct frequency

Turn on the CTCSS encoder

Adjust the power supply ripple frequency

All of t hese answer s are cor r ect


T5B04 (D)

What i s t he pur pose of t he squel ch cont r ol on a t r anscei ver?

|A. |It |is |used |to |

|B. |It |is |used |to |

|C. |It |i s |used |t o |

|D. |It |i s |used |to |

set the highest level of vol ume desired set the transmitter power level

adjust t he ant enna polar i zat i on

qui et noi se when no si gnal i s bei ng recei ved

T5B05 (B)

What is a way to enable quick access to a favorite frequency on your t ranscei ver?

Enabl e t he CTCSS t ones

Store the frequency in a memory channel

Disabl e t he CTCSS t ones

Use the scan mode to sel ect the desi red frequency ~~

T5B06 (C)

What might you do to improve the situation if the station you are li steni ng to i s hard to copy because of i gni t i on noi se

i nterference?

Increase your transmitter power

Decrease the squelch setting

Tur n on t he noi se blanker

Use the RI T cont rol


T5B07 (A)

What i s t he pur pose of t he but t ons label ed "up" and "down" on many microphones?

To allow easy frequency or memory sel ecti on

To r ai se or lower t he i nt er nal ant enna

To set the battery charge rate

To upl oad or downl oad messages


T5B08 (C)

What is the purpose of the "shift" control found on many VHF/UHF t ranscei vers?

Adjust transmitter power l evel

Change bands

Adjust t he of f set between transmit and receive frequency

Change modes

T5B09 (B)

What does RI T mean?

Recei ver I nput Tone

Recei ver I ncremental Tuni ng

Rectifier Inverter Test

Remote Input Transmitter ~~

T5B10 (D)

What i s t he pur pose of t he "st ep" menu f unct i on f ound on many t ranscei vers?

It adjust s t he t r ansmit t er power out put level

It adjust s t he modul at i on level

It sets the earphone vol ume

It set s t he t uni ng rat e when changi ng f r equenci es ~~

T5B11 (C)

What is the purpose of the "function" or "F" key found on many t ranscei vers?

It turns the power on and off

It sel ect s t he aut opat ch access code

It sel ect s an al t er nat e act i on f or some cont r ol but t ons

It cont rol s access to the memory scrambl er

T5C Repeaters; repeater and simplex operating techniques, offsets, selective squelch, open and closed repeaters, linked repeaters - 1 exam question

T5C01 (B)

What is one purpose of a repeater?

A. To cut your power bi ll by usi ng someone el se' s hi gher power syst em

B. To ext end t he usable range of mobi le and low- power st at i ons

C. To t ransmit si gnal s for observi ng propagat i on and recept i on

D. To communi cat e wit h stat i ons i n servi ces ot her t han amat eur ~~

T5C02 (B)

What is a courtesy tone?

|A. |A t one |used |t o |

|B. |A tone |used |to |

|C. |A t one |used |t o |

|D. |A t one |used |t o |


i dent i f y t he repeat er

i ndi cat e when a t ransmissi on i s complet e

i ndi cat e t hat a message i s wai t i ng f or someone act i vat e a r ecei ver i n case of severe weat her

T5C03 (A)

Whi ch of t he f ol lowing i s t he most i mpor t ant i nf or mat i on t o know before usi ng a repeater?

The repeat er i nput and out put f r equenci es

The repeater call sign

The repeater power level

Whet her or not t he repeat er has an aut opat ch ~~

T5C04 (C)

Why shoul d you pause br i ef ly between t r ansmissi ons when usi ng a repeat er?

To let your radio cool of f

To reach for pencil and paper so you can take notes

To li st en f or anyone want i ng t o break i n

To dial up the repeater's autopatch

T5C05 (A)

What i s t he most common i nput /out put f r equency of f set f or repeat er s i n t he 2- met er band?

0.6 MHz

1.0 MHz

1.6 MHz

5.0 MHz ~~

T5C06 (D)

What i s t he most common i nput /out put f r equency of f set f or repeat er s i n t he 70- cent i met er band?

600 kHz

1.0 MHz

1.6 MHz

5.0 MHz ~~

T5C07 (A)

What i s meant by t he t er ms i nput and out put f r equency when referring to repeater operations?

The repeater recei ves on one frequency and t ransmit s on anot her

The repeater offers a choice of operating frequencies

One f r equency i s used t o cont r ol t he repeat er and anot her i s

used to ret ransmit recei ved si gnal s

D. The repeater must receive an access code on one frequency before it will begin transmitti ng


|T5C08 (A) What is the |meani ng of t he t er m si mplex oper at i on? |

| | |

|A. Transmitt |ing and receiving on the same frequency i ng and recei vi ng over a wide area |

|B. Transmitt |ing on one frequency and receiving on another ing one-way communications |

|C. Transmitt | |

|D. Transmitt | |

T5C09 (B)

What is a reason to use si mplex i nstead of a repeater?

When the most rel i able communi cat i ons are needed

To avoid tying up the repeater when direct contact is possible

When an emergency tel ephone call is needed

When you are t ravel i ng and need some local i nf or mat i on ~~

T5C10 (A)

How might you find out if you could communi cate with a stati on usi ng si mpl ex i nstead of a repeater?

|A. |Check the repeater input frequency to see if you can hear the other station |

| |Check t o see i f you can hear t he ot her st at i on on a di f f er ent frequency band |

|B. |Check to see if you can hear a more distant repeater Check to see if a third station can hear both of you |

| | |

|C. | |

|D. ~~| |

T5C11 (C)

What i s t he t er m f or a ser i es of repeat er s t hat can be connect ed t o one anot her t o pr ovi de users wit h a wider cover age?

Open repeater system

Closed repeater system

Li nked repeater system

Locked repeater system ~~

T5C12 (A)

What is the mai n reason repeaters should be approved by the local frequency coordi nator before bei ng i nstal led?

A. Coor di nat i on mini mizes i nt er f er ence between repeat er s and makes t he most ef f i ci ent use of avai labl e f r equenci es

B. Coordination is required by the FCC

C. Repeat er manuf act ur er s have excl usi ve t er r i t or i es and you coul d be f i ned f or usi ng t he wrong equi pment

D. Only coordinated systems will be approved by the officers of the local radio club


T5C13 (B)

Whi ch of t he f ollowing st at ement s r egar di ng use of repeat er s i s true?

A. All amat eur r adi o oper at or s have t he r i ght t o use any repeat er at any time

B. Access t o any repeat er may be li mit ed by t he repeat er owner

C. Closed repeat er s must be opened at t he request of any amat eur wishing to use it

D. Open repeaters are requi red to use CTCSS tones for access ~~

T5C14 (D)

What t er m i s used t o descr i be a repeat er when use i s rest r i ct ed t o the members of a club or group?

A beacon st at i on

An open repeater

A auxi li ary stat i on

A closed repeater ~~

T5D Recognition and correction of problems, symptoms of overload and overdrive, distortion, over and under modulation, RF feedback, off frequency signals, fading and noise, problems with digital communications links 1 exam question

T5D01 (C)

What is meant by fundamental over load i n reference to a recei ver?

Too much voltage from the power supply

Too much current from the power supply

Interference caused by very strong signals from a nearby source

I nt er f er ence caused by t ur ni ng t he vol ume up t oo hi gh


T5D02 (B)

Which of the following is NOT a cause of radio frequency

i nterference?

