Claiborne County Schools

Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week _________Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesREADING – 7th GradeDisclaimer:Vocabulary words will reflect and utilize student’s prior knowledge of lower grade vocabulary requirements. (Grades 3-6)Seventh grade vocabulary words will be listed on the Pacing Guide.?Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___1______Academic Vocabulary:Etymology, Connotation, Denotation, Stress, PitchGrade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.2 Employ a variety of strategies and resources to determine the definition,pronunciation, and usage of words and phrases. SPI 0701.1.17 Use context clues and background knowledge of roots and affixes todetermine the meaning of multi-meaning wordsSPI 0701.1.18 Use context clues and background knowledge of roots and affixes todetermine the meaning of unfamiliar words.SPI 0701.1.19 Replace unknown words in context with appropriate synonyms or antonyms.SPI 0701.1.20 Recognize and use grade appropriate and/or content specific vocabularywithin context.SPI 0701.1.21 Decode unknown grade level words in context, using previously learnedstrategies as aids in determining meaning.0701.1.13 Use printed and electronic dictionaries, thesauruses, and glossaries todetermine the pronunciation, spelling, and part of speech of words; to clarify meaning and improve understanding of words (including connotation and denotation); and to distinguish among contextually appropriate synonyms and definitions.0701.1.14 Define and recognize word synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms.(Continued on next page)?Academic Raceway Vocabulary & Context Clues (grade 8)DEA Resources:The Power of LanguageDEA Resources:Segment 3: Prefixes and SuffixesSynonym quizAntonym challengeDEA Resources:Looking Up Synonyms in a Thesaurus or Di...Types of WordsA Closer Look at Types of WordsA Closer Look at Reading StrategiesGrade ____ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___1 Con’t_____Academic Vocabulary:Etymology, Connotation, Denotation, Stress, PitchGrade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.1.15 Identify and define English words derived from Latin and Greek words thatform common roots (e.g., audio, auto, mal) and recognize English words that are basedon them (e.g., audible, autobiography, malice).0701.1.16 Use roots and affixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words and toclarify the meaning of familiar words.0701.1.17 Continue to use previously learned strategies to distinguish among multimeaningwords and to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.0701.1.18 Recognize and appreciate cultural and regional differences signaled by wordusage and vocabulary.GLE 0701.2.1 Demonstrate critical listening skills essential for comprehension, evaluation,problem solving, and task completion.*Utilized YearlongThe Dictionary GameDEA Resources:Vocabulary: Negative Prefixes Critical R...Vocabulary: Positive Prefixes Critical R...Root Words: Off to ItalySegment 2: RootsA Closer Look at Context CluesUsing Context CluesSegment 4: Relative and Interrogative Pr...Decoding lessonDEA Resources:Context CluesContext CluesDecoding WordsSegment 1: A Short History of WordsReading Strategies: Four StepsGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___2______Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.8.1 Read and comprehend a variety of works from various forms of literature.SPI 0701.8.3 Distinguish among different genres (e.g., poetry, drama, biography, novel)using their distinguishing characteristics.SPI 0701.8.4 Determine the common characteristics of literary drama, nonfiction, novels,poetry, and short stories.0701.8.1 Use previously learned strategies to comprehend informational texts (e.g.,formulate questions before, during, and after reading; visualize, predict, identify the writer’s purpose).0701.8.2 Sequence and identify the plot’s main events, their causes, and the influenceof each event on future actions.0701.8.16 Identify and explain the development of similar themes across two or more literary texts.0701.8.18 Demonstrate understanding that an author’s individual viewpoint may differ from the general values, attitudes, and beliefs of the author’s society and culture.( Continued on next page)Poetry PowerPointProse information DEA Resources:Writing an AutobiographyA Civil Rights PoemThe Play's the ThingOxIntroduction to Six Revolutionary War Fi...Jean Fritz Explains Her Fascination With...DEA Resources:Name That GenreGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___2______Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.8.2 Understand the characteristics of various literary genres (e.g., poetry, novel,biography, short story, essay, drama).SPI 0701.8.10 Identify and analyze figurative language (i.e., hyperbole, simile, metaphor,personification, pun) within context.0701.8.14 Explain the purpose and use of structural elements particular to dramatic literature (e.g., scenes, acts, cast of characters, stage directions) in plays that are read or viewed.GLE 0701.8.3 Recognize the conventions of various literary genres.SPI 0701.8.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements of plot: exposition, risingaction, climax, falling action, resolution/denouement.0701.8.12 Consider how forms and conventions within genres (poetry, drama, essays, short stories) affect meaning.*Utilized Yearlong DEA Resources:Boris the LifeguardImagery, Alliteration, & Assonance Just ...Boris the LifeguardMood and Sensory ImagesA Closer Look at Figurative LanguageFigurative Language: Polar PenguinsIn a Manner of SpeakingDEA Resources:Foreshadowing & Flashback Just the Facts...The Plot Serves as a Road Map Just the F...Parts of a Story: Huck and JimThe Story of "Dracula"Poetry: Character, Setting, and PlotJason and the Golden FleecePerseus and MedusaGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___3, 4, 5______Academic Vocabulary:Nuance, Flashback, ForeshadowGrade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.8.5 Identify and analyze common literary terms (e.g., personification, conflict,theme).SPI 0701.8.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements of plot: exposition, risingaction, climax, falling action, resolution/denouement.SPI 0701.8.2 Identify the author’s point of view (i.e., first person, third-person objective,third-person limited, third-person omniscient).SPI 0701.8.5 Identify the stated or implied theme of a literary text.SPI 0701.8.6 Identify how the author reveals character (i.e., what the author tells us, what thecharacters say about him or her, what the character does, what the character says, what thecharacter thinks).SPI 0701.8.7 Identify flashback, foreshadowing, and symbolism within context.SPI 0701.8.9 Identify the kind(s) of conflict present in a literary plot (i.e., person vs. person,person vs. self, person vs. environment, person vs. technology).0701.8.3 Identify plot development techniques (e.g., foreshadowing and flashbacks)and explain their function in the text.(Continued on next page)?DEA Resources:Foreshadowing & Flashback Just the Facts...The Plot Serves as a Road Map Just the F...Parts of a Story: Huck and JimThe Story of "Dracula"Poetry: Character, Setting, and PlotJason and the Golden FleecePerseus and MedusaPoint of View Unit/ActivityDEA Resources:A Great Point of ViewLayers of MeaningAttitudes & OpinionsYou've Got StylePoint of ViewDEA Resources:Different Stories, Common ThemesA Closer Look at Analyzing a StoryStories of PersecutionDifferent Stories, Common ThemesThemes in The Wizard of OzA Kafkaesque ThemeCharacterization Dear Abby ActivityGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___3, 4, 5_Con’t_____Academic Vocabulary:Nuance, Flashback, ForeshadowGrade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.8.4 Identify and describe character (major/minor, antagonists/protagonists) features and relationships in literary texts.0701.8.5 Identify moral dilemmas in works of literature, as revealed by character` motivation and behavior.0701.8.6 Differentiate between internal and external conflict.0701.8.7 Identify the kind(s) of conflict (e.g., person vs. person, person vs. self, person vs. environment, person vs. technology) present in literary plots.0701.8.8 Identify the basic elements of plot (i.e., exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution/denouement).0701.8.9 Identify and analyze the setting (location and time) and its impact on plot, character, and theme in literary texts.0701.8.10 Explore how the author reveals character (e.g., what the author tells us, what the characters say about him or her, what the character does, what the character says, what the character thinks).0701.8.11 Identify the narration and point of view (e.g., first person, third-personobjective, third-person limited, third-person omniscient) in literary texts.*Utilized YearlongDEA Resources:A Great Point of ViewAct I, Scene IV: Viola's ServiceAct II, Scene III, Part Two: The PrankAct I, Scene II: The Sea CoastAct II, Scene IV: DebateCharacter TraitsDEA Resources:Foreshadowing & Flashback Just the Facts...Rhyme & Rhythm Just the Facts: Understan...Literary Devices: Symbol & Irony Just th...Using Poetic Techniques Just the Facts: ...Imagery, Alliteration, & Assonance Just ...Imagery and IronyLiterary Devices: It's ElementaryDefinition SheetGift of the Magi lesson planGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __4_______Academic Vocabulary:Nuance, Flashback, ForeshadowGrade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.8.5 Identify and analyze common literary terms (e.g., personification, conflict,theme).(Continued from Week 3)*Utilized Yearlong?DEA Resources:Immigrants: Factory WorkImmigrants: Prejudice and Derision in Am...Panic and Fear on the IslandMore News From EgyptPrejudice in ChicagoGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___5_______Academic Vocabulary:Nuance, Flashback, ForeshadowGrade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.8.5 Identify and analyze common literary terms (e.g., personification, conflict,theme).(Continued from Week 3)*Utilized Yearlong?Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___6______Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.2.7 Participate in work teams and group discussions.SPI 0701.2.7 Select the most appropriate behaviors for participating productively in ateam (e.g., ask primarily relevant questions that move the team toward its goal and contributeto the topic of discussion, articulate the goals that have been provided for the team work andask clarifying questions, come to agreement by seeking consensus or following the majority).SPI 0701.2.8 Identify the functions and responsibilities of individual roles within anorganized group (i.e., reporter, recorder, information gatherer, leader, timekeeper).0701.2.8 Listen actively in group discussions by asking clarifying and elaborating questions and by managing internal barriers (e.g., emotional state, prejudices) and external barriers (e.g., physical setting, difficulty hearing, recovering from distractions) to aid comprehension.0701.2.16 Participate productively in self-directed work teams for a particular purpose (e.g., to interpret literature, to solve a problem, to make a decision) by adhering to the list below. (Continued on next page)DEA Resources:Respect for RulesThe Working Together SongRespect Each OtherBrainstorm TogetherBe ResponsibleDEA Resources:Everyday Language: Let's Do Lunch(In)Formally SpeakingGroup DiscussionsConsider Your AudienceListening and Speaking: Taking TurnsGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___6_Con’t_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.7.1 Analyze media for their ability to inform, persuade, and entertain.SPI 0701.7.3 Identify the purpose of a medium (i.e., to inform, to persuade, to entertain, todescribe).0701.7.5 Demonstrate an awareness of audience needs through choice of medium and the selection of images, words, and sounds.?Propaganda Power point worksheetDEA Resources:The Eagle in Superstition and LegendName That GenreThe Theater in Ancient GreeceStories of PersecutionA Forefather, a Princess, and a WarriorGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___7_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.5.4 Analyze written and oral communication for persuasive devices.SPI 0701.5.4 Identify examples of persuasive devices (i.e., bandwagon, loaded terms,testimonial, name-calling, plain folks).GLE 0701.5.2 Analyze text for fact-opinion, cause-effect, inferences, evidence, andconclusions.0701.5.12 Identify the persuasive devices in written and oral communication (e.g., bandwagon, loaded terms, testimonial, name-calling, plain folks).?DEA Resources:Generalizations Persuasive LanguageBiased RemainsPersuasive IdeasSwirling PersuasionPersuasive SpeechLayers of MeaningGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ____8_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.5.1 Use logic to make inferences and draw conclusions in a variety of oral andwritten contexts.SPI 0701.5.1 Make predictions about the outcome of a given text.0701.5.1 Make logical predictions of future events in text.0701.5.7 Compare and contrast evidence and conclusions between/among two or more arguments on the same topic.*Utilize Yearlong?DEA Resources:Making PredictionsMosquito and the Tall TaleThe DR-TA: Step One: Clarifying Students...The Directed Reading-Thinking Activity (...Types of Clues for PredictingA Closer Look at Previewing ResourcesGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ____9_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.6.1 Comprehend and summarize the main ideas and supporting details ofinformational texts.SPI 0701.6.1 Formulate clarifying questions before, during, or after reading.SPI 0701.6.2 Identify the main idea and supporting details in text.SPI 0701.6.5 Choose the correct order of a set of instructions.SPI 0701.6.6 Identify the organizational structure of an informational text (i.e.,chronological, cause-effect, comparison-contrast, sequential, problem-solution).0701.6.1 Use previously learned strategies to comprehend informational texts (e.g.,formulate questions before, during, and after reading; visualize, predict, identify the writer’spurpose).0701.6.2 Identify/infer the details that support the main idea of an informational text andidentify the details supporting it.