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E/L 449Incident Command System Curricula Train the TrainerPlan of Instruction (POI)March 2012Version 1.1This page intentionally left blank.RationaleThis 32 hour course prepares Incident Command System instructor candidates to deliver the Emergency Management Institute’s Incident Command System curricula. The course requires the course participants to use critical thinking, presentation development and their ICS knowledge to develop team and individual presentations that outline the key concepts, potential pitfalls and presentation techniques for each course. While ICS-100, ICS-200, ICS 402 and the G191 courses are addressed, the major emphasis is on ICS-300 and ICS-400.GoalThe course is designed to prepare instructors to deliver Incident Command System related training courses.Course ObjectivesUpon completion of this course, participants will be able to:Explain the background of ICS training development.Identify key requirements and elements within the NIMS Training Program that relate to ICS training courses.Identify appropriate instructional techniques for the delivery of ICS curricula and facilitation of course activities.Identify critical teaching points, student challenges, and desired outputs for each of the ICS training courses.Explain how to coordinate and execute course deliveries.TARGET AUDIENCEParticipants who have a working knowledge of ICS through experience and training, and have experience delivering adult training. Participants must have worked as IC, command or general staff positions on incidents, planned events or exercises that were active for multiple operational periods or involved a written action plan and involved multiagency coordination. COURSE DESIGN/METHODOLOGYThis course is designed for delivery in the classroom. Lecture, discussion, and multiple hands-on activities have been designed to enable participants to learn, practice, and demonstrate their ability to deliver ICS related training courses.instructor QualificationsInstructors successfully completed ICS100-400, ICS 449, IS 700, and IS-800 Lead instructor served as Incident Commander, Command or General Staff in an incident that went beyond one operational period or required a written IAP and required multiagency coordination.Unit instructor served as Incident Commander, Command or General Staff (Section Chief) in an incident that went beyond one operational period or required a written IAP.Demonstrated proficiency delivering ICS 300 and ICS 400 courses (need an email/letter from sponsoring organization, such as a State Training Officer).Documented education and/or experience in adult learning Course Supplies and EquipmentThe following supplies and equipment are needed:Student MaterialsIS 100-Instructor GuideIS 100-Student Manual (1 per table)IS 200-Instructor GuideIS 200-Student Manual (1 per table)E/L/G-300 Instructor GuideE/L/G-300 Student Manual (1 per table)E/L/G-300 Exercise Activity Materials (Instructor Notes for all scenarios)E/L/G-400 Instructor GuideE/L/G-400 Student Manual (1 per table)E/L/G-400 ExerciseActivity Materials (Instructor Notes for Units 2-5)IS-402 Instructor GuideIS-402 Student Manual (1 per table)G-191 Instructor GuideG-191 Student Manual (1 per table)Electronic files of all course files (IG/SM/Visuals/Video/ExerciseActivity Materials/Test Materials) for IS-100, IS-200, G-300, G-400, IS-402, G-191 and all course handoutsHandout- Training Techniques and Tips Handout- ICS 449 Activity Worksheet (multiple copies to be used on all course activities)Handout- NIMS Training Program (September 2011) pages 30-35, page 58FEMA ICS Forms 201, 215, and 215A (to include instruction sheets for each form)Course Supplies and EquipmentE-reader device for classroom use (for use if hard copy books are not issued)Classroom suitable for up to 30 students and a minimum of 2 instructors (3 recommended for classes with more than 20 students).2 break-out rooms suitable for up to 10 studentsEMI Course Evaluation Forms – 1 per participantVideo or LCD Projector with Audio Capability/Screen/Spare ProjectorLavaliere microphone for instructor Hand-held microphone – 1 per tableTable name tents – 1 per participantChart Pad/Easel/Markers (1 per table)Pencils/PensCourse DeploymentThe time allotment for this course is 32 hours. The course will primarily be delivered at the Emergency Management Institute. The course may be hosted by States or other Federal agencies and training partners with prior coordination of the EMI Course Manager. Instructors should capitalize on the expertise and experience of the students and encourage information sharing by including participants with diverse experience at each table grouping. Course ScheduleDay 1 (8 am – 5 pm)Unit 1:Course Overview1 Hour 30 minutesUnit 2The NIMS Training Program1 hourUnit 3:Presentation Skills Review 1 hourUnit 4:ICS 1003 HoursUnit 5:ICS 2001 hour 30 minutesDay 2 (8 am – 5 pm)Unit 5: ICS 200 (continued)2 hour 30 minutesUnit 6: ICS 3005 hours 30 minutesDay 