Grade 5 is Out Of This World

|Subjects |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | | |1/8/20 8:00 -2:20 |1/9/2020 8:00 -2:00 pm |1/10/20 8:00-2:20 |

| |1/6/2020 8:00-2:20 |1/7/20 8:00 -2:20 | | | |

|[pic] |All homework must be neat, well|Every Tuesday 2:30 -3:30 |Visit our website for weekly H.W. and |Math Websites to visit | |

|Visit our website for weekly |presented and completed in |Please come and talk to your child’s |notes ps136. | | |

|H.W. and notes |Homework notebook. |teacher! | | | |

|ps136. | | | | | |

|Reading/Writing |Reading- Research and read an |Reading- Read a fiction text for 40 |Reading- Read a fiction text for 40 |Reading- Continue reading your fiction |Reading- Read a fiction text for 40 |

|Stop and jot daily! |article on a different topic. |minutes. Log it into your reading log. |minutes. Log it into your reading log. |text in a fiction book. Log it into your|minutes. Log it into your reading log. |

|Here are a few links you can |Answer the following questions:|Then discuss a character in the book. |1) Write a summary about the chapters |reading log. Then answer the following |Then think of some new words you have |

|use for your research |1) What is the claim being |1) Use character traits to describe the|that you’re read in your story. |questions: |found. Use a chart to write each word, the |

| |made? |character. | |What theme is evident in this story? |meaning of the word, and the clue that |

| |2) What reasons are given to |2) Use evidence to support your ideas. |2) Reflect on your debate.  What |Write down four text evidence that |helped you decide on the meaning of each |

| |support the claim? |3) How does this character treats or |questions do you have now?  Jot down your|support the theme. |word. (example, definition, antonym, |

| |3) What is the evidence to |relate to other characters in the |questions | |synonym) |

| |support those reasons? |story? | |Writing- Complete graphic organizer for |Writing – Use graphic organizer to complete|

| | | |Writing-Practicing identifying what it |argument based essay. |a draft of four paragraph essay. Add more |

| |Writing- Take notes for an |4) Tonight you need to get ready for |looks like when writing meets specific | |information to your essay and include |

| |article on a side of an |your flash-debate by learning more |goals. Use the sample essay and | |direct quotes with transitions and |

| |argument that you probably do |about your topic. |checklist to list examples of where the | |introductions. |

| |not support. |Writing-Planning for the next steps in |text matches the goals. | |Introduction-Clearly state claim (thesis) |

| | |writing: Decide on a strategy you | | |Body 1-Reason 1 |

| | |should use to take your work another |Vocabulary- Write 1 antonym and 1 synonym| |Body 2-Reason 2 |

| | |step farther, and then record that |for 5 focus words on index cards. | |Conclusion |

| | |strategy at the top of your notebook | | |Remember to use strong vocabulary, add your|

| | |page. (Think about the writing | | |own voice and transition words |

| | |process.) | | | |

|Math |Math _________ |Math __________ |Math_______ |Math_______ |Math______ |

|Problem of the Week is due |On Kaleb’s block there are 5 | |Problem of the Week is due Thursday on | | |

|Thursday. |dogs and 18 cats. Each dog eats| |loose leaf! Make sure to add and | | |

|Complete on loose leaf (Solve|48 ounces of food a day and | |explanation/reasoning of the steps taken | | |

|and Explain) |each cat eats 8 ounces of food | |to solve the problem | | |

| |a day. Which set of animals | | | | |

| |goes through more food in a | | | | |

| |week? How much food do both | | | | |

| |animals eat in a week? Please | | | | |

| |show your work and explain your| | | | |

| |thinking work and explain your | | | | |

| |thinking. | | | | |

|Science or |Define the term ecosystem, |Why do scientists create terrariums? |What is an ecologist and what function do| |Draw a terrarium, label the materials that |

|Social Studies |identify the four major | |they perform? | |you will put in your terrarium and write |

| |ecosystems and write a brief | | | |how you think your terrarium will look in a|

| |description of all four. | | | |few weeks. |

|Please check and sign your |Parent Signature |Parent Signature |Parent Signature |Parent Signature |Parent Signature |

|child’s H.W. |X___________________ |X____________________ |X____________________ |X__________________ |X______________ |

| |Did I do my personal best |Did I do my personal best today? |Did I do my personal best today? |Did I do my personal best today? |Did I do my personal best today? |

| |today? |Level 3- You can see I did my best. |Level 3- You can see I did my best. |Level 3- You can see I did my best. |Level 3- You can see I did my best. |

| |Level 3- You can see I did my |Level 2-I know I can do better. |Level 2-I know I can do better. |Level 2-I know I can do better. |Level 2-I know I can do better. |

| |best. |Level 1-I did not try at all. |Level 1-I did not try at all. |Level 1-I did not try at all. |Level 1-I did not try at all. |

| |Level 2-I know I can do better.| | | | |

| |Level 1-I did not try at all. | | | | |

|Date |Book Title |Author | | |Minutes Read |Book |Parent Signature |

| | | | | | |Genre | |

|Monday | | | | | | | |

|1/06/20 | | | | | | | |

|Tuesday | | | | | | | |

|1/07/20 | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Wednesday | | | | | | | |

|1/08/20 | | | | | | | |

|Thursday | | | | | | | |

|1/09/20 | | | | | | | |

|Friday | | | | | | | |

|1/10/20 | | | | | | | |

Test Scores and Quiz

| |Test Date |Parent Signature |

| |Test Date |Parent Signature |


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