THIS DOCUMENTATION HAS DESIGNED FOR PROPER READIABILITY OF GENERAL DISEASES ALONG WITH THEIR CORRESPONDING SYMPTOMS TO DIFFERENTIATE EACH DISEASE CORRECTLY.AS WE KNOW THAT THERE ARE MANY DISEASES THAT ARE GENERAL SO THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS ALMOST ALL THE GENERAL DISEASES THAT A PERSON MAY HAVE DUE TO SEASON CHANGES OR ANY EXTERNAL OR INTERNAL EFFECT OF ENVIRNMENT.LUNGS:DISEASESSYMPTOMSIdiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (a disease in which tissues in your lungs becomes thick & stiff or scarred overtime).Shortness of breathA dry, hacking coughRapid breathingGradual , unintended weight lossTirednessClubbing, which is the widening & rounding of the tips of the fingers or toes.Influenza (flu)FeverDry persistentCoughFatigue & weaknessNasal congestionSore throatLung cancerA cough that does not go away or gets worseFeverChest painHoarsenessWeight loss & loss of appetiteCoughing up blood or rust-colored spitPertussis (whooping cough)Runny noseNasal congestionRed , watery eyesFeverCoughPlewisy Pain on one side of chestPain on shoulders & backBreathing shallowly to avoid feeling painHeadacheJoint painMuscle achesPulmonary embolism & pulmonary fibrosisRapid heart rateSweatingAnxietyCoughing up blood or pink, foamy mucusPulmonary hyper tensionShortness of breathingFatigueDizziness or fainting spellsChest pressure or painSwelling in ankles, legs & eventually in abdomenBluish color to lips & skinRacing pulse or heart palpitationsRespiratory syncytial virus (RSV)Congested or runny noseDry coughLow grade feverSore throatMild headacheFeverRapid breathing Bluish color of skinSarcoidosis Fatigue FeverSwollen lymph nodesWeight lossDry coughShortness of breathWheezingChest painRashLesionsColor changeNodulesBlurred visionEye painSleep Apnea Waking up with very sore or dry throatLoud snoring Wake up with a chocking or grasping sensationSleepiness or lack of energy during the day Morning headache Restless sleepForgetfulness, mood changesTuberculosisCoughing up bloodChest pain or pain with breathing or coughingUn intentional weight lossFatigueFever Night sweatsOccupational AsthmaWheezing (sometimes just at night)CoughingShortness of breatheChest tightnessRunny noseNasal congestionEye irritation and tearing SilicosisShortness of breathe Severe coughFatigueLoss of appetiteChest painFeverBluish skinNon tuberculosis Mycobacteria Blood in sputumCoughFeverLack of appetiteLoss of energy Night sweatsWeight lossAcute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)Bacterial blood infectionDrug overdose Having many blood transfusionsHeart lung bypassSevere bleeding form traumatic injury CHEST:DISEASESSYMPTOMSHeart attackChest painSweatingPressureFullness or tightness in your chestCrushing or searing pain radiating to your back, neck, jaws, shoulders& arms particularly left arms.Shortness of breathDizziness or weaknessNausea or vomitingAngina Chest painSweatingPressureFullness or tightness in your chestCrushing or searing pain radiating to your back, neck, jaws, shoulders & arms particularly left arms.Shortness of breathDizziness or weaknessNausea or vomitingAortic dissectionChest painSweatingPressureFullness or tightness in your chestCrushing or searing pain radiating to your back, neck, jaws, shoulders & arms particularly left arms.Shortness of breathDizziness or weaknessNausea or vomitingPericarditis Chest painSweatingPressureFullness or tightness in your chestCrushing or searing pain radiating to your back, neck, jaws, shoulders & arms particularly left arms.Shortness of breathDizziness or weaknessNausea or vomitingHeart burnCostochonclritisSore musclesInjured ribsPanic attackA sour taste or sensation of foodLIVER:DISEASESSYMPTOMSAcute liver failureYellowish of your skin and eye balls (jaundice). Pain in your upper right abdomen.Abdominal swelling.Nausea.Vomiting.A general sense of felling unwell (malaise).Disorientation and confusion.Sleepiness.CirrhosisLoss of appetite.Lack of energy which may be debilitating.Weight loss or sudden weight gain.Bruises.Yellowing of skin or the whites of eyes (jaundice)Itchy skin.Fluid retention (edema) and swelling in the ankles, legs and abdomen.A brownish and orange tint of the wineLight colored stools.Confusion disorientation, personality changes.Blood in the stool.Fever.Non-alcoholic fatty diseaseFatigue.Pain in upper right abdomen.Weight loss.AlagillesyndromeJaundice.Pale stoolsPoor absorption of nutrients and vitamins from food.Itching.High level of cholesterols in the blood / deposits in the skin.Nose bleed/ bleeding gunsAlpha-1 antitrypsin deficiencyShortness of breath.Less ability to be physically active.Wheezing.Repeated lung infections.Tiredness.Rapid heartbeat upon standing.Vision problems.Weight loss.Autoimmune hepatitsFatigue.Abdominal discomfort.Joint pain.Itching.Jaundice.An enlarged liver.Abnormal blood vessels on the skin (spider angiomas)Nausea and vomitingLoss of appetite.Skin rashes.Darl colored urineIn woman loss of men situation.Biliary atresiaJaundiceDark urine and pale,clay colored tools.Enlarged liver or swollen abdomen.Slow growth.Slow or no weight gain.GalactosemiaCon vusions.Irritibility.Lethargy.Poor feeding.Poor weight gain.Jaundice.Vomiting.Gilbert’s syndromeIllnesss such as cold or the flu.Fasting or eating a very low calorie diet.Dehydration.MenstruationStressStrenuous exerciseLack of sleepHemochronomatosisJoint painFatigueWeaknessFor men:DiabetesHeart failureLibido.Hepatits AFatigueNausea and vomitingAbdominal pain or discomfort, especially in the area of four liver.Clay colored bowel movemnents..Low of appetite.Low grade geverDark urineJoint painJaundice.Hepatitis BAbdomainal painDark urineFeverJoint pain.Loss of apetiteNausea and vomiting.Weakness nad fatigue.Jaundice.Hepatitis CFatiugueJoint painBelly painItchy skinSove musclesDark urinejaundiceLiver cancerAbdominal pain or tenderness especially in the upper tight part ................

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