Questions regarding this RFP: All questions must be ...

Request for Proposals forEarly Childhood Block GrantsKansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust FundJanice Suzanne Smith, Executive DirectorAmanda Adkins, ChairLandon State Office Building, Room 152900 S.W. JacksonTopeka KS 66612-1221785-368-7044877-204-5171785-296-8694 (fax)AN ELECTRONIC VERSION OF THE APPLICATION MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE KANSAS CHILDREN’S CABINET AND TRUST FUND, to dadegbore@, BY 11:59 PM ON Friday, FEBRUARY 10, 2017 ONE ORIGINAL AND FOUR (4) HARD COPIES MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2017Table of Contents I. Overview3Timeline for RFP3II. Funding Opportunity/Program Background3-7Definitions of Populations to be Served4Blueprint for Early Childhood5Program Philosophy5Required ECBG Outcomes6At-Risk Criteria7III. Grant Monitoring8Quarterly Grant Reporting Requirements8Information Management Requirements8IV. Evaluation of the Work8-9V. Award Information9Funding Information9Award Amount and Length9Allowable Use of Funds9Match Requirement9VI. Eligibility9-10VII. Application Process10-16How to Apply10What an Application Should Include10VIII. Review and Selection Process16-17Proposal Review16Selection Criteria16IX. Post-Award Requirements17Reporting Requirements17Ongoing Audit Requirements17ATTACHMENTS18-27I. OVERVIEWThe Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund (KCCTF) announces the release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Kansas Early Childhood Block Grants to provide early childhood services to at-risk children birth to kindergarten entry to meet specific early childhood outcomes. This funding also applies to services for prenatal and family supports. KCCTF is interested in supporting program models that provide direct services to at-risk children and families. Proposals need to be grounded in a public-private partnership framework.RFP TimelineRelease of Request for ProposalWritten questions from potential grant application agenciesJanuary 10, 2017Applications Due February 10, 2017 (by 11:59 p.m.)KCCTF Notifies Successful and Unsuccessful Applicants of AwardMay 5, 2017Grant YearJuly 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018Questions regarding this RFP: All questions must be submitted via email to Ms. Dyogga Adegbore, Program Consultant II, KCCTF, at dadegbore@ by Tuesday, January 10, 2017. Responses will be made directly to individuals as quickly as possible via email. Questions and answers will be compiled as they are received and will be posted as quickly as possible on the KCCTF website at .II. FUNDING OPPORTUNITY / PROGRAM BACKGROUNDThe Children’s Initiatives Fund, The Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund, and the Early Childhood Block GrantThe 1999 Kansas Legislature enacted legislation directing how tobacco settlement payments and other tobacco revenues will be used in Kansas. K.S.A. 38-2101 established the Kansas Endowment for Youth (KEY) Fund, into which tobacco payments will be credited. The KEY fund is managed by the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS) Board of Trustees. The statute authorizes transfer to be made from the KEY Fund to the Children’s Initiatives Fund (CIF), also created by the legislation, from which expenditures will be made “for the purposes directly or indirectly beneficial to the physical and mental health, welfare, safety and overall well-being of children in Kansas.” In making appropriations from the Fund, the statute directs that funds should be used to emphasize programs and services that are data-driven and outcomes-based. The statute also created the Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund (KCCTF) and charged it with making recommendations to the Governor and Legislature regarding how money from the KEY and CIF Funds will be spent. For administrative purposes, the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) serves as the fiscal agent for the Cabinet (KCCTF). Definitions of Population to be ServedThe following definitions apply to this funding opportunity:Children birth to 3: children ages birth to 2 years and 364 days, which may include prenatal supports.Children 3 to 5: children ages 3 years to kindergarten entry.Families: parents and primary caregivers of children birth to kindergarten entry.Other Participants: any recipient of services who does not fulfill one of the categories listed above and serves children birth to kindergarten entry.KCCTF will provide ECBG funding to locally controlled, community-based not-for-profit, or faith-based community organizations experienced in providing services to at-risk birth to kindergarten entry populations and their families or have experience serving low-income neighborhoods. Eligible applicants may also include county and city governments and Unified School Districts (USDs) who demonstrate 1) a track-record serving at-risk populations and 2) include within their proposal a collaboration with partners from the private sector. Applicants must successfully communicate their plan to provide early childhood and family services that seek to build and support service delivery models that yield positive outcomes for children and families who are most at-risk. Strong proposals will include:A focus on outcomes Public-private partnerships Parental engagement and support The KCCTF is pleased to announce the availability of SFY 2018 Kansas Early Childhood Block Grant funds through this competitive RFP. Approximately $15,000,000 is available for the 2017-2018 grant year through this RFP.Blueprint for Early Childhood0-190500The Blueprint for Early Childhood is the KCCTF’s strategic framework to optimize child and family well-being. With a focus on nurturing a culture of public-private