
Hurricane Katrina satellite image looks like 6-week fetus

Satellite picture of Hurricane Katrina at

looks like a 6-week unborn human child as it comes ashore the

Gulf Coast, vicinity states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama,

and Florida at 12:32 PM, Monday, August 29, 2005




Map Room

Hurricane "Katrina" (reportedly means "Pure" in Russian) - satellite image -

Monday, 29 Aug 05, 12:32 PM (EDT) - coming ashore Gulf Coast -

satellite image looks like 6-week fetus

check out NOAA website:

The image of the hurricane above with its eye already ashore at 12:32 PM Monday, August 29

looks like a fetus (unborn human baby) facing to the left (west) in the womb, in the early weeks

of gestation (approx. 6 weeks). Even the orange color of the image is reminiscent of a commonly used pro-life picture of early prenatal development (see sign with picture of 8-week pre-born human child below). In this picture, and in another picture in today's on-line edition of USA Today*, this hurricane looks like an unborn human child.

* See also satellite picture of Hurricane Katrina at that looks like

unborn human child


Posted 8/29/2005 7:08 AM Updated 8/29/2005 12:31 PM

Still-powerful Hurricane Katrina moving inland

NOAA, The Weather Channel Satellite image of Katrina crashing into the Gulf Coast.

Louisiana has 10 child-murder-by-abortion centers - FIVE are in New Orleans

('Find an Abortion Clinic [sic]')

Baby-murder state # 1 - California (125 abortion centers) - land of earthquakes, forest fires, and


Baby-murder state # 2 - New York (78 abortion centers) - 9-11 Ground Zero

Baby-murder state # 3 - Florida (73 abortion centers) - Hurricanes Bonnie, Charley, Frances, Ivan,

Jeanne in 2004; and now, Hurricane Katrina

in 2005

God's message: REPENT AMERICA !


Picture below of 8-week fetus/pre-birth human child displayed on the street in Columbia, South Carolina. The same image has been displayed by pro-lifers in cities across America:

ESTABLISHING BLOODGUILT - Ezekiel 22:2 - "... the word of the LORD came unto

me [Ezekiel], saying, ... wilt thou judge the bloody city? yea, thou shalt show her all her abominations.

Just as God did with a similar satellite picture of Hurricane Ivan in 2004, He is showing us,

in this and many, many, many other ways, our abomination of child-murder-by-abortion. When will we stop murdering 3,000 plus babies in America per day !?

(just by surgical abortion alone).

Go to to see how many of the nation's almost 741 abortion murder centers are located in the cities and states along Hurricane Katrina's path.

'Click' on "Find an Abortion Clinic [sic]"


Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary

dir., Columbia Christians for Life

Columbia, SC

August 29, 2005

George Mason - Constitutional Convention, Aug. 22, 1787:

"By an inevitable chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes national sins by

national calamities."

Abortion is a national sin. How long must the list of national calamities and divine judgments from God become (Sept. 11th, Columbine High School, horrible crimes of child abuse and murder, gang violence, forest fires, drought, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, pestilences, diseases, cancers... etc, etc.), and the BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars that these judgments have cost us, before America repents of child-murder-by-abortion and sodomy ? The President and the U.S. Congress have the constitutional power to end abortion in America in one week, now, if they wished to - and most Christians and other pro-lifers

don't even know it ! [God has said His people "are destroyed for lack of knoweldge:..." Hosea 4:6]



(federal-level abortion ban nationwide)

Hosea 4:1,2:

"... the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in land. By swearing, and lying, and killing [abortion], and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood [bloodshed follows bloodshed]."

Amos 3:6,7:

"Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it? "Surely the LORD GOD will do nothing, but [unless] He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets."

Hosea 4:6:

"... seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God

[and legitimize child-murder-by-abortion, sodomy, and many other sins, blasphemies, and idolatries in America], [God says,] I will also forget thy children."

AMERICA: God continues to warn us:

Repentance from child-murder-by-abortion and sodomy, or "Toast"

Who is listening ???


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