(Continued on next page)?DEA Resources:Making PredictionsA Closer Look at Making PredictionsMaking PredictionsOrganizing ResearchResearching the Brooklyn BridgeConsider Your AudienceDEA Resources:Writing: The Big IdeaReading SpeedsLayers of MeaningMain Idea: Pyramid PlunderAsking Questions & Seeking AnswersGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ____9 Con’t____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.6.3 Recognize clear, but subtly stated relationships among ideas (e.g., cause/effect,comparative, sequential) in informational texts.0701.6.4 Make inferences and draw conclusions.0701.6.5 Summarize succinctly the main idea and supporting details (presented as textand/or visuals) in informational texts.0701.6.6 Summarize, paraphrase, and critique texts..*Utilized YearlongDEA Resources:Four Steps to Making SoupChanging DirectionMaths on the StreetAct III, Scene II: Jealousy?DEA Resources:Using Your TextbookA View from the NilePlot of a StoryIn Summary: The Story of Tom ThumbListen UpGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___10______Academic Vocabulary:Paraphrase, Foreign PhrasesGrade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.2.2 Distinguish among summaries, paraphrases, and critiques. (See Week 18) 0701.2.3 Summarize information presented orally by others in which the main ideas may be explicitly or implicitly stated, including the purposes, major ideas, and supporting details or evidence.0701.2.4 Paraphrase accurately ideas and information presented orally by others.0701.2.5 Construct a summary and a paraphrase of a speech.GLE 0701.1.2 Employ a variety of strategies and resources to determine the definition,pronunciation, and usage of words and phrases.SPI 0701.1.17 Use context clues and background knowledge of roots and affixes todetermine the meaning of multi-meaning words.SPI 0701.1.18 Use context clues and background knowledge of roots and affixes todetermine the meaning of unfamiliar words.SPI 0701.1.19 Replace unknown words in context with appropriate synonyms or antonyms.SPI 0701.1.20 Recognize and use grade appropriate and/or content specific vocabularywithin context.(Continued on next page)?Academic Raceway Vocabulary & Context Clues (grade 8)DEA Resources:The Power of LanguageDEA Resources:Segment 3: Prefixes and SuffixesSynonym quizAntonym challengeDEA Resources:Looking Up Synonyms in a Thesaurus or Di...Types of WordsA Closer Look at Types of WordsA Closer Look at Reading StrategiesThe Dictionary GameGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___10 Con’t_____Academic Vocabulary:Paraphrase, Foreign PhrasesGrade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesSPI 0701.1.21 Decode unknown grade level words in context, using previously learnedstrategies as aids in determining meaning.SPI 0701.1.22 Identify commonly used foreign words and phrases (i.e., RSVP, déjà vu, fauxpas, du jour, bon voyage).0701.1.14 Define and recognize word synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms.0701.1.15 Identify and define English words derived from Latin and Greek words that form common roots (e.g., audio, auto, mal) and recognize English words that are based on them (e.g., audible, autobiography, malice).0701.1.16 Use roots and affixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words and to clarify the meaning of familiar words.0701.1.17 Continue to use previously learned strategies to distinguish among multimeaning words to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.0701.1.18 Recognize and appreciate cultural and regional differences signaled by word usage and vocabulary.0701.1.19 Use textual structure (e.g., examples of cause-effect and compare-contrast relationships) to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words or distinguish multi-meaning words.*Utilized YearlongDEA Resources:Vocabulary: Negative Prefixes Critical R...Vocabulary: Positive Prefixes Critical R...Root Words: Off to ItalySegment 2: RootsA Closer Look at Context CluesUsing Context CluesSegment 4: Relative and Interrogative Pr...?Decoding lessonDEA Resources:Context CluesContext CluesDecoding WordsSegment 1: A Short History of WordsReading Strategies: Four Stepsphrase and definitionsCommonly used English word translated into other languagesDEA Resources:Common Spanish PhrasesGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___11______Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.6.2 Analyze the organizational structures of informational texts.0701.6.7 Identify the organizational structures of informational texts (e.g., chronological, sequential, cause-effect, comparison-contrast, problem-solution).0701.6.8 Recognize that print format varies according to purpose and genre (e.g., prose, poetry, newspapers/magazines, letters, dramas, technical manuals, textbooks).0701.6.11 Follow instructions in informational or technical texts.GLE 0701.6.3 Read, interpret, and analyze text features that support informational texts.0701.6.9 Use text features to locate information and make meaning from text (e.g., headings, key words, captions, tables of contents, footnotes, illustrations).0701.6.10 Comprehend and interpret factual, quantitative, technical, or mathematical information presented in maps, charts, graphs, time lines, tables, and diagrams.?Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __12_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.5.2 Analyze text for fact-opinion, cause-effect, inferences, evidence, andconclusions.SPI 0701.5.2 Evaluate text for fact/opinion.SPI 0701.5.3 Identify stated or implied cause/effect relationships.SPI 0701.5.6 Identify an example of deductive or inductive reasoning in text.0701.5.2 Identify sequence of events in text.0701.5.4 Identify and analyze stated or implied cause/effect relationships in text.0701.5.5 Determine criteria for recognizing factual claim and opinion (e.g., scientificmethod, provability, quality of evidence, sources).0701.5.6 Determine the relevance and quality of evidence given to support or oppose an argument.0701.5.14 Explore the concepts of stereotyping and bias.?DEA Resources:Fact vs. OpinionThe Author's PurposeA Closer Look at the Author's PurposePoint of ViewKnowing the FactsDEA Resources:Conflict With EnglandA Decision Is Made to Sell the GoatThe Chain of Events that Create the Tall...Problems and SolutionsGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __13______Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.5.2 Analyze text for fact-opinion, cause-effect, inferences, evidence, andconclusions.SPI 0701.5.6 Identify an example of deductive or inductive reasoning in text.(Continued from Week 12)?Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___14______Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.7.2 Examine the relationship between the visual (e.g., media images, painting,film, graphic arts) and the verbal in media.SPI 0701.7.6 Identify the type of conflict (i.e., person vs. person, person vs. self, person vs.environment, person vs. technology) represented in a non-print medium. 0701.7.2 Identify, analyze, and discuss the relationship between the visual (e.g., mediaimages, painting, film, graphic arts) and the verbal in media and explain how the elementssupport or conflict with each other.GLE 0701.8.5 Identify and analyze common literary terms (e.g., personification, conflict,theme).SPI 0701.8.9 Identify the kind(s) of conflict present in a literary plot (i.e., person vs. person,person vs. self, person vs. environment, person vs. technology).0701.8.7 Identify the kind(s) of conflict (e.g., person vs. person, person vs. self, personvs. environment, person vs. technology) present in literary plots.0701.8.8 Identify the basic elements of plot (i.e., exposition, rising action, climax, fallingaction, resolution/denouement).?DEA Resources:The Plot ThickensDeveloping Character Through CourageDifferent Stories, Common ThemesPlot of a StoryDEA Resources:Immigrants: Factory WorkImmigrants: Prejudice and Derision in Am...Panic and Fear on the IslandMore News From EgyptPrejudice in ChicagoGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___15____Academic Vocabulary:Onomatopoeia, Accent, Repetition, Internal Rhyme, Assonance, ConsonanceGrade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.8.5 Identify and analyze common literary terms (e.g., personification, conflict,theme).SPI 0701.8.8 Analyze the effects of sound (i.e., accent, alliteration, onomatopoeia, repetition,rhyme, internal rhyme) in context.0701.8.13 Identify sound devices (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhyme scheme),figurative language (e.g., metaphor, simile), and other conventions of verse in poetry (e.g.,limerick, lyric, narrative, haiku) and explain how these contribute to the poem’s meaning andto the poem’s effect.(Continued in Week 16)?DEA Resources:Rhyme & Rhythm Just the Facts: Understan...Imagery, Alliteration, & Assonance Just ...Poetry MattersWriting that RocksSection B: The Language and Verse of <...List of Definitions?Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __16____Academic Vocabulary:Onomatopoeia, Accent, Repetition, Internal Rhyme, Assonance, ConsonanceGrade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.8.5 Identify and analyze common literary terms (e.g., personification, conflict,theme).SPI 0701.8.4 Determine the common characteristics of literary drama, nonfiction, novels,poetry, and short stories.SPI 0701.8.8 Analyze the effects of sound (i.e., accent, alliteration, onomatopoeia, repetition,rhyme, internal rhyme) in context. 0701.8.13 Identify sound devices (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhyme scheme),figurative language (e.g., metaphor, simile), and other conventions of verse in poetry (e.g.,limerick, lyric, narrative, haiku) and explain how these contribute to the poem’s meaning andto the poem’s effect.(Continued from Week 15)?DEA Resources:Name That GenreDEA Resources:Rhyme & Rhythm Just the Facts: Understan...Imagery, Alliteration, & Assonance Just ...Poetry MattersWriting that RocksSection B: The Language and Verse of <...List of Definitions?Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___17___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.8.1 Read and comprehend a variety of works from various forms of literature.SPI 0701.8.3 Distinguish among different genres (e.g., poetry, drama, biography, novel)using their distinguishing characteristics.0701.8.18 Demonstrate understanding that an author’s individual viewpoint may differfrom the general values, attitudes, and beliefs of the author’s society and culture.?Poetry PowerPointProse information DEA Resources:Writing an AutobiographyA Civil Rights PoemThe Play's the ThingOxIntroduction to Six Revolutionary War Fi...Jean Fritz Explains Her Fascination With...Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___18___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.2.2 Distinguish among summaries, paraphrases, and critiques.0701.2.6 Construct a critique of a speech. (See Week 10)GLE 0701.7.3 Recognize how visual and sound techniques and design elements (e.g., specialeffects, camera angles, music) carry or influence messages in various media.SPI 0701.7.1 Choose the most appropriate medium for a prescribed purpose and audience.SPI 0701.7.4 Draw an inference from a non-print medium.SPI 0701.7.5 Choose the statement that best summarizes/communicates the message presented bya medium.0701.7.1 Interpret how the sounds, images, and words used in television, radio, film, andthe Internet are used to support the purpose of the production; evaluate the effectiveness ofthe techniques. 0701.7.3 Identify visual and sound techniques and design elements (e.g., special effects,camera angles, lighting, and music in television/film or layout, pictures, and typeface in printmaterials) in various media, and explain how they carry or influence messages.0701.7.6 Consider potential audience reaction (e.g., being aware of verbal and nonverbalcues given by the audience during a presentation) to improve media productions.DEA Resources:Advertising ImagesMedia WatchEvaluating MediaMade to AppealImages, Sounds, & SymbolsDEA Resources:Literary Devices: It's ElementaryHave Information, Will TravelStereotypes in MediaDEA Resources:Making a SpeechGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___19_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.4.3 Make distinctions about the credibility, reliability, consistency, strengths, andlimitations of resources, including information gathered from websites.SPI 0701.4.2 Identify levels of reliability among resources (e.g., eyewitness account,newspaper account, supermarket tabloid account, Internet source).SPI 0701.4.3 Determine the most appropriate research source for a given research topic. 0701.4.5 Choose among sources provided and those found independently based on theusefulness, credibility, and reliability of the sources. 0701.4.6 Identify reasons for choosing one source over another, including those found onwebsites. 0701.4.7 Identify the characteristics and limitations of source material.0701.4.9 Analyze and interpret data in multiple forms (e.g., a bar or circle graph) on afamiliar topic.(Continued on next page)DEA Resources:Research PapersInternet ResearchResearch Skills: The Sky's the LimitResearching the Brooklyn BridgeDEA Resources:Finding & Retrieving Information: Period...Finding & Retrieving Information: The Re...Choosing a Format Business Basics: Busin...Context CluesMummies in the DictionaryA Closer Look at Context CluesSources and the CityRead Around WashingtonGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __19 Con’t__Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.2 Employ a variety of strategies and resources to determine the definition,pronunciation, and usage of words and phrases.SPI 0701.1.17 Use context clues and background knowledge of roots and affixes todetermine the meaning of multi-meaning words.SPI 0701.1.18 Use context clues and background knowledge of roots and affixes todetermine the meaning of unfamiliar words.SPI 0701.1.19 Replace unknown words in context with appropriate synonyms or antonyms.SPI 0701.1.20 Recognize and use grade appropriate and/or content specific vocabularywithin context.SPI 0701.1.21 Decode unknown grade level words in context, using previously learnedstrategies as aids in determining meaning.SPI 0701.1.22 Identify commonly used foreign words and phrases (i.e., RSVP, déjà vu, fauxpas, du jour, bon voyage).