03/11/03 Affluent Lines and Printers a Pair

03/25/03 Specialty Lines is an E&O Hotspot


|Specialty Lines are No Longer “Fluff” | |

| | |

|What used to be considered “specialty” is moving into the mainstream of|Flood Insurance: |

|insurance agents’ errors and omission concerns. |Personal and Commercial |

|Employment Practices, corporate fiduciary, director’s and officer’s | |

|liability, crime and fidelity and errors & omissions coverage are just |Flood insurance is another insurance |

|a few of the insurance lines that are easily waved off by clients. The |agent’s E&O hot spot, and agents |

|Big “I” Professional Liability Program recommends that NO commercial |participating in Big “I” Markets can now |

|account should be quoted without these important coverages. |submit a quote request for personal and |

|“From an E&O perspective, we recommend that agents quote EPLI, crime |commercial flood risks. |

|and any coverage that being without it would leave the client exposed,”|ALL new and renewal proposals should be |

|says Paul A. Buse, CPCU, ARM, president of IIABA’s agency division that|accompanied by a flood quote. If you are |

|oversees the national insurance agent’s E&O program with Westport. |unsure if the community is participating or|

|“Easy access to these important products through Big “I” Markets and |whether the risk is in a flood zone, |

|educational efforts to support producer development from IIABA’s |complete the Quote Quote form online |

|Virtual University in these lines are key initiatives.” |through Big “I” Markets and request a free |

|Even if the client rejects the coverage, it is a safeguard that you |zone determination. |

|have offered and explained the importance of these coverages. Be sure |For those with limited expertise and only a|

|to document your files of the client’s rejection in writing to protect |few accounts, let the Big “I” National |

|your agency. |Flood Program underwriters be your flood |

|Big “I” Markets registered agents who now have access to the products |assistant. The easiest flood quote you’ve |

|available on Big “I” Markets will find it easy to request quotes and |ever received is one that you never have to|

|round out proposals to their commercial carriers. Currently available |do yourself. Login today and start earning |

|online: |16% on new business and 16.5% on all |

| |rollovers. The Commission Rewards Program |

|Corporate Fiduciary Liability |allows the commissions to grow as your |

|Crime/ Fidelity Coverage |volume grows-up to 21%. |

|Professional Liability |Online policy administration and self-rated|

|Non-profit D&O |quoting facilities are available for agents|

|EPLI (currently available offline) |with large volumes of flood insurance as |

| |well. |

|Click here to login and check product availability in your state or |The Big “I” National Flood Program is |

|type into your browser address field. Additional |available to agents in all states |

|products are available online. |nationwide except NH. |

| |Login today to complete the Quick Quote |

| |form in just minutes. |

| | |

|For more information on these products and more, login to Big “I” Markets. To request a User name and password, |

|email bigimarkets@. |

|You have received this e-mail because you are a registered member of Big "I" Markets. |

|If you do not wish to receive these product updates, click here. |

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