partnerships through Healthy Development, Strong Families, and Early Learning, the Blueprint will be used by KCCTF to align the KCCTF investment portfolio and monitor progress toward goals. The Blueprint is attached on the last page of the RFP document (Attachment H).The Blueprint and ECBGECBG applications will be expected to align with the Blueprint. Successful ECBG applications will explain how their service approach: Supports all three of the Areas of Impact (Healthy Development, Strong Families, Early Learning). See required ECBG outcomes, pages 6-7;Contributes to all three indicators of success (What do Healthy Development, Strong Families, Early Learning look like?);Builds public-private partnerships that support enhanced quality, accessibility, and affordability of programs for at-risk children and families (Community Collaboration); and, Utilizes common measurement tools that document progress toward the KCCTF’s long-term goals (Common Measures).Community CollaborationMoving the needle on Healthy Development, Strong Families, and Early Learning will require community collaboration across sectors, involving multiple partners, both public and private, working toward a shared vision of high quality, accessible, affordable programs for young children and families. Common MeasuresThe KCCTF is committed to a system of shared measurement to tell the story of early childhood investments in Kansas. A system of shared measurement will foster a culture of continuous quality improvement by monitoring performance, tracking progress toward goals, and learning what is and is not working. While each KCCTF-funded program offers unique expertise and services, the KCCTF will use shared measurement to point us all in the same direction, to create greater alignment among the goals of grantees, to build more collaborative problem solving, and to encourage an informal, ongoing learning community that supports quality programming. Program PhilosophyEarly childhood has been recognized as a critical time for intervention to mitigate risk factors in families. Effective early childhood systems provide diverse services and resources for children, families, and communities to support healthy development, strong families, and early learning. Research in neurobiology, developmental psychology, social science and education show that early, intensive support particularly focused on at-risk children and families can be effective in alleviating factors that lead to poor outcomes for children. Interventions that target both the child and parent(s), or other primary caregiver, are effective for changing the life course for at-risk children. Targeting services to those children at-risk and in need of additional supports to achieve optimal well-being, is critical to making a lasting impact. We know that children who participate in quality early childhood programs are more likely to experience optimal well-being, and to succeed in school and beyond. Despite the diversity among early childhood programs, the following best practices apply to all quality programs and service systems. It is expected that applicants will build these guidelines into ECBG proposals to meet the needs of at-risk children and families.Whole child approach – grantees must ensure that all domains of early development are addressed, including physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development Life Course Theory – programs must address the multi-generational issues present in early childhood by focusing services on both the child and the parents or other family members/caregivers Public and private partnerships - Partnerships must be a strong component of the proposal and be able to articulate how their services have a positive impact supported by a system that includes outcomes, data collection, and evaluation. Shared measurement – programs must participate in the common measure initiative, a coordinated system of evaluation that will be used by the KCCTF to understand the impact of its investments, and to ensure that timely screening and ongoing assessments are conducted by KCCTF-funded program participants in a systematic way. Programs will ensure that assessments are administered by trained, proficient personnel and will adhere to all KCCTF deadlines.Service delivery – programs must meet evidence-based best practice guidelines for staff qualifications, fidelity to program models, and ratios and group size when serving children and their familiesRequired and Strongly Recommended ECBG Program OutcomesApplicant will be responsible for providing services that support the implementation of evidence-based or innovative practices that result in improvements at the state and local level. These outcomes should be addressed by all applicants and are identified below. Proposals should tie their evidence-based or innovative practices back to each of these specific outcomes.Healthy Development 1.1 Early identification (required): percentage of children who are screened for developmentally-appropriate communication skills, general cognitive skills, and social and emotional skills (ASQ-3)1.2 Social-emotional development (required): percentage of children who demonstrate positive self-regulation and compliance behaviors (ASQ:SE-2, DECA).Strong Families2.1 Safe, stable and nurturing relationships (SSNRs) (strongly recommended): percentage of children whose family or primary caregivers demonstrate support of their learning and development (HOME, KIPS)2.2 Safe, stable and nurturing relationships (SSNRs) (required): percentage of family or primary caregivers who indicate a positive level of family functioning, concrete support, social support, and nurturing and attachment (KIPS, PFS).Early Learning3.1 Early Literacy (required): percentage of children (Birth to 5) who demonstrate ongoing competence in communication and literacy as appropriate for their development (IGDI, myIGDI, CLASS).3.2 Early Literacy (required): percentage of children (3 to 5) who demonstrate ongoing competence in pre-reading skills as appropriate for their development (myIGDI, CLASS).Services that do not have a direct tie to a common measure risk disqualification for ECBG funding.Funded programs will be held accountable for outcomes as articulated by KCCTF. Grants will be awarded to public-private partnerships that have the ability to achieve child-and parent-level outcomes, as well as make community-wide impact to improve children’s ability to enter school ready to learn. This proposal may include strategies that are center-based, home-based, or a combination of delivery strategies to address components of the Blueprint for Early Childhood. Applicants should not exceed twelve funded programs or partners. One hundred (100) percent of services should be delivered to at-risk children (criteria defined below). Grantee is responsible for maintaining enrollment files demonstrating at-risk status for those served.At-Risk CriteriaThis RFP is focused on at-risk children birth to kindergarten entry (may include prenatal and family supports when appropriate). At-risk children and families include: Children whose family income would qualify them for participation in the federal free or reduced lunch programChildren and families whose first language is not English or English is not the language primarily spoken in the home Children at-risk for developmental delays or have an established Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP)Children in Foster Care or Custodial Grandparents/KinshipFamilies whose parent(s) has less than a high school educationTeen parent(s)III. GRANT MONITORINGThe purpose of monitoring is to ensure that children, families, and communities are being served as intended. The KCCTF will monitor grantees to ensure that project activities are being implemented as designed.Quarterly Grant Reporting RequirementsGrantees will be expected to collect and report, on a quarterly basis, data that are consistent with the goals and objectives of their project. The specific metrics will be detailed and affirmed as part of the terms and conditions of the Award Letter. Grantees will also be expected to report on their outreach, targeted activities, and on their success in engaging at-risk populations. Grantees will be expected to collect and enter demographic information in Data Analytics Information System for the Early Years (DAISEY) on the children and families participating in the proposed activities. Grantees will be required to submit quarterly progress reports to the KCCTF. Content, format, and timeframes for the progress reports will be detailed in the terms and conditions of the Award Letter. Information Management RequirementsTo effectively coordinate, improve, and track outcomes for children and families served through ECBG funds, grantees will be required to enter individual-level common measure data into the web-based outcome reporting system, DAISEY, housed on a secure, HIPAA/FERPA-compliant server.? Only aggregate de-identified data will be shared with KCCTF.? Grantees will be able to upload data from their own system or directly enter data into the reporting system. Grantees will be trained and provided technical assistance on DAISEY. Grantees will have access to KCCTF funded systems and tools (e.g. ASQ Enterprise). If grantees choose to utilize alternative systems and tools, grantees understand that all costs affiliated with that decision shall be funded with non-ECBG dollars.IV. Evaluation of the Work The KCCTF’s evaluation of grantee’s work will inform policy makers about the impact of the grantee’s efforts on achieving required ECBG outcomes (See pages 6-7 for required ECBG outcomes.)Data Sources and Evaluation Frameworks – through rigorous evaluation, the KCCTF’s independent evaluator, Wichita State University (for calendar year 2018) will evaluate the impact of Children’s Initiatives Fund dollars for ECBG.Grantees will work with the independent evaluator for data collection to provide rapid-cycle feedback about performance, promote continuous quality improvement, and track program outcomes. (See Attachment H, Blueprint for Early Childhood, Impact Page for details on current KCCTF common measures.)V. AWARD INFORMATIONFunding Information Source: FY 2018 Children’s Initiatives FundAward Amounts and LengthAwards will be issued under this RFP for a 1-year funding period from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018, with a maximum award amount of $2,000,000. Awards will be issued based on FY 2018 Children’s Initiatives Fund (CIF) dollars of approximately $15,000,000 available statewide. Awards are subject to the availability of funds and any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by KCCTF. The number of awards issued for this RFP has not been pre-determined and awards will be allocated based on proposals received. The CIF reserves the right to reject all proposals as deemed warranted. Budgets should be reasonable for the population to be served and strategies proposed. Allowable Uses of FundsPrograms may include, but are not limited to, the following allowable uses of award funds: Costs tied to provision of Direct Services; Staff, Travel (in-state only) and Subsistence, Classroom Furniture and Playground Equipment, Supplies, Contractual, Staff Education, Building Space and Maintenance, KCCTF Required Audit (include under Other) or Indirect Costs. ECBG funds shall not be expended for “bricks and mortar,” purchase of land or vehicles, for the purchase, construction, or building renovation, for remodeling of any building or facility or substantial outdoor equipment, and for contractual services for program evaluation in addition to KCCTF currently funded activities. Allowable indirect costs (as defined in OMB Circular A-122) will be limited to 10%. KCTTF may audit grants at any point to ensure that funds are being spent in accordance with the OMB circular and the approved grant. Match RequirementHistorically a 10% cash match has been required. In-Kind contributions have not and are not eligible as cash match. For the FY2018 proposal evaluation, cash match has been removed from proposal evaluation and will be assessed separately. Therefore, each proposal will receive two separate scores; one for strength of proposal, one for 10% cash match. 