(Continued on next page)?Academic Raceway Vocabulary & Context Clues (grade 8)DEA Resources:The Power of LanguageDEA Resources:Segment 3: Prefixes and SuffixesSynonym quizAntonym challengeDEA Resources:Looking Up Synonyms in a Thesaurus or Di...Types of WordsA Closer Look at Types of WordsA Closer Look at Reading StrategiesThe Dictionary GameGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___19 Con’t___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.1.14 Define and recognize word synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms.0701.1.15 Identify and define English words derived from Latin and Greek words thatform common roots (e.g., audio, auto, mal) and recognize English words that are based onthem (e.g., audible, autobiography, malice).0701.1.16 Use roots and affixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words and toclarify the meaning of familiar words.0701.1.17 Continue to use previously learned strategies to distinguish among multimeaningwords and to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.0701.1.18 Recognize and appreciate cultural and regional differences signaled by wordusage and vocabulary.0701.1.19 Use textual structure (e.g., examples of cause-effect and compare-contrastrelationships) to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words or distinguish multi-meaningwords.0701.1.20 Demonstrate understanding of common phrases and terms from otherlanguages commonly used in English (e.g., RSVP, déjà vu, faux pas, du jour, bon voyage).DEA Resources:Vocabulary: Negative Prefixes Critical R...Vocabulary: Positive Prefixes Critical R...Root Words: Off to ItalySegment 2: RootsA Closer Look at Context CluesUsing Context CluesSegment 4: Relative and Interrogative Pr...?Decoding lessonDEA Resources:Context CluesContext CluesDecoding WordsSegment 1: A Short History of WordsReading Strategies: Four Stepsphrase and definitionsCommonly used English word translated into other languagesDEA Resources:Common Spanish PhrasesGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___20___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.8.4 Analyze works of literature for what is suggested about the historical period inwhich they were written.SPI 0701.8.11 Recognize and identify words within context that reveal particular timeperiods and cultures.SPI 0701.8.12 Identify the author’s purpose for writing.0701.8.17 Identify the historical period in which a literary text was written and explain the text in light of this understanding.*(See week #27)?DEA Resources:Reader's ResponseInterview with Author Karen HessA View from the NilePreparations for the Big SpeechA Decision Is Made to Sell the GoatPlymouth Rock Is Designated a LandmarkPieces of Plymouth Rock Are Reunited in ...Fiction vs. Nonfiction: African TalesList of foreign words and phrases with definitions Ellis Island Images.pptFrom Ellis Island to Orchard Street ?DEA Resources:Consider Your PurposeThe DR-TA: Step Two: Identifying Heading...Read Around WashingtonThe DR-TA: Step One: Clarifying Students...Fighting for InformationBiased RemainsGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___21___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.5.5 Explore the concept of premises, including false premises.SPI 0701.5.7 Identify a false premise in text.0701.5.9 Understand the meaning of the words premise and fallacy.?0701.5.10 Identify and describe the structure of an argument, including its main claim and supporting premises. ? 0701.5.11 Identify a variety of false premises, including those involving categorical claims (e.g., all mammals are human beings). ?GLE 0701.5.6 Explore the concept of logical fallacies.SPI 0701.6.1 Formulate clarifying questions before, during, or after reading.SPI 0701.6.3 Use text features to locate information and make meaning from text (e.g.,headings, key words, captions, footnotes).0701.5.3 Construct and complete analogies using synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, categories, subcategories, whole/part, functions, and verb forms.DEA Resources:Language of LogicResponding to Edgar Allan PoeValid and Invalid ArgumentsA Titanic Short StoryUsing What We KnowDEA Resources:Making PredictionsA Closer Look at Making PredictionsMaking PredictionsOrganizing ResearchResearching the Brooklyn BridgeConsider Your AudienceDEA Resources:Read with a SystemBig Picture, Big DigParts of a BookFinding Information with Thomas Jefferso...Read Around WashingtonGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___22___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.5.2 Analyze text for fact-opinion, cause-effect, inferences, evidence, andconclusions.SPI 0701.5.2 Evaluate text for fact/opinion.SPI 0701.5.3 Identify stated or implied cause/effect relationships.SPI 0701.5.6 Identify an example of deductive or inductive reasoning in text.0701.5.2 Identify sequence of events in text.0701.5.4 Identify and analyze stated or implied cause/effect relationships in text.0701.5.5 Determine criteria for recognizing factual claim and opinion (e.g., scientific method, provability, quality of evidence, sources).0701.5.6 Determine the relevance and quality of evidence given to support or oppose an argument.0701.5.14 Explore the concepts of stereotyping and bias.?DEA Resources:Fact vs. OpinionThe Author's PurposeA Closer Look at the Author's PurposePoint of ViewKnowing the FactsDEA Resources:Conflict With EnglandA Decision Is Made to Sell the GoatThe Chain of Events that Create the Tall...Problems and SolutionsGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___23___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.5.3 Demonstrate an understanding of deductive and inductive reasoning.0701.5.8 Identify and analyze examples of deductive and inductive reasoning in text.*(Continued to Week #24)?Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___24___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources*(Continued from Week #23)GLE 0701.5.3 Demonstrate an understanding of deductive and inductive reasoning.SPI 0701.5.5 Select the correct word or phrase to complete an analogy, using synonyms,antonyms, homonyms, categories, subcategories, whole/part, functions, and verb forms.SPI 0701.5.8 Make inferences and draw conclusions based on evidence in text. 0701.5.3 Construct and complete analogies using synonyms, antonyms, homonyms,categories, subcategories, whole/part, functions, and verb forms.?Analogy lessonDEA Resources:The Six Categories of Analogies Analogi...The Analogical Guide: Step Three: Explai...The Analogical Guide: Steps One and Two:...DEA Resources:????Implicit and ExplicitInference and Drawing ConclusionsGroup DiscussionsPublic SpeakingGiving a SpeechGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___25___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.8.1 Read and comprehend a variety of works from various forms of literature.SPI 0701.8.3 Distinguish among different genres (e.g., poetry, drama, biography, novel)using their distinguishing characteristics.0701.8.1 Use previously learned strategies to comprehend informational texts (e.g.,formulate questions before, during, and after reading; visualize, predict, identify the writer’spurpose). 0701.8.2 Sequence and identify the plot’s main events, their causes, and the influence ofeach event on future actions.0701.8.16 Identify and explain the development of similar themes across two or moreliterary texts.0701.8.18 Demonstrate understanding that an author’s individual viewpoint may differfrom the general values, attitudes, and beliefs of the author’s society and culture.Poetry PowerPointProse information DEA Resources:Writing an AutobiographyA Civil Rights PoemThe Play's the ThingOxIntroduction to Six Revolutionary War Fi...Jean Fritz Explains Her Fascination With...Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___26___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.8.5 Identify and analyze common literary terms (e.g., personification, conflict,theme).SPI 0701.8.2 Identify the author’s point of view (i.e., first person, third-person objective,third-person limited, third-person omniscient).SPI 0701.8.4 Determine the common characteristics of literary drama, nonfiction, novels,poetry, and short stories.SPI 0701.8.5 Identify the stated or implied theme of a literary text.SPI 0701.8.6 Identify how the author reveals character (i.e., what the author tells us, what thecharacters say about him or her, what the character does, what the character says, what thecharacter thinks).SPI 0701.8.7 Identify flashback, foreshadowing, and symbolism within context.SPI 0701.8.8 Analyze the effects of sound (i.e., accent, alliteration, onomatopoeia, repetition,rhyme, internal rhyme) in context.0701.8.3 Identify plot development techniques (e.g., foreshadowing and flashbacks) andexplain their function in the text.0701.8.4 Identify and describe character (major/minor, antagonists/protagonists) featuresand relationships in literary texts.(Continued on next page)Point of View Unit/ActivityDEA Resources:A Great Point of ViewLayers of MeaningAttitudes & OpinionsYou've Got StylePoint of ViewDEA Resources:Name That GenreDEA Resources:Different Stories, Common ThemesA Closer Look at Analyzing a StoryStories of PersecutionDifferent Stories, Common ThemesThemes in The Wizard of OzA Kafkaesque ThemeCharacterization Dear Abby ActivityDEA Resources:A Great Point of ViewAct I, Scene IV: Viola's ServiceAct II, Scene III, Part Two: The PrankAct I, Scene II: The Sea CoastAct II, Scene IV: DebateCharacter TraitsGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___26 Con’t___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.8.5 Identify moral dilemmas in works of literature, as revealed by charactermotivation and behavior.0701.8.6 Differentiate between internal and external conflict.0701.8.7 Identify the kind(s) of conflict (e.g., person vs. person, person vs. self, personvs. environment, person vs. technology) present in literary plots.0701.8.8 Identify the basic elements of plot (i.e., exposition, rising action, climax, fallingaction, resolution/denouement).0701.8.9 Identify and analyze the setting (location and time) and its impact on plot,character, and theme in literary texts.0701.8.10 Explore how the author reveals character (e.g., what the author tells us, whatthe characters say about him or her, what the character does, what the character says, whatthe character thinks).0701.8.11 Identify the narration and point of view (e.g., first person, third-personobjective, third-person limited, third-person omniscient) in literary texts.0701.8.13 Identify sound devices (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhyme scheme),figurative language (e.g., metaphor, simile), and other conventions of verse in poetry (e.g.,limerick, lyric, narrative, haiku) and explain how these contribute to the poem’s meaning andto the poem’s effect.?DEA Resources:Foreshadowing & Flashback Just the Facts...Rhyme & Rhythm Just the Facts: Understan...Literary Devices: Symbol & Irony Just th...Using Poetic Techniques Just the Facts: ...Imagery, Alliteration, & Assonance Just ...Imagery and IronyLiterary Devices: It's ElementaryDefinition SheetGift of the Magi lesson planDEA Resources:Rhyme & Rhythm Just the Facts: Understan...Imagery, Alliteration, & Assonance Just ...Poetry MattersWriting that RocksSection B: The Language and Verse of <...List of Definitions?Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __27____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.8.4 Analyze works of literature for what is suggested about the historical period inwhich they were written.SPI 0701.8.11 Recognize and identify words within context that reveal particular timeperiods and cultures.SPI 0701.8.12 Identify the author’s purpose for writing.0701.8.17 Identify the historical period in which a literary text was written and explainthe text in light of this understanding.?DEA Resources:Reader's ResponseInterview with Author Karen HessA View from the NilePreparations for the Big SpeechA Decision Is Made to Sell the GoatPlymouth Rock Is Designated a LandmarkPieces of Plymouth Rock Are Reunited in ...Fiction vs. Nonfiction: African TalesList of foreign words and phrases with definitionsEllis Island Images.pptFrom Ellis Island to Orchard Street?DEA Resources:Consider Your PurposeThe DR-TA: Step Two: Identifying Heading...Read Around WashingtonThe DR-TA: Step One: Clarifying Students...Fighting for InformationBiased RemainsGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___28_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.5.3 Demonstrate an understanding of deductive and inductive reasoning.SPI 0701.4.4 Distinguish between primary (i.e., interviews, letters, diaries, newspapers,personal narratives) and secondary (i.e., reference books, periodicals, Internet, biographies)sources.0701.4.4 Distinguish between primary and secondary sources, defining thecharacteristics of each and evaluating each for their benefits and limitations.GLE 0701.1.2 Employ a variety of strategies and resources to determine the definition,pronunciation, and usage of words and phrasesSPI 0701.1.22 Identify commonly used foreign words and phrases (i.e., RSVP, déjà vu, fauxpas, du jour, bon voyage).0701.1.20 Demonstrate understanding of common phrases and terms from otherlanguages commonly used in English (e.g., RSVP, déjà vu, faux pas, du jour, bon voyage).?DEA Resources:Research Sources: Primary and SecondaryElectronic MediaExploring Encyclopediasphrase and definitionsCommonly used English word translated into other languagesDEA Resources:Common Spanish PhrasesGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___29_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.5.3 Demonstrate an understanding of deductive and inductive reasoning.SPI 0701.5.5 Select the correct word or phrase to complete an analogy, using synonyms,antonyms, homonyms, categories, subcategories, whole/part, functions, and verb forms.SPI 0701.5.8 Make inferences and draw conclusions based on evidence in text.0701.5.3 Construct and complete analogies using synonyms, antonyms, homonyms,categories, subcategories, whole/part, functions, and verb forms.0701.5.8 Identify and analyze examples of deductive and inductive reasoning in text.