Scottsboro Electric Power Board

Fifth Grade Reading Street Compiled by Birgit Falge-BechwarUnit 2.1: Inside OutTheme: Doing the Right ThingWhy do people show kindness?Genre: Realistic FictionLesson Vocabulary:caterpillar – the wormlike larvae of insects such as butterflies and mothscocoon – case of silky thread spun by the larvae of various insects, to live in while they are developing into adultsdisrespect – to show a lack of respect; to be rudeemerge – to come into view: com out: come upmigrant – worker, especially a farm worker, who travels from one area to another in search of worksketched – drawn roughly and quickly7. unscrewed – loosened or taken off by turningSpelling Words:shovelsouthernnorthernchapterhyphenchosenestablishalthoughchallengeapproachastonishpythonshatterethnicshiverpharmacycharitychinaattachostrichemphasissophomoreathletephenomenalchimpanzeeMore Words to Know:gestured – made a movement to help express an idea or a feelingsuspenders – straps worn over the shoulders to hold up the trousersSpelling:Diagraphs th, sh, ch, phGrammar:Regular and irregular plural nounsWriting Trait of the Week:Focus/ideasVocabulary Strategy:Word structureComprehension Skill:Compare and contrastComprehension Strategy:Answer questionsSocial Studies Content:Migrant worker,U.S. Constitution,World kindnessFifth Grade Reading StreetCompiled by Birgit Falge-BechwarUnit 2.2: Passage to FreedomTheme: Doing the Right ThingWhy do we help others even if there are risks?Genre: BiographyLesson Vocabulary:agreement – harmony in feeling or opinioncable – message sent through wires by electric current; also called a telegramdiplomat – person whose work is to manage relations between nationsissue – to send out; put forthrefugees – people who flee to another country for safetyrepresentation – people appointed or elected to act or speak for otherssuperiors – people who are higher in rank or positionvisa – official signature or endorsement upon passport or document, showing it has been examined and approvedSpelling Words:staffsourselvespantsscissorsloavesvolcanoeschiefsbuffaloesflamingos beliefs echoes shelves quizzes sheriffs dominoes thieves measles avocados chefs pianos bailiffs wharves mosquitoes armadillos desperadoesMore Words to Know:Hanukkah – a yearly Jewish festival lasting eight days, celebrating the rededication of the temple in JerusalemNazis – members of the National Socialist Party, a fascist political party in Germany led by Adolf HitlerSoviets – persons belonging to or fighting for the former Soviet UnionSpelling:Irregular pluralsGrammar:Possessive pronounsWriting Trait of the Week:Focus/ideasVocabulary Strategy:Dictionary/glossaryComprehension Skill:Author’s purposeComprehension Strategy:Monitor and fix upSocial Studies Content:World War II,DiplomacyFifth Grade Reading StreetCompiled by Birgit Falge-BechwarUnit 2.3: The Ch’i-lin PurseTheme: Doing the Right ThingWhat are the rewards in helping others?Genre: Folk TaleLesson Vocabulary:astonished – surprised greatly; amazedbehavior – manner of behaving; way of actingbenefactor – person who has given money or kindly helpeddistribution – act or process of giving some of to each; dividing and giving out in sharesgratitude – kindly feeling because of a favor received; desire to do a favor in return; thankfulnessprocession – something that moves forward; persons marching or ridingrecommend – to speak in favor of; suggest favorablysacred – worth of reverencetraditions – customs or beliefs handed down from generation to generationSpelling Words:snoretornadospareappearcareersquarereportpreparepioneer chair beware smear repair sword ignore order engineer resort volunteer declare impair directory hardware clearance porpoiseMore Words to Know:footmen – uniformed male servants who answer the bell, wait on tables, go with a car or carriage to open the door, etc.matchmaker – person who arranges, or tries to arrange, marriages for otherspavilion – a light building, usually somewhat open, used for shelter, pleasure, etc.Spelling:Vowel sounds with rGrammar:Action and linking verbsWriting Trait of the Week:Organization/paragraphsVocabulary Strategy:Word structureComprehension Skill:Compare and contrastComprehension Strategy:PredictSocial Studies Content:Chinese Family Customs,Jade,Aesop’s FablesFifth Grade Reading StreetCompiled by Birgit Falge-BechwarUnit 2.4: Jane Goodall’s 10 Ways to Help Save WildlifeTheme: Doing the Right ThingWhat can people do to protect wild animals?Genre: Expository NonfictionLesson Vocabulary:conservation – preservation from harm or decay; protection form loss or from being used upcontribute – to help bring aboutenthusiastic – eagerly interestedenvironment – condition of the air, water, soil, etc.investigation – a careful searchSpelling Words:examplelevelhumanquarrelscrambleeviloxygenwoodendouble travel cancel chuckle fossil toboggan veteran chisel suburban single sudden beagle obstacle kindergarten abdomen pummel enlightenMore Words to Know:humane – not cruel or brutal; kindloggers – people whose work is cutting down treestapeworms – long, flat worms that live as a parasite in the intestines of humans and animalsSpelling:Final syllables –en, -an, -el, -le, -ilGrammar:Main and helping verbsWriting Trait of the Week:Word choiceVocabulary Strategy:Context cluesComprehension Skill:Fact and opinionComprehension Strategy:Ask questionsScience Content:Animal Habitats, Roots And Shoots,EcosystemFifth Grade Reading StreetCompiled by Birgit Falge-BechwarUnit 2.5: The Midnight Ride of Paul RevereTheme: Doing the Right ThingHow can people promote freedom?Genre: PoemLesson Vocabulary:fate – what becomes of someone or somethingfearless – without fear; afraid of nothingglimmer – a faint, unsteady lightlingers – stay on; goes slowly, as if unwilling to leavemagnified – caused something to look larger than it actually issomber – having deep shadows; dark; gloomysteed – a horse, especially a riding horseSpelling Words:dangerwandertractordollarharboreagererasersurrendersolar sticker locker helicopter pillar refrigerator caterpillar rumor glimmer linger sensor alligator numerator collector ancestor counselor denominatorMore Words to Know:belfry – a space in a tower in which bells may be hunggrenadiers – members of a specially chosen unit of foot soldiersstealthy – done in a secret mannerSpelling:Final syllables –er, -ar, -orGrammar:Subject-verb agreementWriting Trait of the Week:InterviewVocabulary Strategy:Word structureComprehension Skill:SequenceComprehension Strategy:Graphic organizersSocial Studies Content:Boston, MA,Old North Church,Freedom Trail ................

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