Love Life Live With Passion


Self love

We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust”-Rumi

Ch 1

The Universe and I are One


Going back into the void of creation, the place where only potentiality exists before it materializes. There is a creative darkness guiding and transforming energy, we come from the void of creation, the black velvety space, into manifested physical body and then we go back into the same infinite possibilities. It is all a journey, a game of forgetting who we are so we can experience duality and contrast, and still find our way back into Oneness. Consciousness knows itself through each person coming and living a particular experience and evolving towards a perfect alignment with that source of infinite intelligence and love.

Self-esteem is how we perceive ourselves in the world, and our worth based on accomplishments, who we are and what we do.

Confidence is action oriented and has to do with our certainty and ability to follow a chosen path of action.

Self-love encompasses both self-esteem and confidence, and it is crucial for happiness in life.

The universe is a beautiful elegant place, where harmony and well being dwells at higher levels of consciousness and vibrates at the frequency of 528 Hz.

We, at our core, also radiate this frequency and when we align with it miracles become natural and flow into our experience. The nature of our source is dedicated to constantly flow towards us all the resources we desire for the accomplishment of our dreams. Because of that, our source will make change possible for us, either through inspiration and passion, if we are open to change, or through destruction of the old, if we are in crisis and resist change. Whichever way we might choose to evolve, desires for improved conditions flow from us through living of life and the infinite intelligence of the universe will re-arrange our reality in order to show us where we are, and what we need to change in order to get where we want to go.

Personal evolution comes from living life in a time space restricted reality and still being aware of the infinite potentiality and power we have as spiritual beings having a human experience. We evolve through our desires, which come into our experience taking us to the next aspiration and evolved perspective.

Contrary to what Newtonian physics taught us, we are not just these physical bodies, we also have energetic bodies. We have a mental body, an emotional body and a spiritual body. These bodies vibrate and spin at different frequency rates and attract from the infinite potentialities present in the universe vibrations (circumstances) alike. Our thoughts and emotions form a frequency essence, depending on what we vibrate more, and that essence radiates out attracting back into our reality circumstances alike (people, opportunities, events, bodily conditions etc).

There has been extensive research done demonstrating the effects of the 528 Hz, by experts from all sorts of fields, and these are some of them along with their discoveries:

Dr. John Hutchinson, an electromagnetic energy expert who in collaboration with his research partner Nancy Hutchinson, used the 528 Hz to reduce the spilled oil and purify poisoned water in the Gulf of Mexico after the BP oil spill. After only 4 hours in the first day, and 4 hours of RF frequency, by next morning the water was not only restored to its natural green color, but there was also a return of dolphins and banks of fish in the area. As a bonus, the researchers experienced the beautiful surprise of having two dolphins coming within 5 feet of water to probably say hello and thank you.

The results were certified by Dr. Robert Namant, an analytical chemist with 30 years of experience in the field and who is also the President of Analytical Chemical Testing Laboratory, Inc. of Mobile, Alabama.

Dr Namant tested the after treatment samples and confirmed the complete removal of oil and grease from the water.

Grammy Award nominee Amerie produced in 2011 her album – Cymatika, Vol 1 – in 528Hz frequency to promote genetic healing.

Scott Huckabay, another artist, performs exclusively using the C=528/A=444 Hz tuning, which seems to be a frequency preferred by musicians.

Masuru Emoto- an international renowned Japanese researcher and doctor in Alternative Medicine has proved that consciousness and intent changes the structure of water. Let’s not forget our body is more than 80% water and so we can change the structure of our cells at will, regardless of what condition we might be facing at the present moment. He typed words, projected music and spoke words onto bottles containing water at the moment of freezing. Then through high speed photography has shown the changes in the structure of water according with the thought projected onto it.


Dr. Leonard Horowitz beautifully explains that the Love frequency, vibrates at 528 Hz and it is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation”. Nothing is random or a coincidence in this universe and it is all interconnected.

Everything we perceive with our physical senses (hearing, vision, touch, taste and smell) is energy translated from a certain level of consciousness we posses in that moment. Our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are all made up out of this energy, unified in specific ways to make you unique in this universe.

Enlightenment, which is achieving self-love and connection with our source, basically requires raising our frequency and getting closer to embodying more of our true self and then expressing it into the world. There is no end to it, because there are infinite levels of consciousness people exemplify while in physical body. A new desire will evoke a new level of development, which in turn will spark a new desire and a new level of consciousness reached. As this happens we are able to see, hear, touch, taste and smell reality from consciousness levels that were not possible before, and the low frequency emotions will fall away because vibrations cancel each other out.

In simple terms, you cannot feel love and fear at the same time, one of them will have a predominant tone in your energy field forming an essence, which radiates out from you and brings you back more of it. You cannot interact with people who are on a different vibrational essence or consciousness either, because Law of Attraction will bring you only those on the same vibration with you. The universe is perfectly objective and will give you back exactly what you think and feel, regardless of what your words are. The fact that it attracts back to you the vibrational essence of what you feel, means that you will also attract what you are fearful off. So, if you dwell around negative people, you will attract more and more negativity in your life, but if you surround yourself with positive people and experiences, if you feed your mind with constructive information, the negative ones will not have access to you. Things will happen and you will not be able to interact with them, but will be encircled with those vibrating as you are.

It is a good thing, and it is your responsibility to build positive momentum in your life. Your focus brings your reality, so be very careful what you focus on and what you surround yourself with, because you will live more off it. We think we live the same reality, but we actually live in vibrational islands, having access to people, circumstances and events radiating the same energy as we do.

Our awareness makes up our consciousness and the level from which we perceive reality, and Emotional Intelligence deals exactly with building self-awareness.

All seven octaves of the piano make sound, and each octave is reproduced seven times with the individual notes being higher harmonics of those in lower octaves. The difference in consciousness and therefore ability to create the desired reality is given by the specific frequency we radiate out and through which we translate reality back to ourselves. You and I will be able to perceive from reality only what we are a match to.

We are made of energy, and that energy has a frequency, which will give us access to a higher consciousness or a lower one, depending on what we embody more, our true selves or our egotistic selves. We have a choice to think, feel and act in every moment, and each one of our choices will form a momentum to which we become slaves afterwards, if we do not have awareness and knowledge of how this universe functions.

As we make a decision to raise our frequency on a steady path, the lowest frequency energy present in the physical body becomes less dense and gets replaced with higher frequency energy, and the momentum starts taking us in a positive direction automatically. As we refine our energy field, the chakras get connected and happiness is achieved. From that state everything we want flows gently into our experience, there is no more struggle or pushing against anything. Our focus creates our attraction point, and since the universe is objective, if you say you want money, love, health or whatever else, but you focus on the lack of it, on the impossibility of ever getting it, you will attract more of that lack and evidence of your present beliefs.

The Love Frequency is the Mi note on the solfeggio (standing for Miracles), and repairs our DNA by changing our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. It connects everything in the universe, our heart with our spiritual essence and ability to transform at will energy into matter. This note was chanted by ancient priests and healers in advanced civilizations, in order to bestow blessings and manifest miracles for the population.

Now let’s give you some food for the brain, so that you can see that it is not only spirituality we are talking about here, but proven science.

Math scientist Victor Showell talks about 528 Hz as being central to Phi, the Greek symbol used for representing the Golden ratio present in all natural creation. Together with John Stuart Reid, a pioneer in acoustic research and cymatic measurement, proved that 528 Hz stands as the basis for sacred geometry of circles and spirals, and consistent with DNA structuring.

By using Pythagorean math, 528 Hz becomes the symbol for physical manifestation, 6, and it reflects the “spiraling down from the heaven into the wholeness of earth”, while seven is the “vehicle for life”.



Sacred geometry comes out of the calculations made from the series of numbers in the Fibonacci series. Thanks to the brilliant Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci, humans have been able to integrate sacred numbers and in this manner bring superior knowledge and a spiritual connection into the human existence.

The Phi 1.618 symbolizes beauty and harmony and Europeans used it to build gothic cathedrals, the Egyptians to build temples and the Great Pyramid and the Greeks to build the Parthenon.

Fibonacci sequence forms almost all creation, it can be found in the arrangement of leaves on a branch, the petals of flowers, pine cons, tree branches, sea shell formations, spiral galaxies, the five fingers and the opposing thumb on each hand, the uterus, the keyboard of the piano, the human face, DNA molecules and the list can go on and on. So what is exactly the Fibonacci sequence? Well, the complexity of what it truly is can take a lifetime of study, but simply put the Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the previous two. It starts with the numbers 0 and 1, which “coincidentally” ;) also form the binary code or mathematical language spoken by computers.

So you add 0+1=1, then 1+2=3, then 2+3=5, then 3+5=8 etc

The beauty in art meets the beauty of science and creates unity. In this way nature and humanity have a numbering system prevailing its creation and giving birth to Phi- the “golden ratio”. All creation tends towards evolution and perfection- hence Phi or the golden ratio. Evolution is infinite and there is always a new level to be achieved in nature as well as human consciousness.

Certain numbers and geometrical shapes have symbolic meaning describing the creative principles of the universe and the interconnectedness of everything.

The same way as in yoga the number 108 signifies the union between heaven and earth, spirit and physical self, in sacred geometry the number 7 can be found repeatedly throughout all religions:

-Buddha took seven steps at his birth

-In Hinduism there are seven worlds

-In the Islamic tradition there are seven heavens and seven earths

-The seven branched Jewish menorah in the Judaism tradition

-The Catholics recognize seven levels of purgatory

-The Christian church recognizes the seven deadly sins and virtues

-The biblical creation of the world in seven days

-The seven chakras in the human body responsible for connection of the physical self with the universe.

Metatron’s cube and the number 13



Metatron’s cube is a sacred geometrical figure giving the map for all of creation and it is composed of 13 equal spheres and the lines connecting the center of each sphere with the other 12 spheres. The 13 spheres represent the feminine principle and the straight lines the masculine principle therefore showing the union of feminine and masculine polarities in order to create Oneness. Over 13 billion years ago when the Big Bang happened, source energy created this universe and Metatrons cube represents this birthing process as well as the ongoing creation flowing in all directions at all times.

Infinite Intelligence started flowing its energy first through color, then sound and lastly material manifestation through the elements of creation: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air coming together through Spirit. The number 13 is symbolic of transformation and coming back to Oneness, and represents the 13 archangels, each responsible for being a sacred keeper of an element of creation. Creation is done by expanding source’s love throughout all design from the densest levels of physical matter to the highest levels of refined energy at the core of our source/God/Infinite Intelligence, or whatever name you want to give it.

The 13 spheres also represent the 13 energy centers through which we experience life in this time space reality called Earth.

When we are born, our soul comes into this galaxy through the Cosmic gateway-the 13th center, which is the core of this galaxy.

Then it births itself through the Universal Gateway-the 12th energy center which is Sirius, next it passes through the Stellar gateway-the 11th energy center which is Pleiades and subsequently becomes a 5D(fifth Dimension) vibrational orb of light also called the Soul Star, which is the 10th energy center. This is our “I am” presence.

At this level we are a spark of focused energy from our source, made up of all the elements ( Air, Fire, Water, Earth) coming together through Spirit. Even though at our core we are all these elements, in order for the soul and physical self to experience unity, we go through a physical birthing process and play this game of separation from our source through perceiving ourselves and life as being separate. Through the delimitation of the physical body, physical laws and observation of these elements as independent across what we see, hear, taste, touch and smell, we conclude that we are lonely entities living for a short period of time. Everything is alive and conscious, the vast space as well as the cells of our body.

Contrary to what we have been taught in school, the universe or what we call “reality” is nothing but holograms projected from hidden divine blueprints, with the purpose of mirroring back to us our level of consciousness and perception in life in the now moment.

Our Soul Star projects a hologram and creates the physical body which then gets connected to Earth through our Earth Star the 2nd energy center and then to the center of the Earth the 1st energy center. This core of Earth represents the “as above so below principle.

Now to tie it all together for a better understanding of what a miracle life is, let’s discover the ancient solfeggio scale, which mirrors our chakra system in the physical body.

Compare the zodiacal sign and element you posses with the six human needs, you will read about shortly, and you will see that for self mastery and happiness you will have to embody your element more. Your mind might have convinced you that you should follow another path, it usually does, depending on our personal needs and fear of not meeting them, making us follow a safe path, which will keep us average.

From personal experience I can tell you that my mind always told me to be in a safe zone, always following the rules and be disciplined, which translated to making safe choices. Since I was operating more from a fear of doing the wrong thing (imbalance at the root chakra-Earth element), I wasted time and money going for Law School, then working in finance, because I was choosing avenues I thought will give me the security and happiness I was looking for. After two years in Law school I came to US and enrolled in Business school finishing a BBA with a major in management and minor in psychology. Working in the financial industry gave me financial security, but I was far from being passionate about my job and afraid to become an entrepreneur and start coaching, so I stayed with office jobs until 2012.

After that I got fed up and decided that I will risk it all and embrace my passion and the unknown. My element is Fire, since I’m Aries, and it resides in the solar chakra having to do with transformation and repairing of DNA. It was there all along, blatantly obvious that coaching people and helping them transform their mental, emotional and behavioral make-up is what I am passionate about and what I’m supposed to do, but in order to pursue that as a career and help others, I needed to embody it for myself first. I read and researched this topic my whole life just because I enjoyed it, I observed and gained insights about human behavior, good and bad, and it still took me years to finally embrace it and have the courage to pursue it. I can only imagine how lost those who do not even know what their passion is must feel, let alone finding the ways of pursuing it. I am here to help you discover all that and make it a fun and knowledgeable self-discovery journey.

Even though I had to face the uncertainty of not having a steady paycheck by becoming an entrepreneur, and going into the novel field of coaching, that is when I started coming alive and feeling my personal power again.

I researched the best coaching training out there and enrolled in it becoming a Strategic Intervention Mastery student of the awesome Anthony Robbins. On the side I also got certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Emotional Intelligence, Kundalini Yoga and Reiki. With all these certifications targeting all aspects of human development I knew that I am going to be able to empower my clients, regardless of the challenge they might come to me about. NLP would help transform the mental body, Emotional Intelligence the emotional body, Strategic Intervention the behavioral patterns, while Yoga and Reiki would heal the physical body.

Some of us know what we would like to pursue but think it is impossible for us, while others do not even know what they would like to do with their life. Wherever you are, I can help you and make this figuring out very fast and easy.

Our primary needs, which you will read about later on, will create conflicts due to our upbringing. My family has focused on safety and I was following that unconsciously, when in reality I thrive on uncertainty and find certainty very boring. I like change, excitement and surprises; I like to feel each moment is a new door into the unknown. But that is because I have trust that this universe is benevolent and flowing towards me all that I want in time. Working in finance I remember dreading going to work because I knew I have to do exactly the same things every day, at the same hour. Now I wake up and have no idea how my meetings or my coaching sessions, or the events I need to go and give talks will unfold. I am excited to meet new people, exchange information and see what delights each new day brings me. I have to be present every second of it and I love it. For someone who thrives on routine this would be chaotic, and so it is a matter of personal style, and as long as you know what makes you passionate and choose it, all styles are ok. As long as your style fits your life circumstances then you will be happy, productive and become successful in life. There is a balance we each need to embody depending on our primary needs, and a blending of all of our selves in order to live a full life: our safe self as well as courageous one, our loving self as well as the warrior one, our practical self as well as the dreamer one etc. We have to face our fears, understand them and blend them with our passion in order to bring depth to our life. There are gems to be found in our fears and by discovering and mastering them we can reach new levels that seemed impossible before.

After you read about the six human needs, write down what you think your 2 primary needs are and compare them with your zodiacal sign and element and see where there might be conflicts. These conflicts make you choose inauthentic life conditions and doing so will create the core issues causing your unhappiness.

Ancient Solfeggio scale


UT- has the color red corresponding to our root chakra, representing liberation from fear. Associated body parts are: bladder, the base of the spine (where the kundalini energy resides), the adrenals, legs and feet, blood and circulation system. Dysfunctions in this chakra lead to acute fear, feelings of insecurity and powerlessness, sciatica, weight problems, survival issues. The element is Earth and in order to attune to it and purify the energy you need to listen to 396 HZ.

RE- color is orange corresponding to our sacral chakra, and it is the center for creativity and sexual energy, liberation from past trauma and moving and facilitating change. Associated body parts are: ovaries, womb, gonads, genitals, kidneys, prostate. Dysfunction here leads to impotence, frigidity, low self esteem, lower back problems, overindulgence, jealousy and emotional instability, toxic attachments.

The frequency here is 417 Hz and so if you suffer from any of these conditions you can attune the energy by listening to this frequency.

MI-color is gold corresponding with our solar plexus chakra and it is our personal power in the world, facilitating transformation and miracles as well as DNA repair. The associated organs are: stomach, pancreas, liver, digestion, nervous system, and muscles. Dysfunctions here lead to ulcers, diabetes, hypoglycemia, digestive problems, negative thinking, lack of energy and anxiety, control issues. In order to attune to this energy you have to listen to 528 Hz, which will facilitate positive transformation at all levels of your being.

FA-is the color green corresponding with our heart chakra and represents connection and relationships. The element is Air and the associated organs are heart, lungs, breasts, immune and respiratory system, thymus. Dysfunctions lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, lack of self-love, loneliness, circulatory problems and asthma. In order to correct the imbalances here you have to attune to 639 Hz.

Sol-the color is blue corresponding with our throat chakra and represents truthful communication. The element is Ether and associated organs are throat, auditory system, neck and shoulders, thyroid and parathyroid, esophagus. Dysfunctions here lead to compulsive lying, weak willpower, creative blocks, sluggish metabolism, hearing problems, thyroid problems, and stiff neck. In order to purify your field you need to attune to the frequency of 741 Hz.

LA- is the color purple corresponding with our third eye chakra and represents intuition. The element is Light and associated organs are the brain, hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands. Malfunctions here lead to blindness (literal as well as metaphorical-lack of awareness), headaches, nightmares, and sinus problems. In order to attune to it you need to listen to the frequency of 852 Hz, because that is what purifies the energy at this level.

Kundalini Yoga is the most powerful type of yoga giving results 16 times faster than any other type of yoga, but any type of yoga will connect you with your true nature. Why? Because the body mirrors perfectly the universe, “ as above, so below”. There are 114 chakras, 2 outside of the body, while 112 residing in the body. Out of these 112, you can work only with 108 because 4 of them are connected and do not require any attention from you. So this number 108 is sacred coming from Sumerians and prevalent in the eastern traditions where you will be taught to say a mantra 108 times, wear 108 beads or all sorts of actions done 108 times. That is because 108 signifies these 108 chakras that you need to attune in order to reach Oneness.