15 priority points have been set aside for proposals with a 10% cash match. VI. ELIGIBILITYKCCTF invites applications from locally controlled, community-based not-for-profit, non-profits or faith-based community organizations experienced in providing services to at-risk birth to kindergarten entry populations and their families or experience serving low-income neighborhoods. Eligible applicants may also include county and city governments and Unified School Districts (USDs) who demonstrate 1) a track-record of serving at-risk populations, and 2) have included partners from the private sector within their ECBG proposals and budgets.VII. APPLICATION PROCESSQuestions – Questions regarding the RFP and/or the application process can be submitted by E-mail only to, dadegbore@ by 5:00pm CST on Tuesday, 1/10/2017. Responses will be made directly to individuals as quickly as possible via email. Questions and answers will be compiled as they are received and will be posted as quickly as possible on the KCCTF website at .How to Apply Applications must be delivered no later than 11:59 p.m. CST on February 10, 2017. Applicants are required to submit one (1) original and four (4) copies, as well as one (1) signed electronic copy. The electronic application will be considered the official application and should consist of ALL application documents combined into one PDF file. Mailed applications must be postmarked no later than February 10, 2017. Applicants are required to submit the original and four (4) copies per the specifications below to the KCCTF office (address below). Attn: Ms. Dyogga S. AdegboreProgram Consultant IIKansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust FundLandon State Office Building900 SW Jackson, Room 152Topeka, KS 66612-1221The application must be arranged in the order indicated in the Application Checklist on page 16 Applications received after this date/time will not be accepted. There will be NO exceptions. Copies are to be printed single-sided and bound with a binder clip. No staples. Do NOT bind with separate covers or folders of any kind. Do not include tabs, plastic inserts or brochures. Pages are to be double spaced, no less than 1 inch margins. Page numbers at the bottom of each page, beginning with the Application for Grant Cover Page (Attachment A) as Page 1.The application must be arranged in the order indicated in the Table of Contents with Signature (Attachment B).Page limit of 15 pages for Narrative. Any page count over the page limit will not be reviewed and scored as part of your proposal. See page 16 for sections considered narrative.What an Application Should IncludeApplications must include all the components described in this section. Failure to submit an application that contains all of the specified information may negatively affect the review of the application; preclude access to or use of award funds pending satisfaction of the conditions; and/or prevent the application from proceeding to the KCCTF Grant Review Panel for further consideration. KCCTF strongly recommends use of appropriately descriptive file/heading names (e.g. “Program Abstract”, “Needs Assessment”, “Public-Private Partnerships,” etc.), for all narrative sections and attachments of the application. Applications are will be reviewed independently by a panel of three evaluators. A total of 85 total points will be available based on the Selection Criteria on page 16. Proposal evaluators will not have access to the cash match information provided in Attachment I. The cash match will be assessed internally by KCCTF staff. If a cash match has been attained, 15 points will be awarded. If there is no cash match or a partial cash match, zero points will be awarded.Application for Grant Cover Page – Attachment A (Required)Complete the Application for Grant Cover Page (Attachment A). Identify the type of applicant (community not-for-profit, faith-based, or public organization) Project Abstract (Required) a brief project abstract should be no more than 100 words. Describe the proposed strategies for which funding is being requested, including the purpose and program outcomes, the geographic area, description of target population, services to be provided, and number of clients to be served.Table of Contents with Signature - Attachment B (Required)KCCTF requires that a Table of Contents with page numbers be included as part of the grant application. Please use the list of contents in Attachment B. Include page numbers for each of the major sections and for each attachment. Applicants may design their own table so long as the contents are submitted in the prescribed order with authorized signature and date.Assurances with Signature – Attachment C (Required)This two-page document must be signed on the second page by an official authorized to sign. Although an authorized signature is only required on the second page, both pages must be submitted.Program Narrative (85 points)The Program Narrative must include five sections – Needs Assessment, Public-Private Partnerships, Organizational