Fundament al over load

Doppl er shi ft

Spurious emissions

Har moni cs


T5D03 (B)

What i s t he most li kel y cause of t el ephone i nt er f er ence f r om a nearby transmitter?

Har moni cs f r om t he t r ansmit t er

B. The t r ansmit t er' s si gnal s are causi ng t he t el ephone t o act li ke a radio receiver

Poor station grounding

I mproper t ransmitter adjust ment


|T5D04 (C) |ogi cal f i r st st ep when at t empt i ng t o cure a r adi o nterference probl em i n a nearby tel |

| |ephone? |

|What is a l frequency | |

|i |a low- pass filter at the t ransmitter a hi gh- pass filter at the t ransmitter an RF f i lt er at t he t|

| |el ephone |

|A. Install |station grounding |

|B. Install | |

|C. Install | |

|D. I mprove | |

T5D05 (A)

What shoul d you do f i rst if someone tell s you that your transmissi ons are interfering with their TV recepti on?

A. Make sure t hat your st at i on i s oper at i ng proper ly and t hat i t does not cause i nterference to your own tel evi si on

B. I mmedi at el y t ur n off your t r ansmit t er and cont act t he near est FCC office for assi stance

C. Tel l t hem t hat your li cense gi ves you t he r i ght t o t r ansmit and nothing can be done to reduce the interference

D. Cont i nue oper at i ng nor mal ly because your equi pment cannot possi bly cause any i nterference


T5D07 (D)

Which of the following may be useful in correcting a radio frequency i nterference probl em?

Snap-on ferrite chokes

Low-pass and high-pass filters

Notch and band-pass filters

All of t hese answer s are cor r ect ~~

T5D08 (C)

What i s t he proper course of act i on t o t ake when a nei ghbor reports that your radio signals are interfering with somethi ng in hi s home?

|A. You are not required to do anythi |ng |

|B. Cont act t he FCC t o see i f ot her i f i led |nterference reports have been |

|C. Check your stati on and make sure amateur practice | |

|D. Change your ant enna polar i zat i on ~~ |it meets the standards of good from verti cal to horizontal |

T5D09 (D)

What should you do if a "Part 15" device i n your neighbor’s home is causing harmful interference to your amateur stati on?

Wor k wit h your nei ghbor t o i dent i f y t he off endi ng devi ce

B. Pol i t el y i nf or m your nei ghbor about t he r ul es t hat r equi r e hi m to stop using the device if it causes interference

C. Check your stat i on and make sure it meet s the standards of good amateur practice

All of t hese answer s are cor r ect


T5D10 (D)

What coul d be happeni ng i f anot her oper at or t el ls you he i s hear i ng a var i abl e hi gh- pi t ched whi ne on t he si gnal s f r om your mobile transmitter?

|A. |Your |microphone is pi cki ng up noise from an open window |

|B. |You |have t he vol ume on your r ecei ver set t oo hi gh |

|C. |You |need t o adjust your squel ch cont r ol |

|D. |The |power wir i ng f or your r adi o i s pi cki ng up noi se f r om t he |

vehi cle' s el ect r i cal syst em ~~

T5D11 (C)

What may be the probl em if anot her operat or reports that your SSB si gnal i s very garbl ed and breaks up?

You have t he noi se li mit er t ur ned on

The transmitter is too hot and needs to cool off

C. RF energy may be getting into the microphone circuit and causi ng feedback

You are operat i ng on lower si deband


T5D12 (D)

What might be the probl em if you recei ve a report that your si gnal through the repeater is distorted or weak?

|A. |Your |transmitter may be slightly off frequency |

|B. |Your |bat t er i es may be r unni ng low |

|C. |You |could be in a bad location |

|D. |All |of t hese answers are cor r ect |

T5D13 (B)

What i s one of the reasons to use di gi t al si gnal s i nst ead of anal og si gnal s t o communi cat e wit h anot her st at i on?

Digi t al syst ems are less expensi ve than anal og syst ems

B. Many di gi t al syst ems can aut omat i cal ly cor r ect er r or s caused by noise and i nterference

C. Digi t al modul at i on ci r cui t s are much less compl i cat ed t han any other types

All di gi t al si gnal s all ow hi gher t ransmit power level s ~~

SUBELEMENT T6 Communications modes and methods 3 exam questions - 3 groups

T6A - Modulation modes, descriptions and bandwidth (AM, FM, SSB) 1 exam question

T6A01 (C)

What are phone t ransmissi ons?

The use of tel ephones to set up an amateur radio contact

A phone pat ch between amat eur r adi o and t he t el ephone syst em

Voice transmissions by radio

D. Placi ng t he t el ephone handset near a r adi o t r anscei ver' s microphone and speaker to relay a telephone call


T6A02 (C)

Whi ch of t he f ol lowing i s a f or m of ampl i t ude modul at i on?

Frequency modulation

Phase modul at i on

Si ngl e si deband

Phase shi ft keyi ng ~~

T6A03 (A)

What name i s gi ven t o an amat eur r adi o st at i on t hat i s used t o connect ot her amat eur st at i ons t o t he I nt er net?

A gateway

A repeater

A di gi peat er

A beacon st at i on ~~

T6A04 (C)

Whi ch t ype of voi ce modul at i on i s most oft en used f or long distance and weak signal contacts on the VHF and UHF bands?





T6A05 (D)

Whi ch t ype of modul at i on i s most commonly used f or VHF and UHF voice repeaters?




FM ~~

T6A06 (C)

Whi ch emissi on t ype has t he nar r owest bandwidt h?

FM voice

SSB voi ce


Slow-scan TV ~~

T6A07 (A)

Which sideband is normally used for VHF and UHF SSB communi cat i ons?

Upper si deband

Lower si deband

Suppressed si deband

Inverted sideband ~~

T6A08 (C)

What is the pri mary advantage of single sideband over FM for voice t ransmissi ons?

SSB signals are easier to tune in than FM signals

B. SSB signals are less likely to be bothered by noise interference than FM signals.

SSB si gnal s use much less bandwidt h t han FM si gnal s

D. SSB si gnal s have no advant ages at al l i n compar i son t o ot her mod es.

T6A09 (D)

What is the approxi mate bandwidth of a single-sideband voice si gnal ?

1 kHz

2 kHz

Between 3 and 6 kHz

Between 2 and 3 kHz ~~

T6A10 (C)

What i s t he appr oxi mat e bandwidt h of a f r equency- modul at ed voi ce si gnal ?

Less t han 500 Hz

About 150 kHz

Between 5 and 15 kHz

More than 30 kHz ~~

T6A11 (B)

What i s t he nor mal bandwidt h r equi red f or a convent i onal f ast - scan TV t ransmissi on usi ng combi ned vi deo and audi o on the 70-cent i met er band?

|A. |More than 10 MHz |

|B. |About |6 |MHz |

|C. |About |3 |MHz |

|D. |About |1 |MHz |

T6B - Voice communications, EchoLink and IRLP 1 exam question

T6B01 (C)

How is i nformation transmitted between stations using Echoli nk?




Atmospheric ducting ~~

T6B02 (A)

What does the abbrevi at i on I RLP mean?

Internet Radio Li nki ng Proj ect

Internet Relay Language Protocol

I nt er nat i onal Repeat er Li nki ng Proj ect

International Radio Linking Proj ect ~~

T6B03 (B)

Who may operate on the Echol ink system?

Onl y club st at i ons

Any licensed amateur radio operator

Techni ci an class licensed amateur radio operators only

D. Any person, li censed or not, who i s regi st ered wit h the Echol i nk syst em


T6B04 (A)

What t echnol ogy do Echol i nk and I RLP have i n common?