(Continued on next page)Analogy lessonDEA Resources:The Six Categories of Analogies Analogi...The Analogical Guide: Step Three: Explai...The Analogical Guide: Steps One and Two:...DEA Resources:????Implicit and ExplicitInference and Drawing ConclusionsGroup DiscussionsPublic SpeakingGiving a SpeechGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___29 Con’t_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.8.5 Identify and analyze common literary terms (e.g., personification, conflict,theme).SPI 0701.8.8 Analyze the effects of sound (i.e., accent, alliteration, onomatopoeia, repetition,rhyme, internal rhyme) in context.SPI 0701.8.9 Identify the kind(s) of conflict present in a literary plot (i.e., person vs. person,person vs. self, person vs. environment, person vs. technology).0701.8.13 Identify sound devices (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhyme scheme),figurative language (e.g., metaphor, simile), and other conventions of verse in poetry (e.g.,limerick, lyric, narrative, haiku) and explain how these contribute to the poem’s meaning andto the poem’s effect.DEA Resources:Rhyme & Rhythm Just the Facts: Understan...Imagery, Alliteration, & Assonance Just ...Poetry MattersWriting that RocksSection B: The Language and Verse of <...List of Definitions?DEA Resources:Immigrants: Factory WorkImmigrants: Prejudice and Derision in Am...Panic and Fear on the IslandMore News From EgyptPrejudice in ChicagoGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___30____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.8.1 Read and comprehend a variety of works from various forms of literature.SPI 0701.8.3 Distinguish among different genres (e.g., poetry, drama, biography, novel)using their distinguishing characteristics.0701.8.1 Use previously learned strategies to comprehend informational texts (e.g.,formulate questions before, during, and after reading; visualize, predict, identify the writer’spurpose).0701.8.2 Sequence and identify the plot’s main events, their causes, and the influence ofeach event on future actions0701.8.16 Identify and explain the development of similar themes across two or moreliterary texts.0701.8.18 Demonstrate understanding that an author’s individual viewpoint may differfrom the general values, attitudes, and beliefs of the author’s society and culture.Poetry PowerPointProse information DEA Resources:Writing an AutobiographyA Civil Rights PoemThe Play's the ThingOxIntroduction to Six Revolutionary War Fi...Jean Fritz Explains Her Fascination With...Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___31___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.5.6 Explore the concept of logical fallacies.SPI 0701.6.1 Formulate clarifying questions before, during, or after reading.SPI 0701.6.3 Use text features to locate information and make meaning from text (e.g.,headings, key words, captions, footnotes).0701.5.13 Explore common logical fallacies (e.g., appeal to fear, personal attack, falsedilemma, false analogy) in a variety of texts.GLE 0701.4.4 Write a research paper, using primary and secondary sources and technologyand graphics, as appropriate.SPI 0701.4.4 Distinguish between primary (i.e., interviews, letters, diaries, newspapers,personal narratives) and secondary (i.e., reference books, periodicals, Internet, biographies)sources.0701.4.4 Distinguish between primary and secondary sources, defining thecharacteristics of each and evaluating each for their benefits and limitations.?DEA Resources:Making PredictionsA Closer Look at Making PredictionsMaking PredictionsOrganizing ResearchResearching the Brooklyn BridgeConsider Your AudienceDEA Resources:Read with a SystemBig Picture, Big DigParts of a BookFinding Information with Thomas Jefferso...Read Around WashingtonDEA Resources:Research Sources: Primary and SecondaryElectronic MediaExploring EncyclopediasGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___32_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.8.5 Identify and analyze common literary terms (e.g., personification, conflict,theme).SPI 0701.8.2 Identify the author’s point of view (i.e., first person, third-person objective,third-person limited, third-person omniscient).SPI 0701.8.4 Determine the common characteristics of literary drama, nonfiction, novels,poetry, and short stories.SPI 0701.8.5 Identify the stated or implied theme of a literary text.SPI 0701.8.6 Identify how the author reveals character (i.e., what the author tells us, what thecharacters say about him or her, what the character does, what the character says, what thecharacter thinks).SPI 0701.8.7 Identify flashback, foreshadowing, and symbolism within context.SPI 0701.8.8 Analyze the effects of sound (i.e., accent, alliteration, onomatopoeia, repetition,rhyme, internal rhyme) in context.SPI 0701.8.9 Identify the kind(s) of conflict present in a literary plot (i.e., person vs. person,person vs. self, person vs. environment, person vs. technology).(Continued on next page)Point of View Unit/ActivityDEA Resources:A Great Point of ViewLayers of MeaningAttitudes & OpinionsYou've Got StylePoint of ViewDEA Resources:Name That GenreDEA Resources:Different Stories, Common ThemesA Closer Look at Analyzing a StoryStories of PersecutionDifferent Stories, Common ThemesThemes in The Wizard of OzA Kafkaesque ThemeGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __32 Con’t______Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.8.3 Identify plot development techniques (e.g., foreshadowing and flashbacks) andexplain their function in the text.0701.8.4 Identify and describe character (major/minor, antagonists/protagonists) featuresand relationships in literary texts.0701.8.5 Identify moral dilemmas in works of literature, as revealed by charactermotivation and behavior.0701.8.6 Differentiate between internal and external conflict.0701.8.7 Identify the kind(s) of conflict (e.g., person vs. person, person vs. self, personvs. environment, person vs. technology) present in literary plots.0701.8.8 Identify the basic elements of plot (i.e., exposition, rising action, climax, fallingaction, resolution/denouement).(Continued on next page)?Characterization Dear Abby ActivityDEA Resources:A Great Point of ViewAct I, Scene IV: Viola's ServiceAct II, Scene III, Part Two: The PrankAct I, Scene II: The Sea CoastAct II, Scene IV: DebateCharacter TraitsDEA Resources:Foreshadowing & Flashback Just the Facts...Rhyme & Rhythm Just the Facts: Understan...Literary Devices: Symbol & Irony Just th...Using Poetic Techniques Just the Facts: ...Imagery, Alliteration, & Assonance Just ...Imagery and IronyLiterary Devices: It's ElementaryDefinition SheetGift of the Magi lesson planGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __32 Con’t__Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.8.9 Identify and analyze the setting (location and time) and its impact on plot,character, and theme in literary texts.0701.8.10 Explore how the author reveals character (e.g., what the author tells us, whatthe characters say about him or her, what the character does, what the character says, whatthe character thinks).0701.8.11 Identify the narration and point of view (e.g., first person, third-personobjective, third-person limited, third-person omniscient) in literary texts.0701.8.13 Identify sound devices (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhyme scheme),figurative language (e.g., metaphor, simile), and other conventions of verse in poetry (e.g.,limerick, lyric, narrative, haiku) and explain how these contribute to the poem’s meaning andto the poem’s effect.*(Continued to Week #8)?DEA Resources:Rhyme & Rhythm Just the Facts: Understan...Imagery, Alliteration, & Assonance Just ...Poetry MattersWriting that RocksSection B: The Language and Verse of <...List of Definitions?DEA Resources:Immigrants: Factory WorkImmigrants: Prejudice and Derision in Am...Panic and Fear on the IslandMore News From EgyptPrejudice in ChicagoGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___33___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesSame as Week #32?Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___34___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesT-CAP Review WeekQUIAJeopardyCoachDEA ProbesPractice BookRags to Riches?Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing Guides* (Continued in Week #36)Instructional Week ___35___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.4.4 Write a research paper, using primary and secondary sources and technologyand graphics, as appropriate. PowerPoint ProjectSPI 0701.4.4 Distinguish between primary (i.e., interviews, letters, diaries, newspapers,personal narratives) and secondary (i.e., reference books, periodicals, Internet, biographies)sources.0701.4.4 Distinguish between primary and secondary sources, defining thecharacteristics of each and evaluating each for their benefits and limitations.0701.4.11 Craft an introductory paragraph in which the thesis statement(s) clearlypresents the topic of the documented essay.0701.4.12 Present a body of well-developed and specific facts and information pertinentto the topic, developed as a series of paragraphs which support the topic.0701.4.13 Connect ideas using a variety of transition strategies.0701.4.15 Craft a conclusion in which closure is provided, such as by restating the topicand summarizing findings.(Continued on next page)?DEA Resources:Research Sources: Primary and SecondaryElectronic MediaExploring EncyclopediasGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___35 Con’t___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.4.16 Acknowledge source material using a predetermined standard format (e.g.,APA, MLA).0701.4.17 Understand the differences among quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.0701.4.18 Quote, paraphrase, or summarize text, ideas, or other information taken fromprint or electronic sources.0701.4.19 Follow a standard format and use the appropriate technology to embed textgraphics, including a title, contents page, numbered pages, and a bibliography.0701.4.20 Include effective graphics and illustrative material to support research ideas in the text.* (Continued in Week #36)?Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing Guides* (Continued from Week #35)Instructional Week ___36___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.8.5 Identify and analyze common literary terms (e.g., personification, conflict,theme).?Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___37___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesLast Week of School ActivitiesField DayAwardsTalent Show?Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week _____1_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.1 Demonstrate control of Standard English through grammar usage, andmechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).SPI 0701.1.5 Identify the correct use of prepositional phrases (place correctly according tothe words they modify within the sentence) within context.0701.1.1 Know and use appropriately the meaning, forms, and functions of nouns(including collective nouns, compound nouns, noun clauses, noun functions as direct andindirect objects, and as predicate nouns), pronouns (including proper case: nominative,objective, possessive; reflexive pronouns, interrogative; demonstrative; agreement ofpronouns with their antecedents), verbs (including agreement with subject in person andnumber, verbs that take objects, regular and irregular verb forms, correct use of the threeperfect tenses), adjectives (including comparative and superlative forms, compoundpredicate adjectives, adjective clauses), adverbs (including comparative and superlativeforms, punctuation with introductory adverb phrases and clauses, correct placement withinhe sentence), conjunctions (including coordinating, correlative, and subordinatingconjunctions to combine words, phrases, clauses, and sentences), interjections, andprepositions (recognize prepositional phrases as adjective/adverb modifiers and note theirfunctions in the sentence).*SPI 1.9 (Troublesome Words) DEA Resources:PrepositionsSection B: PrepositionsReview: Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjuncti...Part Three: PrepositionsPreposition Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week _____2______Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.1 Demonstrate control of Standard English through grammar usage, andmechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).SPI 0701.1.5 Identify the correct use of prepositional phrases (place correctly according tothe words they modify within the sentence) within context.SPI 0701.1.12 Identify the correct use of infinitives and infinitive phrases within context.SPI 0701.1.2 Identify the correct use of verbs (i.e., action/linking, regular/irregular,agreement, perfect tenses, verb phrases) within context.0701.1.8 Identify and use infinitives and infinitives phrases.0701.1.1 Know and use appropriately the meaning, forms, and functions of nouns(including collective nouns, compound nouns, noun clauses, noun functions as direct andindirect objects, and as predicate nouns), pronouns (including proper case: nominative,objective, possessive; reflexive pronouns, interrogative; demonstrative; agreement ofpronouns with their antecedents), verbs (including agreement with subject in person andnumber, verbs that take objects, regular and irregular verb forms, correct use of the threeperfect tenses), adjectives (including comparative and superlative forms, compoundpredicate adjectives, adjective clauses), adverbs (including comparative and superlativeforms, punctuation with introductory adverb phrases and clauses, correct placement withinthe sentence), conjunctions (including coordinating, correlative, and subordinatingconjunctions to combine words, phrases, clauses, and sentences), interjections, andprepositions (recognize prepositional phrases as adjective/adverb modifiers and note theirfunctions in the sentence).