Lesson Plan for "Promoting Diversity Workshop"Grade: 8th grade 2018-19 – “Gender bias, Stereotype and Sexism””(Back ground 2020) Since 2018 version of this curricula received many comments that all students knew the riddle and many think there is no gender difference, we have changed the curricula slightly to point out even though many people understand male and female are supposed to be equal, in reality in our society, there are still significant amount of gender bias/stereotypes (hence sexism) exist. Towards the end, how gender stereotypes affect male is also discussed. Activity#ActivitytimeSub-activity (slide#)timeNotes1Title page0Slide 10Use this screen before presentation starts2Introduction6Facilitator introduction (slide 2)2One of the facilitators introduces GMDCEach facilitator introduces himself/herself—possibly mention something about themselves that is relevant to the topic of the dayStudent Introduction4Ask students to introduce themselves---name and something that brings out gender difference such as:What do you want to be when you grow up (is there gender difference?)Your favorite thing to do (is there gender difference?)What do you watch on TV (is there gender difference?) Pay attention to the gender differences and mention the differences after the introduction. “Did you notice boys’ and girls’ responses were very different…?”3What’s wrong with this?6Bison (slide 3)2“Two boys are at Minneopa State Park watching bison. They are so impressed by the huge bison that they started naming the bison: “That’s Henry”, “That’s Carlos”, “That’s Amed” ….They do not know the gender of the vison. But they are naming them as male. It turns out bison at Minneopa are all females except for babies.Why do they naming the bison using male names? They are huge and strong looking –must be maleThe boys are male– therefore naturally naming the bison with male namesThese are unconscious gender biases Crying Tom (slide 4)2Tom was doing something he shouldn’t be doing outside. Dad found it and scolded him. He started crying loudly. Later the neighbor shouted at him: “ Tom! Did I hear you crying before? You are a boy! You shouldn’t be crying” Crying is the girls’ thing– gender bis/stereotype. Therefore, boys don’t cry or shouldn’t cry. So, what’ wrong with boys crying? Dad and baby (slide 5)2Their baby was sick. Mom went to work. Dad took the baby to the doctor. The nurse at the doctor’s office said “Oh, my goodness, such a great dad!”If a mother takes a sick child to the doctor, she’s simply fulfilling basic expectations of parenthood. “But if the father takes the child to the doctor, he gets,?Oh, my goodness, such a great dad. “Typical gender bias: mom is the one who takes care of the baby.Do you think this nurse is male or female? Why? 4Definition2.5 Bias (slide 6)1Bias is: Belief, preference, or mindsetOften unconsciousDifficult to explain whyExamples of bias:Food bias, Age bias, Racial bias, Cultural bis.Gender bias (slide 7).5Gender bias is: Preference based on gender…preference of one gender over anotherStereotype (slide 8)1Ask students to: 1) ask if anyone define the word, Definition: generalization of the entire group based on one person or small number of the peopleExamples: All girl babies wear pink. Boys don’t cry. Girls are artistic and boys are athletic…These examples are all gender stereotypes: stereotypes related to gender. Similar terminology: gender bias. 5Group work3Slide 93Group students into several groups. Each group receives one worksheet.Ask students to “VERY QUICKLY” list male/female stereotypes. Ask each group to report: Ask each group to discuss if these gender stereotypes still exist? Why, why not?Ask each group to report. 6Gender bias and stereotype regarding jobs?6Executives and secretary (slide 10)2Gender stereotypes/bias could create a large gender imbalance in certain jobs. Let’s look at some examples.In business world, only 14% of top executives are women but 96% of secretaries are women. In Medicine (slide 11)1While most nurses are women, the majority of doctors are men. ?Airline (slide 12)1In airline industry, only 3% of pilot are women and 24% of flight attendant are men. ?MSU freshmen 2018 (slide 13)2These are the MSU’s 2018 freshmen class’ most gender in balanced majors.Explain the chart from the left:Auto… is basically all maleDental education is all femaleElementary… is mostly femaleElectrical and computer, integrated, and mechanical engineering are mostly maleNursing majors are mostly female.7Group work 24Group work (slide 14)4Assign each group to Business (executives and secretary), medical (doctors and nurses), or airline (pilots and flight attendants)Using back side of the worksheet, ask each group to come up with:Why there is such a large gender gap in these jobs? List the possible reasons.So, gender gap justified? Why? Why not?5Definition: sexism2??Gender stereotype and Sexism (slide 15)1?Gender stereotypes are society’s association of certain gender with certain things such as “jobs” as we saw. Gender stereotypes often lead to gender-based discrimination called sexism?Sexism (slide 16)1Sexism: Cultural, institutional, and individual viewpoint that one sex is superior to another. (Targets in most cultures are girls and women.)?What are some examples of sexism in school? How about in the workplace? -- Unequal funding for women’s sports; invisibility of women in history, in math, science, literature, etc.; “glass ceiling” in many organizations.6Video 14“Scandal” (slide 17)2Video: 2 min. long?We are going to watch a clip from TV show “Scandal”. This video shows sexism in action. Pay attention the interviewer (man) exercises sexism almost subconsciously. video discussion (slide 18) 2Carry out a short discussion about the “Scandal” video clip using questions on the screen.Any thoughts on the video clip?Why was Congresswoman Marcus upset at having the interview at her home and about the pitcher of iced tea? (Women and home or iced tea are clear female gender stereotypes. They have nothing to do with being the president)What stereotype does she say the interviewer and other men are promoting in this interview? (Women are weaker than men; hence, cannot be commander-in-chief)What do you think? Does gender have anything to do with being the President of the United States? 7Can men/boys be affected by Sexism?3Can men/boys be hurt by stereotype? (slide 19)1Let’s remember what you come up with male gender stereotypes in the beginning of the class. If men are expected to be like these typical “Real men” stereotype, and if you are NOT, what do you feel? The stereotypes that men must be the breadwinner, strong, athletic, protector, or simply better than women stress men and boys. If you are pressured into society’s gender mold, the real you are suppressed, and your life can become stressfulVideo 2 (slide 20)2Show video first and ask students why this video went so viral? Because this video defies typical male stereotype: A WWF super star wrestler is a typical manly man on stage…he is NOT expected to sing, dance, and have tea party with his little daughter. But in this video, he is not afraid of showing his sensitive, caring, loving side, which typically is considered female stereotype. How many boys here want to be like him when you have a daughter? 8Closing2Slide 222Why are we talking about gender? Gender or gender identity is part of us. It’s a reality; something that is part of our world.Gender bias, gender stereotypes and sexism not only influence everyone but often hurt many people.People who are outside of gender stereotypes are just like us. Can you respect them for who they are? Ask questions on the screen then final questions: Is it OK for men to like romantic movies, dance ballet, and bake cakes?Is it OK for women to like action movies, drive trucks and BBQ burgers??9Student feedback2?Slide 232Watch the time.One facilitator (or ask teacher’s help) distributes the student feedback forms. Explain 1, 2, 3, 4Read questionsAsk for any comments at the bottom. Thank all the students for their participation and administer the feedback survey encouraging honest answers and comments on the you?47? ................

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