Voice over Internet protocol

Ionospheric propagation

AC power li nes


T6B05 (C)

What met hod i s used t o t r ansf er dat a by I RLP?

VHF Packet radi o


Voice over Internet protocol

None of t hese answer s are cor r ect ~~

T6B06 (B)

What does the term I RLP descri be?

A met hod of encrypting data

B. A met hod of linking between two or more amateur stati ons using the Internet

A low powered radio usi ng i nfra-red frequencies

An i nt er nat i onal loggi ng program.


T6B07 (B)

Whi ch one of t he f ol lowing al lows comput er - t o- r adi o li nki ng f or voi ce t ransmissi on?

Grid modulation

EchoLi nk




T6B08 (C)

What are you li st eni ng t o i f you hear a br i ef t one and t hen a stati on from Russi a calling CQ on a 2-meter repeater?

An i onospheri c band openi ng on VHF

A prohi bi ted t ransmissi on

An Internet linked DX stati on

None of t hese answers are cor r ect

T6B10 (C)

Where might you f i nd a li st of act ive nodes usi ng VoIP?

The FCC Rul ebook

From your local emer gency coor di nat or

A repeater directory or the Internet

The local repeater frequency coordi nator ~~

T6B11 (D)

When usi ng a port abl e t ranscei ver how do you sel ect a speci f i c I RLP node?

Choose a speci f i c CTCSS t one

Choose the correct DSC tone

Access the repeater autopatch

Use the keypad to transmit the IRLP node numbers ~~

T6C Non-voice communications - image communications, data, CW, packet, PSK31, Morse code techniques, Q signals 1 exam question

T6C01 (D)

Whi ch of t he f ol lowing i s an example of a di gi t al communi cat i ons met hod?

Si ngl e si deband voi ce

Amateur television

FM voi ce

Packet radi o


T6C02 (A)

What does t he t er m APRS mean?

Aut omat i c Posi t i on Report i ng Syst em

Associ at ed Publi c Radi o St at i on

Aut o Planni ng Radi o Set - up

Advanced Pol ar Radi o Syst em


T6C03 (D)

What i t em i s r equi red al ong wit h your nor mal r adi o f or sendi ng automatic location reports?

A connect i on t o t he vehi cle speedomet er

A connection to a WWV receiver

A connect i on t o a broadcast FM sub- car r i er r ecei ver

A global posi t i oni ng syst em recei ver


T6C04 (C)

What type of transmission is indicated by the term NTSC?

A Normal Transmission mode in Static Circuit

A special mode for earth satellite upl ink

A standard fast scan col or tel evi si on signal

A frame compressi on scheme for TV signal

T6C05 (B)

What emissi on mode may be used by a Techni ci an class operator i n the 219 - 220 MHz frequency range?

Slow-scan television

Poi nt-to- poi nt digital message forwardi ng

FM voi ce

Fast-scan television ~~

T6C06 (B)

What does the abbreviation PSK mean?

|A. |Pulse |Shi ft |Keyi ng |

|B. |Phase |Shi ft |Keyi ng |

|C. |Packet |Short |Keyi ng |

|D. |Phased |Sli de |Keyi ng |


T6C07 (D)

What is PSK31?

A high-rate data transmission mode used to transmit files

A met hod of reducing noise interference to FM signals

A type of t el evi si on si gnal

D. A low- rat e dat a t r ansmissi on mode t hat wor ks wel l i n noi sy condi t i ons


T6C08 (C)

What sendi ng speed i s recommended when usi ng Morse code?

|A. |Only |speeds below five WPM |

|B. |The |highest speed your keyer will operate |

|C. |Any |speed at whi ch you can rel i ably receive |

|D. |The |highest speed at which you can control the keyer |

T6C09 (D)

What is a practi cal reason for being able to copy CW when using repeat er s?

To send and r ecei ve messages ot hers cannot over hear

To conform with FCC licensing requi rements

To decode packet radio transmissions

To recognize a repeater ID sent i n Morse code ~~

T6C10 (A)

What i s t he "Q" si gnal used t o i ndi cat e t hat you are r ecei vi ng i nt er f er ence f r om ot her st at i ons?




QSB ~~

T6C11 (B)

What is the "Q" signal used to indicate that you are changing f r equency?




QRZ ~~

T7A Operating in the field, radio direction finding, radio control, contests, special event stations 1 exam question

T7A01 (C)

What i s a good t hi ng t o have when oper at i ng a hand- hel d t r anscei ver away f r om home?

A selection of spare parts

A programming cable to load new channels

One or more fully charged spare battery packs

A dummy load


T7A02 (B)

Whi ch of these it ems woul d probabl y not be very useful in an emergency response kit?

An ext er nal ant enna and several f eet of connect i ng

A 1500 wat t out put li near ampl i f i er

C. A cabl e and cli ps f or connect i ng your t r anscei ver t external battery

A li st i ng of repeat er f r equenci es and net s i n your ~~

to include

cabl e o an area

T7A03 (B)

How can you make the si gnal from a hand- hel d radi o st ronger when operating in the field?

Switch to VFO mode

Use an ext er nal ant enna i nst ead of t he r ubber - duck ant enna

C. St and so t here i s a met al bui ldi ng between you and ot her st at i ons

Speak as loudl y as you can

What would be a good t hi ng t o have when oper at i ng f r om a locat i on t hat i ncludes lot s of cr owd noi se?

A portable bullhorn

An encrypted radio

A combi nat i on headset and microphone

A pul se noi se blanker


T7A05 (C)

What is a method used to locate sources of noise interference or jamming?

Echol ocat i on

Doppl er radar

Radio direction finding

Phase locki ng


T7A06 (B)

Whi ch of t hese i t ems woul d be t he most usef ul f or a hi dden transmitter hunt?

Bi nocul ars and a compass

A di r ect i onal ant enna

A cal i brated noise bri dge

Cal i brated SWR meter


T7A07 (A)

What i s a popul ar oper at i ng act i vi t y t hat i nvol ves cont act i ng as many st at i ons as possi ble dur i ng a speci f i ed per i od of t i me?


Net operations

Public service events

Simulated emergency exercises

What is a grid locator?

A letter-number designator assigned to a geographic location

Your azi mut h and el evat i on

Your UTC locat i on

The 4 digits that follow your ZIP code


T7A10 (C)

What i s a speci al event st at i on?

A stati on that sends out birthday greeti ngs

A stat i on that operates only on hol i days

A t emporary stat i on that operates i n conjunct i on wit h an

acti vity of special significance

A stati on that broadcasts special events ~~

T7A11 (B) [97.215(c)]

What i s t he maxi mum power al lowed when t r ansmit t i ng t el ecommand signals to radio controlled models?

500 milliwatts

1 watt

25 watts

1500 watts


T7A12 (C) [97.215(a)]

What i s t he st at i on i dent i f i cat i on r equi r ement when sendi ng commands to a radio control model using amateur frequenci es?

Voice identification must be transmitted every 10 minutes

Morse code I D must be sent once per hour

C. A label i ndi cat i ng the li censee' s cal l si gn and address must be affi xed to the transmitter

There i s no st at i on i dent i f i cat i on r equi r ement f or t hi s ser vi ce

T7B Satellite operation, Doppler shift, satellite sub bands, LEO, orbit calculation, split frequency operation, operating protocols, AMSAT, ISS communications 1 exam question

T7B01 (D)

What class of license is required to use amateur satellites?

