Penn Memory Center

SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIESDr. Murali Doraiswamy:?Murali Doraiswamy is a Professor of Psychiatry and Geriatrics at Duke University Health System where he is also the Director of the Neurocognitive Disorders Program. Murali directs a clinical trials unit that has been involved in the development of all of the treatments and many of the diagnostics used today for?Alzheimer’s disease. He has served as an advisor to leading businesses,?government agencies and patient advocacy groups.?Murali is the Alzheimer’s advisor for AARP Magazine, and serves on the national medical advisory board for the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America. He is?co-author of an acclaimed family guide,?The Alzheimer's Action Plan.?Mr. Michael Doughty: Michael Doughty is President and General Manager, John Hancock Insurance, for John Hancock Financial, the U.S. division of Toronto-based Manulife Financial Corporation. Mr. Doughty has overall management responsibility for John Hancock’s life insurance and long term care insurance businesses, including sales, marketing, product development and service operations. Before taking on his current position in 2013, Mr. Doughty has been president of John Hancock Life Insurance. Previously, he was Executive Vice President, Individual Insurance for Manulife’s Canadian division. He was responsible for Manulife’s life and living benefits products in Canada as well as the Affinity Markets business, which includes life, health, accident, travel and disability insurance. Previously, he was Senior Vice President of Individual Insurance and had been Senior Vice President of Group Savings & Retirement Solutions. Mr. Doughty, who joined Manulife in 1992, has held a number of senior marketing positions in both Canadian and Corporate Operations. Mr. Doughty graduated with a B.A. in History from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario.Dr. John Driscoll: John Driscoll?is Principal Economist in the Consumer Finance section at the Federal Reserve Board. His current research topics include the macroeconomics effects of bank lending and consumer credit.?He is an adjunct professor at The Johns Hopkins University, and previously taught at Brown University. Dr. Driscoll also served as Senior Economist for the Council of Economic Advisors and a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He has been published in numerous journals and publications, including the American Economic Review, the Journal of Monetary Economics, and the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. He received his Ph.D. and M.A. from Harvard University, and his S.B. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Dr. Linda Fried: Linda Fried is a leader in the fields of epidemiology and geriatrics who has dedicated her career to the science of healthy aging and creating the basis for a transition to a world where greater longevity benefits people of all ages. An internationally renowned scientist, she has done seminal work in defining frailty as a medical condition, illuminating its causes and the potential for prevention as keys to optimizing health for older adults. Before coming to Columbia in 2008 as Dean of the Mailman School, Dr. Fried founded the Johns Hopkins Center on Aging and Health, directed the Program in the Epidemiology and Biostatistics of Aging and the Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, and held joint appointments in the schools of medicine, nursing and public health. Dr. Fried is the recipient of numerous awards. Among them, in 2004, the U.S. Congress named her a Living Legend in Medicine. She received the Alliance for Aging Research's inaugural 2011 "Silver Innovator Award," their 2012 Silver Scholar Award, and Foundation IPSEN's 2012 Longevity Prize, all in recognition of career contributions to aging research. That same year, Dr. Fried was profiled by the New York Times as one of 15 world leaders in science. In 2014, global publisher Thomson Reuters named her "one of the year's most influential scientific minds." Most recently, Dr. Fried was named The 2015 Ralph and Lorraine Lubin Distinguished Visiting Professor, Department of Healthcare Policy and Research at Weill Cornell Medical Center. Dr. Fried is a member of numerous editorial and advisory boards, including the Milken Institute’s newly created Center for the Future of Aging. Dr. Fried is an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine, as well as the Association of American Physicians. She is a member of the MacArthur Network on an Aging Society and the World Economic Forum's Council on an Aging Society and their Global Task Force on Social Protection.Dr. Jimmie Holland: Jimmie C. Holland, M.D., recognized internationally as the founder of the subspecialty psycho-oncology, is an Attending Psychiatrist and holds the first endowed chair in Psychiatric Oncology, the Wayne E. Chapman Chair at Memorial Sloan- Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC). She is Professor of Psychiatry at Weill Medical College of Cornell University. She began the