As it goes along with sacred geometry and the symbolism in numbers found throughout time behind architecture, philosophy, astrology etc, the number 108 can be found repeatedly.

• The distance between earth and sun is 108 times the sun’s diameter.

• The distance between earth and the moon is 108 times the moon’s diameter.

Following the Pythagorean model, the sum total of 108 (1+0=1; 1+8=9) “9” is a number symbolizing endings and beginnings.

• Stonehenge’s Sarsen Circle is 108 feet in diameter.

• In Homer’s Odyssey, Penelope has 108 suitors

• In astrology, there are nine planets, including Pluto and twelve houses. Nine times twelve equals 108.

The human system matches perfectly the cosmic geometry and I want you to look carefully at this photo showing the neuron in comparison with the universe.


There are no coincidences, we live in a beautifully well-designed universe, and the examples of how calculated and how precise everything is would fill a whole book. The infinitesimally precise calculations and conditions needing to happen for life as we know it to exist on planet Earth are incredible.

Ancient advanced civilizations in Egypt, India and Greece recognized the perfection of creation both in beauty of art as well as the mathematical precision of numbers through sacred geometry. In this manner they were able to connect to divine knowledge and build such magnificent structures as the pyramids, structures that the modern world with all its technology not only does not know how to exceed but does not even know how to replicate.

Ch 2

The shadow self of humanity- falling out of grace willingly


Now that we have a basis for how we attract our life and the support we receive from the universal forces working for us, let’s keep it real and expose taboo subjects and false beliefs we usually don’t talk about, but instead suffer in silence and lose our self-esteem and confidence over.

Our source does not join us when we embody our shadow self. Doesn’t that seem to be what the falling out of grace could mean?

What we consider bad people, even serial killers and all the manifestations of the human ego we encounter, come from a place of not feeling connected to who the person is at their core, to their wants and desires, to what they know intuitively that they should live.

Just have compassion for the pain they are in, and mind your own business creating the life you want to live. In time you will be grateful you had the wisdom to do so.

When attacked don’t run away so that you can reinforce their abusive ways, speak your truth and show them you will not let yourself be a target. But also have the wisdom to move away afterwards and engage with those inspiring you and supporting you in achieving great things.

The number one factor sabotaging confidence and self-esteem comes from caring too much about the opinion of others.

Please understand that no human being connected to their source has the time, energy or desire to engage and live in these lower states of being where life revolves around wrong suppositions, attacks, gossip, sabotage or violence. You do not even have to justify or prove they are wrong, use the experience in a constructive way in the moment and then move away to superior endeavors.

Shadow self-expressions:

• Lack of true self love which leads to co-dependent relationships in order to gain a sense of security and belonging in the world. Frustration for leading an inauthentic life, true to our desires leads to constant manipulation of others, as well as attacks on another who lives truthful to their core. A lack of self worth and self love is at the core and through the approval gained through manipulative games, the person is trying to promote an image that will get them love or approval, and therefore get to love themselves more. The person seeks to get the best for themselves and enhance self-love through words, actions and behaviors that will bring them that self love, without care of how they are hurting others. Forming toxic coalitions in order to win their battles and keep everything under the disguise of social uprightness. A domineering nature, cynicism, lust, greed, and a deep urge for significance makes the person become a sexual predator( men) or a manipulative master ( females) consuming and finding ways of making another one feel weak, bad or inferior. Stuck in old ways of doing things, and closed off to new possibilities or ways of doing things, wants others to be submissive and racism, discrimination and inequality are secretly reinforced causes in life. Men will try to get even more freedom of expression of this hatred towards others and desperate need for self love by acquiring powerful roles in their careers while women will try to get the same power by building a web of lies and sabotage through their relationships with people. Both males and females will seek to use their power and connections to support their cause of destroying a certain target or targets, depending on what suits their needs at a particular moment. Both genders revel in disempowering others.

• Competition between women, as a covert expression of the competition over power men utilize. Women abuse other women out of a sense of threat, need for significance and a perceived need to protect what is their own. If another woman is perceived as being confident, independent, happy, loving, bold, knowing what she wants, embracing her intellectual power as well as femininity and sexuality, she will awaken in the one living more in her shadow self a desire to embody all of who she is as well. The feelings of not being connected with who she is at her core are too painful to deal with and seem like an impossible task and so the only option out of the pain is by denying the right or truthfulness of the woman truly connected with her feminine self. This competition and sabotaging in between women is at the core of the feminine shadow self and has allowed men to use it for their advantage throughout time creating crisis in society. Women have transformed themselves into competing vicious creatures that will use their influence to destroy the women embodying and expressing qualities they secretly wish to embody and freely express as well. Connection with self and then empowerment of other women is essential in order to restore the sisterhood we could all be benefiting from.

• Love without wisdom and self worth. Allowing others to abuse the love or kindness you send their way, by not setting boundaries with people, and accepting rules and behaviors that will take away a person’s self love, confidence and self esteem. Being too sentimental or accepting, never saying no out of a need to be seen as selfless and loving. The person doing this will not only damage the other one’s chance of facing their shadow self, changing and growing into a better version of themselves, but will also stop their own growth as well. When we abuse ourselves we are doing it because at our core we feel unworthy of receiving true love, which is never abusive. We feel inadequate and undeserving of love, because we cannot feel love for ourselves in the first place, and so cover that up by serving others at the expense of our own self in order to feel worthier beings and feel better about who we are. We cannot really love another until we love ourselves, and we do not love ourselves when we are allowing another to mistreat us.

• Lack of will power, laziness and discipline to act in the ways we know we have to in order to bring about the life we want to live. Lacking passion, courage and will power in life will result in a passive attitude and a desire to get everything in life without having to do the necessary actions required for it. That leads to a tendency to acquire what we want through manipulation, abuse and unhealthy associations that will get us what we want. Instead of taking responsibility and pursuing what we want, we will look for the person or circumstance that could give us those advantages because we are unwilling to learn, grow and do the necessary things on the path towards that tomorrow. At the core of this behavior of course it is again lack of self love since the individual does not feel capable of having the life they intend and so concludes there is no point in trying. States of repressed shame and guilt will take the enthusiasm away and will connect the person with envy, greed, lust and using creativity to get their needs fulfilled through negative vehicles, using and abusing others.

• Distrust and cynicism in the goodness of others. There will be a tendency to be cynic and not trust whatever good quality is seen in another because the person has strong beliefs that people are bad, mean, selfish and corrupt. These beliefs come from a core belief and identification of the person with their body, emotions and brain, without seeing the oneness in everything let alone concepts of evolution, infinite intelligence or a bigger reality that needs to be perceived beyond what the physical 5 senses can perceive. Everything is based on what can be rationally proved and seen, and of course ideas such as soul and spirit, love and freedom are ridiculed and labeled as ignorance or craziness. There is a deep fear of protection and belief in being alone and abandoned in a chaotic universe, so there will be no openness towards the unseen, no faith towards evolution or change.

Why do you think the media learned to show only the negativity in the world during news, when simultaneously there are so many positive things happening that could inspire us towards a better world?

They realized the ratings go higher when they show negativity and drama, and so give the public what they want. Why all these TV shows with no sort of educational background in them become so popular? The human mind is in a lot of fear, and so learned to give itself some temporary comfort by taking the low road of escape, prove and believe another one is living worse conditions. The high road would be acknowledging a condition another one has, get inspired, ask for help and then take the action towards it.

But when you live in negative emotions there is no access to inspiration or desire to do something constructive, because the negative emotions are too overwhelming.

Powerlessness is the worst feeling in the world; it breaks us down like nothing else. No matter what circumstances we are dealing with, if we can feel empowered in finding a way, a solution, then we will be able to relax, have hope again and then take action in that direction. When we are plagued with powerlessness we do not have hope anymore, we feel it is the end and nothing will ever change for the better.

In each moment we have a choice of focusing our mind on what is important, using our intelligence to create the conditions we want and taking the necessary actions towards those things we want.

You cannot expect people to be in positive emotions, which means aligned with their true self, in order to be kind towards you. Those treating others unkindly might not show it, but be sure are dealing with pain you have no idea about, and so it is impossible for them to treat you nice.

Do not have good or bad expectations from people; just learn to let each person express whatever they want to express and be whoever they want to be. It is not your job to change them, it is not their job to make you happy. Your job is to make yourself happy through who you are and what you choose to live. Anything else does not deserve your time, attention or lack of focus towards what is important to you.

We are all on a journey of personal evolution.

People decide to change only under 2 conditions: they are in such crisis that there is no possibility of going forward, or if they are inspired to change. When I started coaching I thought what I need to do is inspire people to change, and then help them take strategic action in implementing those changes in order to create a new lifestyle. I was making that supposition because I had a good life and so I had passion for life, was able to focus my mind on what was important to me, and learned to grow through inspiration.

But practice showed me that in order for people to be inspired, they need to feel eagerness and passion for creating a better life for themselves.

Feeling passionate about becoming the best version of yourself and achieving more is easier when you already live good conditions. Of course you want to be, do or have more because you already have momentum in a positive direction and it builds leading you to better ideas, actions and results.

On the other hand deciding to change when you are broken down is the hardest thing in the world. Depressed people do not have any motivation because they do not have hope that change is possible.

And so we first need to change our state, lift ourselves from powerlessness by observing the pattern of our thoughts and perspective we have at the mental and emotional level and how we are disempowering ourselves.

We have beliefs and rules about life and when we do not know how to meet them we will live with inner conflicts, toxic habits and behaviors because those defense mechanisms of the ego make us feel short term pleasure while damaging us tremendously in the long run.

It is the same principle someone operates on when dieting through fad diets, starving their body and then overindulging, in this manner keeping themselves in a vicious cycle. Diets do not work, what works is slowly incorporating more and more wholesome habits and creating a healthier lifestyle. Our physiology requires change in emotions and so we will go from will power and determination to giving up and overindulging, if we don’t make changes by applying conscious awareness to what is going on at a mental and emotional level of what makes us have unhealthy habits.

We need to understand why we do what we do, how that negative behavior is meeting our needs and then change our lifestyle (the vehicles for meeting that need) if we want lasting change.

You are in control of your life, your thoughts and emotions, and you can change the conditions of your life by installing the behavioral patterns leading to that.

Everything we focus on and believe will be brought into our life, and we will filter reality in order to prove our beliefs, even though those beliefs might hurt us.

We seek certainty of knowing what reality is, more than being proactive towards what makes us feel good, and so we perpetuate negative circumstances in our life unconsciously.

We cannot love and fear at the same time, these 2 emotions are at the core of all emotions, and they cancel each other out. Due to our programming, with a good intention-that of survival- we focus and feel fear most of the time. The mind responds to what it sees in its environment and so expects and attracts more of it, which leads to a reinforcement of those beliefs.

Everything does happen for a reason and it is good to become aware of what changes need to happen. If we cling to the past and staying in a safe tiny box of people or life circumstances we will never give ourselves the chance of experiencing freedom of living as we please. If on the other hand we embrace the unknown, do our best at all times, work towards our goals, and rely on the source inside guiding us towards what we want, life will be able to open up for us amazing doors of opportunities.

It is always a matter of what we do with our focus, attitude, resources (time, knowledge, connections).

Let people talk and follow your bliss; you will end up in beautiful places!

Our programming for getting approval starts in childhood and the more conditionally our parents loved us, the more tempted we are to seek external approval from everyone.

If you let others walk all over you then you will slowly erode your confidence and self worth.

Get your power back by standing your ground and confronting an injustice, and then observe the changes or lack of changes in the other and make your decision regarding your association with them in the future.

You know your worth and you do not need to justify it to those wanting to believe otherwise. What they want to believe is their business and does not affect the quality of your life.

Learn to be a rebel lover, and if need requires it a daredevil. Do not be afraid of confronting people and slowing them down in their attempts at going through this world hurting others.

Do not choose to be a victim, choose to be a warrior who expresses her/his personal truth and brings harmony in the world. Let’s end the chain of pain by becoming conscious creators of a civilized world!

The 6 human needs

It has always been fascinating to me how a person is the same but totally different when in different states of being. My whole life I wanted to understand the neurological make-up separating those who choose to see and live the beauty in life and dedicate themselves to great causes compared to those focused on negativity, acting in abusive ways or even killing another.

Why are we acting the way we do? What happens in our brains and what emotions drive us towards these behaviors?

There are billions of different mentalities, behaviors and standards people have, but we all share six universal human needs.

Behind every intention stands the principle of gaining pleasure and avoiding pain, and that is done through satisfying the six universal human needs. For each one of us two of these needs will be primary and we will do anything to fulfill our needs, be it through positive, or negative vehicles when we cannot see the possibility of meeting them in positive ways.

Even if you do not have a background in human psychology and behavioral patterns, you will feel something is wrong when interacting with another. Listen to that intuition and choose carefully the people you want to have around you.

Certainty- is the need to be safe physically and financially, seeking predictability, avoiding pain and gaining pleasure. We satisfy this need positively by getting a good degree and using it towards a successful career, or producing a nice income that will assure a good lifestyle. We can also satisfy this need through a negative behavior by staying stuck in unhappy work conditions or relationships out of fear of the unknown, by avoiding challenges, by stealing from others or hoarding. We all need certainty but the degree varies from person to person, according with their mental focus. As Sir Anthony Robbins says “ The quality of our life, depends on how much uncertainty we can deal with”. When stuck in the safe zone we cannot live a big life, we cannot discover new roads if we follow the path most traveled. Greatness is found in the unknown because the higher perspective the universe has can bring us much more if we have the courage to step outside of the safe zone.

Uncertainty- need for surprises, excitement, unknown. We can satisfy this need by enjoying adventure, being spontaneous and living every moment fully, by meeting new people and finding out about new things. When we are able to find pleasure in having a mind opened by wonder like children do, that return to innocence happens. We realize that greatness can be achieved only by stepping outside of predefined rules and regulations. We can always take what others have discovered and lived but we should always add our own preference to it and live life on our terms. Depending on our reasons, we can also satisfy this need in negative ways by participating in extreme and dangerous sports, overeating, cheating or all sorts of other addictions. Our subconscious stores impulses that are automatically brought to the surface when we are bored. Out of that need for excitement and variety we can be tempted to go for instant gratification instead of making choices that will fulfill us in the long run. Life is supposed to be interesting and fun.

Significance- is the need to feel special and unique. This need alone is responsible for tons of shadow self behaviors in humanity. We can satisfy this need by constantly raising our standards and becoming a better human being but we can also satisfy it through tearing someone else down, and by comparison showing others our worth or even kill another. If someone kills they will get the attention of all others. Two people might have the same acute need for significance, but depending on values, mentality and intent, one will choose to satisfy it through positive vehicle, while another through negative ones. We can satisfy it by being the best at something or being the worst at it.

Love/connection- is the need to feel loved and to love. We satisfy this need by giving love and open our hearts toward others but we can also satisfy it by accepting abuse and unhealthy relationships or by dominating others in the name of love. Parents often restrict the right of their children to express freely who they are and want to become out of a strict map of rules and regulations that the child should follow, and it is all done in the name of love. Then the child, who is connected with its source inside, rebels against parents because the intuitive knowing of freedom coming from the source inside is telling him/her that happiness has a different form for them. So many misunderstandings in this world would be avoided if we could learn to listen to others and their point of view and find a way of balancing their wants and courses of action instead of wanting to impose our own standards. That is what I love about coaching, that I do not have to be the one telling people what they should do in order to be happy, but I have to listen to their wants and then help them find the ways of fulfilling those wants. Happiness is a relative term for all of us, and that is all that matters. The world would be a very boring place if we would all be the same, instead we come here each with a unique perspective and talents, and if we would learn to respect and empower one another then evolution would become a peaceful and pleasant process.

Growth- we need to continuously grow and evolve. If we don’t feel like we are growing and evolving into more than we were yesterday, we slowly die inside. We satisfy this need by constantly wanting to improve ourselves intellectually, emotionally and spiritually, by studying, reading, working out, helping others through our talents etc. But we can also satisfy it by creating big problems in our lives so we can always challenge ourselves to push through obstacles and never feel happy with the present moment. By creating safe problems, surface problems we try to avoid the responsibility of actually trying to grow and possibly fail at that attempt. If we don’t try because we are too unhappy and don’t want to do anything anymore, then we cannot be accused of failing.

Contribution- the need to contribute to society. We can satisfy this need by dedicating our life to improving other people’s lives, through whatever service or passion we enjoy giving, but we can also satisfy it negatively by trying to manipulate and control people for our own selfish reasons. When we lack morals and ethics we will want to give ourselves what we want, even if what we want will mean hurting another.

We all have dreams, but most of us do not follow them because we don’t believe in our power of achieving them or because we learned to believe others who try to program us to believe we cannot achieve them.

Do not take life so seriously by focusing so much on few negatives you will encounter here and there and lose focus over what is important.

This is YOUR life and you should choose only the conditions you want to live without asking for anyone’s permission. You have to stop judging yourself through the judgment of others and caring more about how they feel about you, instead of how you feel about yourself.

Smile often, learn everything you can from others and how to never be like in some cases, and keep it cool by becoming the best you can be.

You have to make choices that will bring you happiness and growth. Through our mental focus we create our emotions, which in turn fuel our behaviors. So why not become responsible, set your standards high, work intelligently and ask and accept only the best from life?

Every moment of our lives requires us to make a choice; even choosing not to make a choice is still a choice and will bring consequences accordingly.

Chapter 3-My life, my attitude, my rules!


I’ve never cared too much about what others think of me, good or bad, because I’ve always knew what I wanted, knew my worth and up to now have been pretty happy and grateful to have had an amazing journey, and it is only the beginning!

I am passionate about creating the best life for myself and it is my path and desire to help others create the best life for themselves as well.

I empower people and help them take strategic action in designing healthy lifestyles, gain self-esteem and confidence in all areas of their life. Depending on the client’s needs and wants I focus on personal development and bringing excellence in their health, career and/or relationships spheres, so they can live the life they always wanted but did not think is possible for them.

I am a rebel lover, free spirit and dreamer who wants to see, create and live beauty and excellence in life.

I love being an entrepreneur and living in the heart of Manhattan, following my passion, surrounded by amazing people and enjoying my power and freedom. I am independent and prioritize my life according with my dreams.

I want to help you do the same and I will show you that it can be done.

You do not need anyone else’s approval or belief in yourself, but yours. The people you will expect to be there for you will be the ones who will disappoint you most often.

Absolutely noone supported my decision of changing careers. It was not because they did not love me, on the contrary, it was because they loved me too much and were afraid I am making a mistake and will suffer unwanted consequences.

If I had listened I would not be where I am and would have lived with the regret my whole life, knowing I have a passion for understanding human behavior and empowering people, but never had the courage to pursue it.

