1. Differentiate between export and import and give an example of each. 2. Explain why Fiji still imports some of the products it already produces locally?

3. With reference to watermelon, differentiate between inherited and acquired characteristics.

4. State two inherited characteristics of Chinese cabbage that consumer should look for when buying.

5. With the aim to increase productivity with minimum reliance on artificial input, while at the same time conserving resources, describe how organic farming reduces pollution.

TUESDAY? 01/06/2021: Paragraph writing

Read the notes below and answer the question that follows.

Importance of Export and Import

Exports and imports help in the growth of national economies and expand the global market

Some countries have advantage over other countries in resources and skills thus exports or imports are encouraged

Imports encourage goods to be brought from overseas which are not available locally or at a cheaper price

At times imported products provide better prices and more choice to consumers, helps in better standard of living

Export encourages more economic activity in a country by increasing production, providing employment and increasing the revenue in a country.

Exports increase the gross domestic product in a country. Net export increases the wealth in a country

In a paragraph, discuss five significance of trade.

WEDNESDAY? 02/06/2021

1. Mr Peni Malo owns a maize farm in Tagitagi. Explain two ways to maintain the quality of his maize to ensure it is sold at maximum price.

2. Name two examples of integrated farming system used in Fiji.


THURSDAY? 03/06/2021

1. Define crop rotation. 2. Differentiate between bio compost and vermi-compost. 3. Compare the odor of an organic fertilizer to that of an organic bio-fertilizer.

FRIDAY - 04/06/21 Read the notes below and answer the question that follows. Advantages of Integrated Farming System ? Reduce weeds, insect pests and diseases from appropriate crop rotation ? Utilization of crop residues and livestock wastes ? Less reliance to outside inputs fertilizers, agrochemicals, feeds, energy, etc. ? It improves space utilization and increase productivity per unit area ? It provides diversified products ? Improves soil fertility and soil physical structure from appropriate crop rotation and using cover crop and organic compost.

In a paragraph, discuss five advantages of integrated farming.

MONDAY ? 07/06/2021 1. Explain a disadvantage of bio-organic fertilizer. 2. Identify one way in which crop rotation brings about an increase in food production.

3. Why are farmers encouraged to use the integrated control methods to control pest and diseases?

4. List two disadvantages of crop rotation. 5. Briefly explain two benefits of integrated control.

TUESDAY ? 08/06/2021 1. Describe two benefits of using IPM to control Diamond back moth in English cabbage. 2. Discuss why farmers are totally relying on integrated farm approach.


WEDNESDAY 09/06/21

Use the words given to fill in the blanks and complete the following sentences

Organic food agrichemicals

chemical fertilizers manure

Crop rotation Organic farming

1. Organic bio-fertilizers provide eco-friendly organic agro-input and are more costeffective than _________________________________________.

2. The aim of ___________________________________is to increase productivity with minimum reliance on chemicals, while at the same time conserving resources.

3. Fertilizers and all chemicals like pesticide, weedicides used on farms are referred to as __________________________________________.

4. ____________________________________ lasts longer because they have greater metabolic and structural quality in their cellular structure.

THURSDAY ? 10/06/2021

Process in Preparing Compost:

Collect the kitchen and garden waste etc... Take a composite bin or dig a pit that is around ? metre deep pits are dug and fill it

with the collected waste. Water is sprinkled to maintain moisture content followed by covering the mixture

with a layer of soil This is left as such for around 250-350 days and the waste gets converted into

microbial rich manure. This cycle is repeated after every 30 to 35 days". Once the compost is ready to be used, it will appear as a dark, crumbly material. It

will also have an earthy soil aroma to it. Remove the compost with your garden fork and go ahead and use it.

In a paragraph, discuss how to prepare a compost pile.


FRIDAY ? 11/06/2021


1. Distinguish between primary and secondary implements and give an example of each.

2. Match the terms in List A with the correct descriptions in List B. Write the number of the description in the space provided beside the matching term.

LIST A ______ Secondary Tillage ______ Scarifier ______ Diamond harrow ______ Disc harrow ______ Rotovator

LIST B 1. Pulverize the soil and cuts plant debris 2. Collect trashes and break up soil 3. Cut soils and plant remains. 4. Used in 2nd stage of land preparation 5. Used for inter-row cultivation.

MONDAY 14/06/2021 3. Refer to the diagram given to answer the questions that follow.

(Source: Agricultural Science for Year 10, 2018, pp. 21) i. