Medical History Form

SCREENING: Participant’s Medical History Form Name: ___ DOB _________Age:_ Sex: M FAddress:_________________________________________________________________________Phone Numbers:E-mail address:Dear Participant:In order to serve you the best & help you accomplish your health & wellness goal, it is very important that your health management team understands your medical, nutritional & behavioral profile thoroughly. For this purpose we ask you to fill this detail information. Please answer all the questions truthfully and to best of your knowledge & understanding. If you do not understand a question, your team members will help you. This information will be provided for a consultation with a Physician with expertise in Bariatric & nutritional issues. Expert will review your information in detail. Purpose of the consultation is not to establish a diagnosis, but rather to determine your health status in order to formulate your personalized Program plan. You may be advised to have certain medical tests and / or seek medical advice based on your current health status. RELATIVE CONTRA-INDICATIONS:If you have a history of or currently have diagnosis of any of the following conditions, you can not go on BaroFIT Program without written permission* of your Primary Care Physician or specialist taking care of you at present:CONDITIONYesNoPregnant female Breast feeding female Heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, by-pass, stent surgeryHistory of having cardiac arrhythmia, including having pace-maker History or current active cancer, including skin cancer NOT ALLOWED AT ALL:Sorry, if you have any of the following conditions, you cannot participate in BaroFIT :CONDITIONYesNoDo not eat any milk products i.e. Strict Vegan lifestyleParkinson’s DiseaseTaking Lithium TherapyDiagnosis or History of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)Severe Kidney Damage / DiseaseSevere Liver Damage / DiseaseThank you in advance for your time and patience in completing the following form.Page 1Form: History: June 2013PRESENT MEDICAL STATUSTo the best of your knowledge, are you in good health at the present time?YesNoExplain a “No” answer: What is wrong with you?Are you under a doctor’s care at the present time?YesNo If yes, for what conditions? Name of doctor?Address of Doctor?Phone of Doctor?Are you taking any medications at the present time?YesNoPrescription Drugs: List all the medications your doctor has prescribed for you. Drug NameDosageHow many times a day?Since when? For What Medical Condition?Over-the-Counter/ non-prescription herbal medications, vitamins, supplements etc: List all Product NameDosageHow many times a day?Since when?For What Medical Condition?Any allergies to any medications or Food products? Please list:YesNo Allergic to: NameSince when?What reactions do you get?Current Medical conditions: Do you currently have any of the following conditions?High Blood PressureYesNoDiabetesAt what age: YesNoHeart Attack or Chest Pain or other heart conditionSwelling of FeetFrequent Headaches? Migraines? Yes No Medications for Headaches: Yes NoYesNoConstipation (difficulty in bowel movements)?YesNoGlaucoma - increased pressure in eyesYesNoSleep ApneaYesNo Page 2Form: History: June 20136. (For Females only) Gynecologic History: Pregnancies: Number: Dates: Natural Delivery or C-Section (specify): Menstrual:Onset: Duration: Are they regular: Yes NoPain associated: Yes NoLast menstrual period: Hormone Replacement Therapy:YesNo What: Birth Control Pills:YesNoType: Last Check Up: YOUR PAST MEDICAL HISTORY (check all that apply) Polio Measles Tonsillitis Jaundice Mumps Pleurisy Kidneys Scarlet Fever Liver Disease Lung Disease` Whooping Cough Chicken Pox Rheumatic Fever Bleeding Disorder Nervous Breakdown Ulcers Gout Thyroid Disease Anemia Heart Valve Disorder Heart Disease Tuberculosis Gallbladder Disorder Psychiatric Illness Drug Abuse Eating Disorder Alcohol Abuse Pneumonia Malaria Typhoid Fever Cholera Cancer Blood Transfusion Arthritis Osteoporosis Other: Serious Injuries: YesNoSpecify (list all)DateAny Surgery: YesNo Specify: (List all)DateFAMILY HISTORYAGEHEALTHDiseasesOverweight?Cause of DeathFatherMotherBrothersSisters Has any blood relative ever had any of the following?GlaucomaYes No Who: Asthma Yes No Who: EpilepsyYes No Who: High Blood PressureYes No Who: Kidney Disease Yes No Who: DiabetesYes No Who: Psychiatric DisorderYes No Who: Heart Disease/Stroke Yes No Who: Page 3Form: History: June 2013YOUR NUTRITIONAL & SOCIAL EVALUATIONHeight (no shoes):Present Weight: Desired Weight: In what time frame would you like to be at your desired weight? Birth Weight: Weight at 20 years of age: Weight one year ago: What has been your maximum lifetime weight (non-pregnant) and when?When did you begin gaining excess weight? (Give reasons, if known): 6. What is the main reason for your decision to lose weight? Mark all that applies.Look BetterGetting married in near futureFeel betterWill be attending social function Improve my health conditionsMy partner /parent /friend want me to lose weightOther:Other:7. Previous diets you have followed:Yes NoName of the dietDatesWt Lose Result?Members in your family living with you:Spouse/Partner/roommateOverweightNormal wt.In Law -1 OverweightNormal wt.Child -1OverweightNormal wt.In Law-2OverweightNormal wt.Child -2OverweightNormal wt.OtherOverweightNormal wt.9. Please fill the following tableFood you eat?YesNoFood you eat?YesNoNon-vegetarianVegetarianFishMilk ProductsSea FoodOnionGoatEggsPork Beef10. How often do you eat out? 11. What restaurants do you frequent? Indian Italian Chinese Fast Food Chain Other___________12. How often do you eat “fast foods?”13. Who plans meals? Cooks? Shops? 14. Do you use a shopping list?YesNo15. What time of day and on what day do you usually shop for groceries? 16. Food allergies: 17. Food dislikes: 18. Food(s) you crave: □ Sweet foods □ Salty foods □ Fatty foods19. Any specific time of the day or month do you crave food? 20. Do you drink coffee or tea? YesNo How much daily? 20w. Do you drink Water? YesNo How much daily? ________ 21. Do you drink cola drinks? Yes No How much daily? 22. Do you drink alcohol? YesNo What? _______ How much daily? Weekly? 23. Do you use sugar substitute? Butter Substitute? Margarine? 24. Do you awaken hungry during the night?YesNo What do you do? 25. What are your worst food habits? 26. Snack Habits: What? How much? When? _______Form: History: June 2013 Page 427. When you are under a stressful situation at work or family related, do you tend to eat more? Explain: 28. Do you thing you are currently undergoing a stressful situation or an emotional upset? Explain: 29. Smoking / Tobacco Habits: (answer only one) You have never smoked cigarettes, cigars or a pipe. Or have consumed Tobacco in any form like Gutka etc You quit smoking years ago and have not smoked since. You have quit smoking cigarettes at least one year ago. You smoke less than 20 cigarettes per day (1 pack). How many Cigarettes_____or How many Gutka____ You smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day. How many_______ 30. Typical BreakfastTypical LunchTypical Dinner Time eaten: Time eaten: Time eaten: Where: Where: Where: With whom: With whom: With whom: 31. Describe your usual energy level: Encircle what is applicable.MorningExcellentGoodMedium/Just OKLowVery LowNoon - 2 PMExcellentGoodMedium/Just OKLowVery LowAfternoon 4-6 PMExcellentGoodMedium/Just OKLowVery LowNight 8-10 PMExcellentGoodMedium/Just OKLowVery Low32. Activity Level: (answer only one) Inactiveno regular physical activity with a sit-down job. Light activityno organized physical activity during leisure time. Moderate activityoccasionally involved in activities such as weekend golf, tennis, jogging, swimming or cycling.____ Heavy activityconsistent lifting, stair climbing, heavy construction, etc., or regular participation in jogging, swimming, cycling or active sports at least three times per week.. Vigorous activityparticipation in extensive physical exercise for at least 60 minutes per session 4 times per week.33. Behavior style: (answer only one) You are always calm and easygoing. You are usually calm and easygoing. You are sometimes calm with frequent impatience. You are seldom calm and persistently driving for advancement. You are never calm and have overwhelming ambition. You are hard-driving and can never relax.34. Please describe your general health goals and improvements you wish to make: 35. How motivated are you in accomplishing your heath & beauty Goals: Encircle one - 5 43 2 1 A lot motivated motivated Do not know Not motivated not motivated at allSignature: Date: The signatory Participant hereby recognizes the veracity of the information provided herein and that he/she has made an informed decision to go on the BaroFIT Program. Page 5Form: History: June 2013 ................

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