You need to rely on yourself and your intuition, which is your communication with the source inside yourself. If an idea feels good to you, follow it. Work smartly, do the right things at the right time, and you will see that the right people will show up in your life to co-create with you exactly when you need it. Once you make the connection with yourself and make a decision as to what life circumstances you want to live, nothing else matters and the resources you want will come to you.

Make sure you know what you want because certain conditions are easier to achieve while others only few can reach. If you find yourself in the latter category then you need to do things differently, if you want extraordinary results.

You will have to design your life differently in order to be able to reach your goals. If you want to make something out of yourself, you have to design your life in such a way as to have the time and resources, to get the knowledge, become an expert in your field and do the necessary things at the required times.

There is a right time for everything and so becoming successful in your career has a lot to do with investing everything you have into getting the knowledge you need and building what you need to build up to a certain point so that you can relax afterwards.

I work with a lot of women, and most of them are anxious because of the pressure they feel in being or doing what society expects them to be or do, even if it means disregarding their own dreams.

There are a lot of career women facing the pressure of giving that up in order to raise a family, and then there are women who already sacrificed their careers and had a child and now have to struggle as single moms.

I strongly believe in becoming a powerful career woman in your own right before having a child, so you can empower yourself, explore your full potential and provide for yourself and your child a beautiful life, regardless of what might happen later on in life.

Irrespective of what situation you might face in your life, ladies we live amazing times, let’s take advantage of them. Let’s become powerful and independent and then empower other women as well. This world revolves around our ability to nurture our partners and families, and by becoming empowered we can transcend inequalities and abuse those more unfortunate amongst us have to suffer. The feminine has been oppressed and abused enough throughout ages and let’s not forget that even in developed countries such as US, only 80 years ago as a woman you could not even open a bank account without a man guaranteeing for you. It is absurd considering how women always find the resources to do what they are supposed to do regardless of what life throws at them. How many women do we see living unhappy lives, in marriages that do not fulfill them, and still stay there sacrificing for the sake of their children? Or how many single moms we see working 2 or 3 jobs in order to provide for their children because the male decided to leave and does not care what is happening with his children? For all these women I say bless their heart for having the strength and dedication to sacrifice their own happiness in order to raise their children. These are realities women live and it all comes from a poor social system, gender inequalities both in pay as well as mentality, upbringing etc.

But there is also a better way, a way where we become empowered on our own right before we decide to have children.

Get a degree and build a career around your passion. There is so much untapped potential in all of us and our lives become much more fulfilling when we can access different parts of ourselves. We can be the kick ass career woman, the passionate lover, the nurturing mom and wife, the loving daughter/sister/friend and anything else we might want to be, do or have.

For International Women’s Day this year, powerful women such as Salma Hayek, Beyoncé and Lady Gaga gave their support to a great cause. Be inspired, read about the creativity and beautiful cause millions of women are part of and become part of the movement as well. If you are interested in finding out more read this article:

But most importantly, please go here and sign this petition. I was made aware the previous link I put was redirecting to a wrong address so copy and paste the link below in your browser :

Access your strengths, find your passion, invest in your education and become knowledgeable in your chosen field. Have determination, work smartly, and associate with the right people you can learn from. Last but not least understand quantum physics a bit, energy creation and how you attract your reality.

You can have it all, you just have to know what you want, educate yourself, be determined and prioritize your resources smartly.

When we crave excellence in life, our success will depend mostly on our intelligence and skills, but also on how well we will prioritize, invest our resources and the type of people we associate with.

We cannot expect to be busy with the same useless activities most people are, and then have the success we want fall out of the sky. We cannot achieve our dreams without taking the necessary action towards them, and that will always involve, cutting the time used for trivial activities in order to use it wisely for what is important. Spending 2 hours daily in front of the TV or other useless activities will add up to 14 hours a week/ 56 hours a month/672 hours a year. Those hours could be used towards building the life you want.

Have the courage and confidence to go after what you want, do the necessary actions and you will discover anything is possible.

Remember when everybody believed it was physiologically impossible to run a mile in less than 4 minutes? Well the amazing athlete, distinguished neurologist and physician Sir Roger Bannister proved the impossible is possible in 1954 when he ran the first sub-four minute mile with a time of 3 minutes 59.4 seconds. His record was surpassed and a new record achieved only 46 days after that. He explained he had little training and felt more enthusiastic for his accomplishment of bringing new awareness in the academic medicine through his research and application of how responsive the nervous system is to our beliefs.

Be a Roger Bannister in whatever field you are dedicating your life’s mission and make the impossible possible.

Life can be amazing but you have to know what you want, have the courage to go after it and believe you can get it.

Self-esteem is felt only when we achieve something most people don’t, when we feel we have challenged ourselves and succeeded through our own powers in reaching new heights.

A real woman is loving, feminine, independent and free to express her personal truth. A real man is loving, strong, protective, and makes sure he can provide a good life for his loved ones. When women and men in relationships get together for the right reasons and afterwards always invest in understanding their partner’s needs looking for fun ways of surprising them, the love between two people can only grow in time. These are the elderly couples we see holding hands on the street, making us smile and delight in the beauty of their soul. One of my favorite activities is going to café’s and cool little shops around Manhattan with my laptop, sitting there enjoying a latte and writing. Being in that environment makes me feel good, watching people and getting inspiration about ideas I can write about. Just the other week I was in one of these cafes and I saw an elderly couple coming in, all smiles, holding hands and chattering about what cake they wanted to have with their coffee that afternoon. They sat in a corner, totally absorbed with one another which made me approach them asking if they would be willing to chat with me for 5 minutes, explaining I am a coach and I would love to find out more about their secret to happiness. And so, they were very welcoming and talked to me for what turned out to be half an hour or so. I said I find them absolutely adorable and I just want to know how long they have been together for, and how do they manage to keep the joy of relishing in each others company, when most people lose that after the first year or so of being together. They told me they have been married for over 30 years and that they wake up every day with an intention to have fun. I could not help smiling at that and they laughed telling me that if I thought only young people can have fun, then I have no idea.

When I asked them what is the main thing that kept them happy throughout life, they said it was their decision to never be bored and always focus on how they can make the other one smile. What they told me was not shocking at all, just confirmation of the fact that we have in each moment a choice of creating more intimacy or separation with our partners depending on what we say and do.

It was a most unexpected and rewarding talk I had with them that afternoon and it just brought even more firmness to my belief that happiness is a habit that needs to be nurtured. If you don’t pay attention to the small things you will never get to enjoy your life overall and everything will go downhill.

If there is chemistry and passion, kindness and a desire to make your partner happy, bliss flows naturally, and the need to cheat, lie, or abuse cannot arise. People don’t just fall out of love, they neglect each other’s needs and then the falling out of love happens.

Our attitude in life is what makes all the difference regardless of what situation we are faced with. There are people who are born in extreme wealth, have every resource anyone could think of to become successful, and end up living horrible situations and lives not amounting to anything. Then there are people who face tremendous hardships and unfavorable conditions and they end up being a success. It is all in the standards you set for yourself and the attitude you assume in life regarding those standards.

If you know your worth and care about how you feel, you will succeed at having an amazing life regardless of what unfortunate situations might come at you.

When we are born we are completely connected with our source. We come into the physical world where we are showered with unconditional love, at least in most cases, and so become addicted to external approval. Think of how we behave with babies: they cry we run and comfort them, they can do anything from drooling to making weird sounds and we find it all adorable. But later on, around the ages of 2 or 3 years old, the programming of “no, don’t do that, be good, that’s bad, you cannot have that, be like this, ” starts. The indoctrination starts as to what the child should be according with the parent’s idea of an ideal child. If the parent is in their own world concerned mostly with his/her problem they will neglect the child and still program them to desperately look for approval and love. In either case the child learns that the unconditional love given before has new rules now, and so keeps adapting in order to fit in or rebels against it and starts getting the attention he/she needs through negative behavior.

As we grow up, more and more requests start being made as to how we should be in order to be considered good and get the approval of others. You should wear this and hang out with this crowd, do these things etc. Most people will bend and do things they do not even like or want to do just to keep up with those incoming demands and in the desperate attempt at satisfying their needs for significance and connection with others. This is where cigarettes, drugs, sex etc are introduced and if you want to be cool then you need to do what everyone else does, if not you will be considered an outcast. If that’s the price you have to pay, that’s ok, be an outcast, you will for sure get to better places in life.

When you have big dreams you will have to face your biggest fears, there is no way around it.

Follow your passion; that is where your fire is and the only thing guaranteeing your happiness and success in life.

If you do things because others do them you will not have the motivation to be great, and it will not pull you towards achieving more and constantly reaching a new level of development. If you follow your bliss on the other hand, the resources will come to you, and when you also have knowledge of how you create your life, nothing and no one will stand in your way. You know you are passionate about something when it pulls you towards it, when you lose track of time in it, not when you push against it or when you have to force yourself to do it out of duty.

If you’re passionate about something you will work in the beginning much more than you would work in a 9-5 job, because your interest will make you lose track of time and find yourself in the flow of creativity, excitement and eagerness to do more.

If there’s a will there is a way and if you pour your soul into your work everything will go much smoother and easier for you.

Most people lose their self-esteem because they try so hard to please others, and of course other people’s demands change constantly, to not mention the fact that each one wants you to behave in a way that will bring them what they need. You will lose connection with yourself, your dreams and passion because you will be exhausted with the task of fitting in and never feeling successful at it. The way to do it is by finding your core, defining who you are and then associating with people alike. These new ones will show up at the right time, be on the same level as you are and there will be no need for sugar coating or pretense.

Stop expecting others to support you because they cannot stay in that good feeling place about themselves and their life in order to be able to shower that on you as well. You need to feel your power of staying there on your own. To feel like no matter what obstacle you encounter you can deal with it. You can play the victim card as much as you want feeling self-pity for yourself and not doing anything constructive to change things around. If you feel like a victim you only attract more things to make you feel like a victim, because that is all you will be aware off.

You first need to change your state, you need to make peace with where you are, by understanding that it is bad enough you are where you are. You adding to it through victimhood is only making things worse. Until you make a decision to care enough about how you feel, nothing can change for the better for you.

Become more of a daredevil and when life throws at you negativity, with a twinkle in your eyes say to yourself “Oh really! Bring it on! I can not only take it, but I will find constructive use of it!”

Every misfortune is a blessing in disguise; you just need to find what that blessing is. If you understand that you are an empowered vibrational being living in a vibrational positive universe, attracting your reality through what you think and feel, then you will be able to hold your core and many blessings will come to you.

Ch 4-Fear (False Evidence Appearing Real)


Extraordinary lives are built when you take the path least traveled, otherwise the path will lead to ordinary results. That means you will have to get out of the safety zone, the comfort zone you have been living in, and face your fears and limiting beliefs. There is no other way, and exactly as you build a muscle by exercising in a way that will promote growth, you have to exercise thoughts, emotions and behaviors that will produce growth in your life.

Educate yourself, reach mastery at detaching from all external approval, forget the unhealthy programming that has been going on and install new up to date software. This new software will mean a different mental focus, emotional make-up and behavioral responses necessary for reaching new heights.

Without personal experience and observation of how our thoughts and emotions bring about our life experiences, we will only have intellectual understanding and whenever we will face an obstacle, our old patterns of fear will take over. Our mind’s natural tendency is to scan the environment and focus on the negative because we have been trained to be realists, to look for problems in order to protect ourselves.

These are the 12 fears preventing our connection with our true self:

Fear of not being enough

Fear of not being loved

Fear of loneliness

Fear of death and destruction

Fear of old age

Fear of pain

Fear of failure

Fear of rejection

Fear of the unknown

Fear of loss of freedom

Fear of being criticized/ridiculed

Fear of something bad happening

What is fear really? Have you wondered why for one person touching a snake is terrifying while another chooses it as a pet? Why one person sees relationships as a way to intimacy and real connection while another one as loss of freedom?

What does this mean? Well it basically means that we create fear in our heads, by giving meaning, making associations and predictions of what will happen.

We are on autopilot giving sense to events not based on objective reality, but on subjective reality from past experience. When we have a bad or traumatic experience, it gets stored in the amygdala and whenever we are faced with some stimulus resembling the dangerous past situation we will send chemicals as fearful messages from one neuron to another across a synapse. It is an automatic response based on our need for survival and protection, and the more we think fearful thoughts, the more we reinforce fear based circuits called neural pathways that will generate more fear based automatic responses.

In the dictionary fear is defined as something along the lines of “an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat”.

That something or someone can be a random negative thought, a spider, a snake, your boss saying you need to come into their office, a noise coming from your kitchen at night etc.

Our brain is an amazing complex organism with over 100 billion neurons, constantly communicating with each other. “Neurons that fire together wire together”, so the more you keep thinking fearful thoughts the more you are reinforcing that neural pathway and will automatically generate even more fearful thoughts and forming fearful beliefs about life.

Once you have a belief, you will unconsciously select information from the external reality through your sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell to prove that belief. Do you know people that always manage to see the worst of a situation or the best of it, no matter what the situation is? That’s because our biggest need is for consistency or certainty of what our reality is, and when we have a belief we try our best to prove it right, even when believing it hurts us. For ex: if you experienced an abusive situation form someone trying to hurt you and form a belief that people are bad and want to hurt you, you will develop a fear of rejection. If you are a sensitive person you will withdraw and develop social anxiety and look carefully for clues of rejection in other people’s behavior and assign that meaning even when it is not there. Your purpose behind it is one of protection from hurt, but you have to understand that through the belief that people reject you or don’t like you, you are hurting yourself much more. By having this belief and acting accordingly you are cutting short the chances of interacting freely with more people, being happy and having an awesome social life. If you have an aggressive personality then you will make sure you abuse and control others first, forcing them to realize that if they do not agree with your ways and your agenda then they will pay the consequences. There are a lot of powerful men working in corporations who prey like this on other men but mostly women they perceive as weak. They will choose their targets carefully thinking that someone who is sweet and sensitive would never have the courage to face an injustice, but instead accept whatever is being requested of them. Sexual harassment is at the core of this behavior. If they have the surprise to see that you are not willing to give them what they want, they will probably try to form toxic coalitions and have you harassed by their subordinates until you either cave in or decide to leave.

Ladies, fight these injustices with everything you have. Keeping your honor is much more important than a job. Look for help and in case you have to suffer and lose then know that something better awaits you in your future. Yes it will hurt like hell in the beginning to see the injustice of it and feeling the powerlessness of proving what is happening, but maybe you just don’t belong there anymore, maybe you have desires for much more and this situation is happening in order to force you to get disgusted and have the courage to do what you always wanted to do. Our mind is very tricky in making us think that there are only certain avenues that will bring us to where we want to go, when in reality it is in the places we least expect that we find what we were looking for.

Fear always starts with a frightening stimulus and ends up with a fight or flight response which manifests as racing heart, sweating, nausea, fast breathing, tightening or energizing of the muscles.

Information we perceive through the 5 senses is transmitted to certain parts of the brain involved with the limbic system, which is the center of emotion. In the production of fear, the most used parts of the brain are:

1) Thalamus-where sensory data is received through the 5 senses and the decision is made as to where it should be sent

2) Sensory cortex-where the data received is being interpreted

3) Hippocampus-gives context to the stimuli received, stores and retrieves at will conscious memories

4) Amygdala- gives meaning to emotions. It works on the avoid pain and gain pleasure principles and scans and stores incoming events deciding for the present and the future what is dangerous and what brings pleasure

5) Hypothalamus- activates the fight or flight response

Fear is uniquely created by each one of us in our brain, it is an unconscious process and it has 2 ways or roads for manifestation. These 2 roads are happening simultaneously in the brain and the more afraid we are of a certain activity or thing the more often the automatic low road approach will be taken.

Ex: we will take here the example of getting ready to deliver a speech at a public speaking event

1) the low road is concerned with a “no risk” or “just in case” approach because the focus is on what might go wrong. So, as you enter the stage and look at your audience, seeing their stern looks, you take in all that info and your brain sends it to the thalamus. The thalamus doesn’t know for sure if you will do bad or you will do well, but since you fear very much doing bad and not being liked it decides to send this information to the amygdala for meaning. The amygdala preoccupied with protection decides to send a signal to the hypothalamus and initiate the fight or flight response in order to protect you.

2) The high road takes more time; it is more deliberate and focuses on taking into account several scenarios of the present situation. As you enter the stage and look at the audience, your brain scans the audience and sends the information to the thalamus. The thalamus sends this information to the sensory cortex, which scans it and decides there is more than 1 possible outcome. The sensory cortex then sends it to the hippocampus for context to be established. The hippocampus will start asking questions based on your habitual approach in life. The hippocampus will also scan memories of a similar event and make associations predicting the outcome of this present situation. These questions could be: If I stay relaxed and do my best, will they like me? How can I engage them and make it fun and interesting? They are here to listen to me and I remember the awesome speech I had last year that made people applaud for a long time. What joke could I say to break the ice, and put everyone in a more receptive place?

By focusing on all this information, the hippocampus will decide the stern looks most likely mean interest for new information from the audience, will send a message to the amygdala that there is no danger and the amygdala in turn will tell the hypothalamus to turn off the fight or flight response.

These 2 roads are happening simultaneously in the brain, but the high road takes a little bit longer and so, even when we realize we are being paranoid, it takes us a moment or two of panic before we can come to that conclusion.

Based on our beliefs, past experiences and upbringing we will experience these 12 fears in different ways. Moreover, based on our 2 primary needs as well as 3 primary ways of taking in information through the senses will create a unique way of feeling fearful of certain things, people or situations. Real fear is healthy, if you would not have it you would cross the street not looking for cars, or put your hand in fire, or jump from a building. But emotional fear is a defense mechanism giving the illusion of protection. Most people live with it and have no idea they are prisoners of their own mind and in their own life.

Once you understand what are you focusing on in your mind to become fearful, you will be able to face the fear and replace it with the emotion you want to feel.

Eliminating fear

In order to eradicate your fears we need to create a conditioned response that is contrary to the conditioned fearful response you have been practicing. The great news is that your subconscious can be programmed to elicit relaxed and objective mindsets regarding life situations. The same way you have been reinforcing fearful neural pathways and trained yourself to automatically respond with fear to life events, you can now replace that with NLP techniques used and proven to work for others. Successful, courageous or whatever trait you see in someone is nothing more but a natural inclination or practiced belief of how life works. The difference lies in a set of patterns of thoughts, which create beliefs; those beliefs create resourceful emotional states and that is the fuel that elicits the necessary behavior in us. If you want to be successful but you fear taking risks or have a pessimistic attitude in life, it will be pretty hard for you to achieve your goals. On the other hand if you like change, are flexible and make the best of the situation you will find a way every time no matter what obstacle stands in your way.

