Emergency Administration and Management

School of Community Education and Professional Development


COURSE TITLE: Disaster Planning


110 Dean Hall

Russellville, AR 72801


OFFICE HOURS: As posted and by appointment only

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: A study of pre-plan requirements, hazards and resource assessments,

vulnerability analysis, methodology of planning, and public policy considerations.

TEXT: Waugh, William L. Jr. (2000). Living with Hazards, Dealing with Disasters: An Introduction to Emergency

Management. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharp

Mileti, Dennis S. (1999). Disasters by Design: A Reassessment of Natural Hazards in the United States.

Washington D.C.: John Henry Press.

Current periodicals and other assigned readings.

JUSTIFICATION: In light of the events of September 11th, Columbine High School, and the attack on the

Federal Building in Oklahoma City those that would do harm are planning their attacks in great detail.

Emergency management has spent much of its time and resources on the response phase of emergency

management, this lack of planning as left our country, states, and communities vulnerable. The time and

resources of future emergency managers will be spent in the preparation and mitigation phases of emergency



The student will learn to apply risk and business impact analysis methodologies in their planning efforts to help

them prioritize the vulnerabilities of their client. This analysis will help the client better utilize limited resources in

their preparation for natural, man-made and technological disasters.


According to the University catalog, there are ten general education requirements for students who earn

degrees at Arkansas Tech University. In support of these objectives this course addresses 4 of the ten

mentioned in the Undergraduate Catalog 2000 -2001:

1. The student will listen attentively, and read, write, and speak clearly and effectively.

2. The student will demonstrate basic competency in accessing, processing, and presenting information

through computer technologies.

3. The student will comprehend the basic principles, philosophy, and methodology of science and the influence

of science and technology on society.

4. The student will have an understanding of the history and culture of the United States and the development

and change of American social, political, and economic systems.


Students will be assigned readings from the text and other sources. Quizzes will be given as outlined later in the

syllabus. Quizzes will be based upon learning objectives given at the beginning of each class. If you are late you

will receive a zero for that quiz. There will be 4 quizzes and each is worth 25 points.

A comprehensive mid-term and final exam will be given based on the readings, classroom lectures, and guest

speakers. Each exam is worth 200 points.

All Students will complete the FEMA independent study course "Special Events Contingency Planning IS-15"

This project will be due February 21, 2002 at the beginning of class.

Students will be given 2 options for their research paper:

#1: Select a topic from Appendix A, Recommendations for further Traditional Research in "Disasters by

Design" pages 297 - 314. Write a research paper using APA style. Your research paper must include a

minimum of five (5) resources and should be at least twenty (20) pages in length, double-spaced with 12 pt.


#2: Select twenty (20) different sources from the comprehensive list under Emergency Management Information

Sources in the "Living with Hazards Dealing with Disasters" text on pages 201 - 222. Prepare a one-page

summary of each resource including a detailed description of the disaster information that the resource

provides. Then write a summary paragraph of at least 100 words detailing how you as an emergency manager

would use those information resources in your disaster planning efforts.


1. Do your own work; cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Students found cheating or plagiarizing will

receive a zero on that assignment and referred to the Dean for other disciplinary action.

2. Class attendance is mandatory for full credit. One absence of any kind will reduce the student's grade by 1/2

of a letter grade for each absence. Being late for class will be counted as an absence.

3. Class assignments are due as stated in the syllabus. There will be no exceptions for late work. Assignments

not turned in when due will receive a zero for that assignment.

4. Emergency Managers have been entrusted with a huge responsibility to gain and maintain the trust of those

we serve. It is very important to act and perform in a professional and courteous manner at all times and in all



Quizzes - 100 points 900 - 1000 = A

Special Project - 200 points 800 - 899 = B

Mid-Term Exam - 200 points 700 - 799 = C

Research Paper - 300 points 651 - 699 = D

Final Exam - 200 points ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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