Greek mythology names female and meanings


Greek mythology names female and meanings

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Click on the results to see where your name came from, what it means and even a number of translations of your name. This website offers free name searches that include the popularity of your name along with its masculine or feminine versions. Behind the Name also shares how your name has evolved over time.Babble Your Favorite NamesBabble online offers a huge selection of fun baby names along with their meanings. Use this website to check out your favorite name or to find out "what nationality is my name." Babble is filled with names that you might browse by origin, or check out names by theme or in alphabetical order. Click on your name and find out when it was most popular and what it means, learn tons of different spellings and even find famous people with your name. MORE FROM 130 Nature Names for Girls Inspired by the Great Outdoors // 134 names 1920s Girl Names With Vintage Va-Va-Voom // 205 names 4 Letter Girl Names for Your Daughter // 162 names 5 Letter Girl Names to Add to Your List // 213 names Aesthetic Girl Names for Your Fashionista // 146 names Looking for a baby name that imparts a sense of strength, wisdom, and power? A name that has its roots in Greek mythology could be the answer!To inspire you, we've created a list of legendary gods, goddesses, Titans, and warriors taken from Greek mythology.Read on to discover the meanings and stories behind some of the best Greek mythology baby names. With any luck, you'll find the perfect name for your little hero or heroine.Damon: This name means "to tame," and in Greek mythology Damon was a very good friend. Greek legend has it that Damon risked his life for his friend Pythias. Their friendship became symbolic of trust and loyalty.Hector: Coming from the Greek word meaning "to hold" or "to possess," Hector was a Trojan prince who was said to be a great warrior during the Trojan War.Jason: You may have heard of Jason and the Argonauts. The Argonauts were a mighty group of Greek warriors and Jason was their leader. The name means "healer" or "he that cures."Zeus: A stand-out name in Greek mythology, Zeus was the god of thunder and the sky. According to Greek mythology, Zeus was the highest of the gods, and he ruled over humankind. The name comes from a word with the root meaning of "shine" or "sky."Hermes: You might connect this name with a celebrated fashion brand, but Hermes was also the name of the Greek god of travel and trade. This name is associated with swiftness and good luck. The name probably derives from a word meaning "boundary-maker."Adonis: This name comes from a Phoenician word that means "lord." In Greek mythology, Adonis was a handsome young shepherd. Your little one will no doubt be a good-looking baby boy, so this name might be the perfect choice for you!Atlas: Thought to mean "to endure," Atlas is the name of a Titan (an early Greek deity) who was forced to carry the heavens on his shoulders as a punishment for his role in the war of the Titans.Paris: In Greek mythology, Paris started the Trojan War by abducting Helen of Troy. Although the meaning of the name is unknown, Paris ended up defeating the powerful hero Achilles.Apollo: Apollo was the Greek god of music, art, prophecy, medicine, knowledge, law, beauty, and wisdom. He was eventually also the god of sun and light. The name might be rooted in a word that means "strength."Ajax: This name might be derived from a Greek word meaning "mourner" or perhaps "earth" or "land." Ajax was a hero who fought in the Trojan War.Argus: This name means "shining." In Greek mythology, more than one figure held this name. One Argus was a creature with a hundred eyes, and another Argus was the man who built a great ship called the Argo.Linus: This name means "flax." In Greek mythology, Linus was the son of the god Apollo. He was also thought to be a great musician and teacher to the immortal Herakles.Helios: From the Greek word meaning "sun," Helios was the young god who rode across the sky in a chariot.Mentor: Odysseus left Mentor to guard his palace and his son when he went off to fight in the Trojan War. Mentor means "mind," "strength," and "force." Mentor was a wise and trusted guide.Midas: In Greek mythology, Midas was a king who was granted a wish by the god Dionysus. The wish was that everything Midas touched would turn to gold. The expression about having the "Midas touch" stems from this Greek myth.Nestor: In Greek mythology, this name is synonymous with wisdom and longevity. It comes from the Greek word meaning "homecoming."Achilles: The meaning of this name is uncertain, but Achilles was renowned as one of the bravest Greek heroes in the Trojan War. He was killed by an arrow that shot