My coaching approach focuses on identifying what you would like to experience instead of the fear you have, and on conditioning your subconscious to elicit that behavior automatically with SI, NLP and EQ techniques. We will have fun and interesting mental and behavioral exercises to apply in order to make new empowering neural pathways in your brain. That will help you, when exposed to your fear, focus your mind differently and access resourceful emotional states, which will generate wanted behaviors instead of automatic detrimental ones that hurt the quality of your life.

Also by doing experientially what you are fearful off, by gradually exposing you to the fearful stimuli, you will understand that nothing wrong can happen if you face the fearful stimuli, and therefore create a new fear extinction conditioned memory.

So for ex if you are a man that fears rejection, one behavioral exercise would be going in a public place every day and asking women out for coffee until you get rejected 3 times. It might very well be that some women will say yes to you, while others will say no. In any case after you have been rejected 3 times and you see that you are still alive, you can go home and do the exercise the next day in a different assigned location. By assigning you specific locations and targets, and working on your approach we will move your confidence gradually up until you get to the point where you can go to any place, pick the woman most interesting to you and go talk to her in a charming nonchalant manner.

Ladies, hopefully you already know this, but just in case, this is not a strategy for you. A strategy for you in the dating world might be learning to give subtle signals to a man you are attracted to in a public place. The more good looking you are and the less eye contact you make with the man you like, will seriously damage your opportunities for finding love. We think men are like beasts, not afraid of approaching us, but in reality they are very afraid of rejection. The better looking a guy is, the more identity he has tied into it, and so if you don’t make eye contact with him, he will stay aside and watch how you reject 90% of the guys in that place. He will watch and think, “why should I even bother so she can reject me as well, no she’s not even looking this way, I’m better off choosing an easier target”. Some guys have been rejected so many times they don’t care anymore and will be much more inclined to come and try to talk to you. You will end up wasting your chance of actually talking to someone you find attractive and possibly with a good personality as well. So, next time you see a good looking guy you would like to talk to, make eye contact, smile and when he comes over break the ice by saying “Hi, I’m …”. You will take a heavy weight of his shoulders because all he’s thinking while approaching you is ” What am I going to say to her? What if she is just playing games so she can reject me as well?” Am I going to look ridiculous?”

If you take the time to observe how your thoughts make you feel and you gradually choose the ones bringing you into a better place emotionally, then you are following your inner guidance, you get aligned with your inner being and then your vibrational frequency changes and stabilizes more and more into higher emotions. Then you attract better people and circumstances in your life naturally. It is not a struggle anymore but a flow of positive experiences.

Once you start building positive momentum with your mental focus, you will observe your days going better and better filled with pleasant events. Then you get to have the experiential manifestations and start to feel your power, which will increase your belief in this benevolent universe and life becomes wonderful. The universe wants to fulfill every desire you have but it cannot deliver the wanted outcomes of your dreams if you do not feel worthy of receiving them. How do you know if you feel worthy and confident? You choose to focus on the outcomes you want, you choose the thoughts empowering you in that direction and you know you are on the right track or not by observing how you feel. Make sure you understand that it does not matter what you say with your words, your words mean nothing if what you think and feel is the opposite of that. The universe is perfectly objective and only delivers to you what you emanate vibrationally. That vibrational essence is made up by the thoughts you think which generate the emotions you feel and those emotions influence your subsequent behavior. We usually blame others for our lack, but you are completely responsible for what you get to live. Your life experiences reflect what you feel and your beliefs of what you think you can get out of life. Those beliefs have a base in your past experiences which you automatically drag into the present. We all have dreams, but the difference between those living amazing lives and those living average conditions is given by what the dreamer believes is possible and what action they take in that direction. Be a daredevil who dares to ask everything from life!

But, where you are is where you are, and it is ok. You need to take yourself from wherever you are on the emotional scale and go slowly in a positive direction. You will not be able to make quantum jumps in your emotional make-up because our biochemistry gets used to the habitual emotions we live in and drags us there constantly. Even if you break free because there is some external event making you happy, after a little while you will go back to your habitual emotional place. You will filter reality through your senses and give events meaning in order to create the emotions you are used to, even though you say and truly want to be happier. You need to change your neurology from the inside out and NLP will help you get there super fast.

If you are in despair you do not have access to hope, so find a way to make peace with the emotion by doing whatever makes you feel better. I strongly recommend putting some soothing music and meditating or doing yoga. If you don’t do something to change your state, even if an opportunity comes about you might not be able to see it and might reject it.

From my work with different personalities I saw that for some people taking massive action will help, while for others focusing on relaxation techniques and asking for help from this infinite intelligence called God, Consciousness, Buddha, Allah etc is what puts them in a better place emotionally. After achieving a better state we can start working together on taking strategic action. For example, if you discover that you have cancer or some illness in the body, asking for help, learning about the consciousness present in our cells, and creating a daily ritual for you to connect with that power will make you feel like it is possible for things to change and then things can actually change. Gradually you can go into anger for feeling so weak, frustration, hope, positive expectation, passion, power and happiness again. Whatever you feel and expect will attract the external circumstances shaping your life.

We perceive reality through our 5 senses but we filter and give meaning to what happens based on what we believe to be true.

It is the task of our lives to become aware of our limiting beliefs and shift them. I am here for you and you do not have to spend years or a lifetime of pain or go through this alone. I would be honored to make that process easy and enjoyable for you, instead of you having to process your painful limitations experientially over and over again without understanding how and why you get to live the life you live.

Your dreams are already sent in this self-aware universe, and the resources you need in order to fulfill them can be sent to you starting this moment. Your only task is to achieve the knowledge, confidence and self worth necessary for bringing that positive expectation and determination to do what you know you should do.

Whatever you can focus on and making you feel optimistic and grateful for your life, or making you love and appreciate yourself will get you the results you want. In this positive state of mind you will have mental clarity and access to emotional resources which will lead to the inspiration of taking that route, making that phone call, approaching that person etc. The universe softly whispers ideas and you need to be in positive emotions in order to hear them.

If you have a dream but when you talk about it you feel powerless or disappointed, that means you believe more in the impossibility of that becoming your reality. You have to do the things increasing your confidence in your ability to create that reality for yourself, and gradually you will increase your beliefs and vibration and get where you want to get.

There is no escape because the universe will rearrange itself to show you what you are feeling. Ever wondered how come people attract over and over the same type of partners or life circumstances? Even though there will be different faces and variations of situations, the essence of the outcomes will be the same. Until you change inside, the results on the outside cannot change. Taking action when you are in negative emotions will only bring you unwanted results, but taking action when you feel good, will give you access to your intuition and you will be able to hear the inspiration and follow it resulting in better and better life conditions. It does not even matter what you are feeling grateful for, because if you can maintain that feeling of gratitude, it will attract the money, the happiness, and everything else that you might be looking for. Why? Because you will be in a receptive mode where your mind and intentions are clear, and that will bring the awareness, inspiration and pro-active behavior you need.

From that place of feeling passionate and eager about life, the ideas as to what you need to do will flow to you and every interaction will go better without struggle or heartache.

Most women are taught growing up that men are practical and cold, and we are supposed to be warm and understanding. Every man wants a woman they can love, admire and respect, no exception. Do not lower your standards in order to please a man that treats you like an option, if he does that, he does not care enough and you are better off letting him go sooner than later. I grew up with a very sensitive father, who actually taught me that being too emotional can damage you and drain you of energy. I don’t know if it was because of that or because of my fiery personality but I always had demands for excellence from my partners, and I always had good partners. I could actually see that even when I was reprimanding them because I felt they did not act appropriately, they liked the fact that I respected myself and would not let them off the hook.

Focus on feeling your beauty, intelligence and power as a woman and you will naturally radiate a magnetic personality, which will draw in the right type of man.

When you love yourself you will have high standards, you will be a sweetheart but you will also be a badass putting the man you are with in his place, if he does not know or wants to treat you the way you should be treated. Don’t ever forget as a woman “You are the prize, and he needs to earn it”.

Men experience heartbreak as well, but due to their tendency to be practical in life learn to detach emotionally and use women, or at least those allowing them to get away with being a bad partner. The concept of a player is tricky. A man or a woman will be a player until they find someone they really like, and in that moment all the playing around goes out the window. You cannot help yourself from wanting to spend time with the person you like, it is the same for men and women. Actually for men, due to their nature, which is a little bit more possessive, the drive to be around us as much as possible will be even stronger. Remember that most societies program women to be submissive and men to be dominant, and that leads to imbalanced behaviors for both parties. Women will become needy and let themselves abused, or out of hurt become cold and choose a weaker man on whose love they can rely, but will not be able to feel respect or attraction for him, because as women we are attracted to the strength we see in men.

Men, will become dominant, violent and with a mentality that says, “ I will be the one making the rules”, or they will become very soft and lacking the strength we need to see in them.

Each man or woman has both a masculine side and a feminine side they need to balance and access in different circumstances. If not you see men who act like robots, brutes or too soft, and women who let themselves be abused or become cold. Passion and intimacy in a couple comes from creating polarity through living in our feminine core as women and masculine core as men.

As a woman you can do everything a man can and even more, no doubt about it. You can have a baby if you want to without needing a man. You can be successful and make all the money, have the career you want and achieve anything you want to.

Some women have become too weak letting others abuse them or too cold, vicious and aggressive. Men have either become incapable of expressing their true feelings or gave up their masculinity and started acting in effeminate ways in order to please and get love.

As a society we are surrounded with misguided love quotes and don’t know how to build intimacy anymore. For passion to exist in a couple there needs to be polarity between the masculine and feminine energies. If a couple is neutral or has reversed roles there cannot be passion. Passion means polarity and attraction towards your partner’s energy and that energy needs to be the opposite of your own energy.  When you are outside of your core you are wearing a mask that it’s making you feel miserable and you don’t even know what is happening or what you should do. The masculine is goal driven, and is attracted to the sensitivity and vulnerability of the feminine. The feminine is free flowing, creative, nurturing and is attracted towards the strength and protectiveness of the masculine energy. When role reversal happens, in order to protect themselves from being disappointed, males will drop their instincts for initiative and service while women will drop their intuition and emotional connection. Trading or being polite, even being friends will not be enough in a relationship, if passion through polarity is not there.

Aggressive women see the feminine ones as weak, but in reality they are denying their own nature. The soft woman is peaceful and beautiful, nurtures, laughs a lot and flows freely with who she is at her core. The aggressive woman acts cold and selfish because she has been hurt so she feels the need to withdraw love and protect herself at all times through attacking first.

In relationships, an aggressive woman unwilling to grow emotionally, will choose a feminine man and walk all over him so she can practice her overdeveloped masculine side and feel the certainty of being in control. Unfortunately, such a woman will never be truly happy because she will not be able to feel respect for her man no matter how much he will love her. You can only imagine how miserable that man will be in a relationship with such a woman.

A truly powerful woman can shift easily from being successful, rational and still bringing her feminine touch in the business world, to being soft, playful and caring with her man at home. We don’t need men to do anything for us, but it is nice to be spoiled and loved by our men, it frees us and makes us access more of who we are, which brings authentic happiness in the couple.

Ladies, we are the rhythm and dance of life; we make our men see the beauty and color in life. Our men are there to provide and protect the space where we can do that dance, where we can feel free to express the love inside of us and get them to move from their masculine world focused on “how can I successfully get from point A to point B” to the feminine way of “let’s take the detour and smell the roses on the way there”.

Men or women equally want love but most of us compromise for some sort of connection with a partner, because we were hurt and made a decision to prevent that from happening again in the future. True strength comes from being vulnerable and open to life though.

A masculine man is born with the desire of making the woman he cares for happy, and if he feels unsuccessful at doing that, he feels like a failure. If he does not know what your needs are, do tell him. He cannot read your mind, so make sure he understands what makes you feel loved. Of course we always give clues and test our men, and do not want to tell them straightforward how and what to do because we believe they need to feel us and know it. But ladies, unless you are both getting help from a coach in figuring out the dynamics between masculine and feminine ways of communication, he will not know, and only feel helpless in changing things. His whole masculine identity is tied into making you happy, providing and protecting you. Men die for this sense of significance and even though they might love you, they will choose to leave or numb themselves through work, drugs or affairs just to feel certain, connected and significant again. 95% of men and women in relationships are well intentioned towards their partner but feel confused, misunderstood and angry with their partner for not meeting their needs or for their communication style.

All a man really wants, if he cares for you, is to make you happy. Note that I said “if he cares for you”- as a warning sign for those women not wanting to see the reality of” if he is not doing his best towards you, then he just does not care enough about you”. Be sure he will do it for the one he is really interested in. Why waste years of your life feeling empty next to him, when you can move on and find one that is available and can’t wait to experience true love? Drop this myth of “I can change him”. I’m a coach but I would not want to have to coach the man I choose to be with. You will never change anyone unless they want to change, and compromises should flow out of a desire to make your partner happy, not because you feel forced to. This is the most common behavior I see in women in my practice, and it keeps them stuck in a vicious cycle of trying to make a relationship work.

Be realistic, it is the same way we women are. We can have tons of amazing guys pursuing us but if we don’t feel that any of them is truly what we want, we cannot make ourselves love any of them. We can decide to settle out of fear and need for certainty but deep down we know we are settling, even when we try to fool everyone else around us. Unfortunately in our society women settle much more than men, and they end up choosing a man they care about, but not truly love. Choosing safety due to past bad experiences will not lead to happiness. Even if the man loves her deeply, eventually it will lead to a life missing passion, and problems surfacing later on when the mask will fall off due to a reason or another. Be careful and never criticize your partner in front of your family or friends or let any of your family members criticize your partner. Trust is lost in those moments and a gap will start forming between the two of you. You are a team, even after you have kids, you are the core and you need to cherish that core in order for everything else to flow in a good direction. Your children will pick that up immediately and will learn what a healthy relationship is. Always focus on understanding your partner’s needs and create intimacy and passionate moments for the two of you. If it’s true and you are happy you don’t need to validate it to anyone.

So ladies and gents, have the courage to pursue what you truly want and give it your all, when you meet someone special. Put your partner first and make it your goal to always be playful, fun and innovative in your ways of loving them. Ladies, know that no matter how attracted and conditioned men are towards visually beautiful and sexy women, in the end they all agree there is nothing more beautiful than a woman smiling and being a happy person. Be the beautiful free flowing siren you are at your core, and you will be a men magnet.

If you are scared that some men might take advantage of your kindness, then know you will still become a better person in the process, and you will be able to let them go peacefully knowing that you deserve better and will find better. Observe how attentive he is towards you every day and test him. Does he text you when he is not with you every morning and evening? Does he call you and talk to you about what activities you could go enjoy together? Ask straightforward questions and listen carefully to what he says. All this will tell you a lot about who he is as a person and ideally you should wait until you have an emotional connection with a man before you decide to take the relationship to the next level and make love to him. Most women I work with know when a man is interested and when he isn’t, they know it, but there is this strange disease most women suffer from called “ I’ll change him”. It is funny how you would invest so much into the project of “making him a good one” ,when you can see he is not. Realize that you are treating yourself very bad through the behavior you are accepting from him. Men are practical; when they say something they really mean it. When a woman is silent or withdrawn and her man asks her “is everything ok?”, 99% of the time she will say “Everything is fine”, that should be your clue that something is very wrong. She is hurt and she wants you to solve the mystery on your own and then give her comfort. When you ask a man if he is ok of if he needs help and he says “no”, that’s what he means.

So stop finding excuses and justification for their behavior, and raise your standards, you deserve to be treated like a princess, and if he cannot do that, then he can go play the emotionally unavailable game somewhere else.

You are better off freeing yourself faster so you can come back into a positive energy and attract a better man. Be true to yourself and you will be guaranteed to find the man you are looking for.

Bargaining, manipulative or selfish behavior will not get you the loving passionate relationship you want, it will just make you less of a person with no real values, suffering emotional abuse your whole life and living a lie.

You should behave gracefully at all times though, because you are a lady, even when you break up with someone.

Let me help you understand how you create your fears in your mind, and then let’s destroy them.

Be fearless ;))

Ch 5- Desire, believe, take action!


When it comes to building a career, you have to focus on what you want because you will not be able to bring your gifts into the world or inspire others unless you feel what you’re offering others. So you need to allocate the time, get the knowledge, shift your beliefs, gain the skills, do the necessary actions and align mentally and emotionally with the results you want in order to change your life. You do not have to go crazy looking for what you want, you just have to align emotionally in positive emotions and follow the clues you will receive each day. They will lead you to meeting that needed connection, getting that job or creating that business, or whatever dreams you might have. We have been taught that we need to look for problems and wrestle with them in order to find the solutions, but that brings frustration, takes the joy out of the present moment and keeps you stuck feeling bad about life. Approaching life like a game, eager and curios to see how you can become resourceful and bring about the results you want is much more fun.

Failure is part of the game sometimes and you have to accept it, learn the lesson and find a new path. Find ways of feeling good, whatever that is for you, and you will be led to what you want in the most beautiful way instead of struggling to make it happen. The more you believe in magic the more magic the universe can give you.

The closer you get to self worth the more confident and calmer you will feel until you get to the point where if your external reality brings you something unexpected, you will accept it and use it constructively for a good cause. When you reach this place it will feel deliciously intoxicating to be you. Now, you have dreams, take strategic action towards them and will see them manifest so quickly and in the best ways possible, that even when something does not go the way you planned, you expect to see what better solution the universe is going to come up with to give you what you want. Your confidence and worthiness is not an issue anymore, you have belief and proof of your power in creating your life and things get better and better naturally.

It is an upward or downward spiral depending where your mental focus, emotional state and behavior will take you. Once you understand your personal power and how you attract your life circumstances, you will feel connected with everything, you will feel the love of your source, which will translate into acknowledgement that source is inside yourself, it is your true self and that is the moment you feel self-love.

It is all about self love or self worth, that is why we come here to master the game of self love by shattering the limiting beliefs of the ego mind and achieving the connection with our true nature. And only once we achieve self-love, we have something to give. When we truly have self worth, even when someone tries to hurt us with their words or actions, we will see through it and easily detach, letting them be who they choose to be and trusting that the universe has a better plan than we imagined.

Law of Attraction then attracts our life circumstances based on our vibration, and our vibration is made up through the thoughts and emotions we feel. That essence or balance will radiate out and give us the life we live. Life objectively gives everyone exactly what they think and feel.