3 (8 am – 5 pm)Unit 6: ICS 300 (continued)4 hoursUnit 7: ICS 400 4 hoursDay 4 (8 am – 5 pm)Unit 7: ICS 400 Continued3 hoursUnit 8: ICS 4021 hour 30 minutesUnit 9: G191 – ICS / EOC Interface Workshop1 hour 30 minutesUnit 10: Coordinating and Delivering ICS Courses at the Federal, State, Tribal and Local levels1 hourEnd of Course Administrative time1 hourTotal Instructional Time32 HoursRequired PrerequisitesTo attend this course, participants must:Have a working knowledge of ICS through experience and training, and have experience delivering adult plete all course pre-requisites: Required—ICS-100, ICS-200, ICS-300, ICS-400, IS-700, and IS-800. NOTE: Participants must have taken the Emergency Management Institute, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Fire Academy, or National Wildfire Coordinating Group ICS courses. Other ICS courses must be consistent with the ICS objectives prescribed by the NIMS Integration Center.Participants must have worked as IC, command or general staff positions on incidents, planned events or exercises that went longer than one operational period or involved a written action plan and involved multiagency coordination.Evaluation planParticipants are evaluated through a series of tests administered during the course. In addition, course participants are evaluated based on their performance in classroom activities and application exercisesactivities. Additionally, each course concludes with a survey of individual participants using the DHS FEMA National Integration Center/National Training and Education Division (NIC/NTED) (Kirkpatrick) Level I assessment form that utilizes a 5-point Likert-type scale to evaluate the course, instructor performance, and course benefit. Kirkpatrick Level II evaluations are conducted through instructor observations of the participants’ interactions and outputs during the activities and passing each level test with a score of at least 80%. Students will be able to reference course materials while taking the test. Level 2 Evaluation: Completion of the ICS 100, ICS 200, ICS 300 and ICS 400 end of course examinations with a score of at least 80%.Level 3 Evaluation: EMI will send participants a Level III survey to assess the efficacy of the course between three and six months after the completion of the course. UNITS OF INSTRUCTIONUnit 1: Course OverviewTime1 hour 30 minutesTerminalLearningObjectiveAt the conclusion of this unit, participants will be able to:Explain the background of ICS training development and identify overall course goalsEnabling Learning ObjectivesN/AScopeThis module provides participants with course administrative details, an overview of the course, and background of Incident Command System training initiatives.MethodologyComplete the registration processParticipant and instructor introductionsOverview of the course:Course GoalSummary of unit terminal objectivesCourse scheduleSafety briefingBackground of ICS Training Development ICS Course development as joint effort of NWFG, FEMA, and USDAReferencesPowerPoint presentation and computer display systemRemarksNoneDevelopment MaterialAgendaUnit 2: The NIMS Training ProgramTime1 hour TerminalLearningObjectiveAt the conclusion of this unit, participants will be able to:Describe key requirements and elements within the NIMS Training Program that relate to ICS training courses.Enabling Learning ObjectivesParticipants, acting alone, will identify the requirements for students to take each level of the incident command system courses.Participants, acting as part of a group, will discuss the elements within the NIMS Training Program that identify the course requirements for ICS training courses. ScopeThis instructor-facilitated unit will provide participants with opportunities to identify and discuss the requirements for each level of the ICS curricula as identified in the NIMS Training Program. Critical discussion topics will include pre-requisites for participants, instructor qualifications, time requirements and general expectations for the delivery of these courses.MethodologyThis module begins with a facilitated discussion to discuss the current NIMS Training Program. Participants groups will then identify the main requirements in terms of pre-requisites, key topic areas and other requirements as identified in the NIMS Training Program for each of the ICS courses. Participants are divided into small groups (4-6 students) and address the issues presented in the given scenario. Students will also be provided handouts of the pertinent sections NIMS Training Program as it relates to the ICS curricula.ReferencesPowerPoint presentation and computer display systemNIMS Training ProgramRemarksNoneDevelopment MaterialStudent Handout- NIMS Training Program (selected pages)Unit 3: Presentation Skills ReviewTime1 hour TerminalLearningObjectiveAt the conclusion of this unit, participants will be able to:Identify appropriate instructional techniques for the delivery of the ICS curricula and facilitation of course