first fulltime psychiatric service in a cancer hospital in 1977 at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. When she began her work in the 1960s, there was a philosophy that if a patient survived cancer, they should be happy to be alive and simply not worry about it. Thanks to the work of Holland and other proponents of psycho-oncology, cancer diagnosis and therapy are now better understood and more sensitively treated. She has devoted her career to helping patients, their families, and medical staff as they cope with the psychological burden of cancer and its treatment. Over the years, she has pioneered ways in which counseling, psychosocial interventions, and medications can reduce the distress experienced by cancer patients and their families. Her research focuses on psychotherapy for elderly patients with cancer. As such, she is part of the MSKCC hospital-wide 65+ Program in which they provide both clinical services and conduct research in helping older patients cope with cancer and illness. Dr. Holland has been senior editor of the Oxford University Press textbooks in psycho-oncology, first The Handbook of Psycho-Oncology, (1989); Psycho-Oncology, (1998); and the Second Edition (2010) and Third Edition (2015). In 1992, she started the first international journal in the field, Psycho-Oncology, and continues as co-editor. Dr. Holland and Sheldon Lewis co-authored a book to help patients and their families cope with cancer, The Human Side of Cancer, (HarperCollins, 2000). Dr. Holland has chaired the National Comprehensive Cancer Network’s (NCCN) Panel on Management of Distress since its beginning in 1997, providing the first clinical practice guidelines. Her latest book Lighter as we Go introduces compassion, justice, community, and cultureMr. Jody Holtzman: Jody Holtzman, Senior Vice President, Thought Leadership at AARP, has more than two decades of experience helping companies develop and implement competitive strategies and achieve their strategic market goals. At AARP he leads AARP’s new Thought Leadership efforts which support the organization’s new brand positioning around a focus on living not just aging and for people 50+ to live their best life. Previously, Jody led AARP’s research, competitive intelligence and strategic analysis functions. A central focus of this research is to understand the needs, wants and preferences of AARP members and prospective members, their intent to join and renew their memberships, as well as their views regarding AARP’s social mission and policy goals. Prior to that, Jody was AARP’s first Director of Strategic Analysis and Intelligence where his team provided forward looking and actionable insight about AARP’s external environment in support of senior management decision-making. Jody is a member of AARP’s Leadership Team and Brand Council.Dr. Jason Karlawish: Jason Karlawish is a Professor of Medicine, Medical Ethics and Health Policy, and Neurology at the University of Pennsylvania.He cares for patients at the Penn Memory Center, which he co-directs, and directs the Neurodegenerative Disease Ethics and Policy Program and the Penn Healthy Brain Research Center. With support from the National Institutes of Health, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Greenwall Foundation, he has investigated the development of Alzheimer’s disease treatments and diagnostics, biomarker-based concepts of disease, informed consent, quality of life, research and treatment decision making, and voting by persons with cognitive impairment and residents of long term care facilities. He has been an international proponent of mobile polling, a method of bringing the vote to long term care facilities that minimizes fraud and maximizes voter rights. He is a winner of the Lancet's Wakley Prize. In 2010, in a widely publicized essay in the Journal of the American Medical Association, he introduced the concept of “desktop medicine,” a theory of medicine that recognizes how risk and its numerical representations are transforming medicine, medical care, and health. Karlawish has published essays in , The New York Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer, KevinMD, JAMA and The New England Journal of Medicine, and chapters in leading textbooks of medicine and bioethics. His testimony to the Senate Select Committee on Aging and collaborations with the American Bar Association, American Association of Retired Persons, the State of Vermont, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, and the U.S. Government Accountability Office helped to advance the voting rights of older adults. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Greenwall Foundation. He was a member of the Institute of Medicine's Committee on the Public Health Dimensions of Cognitive Aging. He serves on AARP's Global Council on Brain Health and PCAST's subcommittee on aging and technology. He is the creator and producer of , a creative community to make sense of how we are going to live with Alzheimer's disease. He studied medicine at Northwestern University and trained in internal medicine and geriatric medicine at Johns Hopkins University and the University of Chicago.Ms. Naomi Karp: Naomi Karp, J.D., is Senior Policy Analyst at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Office for Older Americans. She focuses on elder financial exploitation and the impact of diminished decision-making capacity on financial security. At the Bureau, Karp has been the team lead for the CFPB’s Managing Someone Else’s Money guides, the Interagency Guidance on Privacy Laws and Reporting Financial Abuse of Older Adults, a guide for long-term care facilities on protecting residents, and the Advisory for Financial Institutions on Preventing and Responding to Elder Financial Exploitation. From 2005 to 2011, Karp was a Senior Strategic Policy Advisor at AARP’s Public Policy Institute. In that capacity, Karp conducted research and advocacy on elder financial exploitation, advance planning for incapacity, health care decision-making, powers of attorney, guardianship, and legal rights. From 1988-2005, Karp served on the staff of the ABA Commission on Law and Aging. Previously she was a legal services attorney in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. She received her BA from the University of Michigan and her JD from Northeastern University School of Law.Mr. Robert Kerzner: As president and CEO of LIMRA, LOMA and their parent organization, LL Global, Inc., Bob Kerzner leads the world's largest association of life insurance and financial services companies. In 2010, he led the merger of LIMRA and LOMA, which together represent more than 1,200 members across 64 countries, including most of the world's largest life insurance companies.? As the trusted source for industry knowledge, financial services companies look to LIMRA and LOMA for their research, training and development needs.?Under his leadership, LIMRA and LOMA have exhibited record growth and profitability. Before joining LIMRA in 2004, Kerzner was executive vice president and head of the individual life division of Hartford Life, Inc. Under his leadership, the division experienced dramatic growth and record financial performance. Kerzner also led The Hartford into affiliated distribution with the acquisition of Woodbury Financial Services, a national broker-dealer organization with more than 1,800 independent representatives. Kerzner served as president of Woodbury following the acquisition. Kerzner's career with The Hartford spanned 30 years from 1974 to 2004. In his first 20 years, he established performance records in field sales and management, before moving to senior management. Kerzner is a leading voice in the life insurance, retirement and financial services industry, recently speaking at events held by the Department of Treasury's Federal Insurance Office (FIO), the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), and Life Insurance Commission of New York (LICONY). He is regularly sought out by leading national publications, like the?Wall Street Journal,?Bloomberg, and?USA Today, as well as a host of trade and other business media outlets, to provide insight into industry issues and trends. Kerzner is a graduate of Central Connecticut State University.Mr. Surya Kolluri: Surya Kolluri manages Policy and Market Planning for the BAC ML Global Wealth and Retirement Solutions Business. In this capacity he oversees incubation and commercialization of programs in the areas of Social Impact Investing and Longevity. He manages external relationships in these areas including the Stanford Center on Longevity, the MIT AgeLab and the Harvard Kennedy School Social Impact Bond Lab. Surya has spoken at a number of public forums including the White House Conference on Aging Regional Forum in Boston, addressed the staff of the National Governors Association and spoken at Oxford University on the topic of Longevity and Social Impact Investing. Prior to this, Surya played a variety of roles at the organization including Head of Strategy, Business Support Executive and Channel Development Manager. Surya joined Bank of America in 2006 from Bain & Company. He spent 14 years as a strategy management consultant based out of New York City serving clients in the US and around the world. Throughout his career, Surya has worked on pro-bono projects for non-profit organizations. He has served on the board as Co-Chair of Rebuilding Together Boston (RTB), a volunteer organization that helps rebuild homes for Boston communities in need. He also serves on the board of the CEO Initiative for Alzheimer’s (CEOI) and the Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA). Surya has an MBA from the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania and an MS from Drexel University, Philadelphia.Ms. Christina Kotsalos: Christina Kotsalos is the Director of the Investor Education and Consumer Outreach Office of the Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities. For the past fourteen years, Christina has focused on creative and effective ways to deliver investor education to all members of the public.? Through innovative programs tailored to specific audiences, the office’s outreach