Capacity, Project Description, and Continuous Quality Improvement Plan – in the order listed below. Program Narrative must not exceed 15 pages. Please number pages “1 of XX”, “2 of XX”, etc.Needs Assessment (8 total points)—Identify and describe the challenges or needs the program will address. Geographic Area to be Served, including county/counties served (2 points)Community Characteristics: Clearly indicate the number of children birth to kindergarten entry who are at-risk, expectant parents who are at-risk, and/or other participants with relationships to children birth to kindergarten entry who would benefit from direct services, and are currently underserved in the community (2 points)Current Status: Explain the community’s current opportunities for children birth to kindergarten entry, families of children birth to kindergarten entry, prenatal services to expectant parents, or other participants serving children birth to kindergarten entry. Describe how existing services will be aligned with proposed services (2 points)Data: Data provided must show the nature and scope of the current need (data must be from 2011 or later) (2 points)Public-Private Partnerships (11 total points)State the unified vision and mission for the proposed public-private partnership (3 points)Describe how the proposed public-private partnership will work as a team to address the needs of the populations identified in the proposal (3 points)Explain how ECBG resources will be allocated to the public and private sectors (2 points)How is the public-private partnership more effective in meeting the identified need versus each partner working independent from one another (3 points)Note: All funded partners have a responsibility for ongoing outcome monitoring and success of the project strategies. Organizational Capacity (4 total points)—Organizations must demonstrate the capacity for sufficient community leadership and the capacity to appropriately implement and administer the proposed project. Include an Organizational Chart. Describe the early childhood service delivery experience of all organizations listed in the proposal along with each organizations experience working with at-risk children and families. (See page 7 for at-risk criteria) (3 points)Organizational Chart: Provide an organizational chart for the proposed project (1 points)Project Description (24 total points)Purpose: Provide a clear and concise statement of the purpose or goal for each program to be supported by the proposal and how the program will address the needs identified (2 points)Service Delivery: Describe the services to be provided within each proposed program to children birth to 5 and their families and include intensity of service delivery. Please list services to be delivered and number of children and families who will be impacted. (4 points)Goals and Objectives: Describe how implementing the proposed strategies align with the required and strongly recommended ECBG outcomes (See pages 6-7 for ECBG outcomes) (6 points)Recruitment/Eligibility (see definitions in note below): Describe outreach strategies on how your program will ensure access to children and families who are most at-risk; clearly state the number of children birth to 3 and 3 to kindergarten entry to be served by program type (2 points)Barriers: Describe any potential barriers to implementing the program and strategies to overcome them (2 points)Program Model: The applicant will provide services designed to meet the needs of at-risk children and families.Share the theory of change on which the program is based (2 points)Note: If applicable, describe how the strategies will keep fidelity to an evidence-based practice Describe how this approach has had an impact on the well-being of at-risk children and families (2 points)Identify the elements of the strategies and/or services to be provided to children birth to kindergarten entry and their families, including any applicable evidence-based practice (2 points)Provide a detailed description of the research that supports the program/practice you are proposing with references cited (2 points)Note: Evidence-based practice has been confirmed by scientifically-based rigorous research design. For evidence-based practice provide the resource(s) used to identify the activities as evidence-based Outcomes, Data Collection, and Reporting Alignment (18 total points)–Provide a realistic and detailed assessment implementation plan, with a timeline that indicates significant milestones in the project. Include project goals, related activities and performance measures and their expected completion date(s). Outline specific program outcomes of each program and how they will address the identified community need. Identify who will collect data, who will be responsible for performance measures and how this information will be used to guide the programs impact with children and families.Logic Model—Using the Logic Model template provided in Attachment D, detail program alignment with each of the required ECBG outcomes and as many of the strongly recommended outcomes that align with your program design. The Logic Model is expected to align with the project description and program model (6 points)Work/Implementation Plan—Using the Work/Implementation Plan template included in Attachment E, clearly describe the anticipated activities and timeline for planning and implementing the program for FY 2018 (6 points)Data Collection Plan—Applicants should complete the Data Collection Plan provided in Attachment F (6 points)Note: The Alignment Templates (Attachments D, E, and F) are formatted in Microsoft Word. These attachments may span more than one page, if needed, and do NOT count toward the narrative page total. Like all application documents submitted electronically, the completed Word templates should be converted to a PDF and submitted as part of one comprehensive PDF application in the order outlined in Attachment B.Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (Required)—Applicants should describe a plan for continuous quality improvement for their project. (Please note: no template provided.) The plan should describe how quality monitoring will be used, including the use of “real-time” data from reports to assure fidelity in implementation for the selected evidence-based practices and outcome data to drive quality improvement. Grantees should also include who is involved in this process and how information will be continuously communicated. Note: Applicants should list each program, the common measure(s) used for each, and specify number of assessments collected for each. Specify the anticipated number of participants that will complete each measurement tool. Budget Detail Worksheet and Budget Narrative/Justification (20 total points)Applicants should complete the Budget Detail Worksheets provided within RFP (Attachment G) and described below. The Budget Narrative/Justification must outline how grant funds will be used to support and implement the program, and should thoroughly and clearly describe every category of expense listed in the Budget Detail Worksheet. It should be mathematically sound and correspond with the information and figures provided by the worksheet. It should explain how all costs were estimated and calculated and how they are relevant to the completion of the proposed project. It may include tables for clarification purposes. Summarize how the applicant agency will allocate its costs to its various funding sources. Worksheet 1: Total ECBG Proposed Budget (2 points)Please provide the Total ECBG Proposed Budget. This includes total cost for all programs for which funding is sought by the applicant organization and/or collaborative. Use Worksheet 1: Total ECBG Proposed Budget in Attachment G.Worksheet 2: Total ECBG Budget by Program (2 points)Please provide Total ECBG Proposed Budget broken down by program and/or service delivery. Include the amount spent by program on: direct services for children birth to 3, direct services for children 3 to kindergarten entry, direct services for families, and direct services for other participants serving children birth to kindergarten entry. KCCTF’s vision is to support programs who serve 100% at-risk children. Use Total ECBG Budget by Program worksheet in Attachment G.Note: please use the following definitionsChildren birth to 3: children ages birth to 2 years and 364 days, which may include prenatal supports Children 3 to kindergarten entry: children ages 3 years to kindergarten entryFamilies: parents and primary caregivers of children birth to kindergarten entryOther Participants: any recipient of services who does not fulfill one of the categories listed above who provide services to children birth to kindergarten entryWorksheets 3 to 12: Proposed Program Budgets, Budget Narrative (16 points)Budgets (4 points): Please provide a proposed budget for each program for which funding is sought. Use “Program 1, Program 2,…” worksheets in Attachment G. Worksheets for twelve funded programs are provided. Applicants should not exceed twelve funded programs. Applicants should leave the worksheets that exceed proposed number of programs blank. For example, if an applicant is applying for funds to support three programs, leave worksheets 4 through 12 blank. Applicants should replace “Program 1” with the name of the program to be funded. Justification (12 points): The budget justification is embedded in the budget detail worksheet for each program. The budget narrative should thoroughly and clearly describe every category of expenses listed in the individual program budget worksheet. The narrative should be mathematically sound and correspond with the information and figures provided in the individual program budget worksheet. The narrative should explain how all costs were estimated and calculated and how they are relevant to the completion of the proposed project. Note: Applicants are encouraged to blend and braid funding. Please identify those places in the narrative and the budget where the proposal is maximizing existing resourcesNote: Grant dollars must not supplant existing state or federal funding for programs. Utilizing current funding streams, however, to enhance programming for at-risk children and families is encouraged. Public-Private Partnership Member Endorsement List (Required)Provide a list of names, with email and phone number, of all individuals representing any community/public-private agency involved in the implementation of this project. Transmittal Letter for Audit, Form 990, or most recent Year-end Financial Statement Insert (Required) KCCTF requires that a current Transmittal Letter for Audit, Form 990, or most recent Year-end Financial Statement Insert be included as part of the grant proposal. 