Only Extra class licensees can use amateur radio satellites

B. General or hi gher class licensees who have a satellite operator cert if i cat i on

Onl y persons who are AMSAT members and who have pai d t hei r dues

D. Any amat eur whose li cense all ows them to t ransmit on the satellite uplink frequency


T7B02 (B)

How much power shoul d you use to t ransmit when usi ng an amat eur sat el li t e?

The maxi mum power of your t r ansmit t er

The mini mum amount of power needed t o compl et e t he cont act

No mor e t han hal f t he rat i ng of your li near ampl i f i er

Never more than 1 watt


T7B03 (D)

What is somethi ng you can do when using an amateur radio sat el li t e?

Listen to the Space Shuttle

Get global positioning i nformati on

Make aut opat ch cal ls

Tal k t o amat eur r adi o oper at or s i n ot her count r i es ~~

T7B04 (B)

Who may make cont act wit h an ast r onaut on t he I nt er nat i onal Space Station using amateur radio frequencies?

|A. |Only |members of amateur radio clubs at NASA facilities |

|B. |Any |amat eur wit h a Techni ci an or hi gher class li cense |

|C. |Onl y |t he ast r onaut's f amily member s who are hams |

|D. |You |cannot talk to the ISS on amateur radio frequencies |


T7B05 (D)

What i s a sat el li t e beacon?

The pri mary transmit antenna on the satellite

An i ndi cat or li ght that that shows where to poi nt your ant enna

A reflective surface on the satellite

A si gnal t hat cont ai ns i nf or mat i on about a sat el li t e ~~

T7B06 (D)

What should you use to determine when you can access an amateur sat el li t e?

A GPS recei ver

A field strength meter

A t el escope

A satellite t racki ng program ~~

T7B07 (C)

What i s Doppl er shi ft?

A change in the satellite orbit

B. A mode where the satellite receives signals on one band and transmits on another

A change in signal frequency caused by moti on through space

A speci al di gi t al communi cat i ons mode f or some sat el li t es

T7B08 (C)

What i s t he name of t he group t hat coor di nat es t he bui ldi ng and/ or launch of the largest number of amateur radio satellites?




FCC ~~

T7B09 (C)

What i s a sat el li t e sub- band?

A special frequency for tal ki ng to submari nes

A f r equency range li mit ed t o Ext r a Class li censees

A port i on of a band wher e sat el li t e oper at i ons are per mit t ed

An obsol et e t er m t hat has no meani ng


T7B10 (B)

What i s t he sat el li t e sub- band on 70-CM?

|A. |420 to 450 |MHz |

|B. |435 to 438 |MHz |

|C. |440 to 450 |MHz |

|D. |432 to 433 |MHz |


T7B11 (C)

What do t he i ni t i al s LEO t el l you about an amat eur sat el li t e?

The satellite battery is in Low Energy Operati on mode

The sat el li t e i s per f or ming a Lunar Ej ect i on Orbi t maneuver

The satellite is in a Low Earth Orbi t

The sat el li t e uses Li ght Emit t i ng Opt i cs

3 SUBELEMENT T8 Emergency and Public Service Communications exam questions 3 groups

T8A - FCC declarations of an emergency, use of non-amateur equipment and frequencies, use of equipment by unlicensed persons, tactical call signs 1 exam question

T8A01 (C) [97.401(b)]

What i nformati on is included in an FCC declarati on of a temporary st at e of communi cat i on emer gency?

A. A li st of or gani zat i ons aut hor i zed t o use r adi o communi cat i ons in the affected area

B. A list of amateur frequency bands to be used in the affected area

C. Any special condi ti ons and rules to be observed during the emer gency

D. An oper at i ng schedul e f or aut hor i zed amat eur emer gency st at i ons ~~

T8A02 (B) [97. 111(a)]

Under what condi t i ons are amat eur st at i ons al lowed t o communi cat e wit h stat i ons operat i ng i n other radi o servi ces?

When communi cat i ng wit h t he space shut t le

When speci all y aut horized by the FCC, or i n an act ual emergency

When communi cat i ng wit h stat i ons i n t he Cit i zens Radi o Servi ce

When a commerci al broadcast stati on is reporting news during a

nat ur al di sast er


T8A03 (D)

What shoul d you do if you are i n cont act wit h anot her stat i on and an emergency call i s heard?

Tell the calling stati on that the frequency is in use

B. Dir ect t he cal li ng st at i on t o t he near est emer gency net f r equency

Disregard the call and continue with your contact

St op your cont act i mmedi at el y and t ake t he emer gency cal l

T8A04 (C)

What are t he rest r i ct i ons on amat eur r adi o communi cat i ons aft er the FCC has declared a communi cat i ons emergency?

The emer gency declar at i on pr ohi bi t s al l communi cat i ons

B. There are no rest ri ct i ons if you have a speci al emergency cert if i cat i on

You must avoid those frequencies dedicated to supporting

the emergency unless you are participating in the relief effort

Onl y milit ary stat i ons are all owed to use the amat eur radi o

frequencies during an emergency


T8A05 (B)

What i s one reason f or usi ng t act i cal cal l si gns such as "command post" or "weat her cent er" dur i ng an emer gency?

They hel p t o keep t he general publ i c i nf or med

B. They are more effi ci ent and hel p coordi nate public-service communi cat i ons

They are requi red by the FCC

They i ncrease goodwill and sound professi onal


T8A06 (A) [97.401(b)]

What i s legal ly r equi red t o rest r i ct a f r equency t o emer gency- onl y communi cat i on?

An FCC decl arat i on of a communi cat i ons emergency

B. Determinati on by the desi gnated net manager for an emergency net

Aut hor i zat i on by an ARES/ RACES emer gency coor di nat or

A Congressi onal decl arati on of intent


T8A07 (D)

Who has the excl usi ve use of a frequency if the FCC has not decl ared a communi cat i on emergency?

Any net st at i on t hat has t r af f i c

The station first occupying the frequency

I ndi vi dual s passi ng heal t h and wel fare communi cat i ons

No stat i on has excl usi ve use i n t hi s ci rcumst ance

T8A08 (B)

What shoul d you do if you hear someone report i ng an emergency?

Report t he stat i on to t he FCC i mmedi at el y

Assume the emergency i s real and act accordi ngl y

Ask the other station to move to a different frequency

Tel l t he st at i on t o cal l t he poli ce on t he t el ephone ~~

T8A09 (D)

What i s an appr opr i at e way t o i ni t i at e an emer gency cal l on amateur radio?

Yell as loudly as you can into the microphone

B. Ask i f t he f r equency i s i n use and wai t f or someone t o give you permissi on to go ahead before proceedi ng

Declare a communi cat i ons emergency

D. Say "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday" f ol lowed by "any st at i on come i n please" and i dent i f y your st at i on


T8A10 (D)

What are t he penal t i es f or maki ng a f al se emer gency cal l?

|A. You coul d have your l |i cense revoked large sum of money pri |

|B. You could be fined a |son |

|C. You could be sent to |are correct |

|D. All of these answers ~~ | |

T8A11 (B) [97. 101(c)]

What t ype of communi cat i ons has pr i or i t y at al l t i mes i n t he Amateur Radio Servi ce?

Repeater communications

Emergency communications

Si mpl ex communi cat i ons

Thi rd-party communi cati ons

T8A12 (D) [97.101(c)]

When must pr i or i t y be gi ven t o st at i ons pr ovi di ng emer gency communi cat i ons?

