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Sept. 25, 2006



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Probation unit supervising juveniles named Outstanding Team

Nineteenth Judicial District team receives Judicial Branch award

The Outstanding Team in the Colorado Judicial Branch is the Nineteenth Judicial District’s* unit supervising juveniles on probation. Members of the unit are Carl Miller, Donna DeLuca, Jennifir Rudner, Carla Cronk, Bonnie Pope, Lawrence Hollier, Gilbert Trujillo, Carla Silva, Tom Harbaugh, Holly Holsinger and McKenzie Reilly. The Colorado Judicial Branch annually recognizes a handful of outstanding employees for exemplary work contributing to the high quality of service provided throughout the state’s 22 judicial districts.

“This team exemplifies the highest level of customer service,” says their previous supervisor, Dana Wilks, who now works in another judicial district and who nominated the team for the award. “They refuse to believe they cannot effect change and they work tirelessly to ensure community safety.”

The team initiated a special program for female offenders, funded by grants, which reduced revocation filings by 80 percent. One member of the team volunteered to establish an office in the south part of the district, creating new relationships with law enforcement and schools in the area.

Wilks was joined in nominating the team by David Simental, also a former supervisor now working in another judicial district. The two agreed they were constantly impressed by the team members’ ability to mentor and care for each other, maintaining high morale and tolerating no negativity.

District Court Magistrate Rebecca A. Koppes-Conway and Judicial Assistant Shannon Boone echo the praise for the team. “Each and every officer is a consummate professional who exhibits knowledge as to the juvenile and family circumstances,” Koppes-Conway writes in a letter supporting the nomination, also signed by Boone. “As a unit, they actually appear to like each other. I have seen them work together in fundraisers for local organizations; they cover for each other when necessary in court hearings, and are more than willing to assist the court staff when we find ourselves in a jam.”

The Colorado Judicial Branch includes the state’s county and district courts, Court of Appeals and Supreme Court. A total of 3,139* judicial employees including 275 judges and justices work to resolve cases in a fair, timely manner and ensure that probationers are supervised appropriately. In Fiscal Year 2006, which ended June 30, 2006, 556,136 cases were filed statewide at the county court level and 189,415 cases were filed in district court, 1,109 in the state water courts, 2,748 in the Court of Appeals and 1,393 in the Supreme Court. The number of total active adult probation cases was more than 40,000 at the end of Fiscal Year 2006 and there were 7,870 active juvenile probation cases.

*The Nineteenth Judicial District comprises Weld County.

** This is the total Full Time Equivalent (FTE) allocated in the Judicial Branch. One FTE in some cases is divided between two or more people.

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Colorado Judicial Branch

Mary J. Mullarkey, Chief Justice

Gerald Marroney, State Court Administrator


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