Our vibration creates imbalances first in the mental body, through a constant flow of negative thoughts towards self and others, then if we don’t change direction those thoughts will produce chaos in our emotional body and those emotions will weaken the immune system and generate illnesses in the physical body. Our cells are alive with consciousness and are constantly listening to the messages we transmit through our thoughts, which create the emotions, which in turn transmit chemical messages into our biochemistry changing the structure of the cells and making them healthy or ill. Every cell in these physical bodies is an amazing powerhouse, changing its structure and renewing itself constantly according with our thoughts. When people deal with weight problems, illnesses, or even regular colds, they are coming from stress created at the mental level through negative thoughts, which create negative emotions upsetting the biochemistry and changing the structure of the cells, weakening the immune system and attracting unwanted conditions in the body.

That is why in my coaching, I take a holistic approach, so I can target all 3 bodies at once and produce rapid shifts in the whole system, which will increase the frequency of the energy field that person possesses. That increase in frequency will make a person think, feel and do things differently, become aware of opportunities they were not aware of before, and create the resources to do the necessary actions for the achievement of their goals. Do you have those moments when you think, “I can’t believe I said that or did that” and then those other moments when you feel proud of yourself? You are the same person in both situations, but your consciousness is radically different when you are in positive emotions compared to when you are in negative emotions. You perceive everything with a different mindset and that makes you feel better, think clearer, do the right things and just have an awareness that improves your life on all levels.

Mind-body-spirit connection is not just a nice concept, it is a solid reality because everything is interconnected and influences everything else. The more connected you are with your true self the more harmonious your thoughts, your emotions and your actions will be. You will not be at the mercy of events but instead detach from drama, see the big picture and do the right things that will bring you happiness. Everyone is on a journey of personal development, even though some are not aware they are on that journey at all, and will die unaware. That is ok, once they are out of their physical body and connected with who they truly are, will look back, laugh about it and say “let me give it another shot, maybe this time I’ll do better”.

For some it will take lifetimes from now on and for others you will see a rapid path of evolution that will miraculously transform their life in a matter of years.

Don’t you want to be in this category and able to create the life you want to live?

If you focus your mind on what is important, work enthusiastically towards your dreams and stay aligned in positive emotions, you will automatically generate the fuel necessary to achieve your dreams.

Humans have learned to blame outside circumstances and give up the responsibility of creating the life they want for themselves. People give up so easily on what they want, or waste their time with so many useless activities instead of getting clear and making a commitment to go after it with everything they got. Once you make that decision, staying focused on the outcome with an optimistic attitude and mental-emotional and behavioral congruency, life becomes a fun adventure filled with pleasant synchronicities.

You have to care about feeling good more than anything else because your whole life depends on it. Anything making you feel good from going to the beach, dancing, listening to music, hanging out with uplifting people will raise your vibration, which will translate into getting more and more connected with your true self. The process of connection with your true self is a never-ending one, that is why personal development is unlimited as well. There is always a new level to be reached and a new way of enjoying life.

Self love is about knowing your worth and always doing what is best for you, while knowing that there is the same worthiness and good core in all others, even though some will choose to embody more of their shadow self on a day to day basis.

Self love is also about loving yourself enough as to remove yourself from toxic situations when you see someone is not acting from their true self, but instead chooses to be more in their ego self. If someone asks for help, and you can help them embody more of their true self, do it. But if not, do not bother or suffer over it, they cannot hear you from where they are and you are abusing yourself by choosing to put up with them. Focus on your path and on how you feel and everything else will fall into place in your external reality.

All you have to focus on is your personal development, your connection with yourself and then the scenery around you will naturally change, and you will see that the people will change too. Either they will change their attitude towards you or they will disappear from your life, and you will meet new people whom will reflect the internal make-up you have. Most people spend their lives justifying and trying to convince others of their goodness, ending up frustrated and drained of energy. You do not need to do that, let everyone follow their own path and focus on yours without any expectations from others, their approval or disapproval. If you are clear and feeling good about yourself, the support you need will come as well, and you do not need to chase people you THINK you need support from. Never chase people, let the universe bring the right ones to you.

Once you reach a new level, you will have access to new knowledge, information, inspiration and opportunities. You will have new dreams, fulfill them and again reach for a new desire and a new level of expansion. The momentum you build through your thoughts, emotions and actions can go towards happiness and self-actualization, keep you living an average life or take you spiraling down into depression and/or suicide.

We can either love life and ourselves or fear it. No matter the conditions, our attitude and desire to excel will make us or break us. Love and fear are at the core of every other emotion and they cancel each other out. Our true self NEVER goes down in fear, which is at the bottom of the emotional scale; instead calls us towards higher emotions such as hope, positive expectation, joy and empowerment. The guidance we have to follow is through choosing thoughts and seeing how they make us feel. If they make us feel bad then we are going away from who we are and operating from our ego self, if they feel good, then we are connecting with our true self.

Fear is simply an imbalance in thought produced by having a desire, while holding a stronger belief in the impossibility of having that desire fulfilled, therefore the fear of getting the opposite of what we want. The problem is that most of us are trained by society to be fearful individuals because it is easier to be controlled in this manner, and so we tend to focus on that. From a small age we are given messages of guilt and shame if we don’t do what others ask or expect us to do. In most cases the love is conditional and we learn to believe we are worthy beings only if we respect the rules others have set for us. Our biggest fears are “I am not enough” and because of that “I will not be loved”. And so we conform to conditions we don’t like or do not want in order to get approval and love from the people we think we need it from.

We attract events in our life through what we focus on, consciously or unconsciously, and do not make the connection on why our lives turn up the way they do. Just look at your predominant thoughts and emotions and it will make sense why you live what you live.

Make a decision to be a deliberate creator; to choose what makes you happy and focus on those thoughts, to do the things you need to do in order to bring about the circumstances you want to live. Dreams without action are just wishes.

I am here to take you there with an express elevator. We will raise your vibration by working directly on your mental body, installing commands into your subconscious with Neuro Linguistic Programming, stabilize your emotions and increase your awareness with Emotional Intelligence and take strategic action towards your goals. As a bonus I will create for you a 30 minutes Kundalini yoga program with specific poses targeted towards your particular challenges. In this manner if you do not want to take a class, you can do it in the privacy of your home whenever you have the time.

Any desire you have can be reached as long as you do not block it with your limiting beliefs and expectations, and that is what NLP can help you with. You cannot build a business; no matter how much desire you have to be an entrepreneur, if you do not believe you are capable of doing that or you don’t prioritize your life in order to be able to take the actions you need to take. Most people have the life their beliefs permit them to have, when in reality they could have so much more.

Become a daredevil, live passionately and challenge yourself constantly to reach a new level. That is how you will live a full life and feel happy and alive.

So, if you want to become financially independent and build a business, start gathering the resources you need that will get you there faster:

• work with a coach, get the knowledge and the skills you need

• expose yourself to the environments where you can meet people on the same mission as you are and network with them

• keep an open mind regarding opportunities you hear about, do your research and only if it feels right to you follow them

• remove time-consuming activities that keep you from reaching your goals

You want a lover:

• expose yourself to the environments where you think that person might be

• set your standards high and have the strength to eliminate those that do not fit

• start taking care of your physical, mental and emotional bodies and get them to the level where you would want the other person to be

Having dreams without making a decision to get yourself to the level you need to be will not increase your confidence in getting those circumstances and you will live a life of compromises and hidden desires, frustration and disappointment with what life has to offer you.

We truly are the creators of our lives, and it is time we drop the excuses, become responsible and create what we want to live.

If not, with each year passing by you will look back and regret not doing the right things, which would have made possible the life you dreamed off when you were a child. Remember those times when you read a book or saw a movie and the excitement in you could not be contained? When you were sure of the possibility of it becoming your reality and you were enjoying the role-playing of it just for the sake of having fun? Close your eyes and go back there for a minute or two, feel that wonder and excitement about life again and then bring that into your present moment.

Nothing changed, the dream is still there and the opportunities to fulfill it all around you, the only missing piece is your belief in your own powers and the disappointment with what life has offered you up to now.

What life has offered you up to now does not have anything to do with what life can offer you tomorrow, so start focusing more on tomorrow and what you can do with it and less on your past and what you did not do with it.

We forget to use our inner guidance, that feeling in our gut, that intuition, or emotional guidance because we got trained to believe reality happens outside of ourselves. We spend our days comparing ourselves to others and perpetuating beliefs in a chaotic world in which we have no power of decision. The opposite is true, you create it all and it is all coming to you according with your beliefs and expectations of what life can give you. Even though you can have anything you desire, you will be able to experience only what you think is possible for you.

There are people working long hours or physically demanding jobs and barely paying their bills and then there are those making millions of dollars a minute while having a blast at it. You attribute that to intelligence, luck or family circumstances, when in reality it is a combination of all those things plus the fact that they managed to align their energy (meaning their belief and expectation), acquired the knowledge, gathered the resources they needed and took the right actions. All that concluded in bringing the opportunities they were looking for and since they were aware of it, leaped into a new life experience. Their confidence grew in their own powers and so more opportunities could come along, creating a life that gets better and better in time, if they stay on track and don’t derail in self destructive behaviors.

You can also observe the opposite in society, where people are struggling and receiving hit after hit from life because that is what they focus on all day long, on how hard life is and the lack of opportunities.

Where there is a will there is a way, but they cannot become aware of opportunities if they focus on lack, and so the objective universe obeys and gives them more of what they are feeling.

The good news is that even though this universe is totally objective, the natural tendency is for things to go well, our natural inclination is towards happiness. Even when we are negative, we are negative because we want to be happy and are frustrated because we are not. But when we make the smallest effort in the direction of caring about how we feel, and therefore focusing our mind on what is good and what we can improve in our life, we will build momentum much faster in that direction. A lot of people in dire circumstances have to lose everything and hit rock bottom before they can pull themselves together and build amazing lives after that. A lot of successful people did not learn through inspiration, but had to fail at their first attempts at creating something new. The difference between them and the average individual, who will try once and then give up, is that the latter does not have the emotional fitness and understanding needed to learn certain things before they get wherever they want to get. The first category wants what it wants and does not care how long it will take, because they know it will be great.

Self-mastery is accepting where you are on the emotional scale and gradually moving yourself up, slowly stabilizing in higher emotions.

Slow and gentle movement is always better and will let you enjoy every moment of your experience. You cannot jump from sadness to joy; it is impossible because from sadness your whole perception of the world will be filtered through that state of mind. You might try to project it outside and fool yourself into feeling better but that is not going to last and you will end up living a lie.

From your despair you might not even have access to hope, but you do have access to anger, which is a step up. Even revenge is much better than sadness and disappointment with the world; it will help you face the problem and then move up on the emotional scale instead of repressing your emotions and staying stuck in a toxic environment.

I have a sensitive nature but also a fiery side of me, and whenever I have to face an injustice my anger awakens the warrior in me. I don’t go into depression, I go into anger mostly, it doesn’t matter if something bad happens or if someone tries to hurt me or another human being. Even watching something on TV and seeing people abuse other people awakens in me the desire to do something to change that behavioral pattern. My anger kicks in and it helps me mobilize myself and fight back, instead of feeling like a victim and put up with the abuse. I value that side of me very much and I am grateful for having that emotion, it helped me set boundaries in life with people lacking character, respect and morals in their interactions with other human beings. Have you noticed that those used to abuse others will become even more abusive towards those they perceive as weak?

These individuals get their sense of significance by preying on another’s sensitive nature, because in their passive aggressive attitude perceive as weakness the sensitive side of the other and want to use it as fuel in order to feel their own power and get their own desires fulfilled.

If you are an empathetic person, you know very well how disappointing it can be to see your good intentions and sunny personality met with disrespect, cynicism or cruel attacks. You have to make peace with the fact that people who feel miserable inside will not be able to meet you in higher emotions of joy, empowerment or peacefulness. Most likely they will try to bring you down to their level.

It’s like me talking to a client who feels depressed and instead of slowly taking her/him up on the emotional scale, I start talking to them about how they need to be happy and positive and everything will work out. That is true, if they could do that everything would work out faster, but from where they are, the tendency would be to probably slap me for not being able to understand their pain at the moment.

If someone feels miserable inside and sees another one happy and having a great life, will want to bring that person down to their level because the sight of happiness makes them feel even more acutely their own unhappiness. As painful as it might be to have to face these injustices, it will make you stronger and wiser in your interactions with people.

You have to learn to access your anger, it is a much more beneficial emotion instead of going into depression and feeling like a victim. If it doesn’t come naturally to you, it is because you don’t value yourself enough so you need to start putting yourself first and whenever you face injustices learn to stand up for yourself. Revenge or anger is not personal power, but it is a step in that direction and that is all that matters in those moments.

Most people try to make the jump from despair or anger to joy or empowerment when they are in crisis, and that is impossible since the momentum of the negative emotions has a much stronger pull. In order to escape the negative emotion and the gradual movement, they will use negative vehicles such as food, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, lies, sabotage, violence and those behaviors lock them even further in destructive patterns. Even if it gives them temporary relief, the feeling of guilt and the ego’s voice saying “ you’re so weak, you are dependent on this, etc” will lock them even further into despair.

You have to find relief from where you are and move up, by finding the thought and doing the action that restores your state of wellbeing and builds momentum in a positive direction, until you stabilize in higher emotions. Also don’t take life so seriously, play, laugh and focus on what’s good more.

If a topic is too painful for you, it means you have a strong desire but also a conflicting strong belief in the impossibility of having that desire fulfilled. Since you feel negative emotion, that means you are focused more on the negative outcome, the absence of what you want, and by staying there you cannot attract the circumstances that would give you what you want.

You need to focus your attention on the outcome you want and if that is impossible, because your limiting belief is too strong, then you can at least focus on anything that you can feel gratitude for in your life.

Ch 6-Consciously or unconsciously, I do create my life


The amazing thing about this energy creation is that it does not matter what you focus on as long as you feel good. If you can keep yourself radiating peace, joy, empowerment, all areas of your life would become better. Even if you don’t believe in energy creation, from your own life experience you must have observed up to now that when you feel good, you think clearly, you make better decisions and are able to perceive life and opportunities much better. And surprise, surprise.. you feel good, enjoy your life and your creative journey ;).

When you stay in your core and you internalize the process of what it means to be in charge of your life, on how much control you have over what comes into your life, you then become unshakable.

This universe hears your desires from the first moment you have them, it creates the resources and keeps updating them for you with even better ones. That is how evolution happens. We build the prototype and then align with it, only to discover there is a better way and align again with that new path.

We have so much to learn from children when it comes to letting emotions flow through us. Some of us learned to contain them, act appropriately at all times, but never feel alive, while others to indulge in negativity all the time (gossip, pretending, attacks, sabotage, violence) in order to feel alive.

We have disconnected ourselves from our true nature of letting emotions flow through us and have learned to put on masks in front of the world for the sake of approval.

When we don’t know how to connect with ourselves through positive vehicles we will find negative vehicles to satisfy our needs and then become prisoners of our own sabotaging patterns.

When we make a decision to love ourselves and always be on our side, clarity will wash over us and our life will just get better and better. Unpleasant surprises might still happen here and there but we will be able to detach and bounce back fast.

We live in an elegant and objective universe and there is no escape or pretending we can do regarding that.

Choose to be true to yourself and you will always be authentically happy.

You are in charge and you create your life, so learn to do it in a fun playful manner and you will be surrounded with pleasant surprises everywhere you go. You will wake up and go get your coffee and instead of dealing with a grumpy cashier, will interact with the nice one with whom you can exchange smiles and light jokes. You will drive towards work and feel a nudge to take an alternate route just because you want to enjoy the scenic ride only to find out later on that there was an accident delaying the route you usually take. Your whole day at work will be filled with pleasant interactions, smooth workflow and you’ll get home in the evening finding your partner waiting for you with a candle lit dinner.

These are simple examples so you can internalize that what you feel, you get more of. Now you can understand why when you wake up feeling good, the whole day unfolds like that vs when you feel bad and you see more and more stressful situations coming at you. It is all energy in action and attraction based on our internal make-up.

Darwinian theory taught us we are isolated entities, with a short lifespan, while the world we live in is an external material creation over which we don’t have control.

Do your research into the new scientific discoveries of Quantum physics and you will understand that the subatomic particles (quarks) are just energy and information changing form into atoms and molecules according with the observation and expectation of the observer (YOU). This energy moves at tremendous speeds giving the impression of being solid to our senses, but there is nothing solid in this universe, it is all a hologram. We perceive energy in the specific forms atoms and molecules take because we interpret energy with our 5 senses (vision, hearing, taste, touch and smell) and then conclude we live in a solid material world. The tricky part is that even though there are infinite options and parallel realities being created in every moment, you and I will have access and perceive with our senses only the reality matching our level of consciousness. What you believe is what you will have access to and perceive, even though the possibility of something else is there and as real as the one you choose to conclude is your “reality”. When you are angry or when you are happy, it is the same you, feeling those emotions. But how different is your perception, clarity of mind, behavior and awareness of yourself and others? You cannot have access to opportunities for making money if you vibrate lack, because you will see, hear, touch, taste and smell lack everywhere you look. You will commiserate with others about the lack you believe is in the world and in this way attract even more evidence of it. You will get mad and think others are just lucky for living the life they do, while you have to be stuck in your life circumstances. In this manner you keep your vibration low and in the same place, attracting even more evidence of your limiting beliefs through circumstances that will perpetuate the same unwanted conditions. In order to feel certainty you will perceive lack even when you see the opposite of it, and if an opportunity comes your way you will destroy the chance of changing your conditions by trying to find reasons to see whatever negativity you have been perpetuating regarding that belief up to now.

I know it’s hard to read this. Logically you think that if you are the creator of your life you would never create pain for yourself, but you do it unconsciously by what your past experience has taught you to believe about life. By what you think, what you feel and what you do according with those formed beliefs. Even if a belief hurts us and perpetuates pain in our life we will look for evidence to prove it right because we seek certainty more than anything else. Due to our instinct for survival and need for certainty, we let our ego run the show most of the time. The ego tricks us into believing that it protects us by looking for danger everywhere and keeping us living small lives, when in reality it distorts our perception. Until we become aware of how flexible things are and how we have been sabotaging ourselves, we cannot let go of limiting beliefs and install new ones. The old ones have served their purpose, so don’t feel bad about that, just realize it, and realize that you can live freely and embrace life on a different level from now on.

From the first book I read on energy creation and our nature as spiritual beings having a human experience, I felt it in my heart and got it intellectually because looking back at my life experience everything made so much sense to me. The excitement of discovering I am the creator of my life was exhilarating, but that feeling of empowerment would be lost whenever something bad happened in my external circumstances. Even though I knew better, my focus was still on what I could observe externally instead of focusing internally more and letting go of controlling how I thought the opportunities should come to me. I’m pretty analytical by nature and understanding the process of energy creation with my brain really gave me the knowledge I needed to embrace the faith part, but it was not until I started putting in application the principles and observing experientially the results, that I truly understood my power.

