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Literature  has four subgenres :

                   Fiction, Drama, Poetry, and Literary Essay


Literature---- Poetry: is a genre of literature  written in verse and is fictional  to express feelings and ideas.

Subgenres of Poetry  are three : Lyric, Dramatic and narrative poetry.

Lyric Poetry : a short poem( by the poetic persona) that expresses personal feeling and thoughts but does Not represent dramatic scenes or narrative . It has rhythm and it use pictorial language.

A poem can be divided into stanzas{ a Stanza is a group of line – two or more- to express  a certain feeling or idea


 Fiction has four subgenres : Novel, Novella, Short story, and Micro fiction

 The short story : is a brief , short, fictional narrative in prose

Elements of Fiction and Drama: Characters, theme, setting, plot, and Language and style , but Fiction ha other element narration.

1.Characters: people in literature

a. The protagonist : ( hero, heroine) : the main character

b. The Antagonist: a. a character   who opposes the protagonist

                       b. a natural force ( winds, earthquakes ,flood, etc.)

                       c. a cultural or psychological factors

c. The villain:   an evil character

( What type of character are there ?

a. a round character( a character who develops and surprises the readers or the audience)

b.    a flat character ( a character with two characteristics and does Not change)

2. Narration : ( not in drama) is telling the story in two ways: the first is telling and the second is showing.

Types of narrators { the person who tells the story}:

a. A third person narrator : the outsider tells the story, the narrator does Not take part in the story. The third person narrator is trustworthy , a reliable narrator, and it could be omniscient ( all knowing narrator) , objective omniscient narrator , or objective narrator { like the eye of camera).

b. A first person narrator: the narrator is a character of the story. It is not reliable narrator and not omniscient narrator.



3. Setting : time ,place , and culture of the literary text.

4. Theme : the general ideas of the literary text.

5.plot:is an arrangement of events in literary texts.

Plot has five stages : Introduction, Rising Action , Climax, Falling Action and end.

        Types of plot :

a. Chronological ( time sequence or order) plot

b. In media res plot: the plot begins near the middle or the end of the text with an important event the writer thinks he would attract the attention of the readers , and the writer fills the gap with the use of exposition or the flashbacks

6.Language and style:

a. Diction ( choice of words) and Syntax ( the order of words to form sentence)

b. Figures of Speech

1. Personification : to give the quality of a person to non human objects ( ideas , things , etc)

  Examples : The night has a thousand eyes. ( stars)

                      The day has one eye. ( sun)

        The spirit ( ghost) slept in its little bed beneath the earth.


2. Simile : to compare two unlike ( different) things with the use of ( as, like, as if , than) to stress the likeness between the two.

  Example:  Layla is like a red rose.

                     She is as a goddess.

                     Zaid is like a lion.

3. Metaphor : to compare two different things to stree the likeness between them

  Examples :  Layla is a red rose.

                     She is a goddess.

                     Zaid is a lion

4. Contrast : two opposed things , ideas , or characters represented to show a specific meaning or to understand one in comparing it with the other.

5. Foreshadowing : a hint or a clue to what will happen.

                   Example :Looking at the evening star, Ruthie and Bill   drove to the west coast.

6. Symbol : a word or image to refer to something else


Michael gave a red rose to Emily. ( a symbol for love , romantic feelings)

7. Apostrophe: to address an absent person, a dead person , or nonhuman things such as an idea’ happiness’, or a thing ‘ Rose” for the sake of having a dialogue ( conversation).

        Example:  Kuwait, return to me my love.

     Baba Jaber, come and see what happened to Kuwaitis.

8. Repetition: has two kinds :

a. Repetition of words , phrases , {or lines in poetry called 'refrains'} in order to give unity of voice

Example ' Alone , all alone'

b. Repetition of ideas or feelings to give a unity of meaning

Example While she thinks of unhappy experiences she looks sad.

9. Paradox : a statement has two ideas that seem impossible to happen but after a deep thought the statement seems true.

Example. Punishment is a road to justice.

' I may stand and rise ,o'erthrow me' in Donne's ' Batter My Heart.'

10. Oxymoron : it combines two contradictory elements.

Example: He is a wise fool.

11.Alliteration : the repetition of the initial consonant sounds through a sequence of words.

Example : ' First fight . ….'

12. Assonance : the repetition of a vowel sounds ( a, e, i, o, and u ) with different endings.

Example : The poet expresses his feelings in his poetry.

13. Allusion : a reference , directly or indirectly, history, the Koran, the Bible, literature and so forth to suggest the meaning or generalized implication in the story or the play and so forth.

Example : His mother remarried within six months of his father's death, Ali became sad and questioned his mother's love to his father, a situation that highlighted Hamlet's unhappiness .


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