Investment Classification

[Pages:2]New Feature Enhancements

New features and are available for Full View. Read below to learn more about all the changes made in this feature release.

Investment Classification

To help you manage your wealth and monitor all accounts through a single, consolidated experience, the list of account types included within the Investments view has been expanded. These changes will be most visible on the home and Investments pages.

New Definition of Investments includes:

? Taxable ? Annuities ? Deferred Compensation ? Cash (New) ? Stock Options (New) ? Qualified Retirement ? Roth IRA ? HSA ? Out-of-Estate Assets ? Life Insurance Cash Values (New)

Notable Changes:

You could see an increase in your Investments total as Cash accounts, Stock Options, and Life Insurance are now being included. Investments in the Accounts section are now broken out into Taxable and Tax Advantaged accounts and Life Insurance is now titled Life Ins Cash Values.


We made the following changes to improve the usability of the Transactions page and also expanded on the filtering capabilities within the tool.

Multi-Select Account:

Previously you could only view all accounts or one account. Now you can choose any combination of accounts.

Multi-Select Category:

Previously you could only view all categories or one top level category. Now you can choose any combination of top level and sub level categories.

Return up to 2000 Transactions:

We have expanded the number of transactions shown at one time. Now you can see up to 2000 transactions at a time instead of 500.

Export Filtered to the Selected Transactions:

The export will now respect the date range, description, accounts, and categories filtered so that you can download just the transactions you want to see. The export is limited to 2000 transactions.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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