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Home Study Courses

EMI Home Study Courses Catalog: Provides enrollment information and a brief description of the many FEMA home study courses available. Write: FEMA, PO Box 2012, Jessup, MD 20794-2012

FEMA Disaster Public Information Catalog: Complete listing of all FEMA publications offered to the general public including emergency preparedness and response, concerns, techniques, and general information. Write: FEMA, PO Box 2012, Jessup, MD 20794-2012

Resources on Fire: Listing of publications and tools for topics including public fire education, fire prevention and arson, control, firefighting health and safety, and emergency medical services.. Write: U.S. Fire Administration, PO Box 2012, Jessup, MD 20794-2012

Internet Access

FEMA on the Internet:

To access a full-library of disaster preparedness materials, contact FEMA on the World Wide Web at: (URL)

Some employees may wish to become certified in FEMA’s Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program. This program certifies US citizens to become effective members of volunteer response teams during natural disasters or technological emergencies. The CERT course is offered by local emergency management agencies. Contact your state’s FEMA Training Officer in your state capital to locate the CERT course closest to you.

Fortunately, may of these courses can be taken as home study programs. Any FEMA course for which you receive a Certificate of Completion will be recognized by your Training Programs Management Officer (TPMO) for crediting to your permanent employment record.

FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute (EMI) makes its Independent Study (IS) Program available to FAA employees. This program contains several non-technical courses suitable for FAA employees. All of these courses are available in hard copy, through the US Mail. Some courses, however, are also available on FEMA’s Internet site. You can register for courses and actually take some courses entirely on-line using your own home computer. All course materials on this Internet site are available to anyone who can access them, but official enrollment in the courses and scoring of final examinations is limited to United States citizens.

American Red Cross on the Internet:

To access additional materials, contact ARC on the Web at:


Independent Study Programs

The EMI Independent Study Program consists of twelve self-paced courses designed for both the general public and people who have emergency management responsibilities. There are no prerequisites or enrollment fees for these courses. Only the general public courses are currently available on FEMA’s web site. Each independent study course includes lessons with practice exercises and a final examination. Those who score 75 percent or better are issued a Certificate of Completion by EMI. The average course completion time is 10 to 12 hours. It is possible to earn academic credit and military points for completion of these courses.

The following courses are particularly pertinent as a follow-on to this FAA correspondence course:

Emergency Program Manager: An Orientation to the Position (IS 1)

This independent study course provides an introduction to Comprehensive Emergency Management (CEM) and the Integrated Emergency Management System (IEMS). Included is an in-depth look at the four phases of comprehensive emergency management; mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. The text is accompanied by illustrations, diagrams, and figures. In most units, there are worksheets, exercises, and tasks to complete. If you plan to take the course on-line, you do not need to enroll to access the course materials. You enroll when you take the final exam.

Emergency Preparedness, USA (IS 2)

This independent study course contains information about natural and technological hazards. Participants are led through the development of personal emergency preparedness plans and are encouraged to become involved in the local emergency preparedness network. The text is accompanied by illustrations, maps, charts, and diagrams. If you plan to take the course on-line, you do not need to enroll to access the course materials. You enroll when you take the final exam.

Radiological Emergency Management (IS 3)

This independent study course contains information on a variety of radiological topics, including: fundamental principles of radiation; nuclear threat and protective measures; nuclear power plants; radiological transportation accidents; other radiological hazards.

This course is available in computer-based training or textbook format. To take the course in computer-based training requires access to an IBM-compatible personal computer with 640K memory and a 3½” diskette drive.

Note: This document is currently not available on-line. The course will be posted as soon as it is available.

Hazardous Materials: A Citizen’s Orientation (IS 5)

This independent study course provides a general introduction to hazardous materials that can serve as a foundation for more specific research. The course has five units and has been designed with the objective of helping the individual to: Recognize the dangers posed by hazardous materials; identify places where hazardous materials are likely to be encountered; understand when a hazard may exist; contact the appropriate persons or agencies to give or receive specific hazardous materials information; Identify procedures to minimize personal and community exposure to hazardous materials.

If you plan to take the course on-line, you do not need to enroll to access the course materials. You enroll when you take the final exam.

A Citizen’s Guide to Disaster Assistance (IS 7)

This independent study course provides a basic understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the local community, state, and the federal government in providing disaster assistance. If you plan to take the course on-line, you do not need to enroll to access the course materials. You enroll when you take the final exam.


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