Control/Query Meeting Minutes (Heading 1)



|Name |Affiliation |E-mail Address |

|Francine Kitchen |GE |Francine.Kitchen@ |

|Shuby Roy |Siemens |Shubhda.Roy@ |

|Susan Lepping |Siemens |Susan.Lepping@ |

|Kathleen Connor |Fox Systems, Inc |Kathleen.Connor@ |


TUESDAYS at 12:00 – 1:30 PM EASTERN

CALL NUMBER: (973)582-2813

PASS CODE: 451256#

I. Call to order

The meeting was called to order by the chair, Kathleen, at 12:05 EDT. Kathleen is the scribe.

II. Acceptance of agenda

The agenda as sent to the e-mail list was informally approved with modification to add Review progress on vocabulary proposals for Summer Harmonization:

Call to order

1. Acceptance of agenda

2. Approval of minutes for June 13 and June 16

3. Announcements

4. Review v.2 Training Request

5. FM Ballot Preparation for

• FICO Premium Assistance Topic

• A_BillableClinicalServices CMET

• FICO A_Coverage CMET

• FICR Pred-Auth

6. FICR Pred-Auth Interaction ID Issue – see wiki on Interaction Versioning

7. Review status of FM Vocabulary Requests for July Harmonization

• ActBillableCode

• Premium Assistance

• Vision

8. Review FM Project Plan

9. Other business and planning for next meeting (5 min)

10. Adjournment

III. Approval of minutes of the previous FM Telcon

Approval of the minutes of June 13 and 16, 2006

(Susan/Shuby) 2-0-0

IV. Announcement Ballot Deadlines


V. Update on Proposed Ballot Items

• Ballot Times Lines –

o Initial Intent to Ballot

▪ (FICR Pred-Auth),

▪ FICR clean up of wrappers and narrative: We need to ask June Rosplach if she is ok with waiting on reballoting FICR with narrative clean up untill we are ready to reballot the whole package as Release 1 or to incorporate those changes into Release 2 as appropriate.

▪ A_BillableClinicalService CMET with new vocabulary (KC to do)

▪ A_Coverage depending on KC time

▪ Project Scope for Premium Assistance

o Initial Content due July 2nd

o Preview Opens July 9th

o Supporting Content Due July 16th – FICR Pred-Auth Reconciliation already submitted

o Final Content Deadline – July 23rd

VI. Review of Request for v.2 Training – Dropped because of lack of follow up by proposer.

VII. Reviewed San Antonio Meeting Outcomes and Action Items

• Susan updates on wiki: no change

• Francine continued work on clean up for narrative and wrappers, and missing artifact inventory: no change

VIII. FICR Pred-Auth Interaction ID Issue – deferred

There has been discussion of this issue at

Anne Belford sent the following question, which was passed on to HQ.

Hi Kathleen..

Hoping you can help with a question.  If we update the wrappers (currently old ones), will this result in new Interaction ID’s?  

By example, the interaction below referencing an old transmission wrapper - if we update the wrapper, does the current interaction remain (FICR_IN600304UV02) in the ballot, marked as deprecated? (ie backwards compatibility only, etc. etc.)   And then do we add a new interaction that binds the more current wrapper?  I am presently trying to understand the work involved in the “clean-up”, so this is very important.  I am also trying to prepare implementers in Canada..Many thanks - A.

Inv Information Request, ChiroPhysio  (FICR_IN600304UV02)


|Structured Name:  |Invoice Information Event Activate Request Complete Chiro Physio |

The sender sends an Information Invoice Adjudication Request message for Chiro Physio services and/or products.

The receiver will provide completed Invoice Adjudication Results, NOT initial results.

Invoice Adjudication Results indicate adjudication results for specified services and/or products, that may generate a payment.

|Trigger Event |Invoice Information Request |FICR_TE600201UV01 |

|Transmission Wrapper |Send Message Payload |MCCI_MT000100UV01 |

|Control Act Wrapper |Trigger Event Control Act |MCAI_MT700201UV01 |

|Message Type |Invoice Event Activate Chiro Physio |FICR_MT600401UV02 |

IX. Premium Assistance Artifact Review – Indefinitely postponed

We need to review the universalized version of all of the Premium Assistance proposals prior to ballot submission dates with Jay asap.

Update on Summer Harmonization Requests

• July FM Harmonization and Vocabulary Requests Table


• Harmonization Timelines:

o Kathleen submitted 3

o Francine submitted 8 prior to the deadline for the initial vocabulary proposals including

A_BillableVisionDispense - SupplyEvent.code (ActVisionSupplyCode)


A_BillableOralHealthService - OralHealthService.code


SubstanceAdministration - OralHealthService.pertinentsInformation1.OralHealthSubstanceAdministration.code


Final proposals are due by July 3rd midnight eastern


-----Original Message-----

From: Belford, Anne [mailto:Anne.Belford@]

Follow Up Flag: Follow up

Flag Status: Flagged

Hello Anne,


I’m working with Kathleen on expanding the code sets used in the A_Billable CMETs.  We notice that there are no code sets listed for three of the six types of A_Billables, namely,


A_BillableVisionDispense - SupplyEvent.code (ActVisionSupplyCode)


A_BillableOralHealthService - OralHealthService.code


SubstanceAdministration - OralHealthService.pertinentsInformation1.OralHealthSubstanceAdministration.code


We think that makes these not valid ANSII standards.  So we’re working on adding the code sets used in the U.S.  We thought you’d like to know, so you can propose adding code sets used in Canada.




X. Review Project Plan


XI. Action Items

• Kathleen will draft minutes, post approved minutes

• For Review and approval on the Friday June 23rd call:

o Shuby and Ann will finalize FICR Pred-Auth project scope for submission on June 24

o Kathleen will finalize Subscriber code vocabulary request for review and approval for submission before July 3rd

o Francine will draft questions concerning differences Billable and Invoice codes

o Kathleen will draft project scope for A_BillableServicesCMETs

• Francine will complete clean up narrative per June’s comments in the FICR PubDB by June 27th. That PubDB will be the basis for submission of the Pred-Auth Topic

• Kathleen will get information about Boston Harmonization hotel arrangements to Francine

XII. Adjournment

Informal decision for adjournment at 1:00PM EDT

Upload minutes at

Hi Kathleen..

Apologies for being so absent on recent calls.  Here is an update as to where we are at:

• It looks like Canada is in a very good position to complete the work to:

o Update the wrappers and polling messages

o Deprecate the unnecessary interactions that exist today (around polling, and complete/initial/complete)

o Rename the interactions so that they actually make sense.

o Add the vision care billable act


• We are presently figuring out whether or not this is feasible for this next ballot cycle (due mid-July) or whether or not we need to go for the following one.  I will have an answer later in the week.   

• Wrapper selection (Canada is currently undertaking a review and alignment of all wrappers – we may be better to wait to see the outcome of this – should be complete by end of summer)

I assume that you need the paperwork done by Friday??  I will get back to you then,

VisionDispense – at your suggestion last Friday, I split that out into it’s own proposal: #46

[2]  OralHealthService – is in #26 with the other procedures

[3] OralHealthSubstanceAdministration – was not on my radar screen; I didn’t notice that there was another procedure off the main procedure.  However, it’s the same vocab name as the main procedure, so the same vocab change will fix both.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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