programs have trained senior service providers, law enforcement and health care professionals how to recognize and report suspected fraud; offered working adults helpful tools to use when making important investment decisions; and taught senior citizens how to be wiser and safer investors. Christina is Chair of the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) Life Stages Project Group and past chair of the NASAA Senior Outreach Project Group, a national task force devoted to protecting senior citizens from investment fraud. She received the association's Distinguished Service Award for her dedication to the protection of senior investors and for her service to the investing public in Pennsylvania and throughout North America. She represented NASAA as a member of the National Adult Protective Services Association Elder Financial Exploitation Advisory Board and speaks at national investor education events on the association’s behalf. Christina received her Master of Science degree from the University of London, England and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Towson University, Maryland.Mr. Brian LaForme: Brian LaForme joined the department in 2015 in the newly created position as Deputy Secretary for Financial Services for Consumers and Business. The deputate he oversees is dedicated to consumer, investor, and business outreach programs.?LaForme has extensive and varied financial management and education experience in both the public and private sectors. ?Previously, he served as a Chief Financial Officer and Business Manager of Charter Choices, a business services provider for schools, foundations, and nonprofits. He also served as an Associate Director on the PSECU board of directors.?He has previous experience in state government, having worked in both the Department of Education and the Treasury Department, where he served as the Director of Investments and Banking Operations. He also served as Senior Managing Consultant with PFM Asset Management, LLC, and Investment Operations Manager with Keystone Financial, Inc. LaForme is a graduate of Bloomsburg University and holds an MBA from Shippensburg University.?Dr. Corinna Lathan: Corinna Lathan co-founded AnthroTronix in 1999 and is currently Board Chair and Chief Executive Officer. Dr. Lathan's diverse background includes extensive research, teaching, and consulting in the areas of human performance engineering, medical device design, and assistive technology. Previously, Dr. Lathan was an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at The Catholic University of America (CUA) and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. Her work has been featured in Forbes, Time, and the New Yorker magazines as well as led to such distinctions as Maryland's?Top Innovator of the Year; MIT Technology Review Magazine Top 100 World Innovators,” and one of Fast Company Magazine’s “Most Creative People in Business.” She has also been named a Technology Pioneer and a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum and is currently Chair of their Global Agenda Council for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Dr. Lathan is actively involved in educational outreach programs that empower women and minorities in science and technology. She is the Founder of Keys?to Empowering Youth for junior high school girls, a judge for the? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" FIRST?and? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" VEX?robotics program, an advisor to the? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" KID Museum Makerspace, and a Board Member of the? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" National Black Child Development Institute. Dr. Lathan is also on the Board of? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" Engineering World Health, which supports the emergence of healthcare technology in the developing world. Dr. Lathan received her B.A. in Biopsychology and Mathematics from Swarthmore College, and an S.M. in Aeronautics and Astronautics and Ph.D. in Neuroscience from MIT.Ms. Sarah Lock: Sarah Lenz Lock is AARP’s Senior Vice President-Policy in Policy Strategy & International Affairs (PS&I). She helps develop policy that positions AARP as a thought leader addressing the major issues facing older Americans. Sarah is a member of the American Society on Aging and the National Academy of Social Insurance. She also formerly served as a Commissioner for the American Bar Association’s Commission on Law and Aging. In 2007, Sarah began serving as Vice President-Policy Integration, responsible for the development and oversight of AARP public policies. Sarah came to AARP in 1997 as AARP Foundation began its Litigation group to conduct impact litigation on behalf of older persons. She has authored numerous amicus briefs on behalf of AARP in the United States Supreme Court and many other federal and state courts on health care issues. Prior to joining AARP, Sarah served as a Trial Attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice handling complex litigation against federal agencies such as NIH, FDA, the Air Force and Army, and EPA. She graduated from the University of Maryland School of Law where she served as an Associate Editor of the Law Review. Ms. Liz Loewy: Liz Loewy is currently General Counsel at EverSafe, a technology company focused on the prevention of financial fraud and identity theft in later life. Before coming to EverSafe, Ms. Loewy was Chief of the Elder Abuse Unit under Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus R. Vance, Jr. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Albany Law School, Ms. Loewy was employed as a prosecutor in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office for 29 years. Under former District Attorney Robert M. Morgenthau, she oversaw the Domestic Violence Unit from 1990 until 1995, before assisting in the creation of the Office’s first Elder Abuse Unit, where she oversaw 18 prosecutors responsible for prosecuting approximately 800 elder abuse cases, annually. In 2009, Ms. Loewy served as trial counsel in a high profile trial involving the late Brooke Astor, after initiating and leading the investigation and prosecution of Mrs. Astor’s son, the late Anthony Marshall, and his attorney, Francis Morrissey. The trial resulted in convictions as to both defendants. Ms. Loewy was a presenter at the White House Conference on Aging in July of 2015. She has been a speaker on the topic of elder financial abuse at a number of conferences and training sessions in the US and Europe. Ms. Loewy has been awarded the National Adult Protective Services Association Collaboration Award, the Elder Financial Protection Network’s Sentinel Award and Albany Law School’s Kate Stoneman Award for her work in addressing elder abuse. She currently serves on the NAPSA Financial Exploitation Advisory Board and the Board of HelpAge USA. She co-authored a book entitled “Financial Exploitation of the Elderly: Legal Issues, Prevention, Prosecution, Social Service Advocacy” (Civic Research Institute). She has been quoted in a number of periodicals including Businessweek, Consumer Reports, Kiplinger’s, the NY Law Journal, the NY Times and Newsmax, and has appeared on ABC’s 20/20, ABC News in NYC and NPR.Dr. Simin Nikbin Meydani: Simin Nikbin Meydani, D.V.M., Ph.D., serves as the Director of the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University. She is professor of nutrition and immunology at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy and the Tufts Sackler Graduate Program in Immunology. Dr. Meydani’s scientific interests include the impact of nutrition on the aging process and age-associated diseases, the role of nutrition on immune and inflammatory responses and predisposition to infectious diseases in developed and less developed countries, on which she has published extensively. Her honors include the American Aging Association Denham Harman Lifetime Research Achievement Award; American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Herman Award in clinical nutrition; ASN Lederle Award in Human Nutrition Research; Fellow of Hedwig van Amerigen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine; American College of Nutrition Grace Goldsmith Award; International HERMES Vitamin Research Award; She was the President of the American Society for Nutrition (June 2014-June 2015) and has served the academic, government and corporate communities as: President of the American Aging Association; member of NIH Geriatric Rehabilitation Study Section, Aging Systems and Geriatrics Study Section, and Cellular Mechanism of Aging and Development Study Section; member of USDA Human Nutrient Requirements for Optimal Health Program Grant Review Panel; member of United Nations FAO/WHO Expert Panel on Nutritional Requirements of the Elderly; member of NIH-funded Consortium Lipid Maps Scientific Advisory Committee, NIA Primate Calorie Restriction Project Advisory Board; Gerontological Society Nutrition Steering Committee; member of the ILSI North America Board of Trustees, Working Group of the Sackler Institute of Nutrition for Aging Populations, NYAS; member of the editorial boards of several journals; chair of several FASEB summer conferences and other international meetings. and the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. She received her Ph.D. and M.A. from Harvard University, and her S.B. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Dr. Olivia Mitchell: Olivia Mitchell?is the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans Professor, as well as Professor of Insurance/Risk Management and Business Economics/Policy; Executive Director of the Pension Research Council; and Director of the Boettner Center on Pensions and Retirement Research; all at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania where she started working in 1993. Concurrently Dr. Mitchell serves as a Research Associate at the NBER; Independent Director on the Wells Fargo Advantage Fund Trusts Board; Co-Investigator for the Health and Retirement Study at the University of Michigan; Member of the Executive Board for the Michigan Retirement Research Center; and