Database Tutorial: Morningstar Investment Research Center

Database Tutorial Morningstar Investment Research Center Overview

Text description of video

Screen message: Use Morningstar Investment Research Center to learn about stocks and mutual funds.

[Screen opens on the Bruno Library homepage.]

Screen message: Go to the Bruno Library website and click on "Databases."

[Databases link is highlighted. Cursor selects Databases. Screen changes to Databases page.]

Screen message: Then select Morningstar from the list of most popular databases.

[Morningstar Investment Research Center link is highlighted. Cursor selects it. Screen changes to Morningstar Investment Research Center website.]

Screen message: Morningstar offers information on stocks, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds.

[Headings for Companies, Funds, and ETFs sections of the website are highlighted.]

Screen message: You can also get information on market returns and use tools to create and investment portfolio.

[Headings for Markets and Portfolio sections of the website are highlighted.]

Screen message: Let's use the search box to look for a stock. We'll search for Apple Computer using its ticker symbol, AAPL.

[Search box at the top of the page is highlighted. Cursor selects search box and `aapl' is typed into box. Drop down menu with companies appears below search box. Apple Inc. is selected from the menu. Screen changes to page with information about Apple Inc.]

Screen message: The initial screen gives an overview of the stock's performance and the analyst's recommendation.

[Screen scrolls down to show more information. Screen scrolls back up to top of page.]

Screen message: Use other tabs to get much more detail. The Stock Analysis tab provides the stock analyst's opinion about the stock.

[Stock Analysis tab is highlighted. Cursor selects that tab. Screen changes to page with stock analysis information for the company. Performance tab is highlighted. Cursor selects that tab. Screen changes to page with performance information for the company.]

Screen message: The Performance tab gives data about how well the stock is performing relative to the market.

[Screen scrolls down to show more information. Screen scrolls back up to top. Key Ratios tab is highlighted. Cursor selects that tab. Screen changes to page with key ratio information about the company.]

Screen message: The Key Ratios screen provides additional data over a 10-year period.

Screen message: Note that you can export the data for use in Excel or download it as a pdf

[Export and PDF Report buttons are highlighted at the top of the chart.]

Screen message: Now let's search for a mutual fund. This time we'll search by the name of the fund, Fidelity Balanced.

[Cursor selects search box and `fidelity balanced' is typed into box. Drop down menu with companies appears below search box. Fidelity Balanced is selected from the menu. Screen changes to page with information about Fidelity Balanced.]

Screen message: Once again, the opening screen provides an overview of performance and Morningstar's recommendation.

[Screen scrolls down to show more information. Screen scrolls back up to top of page.]

Screen message: Use the tabs to get more detail, such as an explanation of the analyst's opinion of the fund or the fund's performance over time.

[Fund Analysis tab is highlighted. Cursor selects that tab. Screen changes to page with fund analysis information about the company. Performance tab is highlighted. Cursor selects that tab. Screen changes to page with performance information for the company. Screen scrolls down and back up to top of page.]

Screen message: Morningstar also provides the expenses associated with owning the fund.

[Expense tab is highlighted. Cursor selects that tab. Screen changes to page with expense information for that fund.]

Screen message: Use Morningstar Investment Research Center to get the details on several kinds of investments and develop your portfolio!

Screen message: Any questions? Please call on any of the business librarians for assistance.

Angelo Bruno Business Library


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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