
Ms. Falcon’s Syllabus

7th grade Reading

Contact Information:

E-mail: Efalcon8@

Phone: (305) 591-0020

Parent Teacher Meeting: Please make appointment.

Course Description:

This class is designed to teach students different strategies in order to be successful in reading. Some of these strategies are: sequence of events, setting, plot, main idea, prediction, inference, venn-diagrams, two-column notes, KWL chart, think-pair-share, figurative language, analogies, etc.


Your grade will be an average of the following:

▪ Tests=30%

▪ Quizzes=20%

▪ Projects/Reports=25%

▪ Participation=10%

▪ Class work/Homework=15%

- Student’s grades are accessible on the student’s portal at all times. To access the website go

to .

Reading Plus:

• Reading Plus, which is a computer based reading intervention system, will be used in Reading this year. Students will be assigned a weekly assignment. This will count as a weekly quiz grade.

• If student completes their assigned lessons for that week with an average of 80% or higher, they will receive an “A”; however, if they are all not completed, they will receive an “F”. NO EXCEPTIONS.

• If a student receives lower than a 70% in one of the sessions, they will need to complete another session.

• For a description of individual incentives, please refer to “Rewards” on the next page.

Grading Scale:

▪ A=90-100% Outstanding

▪ B=80-89% Good

▪ C=70-79% Satisfactory

▪ D=60-69% Improvement Needed

▪ F=0-59% Unsatisfactory


▪ A 1 inch binder with 2 dividers (Classwork and Vocabulary) and lots of paper.

▪ A spiral notebook (this will also go in their binder)

▪ Pencil pouch that includes: sharpener with lid, highlighters, colored pencils, scissors, glue stick, and pencils with eraser.

▪ A red pen for grading.

▪ Dictionary/thesaurus (a small one)

▪ Students must have a book with them at all times for independent reading.

****In addition, I am asking for every student in this class to bring in one box of tissues. I will be giving extra credit for those who do. It is not mandatory; however, this will aid in rewarding students for their hard work.

Volunteer Hours:

• I will be awarding hours for things donated to the class. This could include Gift cards. Please make sure you attach a receipt to everything that is being donated in order to receive hours.

• Every $3.33 will be awarded 1 volunteer hour. Remember that 30 hours must be completed by the end of the year.

Classroom Books:

Students will be assigned a textbook in class. Each textbook will have a UPC number that corresponds to each student. If books are damaged in ANY way, the student will have to pay $85.

Also, no textbook should be taken home; they are to be left in the classroom at all times.


1. Show respect for others.

2. You are responsible for all your actions.

3. Come to class prepared and ready to learn.

4. All electronics should be hidden.

5. Always be positive.


• In my class I have a ticket system. If students do what needs to be completed, they will receive a ticket. At the end of the week, they will be able to “buy” whatever they want from the Monkey Store using their tickets.

• Students will be able to accumulate as many tickets as they would like.

• For Reading Plus, every week that a student completes their sessions, they will receive a ticket.

• There will also be class competitions for reading plus/behavior that will lead to special activities and benefits.


1. Verbal Warning

2. Teacher Log Written Warning

3. Letter/Call to Parents

4. Detention (conduct grade lowered)

5. Parent Conference

6. Referral to Assistant Principal/Principal

• For all of the discipline consequences please refer to the Code of Student Conduct.


1. Students must bring all the materials mentioned above daily.

2. All students must be in their seat and ready to begin when the bell rings.

3. All assignments must be turned in on the due date or it will result in a zero. No late work will be accepted. If the student has an excused absence it will be the student’s responsibility to collect, complete and turn in the assignment by the teacher’s due date.

4. Raise your hand and wait to be called on. Rude/disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.

5. Quizzes and tests will be announced with enough time to review the material covered. However, occasional pop quizzes will be administered. These quizzes are unannounced. Therefore, it is the student’s responsibility to review the material covered in class in order to maintain satisfactory progress.

6. Respect self, property, and others.

7. No chewing gum.

8. You must be in complete uniform at all times.

9. No electronic devices allowed.

10. Follow the rules of Doral Academy accordingly.

Ms. Falcon’s Expectations and Rules

Please sign and return this page only

Period: _______________ Date: ____________

Note for Parents:

We are a team that will assure the success of your child. We must work together to make it happen. Please encourage your child daily in assuming responsibility for his/her own learning and check their progress and homework.

Once more, we will try to make this year a great learning experience for all of us.

Thank you,

Ms. Evelyn Falcon RM 220A

We, the parent/guardian(s) and the student have fully read, understood, and agree to abide by the classroom rules, regulations, and expectations.

___________________________________________ _________________________________________

Print Student Name Student Signature

___________________________________________ _________________________________________ Print Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature

___________________________________________ __________________________________________

E-mail Phone


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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