Researching Quantum physics and realizing how everything I knew about matter and how it behaves was so limited, opened up a whole new world of possibilities. For all of us realists trained to question everything and not believe it until we see it, the path of understanding has to be more through the brain than the heart. Even though our desires for empowerment and happiness are big, the beliefs and skepticism we hold in our mind are much more restricting, not letting too much room for that grace part. We have been taught that we need to be practical, be on the look out for problems and solve them. As Einstein accurately said “ The problem cannot be solved from the same level of consciousness it was created at”. Our focus on problems and limitations brings more problems and limitations into our awareness.

A focus on gratitude and solutions, on the things that make us feel amazing about ourselves and our lives will bring about more clarity of mind, emotional resources and pro-active behaviors, which will lead to an improvement of life circumstances on all levels.

I’ve been very spoiled my whole life and that made me a complainer for a long time, never happy with what I had because it was never good enough or I wanted something else. The funny thing is that I knew very well how good life is for me by looking around at what most people around me were living, but it did not matter because my desires were for an extraordinary life.

The belief that I am not in control over what comes into my experience would make me worried and annoyed. I wanted to become the best version of myself and have the freedom of choosing whatever life circumstances I wanted to live next, but the feeling of being at the mercy of events would make me feel weak and vulnerable. Because of that feeling, of course I also attracted here and there people that tried to hurt me and truly made me feel powerless.

Luckily I found a sweet escape in books and a way of living in a different world by reading self-help ones and biographies of successful people. In my desire of understanding how it is that others get what they want in life, I started on a quest of understanding how I can also get everything I want in life, while having a career I am passionate about.

It was clear to me that whatever we want, we want it because we think it will make us happy when we have it. The problem was how could I gain control over getting everything I want and also how could I achieve inner happiness without relaying on external conditions. I wanted to be able to have the emotional fitness of being happy even when something goes unexpectedly bad, so that I could still feel ok to move forward with even more determination.

I intuitively knew there has to be a better way of going about life and easily achieve the life circumstances we desire, I just needed to find it and practice it.

And there is, and it is accessible to all of us, regardless of our background, family circumstances or past experiences.

We are so powerful that we decide to come here and play the game of forgetting our own power; dealing with contrast and challenge ourselves to still find our way back into embodying who we truly are. We are positive empowered beings with infinite potential, evolving through our own creative desires and getting in touch with new levels of consciousness, higher or lower depending on what we express more, our true self or our ego self.

Depending on what we decide to embody more, it can take us years, a lifetime or lifetimes of practice. Nevertheless, in each lifetime we learn valuable lessons and set new challenges for ourselves.

The guidance is there at all times, and we just need to stay steady and find the resources helping us get in touch with more of who we are at our core.

Let’s connect with what happiness means for us, become aware of the dreamer in us, and then get in touch with our powerful creator self in order to manifest those conditions.

It is not easy to let go of everything you knew or thought you knew and start fresh, but it is so exciting to have a mind opened by wonder and belief in possibilities.

This is where children live until everyone around them starts breaking them down with rules and regulations, making them lose track of who and what they want to be, do or have and instead having them conform with what others think is best for them.

Guidance is important but freedom of expression is imperative in building a strong character.

All behavior, even what we consider extremely negative, has a positive intent behind it, it fulfills some need for that individual. If we want to help him or her we have to understand what need that is and making them aware of how it can be fulfilled through positive vehicles instead of forcing our way upon them, punishing or forbidding their way of expressing it.

The beauty of evolution comes from variety and diversity, from merging different worlds and points of view and creating something new, not from keeping everything and everyone the same. We can all agree that technological advancement is making life so much easier nowadays. Imagine if mentalities would be as open towards new, imagine how much faster we would all reach new levels of evolution.

We live in 2015 and people are still abusing and killing other people over absurd beliefs in superiority due to skin color, religious backgrounds, gender inequalities or social status.


If we focus our mind, emotional resources, behavioral responses and of course use the leverage of the universal forces at play for each one of us, there is nothing we cannot achieve, and life will become a playful ride in personal evolution.

I want you to know that you can have what you want in life, and I am here to help you remember your power.

There is nothing bringing me more joy than seeing my clients happy and thanking me for helping them improve themselves and their lives. I invest everything I have into my passion, and that passion is transforming ordinary lives into extraordinary ones. We all have the potential and desire to live extraordinary lives but only 2% of the population actually gets to live like that. These people have a different mentality, operate in a different manner, and know how to focus their mind, emotions and behavior in order to get what they want out of life. The rest of 98% live life unconsciously, thrown by events left and right, influenced by whatever they feel in the moment. They do not prioritize appropriately their resources (knowledge, time, energy, finances, connections), and then conclude life is hard and there is no point in even trying.

There is a slow way of discovering all this on your own, but there is also a highway called personal development coaching.

As your coach I will help you drive like a badass on that highway ;).

In the same manner you would go to any specialist in order to become more efficient, avoid setbacks and get results faster, as a specialist in human behavior I will help you discover why you do what you do, and what you need to change in order to get where you want to get. Then, once you understand your map of the world and the rules you evaluate it by, we can identify your needs and take strategic action towards your goals. The cool thing is that I can expose different models but we will work together in finding the approach you like most, the approach that defines you and your personal style instead of having to follow some general rules. That way you will create lasting change, and not just force yourself to follow the rules for some time and then give up and go back to the old sabotaging ways. Coaching is not about telling someone what they should do, it’s about helping someone discover how they stand in their own way from achieving what they want in life, and then creatively designing positive vehicles that suit their particular needs and personality. I would hate to have to use my authority and say you need to do this because this is the only way and I know better since I am the coach. I learn so much and get new depths of understanding from each client I work with. What I want most is for you to find yourself, to finally have the courage to embody who you truly are and express it freely, to empower yourself through what makes you happy and can become your unique mark in the world.

We can identify what your true needs are and then create the positive vehicles through which they can be fulfilled. In this manner achieving authentic happiness and fulfillment will come through inspiration, not struggle.

We will fire you up and get you moving in the right direction with eagerness and desire to excel.

Change happens only under 2 conditions: under crisis or under inspiration. Don’t wait until you get into crisis to seek help in changing what doesn’t work, instead come from a place of inspiration and desire to live more and better!

Law of attraction is objective and always working for you, whether you acknowledge it and create your life consciously, or you don’t, and create it unconsciously. You can always tell in which direction you are going, towards your desired outcome, or the opposite of it, by checking in with your emotions and observing how a thought makes you feel. If a thought feels good and prompts you to an action then follow it, but if not, ponder a bit on it, look for some other avenues and then act.

Most importantly learn to keep things to yourself and not let other people’s opinions or perceptions of you or your life influence your decisions. It is absolutely irrelevant what they think is good for you, because nobody knows better than you what you want and what makes you happy. Do only what feels right to you in life and you will always move in a better direction.

If you have big desires for an extraordinary life then also acknowledge that we all have different standards of what a good life means. If someone else’s standards coincide with average life circumstances then of course it will be easier for them to already have them fulfilled. We achieve greatness only when we step outside of the comfort zone, outside of the beliefs that most people have and when we do the things most people don’t. For example when I decided I want to open up my own business I took in consideration all the risks: losing the security of a paycheck, getting very disciplined in managing my time, working much more in the first years until I reach a certain level etc. But I also knew that if I will be successful then I would get to live the rest of my life like few people do.

If your desire is for much more than average, then you might need to work harder, have patience until you find exactly what you want, invest in your knowledge, prioritize intelligently etc.

It is not only logical for it to be like this, but it is also a matter of how fast you align with your new desires. This universe can fulfill them instantly; those are the overnight successes we hear about. But unless you find a way to believe in yourself and your desire first, and then take action towards it, it cannot become a reality for you. You need to think the thoughts, feel as if you would already have it, and do the things that bridge your desire with your belief in it coming to you. Most of us lost faith in our worthiness and ability to create the life circumstances we want due to all the negativity surrounding us.

Detach from anything keeping you back in living the life you want to live. Do not care about the opinions of others, about their experience in life and remember that their reality does not have to be your reality, unless you choose to make it your reality.

Ch 7-Living authentic lives


My practice focuses 70% on empowering women in embodying all they can and want to be. There is a flawed premise going on saying that you should stick to one identity, when in reality that limits you and makes you confused and frustrated as a woman or man. We do not have one-identity ladies and gents, we have several and we embody them and access them in different situations and with different people depending on what the moment calls for. Do you behave the same way in a business setting as you behave when you are with your partner, or when you are with your friends?

Your essence is the same, meaning values, beliefs, rules and attitudes in life but you get to access more of your focused professional self at work, more of your sensual playful self with your partner, and more of your funny silly self with your friends. That is what being whole means.

When we are programmed by parents or society to think that we have to access only some parts of ourselves in order to be considered good, we repress other parts of ourselves and that is what brings inner conflicts, unhappiness and slow death of the soul. If you were raised in a conservative or critical home and you learned that you need to be a people pleaser and never seem to do anything right, or were taught that as a woman it is bad for you to enjoy your intelligence as well as sensual side, you will choose life circumstances that will drain you and that will show on how you behave towards others, how you age, how you feel, what you achieve in life etc. It is so funny how from our need for certainty we have to put people in boxes and have labels for those boxes. If a woman is smart it kind of follows that she has to be a nerd and not have a sensual side of her. If she is beautiful then probably she is not smart. Based on these limitations we send messages and program one another to be 10% of what we truly can be.

This is at the core of all relationship dynamics and men are taught not to access all of who they are as well. If you want to be seen as a strong man then you can never show emotion or be weak and cry. Instead of repressing these different sides of who we are and then developing weird behaviors of overindulgence when no one is watching, it would be more balanced if as a whole we would all become much more willing to let everyone express all of the sides of their personalities. Then, you would not see women who have been raised in very strict homes, go wild and totally disrespect themselves when they escape that environment or men who will break down from repressing the need to be comforted and cry or do whatever they need in the moment to release the pain.

I was given so much freedom by my parents, we had open talks about everything, and that only made me value myself and them so much more.

By feeling free in expressing yourself authentically in the moment you can be happy.

There will always be pressures on you to be a certain way, to make choices others think are best for you, but if you do not want to make those choices, do not kill your soul out of the need for approval or safety.

Ladies most of you fear the criticism and labels such as self centered if you focus more on your career and you want a family and children only after you feel your power in business. Nobody knows better than you what makes you happy right now and if you abandon dreams in order to fit in with the rest of the society, you will be the one having the regrets and living the consequences, no one else will.

I faced that pressure for the past 7 years now and still do, but I will not let anyone else convince me of what I need and want in my life right now.

It wasn’t easy to convince my family, and even my ex husband at a certain point, that I do not want to have children yet either, and the pressure started building since I was 25 and reached crisis around 29. Nobody understood my decisions since I was breaking into a new way of being, with new desires and ways of wanting to live life.

I do not want children for 2/3 years from now on, because I know my life would have to change completely and the baby would have to come first. I also know that these years and my dedication is crucial in achieving the levels I want to achieve in my career and abandoning that would make me have regrets later on. Do you think this was an easy decision? Not at all, and everyone thought I am destroying my life with my new ideas. I remember when I was trying to explain to my mom concepts about spirituality and energy creation, her reaction was hilarious asking me if I am in some sort of cult and what is happening to me.

I adore children and want to be an excellent and dedicated mom, but I also know that right now I do not have the desire or patience to deal with that responsibility, and so I need to follow my heart even though that is not what is expected of me.

In my case it took some explaining, some arguments even, but eventually everyone made peace with the fact that I’ve always been a rebel and I will follow my wishes no matter how much anyone else tries to convince me otherwise. It is my decision to always be true to myself and I know this is the right time for me to uncompromisingly pursue my career.

The more conservative your family is, the bigger resistance you might have to face, but if you stay true to what you want and follow your heart, you will be happy and end up with even happier conditions.

If you follow your dreams you will be 100% present and dedicated in whatever projects you have going on in your life. You will be much happier throughout life, instead of conforming out of duty or fear and then realizing that you made the wrong choices.

Nobody else’s opinion is better than your opinion when it comes to choosing what makes you happy, so always follow your wishes, whatever those are.

Joseph Campbell said some words full of wisdom and those are ” Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors for you were there were only walls”.

Do things in the order you feel is right for you and brings you happiness, and in time you will live an extraordinary life, not one where you feel trapped and filled with resentment and jealousy towards others living what you always wanted but did not achieve.

When someone is genuinely happy she/he does not need to justify, validate or get approval from another. Being content living life is enough and it does not matter what anyone else thinks of it. There are as many opinions as there are people living on this planet so if we live life in order to get the approval of others, then we are setting ourselves up for failure.

It is our life, our attitude and our rules we need to care about in order to be happy.

If not, the external roles we are playing and using to define ourselves, or the judgments and attacks towards others who dare to step outside of the norm, can only take us so far for a definite amount of time. The internal emptiness will only grow bigger in time damaging our life more and more, if we don’t turn inward and understand what is going on inside. Projection is the most common behavioral pattern and it comes from a lack of self-love. When we don’t love ourselves we cannot love anything or anyone else. We will find temporary circumstances (people and situations) we can love but that will all be conditional. We love them because they play a certain role in our life not because we are lovers of life. When we embody self-love we are looking at the world and ourselves though the eyes of our source or true self. We can acknowledge the imperfections, choose to look past them and also see the abuse and toxic energy and out of self-love bring awareness into it and then choose to move away to a better environment.

If we are in sadness the voice of our source is wise enough to know we cannot reach joy, so it will call us into anger, once we get there it will call us into indifference and letting go, then into positive expectation and so on.

Toxic people cannot hear the voice of their source anymore due to the loud voice of their ego self, and will stay in negative emotions for indefinite periods of time. They will not know how to find their way out of the vicious cycle of emotions through which they learned to satisfy their needs. The need for significance and the lack of feeling significant makes people say and do really stupid things in life.

Someone who is on a mission in life and has goals and dreams to go after will not have the desire or time to involve himself or herself with pettiness, abuse towards another or negativity. Someone who is frustrated with their life conditions on the other hand will continue to waste it with useless aggressive actions towards others and get meaningless satisfaction from that. They are still trying to get what they want but they do it in twisted ways without consideration for how their actions make another one feel.

Major sign in recognizing these toxic people is that they will try to form coalitions and gather allies in their attempt of proving the wrongness of another. If they succeed it makes them feel good, and having others join them makes them feel like a leader, which is what they are actually looking for.

And leaders they become, leading through their shadow self.

They do not see the possibility of being a leader through originality, creativity and a positive way of servicing the world, and so they will find negative vehicles to satisfy that need for significance. They need to put another one down, compare and then say “You are wrong” or “I am better than you”.

The way you know not to put your hand in fire, you also need to have the common sense to not put yourself in toxic company.

Emotions are contagious and you will find yourself drained of energy or filled with negativity, when you could spend your time creating the life you want to live, in the company of people who can uplift you. Become aware of characters and understand why people do what they do.

Focusing on yourself and the people who want to grow and live in their true self, will bring you a beautiful life.

This is an awesome picture, which serves as a metaphor for my point above about having the confidence and courage to walk your path unapologetically.


Ancient Egyptians knew why they were in awe and venerated cats as esteemed deities. Every king or queen had a cat as well as every household and they held them in high esteem for their intelligence, mysteriousness and aloofness, as well as playful but independent nature. A cat will never accept attention unless she wants it.

The earliest feline cat goddess was called Mafdet, depicted and described in the Pyramid texts as killing a serpent with her claws, while the most venerated famous cat goddess was Bastet.

Bastet was worshiped by Egyptians and represented as having the body of a woman and the head of a domestic cat. She represented the Eye of Ra, the universally worshiped king of gods, the Sun God. Bastet was acting within the sun god’s power and was a protector of women and children. She was also the goddess of dance, music, sunrise, pleasure, luxury, family, birth, and fertility.

Sekhmet- the lioness goddess cat was the shadow self of Bastet, being the wild warrior feline goddess, depicted with the body of a woman and the head of a lioness wearing a sun disk. Sekhmet means “the one who is powerful” and symbolizes the destructive heat of the sun or fire and protector against evil.

When Ra, the father of all creation, became angry with the twisted ways of humankind, he transformed his third eye into the Goddess Sekhmet and sent her into the world to slaughter evil humans.

She used her fierceness to bring justice and was revered by Egyptians for her ability to protect them in warfare, as well as mystic abilities of seeing through darkness and bringing light into the consciousness of humanity through her courage. She was also seen as the goddess of fire and medicine, restoring order through unconventional ways. When Ra decided to calm her down and refine her wild nature, her shadow self, she became a protector of humankind and an equal to Bastet bringing polarity into balance.

The killing or harming of cats was considered a most barbaric act in ancient Egypt and was punished with death by authorities.

Ladies, you if you haven’t embodied these two sides of yourself up to now, it is time you start doing it.

In this society where we are given messages of not being enough, accepting abuse and chasing men, no wonder so many women are single. I’ve always been told by girlfriends and even female clients I work with, that I am too tough with men. Well, I might be, but let me tell you that I never had to suffer the way I see other women due.

I set my boundaries from the beginning and the man I am dating will know he is either doing his best or if not he will not be part of my life.

I know what I want and I will politely express my standards from a first date. I don’t play around with my life and I truly want to know if the man I am dating is the type of man I would consider in my future. If he is, then he will not only not have a problem with giving me his best self but he will do it without me having to ask him to be attentive, bring me flowers, arrange amazing date nights for us and all the sweet gestures that happen when 2 people try to get to know each other.

Every man and every woman wants love, this need is embedded in us, and if he/she is not doing the right things that is because he/she is not feeling you are it. They do not want to invest too much because they know this is temporary until they will meet the person they are really interested in and want to invest in.

Keep it practical and simple, you know very well when someone is not doing the right things, but why oh why would you choose to suffer and find excuses for his/her behavior remains a mystery to me. You will get the same result in the end, but in the meantime you will devalue yourself, lose your self esteem and confidence, live in co-dependence suffering for someone who doesn’t deserve you, and lose the chance of being single so you can meet a better man/woman.

Do not lower your standards in order to please a man who does not treat you like a queen, or a woman that does not treat you like a king.

Men are a little more practical, but ladies please understand that if he is a real man and he is truly interested he will have initiative and be as charming as he can be while dating. Do not chase affection, but let it come to you. “You are the Prize” and when you let a man treat you like an option, it is not his fault anymore, but only yours for not respecting yourself.

While when you know who you are and what you want, even if you might attract here and there someone like that, you will see through it and easily remove him from your life. Neurology wise, our brain as females is constructed differently from a male’s brain. If for us the emotional center and the sexual center is in the same place, for men the sexual center is separate from their emotional center. What that means is that unless he has an emotional connection with you, he will only see you as a way to fulfill his sexual needs.

