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-102870-113665Unit PlanUnit Theme:7.3 Poetry: My Identity Date: Period: 5 weeks Teacher: Subject: __English_______________________Reform Strategy (PCEA): Theme of Unit: Grade: 1 2 3 4 5 6x 7 8 9 10 11 12Transversal Theme: X Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Education for PeaceX Environmental Education X Technology and Education Education for Work Integration: Spanish English Social Studies Science Math Fine Arts Physical Education Health Sciences Technology Essential QuestionsEQ1. How much influence, if any, does the environment have on my personal identity?EQ2. How does poetry make me feel?EQ3. Why does a poet decide to become a poet? Transfer (T) and Acquisition (A) GoalsT1. ??The student will leave the class able to apply his/her knowledge of cultural identity to better understand himself/herself in comparison to various works of literature from his/her own culture and other cultures. He/she will gain perspective into the culture of poets, artists, writers, and peers he/she encounters in both his/her academic and personal life.T2. ??The student will leave the class able to apply his/her knowledge of poetry to appreciate how figurative language and poetic devices convey meaning and emotion. He/she will be able to make connections between reading poetry and his/her own personal experiences or other familiar works of literature. The student will be able to use the writing of poetry to explore and share thoughts, feelings, and ideas.T3. ??The student will leave the class able to understand how poetry and culture are intertwined. He/she will be able to understand the techniques poets use to examine socio-cultural and historical concepts and that poetry is a by-product of the time period in which it was crafted. The student acquires skills to...A1. Listen and respond to poetry.A2. Identify and define types of poetry and the poetic devices poets use.A3. Write poetry in the style of a selected poem or poet.A4. Identify and explore the culture of a poet or writer.A5. Deepen his/her understanding of poetry through active rereading.PERFORMANCE TASK ACTIVITIES {Poetry Slam/Poetry} {Writing/Publishing Class Poetry Book}DaysDay 1Day 2 Day 3Day 4Day 5 Standards and expectations7.L.1Listen and Collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions.7.S.1- Oral contribution of topic.7.S.2 Respond Orally to closed questionsLearning Activity: Students brainstormWhat is poetry?Teacher gives questions as a guide:What comes to your mind when the word poetry is mentioned?What vocabulary do you know is strictly related to poetry?Why do you think people write poetry? Students write a paragraph with their answers. IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Monday" 1 ""Standards and expectations7. S.2b Describe, explain, support, discuss, and synthesize information. 7.L.1dListen, respond to, and analyze complex instructions answer and formulate closed and open-ended questions.7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.7.LA.5a Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary) in context.Learning Activity: Students engage in an open class discussion to clarify concepts on poetry elements. (Define concepts will be established in written format.)Literal Images (Review on sensory details from 7.1) IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Tuesday" 1 IF =C1 0 <> 0 =C1+1 2 "" Standards and expectations 7. S.5 Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss concepts.7.R.10 Read and comprehend a variety of literature including poetry, of appropriatecomplexity.7.W.8 Write routinely for short and extended time frame for a variety of discipline-specific tasks and purposes.7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.Learning Activity:Students analyze a poem identifying some of the images discussed in class. (Attachment 7.3 Graphic Organizer: Sensory Language) Students name parts of a poem.Teacher explains the basic parts of the structure of a poem. (See 7.3 Learning Activity-Lines and Stanzas)*Students write two line stanzas using sensory language. IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Wednesday" 1 IF =E1 0 <> 0 =E1+1 3 "" Standards and expectations7.R.10 Read and comprehend a variety of literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, and informational texts (e.g., history/social studies, science, and technical texts) of appropriate complexity.7.W.8 Write routinely for short and extended time frame for a variety of discipline-specific tasks and purposes.7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.7.LA.5a Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary) in context.Learning Activity: Students answer and discuss sensory images exercise created by the teacher.(Visit: for ideas)Students write two lines stanzas about their admiration of Puerto Rico using literal images (At least two images should be included.)Students are introduced to figurative language. IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = "Thursday" 1 IF =G1 0 <> 0 =G1+1 4 "" Standards andexpectations7.L.1 Listen and collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions in class, group, and partner discussions 7.R.10 Read and comprehend a variety of literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, and informational texts (e.g., history/social studies, science, and technical texts) of appropriate complexity.7.LA.4a Use context clues to help determine the meaning of a word or phrase.7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.7.LA.5a Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary) in context.Learning Activity: Students are presented with various examples of figurative images used in poetry.Students identify figurative images in a poem.1weekStandards and expectations7.R.4 L Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a literary text, including figurative and connotative meanings. 7.W.8 Write routinely for short or long periods of time 7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings.Learning Activity: Teacher presents strips with examples of figurative language for students to label them appropriately. (See for ideas)Students write two line stanzas using figurative language (also about Puerto Rico)(Attachment 7.3 Sample Lesson-Similes)Standards and expectations7.W.8 Write routinely for short or long periods of time 7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings 7.LA.5a Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary) in context.Learning Activity: Students are presented with more examples of figurative images to determine their meaning.Students write two examples of figurative images in poetry. (Students should keep in mind that Puerto Rico should be their main topic)Standards and expectations7.W.8 Write routinely for short or extended period of time.7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings 7.LA.5a Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary) in context.Learning Activity: Students answer a quiz on Imagery (Literal and figurative images) created by the teacher or use Students learn the features of an Ode (Attachment 7.3 Sample Lessons-The Elements of Poetry: "Ode to Pablo's Tennis shoes") Standards and expectations7.L.1d Listen, respond to, and analyze complex instructions and statements. 