4812 Harbor Dr.

Flower Mound, TX. 75022

(817) 272-5407 or (972) 691-7564


Personal Profile

At the present holding a faculty position as Senior lecturer and graduate advisor within the Computer Science and Engineering department at the University of Texas at Arlington. Responsibilities include teaching and graduate advising. Areas of interest include: Software Engineering, Operating Systems, Distributed Systems and Networks, Programming Languages, and the Internet.

Prior to joining UTA in January of 2003, I was a professional with 18 years of experience in a variety of Information Technology roles. During the last 11 years, held positions of increasing responsibility in the software development for the financial markets at Fidelity Investments. Extensive technical and project management experience includes the analysis, design and implementation of multiple enterprise-wide technology solutions. The responsibilities involved extensive interaction with leading software and hardware manufacturers for the purposes of adopting and developing new technologies.

Expertise includes strategic organizational planning and assessment, benchmarking and system engineering/reengineering. Very successful at developing program visions, communicating those ideas to all levels of the organization, and leading teams of people who effectively turn those concepts into reality.


Ph.D. Computer Science, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, 1996

Dissertation Title: A Protocol Design Methodology for Data Communication within

Heterogeneous Distributed Systems Advisor: Dr. Murat M. Tanik

M.S. Computer Science, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, 1991

Thesis Title: A Structured Approach for Software Module Testing

Advisor: Dr. Murat M. Tanik

B.S. Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, 1984

B.S. Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, 1984


Languages: C/C++, JAVA, XML, HTML, PASCAL, ADA, FORTRAN, Assembly

Operating Systems: Windows NT/W2K, Web Servers (IIS & Apache), UNIX, Solaris, OS/2

Hardware: Intel-Based PCs, SUN SPARC, VAX 780, RS/6000, AIX

Network Protocols: TCP/IP, SNA, Ethernet, Token Ring, Serial Comm. (E3270, RUMBA)

Distributed Protocols: CORBA, RPC, SOAP, Open/SQL servers, Gateways


Fields of Interest: Software Engineering, Operating Systems, Distributed Systems and

Networks, Programming languages, Real-time Systems and Internet


Manager and Senior Technical Advisor, October 1991 to Nov. 2002

Fidelity Investments, Dallas Texas

During the 11-year service at Fidelity, I was involved in various technical and managerial roles for delivering Software Engineering products in the Web, Voice, Human Interface, and Distributed Communications areas. The common denominator across all projects has been the real-time distribution of financial data, voice, and images from national and international data sources such as Dow Jones industries, Reuters, and foreign financial markets and news agencies. Some highlights include:

Managed an Internet division responsible for developing application software in the Web and Web/Voice area. Refer to and for developed project samples.

As part of a 1.5 years of International assignment in Dublin-Ireland (May 1999 – Dec. 2000), established an Internet division responsible for creating User Interface, Wireless, and Data Communication applications via Web. The group currently has more than 50 staff with an annual budget exceeding 10 million US dollars.

The lead designer and developer of a proprietary data communication architecture (i.e. Distributed Computing Architecture, DCA) that served as a smart data pipe between the client applications and various distributed servers. DCA is a fault tolerant architecture with automatic load balancing capabilities, which continuously attempts to minimize the total communication time between the sources of data and the destinations. The total communication time has reduced by over 70% under this architecture. This architecture is currently utilized over 1.2 million times per week (once for each request for remote data) and lead to the reception of an outstanding fellowship award for its notable impact. Two conference papers were published based on the results as well as conducting an industrial workshop session (please refer to “Conferences” and “Workshop” sections below).

Designed and implemented an automated Test Case generator that scans designated source code and generates test cases that traverse all logic paths. This design constitutes a powerful tool for testing software modules during the unit testing stages. This product received an honorary award from the Hewlett-Packard research society. The necessary theoretical foundation was published as a conference paper.

A senior member of the design team for a Voice Data Integration (VDI) project, which provided data (text/images) and voice simultaneously to the trade representatives’ workstations and their phone headsets. This project involved many-to-many client-server activities in a fully asynchronous mode. The ultimate result allowed the servicing sales representative to hear the caller’s voice and to see the caller’s portfolio, stored in multiple distributed databases, simultaneously.