Your body is your temple, so wait and form an emotional connection with a man, see who he truly is as a person behind his physical appearance and let him discover who you are. Take your time in getting to know him before you go to the next phase and make love to him.

Be the sweet loving woman you are, but when necessary do not be afraid to stand your ground and set your boundaries with people.

Balance can be restored through inspiration but it can also be restored through fire and shattering of limiting beliefs. Know how to access your light as well as your warrior side, because life will require it and you cannot live in a Pollyanna type of mentality.

As a single child I was very pampered by sensitive and loving parents, encouraged to be all that I can be and always express my personal truth. Subsequently I grew up with a man equally loving and with a very good soul. So I was pretty sheltered and thinking everyone is like that.

I got out into the world and got hurt by people who took my sensitive and happy nature as weakness and used it in ways that would serve their own agendas. It hurt a lot when I had to face it, and I had no idea how to defend myself, but I don’t regret going through it at all. I became stronger through it and it gave me depth and grounding into becoming a person that knows when to be nice but also knows to be skeptical about people’s intentions no matter what their words say.

There are people living in their shadow self who have learned how to manipulate and use others, imposing their unethical ways in order to get what they want in life.

Not talking about it, pretending it doesn’t exist or not trying to stand up and restore balance will not change things and human interaction.

There are men who will want you and if they cannot have you, will try to hurt you, and there are women who out of envy will tell lies and sabotage you, so they can trash your image and gain whatever significance or benefits they are looking for.

Do not let the world take your smile away or change the loving woman you are at your core, but if you are abused have the courage to stand up for yourself and confront evilness. No matter the outcome you will still become a better human being by speaking the truth. And stay assured that even though it might seem like you are losing in the beginning, your truthfulness will be rewarded by this benevolent universe in the future with better conditions than if you would not have had to face what you did.

If a woman named Rosa Parks would not have had the courage to stand up against the injustice of having to give up her seat to a white man, and having to go sit at the back of a bus, because the color of her skin was black, the civil rights movement would have moved at a much slower pace. People who brought change in the world, always had to face the wrath of those other individuals sticking to outdated mentalities.

The more we stand up for justice and equality, the faster the world will become a better place for all of us to live in.

When you shift this basic thing of caring about yourself and the life you want to have, everything will start flowing in a positive direction.

We assume wrong perceptions that being spiritual or a good person means accepting abuse and nonsense in this world, but if we do that we are perpetuating sick behavioral ways and mentalities cannot change. Haven’t you noticed that the people who are the biggest abusers towards those they perceive as weak, are also the biggest cowards and backscratchers with those having more authority than they do?

Do you think that these people who have learned to feel powerful through abusing others will stop and change their ways if you let them walk all over you, or they will get to feel even more powerful and do it more often?

Dalai Lama one of the prominent spiritual leaders in the world right now is known for not having any tolerance for stupidity and walking out of interviews if he is confronted with situations like that.

Learn to walk the middle path and show people the side of you they awaken through their own behavior.

Don’t lower yourself and become like that, but tell them the truth in their face and then make a decision if it is beneficial for you to associate with them or not anymore in the future.

If more people would do it, the world would become a better place faster. If people would set boundaries with those around them, then more people would become socially conscious.

Ch 8-Being disciplined and prioritizing is crucial to your success


People often ask me how do I manage to stay focused and have the energy to be motivated to multitask through my on going projects in-between coaching sessions, consulting contracts, writing, marketing, going to the gym every day, eating healthy, and having fun in my personal life?

And my answer is that I do not force myself to do things, but I will love myself and define my goals for every area of my life, and then take action choosing what is good for me and removing what is toxic. Once you make being happy a priority, you then have to make a commitment to install the necessary habits, practice them for 30 days regardless of how hard it seems in the beginning, and then it will become a lifestyle building positive momentum on its own.

Our body, how we age, our careers, our relationships, and everything we live reflect our daily habits.

Learn to invest your time wisely, feed your mind with knowledge and information that makes you grow as an individual, and you will naturally be given chances of reaching new levels of personal development and happiness in life.

When installing habits that will create a lifestyle, learn to find ways of motivating yourself by staying focused on the outcome, not on how hard it is to change your unhealthy ways in the beginning. We all have 24 hours in the day but the differences on how we spend those 24 hours gives the difference in the quality of lives we each live.

This is the difference between those who make it and those who don’t. The first ones have the tenacity and mentality to focus their mind on how great it will be when they master this new thing, and doing the actions they need to do on a daily basis, instead of demotivating themselves and wasting time with useless activities in order to escape the responsibility of creating the life they want to live.

We all have dreams, most people even know what they should be doing to achieve them, but on an unconscious level there is a voice saying “It is better to numb myself with instant gratification habits instead of trying to do the right thing and maybe failing. Then I will have to take responsibility for the failure, while if I don’t try I cannot say that I failed”.

So what if you fail, you get up, learn what you can out of it, adjust course accordingly and try again!

It is all a matter of acknowledging where you are but most importantly where you want to go. If you are in despair or depression the relief and next step might be taking a nap, walking through a park, or on the beach, reading an uplifting book, watching a comedy. It does not matter what it is, as long as it makes you feel better and you do not feel guilty about it later on.

Most people struggle and waste their lives with bad habits because they want pleasure and to avoid pain, and so they resort to instant gratification habits which give them short term relief but huge pain in the future. Every action has two poles of attraction; it can be used to make your life better or worse.

We create emotions through the focus of our mind and if we learn to focus it differently and take the necessary actions, we will get different results.

Negativity coming in your life can be a new beginning in disguise, so look for the greater purpose it can serve in shattering outdated personal or societal beliefs or behaviors.

Make peace with it and transform a misfortune into an opportunity to help yourself and others. There is always a reason for it, a lesson, which needs to be learned, a new way of being or a new pathway towards a greater tomorrow.

Our five senses will replicate what we already feel and believe and so they are not accurate and cannot guide us in the pursuit of our desires. The only sense that can accurately guide us, is our emotions, our sixth sense or intuition. Our emotions are our connection with source and not polluted by past experience as the mind is. The mind has been conditioned by upbringing and past experiences as well as what it observes in the present and sends information accordingly to the five senses.

Moreover, the momentum we have going on through the essence of our thoughts and emotions generates a stronger or weaker point of attraction for our desires. So, for ex, if you are a confident person who feels good about herself/himself and where your life is going, then someone coming in and trying to make you feel powerless will not have too much of an effect on you. That is because your strong momentum of confidence and self-esteem, the joy you feel about your life, cannot be overshadowed by external circumstances for too long. Whatever it is, you will bounce back into your usual practiced momentum of joy and eagerness for life.

On the other hand, if your practiced momentum is one of feeling powerless and bad about yourself and life, after an incident like this your confidence will go even lower, it will shake you once more and you will make generalizations which will make you feel even less confident.

It is the same principle as with any momentum you have going on, towards what you want or what you fear you might get. Always take responsibility for your life and be true to yourself. If you make mistakes acknowledge them and correct them. If you change your mind give yourself the permission to follow a new direction and a new desire. Don’t get trapped into living unhappy lives just because you are afraid of what others will say about your choices.

Self-love permeates your whole life’s circumstances and you have to practice it at all levels of your being.

Below I am giving you some tools and habits I have been incorporating in my life for the past seven years, which helped me achieve a better life at a physical, emotional and mental level.

Ch 9- A new you


Physical body

Diet-General habits

1. Cook with extra virgin olive oil or Udo’s oil. Udo’s oil is the best but it is an acquired taste and since I cannot get used to it I only use olive oil

2. Pink Himalayan salt instead of iodine salt. It is packed with over 80 minerals and energy rich iron content. It detoxifies the body from heavy metals, reduces the signs of aging, creates electrolyte balance, supports a healthy libido and increases hydration by balancing the pH level (alkaline/acidity). It also reduces acid reflux, speeds up the metabolism, strengthens bones, lowers blood pressure, improves circulation, dissolves and eliminates sediment to remove toxins and many more benefits. Make the switch now!

3. Apple cider vinegar instead of regular vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is a healing elixir containing vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and dietary fiber. The antioxidants found in it protect against aging, cancer, and all illnesses caused by our exposure to chemical toxins. It contains pectin, which is a water-soluble fiber absorbing fat, toxins, cholesterol and water in the digestive system and eliminates them from the body. It also improves heart health, energy levels, digestion and has plenty of minerals which help with transmission of nerve impulses, heart rhythm, hydration levels, contraction of muscles as well as supporting healthy bones and teeth.

4. Stevia or brown sugar instead of white refined sugar. Stevia is a natural source of sweetener coming from leaves instead of the chemicals found in Splenda or other sugar substitutes

5. Purify your water with Shungite stones and tape messages of love on a blue water carafe, since blue is the color of our throat chakra. The color and the messages as well as the stones will energize our water. Shungite stones are absolutely amazing, read about them and use them

6. Drink your favorite flavored tea in the morning instead of coffee; add a teaspoon of lemon in it. The lemon will alkalize your whole body and detoxify it. You think coffee gives you energy, but what it actually gives you a jolt while bringing your energy levels lower later on, that is why you feel like you need to reach for that second or third cup. It dehydrates you tremendously, damages memory and makes you very anxious. Tea is packed with flavonoids, which are an amazing group of phytonutrients used for centuries in alternative medicine for their healing effects against cancer, brain health regulating learning and memory, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, improved exercise endurance, fights free radicals which damage our DNA, Parkinson’s disease, bone mineral density and strength. Herbal teas are an infusion of a different plant so look for real tea, which comes from a plant called Camellia sinensis and includes only four varieties (green, black, white and oolong).

7. Whenever you eat meat, make sure you alkalize it with a big salad on the side. If you don’t do that, the meat, which is an acidic food, will produce acidity and damage your body in countless ways. All green foods are alkaline and very beneficial for you. Color your plate as much as you can, adding variety through different fruits and veggies.

8. Drink coconut milk, which is divinely delicious instead of the regular milk filled with hormones. Try almond milk as well and see which one you like best

9. The salad chore. Choose a green leaf that you enjoy in order to eat more salads. Try several and see which one you really enjoy. For ex I know spinach is healthy but I do not like the taste of it in salads, I only like it cooked. And so I found out that I love the hint of sourness kale has, and I can enjoy plenty of kale salads. Have salad at least once a day.

10. Instead of eating tons of chocolate, eat your favorite fruits dipped in Nutella

11. Instead of eating regular dairy ice-cream, buy flavored Sorbet. There is a dairy and gluten free brand called “So Delicious” which makes vegan flavored ice cream, yogurt out of coconut or almond milk. And let me tell you the name does it justice, because the products taste better than regular ice cream.

12. Eat organic brown eggs instead of white eggs.

You do not have to restrict your diet in order to be healthy. People think eating healthy means taking away the pleasure found in food, when in reality switching to healthier foods brings in so much more flavor and deliciousness. Find healthier options for your favorite foods and plan your meals in advance a bit. You might think that you don’t have the time but if you go about it strategically you will gain more time, health and happiness. Your mood, how you age, your energy levels and clarity of mind depend very much on your diet.

If you buy unhealthy options and you have them in the house you will probably eat them. But if you stack your fridge with healthy options you enjoy, you will be able to easily nourish your mind-body-spirit connection. You will feel great and become motivated to constantly install healthier habits like going to the gym or exercising every day for 1 hour. Below I’ll give you examples of some of my favorite meals, try them and see how much more delicious they are instead of the doughnut or bagel containing unhealthy carbs and producing chaos in your body and mind.

Breakfast ideas:

• Granola with raspberries or blueberries and fruit flavored kefir

• Fruit smoothies with your favorite fruits, whey protein and fiber supplements

• Oatmeal made with coconut milk and pieces of pineapple in it

• Omelet with tomatoes, red/green peppers, mushrooms and scallions

• Whole wheat English muffins instead of bagels

Lunch ideas:

• Grilled chicken with kale salad

• Grilled salmon with mashed cauliflower, instead of regular mashed potatoes

• Pasta with seafood. The sauce for the pasta can be home made by mixing in a blender tomatoes, onions, red bell peppers. The seafood can be grilled separately or boiled in the sauce, whichever way you prefer. Top it off with basil.

• Grilled/baked/fried plantains with brown rice and sweet potato fries on the side

• Tomato stew with onion, mushrooms, red/green bell pepper, dill or basil

Dinner ideas:

• A platter of fruits, cheeses, prosciutto, caviar and French baguette

• Avocado salad or humus with toast

• Lentils slowly cooked with tomatoes and your favorite spices, served on grilled whole wheat pita with green or brown rice on the side

• Brown rice with turkey bacon bits in it, and served with a salad made out of tomatoes, cucumbers and dill on the side

• Pizza made out of stuffed Portobello mushrooms. The stuffing can include your favorite veggies and topped with cheeses. If you really need to have the bread, then use whole wheat pita bread

• Boiled corn flour mixed with sour cream and feta cheese. The corn flour mix should have a thicker consistency. Don’t put too much water when you boil it, let the water boil first and then mix the corn flour stirring constantly in it so that it doesn’t stick to the pan and gets burned

• Turkey/chicken hamburger served with zucchini fries

Seven years ago I became vegetarian for over three years and I felt great while doing that. After that, when I started going to the gym every day, doing yoga twice a week, I started losing to much weight and I wanted to build muscle as well. So I switched my diet to 70% vegetarian while the rest of 30% being chicken, fish and seafood. If I crave something I will have it but I naturally tend to want healthier foods now and I rarely eat red meat.

If I don’t go to the gym one day because I might not have the time, I feel incomplete, while when I started I was dreading going for even an hour. It is all about making good decisions for the long term and then installing healthy routines. The better you feel about yourself the more goodies life will bring you, opportunities, ideas, people and circumstances. It is Law of Attraction working for you constantly.

Start in the morning, that is your best time to build the momentum of your day. Start with waking up and for 2 minutes with your eyes closed focus your mind on the things you appreciate in life. Then take your shower, eat a healthy breakfast and meditate for 10-15 minutes. I know you will say you don’t have the time, but if you only knew what amazing things meditation brings, you would wake up a little earlier and find the time. Then go ahead and start your day with intent to make it as productive and fun as you can. If you do these things, you will be able to quiet your mind and incredible things happen when you do that. Your inspiration, efficiency, brain capacity, stamina, health, happiness and anything you can think of improves tremendously. You will not be a reactor in your life anymore, you will be a conscious creator able to focus on what matters and what needs to be done in order to make things better every day.

Most people come from work, stressed out and feel like they need to relax, and so waste their night in front of the TV eating junk food, drinking one too many glasses of wine or doing whatever bad habit they associate in their mind with relaxation and self love, and in doing so damaging themselves and their lives continuously.

I was never big on food but before becoming a vegetarian I used to eat unhealthy. My favorite meals would be twice a day some sort of steak and fries. My metabolism is pretty good so I never really had a problem gaining weight but I did not consciously internalize what a big difference eating healthy foods does in the way your skin and body looks and feels, the clarity of mind and energy levels, as well as positive emotional make-up.

I follow a combination of the Mediterranean and Paleo diet because I want to be healthy and so I understand that loving myself means eating healthy foods, instead of processed foods empty of nutritional value. I do not live to eat but I eat in order to live. I know that if you are overweight it is an urge you feel you have no control off, but in reality you overeat or eat unhealthy foods because it satisfies 3 or more of your needs and you are automatically addicted.

Think of what emotions you are in when you reach for food and then go over the six human needs and you will identify what and why you are doing it. Eating healthy transforms you in every way and it is a huge boost in self-esteem.

I used to hate my childish chubby cheeks, and even in my late 20’s I looked like a baby because of my round face. What I always wanted was a more exotic look with a slender face. I’ve never been a fan of junk food but because I used to eat very salty foods such as French fries, it made me retain water and cause puffiness in my face. The moment I started eating healthier, and switched to tons of fruits and veggies my whole body and face started transforming. The skin texture changed completely and the ironic thing is that my cravings changed as well. After eating healthy for a while you will find yourself craving healthy foods and recoiling from oily or extremely sweet foods. If before my idea of treat was chips, cake or coffee, now I find so much more pleasure in having fruits with some Nutella instead of just plain chocolate. You get to appreciate the flavors in foods differently and you look for variety and healthy options.

The key to switching your diet is in making a list of healthy foods YOU enjoy and have them in your fridge at all times. Don’t follow what others eat, even if it is healthy, because you will feel like you are pushing yourself to stick to it and will not be able to do it. Instead if you acknowledge what you like from the healthy foods available and you stock up your fridge with them, it will be easier for you to gradually change your eating patterns. If you have plenty of healthy options it will be easier to make a habit at eating healthier, and before you know it your taste buds will require them and not enjoy the unhealthy ones anymore. When you start your morning with a healthy breakfast, your chances of sticking with a healthy lunch and dinner are increased by 80%.

But if you start your morning with a doughnut or bagel, you will crave even more unhealthy carbs for lunch since your whole biochemistry gets affected and emotionally you will also feel there is no point since you were already bad, might as well have pizza for dinner.

The healthier you eat, the more you will want to eat healthier and also your taste buds and body will change and crave healthier options.

Fad diets do not work because you will not be able to create lasting change and will go back to your unhealthy routines whenever you will feel: hungry, bored, lonely, angry or tired. Will power is not enough and will be overrun by these impulses coming from our subconscious mind, which stores our emotions and memories. Whenever we use only our willpower, which is 10%( the rational thinking part that says I will not eat that cake), our impulses and habits, which make up the 90% coming from our subconscious, will overrule our willpower because we feel tense by the factors mentioned above and we look for comfort.

You need to make a decision about truly loving yourself and caring about your body, which is your temple. You have to treat it in the best way you can and internalize that you only overeat because you are trying to satisfy your needs in negative ways, since you do not know how to satisfy them in positive ways. You are eating emotionally instead of eating to nourish your body with the nutrients it needs. When you eat unhealthy you are satisfying your needs for:

Certainty- because you know that no matter what happens you are certain you can feel comfort in certain foods, it makes you feel good while you eat them.

Uncertainty- because food provides variety, especially nowadays there are more and more options of unhealthy processed foods that keep you addicted to the corn syrup, hormones and chemicals present in them.

Connection- no matter how sad or stressed out you are, you know that you connect with yourself when you eat unhealthy foods you have been used to. It is the same principle as some people have of coming home and needing to have a glass or 2 or more of alcohol to feel like they detach from the stress of the day and give themselves relief. They could very well get that feeling from going to the gym and actually releasing endorphins and oxytocin and do all sorts of beneficial things for themselves through that activity, but somehow they got used to think that alcohol, cigarettes, bad food or/and TV are the ways of connecting with oneself and letting go of the stress of the day.

Supplements- are super important and will impact dramatically how you feel and age. Spread them through out the day and take them.