Only when operat i ng under RACES

Only when an emergency has been declared

Any t i me a net cont r ol st at i on i s on t he ai r At all times and on all frequencies


T8B - Preparation for emergency operations, RACES/ARES, safety of life and property, using ham radio at civic events, compensation prohibited 1 exam question

T8B01 (D)

What can you do t o be prepared f or an emer gency si t uat i on wher e your assistance might be needed?

A. Check at least twice a year to make sure you have all of your emergency response equi pment and know where it i s

B. Make sure you have a way t o r un your equi pment i f t here i s a power fail ure i n your area

C. Parti ci pate in drills that test your ability to set up and operate in the field

D. All of t hese answer s are cor r ect


T8B02 (C) [97.403]

When may you use your amat eur st at i on t o t r ansmit a "SOS" or "MAYDAY" si gnal ?

Onl y when you are t r ansmit t i ng f r om a shi p at sea

Only at 15 and 30 minutes after the hour

When t here i s i mmedi at e t hr eat t o human li f e or pr opert y

D. When t he Nat i onal Weat her Servi ce has announced a weat her warni ng


T8B03 (A)

What is the pri mary function of RACES in rel ati on to emergency act i vi t i es?

RACES organi zati ons are restri cted to serving local, state,

and federal government emergency management agenci es

RACES supports agencies like the Red Cross, Salvation

Army, and Nati onal Weat her Service

RACES supports the National Traffic System

RACES is a part of the Nati onal Emergency Warni ng System

T8B04 (B)

What i s t he pr i mar y f unct i on of ARES i n r el at i on t o emer gency act i vi t i es?

ARES organi zati ons are restri cted to serving local, state,

and federal government emergency management agenci es

ARES supports agencies like the Red Cross, Salvation

Army, and Nati onal Weat her Service

ARES groups wor k onl y wit h local school di st r i ct s

ARES supports local National Guard units


T8B05 (C) [97. 407( a)]

What or gani zat i on must you r egi st er wit h bef ore you can parti ci pate i n RACES activities?

A local amateur radio club

A local raci ng organi zat i on

The responsible civil defense organization

The Federal Communi cat i ons Commissi on ~~

T8B06 (B)

What i s necessary before you can j oi n an ARES group?

|A. You are required to join the ARRL |and have organi zat|Red Cross CPR |

|B. You must have an amateur radio license | |i on |

|C. You must have an amateur radio license | | |

|training | | |

|D. You must r egi st er wit h a ci vi l def ense | | |


T8B07 (D)

What could be used as an alternate source of power to operate radi o equi pment during emergenci es?

The battery in a car or truck

A bicycle generator

A portable solar panel

All of t hese answer s are cor r ect

T8B08 (B) [97. 403, 97. 405( a), (b)]

When can you use non-amateur frequencies or equi pment to call for hel p i n a si t uat i on i nvol vi ng i mmedi at e danger t o li f e or property?

A. Never; your li cense onl y al lows you t o use t he f r equenci es aut hor i zed t o your class of li cense

B. I n a genui ne emergency you may use any means at your di sposal to call for hel p on any frequency

C. When you have per missi on f r om t he owner of t he set

D. When you have permission from a police officer on the scene ~~

T8B09 (C)

Why shoul d casual conver sat i on between st at i ons dur i ng a publ i c servi ce event be avoi ded?

Such chatter is often interesting to bystanders

Other li st ener s might over hear per sonal i nf or mat i on

Idle chatter may interfere with i mportant traffic

You might have to change batteries more often ~~

T8B10 (B)

What should you do if a reporter asks to use your amateur radio t r anscei ver t o make a news report?

Allow the use but give your call sign every 10 minutes

Advi se them that the FCC prohi bits such use

Tel l them it i s OK as long as you do not recei ve compensat i on

Tel l t he report er t hat you must appr ove t he mat er i al bef or ehand ~~

T8B11 (C) [97.403, 97.405(a),(b)]

When can you use a modi f i ed amat eur radi o t ranscei ver to t ransmit on the local fire depart ment frequency?

When you are hel pi ng the Fi re Depart ment rai se money

Onl y when the Fi re Depart ment i s short of regul ar equi pment

I n a genui ne emergency you may use any means at your di sposal

to call for hel p on any frequency

When the local Fire Chief has given written permission

T8C - Net operations, responsibilities of the net control station, message handling, interfacing with public safety officials - 1 exam question

T8C01 (A)

Which type of traffic has the highest priority?

Emergency traffic

Priority traffic

Health and welfare traffic

Routine traffic


T8C02 (B)

What type of messages should not be transmitted over amateur radio frequencies during emergencies?

Requests for supplies

Per sonal i nf or mat i on concer ni ng vi ct i ms

A schedule of relief operators

Est i mat es of how much longer t he emer gency will last ~~

T8C03 (C)

What shoul d you do t o mini mize di sr upt i ons t o an emer gency t r af f i c net once you have checked i n?

A. Whenever the net frequency is quiet, announce your call sign and locat i on

B. Move 5 kHz away from the net's frequency and use high power to ask other hams to keep clear of the net frequency

C. Do not transmit on the net frequency until asked to do so by t he net cont r ol st at i on

D. Wait until the net frequency is quiet, then ask for any emer gency t r af f i c f or your area

T8C04 (B)

What i s one t hi ng that must be i ncluded when passi ng emergency messages?

The cal l si gns of al l t he st at i ons passi ng t he message

The name of t he per son or i gi nat i ng t he message

A status report

The message t i t le


T8C05 (A)

What is one way to reduce the chances of casual listeners overhearing sensitive emergency traffic?

A. Pass messages usi ng a non-voi ce mode such as packet radi o or Morse code

B. Speak as r api dl y as possi ble t o reduce your on- ai r t i me

C. Spell out every word usi ng phonet i cs

D. Rest r i ct t r ansmissi on of messages t o t he hours between midni ght and 4: 00 AM


T8C06 (C)

What i s of pr i mar y i mpor t ance f or a net cont r ol st at i on?

A dual - band t r anscei ver

A network card

A strong and clear si gnal

The ability to speak several languages ~~

T8C07 (B)

What shoul d the net cont rol stat i on do if someone breaks i n wit h emergency traffic?

Ask them to wai t until the roll has been call ed

Stop all net activity until the emergency has been handled

C. Ask the station to call the local police and then resume normal net activities

Ask them to move of f your net frequency immediately

T8C08 (C)

What shoul d you do if a large scal e emergency has j ust occurred and no net cont r ol st at i on i s avai lable?

A. Wai t until the assi gned net cont rol stat i on comes on the ai r and pass your traffic when called

B. Transmit a call for hel p and hope someone will hear you

C. Open t he emer gency net i mmedi at el y and ask f or check- i ns

D. Li st en t o t he local NOAA weat her broadcast t o f i nd out how long

the emergency will last


T8C09 (D)

What i s the preambl e of a message?

The f i r st paragraph of t he message t ext

The message number

The pr i or i t y handl i ng i ndi cat or f or t he message

The information needed to track the message as it passes

t hr ough t he amat eur r adi o t r af f i c handl i ng syst em ~~

T8C10 (A)

What i s meant by t he t er m "check" i n ref er ence t o a message?

The check is a count of the number of words in the message

The check is the value of a money order attached to the message

The check is a list of stations that have relayed the message

The check is a box on the message form that tells you the

message was recei ved


T8C11 (B)

What i s t he r ecommended gui del i ne f or t he maxi mum number of wor ds t o be i ncluded i n t he t ext of an emer gency message?