Established a number of technical training sessions, workshops, and technology upgrade curriculums in various technical areas. Examples include: Establishing a web server (IIS) lab, teaching C/C++, Java, and XML languages, teaching SYBASE’s SQL server, familiarizing members with SEI’s CMM model for development of methods for collecting metrics and establishing repeatable Processes, Software Reuse, Internet Security and Firewalls, Virus detection and Macros, and software inspection.

Participated in facilitation of a technical symposium for the impact of technology within financial industry with attendance from a number of reputable national and international firms. CNBC presented coverage of a portion of this event. (Feb. 1999).

Senior Consultant, October 1989 to October 1991

Mobil oil, Dallas, Texas (via IMI Systems Inc. Consulting Firm)

Software Engineer consultant with the primary responsibility for converting a large scale legacy-based software system to a client-server distributed system with Window’s Graphical User Interface (GUI). The project was completed successfully in approximately 18 months and it was enhanced by an addition of a data acquisition system. Highlights included:

Introduced and implemented the notion of distributed systems to an IS group with primary experience in mainframe development environments. The efforts initiated by evaluating the existing system (a COBOL/CICS/DB2 environment), redesigning the system according to a distributed paradigm with a PC-based client utilizing C/C++/MS-Windows, a TCP/IP based network, and SYBASE SQL server as a distributed database running on SUN servers.

Assembled a team consisting of Graphical User Interface (GUI), network, and database programmers and arranged for the purchase of the required software and hardware. Software utilities included compilers and debugging tools, 4GL for prototyping, and SQL server manipulators.

Established a technical laboratory for developing rapid prototypes for feasibility analysis and presentation purposes. A subset of the developed applications was used in measuring the space-speed requirements of the system, which were imposed as the acceptance criteria for the new system.

Participated in the design and development of a data acquisition system (PRISM) used for manipulating geological information after conversion from images to digitized data.

Software Engineer, May 1984 to September 1989

IFR Systems Inc. (Boeing affiliate), Wichita, Kansas

Participated in design, development, testing and integration of a number of real-time embedded systems at IFR. IFR, Instrumental Flight Research, is a Research and Development firm specializing in avionics, communication systems, and signal processing products, catering to telecommunication and aircraft industries. Highlights included:

Participated in the design and development of a Microwave Landing System (MLS) under the Federal Aviation Association (FAA) and Department Of Defense (DOD) standards. MLS is a real-time embedded system with multi-processors (INTEL 80X86) running a dedicated operating system developed in-house. The MLS equipment ultimately replaced the on-board Infrared Landing System (ILS) of military and commercial aircraft.

Participated in the design and implementation of the in-house operating systems by developing a number of real-time algorithms for: handling interrupt-vectors, swapping non-volatile memory pages, and reading digital and analog input ports. Also assisted in designing signal processing and filtering algorithms that required strong mathematical foundation.

Formally presented a number of prototypes and final products to interested clients including Swiss air, Boeing, Lear jet, and British airways.

All developments took place in C/C++, ADA, and Assembly languages under the UNIX and in-house developed real-time operating systems. Hands-on experience with hardware components such as Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM), Dual-port RAMs, Loading software and erasing EPROMs, Logic arrays, Pipelining, and reading and interpreting diagnostics equipment such as oscilloscope and logic analyzers.


a] Thesis and Dissertation

1. “A Protocol Design Methodology for Data Communication within Heterogeneous

Distributed Systems,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Computer Science and Engineering

Department, Southern Methodist University, August 1996, Dallas, Texas

2. “A Structured Approach for Software Module Testing,” Master Thesis, Computer

Science and Engineering Department, Southern Methodist University,

May 1991, Dallas, Texas

a] Conferences

1. “Collaborative Reuse of Service in Designing Communication Protocols," Proceedings of 4th and 5th World Conference in Integrated Design and Process technology, Dallas, TX. June 04-08, 2000

2. “Software Engineering Criteria in Developing Distributed Applications”, The First International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation, Macau, Portugal, July 2-4, 1997