7.S.5b Adjust language choices according to purpose, task, and audience. Learning Activity: Students are presented with the concept of rhythm using the poem from prior lesson (or teacher may use a different poem). Teacher explains basic elements of meter and foot in order to understand rhythm. (The use of a sonnet is recommended.)Teacher presents various examples and models how to identify stressed and unstressed syllables as students read along. Teacher also points out proper ways of intonation. Standards and expectations7.LA.3a Choose language that expresses ideas clearly, recognizing subject-verb agreement and eliminating wordiness and redundancyLearning Activity: Teacher gives and explains instructions and rubric for unit's performance task (How to write an Ode) Attachment 7.3 Performance Task- Ode to Puerto Rico Poster)Teacher reviews with student subject-verb agreement skills. (Attachment 7.3 Resource-Subject-Verb Agreement_2week Standards and expectations7.L.3a Choose language that expresses ideas clearly, recognizing subject-verb agreement and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.7.LA.4aUse context clues to help determine the meaning of a word or phrase.7.LA.4bUse common Greek or Latin affixes and roots correctly (e.g., "ex," "inter," "anti," "micro”)Learning Activity:Students complete an exercise on subject-verb agreement. (Attachment 7.3 Other evidence Subject-Verb Quiz) Teacher reviews the concept of root words with students (Attachment: 7.3 Resource- Root Words) and presents/models with use of a word tree to organize and learn new words (Attachment: 7.3 Graphic Organizer-Root Word Tree) Standards and expectations7. S.2bDescribe, explain, support, discuss, and synthesize information.7.S.5 Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts and themes7.W.4Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.Learning Activity:Performance Task - Ode to Puerto Rico Poster- Students use the lines and stanzas they wrote in prior activities. Students follow the instructions and rubric presented for this task. Standards and expectations7. S.2bDescribe, explain, support, discuss, and synthesize information.7.S.5 Describe, explain, and evaluate text, self, and world experiences, express thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts and themes7.W.4Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.Learning Activity: Performance Task - Ode to Puerto Rico Poster- Students use the lines and stanzas written in prior activities. Students follow the instructions and rubric presented for this task. Standards and expectations7.R.10 Read and comprehend a variety of literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, and informational texts (e.g., history/social studies, science, and technical texts) of appropriate complexity.7.LA.4a Use context clues to help determine the meaning of a word or phrase.7.LA.4bUse common Greek or Latin affixes and roots correctly (e.g., "ex," "inter," "anti," "micro”)Learning Activity: Students are presented with a poem to introduce the element of sound. Students and teacher read the poem out loud. Students complete a word tree with another root word identified in the poemStandards and expectations7.L.1d Listen, respond to, and analyze complex instructions and statements. 7.S.5b Adjust language choices according to purpose, task, and audience.Learning Activity:Students are presented with the concept of rhyme and sound patterns. Teacher explains different types of rhyme in poems. (End rhyme and rhyme scheme, assonance, consonance, alliteration and onomatopoeia)(Teacher may visit: )3weekStandard and Expectations 7.W.8 Write routinely for short or long periods of time Learning Activity:Students learn the concept of lyrics with a song selected by the teacher. (Recommendation: Fireworks by Katy Perry)Students analyze it looking for poetic devices taught in class (sound): rhyme, pattern, alliteration, and repetition.Students choose a topic of interest and write two line stanzas using sensory and/or figurative images. Students try to use one of the patterns discussed in class. Standards and expectations7.W.8 Write routinely for short or long periods of time Learning Activity: Students complete a quiz (created by the teacher) on the elements of poetry discussed in class. (See Attachment 7.3 Other evidence-Poetry Assessment)Students write two line stanzas using sensory and/or figurative images..Standards and expectations7.S.5b Adjust language choices according to purpose, task, and audience.Learning Activity:Students are introduced to slam poetry by watching some videos. (Recomendation-)Students and teacher discussed the general features of slam poetry.Teacher explains instructions and rubric for Performance Task- Poetry Slam (Teacher may provide a list of appropriate poems for the task or students may select their own.)Standards and expectations7.W.8 Write routinely for short or long periods of time7.S.5b Adjust language choices according to purpose, task, and audience.Learning Activity: Teacher models slam poetry in order for students to better understand the concept.Students write two line stanzas using sensory and/or figurative images.Standards and expectations7.W.8 Write routinely for short or long periods of time7.LA.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and variation in word meanings 7.LA.5a Interpret figures of speech (e.g., literary) in context.Learning Activity: Students write two more line stanzas using devices discussed in class. Students should combine their prior lines and try to create stanzas that rhyme to complete a poem.4weekStandards and expectations7.S.5b Adjust language choices according to purpose, task, and audience.Learning Activity: Performance Task-Poetry Slam Students read a poem to the class following the Poetry Slam Scoring Rubric and expectations7.S.5b Adjust language choices according to purpose, task, and audience.Learning Activity: Performance Task-Poetry SlamStudents read a poem to the class following the Poetry Slam Scoring Rubric and expectations7.W.4Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.7.W.8 Write routinely for short or long periods of time Learning Activity: Teacher explains instructions and rubric for Performance Task- Poetry Writing/Publishing a Class Poetry BookStudents continue working on their prior lines and/or stanzas to complete at least one poem. Students revise and determine which poems they want to include on the Class Poetry Book. Standards and expectations7.L.1 Listen and Collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions.7.W.4Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.7.W.8 Write routinely for short or long periods of time Learning Activity: Performance Task-Poetry WritingStudents work collaboratively with peers to create the class poetry book.Standards and expectations7.L.1 Listen and Collaborate with peers during social and academic interactions.7.W.4Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, drafting, revising, editing, use editing marks, rewriting, and publishing.7.W.8 Write routinely for short or long periods of time Learning Activity:Performance Task-Poetry WritingStudents work collaboratively with peers to create the class poetry book.5week ................

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