Notes WS - Reproductive System

Notes WS - Male reproductive Anatomy & Physiology

Name: ____________________________________________________________________

Begin on Page 504 and complete the following information.

I. Introduction

a. Primary sex organs/gonads

i. Male: ___________________________

ii. Female: _________________________

b. gametes: _________________________________

c. joint purpose of reproductive system: _____________________________

II. Male anatomy: pages 504-508 - not all in order

a. External genitalia

i. What is the scrotum?

ii. Normal human body temperature is 37oC. What temperature is necessary for the production of normal sperm? _________

iii. If the atmospheric temperature is very cold, what does the scrotum do and why does it do this?

iv. Using what you just learned: When a couple is having difficulty conceiving a child, the doctor will often recommend boxers instead of briefs and slacks instead of blue jeans for the man to wear. Why?

b. Testes

i. What structure surrounds the testes & divides it into lobules? __________________________________

ii. What cells produce the testosterone? __________________________

iii. Where are the sperm produced? _____________________________

iv. FYI: If you have ever heard the term “calf fries” or “mountain oysters”, they refer to fried testes that some people like to eat!!

c. Penis

i. Function: ________________________________________________

ii. 3 main parts: _____________________________________________

iii. Physiologically, what happens that causes an erection?

iv. Using what you just learned: A man who is having erectile dysfunction may take a medication such as Viagra. What particular body system (other than reproductive) does the medication have an effect on? _______________________________ Explain how this should help the problem?

d. Duct System

i. Epididymis (FYI: epi means outer, didymis means twins)

1. How long in feet? _________________

2. How long does it take the sperm to travel down the epididymis? _______________

3. What are the sperm doing while they travel? ________________ __________________________________________________

ii. Ductus Deferens

1. AKA: _______________________________________

2. Function: _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

3. What structures does the spermatic cord consist of? ___________________________________________________

4. Explain the vasectomy procedure:

5. Using what you have learned: Since both procedures would cause a man to be unable to create children (be sterile), why would a man prefer a vasectomy to a castration (removal of testes)?

iii. Urethra

1. Function: ____________________________________________________

2. How is the body designed so urine & sperm don’t come out at the same time? __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. List & describe the 3 regions of the urethra.

a. _______________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________

c. _______________________________________________

4. Using what you have learned: Using figure 16.2: Why would a man with an enlarged prostate gland have trouble with urination? Be specific.

iv. Accessory glands & semen

1. List what is secreted by each gland AND the function of the secretion.

a. Prostate:

b. Bulbourethral:

c. Seminal vescicles:

2. Semen:

a. Why is semen alkaline?

b. What does semen consist of?

Using information from the textbook (pgs 508-511) including diagrams:

1. Make a simple outline sketch of a sperm

a. Label the following parts: acrosome, head, midpiece, tail

b. Next to each part, list what it contains/its function

2. Complete the pathway of travel of the sperm with the correct structures:

Produced in the _______________________________ » ______________________________ » __________________________ » _________________________ duct » ________________________ urethra » _____________________________ » vaginal canal

3. Spermatids are are known as haploid. This means they have ______ chromosomes.

a. Explain how they are different in chromosomes from the rest of the body cells.

b. What is the name of the division process that made them this way?

c. Why is it extremely important that they are haploid?

4. Mitosis compared to Meiosis:

A. Mitosis B. Meiosis C. Both

1. Final product is 2 daughter cells – each with 46 chromosomes

2. Final product is 4 daughter cells – each with 23 chromosomes

3. Occurs only in gonads

4. Occurs in all body tissues except gonads

5. Increases the cell numbers for growth, repair, & maintenance

6. Daughter cells are genetically different from parent cell & from each other

7. Daughter cells are genetically identical to parent cell & each other

8. Provides cells for reproduction of offspring

5. List the 4 typical male secondary sex characteristics produced by testosterone.

6. List the basic function of each hormone in a male

a. FSH – follicle stimulating hormone

b. LH – luteinizing hormone

c. Testosterone

7. Describe sexual infantilism: cause & result

8. Color the following on the diagram & then write the label it in the same color: sperm, secondary spermatocytes, spermatogonium, spermatids, primary spermatocytes





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