3. “Designing Dynamic Communication Protocols in Heterogeneous Distributed Systems”, Workshop of IIGSS, January 9-11, San Marcus, Texas, 1997

4. “A Structured Approach for Software Module Testing and its Implications for Integration Testing”, The Second World Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology, Austin, Texas, December 4-6, 1996 [with M.M. Tanik]

5. “Issues in using RPCs for Distributed Communication”, The First World Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology, IDPT-Vol. 1, pp. 369-374, Austin, Texas, December 7-9, 1995

b] Workshops and Industrial Presentations

1. “Technical symposium: Impact of technology within financial industry”,

World Trade Center, Boston, MA, Feb. 1999

2. “Using Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) for Communicating Distributed Financial Data”,

Securities and Information Forum, Dallas, Texas, March 1995

3. “Developing Graphical User Interface Applications with OLE2.0”,

Windows World, Dallas, Texas, October 1994

4. “A Test-Case Approach for Structured Software Module Testing”, 15 Annual

Computer Science Conference, Hewlett-Packard, Dallas, Texas, April 1991

c] Technical Reports

1. “A white paper on B2B Business Model”, Fidelity Investment, Dublin, Ireland 2000

2. “Developing Rapid WEB Prototypes”, Fidelity Investments, Irving, Texas, 1999

3. “Distributed Computing Architecture (DCA), an Open Architecture”, Fidelity Investments, Irving, Texas, 1994

4. “Utilizing Generics in ADA for Embedded Fault-Tolerance”, IFR System Inc./Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, Fall 1986

5. “Real-time Operating Systems Standards”, IFR Systems Inc., Wichita, Kansas, 1985



16. CSE 3310, Fundamentals of Software Engineering, UTA

Semesters: Spring 2003, Fall 2003, Spring 2004, Fall 2004, Spring 2005, Fall 2005

17. CSE 3320, Operating Systems, UTA

Semesters: Spring 2003, Fall 2003, Spring 2004, Fall 2004, Spring 2005, Fall 2005

18. Spring 1998: CSE 5392, Modern Operating Systems Architecture, UTA (Adjunct)

19. Summer 1994: “Distributed Systems and Networks”, Summer 1994 (with Dr. Tanik)

Teaching Assistance

20. “Operating Systems I”, Southern Methodist University, Spring 1992

21. “Software Engineering I”, Wichita State University, Spring 1986

22. “Introduction to Computing”, Wichita State University, Fall 1986

23. “Introduction to Operating Systems”, University of Waterloo, Winter 1984

24. “Numerical Analysis I”, University of Waterloo, Winter 1984

25. “Programming with FORTRAN”, University of Waterloo, Fall 1983, 1984

Industrial Training and Curriculum Development (Fidelity Investments, Irving, Texas)

26. “Conversion from Client-Server to Web world”, Co-creator and trainer, Jan. 1999

27. “LAB II - Human Interface Design (HID)”, Co-creator and trainer, 1998-1999

28. “LAB I - Distributed Systems and Network”, Creator and trainer, 1997

29. “Improving Software Process” a four course series based on SEI’s Capability Maturity Model (CMM) in areas: “Collecting Metrics”, “Reuse”, “Software Inspection”, and “Process Assessment”, Curriculum Design and Instructor, 1995-96

30. “Developing Stored Procedures in Sybase”, Creator and trainer, 1995, 1996

31. “SYBASE Open Client-Server Architecture”, Hands-on Training Instructor, 1994

32. “Programming in C/C++”, Hands-on Training Instructor, 1993, 1994


Member of the

33. Association for Computer Machinery (ACM)

34. IEEE Computer Society

35. ACM’s Software Engineering Group (SIG)

36. Society for Design and Process Science (SDPS)

Reviewer for Conferences

1. IDPT Conference in Kusadasi, Turkey June 27 – July 2, 1999

2. IDPT Conference in Berlin Germany in July 5-9, 1998

3. Workshop of the International Institute for General System Studies (IIGSS), 96-98

4. Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE), ’93

Chairman for Conference Session

1. Integrated Design and Process Technology Workshop, Dallas, TX. June 04-08, 2000

Personal Information: US Citizen

References: Available upon Request


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