501 (c)3 Verification, if applicable (Required as applicable)Required as applicable per type of organizationList of Board Members, if applicable (Required as applicable)Required as applicable per type of organization; if applicable, also include a Conflict of Interest Statement for Board Members Cash Match: Applicants who can provide documentation of a 10% cash match should include a brief description of the source(s) for the 10% cash match. Please provide supporting documents for verification of this financial commitment. Examples of documentation may include commitment letters from donors, foundations, endowments, philanthropy, or private citizens. Examples can come from budget spread sheets or from financials showing contributions. (15 priority points)VIII. Review and Selection ProcessProposal ReviewKCCTF is committed to ensuring a fair and equitable process for awarding grants. Eligible applications will be evaluated, scored, and rated by impartial national and state business, early childhood, and K-12 leaders. These leaders represent both the public and private sectors. Recommendations will be provided to the KCCTF members for final approval. The KCCTF reserves the right to work with grantees to modify proposals if needed.Selection CriteriaEvaluators will use a scoring rubric in reviewing proposals. A maximum of 85 points will be possible for proposal evaluation with an additional 15 priority points reserved for grantees who demonstrate a 10% cash match. The following table is representative of the order in which the proposal needs to be organized. Scores assigned to proposal components are as follows:Application for Grant Cover Page (Attachment A)RequiredTable of Contents with Signature (Attachment B)RequiredAssurances with Signature (Attachment C)RequiredAbstractRequired*Needs Assessment8 points* Public-Private Partnerships11 points*Organizational Capacity4 points*Project Description24 pointsOutcomes, Data, and Evaluation Alignment18 pointsLogic Model (Attachment D) (6 points)Work/Implementation Plan (Attachment E) (6 points) Data Collection Plan and Timeline (Attachment F) (8 points) *Continuous Quality Improvement Plan RequiredBudget Detail Worksheet & Budget Narrative/Justification (Attachment G)20 pointsPublic-Private Partnership Member Endorsement ListRequiredTransmittal Letter for Audit, Form 990, or most recent Year-end Financial Statement InsertRequired501 (c)(3) verification, if applicableRequired, as applicableList of Board members, with Conflict of Interest Statement, if applicableRequired, as applicable10% cash matchRequired, as applicableOne original, 4 copies, 1 electronic pdf file of grant applicationRequiredTotal Maximum Proposal Points85 points*Considered Narrative - limited to 15 pages. KCCTF reserves the right to consider past compliance with reporting requirements as a supporting factor for grant award.IX. Post Award RequirementsNotice of Post-Award Reporting Requirements Program reporting includes: Financial Report: By the 10th of each month the grantee will submit a financial report for payment via email to Dadegbore@. See Sections III and IV for additional reporting requirements around grant monitoring and evaluation of the work. Ongoing Audit RequirementsTransmittal Letter for Audit, Form 990, or most recent Year-end Financial Statement Insert, or any other audit requirements. ATTACHMENT A: APPLICATION FOR GRANT COVER PAGEA. APPLICANT AGENCY (NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE, E-MAIL)C. OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO SIGN APPLICATION (NAME, TITLE, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE, E-MAIL)B. TYPE OF AGENCY Public; Private Non-Profit; Private Profit (circle one) 501 (c ) (3): YES NO (circle one)SIGNATURE _____________________________________________D. PROJECT DIRECTOR (NAME, TITLE, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE, E-MAIL) E. FINANCIAL OFFICER (NAME, TITLE, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE, E-MAIL)F. TYPE OF APPLICATION _______ NEW SERVICES_______ EXPANSION OF CURRENT SERVICES _______ENHANCING EXISTING SERVICES TO BRING THE CURRENT PROGRAM UP TO HIGH QUALITY EVIDENCED-BASED PROGRAM STANDARDSG. TITLE OF PROJECTGEOGRAPHIC AREA TO BE SERVED, TARGET POPULATION, AND ESTIMATED NUMBERS IMPACTEDGEOGRAPHIC AREA (including county/counties): NUMBERS OF CHILDREN BIRTH to 3 TO BE SERVED: NUMBER OF FAMILIES TO BE SERVED:NUMBER OF CHILDREN 3 to 5 TO BE SERVED: NUMBER OF OTHER PARTICIPANTS TO BE SERVED: ZIP CODES of AREA TO BE SERVED (Optional): I. FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (FEIN) and DUNS #.K. PROJECT COSTS 1. GRANT FUNDS REQUESTED 2. CASH MATCH 3. ESTIMATED IN-KIND 4. TOTAL COST $____________$____________$____________$____________ APPLICANT’S FISCAL YEARATTACHMENT B: TABLE OF CONTENTS with SIGNATURE Table of ContentsThe following must be submitted in this order with page numbers added.Application for Grant Cover Page with Brief Project Abstract Table of Contents with SignatureAssurances with Signature*Needs Assessment*Public-Private Partnerships*Organizational Capacity*Project DescriptionOutcomes Data and Evaluation AlignmentLogic ModelWork/Implementation PlanData Collection Plan*Continuous Quality Improvement PlanBudget Detail Worksheet & Budget Narrative/JustificationPublic-Private Partnership Member Endorsement ListTransmittal Letter for Audit, Form 990, or most recent Year-end Financial Statement InsertAttachments (if applicable)501(c)(3) Verification or Public VerificationList of Board Members and a Board Member Conflict-of-Interest Statement10% cash match*Considered Narrative – limited to 15 pages combined.SignatureDateATTACHMENT C: ASSURANCES with SignatureSupplantation of Grant FundsThe grantee shall not replace or supplant funding of another existing program with funds provided for in this Grant. Funds awarded under this Agreement may not be used for any purpose other than the one defined in this document.DebarmentAs part of the Code of Federal Regulations (45 C.F.R. Part 76), all governmental entities receiving funding from the Federal Government must participate in a government wide system for non-procurement debarment and suspension. A person or entity that is debarred or suspended shall be excluded from Federal financial and non-financial assistance and benefits under Federal programs and activities. Debarment or suspension of a participant in a program by one agency shall have government wide effect. The Deputy Commissioner of Education is authorized to impose debarment. Before any person or