Senior Scholar at the Sim Ki Boon Institute of Singapore Management University. She also advises the Centre for Pensions and Superannuation UNSW and serves on the Scientific Board for Netspar in the Netherlands; she is also Faculty Affiliate of the Wharton Public Policy Initiative. She currently serves on the Chilean Pension Reform Commission. ?She received the MA and PhD degrees in Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the BA in Economics from Harvard University. She?is currently a Senior Editor of the?Journal of Pension Economics and Finance. Professor Mitchell's professional interests focus on public and private pensions, insurance and risk management, financial literacy, and public finance. Her research explores how systematic longevity risk and financial crises can shape household portfolios and work patterns over the life cycle, the economics and finance of defined contribution pensions, financial literacy and wealth accumulation, and claiming behavior for Social Security benefits. Her research has been published in leading academic journal including the?American Economic Review, the?Journal of Public Economics, and the?Review of Finance, and it has been featured in outlets such as?The Economist, the?New York Times, and the?Wall Street Journal. She has published 27 books and more than 180 articles. Dr. Mitchell received the Fidelity Pyramid Prize for research improving lifelong financial well-being; the Carolyn Shaw Bell Award of the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession; and the Roger F. Murray First Prize from the Institute for Quantitative Research in Finance. She was also honored with the Premio Internazionale Dell'Istituto Nazionale Delle Assicurazioni (INA)?ex aqueo?from the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome. Her study of Social Security reform won the Paul Samuelson Award for “Outstanding Writing on Lifelong Financial Security” from TIAA-CREF. In 2011,?Investment Advisor Magazine?named her one of the “25 Most Influential People” and “50 Top Women in Wealth;” in 2010 she received the Retirement Income Industry Association’s Award for Achievement in Applied Retirement Research; and in 2010?Wealth Management Magazine?named her one of the “50 Top Women in Wealth.” Previously Professor Mitchell chaired Wharton’s Department of Insurance and Risk Management, and she also taught for 16 years at Cornell University. She served as a Commissioner on the President’s Commission to Strengthen Social Security; a Member of the US Department of Labor’s ERISA Advisory Council; and on the Board of Directors of Alexander and Alexander Services, Inc., the Board of the American Economic Association, the Advisory Board for the Central Provident Fund of Singapore, the National Academy of Social Insurance Board, the Board of the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession, and the GAO Advisory Board. She also co-chaired the Technical Panel on Trends in Retirement Income and Saving for the Social Security Advisory Council.Mr. Masaaki Nagamura: Masaaki Nagamura has been Division Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Planning Department at both Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc. and Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., since August 2011. Prior to assuming the current position, he was involved in international insurance regulatory issues, between 2004 and 2011, as Manager in charge of international issues at Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire’s Corporate Planning Department. Between 1997 and 2004, he was stationed in the U.S. as an insurance account executive serving commercial clients in the U.S. Midwest. He joined Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance in April 1986, after graduating from Waseda University.Mr. Michael Schidlow: Michael Schidlow is an accomplished investigator, professor of ethics and criminal justice, licensed attorney, Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) andCertified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS). In his role as the Head of Financial Crime Compliance and Emerging Risk Audit Development at HSBC, Schidlow directs the financial crime compliance training program for the global internal audit function. ?Under his leadership, Schidlow spearheaded the development of an exemplary financial crime compliance Bootcamp course, which has been delivered across the entire HSBC global footprint. Schidlow previously served as the United States' foremost investigator forBank of America’s Global Financial Crimes Compliance division, specializing in high-profile client compromises, high net-worth investigations, complex fraud, and insider abuse allegations. Schidlow started his career working as an attorney at some of Manhattan's premiere law firms, concentrating on regulatory compliance and white collar litigation matters. Schidlow is considered a subject matter expert in the field financial crimecompliance, fraud, and criminal justice.Dr. Atsushi Seike: Atsushi Seike, President of Keio University, is a leading expert in labor economics. He