activities.Enabling Learning ObjectivesParticipants, acting as a group, will identify specific characteristics of adult learnersParticipants, acting alone, will identify appropriate questioning techniques to be used for each level of the NIMS ICS Curricula (ICS 100-ICS 400, ICS 402, and G 191).Participants, acting as part of a group, will discuss common challenges that occur in the delivery of the NIMS ICS curricula and techniques for minimizing them.ScopeThis instructor-facilitated unit will provide participants opportunities to review instructor presentation methods that are appropriate for delivering the NIMS ICS curricula. Discussion topics will focus on questioning techniques, instructor preparation and activity facilitation.MethodologyThis unit begins with an activity in which each small group identifies specific characteristics of adult learners. This activity is followed by a facilitated discussion to identify and discuss basic successful instructional techniques to be used to deliver the ICS curricula. The unit concludes with an activity in which groups identify questioning techniques that are appropriate for the audience and given scenarios.ReferencesPowerPoint presentation and computer display systemRemarksNoneDevelopment MaterialStudent Handout- “Training Techniques and Tips”Unit 4: ICS 100Time3 hours TerminalLearningObjectiveAt the conclusion of this unit, participants will be able to:Identify critical teaching points, student challenges, and desired output based on ICS 100 course objectives.Enabling Learning ObjectivesParticipants, acting as part of a group, will demonstrate the ability to critically analyze training materials to identify specific teaching points, student challenges and effective instructional techniques for select portions of the ICS 100 curriculum.Participants, acting as a group, will create a presentation of the results of their analysis to a group of peers.Participants, acting as part of a group, will demonstrate effective and appropriate presentation skills for a given audience.Participants, acting as a group, will analyze the presentations from their peers and provide constructive feedback that addresses the presentation and instructional techniques.Participants, acting alone, will complete the current ICS 100 final exam with a score of 80% or higher.ScopeThis unit will provide participants opportunities to review the ICS 100 curriculum and identify critical teaching point, student challenges and effective instructional techniques for this course. Discussion topics will focus on questioning techniques, instructor preparation and activity facilitation.MethodologyThis unit is activity based in which the small groups will analyze assigned units of the ICS 100 curriculum materials to identify teaching points of the course, potential challenges that students may have and effective instructional techniques that may be used to present this course. Instructors will assign half of the table groups units 2-4 and units 5-7 to the other half. Using the “ICS 449 TTT Activity Worksheet” as a guide, participant groups are expected to create a 30 minute presentation of the group’s results. After the presentation, each participant group will provide constructive feedback concerning the instructional technique and the information presented. The unit concludes with the completion of the ICS 100 Final Exam.ReferencesPowerPoint presentation and computer display systemICS 100 Instructor GuideICS 100 Student ManualRemarksNoneDevelopment MaterialStudent Handout- “ICS 449 TTT Activity Worksheet”ICS 100 Final ExamUnit 5: ICS 200Time4 hours TerminalLearningObjectiveAt the conclusion of this unit, participants will be able to:Identify critical teaching points, student challenges, and desired output based on ICS 200 course objectives.Enabling Learning ObjectivesParticipants, acting as part of a group, will demonstrate the ability to critically analyze training materials to identify specific teaching points, student challenges and effective instructional techniques for the ICS 200 curriculum.Participants, acting as a group, will create a presentation of the results of their analysis to a group of peers.Participants, acting as part of a group, will demonstrate effective and appropriate presentation skills for a given audience.Participants, acting as a group, will analyze the presentations from other their peers and provide constructive feedback that address the presentation and instructional techniques.Participants, acting alone, will complete the current ICS 200 final exam with a score of 80% or higher.ScopeThis unit will provide participants opportunities to review the ICS 200 curriculum and identify critical teaching point, student challenges and effective instructional techniques for this course. Discussion topics will focus on questioning techniques, instructor preparation and activity facilitation.MethodologyThis unit is activity based in which the small groups will analyze assigned units of the ICS 200 curriculum materials to