I started taking supplements 5 years ago and the difference I see in my skin texture, glow and resilience is amazing. When I started I did my research into what are the best supplements covering our body’s needs and these are the ones I found most beneficial. I take them every day. When I discover a new one or a new need I add it to my routine.

Listen to your body because it is alive and even though through homeostasis it has the capacity to heal itself, you need to pay attention and provide what it needs. If you cannot get them all, at least pick a couple and take them. It is a little bit of a financial investment every month around $200, but worth every penny of it. I will put the cost/per month next to it and give you the main benefits, so you do not have an excuse to say you don’t have the time to research all of them.

I will just spark your interest with the main benefits and you can read more about the ones you are interested in on your own and purchase them.

Collagen-Neocell Super Collagen Type 1&3 ($16/month) is the best. It is the body’s anti-aging protein, and the building block for all our body’s major systems. Builds bone matrix, corrects weak, broken, damaged nail beds, thickens fine hair, repairs connective tissue for improved elasticity, improves circulation, promotes wound healing and a clear complexion, increases skin firmness and hydration levels.

Hyaluronic acid- ($20/month)- firms your skin, reduces fine lines, smooth’s wrinkles, improves skin disorders, lubricates joints, improves vision and dry eyes.

Resveratrol- ($20/month)-provides daily defenses against environmental stress, toxins and free radicals that can cause premature aging.

Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc supplement ($16/month) Helps build strong bones and teeth, reduces the risk of osteoporosis

Astralagus ($11/month)-revitalizes the body’s energy force Chi, builds a strong immune system, increases the production and activity of white blood cells, and supports a healthy liver.

Vitamin C ($14/month)- powerful antioxidant, protects the cells and fights free radicals, reduces the risk of cancer.

Bioastin ($20/month)-supports joint and tendon health, skin health during UV and sun exposure, eye health, it is anti-aging promoting cellular health, builds a healthy immune function, cardiovascular health and helps the body in recovering from exercise.

Coenzyme Q10 ($20/month)- essential component of cells and necessary for mitochondrial energy production; anti aging and supports healthy cardiovascular and immune system functions.

Maca ($ 13/month) is grown at high elevations in the Andes region of central Peru. Indigenous Peruvians have used it for centuries as a food source, as well as for increasing stamina and energy.  More recent scientific studies have demonstrated that Maca supports hormonal balance and both male and female reproductive health.

Vitamin B complex ($10/month)- helps convert food into energy, promotes normal functioning of the nervous system, supports red blood cell formation.

Lutein ($13/month)-promotes eye health and is the principal carotenoid found in the central area of the retina called the macula. Carotenoids are fat-soluble antioxidants.

Animal Flex ($24/month)- protects and supports your joints from the continuous wear and tear brought about by heavy training. Flex contains several powerful protective complexes, including a potent joint construction complex to support connective tissue, a lubrication compound to help cushion the joints from lifting, a support complex to help promote rehabilitation and reduce soreness and an essential vitamin/mineral blend for optimal joint health.

Being active- When I started working out, I had to drag myself to the gym 3 times a week for 1 hr. Now I’m looking forward to it, and if I don’t go one day because I’m too busy I honestly miss it. I love working out with weights but as long as you find an activity that makes you move it is super good. Even if you start slow and decide to walk for at least 30 minutes a day it’s a good thing and will awaken in you the desire to challenge your body in more ways. Once you start feeling good about it, you will automatically feel good about yourself and that is the point where you willingly look to do more in that area. Find a sport you enjoy and dedicate at least 2 hours a week to it. Make a commitment, schedule it and punish yourself if you skip one week by giving $100 to a charity or a homeless person. The punishing part will make you become more responsible.

Once you have a habit (physical, emotional or mental) that satisfies 3 or more of your needs you become addicted to it and will be on autopilot unable to control your impulses of indulging in it. Your whole biochemistry gets used to it and will crave it. Be aware of what is happening and bring your mind back on track by focusing on why it is good to not give in, if you have a destructive habit.

Your decision to love yourself involves making the changes that will bring you the long-term results you want, instead of the instant gratification habits, which bring more frustration in the future, illnesses and all sorts of unwanted conditions.

You have to keep your focus on the outcome of what you want and that will give you the motivation to do the right thing and not compromise in the moment.

Emotional body

This whole book is about making that emotional connection with yourself, so these are the general principles to keep in mind:

• Nothing and no one is more important than your happiness

• Set boundaries with people and hold them accountable for respecting them

• Treat others the way you would like to be treated, and have the strength to remove those treating you bad

• Try to have as few good or bad expectations from others as you can, always rely on yourself and let the universe bring you the resources (people and circumstances) you need in order to fulfill your goals. When you try to push things and make them happen you are focusing on lack and that will bring you disappointment. Let go of the need to control and learn to trust yourself and your source to bring you everything you need and want

• Do not be a people pleaser, care about yourself first and your wants and only after that say yes to requests from others

• Network and associate with those supporting your growth and those you can learn from

• Keep things to yourself as much as you can, be it goals or life circumstances. You do not need anyone’s approval and you do not need to justify your worthiness to anyone.

Mental body-KNOWLEDGE is POWER, educate yourself in your chosen field, read self help books and improve your weaknesses, understand how your thoughts and emotions create the life you are living. Education brings empowerment and you owe it to yourself to be all that you can be and constantly reach a new level. If you do not grow constantly you are basically living while being dead inside. Our mental focus will bring about our life circumstances so if we feed it junk, our life circumstances will not be that great. Our brain is like a sponge influenced very much by what it perceives with the 5 physical senses. Neuroscience teaches us that perception through our senses is limited and filtered through our beliefs and past experiences, expectations and models of the world that are specific to each individual. There are parallel universes and multiple realities happening out there simultaneously, since the brain has access to much more than what comes into our conscious awareness, but what comes into our conscious awareness is what we have access to due to what we vibrate in this moment in time. The brain processes 400 billions bits of information each second, but we are aware of only 2000 of those. Same event happens to two individuals, but each will have a different interpretation and opinion of the event and accordingly they will choose their next behavior.

Your next reality can be what you want or what you fear, the possibilities of either one playing before your eyes depending on the expectation and the probabilities you will assign to either one. The brain processes multiple realities simultaneously, but we only have access to the ones we are currently believing due to our past beliefs and experiences. Our vibration is created by the focus of our mind, which generates emotions in our bodies and influences our behavior. Understanding the possibilities of creating with the focus of our mind by expanding our awareness, by getting knowledge if we need to into neuroscience (how the brain works), quantum physics (the nature of self and universe), emotional intelligence (how to use our emotions constructively) neuro linguistics programming (how to guide our mind constructively) we realize that we do have control over our life.

We decide what we want, we focus on the outcome, we take the necessary actions and then it becomes so. There is no out there completely independent of what is in here.

There are 3 decisions we make every moment of our lives

1. What am I going to focus on right this moment? That focus will produce emotions, which in turn will guide our behavior.

2. What does it mean? The hypotheses we make here are crucial in producing a favorable outcome or a harmful one. If we have a negative mindset then we will probably ask questions and give ourselves disempowering answers. If we have an optimistic or positive mindset then we will find constructive solutions regardless what the situation we are confronted with is.

3. What am I going to do now? Stay depressed, give up or be pro-active.

Spiritual body-connecting mind-body-spirit will happen when you take care of your physical, mental and emotional bodies. We live in a very beautiful universe, we are sparks of focused energy traveling from the stars and descending onto Earth in order to play a creation game. While being here, if we transcend the limitations of time/space reality and realize our nature of spiritual beings having a human experience, then we get to touch the sky while feeling the pleasure of experiencing life with all of our senses in a physical body.

Ch 10- Emotional intelligence guidance


Going from despair to anger

If you are in despair I want you to realize that your focus right now is on how bad things are, they look, and most importantly feel to you. It seems to you like it will never get better and there is no solution. But there is always a way out and a solution available for you. I want you to also know that even though you attracted this awful now moment through your fears, you can also attract a better tomorrow and there are universal powers working on your behalf at all times. You cannot believe that right now because of the momentum you have going on around despair but you can remember situations in the past when you felt like this and then found the solution to turn things around. Just because you cannot see it right now in your reality does not mean that it is not possible and ready for you to experience it. I could empathize right now with you and let you wobble in negative emotions, but that will only do you more harm because you will not only feel bad for a longer period of time but you are also perpetuating and making stronger the unwanted reality you are already living.

I would do you a disservice when what I want to do is help you feel better.

You have the power of choosing a more optimistic thought and a positive attitude right this moment, and if you do, another one of the same nature will join it right away.

You have the choice of making yourself a victim or you have the choice of becoming a warrior and taking any action that will improve the conditions you are facing. In this way you will feel better because you are proactive and will also start a new point of attraction. Whatever you are facing, I need you to know that you have not done anything wrong, but instead the best you could with what you knew, and where you are is where you are and it is ok. Due to the contrast you have been living or are living in this now moment, you have sent into the universe huge desires for improved conditions, and the infinite intelligence already knows where you can find the resources you need. In order for you to be able to hear that guidance and perceive the path towards what you want, you need to find a way of accepting what is and feeling hopeful about your power in creating a different tomorrow. Find a way of feeling better in this moment by choosing to let go of suffering over what is, and doing what makes you feel good right now. If that means taking a walk on the beach or in a park, taking a nap, reading an uplifting book, meditating with some soothing music, watching a subliminal mind movie, playing with your children or your pets, talking to people who can uplift you or anything else, do it. If you know it will make you feel guilty or ashamed later on, then do not do it because you are going to end up with the same vibration of lack and neediness.

You have tremendous power and even though it might seem to you like you are broken and cannot go on right now, I know that you are capable of dealing with anything life throws at you. Every person that has achieved a level of greatness has been where you are in this moment, probably repeatedly until they learned how to focus their mind and feel better in order to achieve their goals.

Take control of your life and know there is no greatness achieved by walking an ordinary safe path. You are facing extraordinary conditions in a negative way right now and you are out of your comfort zone. When we go out of our comfort zone, and have to face our fears it feels exactly as it feels for you right now. Fear is just false evidence appearing real, that is what it stands for so say to that little nagging voice telling you fearful stories to just “SHUT UP!”. Say it out loud to yourself if you need to, and mean it.

You are talking to and getting control over the fearful self that attracted what you are living right now. Breathe deeply and accept creating this now while becoming aware that it is just a stepping-stone in the right direction. It just is and can you please tell me how does suffering over it helps you solve the problem?

I know, you will say “I want to feel better Madalina, but I can’t, my emotions are taking over me and I’m too broken down”. In that case I will tell you that you can take your time and feel sorry for yourself as much as you want. How much time do you want to waste, a day, a week, a year, years out of your life?

Nothing will change but only get worse until you make a decision to accept what is and start determined in a new direction.

It’s your life and you have the freedom to do anything you want with it, even waste it wobbling in victimhood and sabotaging behaviors.

Realize that it is the momentum people have when in despair that makes them commit suicide not the situation per se. Everything seems so lost and without a resolution and if emotions are strong, calling the shot of suicide seem like relief and the only escape.

You are a coward if you ponder on this idea! Stand up straight and have the courage to confront anything you might be dealing with. You will look at yourself afterwards and laugh at how ridiculous this idea has been. Don’t take the easy way out, instead let your emotions pass through you, cry as much as you want, feel sorry for yourself for a bit but then get up committed to change it all around.

The universe gathered the resources you need and created an even more amazing potentiality for living what you want through the suffering you have been experiencing. You will not be able to start receiving that unless you find a way of feeling optimistic and start following the guidance in doing what you need to do.

It seems to you like your emotions are just happening to you, but you create them through the focus of your thoughts. If you wake up and you start a momentum of anger or despair, angry people will show up and interact with you that day. If you think thoughts that make you feel despair, every thought you ever had about despair will be activated and you will find yourself spiraling down and facing things which will go worse and worse for you.

If you think everything is lost and there is no solution it is only normal that you will feel despair. So instead of thinking there is no solution, think -there might be something happening as soon as tomorrow that can bring an improvement. At least I can start right now by quieting my racing mind with meditation, or a prayer or anything that uplifts me and continue this process until I start seeing the results I want to get. I understand that there is a momentum around despair that I have going on right now and that I need to sooth it before I can move on to feeling positive expectation. If I cannot let go or have hope, I can at least get angry for feeling so weak and powerless. I know I am much more than what this moment is showing me and I know I managed to deal with a lot of things up to now, so I will find a way this time as well. I want to care about soothing myself, about giving myself a break about all this. What could I possibly think or do that would make me feel better right this moment? How can I continue building this momentum of learning to love myself which is basically learning to focus my mind on what I can do better and what is good in my life?

Going from anger to hope

I refuse to feel angry about my situation, or myself starting now. I know that it makes me feel really bad and it does not help me improve my circumstances. It only keeps me stuck in suffering longer and brings more things to suffer about in life.

I also know that I do have the power to guide my emotions by the focus I assume with my mind. There is no difference between me choosing to feel optimistic right now or me choosing to feel angry about what just happened. I can accept that I attracted it somehow, even though I did not want it, and I know that I can deal with it. Anger is a friend, and I am glad that I feel in control again, and have determination to move in a better direction. I can hope that things will turn up for the better. There were many times in my life where I lost hope, and those were exactly the moments when things turned around in miraculous ways. What can I do at this point to gain even more hope that I can change things around? What actions could I do right now to improve my situation? Am I willing to drop excuses and change ways of being in order to attract the desired conditions?

I know that regarding every subject I ponder upon there will be two emotions evoked from me, one that feels good and one that feels bad. I also know that when I feel good, that is a sign that my physical self and my true self are aligned and when I feel bad, then my true self is telling me I need to change my course of thought because what I’m thinking is not aligned with my overall desired outcome. When I have a new thought and it relates to something that matters to me, then every belief I have about that topic will be drawn out of my subconscious and brought into my conscious awareness. In the moment that happens my source will have an opinion aligned with what I desire to experience and also my physical self will have an opinion. I, as my physical self cannot have the larger perspective my inner being has, and so I need to choose my thoughts by the way they feel to me in order to align more and more with the materialization of those desires. If my desire is strong but my disbelief in it becoming my reality is even stronger, I will feel negative emotions. If I choose to be a creator then I know I have to guide my thoughts by choosing relief and hope. My focus creates and I cannot afford to ponder on what does not feel good, because I will get more of it. My experience has taught me, and up to now I have not understood how I created my reality and the amazing guidance my emotions give me, but now I choose a new way of being.

In the past whenever I had a desire which did not come true for me, because I focused more on the impossibility of living that, I started associating wanting with feeling bad. My life experience has taught me to have certain expectations from life and those expectations have been playing out pretty accurately in my experience. My parents focused on worry about life and so I grew up feeling like I don’t seem to do anything right and focusing on worrying about my life experience. I felt so powerless that if I wanted a new house or a new car, I knew I needed to visualize it, go see it, test drive it to get the feeling and use that feeling to attract the opportunities that will bring it into my experience. But because I was focused more on the impossibility of having it, I did not want to go see it at the dealership, because it reminded me of not having it or ever having it.

I know understand that I create through my focus and when I see a personality trait or life condition another one has, I need to let it inspire me.

No matter how much I try to lie to myself I cannot suppress my desires, they will still be there. No matter how much society has taught me to make peace with average conditions there is something in me telling me I deserve everything I want. What if I decide to pay more attention to that voice and see what happens? If I think that the disappointment will be bigger if I hope and don’t get, well let’s face it, even if I don’t hope I will still not get it, so I’m better off giving myself a shot at this.

I know it is impossible to give up on my desires and whenever I will see someone else being, doing or having what I want, the desire in me will be reactivated and so the pain of not having it will still be with me.

Let me start right this moment and for the next 30 days decide to constantly choose thoughts that make me feel a little more optimistic, empowered and passionate about life.

I will start focusing on appreciating more, instead of complaining, on writing down for 5 minutes daily what I like about myself and my life, on dreaming the possibilities and taking actions with the expectation that things are improving in my life in every way and I will get everything I want in time.

I will focus on quieting my mind and loving myself by doing all the things that make me joyful, by treating my body with the respect it deserves and nourish it with healthy foods, by being active and moving the energy inside it.

I will be kind towards others and choose the company of those expressing kindness towards me as well, and those I can learn something from.

I will write down my goals and then pay attention to what is the essence of thoughts I am putting out there around each one.

I will start paying attention and see the correlations between what I’m thinking and then living and start thinking more deliberate thoughts regarding the possibility of the changes I am looking for.

Once you reach hope and stabilize there everything starts unfolding much easier and things you want start showing up more and more into your life experience.

From hope to empowerment and happiness

I am the master of my destiny. I live in a vibrational universe and I am a vibrational being who creates its reality through the frequency I establish in my energy field. That frequency is the essence of my predominant thoughts and emotions. I can guide my thoughts and produce the empowering emotions which will help me take the necessary actions. Doing this will increase my frequency, and once I have a stable momentum that which I want will show up in my experience.

I do not have to worry about where to find the resources. I know I can delegate that responsibility to the infinite intelligence guiding the creation of this awesome universe I live in.

How cool is it that this infinite intelligence is in me and I am part of it? All the fairytales in the world put together mean nothing compared to the beauty of this reality.

I am aware I have a weaker side as well, my physical limited self. But I choose to stay aligned with my source, my true self, my power and joy.

Every time I appreciate and love myself or anything outside myself, I raise my vibration to the highest frequency possible.

My desires are ready to manifest from the moment I first became aware of them, because this universe has the ability to know exactly the path towards the resources (people, finances, circumstances) I need in order to accomplish my dreams in the fastest way possible.

I also know the only thing controlling the speed with which I materialize my desires is given by my mental focus, emotional output and actions I take regarding those wishes. When I decide to focus that means I consciously create a momentum going in the direction of my desires. My momentum, which is the practice of focusing on the desired outcome, will speed up the materialization of my desires. My belief in my desires coming to me has to be practiced and felt as the natural next thing that will happen to me in order for me to have the clarity of mind to perceive the trail lighted up that will lead me where I want to get. The way I feel when I ponder on my desires is my indication of where I’m going. When I feel disappointed it is not here, or powerless in it ever getting here, when I feel impatience or attachment, when I feel like I am striving to make it happen, I am going in the opposite direction of what I want.

But when I make it my determination to feel good every moment, just because feeling good feels good, what a concept, and then I add to that positive expectation, well then- I become all that I can be.

Hope you enjoyed this reading journey, it was my pleasure and stay tuned for my next book-

Own your Personal Power

The Goddess in me salutes the Goddess/God in you!


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Barry E. Martin, Ph.D.,The Matter Myth: Quandaries of Modern Physics, lecture notes, JFK University, 1996

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