has written extensively on the economics of ageing populations, particularly on increasing retirement age and enhancing productivity of older persons. He has also authored a number of books on these topics in Japanese, including his most recent publication, Revitalizing the Employment System (2013). His publications in English include a chapter on “Organizational Adaptation and Human Resource Needs for an Ageing Population” in the 2011 World Economic Forum (WEF)/WHO “Global Population Ageing: Peril or Promise?” report. He is a member of the WEF Global Agenda Council on Ageing Society. President Seike served as Dean of the Faculty and Graduate School of Business and Commerce, Keio University, from 2007-2009. President Seike served as Chairman, National Council on Social Security System Reform in Japan (2012-13), and is currently the Honorary President of the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Cabinet Office. He is President of the Japan Association of Private Universities and Colleges and a member of the WEF Global University Leaders ForumMr. Kai Stinchcombe: Kai Stinchcombe is cofounder and CEO of True Link Financial, a USAA-style diversified financial services firm built just for seniors. Previously he was founder of the Roosevelt Institution, a liberal think tank; cofounder and CTO of Aktana, a sales management company; founder and CEO of Strategic Districts, a redistricting software company; and the fourth employee and head of data science at LendUp, a socially responsible payday loan alternative. He has a BA in History and Math from Colorado College and an MA from Stanford University.Ms. Jane Vass: Jane Vass has been Head of Public Policy at Age UK since 2012, having joined Age UK’s predecessor, Age Concern England as Financial Services Policy Adviser in 2006. She was previously an independent consumer consultant specializing in financial services from the consumer viewpoint. In this capacity she undertook research such as reports for the National Consumer Council on equity release and on financial capability for the Securities and Investments Board. She also wrote the Daily Mail Tax Guide for 10 years. She was a member of the Financial Services Consumer Panel from 1999 to 2003, and from 1983 to 1993 she worked for Consumers’ Association. Jane was given an OBE for her services to financial services in the June 2015 Birthday Honours list.Dr. Kevin Volpp: Kevin Volpp is the founding Director of the Leonard Davis Institute Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics, which is the home of one of two NIH-funded Centers on Behavioral Economics and Health, and the Co-Director of the University of Pennsylvania Medicine Center for Healthcare Innovation. He is also a Professor of Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine and of Health Care Management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Volpp's research program focuses on the impact of financial and organizational incentives on health outcomes. His work has been published in journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association, and Health Affairs and has been covered by media outlets such as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, Good Morning America, the BBC, National Public Radio, Time, US News and World Report, USA Today, Der Spiegel, and Australian National Radio. A recent intervention study on financial incentives and smoking cessation among employees at General Electric resulted in tripling of long-term smoking cessation rates and implementation of a program based on this approach nationally among all 152,000 GE employees in the U.S. and was the winner of the 2010 British Medical Journal Group Award for Translating Research into Practice. Dr. Volpp’s work has been recognized by the John Thompson Prize from the Association of University Programs in Health Administration; the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), an award presented at the White House as the highest honor given by the US government to early career scientists; career achievement awards from NIH and from the Association for Clinical and Translational Science; Time Magazine’s 2009 A-Z “Advances in Health” list for work on Incentives – letter “I”; and most outstanding research paper of the year from multiple societies. He is an elected member of the American Society of Clinical Investigation (ASCI), the Association of American Physicians (AAP), and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. In addition, he has served as an advisor to a number of organizations including the Veterans Administration, the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), the National Institutes of Health, CVS Caremark, Ascension Health, McKinsey, Wellpoint, and Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield, was a member of the editorial board of the Annals of Internal Medicine, and is a member of the World Economic Forum Global Advisory Council on Behavior. Dr. Volpp holds a M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, a Ph.D. from the Wharton School in Applied Economics and Managerial Science, and