Ms. A. Irving | Campbell Collegiate

Life Transitions 20Name: ______________________________Date: _______________________________Inside Pregnancy: A Week at a TimeComplete the chart below as we watch the videos on . Remember that every fetus has its own growth pattern, but this chart shows the general development of the average fetus. The same is true for the effects the pregnancy will have on the mother.Fetal DevelopmentFirst Trimester – Weeks 1-9First Trimester – Weeks 10-14Second Trimester – Weeks 15-20Second Trimester – Weeks 21-27Third Trimester – Weeks 28-37Effects of Pregnancy on the MotherLife Transitions 20Name: ______________________________Date: _______________________________Inside Pregnancy: A Week at a TimeComplete the chart below as we watch the videos on . Remember that every fetus has its own growth pattern, but this chart shows the general development of the average fetus. The same is true for the effects the pregnancy will have on the mother.Fetal DevelopmentFirst Trimester – Weeks 1-9Around week 5, your developing baby is the size of a sesame seed. Your baby's brain and spinal cord are visible through his translucent skin.Right around this time, your baby's circulatory system also forms and his heart begins to beat.Your baby looks more like a tiny tadpole than a human. He's drawing nutrients and oxygen through the newly formed placenta and umbilical cord.By week 9, the embryonic tail is gone. Your baby's looking more human every day, with protruding limbs and fingers, a defined nose, mouth, and eyes, and tiny earlobes.Your new resident is about the size of a grape and weighs a fraction of an ounce.First Trimester – Weeks 10-14baby is entering the fetal stage of development.His facial features are defined, and his tooth buds are forming.Over the next weeks, his tissues and organs will rapidly grow and mature.The webbing is gone between his fingers and toes, and his nails and fingerprints are developing. Your baby can open and close his fists and curl his toes.Through translucent skin, his vital organs are visible and functioning, including his growing brain, nervous system, intestines, and liverBy week 14, your baby's eyes and ears have moved into place, and he can squint, frown, and grimace.Second Trimester – Weeks 15-20Between 15 and 20 weeks, your baby will more than double in size. As his body grows, his nervous system is rapidly maturing.His nerves are connecting his brain to the rest of his body Your baby's skeleton is changing. The soft cartilage is starting to harden into bone. This happens first in the arms and legs.Sensory development is picking up speed. Your baby's brain is designating special areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. At this stage, your baby may be able to hear your heartbeat and voice, so read aloud or sing a happy tune.Your baby may even be sucking his thumb now.At about 18 weeks, you'll start to experience one of the most exciting parts of pregnancy: feeling your baby's movements. His flexing arms and legs may feel like gentle flutters at first. They'll become even stronger and more frequent in the weeks ahead.At 20 weeks, your baby weighs a little more than 10 ounces and measures about 10 inches from head to heel (about the length of a banana).Second Trimester – Weeks 21-27Between 21 and 27 weeks, your baby's sense of touch is developing, along with his unique fingerprints.Around 23 weeks, your baby can swallow. Soon after, you may notice fetal hiccups.Incredibly, your baby is already practicing breathing by inhaling and moving small amounts of amniotic fluid in and out of his lungs.At 24 weeks, a baby is capable of surviving outside the uterus with significant medical help.At 27 weeks, your baby's eyelids may open as a reflex, but he can't see yetHis lips are formed, and he now has tiny taste buds on his tongue.He weighs nearly 2 pounds and is about 14 and a half inches long. Third Trimester – Weeks 28-37At 28 weeks, your baby weighs just over 2 pounds. He'll more than triple his weight between now and birth, and build a layer of fat that will help keep him warm outside the womb.Your baby's skeleton is hardening. The bones in his head have not yet fused together, which will allow them to slightly overlap as his head passes through the snug space of the birth canal.Billions of neurons have developed and are firing in your baby's brain, creating essential connections that will help him learn in and outside the womb.Your baby can open his eyes now and see the light that filters through your womb. He can hear, too, so go ahead and talk or sing to your baby.As your due date nears, your baby will shed small bits of vernix caseosa, the white "cheesy" substance that covers his entire body and protects his skin from the amniotic fluid he's floating in. Your baby swallows some of these bits, along with other secretions, which pass through his digestive system to become his first bowel movement.At 37 weeks, your baby's skin is pink and soft. He's looking less like a wrinkled alien and more like a baby. He's gaining nearly one ounce a day and weighs about 6 pounds. He's now considered full-term.In preparation for birth, most babies will turn so their head is facing downward. Your baby will stay that way, head resting in your pelvic area, as he gets ready to greet the world. ................

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