10 words

25 words

50 words

75 words

SUBELEMENT T9 Radio waves, propagation, and antennas - 3 exam questions 3 groups

T9A - Antenna types vertical, horizontal, concept of gain, common portable and mobile antennas, losses with short antennas, relationships between antenna length and frequency, dummy loads - 1 exam question

T9A01 (C)

What is a beam antenna?

|A. An antenna |built from metal I -beams |

|B. An antenna |that t ransmits and recei ves equal ly wel l i n all |

|di rect i ons | |

|C. An antenna |that concentrates signals in one direction that reverses the phase of received signals |

|D. An antenna ~~ | |

T9A02 (C)

What i s an ant enna t hat consi st s of a si ngl e el ement mount ed perpendicular to the Earth's surface?

A coni cal monopol e

A hor i zont al ant enna

A vertical antenna

A traveling wave antenna


T9A03 (B)

What t ype of ant enna i s a si mpl e di pole mount ed so t he el ement s are parallel to the Earth's surface?

A ground wave antenna

A hor i zont al ant enna

A rhombic antenna

A vertical antenna ~~

T9A04 (A)

What i s a di sadvant age of t he "rubber duck" ant enna suppli ed wit h most hand hel d radi o t ranscei vers?

A. It does not transmit or receive as effectively as a full sized ant enna

B. It i s much more expensi ve than a standard ant enna

C. If the rubber end cap i s lost it will unravel very qui ckl y

D. It t r ansmit s a ci r cul ar polar i zed si gnal


T9A05 (C)

How does the physical size of half-wave dipole antenna change with operating frequency?

It becomes longer as the frequency increases

It must be made lar ger because i t has t o handl e mor e power

It becomes shorter as the frequency increases

It becomes shorter as the frequency decreases ~~

T9A06 (B)

What i s t he advant age of 5/ 8 wavel engt h over 1/4 wavel engt h vert i cal ant ennas?

|A. They are easier to match to the feed line than |other types lower angl es |

|B. Their radiation pattern concentrates energy at |hi gher angl es |

|C. They pi ck up less noi se | |

|D. Their radiation pattern concentrates energy at ~~ | |

T9A07 (A)

What is the primary purpose of a dummy load?

It does not radi ate i nterferi ng signals when maki ng tests

It will prevent over - modul at i on of your t r ansmit t er

It keeps you f r om maki ng mist akes whi le on t he ai r

It i s used f or close i n wor k t o prevent over loads

T9A08 (C)

What type of antennas are the quad, Yagi , and dish?

Antennas i nvented after 1985

Loop antennas

Dir ect i onal or beam ant ennas

Ant ennas t hat are not per mit t ed f or amat eur r adi o st at i ons


T9A09 (D)

What is one type of antenna that offers good efficiency when operat i ng mobi le and can be easi ly i nst all ed or removed?

A microwave antenna

A quad antenna

A traveling wave antenna

A magnet mount vert i cal ant enna ~~

T9A10 (A)

What is a good reason not to use a "rubber duck" antenna i nsi de your car?

A. Signals can be 10 to 20 ti mes weaker than when you are outside of the vehicle

B. RF energy trapped inside the vehicle can distort your signal

C. You might cause a f i re i n the vehi cle uphol st ery

D. The SWR might i ncr ease


T9A11 (C)

What is the approxi mate length, in inches, of a quarter-wavel ength vertical antenna for 146 MHz?

|A. |112 |inches |

|B. |50 |i nches |

|C. |19 |i nches |

|D. |12 |i nches |

T9A12 (C)

What is the approxi mate length, in inches, of a 6-meter 1/2 wavelengt h wir e di pole ant enna?

6 inches

50 i nches

112 inches

236 i nches ~~

T9B Propagation, fading, multipath distortion, reflections, radio horizon, terrain blocking, wavelength vs. penetration, antenna orientation 1 exam question

T9B01 (C)

Why are VHF/ UHF si gnal s not nor mally heard over long di st ances?

They are too weak to go very far

FCC r egul at i ons pr ohi bi t t hem f r om goi ng mor e t han 50 miles

C. VHF and UHF signals are usually not reflected by the i onosphere

They collide with trees and shrubbery and fade out ~~

T9B02 (D)

What might be happeni ng when we hear a VHF signal from long di st ances?

Signals are bei ng ref lected from outer space

Someone is playi ng a recordi ng to us

Si gnal s are bei ng ref lect ed by li ght ni ng st or ms i n our area

D. A possi ble cause is sporadic E reflecti on from a layer in the ionosphere


T9B03 (B)

What i s the most li kel y cause of sudden bursts of tones or

f r agment s of di f f er ent conver sat i ons t hat i nt er f er e wit h VHF or UHF si gnal s?

The bat t er i es i n your t r anscei ver are f ai li ng

B. St rong si gnal s are overl oadi ng the recei ver and causi ng undesired signals to be heard

The recei ver is pi cki ng up low orbit satellites

A near by broadcast st at i on i s havi ng t r ansmit t er pr obl ems ~~

T9B04 (A)

What is the radio horizon?

A. The poi nt where radio signals between two poi nts are blocked by the curvature of the Earth

B. The di st ance f r om t he ground t o a hor i zont al ly mount ed ant enna

C. The farthest point you can see when standing at the base of your antenna tower

D. The shortest distance between two poi nts on the Earth's surface ~~

T9B05 (D)

What shoul d you do if a stat i on reports that your si gnal s were strong just a moment ago, but now they are weak or distorted?

Change the batteries in your radio to a different type

Speak more slowly so he can understand your better

Ask the other operat or to adjust hi s squel ch cont rol

D. Try moving a few feet, random reflections may be causing multi-path distortion.


T9B06 (B)

Why do UHF signals often work better inside of buildings than VHF si gnal s?

VHF signals lose power faster over distance

B. The shorter wavel engt h of UHF si gnal s all ows them to more easi ly penet rat e ur ban areas and bui ldi ngs

This is incorrect; VHF works better than UHF inside buildings

UHF antennas are more efficient than VHF antennas


T9B07 (C)

What is a good thing to remember when using your hand-held VHF or UHF radio to reach a distant repeater?

Speak as loudly as possible to help your signal go farther

Keep your transmissi ons short to conserve battery power

Keep the antenna as close to vertical as you can

Turn of f the CTCSS tone

T9B08 (B)

What can happen if the antennas at opposite ends of a VHF or UHF line of sight radio link are not using the same polarizati on?

The modul at i on si debands might become i nvert ed

Si gnal s coul d be as much as 100 t i mes weaker

Signals have an echo effect on voices

Not hi ng si gni f i cant will happen


T9B09 (B)

What might be a way to reach a distant repeater if bui ldi ngs or obst ruct i ons are blocki ng the di rect li ne of si ght path?

Change from verti cal to horizontal polarizati on

B. Try using a directional antenna to find a path that refl ects signals to the repeater

Ask the repeater owners to repai r t hei r recei ver

Transmit on the repeater out put frequency


T9B10 (B)

What t er m i s commonl y used t o descr i be t he r api d f lut t er i ng sound somet i mes heard f r om mobi le st at i ons t hat are movi ng whi le transmitti ng?