identify teaching points of the course, potential challenges that students may have and effective instructional techniques that may be used to present this course. Instructors will assign half of the table groups units 2-4 and units 5-7 to the other half. Using the “ICS 449 TTT Activity Worksheet” as a guide, participant groups are expected to create a 30 minute presentation of the group’s results. After the presentation, each participant group will provide constructive feedback concerning the instructional technique and the information presented. The unit concludes with the completion of the ICS 200 Final Exam.ReferencesPowerPoint presentation and computer display systemICS 200 Instructor GuideICS 200 Student ManualRemarksNoneDevelopment MaterialStudent Handout- “ICS 449 TTT Activity Worksheet”ICS 200 Final ExamUnit 6: ICS 300Time9 hours 30 minutes TerminalLearningObjectiveAt the conclusion of this unit, participants will be able to:Identify critical teaching points, student challenges, and desired output based on ICS 300 course objectives.Enabling Learning ObjectivesParticipants, working as part of group, will discuss the objectives, critical teaching points and facilitation techniques for each of the unit activities.Participants, acting alone, will demonstrate the ability to critically analyze training materials to identify specific teaching points, student challenges and effective instructional techniques for modules of the ICS 300 curriculum.Participants, acting alone, will create a presentation of the results of their analysis to a group of peers.Participants, acting alone, will demonstrate effective and appropriate presentation skills for a given audience.Participants, acting as a group, will analyze the presentations from other their peers and provide constructive feedback that address the presentation and instructional techniques.Participants, acting as a group, will discuss scenarios A-H as they pertain to the unit activities. Participants, acting alone, will complete the current ICS 300 final exam with a score of 80% or higher.ScopeThis unit will provide participants opportunities to review the ICS 300 curriculum and identify critical teaching points, student challenges and effective instructional techniques for this course. Discussion topics will focus on questioning techniques, instructor preparation and activity facilitation.MethodologyThis unit begins with an instructor-led, facilitated discussion that addresses the objectives, critical teaching points and facilitation techniques for each of the unit activities. It is then followed by an activity in which participants will analyze one unit of the ICS 300 curriculum materials to identify teaching points of the course, potential challenges that students may have and effective instructional techniques that may be used to present this course. Using the “ICS 449 TTT Activity Worksheet” as a guide, each participant is expected to create a 20 minute presentation of their results. The presentation will be made to a group of participants. Each participant will make at least one presentation and observe multiple presentations of their peers, providing constructive feedback concerning the instructional technique and information presented. Depending on the number of students, it will be necessary to split the class into 2 or more groups and use breakout rooms if available. Following the individual presentations, the instructors will facilitate discussion on exercise activity scenarios A-KH to identify the critical points of each as they relate to the unit activities. The unit concludes with the completion of the ICS 300 Final Exam.ReferencesPowerPoint presentation and computer display systemICS 300 Instructor GuideICS 300 Student ManualICS 300 Exercise Activity Materials (Instructor Notes)RemarksNoneDevelopment MaterialStudent Handout- “ICS 449 TTT Activity Worksheet”ICS 300 Final ExamICS Forms 201, 215, 215aUnit 7: ICS 400Time7 hours TerminalLearningObjectiveAt the conclusion of this unit, participants will be able to:Identify critical teaching points, student challenges, and desired output based on ICS 400 course objectives.Enabling Learning ObjectivesParticipants, acting alone, will demonstrate the ability to critically analyze training materials to identify specific teaching points, student challenges and effective instructional techniques for modules of the ICS 400 curriculum.Participants, acting alone, will create a presentation of the results of their analysis to a group of peers.Participants, acting alone, will demonstrate effective and appropriate presentation skills for a given audience.Participants, acting as a group, will analyze the presentations from other their peers and provide constructive feedback that address the presentation and instructional techniques.Participants, acting alone, will complete the current ICS 400 final exam with a score of 80% or higher.ScopeThis unit will provide participants opportunities to review the ICS 400 curriculum and identify critical