Grade 11 Media Studies

Assessment Plan

|Units/Strands and Big Ideas/Essential Skills |

|Unit 1: Essays |Unit 2: Short Fiction |Unit 3: Literature Circles |Unit 4: Poetry |Unit 5: Hamlet |Unit 6: CCA |

|Strands: Writing |Strands: Reading |Strands: Reading, Oral, Writing * |Reading, Media |Reading, Media | |

|Summative Assessments |

|Title/description: Essay (throughout the unit, |Title/description: Short Story presentation: in small|Title/description: Reader’s Journals: throughout the |Title/description: Poetry Anthology: students create |Title/description: Multimedia project |Title/description: Comparative Essay |

|students will create outlines for different types of |groups students will apply one school of literary |unit students will prepare reading response journals.|a multimedia poetry anthology based on a particular |Students will create a thesis and choose a | |

|essays. They will take one of these outlines to |criticism to a new short story |Their best set of journals for each book will be |theme or author. Includes Venn diagram and poetry |presentation format based on one of the key ideas in | |

|completion. |Test |assessed. |explication |the play. | |

| | | | |Planning sheet, rubric | |

|Formative Assessments |

|Title/description: Reading Diagnostic: Essay Sojourners|Title/description: Elements of Fiction Review: |Title/description: Novel Selection: Students choose |Title/description: Intro to Poetry: note and |Title/description: Key Ideas in Hamlet | |

| |Students will create a foldable organizer of elements|either Life of Pi and Haroun and the Sea of Stories |reflective journal |Background lecture using backchannel discussion: | |

| |of fiction and common literary devices (done in small|or Three Day Road and The Stone Carvers | | | |

| |groups as jigsaw or give one/get one) | | | | |

|Title/description: Grammar Review: sentence types |Title/description: How to Keep a Reader’s Journal |Title/Description: Discussion Question Concept |Title/description: Practice Poetry Explication: “This|Title/description: Brevity is the Soul of (T)wit: | |

|(compound/complex), active vs passive voice, parallel |Students do a practice set of reader’s journals for |Attainment and Q chart Students learn how to develop |is A Photograph of Me” model poetry explication |Students are assigned roles and tweet throughout the | |

|structure, appositives, comma, semi colon. Spread |“Things That Fly” as preparation for Literature |their own discussion questions |Teacher’s notes for poem. |play reflecting on the ways in which the actions and | |

|throughout unit. See |Circle Reader’s Journals | | |events affect their character (discussions are | |

| | | | |assessed rather than tweets) | |

|Title/description: Academic Citation and MLA format: |Title/description: Introduction to Literary |Title/description: Literature Circle Meetings (3 per |Title/description: Poetry Explication: “Dulce et |Title/description: Content quizzes | |

|label and annotate an academic essay in MLA format. |Criticism: Begin with Reader Response note: apply to |book). Discussion questions and oral communication |Decorum Est” Students create a set of notes with a | | |

|Students write a mini essay (one page) demonstrating |“Things That Fly” and Discussion Questions |assessed. |partner. Then the next day they write the poetry | | |

|proper academic citation and grammar but not content. | | |explication (using their own notes) individually. | | |

|Title/description: The Narrative Essay |Title/description: Archetypal Literary Criticism: |Title/description: Reflective Blog posts After each |Title/description: Poetic Devices Flip book: similar |Title/description: Theme Journals: For a given act | |

|Note on Narrative Essay |note and apply to “Things That Fly” |meeting, students are given a series of prompts to |to flip book from short story unit |students choose one of the themes from the Key Ideas | |

|Read “April Fools on Polar Circus” |Look at Joseph Campbell’s monomyth in relation to pop|choose from to construct a response that consolidates| |in Hamlet note and explain how the theme has been | |

|Analyze essay |culture |ideas from literature circle meeting | |developed. (Do two, mark the best one) | |

|Create outline for own personal essay. | |Blog Instructions | | | |

| | |Blog topics | | | |

|Title/description: The Persuasive Essay: Note on |Title/description: Marxist Literary Criticism: Read | |Title/description: Rhythm and meter: teacher models |Title/description: Discussion questions: Hand some | |

|Persuasive Essay |“Transients in Arcadia,” discuss level of language. | |poetry scansion for the class then students working |in. Use others for more informal class discussions. | |

|Read “Liking is for Cowards” or “Science and Beauty” |Pop song lyric rewrite | |in pairs complete the poetry scansion. | | |

|Analyse essay |Note on Marxist literary criticism | | | | |

|Create outline for own persuasive essay |Apply to “Transients” | | | | |

|Title/description: The Essay of Argument: Note on Essay|Title/description: Formalist Literary Criticism: Read| |Title/description: Venn Diagram comparison of two |Title/description: Small group scene presentations | |

|of Argument |“On the Rainy River” | |Poems Class split in half. Each half reads and |(if time permits) Students present a scene and | |

|Read “Politics and the English Language” |Journal response on “story truth” | |analyzes a different poem and then has to teach it to|explain how it furthers plot, develops theme, | |

|Analyze essay |Note on Formalism | |a partner. Then individually create a venn diagram to|character, conflict, etc. | |

|Note on logical thinking |Apply to “On the Rainy River” | |compare them. “Late Landing” and “Because I could not| | |

|Create outline for own essay of argument | | |stop for Death” | | |

|Title/description: The Descriptive Essay Note on |Title/description: Structuralist Literary Criticism: | | |Title/description: Small group analysis/presentation | |

|Descriptive Essay |Note on Structuralist literary criticism | | |of essays about Hamlet. | |

|Read “On the Road to Berlin” |Apply to “On the Rainy River” | | | | |

|Analyze essay | | | | | |

|Create outline for own descriptive essay | | | | | |

| |Title/description: Feminist Literary Criticism: Note | | | | |

| |on Feminist literary criticism | | | | |

| |Read “The Yellow Wallpaper” | | | | |

| |Apply Feminist literary criticism to “The Yellow | | | | |

| |Wallpaper | | | | |

| |Title/description: Literary Criticism Concept Map | | | | |


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