entity enters into an agreement, grant or contract with KCCTF, the Excluded Parties Lists shall be researched for potential debarred persons or entities (located at ).Compliance With Laws and RegulationsThe Grantee agrees that it will comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations in effect at any time during the course of this Grant. The Grantee shall certify To the KCCTF Executive Director that it will provide a drug-free workplace and as a condition of the Grant, the Grantee will not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance in conducting any activity with the Grant.Nondiscrimination and Workplace SafetyThe grantee agrees to abide by all state, federal and local laws, rules and regulations prohibiting discrimination in employment and controlling workplace safety. Any violation of applicable laws, rules and regulations may result in termination of this Grant.ADA ComplianceThe contractor agrees: (a) to comply with the Kansas Act Against Discrimination (K.S.A. 44-1001 et. seq.) and the Kansas Age Discrimination in Employment Act (K.S.A. 44-111 et seq.) and the applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. 12101 et. seq.) (ADA) and to not discriminate against any person because of race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin or ancestry, or age in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities; (b) to include in all solicitations or advertisements for employees, the phrase “Equal Opportunity Employer@; (c) to comply with the reporting requirements set out at K.S.A. 44-1031 and K.S.A. 44-1116; (d) to include those provisions in every subcontract or purchase order so that they are binding upon such subcontractor or vendor; (e) that a failure to comply with the reporting requirements of (c) above or if the contractor is found guilty of any violation of such acts by the Kansas Human Rights Commission, such violation shall constitute a breach of contract and the contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended, in whole or in part, by the contracting state agency or the Kansas Department of Administration; (f) if it is determined that the contractor has violated applicable provisions of ADA, such violation shall constitute a breach of contract and the contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended, in whole or in part, by the contracting state agency or the Kansas Department of Administration.Parties to this contract understand that the provisions of this paragraph (with the exception of those provisions relating to the ADA) are not applicable to a contractor who employs fewer than four employees during the term of such contract or whose contracts with the contracting state agency cumulatively total $5,000 or less during the fiscal year of such agency.Audit RequirementsAwards containing Federal funds are subject to the Audit Requirements listed in OMB Circular A-133.? Organizations expending Federal award funds in excess of $500,000 during their fiscal year must have an audit completed in accordance with this Circular.? Organizations spending less than $500,000 annually in Federal awards may be subject to other audit requirements which will be established at the time of the award.Cost PrinciplesFunds awarded through this agreement are subject to the following requirements as established by the Office of Management and Budget:OMB Circular A-102 – Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local GovernmentsOMB Circular A-110 – Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Other Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education and Other Non-Profit OrganizationsOMB Circular A-21 – Cost Principles for Educational InstitutionsOMB Circular A-87 – Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribe GovernmentsOMB Circular A-122 – Cost Principles for Non-Profit OrganizationsIf selected as the sub- recipient of this award, I agree on behalf of [Agency name] to abide by the assurances described in this document. _____________________________________[Officer’s Name and Title] [date]ATTACHMENTS D, E, and F: OUTCOMES DATA AND EVALUATION ALIGNMENTThe Blueprint for Early Childhood Alignment Templates (Attachments D, E, and F) are formatted in Microsoft Word. These attachments may span more than one page, if needed, and do NOT count toward the narrative page total. Like all application documents submitted electronically, the completed Word templates should be converted to a PDF and submitted as part of one comprehensive PDF application in the order outlined in Attachment B. ATTACHMENT D: OUTCOMES DATA AND EVALUATION ALIGNMENT, Logic Model Template Instructions:Using the Logic Model Template, applicants must address each of the required ECBG outcomes in the logic model. Indicate the Program(s), Target Population(s), Strategies, Activities, Outputs, Areas of Impacts/Targeted Improvement, Long-Term Results, and Measure that will be associated with each ECBG outcome, using the Blueprint as a guide. Note: space for one strategy for each required ECBG outcome is provided. Applicants may include additional strategies if desired. For Measure, list all measures you will use to assess the program activity. Choose measures from the Blueprint’s “Common Measures” section that align with program model and service delivery to monitor the impact or changes in your work. ATTACHMENT D: OUTCOMES DATA AND EVALUATION ALIGNMENT, Logic Model Template\sATTACHMENT E: OUTCOMES DATA AND EVALUATION ALIGNMENT, Work/Implementation Plan Template\sATTACHMENT F: OUTCOMES DATA AND EVALUATION ALIGNMENT, Data Collection Plan and Timeline \sATTACHMENT G: BUDGET DETAIL WORKSHEET & BUDGET NARRATIVE/JUSTIFICATIONAttachment H: blueprint for early childhood ................

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