Picket fencing

Frequency shifting

Pul si ng


T9B11 (C)

Why do VHF and UHF Radio signals usually travel about a third farther than the visual line of sight distance between 2 stati ons?

|A. Radi o si gnal s move somewhat f ast er t han t he speed of travel fart her i n the same amount of t i me |[pic] |

|B. Radio waves are not blocked by dust particles | |

|C. The Earth seems less curved to radio waves than to li | |

|D. Radio waves are blocked by dust particles | |

T9C Feedlines types, losses vs. frequency, SWR concepts, measuring SWR, matching and power transfer, weather protection, feedline failure modes 1 exam question

|T9C01 (A) |io (SWR)? |

| | |

|What, i n general terms, is standi ng wave rat |o a transmitter eed li ne |

| | |

|A. A measure of how wel l a load is matched t |ion ground connection |

|B. The ratio of high to low i mpedance in a f | |

|C. The transmitter efficiency ratio | |

|D. An i ndi cat i on of t he qual i t y of your st at ~~ | |

T9C02 (C)

What readi ng on a SWR meter i ndi cates a perfect i mpedance match between the antenna and the feed line?

2 to 1

1 to 3

1 to 1

10 to 1 ~~

T9C03 (B)

What might be indicated by erratic changes in SWR readi ngs?

The transmitter is being modulated

A loose connect i on i n your ant enna or f eedl i ne

The transmitter is being over modulated

Interference from other stati ons is distorting your signal ~~

T9C04 (A)

What i s t he SWR val ue wher e t he pr ot ect i on ci r cui t s i n most sol i d - state transmitters begin to reduce transmitter power?

2 to 1

1 to 2

6 to 1

10 to 1

T9C05 (C)

What happens t o t he power lost i n a f eed li ne?

It increases the SWR

It comes back i nt o your t r ansmit t er and coul d cause damage

It i s converted i nt o heat by losses i n t he li ne

It can cause di st ort i on of your si gnal


T9C06 (D)

What i nstrument other than a SWR meter could you use to determine if your feedline and antenna are properly matched?



I ambi c pent amet er

Directional wattmeter ~~

T9C07 (A)

What i s t he most common reason f or f ai lur e of coaxi al cabl es?

Moisture contamination

Gamma rays

End of service life

Overl oadi ng


T9C08 (B)

Why i s it i mport ant to have a low SWR i n an ant enna syst em t hat uses coaxi al cabl e feedl i ne?

To reduce television interference

To al low t he ef f i ci ent t r ansf er of power and reduce losses

To prolong antenna life

To keep your si gnal f r om changi ng polar i zat i on

T9C09 (C)

|What can happen t o older coaxi al cables weather and sunlight for several years? |that are exposed to |

| |affect coaxial cable |

|A. Not hi ng, weat her and sunl i ght do not | |

|B. The cabl e can shri nk and break | |

|C. Losses can increase dramatically | |

|D. It will short-ci rcuit | |

|~~ | |

T9C10 (D)

Why i s t he out er sheat h of most coaxi al cabl es black i n col or?

It i s t he cheapest col or t o use

To see ni cks and cracks i n the cabl e

Black cabl es have less loss

Black pr ovi des pr ot ect i on agai nst ul t r avi ol et damage ~~

T9C11 (B)

What i s t he i mpedance of t he most commonl y used coaxi al cabl e i n typi cal amateur radio installations?

8 Ohms

50 Ohms

600 Ohms

12 Ohms ~~

T9C12 (A)

Why i s coaxi al cabl e used mor e of t en t han any ot her f eed li ne f or amateur radio antenna syst ems?

A. It i s easy t o use and r equi r es f ew speci al i nst al lat i on consi derat i ons

B. It has less loss than any other type of feedl i ne

C. It can handle more power than any other type of feedline

D. It i s less expensi ve t han any ot her t ypes of li ne


3 SUBELEMENT T0 Electrical and RF Safety 3 exam questions groups

T0A AC power circuits, hazardous voltages, fuses and circuit breakers, grounding, lightning protection, battery safety, electrical code compliance 1 exam question

T0A01 (B)

What i s a commonly accept ed val ue f or t he lowest vol t age t hat can cause a dangerous electric shock?

12 volts

30 volts

120 volts

300 volts ~~

T0A02 (B)

What i s t he lowest amount of el ect r i cal cur rent f lowing t hr ough t he human body t hat i s li kel y t o cause deat h?

|A. |10 |microamperes |

|B. |100 |milliamperes |

|C. |10 |amperes |

|D. |100 |amperes |


T0A03 (C)

What i s connect ed t o t he green wir e i n a t hr ee- wir e el ect r i cal plug?




The white wire ~~

T0A04 (B)

What i s t he pur pose of a f use i n an el ect r i cal ci r cui t?

To make sure enough power reaches the circuit

To i nt er r upt power i n case of over load

To prevent tel evi si on i nterference

To prevent shocks


T0A05 (C)

What might happen if you i nstal l a 20-ampere fuse i n your t r anscei ver i n t he place of a 5- amper e f use?

A. The lar ger f use woul d bet t er pr ot ect your t r anscei ver f r om usi ng too much current

B. The transceiver will run cooler

C. Excessive current could cause a fire

D. The t r anscei ver woul d not be abl e t o produce as much RF out put ~~

T0A06 (D)

What is a good way to guard agai nst electrical shock at your st at i on?

Use 3-wire cords and plugs for all AC powered equi pment

Connect al l AC power ed st at i on equi pment t o a common ground

Use a ground-f aul t i nt er r upt er at each el ect r i cal out let

All of t hese answer s are cor r ect


T0A07 (C)

What i s t he most i mport ant t hi ng to consi der when i nst all i ng an emer gency di sconnect swit ch at your st at i on?

It must always be as near to the operat or as possi ble

It must always be as f ar away f r om t he oper at or as possi ble

Everyone should know where it is and how to use it

It shoul d be i nst al led i n a met al box t o prevent t amper i ng

T0A08 (D)

|What precaut i ons shoul d be taken when a li ght ni expect ed? |ng storm is |

| |i on and move t hem |

|A. Disconnect t he ant enna cables f r om your st at away f r om your r adi o equi pment |anot her room until |

|B. Unpl ug al l power cords f r om AC out let s | |

|C. Stop usi ng your radio equi pment and move to t he st or m passes | |

|D. All of t hese answer s are cor r ect | |

|~~ | |

T0A09 (C)

What i s one way t o recharge a 12- vol t bat t er y i f t he commer ci al power is out?

You cannot recharge a battery unless the power is back on

Add water to the battery

Connect the battery to a car's battery and run the engine

Take your battery to the utility company for a recharge ~~

T0A10 (D)

What ki nd of hazard i s present ed by a convent i onal 12- vol t st or age bat t er y?

It cont ai ns dangerous aci d that can spill and cause i nj ury

Short ci rcui ts can damage wiri ng and possi bly cause a fi re

Explosive gas can collect if not properly vented

All of t hese answer s are cor r ect


T0A11 (A)

What can happen if a storage battery is charged or discharged too qui ckl y?

A. The battery could overheat and give of f dangerous gas or expl ode

B. The terminal voltage will oscillate rapidly

C. The warranty will be voi ded

D. The voltage will be reversed


T0A12 (C)

What i s the most i mport ant reason to have a li ght ni ng prot ect i on syst em f or your amat eur r adi o st at i on?

Lower i nsurance rates

Improved reception

Fire prevention

Noise reduction ~~

T0A13 (D)

What ki nd of hazard might exi st i n a power supply when it i s turned off and disconnected?

St at i c el ect r i ci t y coul d damage t he gr oundi Cir cul at i ng current s i nsi de t he t r ansf or mer The f use might blow i f you r emove t he cover You might r ecei ve an el ect r i c shock f r om st capacitors


ng system

might cause damage

ored charge i n large

1 T0B Antenna installation, tower safety, overhead power lines exam question

T0B01 (C)

Why shoul d you wear a hard hat and safety glasses if you are on t he ground hel pi ng someone wor k on an ant enna t ower?