a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University. He completed his Internal Medicine residency training at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and is a board-certified general internist and practicing physician.Ms. Ninie Wang: In 2004 Ninie Wang founded Pinetree (), focusing on business model innovation, professional service and talent development in providing home healthcare services for the aging population. She is Council Member of the China Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, China Social Welfare Service Standard Committee Member as well as Member of Presidium for National Union of Long-term Care, and was elected as Standing Director of China Association for Life Care in 2011. In 2013, she was elected Deputy Director of Elderly Health Service and Long-term Care Association, China Geriatric Care Research Center. Ninie has published various papers on the long-term care service model, financing challenges as well as need for new talent development. She participated in the drafting of China’s Elderly Home Care Service Dispute Management Policy, and was a co-researcher of the continuous healthcare model together with the Geriatrics Department of PUMCH. Ninie has a BA in Economics from UIBE, China, and MBA from INSEAD in France and Singapore. She is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader and member of Global Agenda Council on Ageing. In 2014 she was awarded “Excellent Young Scholar” by China Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics.Mr. Bruce Wolfe: Bruce Wolfe, CFA, Managing Director, is a member of the Global Retirement Strategy group within BlackRock's Global Retail and iShares businesses. Bruce is the Executive Director of the BlackRock Retirement Institute (BRI). BRI is responsible for the firm's global thought leadership platform on retirement and longevity. Before assuming this role, he was the COO for the USCA DC business. Prior to BlackRock, Bruce was a Managing Director working for the global CEO and COO of Allianz Global Investors (AGI). In this role, he was responsible for a wide range of global strategic and M&A-related activities including initiating and leading Allianz's U.S. efforts to deliver retirement solutions across the company's investment management and insurance affiliates. Bruce was the co-founder of the AGI Center for Behavioral Finance. Prior to AGI, Mr. Wolfe was an Executive Vice President at Webster Financial Corporation responsible for leading all of Webster's personal and institutional investment advisory, private banking, trust and brokerage business businesses. Before joining Webster, Mr. Wolfe had oversight for Global Strategy and Corporate Development at Merrill Lynch Investment Managers. Immediately before Merrill Lynch, Bruce was a Principal with Morgan Stanley & Company holding several Corporate and business line positions including Head of Global Strategy and Product Development for Morgan Stanley Institutional Investment Management. Before working in the Financial Services industry, Bruce was a Management Consultant with Price Waterhouse Coopers and an Engineering Advisor on ICBM development programs to the Air Force's Ballistic Missile Office. Mr. Wolfe earned a B.S. degree in Materials Science Engineering from Johns Hopkins University and an M.B.A. from Columbia Business School. He holds the CFA designation, Series 7 and 63.Dr. Derek Yach: Derek Yach has focused his career on advancing global health. He is the Chief Health Officer (CHO) of Vitality, and leads the Vitality Institute. Previously, Dr. Yach?was SVP Global Health and Agriculture Policy at PepsiCo, headed global health at the Rockefeller Foundation, was a Professor of Global Health at Yale University, and is a former Executive Director for Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health of the World Health Organization (WHO). At WHO, he served as cabinet director under Director-General Gro Harlem Brundtland where he led the development of WHO’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and the Global Strategy on Diet and Physical Activity. Dr. Yach also established the Centre for Epidemiological Research at the South African Medical Research Council. He has authored or co-authored over 200 articles covering the breadth of global health. Dr. Yach serves on several advisory boards including those of the Clinton Global Initiative, the World Economic Forum and the NIH’s Fogarty International Centre, and was nominated in September 2014 as the Chair of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Ageing.?He is also the Chairman of the Board of Cornerstone Capital and regularly participates in cross-sector commissions such as the 2015 Lancet Commission for Planetary Health. His degrees include an MBChB from the University of Cape Town, BSc (Hons Epi) from the University of Stellenbosch; an MPH from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; and a DSc (Honoris Causa) from Georgetown University. He lives in Connecticut, USA and is an avid swimmer. ................

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