the only vulnerable part of his body: his heel.Adrastos: For your courageous little hero, you might like to pick this name, which means "not inclined to run away." In Greek legend, Adrastos was the name of a mighty king of Argos.Alexander: From the Greek word meaning "defender of man." In Greek mythology, the hero Paris was also sometimes called by the name Alexander.Eros: This name means "love." In Greek mythology, the god Eros was the son of Aphrodite. He was armed with arrows that caused those they pierced to fall in love. Cupid is the counterpart of Eros in Roman mythology.Pan: In Greek mythology, Pan was a half-man, half-goat god. He is associated with pastures, flocks, and shepherds. The name probably comes from a word meaning "protector."Hyperion: A Titan who ruled over the sun and light, Hyperion was the father of Helios the sun god, Eos the dawn goddess, and Selene the moon goddess. Hyperion was one of the original 12 Titans even though his name isn't as commonly known as other Titans or gods. Zeus's father, Cronus, was Hyperion's brother.Leander: Derived from the words meaning "lion" and "man." Leander loved the priestess Hero, and swam to her across the Hellespont every night.Theseus: This name possibly derived from the words that mean "to place" or "to set." Theseus was a heroic king of Athens. Greek legend says that the Cretan king Minos demanded that Theseus sacrifice seven boys and seven girls every seven years to be devoured by the Minotaur monster. Theseus went in place of one of the children to slay the Minotaur. With the help of Ariadne, he succeeded.Simon: A popular name whose meaning is derived from a Greek word meaning "flat-nosed." Simon was a demigod who was one of the first inhabitants of Rhodes.Patroclus: From the Greek word meaning "glory of the father." Patroclus was a hero who fought against the Trojans.Prometheus: This name means "foresight" or "forethought." In Greek mythology, Prometheus was a Titan who gave the knowledge of fire to humankind.Neilos: This is the Greek name of the Nile River. Neilos was the god of the Nile. The Nile River was a major source of life and commerce, so this would be a mighty and powerful name for your little boy.Lykos: Meaning "wolf," this name was given to several characters in Greek myths.Myles: Probably derived from the Greek word that means "mill," Myles was the name of the king of Laconia. This name not only sounds classic but has roots in Greek mythology, and could be a great choice for your little boy.Priam: This name may come from the Greek word meaning "redeemed." Priam was the king of Troy during the Trojan War. He had many children including the heroes Hector and Paris.Xanthos: This bright name means "yellow." It was the name of several characters in Greek mythology.Zephyr: This Greek god was the ruler of the west wind, which brought early spring and summer breezes. For a little boy who will bring you warmth and smiles, this could be a great name to choose.Diomedes: From a combination of Greek words meaning "of Zeus" and "to think," this name is a formidable one. As one of the greatest Greek heroes, Diomedes fought against the Trojans.Athena: Athena was the Greek goddess of warfare and wisdom, so it's a fine name for a wise and powerful daughter. Athena is also the patron goddess of Athens, the capital city of Greece.Daphne: In Greek, this name means "laurel." According to Greek mythology, the beautiful Daphne was turned into a laurel tree so that she could escape the advances of the god Apollo.Helen: With a name probably coming from the Greek word that means "torch," Helen was the daughter of the powerful god Zeus and his partner, Leda. In Greek mythology, Helen was one of the most beautiful women of her time, and her abduction by Paris started the Trojan War.Penelope: This name represents loyalty and faithfulness in relationships. In Homer's epic "Odyssey," Penelope fended off the advances of suitors while her husband Odysseus was fighting at Troy.Phoebe: A Titan whose name means "bright" and "pure," Phoebe was associated with the moon in Greek mythology. For a little girl who will shine bright in your life, this name could fit perfectly.Selene: The Greek goddess of the moon, Selene was also often connected with the goddess Artemis. Selene was said to be the personification of the moon, and Artemis was a goddess associated, in part, with the moon.Iris: With a name meaning "rainbow" in Greek, Iris was the goddess of the rainbow and a messenger to the gods.Clio: With a name deriving from the Greek word kleos, meaning "glory," she was the goddess of history and heroic poetry. Clio was one of the Nine Muses, deities that gave people the inspiration they needed to create art, poetry, drama, music, and more. It's believed that she introduced the alphabet to Greece.Cassandra: A