It i s requi red by FCC rul es

To keep RF energy away from your head during antenna testing

C. To pr ot ect your head and eyes i n case somet hi ng acci dent al ly falls from the tower

It is required by the electrical code


T0B02 (C)

What is a good precauti on to observe before cli mbi ng an antenna tower?

Turn on all radio transmitters

Remove al l t ower gr oundi ng connect i ons

Put on your safety belt and safety glasses

I nf or m t he FAA and t he FCC t hat you are wor ki ng on a t ower ~~

T0B03 (D)

What should you do before you climb a tower?

Arrange for a hel per or observer

Inspect the tower for damage or loose hardware

Make sure there are no electrical storms nearby

All of t hese answer s are cor r ect


T0B04 (B)

What is an i mportant consi derati on when putting up an antenna?

Carefully tune it for a low SWR

Make sure peopl e cannot acci dent al ly come i nt o cont act wit h i t

Make sure you discard all packi ng materi al i n a safe place

Make sure bi rds can see it so they don’t fly i nto it

T0B05 (A) [97. 15(A)]

What must be consi dered when erecting an antenna near an airport?

|A. |The |maxi mum al lowed hei ght wit h regard t o near by ai r port s |

|B. |The |possi bi li ty of i nterference to ai rcraft radi os |

|C. |The |radiation angle of the signals it produces |

|D. |The |polarization of signal to be radiated |


|T0B06 (D) |to observe when |

| | |

|What i s t he most i mpor t ant saf et y pr ecaut i on putting up an antenna tower? | |

| |ng |

|A. I nst al l st eps on t he t ower f or saf e cli mbi |ghtning strikes ghtning strikes |

|B. I nsul at e t he base of t he t ower t o avoi d li |ectrical wires |

|C. Ground the base of the tower to prevent li | |

|D. Look f or and st ay clear of any over head el ~~ | |

T0B07 (D)

How should the guy wires for an antenna tower be installed?

So each guy wire anchor poi nt has an even number of wires

So that no guy wire is more than 25 feet long

Each guy wire must be pulled as tight as possible

I n accordance wit h t he t ower manuf act ur er' s i nst r uct i ons ~~

T0B08 (D)

What is a safe distance from a power li ne to allow when i nstal li ng an antenna?

A. Half t he widt h of your pr opert y unl ess t he wir es are at least 23 feet high

B. 12.5 feet in most metropolitan areas

C. 36 meters plus 1/2 wavel ength at the operating frequency

D. So that if the antenna falls unexpectedly, no part of it can come closer t han 10 f eet t o t he power wir es


T0B09 (D)

What is the most i mport ant safety rule to remember when using a crank-up tower?

Thi s t ype of t ower must never be pai nt ed

B. Crank up t ower s must be r ai sed and lower ed f r equent ly t o keep them properly lubricated

C. Winch cabl es must be speci al ly rat ed f or use on t hi s t ype of t ower

D. A crank- up tower shoul d never be cli mbed unl ess it i s i n the fully lowered posit i on


T0B10 (C)

Why is stai nless steel hardware used on many antennas i nstead of ot her met al s?

|A. |St ai nless |st eel |

|B. |St ai nless |st eel |

|C. |Stai nless |steel |

|D. |St ai nless |st eel |


i s a bet t er el ect r i cal conduct or wei ghs less t han ot her met al s

parts are much less li kel y to corrode cost s less t han ot her met al s

|T0B11 (C) |more than |

| |bonded to pi pe |

|What is consi dered to be an adequate ground for a tower? | |

| | |

|A. A single 4 foot ground rod, dri ven into the earth no 12 inches from the base | |

|B. A screen of 120 radi al wires | |

|C. Separate 8 foot long ground rods for each tower leg, the tower and each other | |

|D. A connect i on between t he t ower base and a col d wat er ~~ | |

T0C - RF hazards, radiation exposure, RF heating hazards, proximity to antennas, recognized safe power levels, hand held safety, exposure to others - 1 exam question

T0C01 (D)

What type of radiation are VHF and UHF radio signals?

Gamma radiation

Ionizing radiation

Alpha radiation

Non-ionizing radiation


T0C02 (B)

When can radio waves cause injury to the human body?

Only when the frequency is below 30 MHz

B. Onl y if the combi nat i on of si gnal strength and frequency cause excessive power to be absorbed

Only when the frequency is greater than 30 MHz

Only when transmitter power exceeds 50 watts


T0C03 (C) [97.13(C)(1)]

What i s t he maxi mum power level t hat an amat eur r adi o st at i on may use at frequencies above 30 MHz before an RF exposure evaluation is required?

1500 watts PEP transmitter output

1 watt forward power

50 watts PEP at the antenna

50 watts PEP reflected power ~~

T0C04 (D)

What factors affect the RF exposure of people near an amateur transmitter?

Frequency and power level of the RF field

Dist ance f r om t he ant enna t o a per son

Radiation pattern of the antenna

All of t hese answers are cor r ect

T0C05 (D)

Why must the frequency of an RF source be consi dered when eval uat i ng RF radi at i on exposure?

A. Lower frequency RF fields have more energy than higher frequency fields

B. Lower frequency RF fields do not penetrate the human body

C. Hi gher frequency RF fields are transi ent in nature and do not affect the human body

D. The human body absor bs mor e RF energy at some f r equenci es t han others


T0C06 (D) [97.13(c)(1)]

How can you determine that your stati on compl i es with FCC RF exposure regul at i ons?

By cal cul at i on based on FCC OET Bul let i n 65

By cal cul at i on based on comput er model i ng

By measurement of f i el d strength usi ng cal i brat ed equi pment

All of these choices are correct


T0C07 (B)

What could happen if a person accidentally touched your antenna while you were transmitting?

Touching the antenna could cause tel evi si on interference

They might receive a painful RF burn injury

They woul d be able to hear what you are sayi ng

Not hi ng


T0C08 (D)

What act i on might amat eur operat ors take to prevent exposure to RF radi at i on i n excess of FCC suppl i ed li mits?

Alter antenna patterns

Relocate antennas

Change stati on parameters such as frequency or power

All of t hese answers are cor r ect

T0C09 (B)

How can you make sure your stat i on stays i n compli ance wit h RF safety regul ati ons?

Compli ance i s not necessary

B. By r e- eval uat i ng t he st at i on whenever an i t em of equi pment i s changed

By making sure your antennas have a low SWR

By i nst al li ng a low pass f i lt er


T0C10 (A)

Whi ch of t he f ol lowing uni t s of measur ement i s used t o measur e RF radi at i on exposure?

Milliwatts per square centi meter

Megohms per square meter

Microfarads per foot

Megahertz per second


T0C11 (A)

Why is duty cycle one of the factors used to determine safe RF radiation exposure levels?

|A. It takes i |nto account the |amount of t i me the t ransmitter i s |

|operating | | |

|B. It takes i |nto account the nto account the |transmitter power supply rating ant enna f eed li ne loss |

|C. It takes i |nto account the |t her mal ef f ect s of t he f i nal |

|D. It takes i | | |

|ampl i f i er | | |



































































































































T7A04 (C)

T7A04 (C)

SUBELEMENT T7 Special operations 2 exam questions 2 groups




T7A04 (C)

T7A04 (C)



T7A09 (A)

T7A09 (A)

T7A9 (A)

































































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