(Continued on next page)DEA Resources:PrepositionsSection B: PrepositionsReview: Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjuncti...Part Three: PrepositionsPrepositiononline interactive quizDEA Resources:Part Two: InfinitivesPart Three: Verbs (continued from Progra...Part Two: InfinitivesPart One: Simple Sentences and Verbal Ph...Section B: Split InfinitivesDEA Resources:Grammar Time: The VerbGrammar Time: The VerbSection B: Different Strokes for Differe...Section A: Subject/Verb AgreementPart Two: Can't We All Just Get Along? (...VerbSection A: Tense ShiftsGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ____2 Con’t___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources5 Paragraph Essay Format/State RubricGLE 0701.3.1 Write in a variety of modes for different audiences and purposes.GLE 0701.3.2 Employ various prewriting strategies.GLE 0701.3.3 Organize ideas into an essay with an introduction, developing paragraphs,conclusion, and appropriate transitions.Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week _____3_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.1 Demonstrate control of Standard English through grammar usage, andmechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).SPI 0701.1.1 Identify the correct use of nouns (i.e., common/proper, singular/plural,possessives, direct/indirect objects, predicate) and pronouns (i.e., agreement, reflexive,interrogative, demonstrative) within context.SPI 0701.1.2 Identify the correct use of verbs (i.e., action/linking, regular/irregular,agreement, perfect tenses, verb phrases) within context.SPI 0701.1.12 Identify the correct use of infinitives and infinitive phrases within context.0701.1.1 Know and use appropriately the meaning, forms, and functions of nouns(including collective nouns, compound nouns, noun clauses, noun functions as direct andindirect objects, and as predicate nouns), pronouns (including proper case: nominative,objective, possessive; reflexive pronouns, interrogative; demonstrative; agreement ofpronouns with their antecedents), verbs (including agreement with subject in person andnumber, verbs that take objects, regular and irregular verb forms, correct use of the threeperfect tenses), adjectives (including comparative and superlative forms, compoundpredicate adjectives, adjective clauses), adverbs (including comparative and superlativeforms, punctuation with introductory adverb phrases and clauses, correct placement withinthe sentence), conjunctions (including coordinating, correlative, and subordinatingconjunctions to combine words, phrases, clauses, and sentences), interjections, andprepositions (recognize prepositional phrases as adjective/adverb modifiers and note theirfunctions in the sentence).(Continued on next page)DEA Resources:IntroductionPart One: InterjectionsPart Two: ConjunctionsSegment 2: Common and Proper NounsPart Four: Adverbial Degrees of Comparis...Part One: AdjectivesDEA Resources:Grammar Time: The VerbGrammar Time: The VerbSection B: Different Strokes for Differe...Section A: Subject/Verb AgreementPart Two: Can't We All Just Get Along? (...VerbSection A: Tense ShiftsGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ____3 Con’t___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesSPI 0701.1.11 Identify the correct use of appositives and appositive phrases within context.0701.1.7 Identify and use appositives and appositive interactive quizDEA Resources:Part Two: InfinitivesPart Three: Verbs (continued from Progra...Part Two: InfinitivesPart One: Simple Sentences and Verbal Ph...Section B: Split InfinitivesAppositives for Purdue OwlAppositives - a quia activityGrammar:? Parts of SpeechDEA Resources:Section B: Phrases and ObjectsPart Six: Complex SentencesSection C: Compound and Complex Sentence...Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ____4_______Academic Vocabulary:Double NegativeGrade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.1 Demonstrate control of Standard English through grammar usage, andmechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).SPI 0701.1.3 Identify the correct use of adjectives (i.e., common/proper,comparative/superlative, adjective clauses) and adverbs (i.e., comparative and superlativeforms) within context.SPI 0701.1.9 Recognize usage errors occurring within context (i.e., double negatives,troublesome words: {to/too/two, their/there/they’re, its/it’s, sit/set, lie/lay, affect/effect,may/can, leave/let, teach/learn, accept/except, capitol/capital, principle/principal,between/among, rise/raise, stationary/stationery}).0701.1.1 Know and use appropriately the meaning, forms, and functions of nouns(including collective nouns, compound nouns, noun clauses, noun functions as direct andindirect objects, and as predicate nouns), pronouns (including proper case: nominative,objective, possessive; reflexive pronouns, interrogative; demonstrative; agreement ofpronouns with their antecedents), verbs (including agreement with subject in person andnumber, verbs that take objects, regular and irregular verb forms, correct use of the threeperfect tenses), adjectives (including comparative and superlative forms, compoundpredicate adjectives, adjective clauses), adverbs (including comparative and superlativeforms, punctuation with introductory adverb phrases and clauses, correct placement withinthe sentence), conjunctions (including coordinating, correlative, and subordinatingconjunctions to combine words, phrases, clauses, and sentences), interjections, andprepositions (recognize prepositional phrases as adjective/adverb modifiers and note theirfunctions in the sentence).DEA Resources:ModifiersReviewPrepositional PhrasesLost ClausesDEA Resources:Malapropisms, Homonyms, Homophones, & Ho...Part One: Stretching Exercises (The Flex...Section A: Things ChangeSection F: Revising Is RewritingEditing and PublishingPart Two: Adjective Degrees of Compariso...Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ____5______Academic Vocabulary:Sentence Fragment, Run-0n SentenceGrade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.3 Understand and use correctly a variety of sentence structures.SPI 0701.1.4 Identify the correct use of conjunctions (i.e., coordinating, correlative,subordinating) and interjections within context.SPI 0701.1.6 Identify the correct use of commas (i.e., compound sentences, coordinatingconjunctions, introductory words, appositives, interrupters) within context.SPI 0701.1.7 Identify within context a variety of appropriate sentence combining techniques(i.e., comma with coordinating conjunction, use of semicolon, introductory phrases orclauses).SPI 0701.1.8 Select the most appropriate method to correct a run-on sentence (i.e.,conjunctions, semicolons, periods to join or separate elements) within context.0701.1.4 Demonstrate the correct use of commas (including after introductory words,phrases or clauses; setting off appositives and interrupters; before coordinating conjunctionjoining independent clauses to form compound sentences), colons (including in businessletters or before a list of items in a series), semicolons (including combining sentences,between items in a series when the items already contain commas), underlining anditalicizing (including titles; certain words, letters, figures; foreign words), quotation marks(including with direct quotations, to set off dialogue, in titles, use of end punctuation withquotation marks) and apostrophes (including forming both singular and plural possessives).0701.1.6 Demonstrate knowledge of correct sentence structure by correcting run-onsentences (e.g., conjunctions, semicolons, periods to join or separate elements) and sentencefragments (e.g., supplying the missing elements).0701.1.11 Recognize and differentiate among simple, compound, and complexsentences.DEA Resources:Section D: InterjectionsInterjection Interjections and Huck FinnDEA Resources:Part Six: Complex SentencesPart Five: Clauses and Compound Sentence...Part Seven: Compound-Complex Sentences a...A Closer Look at Revising a First DraftFragment, Run-on, or Sentence? DEA Resources:sentence fragments and run on sentence t...Section B: Comma SplicesGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week _____6_____Academic Vocabulary:ClauseGrade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.3 Understand and use correctly a variety of sentence structures.SPI 0701.1.4 Identify the correct use of conjunctions (i.e., coordinating, correlative,subordinating) and interjections within context.SPI 0701.1.11 Identify the correct use of appositives and appositive phrases within context.0701.1.10 Differentiate between independent and subordinate clauses.0701.1.7 Identify and use appositives and appositive phrases. DEA Resources:Section D: InterjectionsInterjection Interjections and Huck FinnAppositives for Purdue OwlAppositives - a quia activityGrammar:? Parts of SpeechDEA Resources:Section B: Phrases and ObjectsPart Six: Complex SentencesSection C: Compound and Complex Sentence...Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week _____7_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.2.5 Understand strategies for expressing ideas clearly and effectively in a varietyof oral contexts.GLE 0701.2.6 Deliver effective oral presentations.SPI 0701.2.1 Identify the purpose of a speech (i.e., to inform, to describe, to explain, topersuade, to entertain).SPI 0701.2.4 Determine the most effective methods for engaging an audience during an oralpresentation (e.g., making eye contact, adjusting speaking rate).SPI 0701.2.5 Organize ideas in the most effective order for an oral presentation.0701.2.9 Include relevant facts, reasons, details, and examples to support a relativelycomplicated thesis.0701.2.10 Organize oral presentations incorporating a relatively simple three-partstructure, previewing the content of presentation in introduction, offering ideas withsupporting details, and providing a brief summary or conclusion.0701.2.11 Use an organizational pattern appropriate for the topic and purpose (e.g.,sequential, chronological, problem-solution, comparison-contrast, cause-effect).0701.2.12 Arrange ideas logically and group related ideas in ways that enhance the topic.(Continued on next page)DEA Resources:Writing an AutobiographyDEA Resources:Public SpeakingWriting: The Big IdeaGiving a SpeechDEA Resources:Part Three: PrepositionsTransitions and ConnectionsPart Two: ConjunctionsDraftingA Hole Lotta SentencesGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___7 Con’t___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.2.13 Connect ideas using a variety of transition strategies that signal addition ofinformation and relationships between ideas (e.g., use listing words such as first, in addition,but, and however).0701.2.14 Provide an effective conclusion that reinforces the focus of the presentation.0701.2.15 Employ presentation skills such as good eye contact, clear enunciation,effective speaking rate and volume, and natural gestures.Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week _____8______Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.4.1 Define and narrow a problem or research topic. (3 Days)SPI 0701.4.1 Select the most focused research topic.0701.4.1 Narrow a topic so that the research process is manageable and the controllingidea is focused.DEA Resources:Certainty and LikelihoodExample 2: Likely and Unlikely EventsExample 1: Likely EventsExample 3: Degrees of LikelihoodLikelihoodInterviewing a VeterinarianGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week _____9_____Academic Vocabulary:PunctuationGrade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.1 Demonstrate control of Standard English through grammar usage, andmechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).SPI 0701.1.1 Identify the correct use of nouns (i.e., common/proper, singular/plural,possessives, direct/indirect objects, predicate) and pronouns (i.e., agreement, reflexive,interrogative, demonstrative) within context.SPI 0701.1.6 Identify the correct use of commas (i.e., compound sentences, coordinatingconjunctions, introductory words, appositives, interrupters) within context.SPI 0701.1.7 Identify within context a variety of appropriate sentence combining techniques(i.e., comma with coordinating conjunction, use of semicolon, introductory phrases orclauses).SPI 0701.1.10 Identify the correct use of colons (i.e., in business letters, preceding list ofitems) within context.SPI 0701.1.11 Identify the correct use of appositives and appositive phrases within context.SPI 0701.1.13 Select the appropriate use of underlining/italicizing with titles, specific words,numbers, and letters.(Continued on next page)DEA Resources:IntroductionPart One: InterjectionsPart Two: ConjunctionsSegment 2: Common and Proper NounsPart Four: Adverbial Degrees of Comparis...Part One: AdjectivesDEA Resources:?Part Six: Complex SentencesPart Five: Clauses and Compound Sentence...Part Seven: Compound-Complex Sentences a...A Closer Look at Revising a First DraftAppositives for Purdue OwlAppositives - a quia activityGrammar:? Parts of SpeechDEA Resources:Section B: Phrases and ObjectsPart Six: Complex SentencesSection C: Compound and Complex Sentence...Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ____9 Con’t____Academic Vocabulary:PunctuationGrade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesSPI 0701.1.14 Form singular and plural possessives using apostrophes correctly.SPI 0701.1.15 Choose the correct use of quotation marks and commas (i.e., in directquotations, with explanatory material within the quote, proper use with end marks).0701.1.4 Demonstrate the correct use of commas (including after introductory words,phrases or clauses; setting off appositives and interrupters; before coordinating conjunctionjoining independent clauses to form compound sentences), colons (including in businessletters or before a list of items in a series), semicolons (including combining sentences,between items in a series when the items already contain commas), underlining anditalicizing (including titles; certain words, letters, figures; foreign words), quotation marks(including with direct quotations, to set off dialogue, in titles, use of end punctuation withquotation marks) and apostrophes (including forming both singular and plural possessives).DEA Resources:Colon and semicolonDEA Resources:PunctuationQuotation MarksSources and the CityCapitalize This!DEA Resources:Section B: The ApostropheApostrophePendemonium at the PointBattle Stations: Fighting Dark MarkerMission AccomplishedAn Email Message from Dark MarkerDEA Resources:Part Three: The Middle of the Sentence: ...Part Three: The Middle of the Sentence: ...IntroductionPart Three: The Middle of the Sentence: ...CommaMission AccomplishedGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ____10______Academic Vocabulary:PronounsGrade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.1 Demonstrate control of Standard English through grammar usage, andmechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).SPI 0701.1.1 Identify the correct use of nouns (i.e., common/proper, singular/plural,possessives, direct/indirect objects, predicate) and pronouns (i.e., agreement, reflexive,interrogative, demonstrative) within context.0701.1.1 Know and use appropriately the meaning, forms, and functions of nouns(including collective nouns, compound nouns, noun clauses, noun functions as direct andindirect objects, and as predicate nouns), pronouns (including proper case: nominative,objective, possessive; reflexive pronouns, interrogative; demonstrative; agreement ofpronouns with their antecedents), verbs (including agreement with subject in person andnumber, verbs that take objects, regular and irregular verb forms, correct use of the threeperfect tenses), adjectives (including comparative and superlative forms, compoundpredicate adjectives, adjective clauses), adverbs (including comparative and superlativeforms, punctuation with introductory adverb phrases and clauses, correct placement withinthe sentence), conjunctions (including coordinating, correlative, and subordinatingconjunctions to combine words, phrases, clauses, and sentences), interjections, andprepositions (recognize prepositional phrases as adjective/adverb modifiers and note theirfunctions in the sentence).0701.1.2 Recognize and correct usage errors (e.g., subject-verb agreement, pronoun case{with emphasis on who/whom}, double negatives, comparative and superlative forms,troublesome words {to/too/two, their/there/they’re, its/it’s, affect/effect, sit/set, lie/lay,may/can, leave/let, teach/learn, accept/except, capitol/capital, principle/principal,between/among, rise/raise, stationary/stationery}).DEA Resources:IntroductionPart One: InterjectionsPart Two: ConjunctionsSegment 2: Common and Proper NounsPart Four: Adverbial Degrees of Comparis...Part One: AdjectivesGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week _____11_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.3 Understand and use correctly a variety of sentence structures.SPI 0701.1.8 Select the most appropriate method to correct a run-on sentence (i.e.,conjunctions, semicolons, periods to join or separate elements) within context.0701.1.6 Demonstrate knowledge of correct sentence structure by correcting run-onsentences (e.g., conjunctions, semicolons, periods to join or separate elements) and sentencefragments (e.g., supplying the missing elements).0701.1.10 Differentiate between independent and subordinate clauses.0701.1.11 Recognize and differentiate among simple, compound, and complexsentences.0701.1.12 Identify the complete subject and predicate of interrogative and invertedsentences.Fragment, Run-on, or Sentence? DEA Resources:sentence fragments and run on sentence t...Section B: Comma SplicesGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ____12______Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.1 Demonstrate control of Standard English through grammar usage, andmechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).SPI 0701.1.2 Identify the correct use of verbs (i.e., action/linking, regular/irregular,agreement, perfect tenses, verb phrases) within context.0701.1.1 Know and use appropriately the meaning, forms, and functions of nounsincluding collective nouns, compound nouns, noun clauses, noun functions as direct andindirect objects, and as predicate nouns), pronouns (including proper case: nominative,objective, possessive; reflexive pronouns, interrogative; demonstrative; agreement ofpronouns with their antecedents), verbs (including agreement with subject in person andnumber, verbs that take objects, regular and irregular verb forms, correct use of the threeperfect tenses), adjectives (including comparative and superlative forms, compoundpredicate adjectives, adjective clauses), adverbs (including comparative and superlativeforms, punctuation with introductory adverb phrases and clauses, correct placement withinthe sentence), conjunctions (including coordinating, correlative, and subordinatingconjunctions to combine words, phrases, clauses, and sentences), interjections, andprepositions (recognize prepositional phrases as adjective/adverb modifiers and note theirfunctions in the sentence).(SPI 1.9 - incorporate lie/lay, raise/rise, sit/set)DEA Resources:Grammar Time: The VerbGrammar Time: The VerbSection B: Different Strokes for Differe...Section A: Subject/Verb AgreementPart Two: Can't We All Just Get Along? (...VerbSection A: Tense ShiftsGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week _____13_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.2 Employ a variety of strategies and resources to determine the definition,pronunciation, and usage of words and phrases.SPI 0701.1.17 Use context clues and background knowledge of roots and affixes todetermine the meaning of multi-meaning words.SPI 0701.1.18 Use context clues and background knowledge of roots and affixes todetermine the meaning of unfamiliar words.0701.1.15 Identify and define English words derived from Latin and Greek words thatform common roots (e.g., audio, auto, mal) and recognize English words that are based onthem (e.g., audible, autobiography, malice).0701.1.16 Use roots and affixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words and toclarify the meaning of familiar words.Academic Raceway Vocabulary & Context Clues (grade 8)DEA Resources:The Power of LanguageDEA Resources:Segment 3: Prefixes and SuffixesGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ____14______Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.2.3 Identify the thesis and main points of a speech.GLE 0701.2.4 Analyze the organizational structure of a speech.SPI 0701.2.2 Identify the targeted audience of a speech.SPI 0701.2.3 Identify the thesis and main points of a speech.SPI 0701.2.6 Discern the organizational pattern of a speech (e.g., sequential, chronological,problem-solution, comparison-contrast, cause-effect).SPI 0701.2.9 Distinguish between a summary and a critique.0701.2.2 Identify the thesis of a speech in which the main idea may be explicitly orimplicitly stated, concepts may be more abstract, and extended metaphors may be used;determine the essential elements that elaborate it.0701.2.7 Identify and analyze the structure of a speech (e.g., sequential, chronological,problem-solution, comparison-contrast, cause-effect).DEA Resources:Persuasive IdeasProblems and SolutionsWriting and RevisingDEA Resources:Author's PurposeFact vs. OpinionLayers of MeaningConstructive CriticismExpository WritingGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ____15________Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.3.3 Organize ideas into an essay with an introduction, developing paragraphs,conclusion, and appropriate transitions.SPI 0701.3.2 Identify the audience for which a text is written.SPI 0701.3.3 Select an appropriate thesis statement for a writing sample.SPI 0701.3.4 Rearrange a multi-paragraphed work in a logical and coherent order.SPI 0701.3.5 Select the appropriate time-order or transitional words/phrases to enhance theflow of a writing sample.SPI 0701.3.6 Choose the supporting sentence that best fits the context and flow of ideas in aparagraph.SPI 0701.3.7 Identify the sentence(s) irrelevant to a paragraph’s theme or flow.SPI 0701.3.8 Select an appropriate concluding sentence for a well-developed paragraph.0701.3.5 Create a thesis statement and include relevant facts, details, reasons, andexamples that support the thesis.0701.3.6 Develop relevant details or reasons in a manner that meets the needs of theaudience and purpose.(Continued on next page)DEA Resources:consider your audienceWriting for Young PeopleDEA Resources:Section A: Getting Started, Defining the...Section F: Revising Is RewritingSection B: Some General Characteristics ...Researching the Salem Witch ProjectDEA Resources:study skills IPrewriting: A Visit to the Fire StationWriting a BiographyDefine Your PurposePersuasive WritingGo Analyze AliceDEA Resources:Transatlantic TransitionsReviewing Your Writing: SacagaweaHave Information, Will ResearchGathering InformationDraftingGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___15 Con’t___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.3.7 Organize writing using structures appropriate for the topic and that meet theneeds of the audience (e.g., if using an anecdote to provide an example, use chronologicalorder with sufficient time signals for the reader to follow easily).0701.3.8 Use appropriate and effective words and phrases to indicate the organizationalpattern (e.g., for a problem/solution paper indicate the order of steps in the solution).0701.3.9 Use text features (e.g., headings, subheadings, formatting) as appropriate tosignal relationships between ideas.0701.3.16 When other sources are used or referenced (such as in research, informationalessays, or literary essays) adhere to the list below.Acknowledge source material (e.g., list sources).Understand the differences between/among quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.Quote, paraphrase, or summarize text, ideas, and other information taken from print/electronic sources. ? Embed quotations and graphics from other sources, when appropriate. DEA Resources:The Topic Sentence & Supporting Ideas Th...A Closer Look at Expository WritingA Closer Look at Writing a LetterA Closer Look at Visual ToolsBasic Organizational SkillsActive Listening Skills DEA Resources:A Closer Look at Previewing ResourcesExpository WritingLanguage of LogicValid and Invalid ArgumentsDEA Resources:?A Closer Look at Reasons for WritingA Closer Look at Revising a First DraftPersuasive IdeasFact vs. OpinionRevolt on the Amistad Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ____16____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.4.2 Gather relevant information from a variety of print and electronic sources, aswell as from direct observation, interviews, and surveys.SPI 0701.4.5 Discern irrelevant research material from written text.0701.4.2 Take and organize notes on what is known and what needs to be researchedabout the topic.0701.4.3 Focus on relevant information and/or theories.0701.4.8 Provide relevant research information to develop and support a complicatedtopic.0701.4.10 Collect evidence in various ways (e.g., gathering relevant reasons, examples,and facts; defining key terms and ideas; identifying relationships such as cause/effect).0701.4.14 Create an effective organizing structure based on research information (e.g.,description, problem-solution, question-answer, comparison-contrast, cause-effect).DEA Resources:Researching the Brooklyn Bridge"Every Foot in Sight Can be Plowed&...Hmong History and Book PublishingThe Mid-1800s: Laying the Groundwork for...The Machine AgeFrontier WomenGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___17____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.1 Demonstrate control of Standard English through grammar usage, andmechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).SPI 0701.1.3 Identify the correct use of adjectives (i.e., common/proper,comparative/superlative, adjective clauses) and adverbs (i.e., comparative and superlativeforms) within context.SPI 0701.1.4 Identify the correct use of conjunctions (i.e., coordinating, correlative,subordinating) and interjections within context.SPI 0701.1.5 Identify the correct use of prepositional phrases (place correctly according tothe words they modify within the sentence) within contextSPI 0701.1.7 Identify within context a variety of appropriate sentence combining techniques(i.e., comma with coordinating conjunction, use of semicolon, introductory phrases orclauses).SPI 0701.1.13 Select the appropriate use of underlining/italicizing with titles, specific words,numbers, and letters.SPI 0701.1.14 Form singular and plural possessives using apostrophes correctly.SPI 0701.1.15 Choose the correct use of quotation marks and commas (i.e., in directquotations, with explanatory material within the quote, proper use with end marks).(Continued on next page)DEA Resources:Section D: InterjectionsInterjection Interjections and Huck FinnDEA Resources:?Part Six: Complex SentencesPart Five: Clauses and Compound Sentence...Part Seven: Compound-Complex Sentences a...A Closer Look at Revising a First DraftDEA Resources:Section B: The ApostropheApostrophePendemonium at the PointBattle Stations: Fighting Dark MarkerMission AccomplishedAn Email Message from Dark MarkerDEA Resources:PunctuationQuotation MarksSources and the CityCapitalize This!Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __17 Con’t_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.1.3 Use capitalization correctly (e.g., titles, friendly and business letters,quotations, proper adjectives).0701.1.4 Demonstrate the correct use of commas (including after introductory words,phrases or clauses; setting off appositives and interrupters; before coordinating conjunctionjoining independent clauses to form compound sentences), colons (including in businessletters or before a list of items in a series), semicolons (including combining sentences,between items in a series when the items already contain commas), underlining anditalicizing (including titles; certain words, letters, figures; foreign words), quotation marks(including with direct quotations, to set off dialogue, in titles, use of end punctuation withquotation marks) and apostrophes (including forming both singular and plural possessives).0701.1.7 Identify and use appositives and appositive phrases.0701.1.8 Identify and use infinitives and infinitives phrases.0701.1.9 Explore gerund and participial phrases.DEA Resources:Part Three: The Middle of the Sentence: ...Part Three: The Middle of the Sentence: ...IntroductionPart Three: The Middle of the Sentence: ...CommaMission AccomplishedDEA Resources:ModifiersReviewPrepositional PhrasesLost ClausesDEA Resources:PrepositionsSection B: PrepositionsReview: Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjuncti...Part Three: PrepositionsPrepositionGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __18___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.1 Demonstrate control of Standard English through grammar usage, andmechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).0701.1.1 Know and use appropriately the meaning, forms, and functions of nouns(including collective nouns, compound nouns, noun clauses, noun functions as direct andindirect objects, and as predicate nouns), pronouns (including proper case: nominative,objective, possessive; reflexive pronouns, interrogative; demonstrative; agreement ofpronouns with their antecedents), verbs (including agreement with subject in person andnumber, verbs that take objects, regular and irregular verb forms, correct use of the threeperfect tenses), adjectives (including comparative and superlative forms, compoundpredicate adjectives, adjective clauses), adverbs (including comparative and superlativeforms, punctuation with introductory adverb phrases and clauses, correct placement withinthe sentence), conjunctions (including coordinating, correlative, and subordinatingconjunctions to combine words, phrases, clauses, and sentences), interjections, andprepositions (recognize prepositional phrases as adjective/adverb modifiers and note theirfunctions in the sentence). Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___19___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.4.3 Make distinctions about the credibility, reliability, consistency, strengths, andlimitations of resources, including information gathered from websites.SPI 0701.4.2 Identify levels of reliability among resources (e.g., eyewitness account,newspaper account, supermarket tabloid account, Internet source).SPI 0701.4.3 Determine the most appropriate research source for a given research topic.0701.4.5 Choose among sources provided and those found independently based on theusefulness, credibility, and reliability of the sources.0701.4.6 Identify reasons for choosing one source over another, including those found onwebsites.0701.4.7 Identify the characteristics and limitations of source material.0701.4.9 Analyze and interpret data in multiple forms (e.g., a bar or circle graph) on afamiliar topic.DEA Resources:Research PapersInternet ResearchResearch Skills: The Sky's the LimitResearching the Brooklyn BridgeDEA Resources:Finding & Retrieving Information: Period...Finding & Retrieving Information: The Re...Choosing a Format Business Basics: Busin...Context CluesMummies in the DictionaryA Closer Look at Context CluesSources and the CityRead Around WashingtonGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___20____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.2 Employ a variety of strategies and resources to determine the definition,pronunciation, and usage of words and phrases.Vocabulary WeekFocus on more roots/affixes/context cluesGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___21____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.3 Understand and use correctly a variety of sentence structures.SPI 0701.1.4 Identify the correct use of conjunctions (i.e., coordinating, correlative,subordinating) and interjections within context.SPI 0701.1.8 Select the most appropriate method to correct a run-on sentence (i.e.,conjunctions, semicolons, periods to join or separate elements) within context.0701.1.6 Demonstrate knowledge of correct sentence structure by correcting run-onsentences (e.g., conjunctions, semicolons, periods to join or separate elements) and sentencefragments (e.g., supplying the missing elements).0701.1.10 Differentiate between independent and subordinate clauses.0701.1.11 Recognize and differentiate among simple, compound, and complexsentences.0701.1.12 Identify the complete subject and predicate of interrogative and invertedsentences.DEA Resources:Section D: InterjectionsInterjection Interjections and Huck FinnFragment, Run-on, or Sentence? DEA Resources:sentence fragments and run on sentence t...Section B: Comma SplicesGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___22___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.3.3 Organize ideas into an essay with an introduction, developing paragraphs,conclusion, and appropriate transitions.SPI 0701.3.2 Identify the audience for which a text is written.SPI 0701.3.3 Select an appropriate thesis statement for a writing sample.SPI 0701.3.4 Rearrange a multi-paragraphed work in a logical and coherent order.SPI 0701.3.5 Select the appropriate time-order or transitional words/phrases to enhance theflow of a writing sample.SPI 0701.3.6 Choose the supporting sentence that best fits the context and flow of ideas in aparagraph.SPI 0701.3.7 Identify the sentence(s) irrelevant to a paragraph’s theme or flow.SPI 0701.3.8 Select an appropriate concluding sentence for a well-developed paragraph.0701.3.5 Create a thesis statement and include relevant facts, details, reasons, andexamples that support the thesis.0701.3.6 Develop relevant details or reasons in a manner that meets the needs of theaudience and purpose.(Continued on next page)DEA Resources:consider your audienceWriting for Young PeopleDEA Resources:Section A: Getting Started, Defining the...Section F: Revising Is RewritingSection B: Some General Characteristics ...Researching the Salem Witch ProjectDEA Resources:study skills IPrewriting: A Visit to the Fire StationWriting a BiographyDefine Your PurposePersuasive WritingGo Analyze AliceDEA Resources:Transatlantic TransitionsReviewing Your Writing: SacagaweaHave Information, Will ResearchGathering InformationDraftingGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __22 Con’t___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.3.7 Organize writing using structures appropriate for the topic and that meet theneeds of the audience (e.g., if using an anecdote to provide an example, use chronologicalorder with sufficient time signals for the reader to follow easily).0701.3.8 Use appropriate and effective words and phrases to indicate the organizationalpattern (e.g., for a problem/solution paper indicate the order of steps in the solution).0701.3.9 Use text features (e.g., headings, subheadings, formatting) as appropriate tosignal relationships between ideas.0701.3.16 When other sources are used or referenced (such as in research, informationalessays, or literary essays) adhere to the list below.Acknowledge source material (e.g., list sources).Understand the differences between/among quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.Quote, paraphrase, or summarize text, ideas, and other information taken from print/electronic sources. ? Embed quotations and graphics from other sources, when appropriate.0701.3.17 Generate notes on text, and identify main and supporting ideas.DEA Resources:The Topic Sentence & Supporting Ideas Th...A Closer Look at Expository WritingA Closer Look at Writing a LetterA Closer Look at Visual ToolsBasic Organizational SkillsActive Listening SkillsDEA Resources:A Closer Look at Previewing ResourcesExpository WritingLanguage of LogicValid and Invalid ArgumentsDEA Resources:?A Closer Look at Reasons for WritingA Closer Look at Revising a First DraftPersuasive IdeasFact vs. OpinionRevolt on the AmistadGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __23___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.1 Demonstrate control of Standard English through grammar usage, andmechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).SPI 0701.1.6 Identify the correct use of commas (i.e., compound sentences, coordinatingconjunctions, introductory words, appositives, interrupters) within context.SPI 0701.1.7 Identify within context a variety of appropriate sentence combining techniques(i.e., comma with coordinating conjunction, use of semicolon, introductory phrases orclauses).SPI 0701.1.10 Identify the correct use of colons (i.e., in business letters, preceding list ofitems) within context.SPI 0701.1.14 Form singular and plural possessives using apostrophes correctly.SPI 0701.1.15 Choose the correct use of quotation marks and commas (i.e., in directquotations, with explanatory material within the quote, proper use with end marks).0701.1.3 Use capitalization correctly (e.g., titles, friendly and business letters,quotations, proper adjectives).(Continued on next page)DEA Resources:?Part Six: Complex SentencesPart Five: Clauses and Compound Sentence...Part Seven: Compound-Complex Sentences a...A Closer Look at Revising a First DraftDEA Resources:Colon and semicolonDEA Resources:Section B: The ApostropheApostrophePendemonium at the PointBattle Stations: Fighting Dark MarkerMission AccomplishedAn Email Message from Dark MarkerGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __23 Con’t__Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.1.4 Demonstrate the correct use of commas (including after introductory words,phrases or clauses; setting off appositives and interrupters; before coordinating conjunctionjoining independent clauses to form compound sentences), colons (including in businessletters or before a list of items in a series), semicolons (including combining sentences,between items in a series when the items already contain commas), underlining anditalicizing (including titles; certain words, letters, figures; foreign words), quotation marks(including with direct quotations, to set off dialogue, in titles, use of end punctuation withquotation marks) and apostrophes (including forming both singular and plural possessives).DEA Resources:Part Three: The Middle of the Sentence: ...Part Three: The Middle of the Sentence: ...IntroductionPart Three: The Middle of the Sentence: ...CommaMission AccomplishedGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __24___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.7.4 Apply and adapt the principles of written composition to create coherentmedia productions.SPI 0701.7.2 Select the visual image that best reinforces a viewpoint or enhances a presentation.0701.7.4 Present a clearly identifiable, explicit message, using visual, audio, and graphiceffects and interactive features.Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __25___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.1 Demonstrate control of Standard English through grammar usage, andmechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).SPI 0701.1.5 Identify the correct use of prepositional phrases (place correctly according tothe words they modify within the sentence) within context.SPI 0701.1.11 Identify the correct use of appositives and appositive phrases within context.SPI 0701.1.12 Identify the correct use of infinitives and infinitive phrases within context.0701.1.7 Identify and use appositives and appositive phrases.0701.1.8 Identify and use infinitives and infinitives phrases.DEA Resources:PrepositionsSection B: PrepositionsReview: Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjuncti...Part Three: PrepositionsPrepositionAppositives for Purdue OwlAppositives - a quia activityGrammar:? Parts of SpeechDEA Resources:Section B: Phrases and ObjectsPart Six: Complex SentencesSection C: Compound and Complex interactive quizDEA Resources:Part Two: InfinitivesPart Three: Verbs (continued from Progra...Part Two: InfinitivesPart One: Simple Sentences and Verbal Ph...Section B: Split InfinitivesGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___26___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesSPI 0701.1.1 Identify the correct use of nouns (i.e., common/proper, singular/plural,possessives, direct/indirect objects, predicate) and pronouns (i.e., agreement, reflexive,interrogative, demonstrative) within context.SPI 0701.1.2 Identify the correct use of verbs (i.e., action/linking, regular/irregular,agreement, perfect tenses, verb phrases) within context.SPI 0701.1.3 Identify the correct use of adjectives (i.e., common/proper,comparative/superlative, adjective clauses) and adverbs (i.e., comparative and superlativeforms) within context.SPI 0701.1.13 Select the appropriate use of underlining/italicizing with titles, specific words,numbers, and letters.DEA Resources:IntroductionPart One: InterjectionsPart Two: ConjunctionsSegment 2: Common and Proper NounsPart Four: Adverbial Degrees of Comparis...Part One: AdjectivesDEA Resources:Grammar Time: The VerbGrammar Time: The VerbSection B: Different Strokes for Differe...Section A: Subject/Verb AgreementPart Two: Can't We All Just Get Along? (...VerbSection A: Tense ShiftsDEA Resources:ModifiersReviewPrepositional PhrasesLost ClausesDEA Resources:PunctuationQuotation MarksSources and the CityCapitalize This!Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __27____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.3.3 Organize ideas into an essay with an introduction, developing paragraphs,conclusion, and appropriate transitions.SPI 0701.3.2 Identify the audience for which a text is written.SPI 0701.3.3 Select an appropriate thesis statement for a writing sample.SPI 0701.3.4 Rearrange a multi-paragraphed work in a logical and coherent order.SPI 0701.3.5 Select the appropriate time-order or transitional words/phrases to enhance theflow of a writing sample.SPI 0701.3.6 Choose the supporting sentence that best fits the context and flow of ideas in aparagraph.SPI 0701.3.7 Identify the sentence(s) irrelevant to a paragraph’s theme or flow.SPI 0701.3.8 Select an appropriate concluding sentence for a well-developed paragraph.0701.3.5 Create a thesis statement and include relevant facts, details, reasons, andexamples that support the thesis.0701.3.6 Develop relevant details or reasons in a manner that meets the needs of theaudience and purpose.(Continued on next page)DEA Resources:consider your audienceWriting for Young PeopleDEA Resources:Section A: Getting Started, Defining the...Section F: Revising Is RewritingSection B: Some General Characteristics ...Researching the Salem Witch ProjectDEA Resources:study skills IPrewriting: A Visit to the Fire StationWriting a BiographyDefine Your PurposePersuasive WritingGo Analyze AliceDEA Resources:Transatlantic TransitionsReviewing Your Writing: SacagaweaHave Information, Will ResearchGathering InformationDraftingGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __27 Con’t__Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.3.7 Organize writing using structures appropriate for the topic and that meet theneeds of the audience (e.g., if using an anecdote to provide an example, use chronologicalorder with sufficient time signals for the reader to follow easily).0701.3.8 Use appropriate and effective words and phrases to indicate the organizationalpattern (e.g., for a problem/solution paper indicate the order of steps in the solution).0701.3.9 Use text features (e.g., headings, subheadings, formatting) as appropriate tosignal relationships between ideas.0701.3.16 When other sources are used or referenced (such as in research, informationalessays, or literary essays) adhere to the list below.Acknowledge source material (e.g., list sources).Understand the differences between/among quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.Quote, paraphrase, or summarize text, ideas, and other information taken from print/electronic sources. ? Embed quotations and graphics from other sources, when appropriate.0701.3.17 Generate notes on text, and identify main and supporting ideas.DEA Resources:The Topic Sentence & Supporting Ideas Th...A Closer Look at Expository WritingA Closer Look at Writing a LetterA Closer Look at Visual ToolsBasic Organizational SkillsActive Listening SkillsDEA Resources:A Closer Look at Previewing ResourcesExpository WritingLanguage of LogicValid and Invalid ArgumentsDEA Resources:?A Closer Look at Reasons for WritingA Closer Look at Revising a First DraftPersuasive IdeasFact vs. OpinionRevolt on the AmistadGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __28 ___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.3.4 Refine strategies for editing and revising written work.0701.3.10 Use accurate and precise language to convey meaning.0701.3.11 Use strong verbs and figurative language (e.g., metaphors, similes) foremphasis or creative effect as appropriate to the purpose.0701.3.12 Use appropriate vocabulary, sentence structure, and usage to distinguishbetween formal and informal language.0701.3.13 Incorporate a variety of syntactic structures for effect when appropriate (e.g.,modifying phrases, parenthetical expressions).0701.3.14 Edit to craft a tone that is appropriate for the topic and audience, and supportsthe purpose.0701.3.18 Edit writing for mechanics (punctuation, capitalization), spelling, andgrammar (e.g., consistent verb tense, noun and pronoun agreement).0701.3.19 Based on readers’ comments, revise papers to focus on topic or thesis, developideas, employ transitions, and identify a clear beginning and ending.(Continued on next page)Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___28_Con’t____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.3.20 Demonstrate confidence in using the Tennessee Writing Assessment Rubricwhile evaluating one’s own writing and the writing of others.0701.3.21 Use relatively basic software programs (e.g., Word, PowerPoint) to write textsand create graphics to present ideas visually and in writing.0701.3.22 Identify and explore opportunities for publication (e.g., local/national contests,Internet websites, newspapers, periodicals, school displays).Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___29 ____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.4.4 Write a research paper, using primary and secondary sources and technologyand graphics, as appropriate.SPI 0701.4.4 Distinguish between primary (i.e., interviews, letters, diaries, newspapers,personal narratives) and secondary (i.e., reference books, periodicals, Internet, biographies)sources.0701.4.4 Distinguish between primary and secondary sources, defining thecharacteristics of each and evaluating each for their benefits and limitations.0701.4.11 Craft an introductory paragraph in which the thesis statement(s) clearlypresents the topic of the documented essay.0701.4.12 Present a body of well-developed and specific facts and information pertinentto the topic, developed as a series of paragraphs which support the topic.0701.4.13 Connect ideas using a variety of transition strategies.0701.4.15 Craft a conclusion in which closure is provided, such as by restating the topicand summarizing findings.0701.4.16 Acknowledge source material using a predetermined standard format (e.g.,APA, MLA).(Continued on next page)Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ____29 Con’t___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.4.17 Understand the differences among quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.0701.4.18 Quote, paraphrase, or summarize text, ideas, or other information taken fromprint or electronic sources.0701.4.19 Follow a standard format and use the appropriate technology to embed textgraphics, including a title, contents page, numbered pages, and a bibliography.0701.4.20 Include effective graphics and illustrative material to support research ideas inthe text.(Continue through Weeks 30-31)Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___30_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesResearch Project ContinuedGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___31_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesResearch Project ContinuedGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___32 _____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.1 Demonstrate control of Standard English through grammar usage, andmechanics (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling).SPI 0701.1.1 Identify the correct use of nouns (i.e., common/proper, singular/plural,possessives, direct/indirect objects, predicate) and pronouns (i.e., agreement, reflexive,interrogative, demonstrative) within context.SPI 0701.1.2 Identify the correct use of verbs (i.e., action/linking, regular/irregular,agreement, perfect tenses, verb phrases) within context.SPI 0701.1.3 Identify the correct use of adjectives (i.e., common/proper,comparative/superlative, adjective clauses) and adverbs (i.e., comparative and superlativeforms) within context.SPI 0701.1.4 Identify the correct use of conjunctions (i.e., coordinating, correlative,subordinating) and interjections within context.SPI 0701.1.5 Identify the correct use of prepositional phrases (place correctly according tothe words they modify within the sentence) within context.SPI 0701.1.6 Identify the correct use of commas (i.e., compound sentences, coordinatingconjunctions, introductory words, appositives, interrupters) within context.(Continued on next page)DEA Resources:IntroductionPart One: InterjectionsPart Two: ConjunctionsSegment 2: Common and Proper NounsPart Four: Adverbial Degrees of Comparis...Part One: AdjectivesDEA Resources:Grammar Time: The VerbGrammar Time: The VerbSection B: Different Strokes for Differe...Section A: Subject/Verb AgreementPart Two: Can't We All Just Get Along? (...VerbSection A: Tense ShiftsDEA Resources:ModifiersReviewPrepositional PhrasesLost ClausesDEA Resources:Section D: InterjectionsInterjection Interjections and Huck FinnGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___32 Con’t____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesSPI 0701.1.7 Identify within context a variety of appropriate sentence combining techniques(i.e., comma with coordinating conjunction, use of semicolon, introductory phrases orclauses).SPI 0701.1.10 Identify the correct use of colons (i.e., in business letters, preceding list ofitems) within context.SPI 0701.1.11 Identify the correct use of appositives and appositive phrases within context.SPI 0701.1.12 Identify the correct use of infinitives and infinitive phrases within context.SPI 0701.1.13 Select the appropriate use of underlining/italicizing with titles, specific words,numbers, and letters.SPI 0701.1.14 Form singular and plural possessives using apostrophes correctly.SPI 0701.1.15 Choose the correct use of quotation marks and commas (i.e., in directquotations, with explanatory material within the quote, proper use with end marks).SPI 0701.1.16 Identify correctly and incorrectly spelled words in context.(Continued on next page)DEA Resources:PrepositionsSection B: PrepositionsReview: Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjuncti...Part Three: PrepositionsPrepositionDEA Resources:?Part Six: Complex SentencesPart Five: Clauses and Compound Sentence...Part Seven: Compound-Complex Sentences a...A Closer Look at Revising a First DraftDEA Resources:Colon and semicolonAppositives for Purdue Owl?Appositives - a quia activityGrammar:? Parts of SpeechDEA Resources:Section B: Phrases and ObjectsPart Six: Complex SentencesSection C: Compound and Complex Sentence...Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week ___32 Con’t____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.1.1 Know and use appropriately the meaning, forms, and functions of nouns(including collective nouns, compound nouns, noun clauses, noun functions as direct andindirect objects, and as predicate nouns), pronouns (including proper case: nominative,objective, possessive; reflexive pronouns, interrogative; demonstrative; agreement ofpronouns with their antecedents), verbs (including agreement with subject in person andnumber, verbs that take objects, regular and irregular verb forms, correct use of the threeperfect tenses), adjectives (including comparative and superlative forms, compoundpredicate adjectives, adjective clauses), adverbs (including comparative and superlativeforms, punctuation with introductory adverb phrases and clauses, correct placement withinthe sentence), conjunctions (including coordinating, correlative, and subordinatingconjunctions to combine words, phrases, clauses, and sentences), interjections, andprepositions (recognize prepositional phrases as adjective/adverb modifiers and note theirfunctions in the sentence).0701.1.3 Use capitalization correctly (e.g., titles, friendly and business letters,quotations, proper adjectives).0701.1.4 Demonstrate the correct use of commas (including after introductory words,phrases or clauses; setting off appositives and interrupters; before coordinating conjunctionjoining independent clauses to form compound sentences), colons (including in businessletters or before a list of items in a series), semicolons (including combining sentences,between items in a series when the items already contain commas), underlining anditalicizing (including titles; certain words, letters, figures; foreign words), quotation marks(including with direct quotations, to set off dialogue, in titles, use of end punctuation withquotation marks) and apostrophes (including forming both singular and plural possessives).(Continued on next page)online interactive quizDEA Resources:Part Two: InfinitivesPart Three: Verbs (continued from Progra...Part Two: InfinitivesPart One: Simple Sentences and Verbal Ph...Section B: Split InfinitivesDEA Resources:PunctuationQuotation MarksSources and the CityCapitalize This!DEA Resources:Section B: The ApostropheApostrophePendemonium at the PointBattle Stations: Fighting Dark MarkerMission AccomplishedAn Email Message from Dark MarkerGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __32_Con’t___Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResources0701.1.5 Spell correctly high frequency, misspelled words (appropriate to grade level),and words commonly used in content specific vocabulary.0701.1.7 Identify and use appositives and appositive phrases.0701.1.8 Identify and use infinitives and infinitives phrases.0701.1.9 Explore gerund and participial phrases.(Continue review GLE 0701.1.1 to Week 33)DEA Resources:Part Three: The Middle of the Sentence: ...Part Three: The Middle of the Sentence: ...IntroductionPart Three: The Middle of the Sentence: ...CommaMission AccomplishedDEA Resources:ReviewEditingEditing and PublishingA Closer Look at Editing and PublishingPrefixes and Suffixes: A Message From Da...Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __33_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesGLE 0701.1.1 Continued Grade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __34_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesREVIEW OF ALL Use of Probes, Coach, Buckledown, etc.GamesGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __35_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesTCAP Assessment WeekGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __36_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesEnd of the Year ActivitiesGrade __7__ Reading/Language Arts Pacing GuidesInstructional Week __37_____Academic Vocabulary:Grade Level Expectations/Checks for Understanding/State Performance IndicatorsResourcesEnd of the Year Activities ................

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