teaching points, student challenges and effective instructional techniques for this course. Discussion topics will focus on questioning techniques, instructor preparation and activity facilitation.MethodologyThis unit begins with an instructor-led, facilitated discussion that addresses the objectives, critical teaching points and facilitation techniques for each of the unit activities. It is then followed by an activity in which participants will analyze one unit of the ICS 400 curriculum materials to identify teaching points of the course, potential challenges that students may have and effective instructional techniques that may be used to present this course. Using the “ICS 449 TTT Activity Worksheet” as a guide, each participant is expected to create a 20 minute presentation of their results. The presentation will be made to a group of participants. Each participant will make at least one presentation and observe multiple presentations of their peers, providing constructive feedback concerning the instructional technique and information presented. Depending on the number of students, it will be necessary to split the class into 2 or more groups and use breakout rooms if available. Following the individual presentations, the instructors will facilitate discussion on the ICS 400 exercise activity scenarios in units 2-5 to identify the critical points of each as they relate to the unit activities. The unit concludes with the completion of the ICS 400 Final Exam.ReferencesPowerPoint presentation and computer display systemICS 400 Instructor GuideICS 400 Student ManualICS 400 Exercise Activity Materials (Instructor Notes)RemarksNoneDevelopment MaterialStudent Handout- “ICS 449 TTT Activity Worksheet”ICS 400 Final ExamUnit 8: ICS 402Time1 hours 30 minutesTerminalLearningObjectiveAt the conclusion of this unit, participants will be able to:Identify critical teaching points, student challenges, and desired output based on ICS 402 course objectives.Enabling Learning ObjectivesParticipants, acting as part of a group, will discuss the critical teaching points, student challenges, and desired output when delivering the ICS 402 course.ScopeThis unit will provide participants opportunities to review the ICS 402 curriculum and identify critical teaching point, student challenges and effective instructional techniques for this course. Discussion topics will focus on elements of the course materials and the unique audience challenges to be considered.MethodologyThis unit is a facilitated, instructor-led discussion that identifies critical teaching points of the course, potential challenges that students may have and effective instructional techniques that may be used to present this ICS 402 curriculum.ReferencesPowerPoint presentation and computer display systemG191 Instructor GuideRemarksNoneDevelopment MaterialNoneUnit 9: G191 ICS/EOC Interface WorkshopTime1 hours 30 minutesTerminalLearningObjectiveAt the conclusion of this unit, participants will be able to:Identify critical teaching points, student challenges, and desired output based on G191 course objectives.Enabling Learning ObjectivesParticipants, acting as part of a group, will discuss the critical teaching points, student challenges, special audience considerations, and desired output when delivering the G191 course.ScopeThis unit will provide participants opportunities to review the G191 curriculum and identify critical teaching point, student challenges and effective instructional techniques for this course. MethodologyThis unit is a facilitated, instructor-led discussion that identifies critical teaching points of the course, potential challenges that students may have and effective instructional techniques that may be used to present this G191 curriculum.ReferencesPowerPoint presentation and computer display systemG191 Instructor GuideRemarksNoneDevelopment MaterialNoneUnit 10: Coordinating & Delivering ICS Courses at the Federal, State, Tribal and Local LevelsTime1 hourTerminalLearningObjectiveAt the conclusion of this unit, participants will be able to:Describe examples of how to coordinate and execute ICS course deliveriesEnabling Learning ObjectivesParticipants, acting as part of a group, will discuss examples of methods and procedures used in various jurisdictions and agencies to coordinate and deliver ICS courses.ScopeThis unit will provide participants with information on how to coordinate and manage ICS course deliveries at all levels of government. MethodologyThis unit is a facilitated, instructor-led discussion of the following topics:Coordination- who to contact to schedule and coordinate a course deliveryMaterials- How to obtain books/disks/handoutsCertificates- To be issued by the Jurisdiction or Agency which sponsored the deliveryTransportability of Completed Training- NIMS compliant training should be accepted across jurisdictions and between agenciesReferencesN/ARemarksNoneDevelopment MaterialNone ................

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