Trojan princess, Cassandra was given the gift of prophecy by Apollo. The name is possibly derived from a Greek word meaning "to excel" or "to shine."Melaina: A nymph in Greek mythology. The name is derived from a word meaning "black" or "dark."Thalia: One of the Nine Muses, Thalia presided over comedy and pastoral poetry. The name comes from a Greek word meaning "to blossom."Gaia: From the Greek word meaning "earth," Gaia was earth's mother goddess. Gaia is connected to the creation of the earth. For a little girl who's going to be quite a powerful force, Gaia could be the perfect name.Anthea: This vibrant name comes from a Greek word meaning "flower" or "blossom." If you're looking for a name that has a floral ring to it as well as mythological tones, this could be the right choice for your baby!Larissa: With a name possibly derived from a word meaning "citadel," the nymph Larisa was either the daughter or the mother of the Greek Pelasgus. This name is sometimes spelled Larissa.Harmonia: In Greek mythology, Harmonia was the daughter of the goddess Aphrodite and the god Ares. The name means "harmony" or "agreement." If your little girl could be one to bring peace or just add a little sweet music to life, this could be an excellent name.Aella: From the Greek word meaning "whirlwind," Aella was a mighty Amazon warrior. She went down in a battle against Herakles as she fought to protect the waist belt of her queen, Hippolyta. The magical waist belt signified Hippolyta's authority as queen of the Amazons.Chloe: Referring to a new plant growing in the spring, this name means "green shoot." This name was used to describe the goddess Demeter.Calypso: With a name likely derived from a Greek word that means "she that conceals," Calypso was a nymph who fell in love with Odysseus.Medea: In Greek mythology, she was a sorceress who helped Jason capture the Golden Fleece. The Golden Fleece was the fleece of a winged ram, Chrysomallos, and it was a symbol of kingship and power. Medea's name may be derived from a word meaning "to think" or "to plan." Jason betrayed Medea, and she took terrible revenge.Cora: From the name Kore in Greek, this name means "maiden." Cora was another name for the goddess Persephone. For a name that sounds traditional and so sweet, this one might be just right for your little girl.Electra: Derived from the Greek word meaning "amber," Electra helped her brother kill their mother and her love in vengeance for her father's murder.Dione: From the Greek word dios, meaning "of Zeus," it therefore means "goddess." According to some Greek legends, Dione was the mother of Aphrodite.Hermione: According to Greek legend, Hermione was the daughter of Helen and Menelaus. Her name is derived from Hermes, the messenger god.Ione: Meaning "violet flower" in ancient Greek, Ione was a sea nymph. If you're looking for a name that has roots in such beautiful things as flowers and the sea, this one could be a lovely choice.Melia: Her name means "ash tree" in Greek and is a derivative of the word "honey." Melia was a Greek nymph and daughter of the god Okeanos.Circe: From a Greek word that might mean "bird." Circe was a sorceress who changed Odysseus's crew into hogs, but he forced her to change them back into men.Metis: The consort of Zeus. In prophecy, Metis's children would be wiser than Zeus, so he swallowed her after she became pregnant. In the end, however, their daughter Athena burst out of Zeus's head, fully grown.Pallas: Probably from the Greek word that means "maiden." Pallas was a friend of the goddess Athena who accidentally killed her. Athena then took the name of Pallas in honor of her.Themis: The name means "divine law" or "law of nature." Themis was a Titan who ruled over custom and natural law. She was often depicted holding scales and wearing a blindfold.Rhea:. In Greek mythology, the Titan Rhea was the mother of Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Hestia. As the name of the mother of the first generation of Greek gods and goddesses, Rhea could be an excellent choice for a little girl born to make a mighty mark on the world.Finding the perfect name for your baby boy or girl takes some thought and patience. We hope our list of Greek mythology names inspired you to find one that suits your little god or goddess.You can also check out our Baby Name Generator for even more baby name ideas. You can search by name origin, the first letter of the name, or even gender.For some fun and additional baby name inspiration, see our tips for throwing a great baby naming party. You could consider making it a themed party and dress up as your favorite Greek hero or heroine. Your guests could then help you choose a name from your short list of your favorite baby names from Greek mythology.

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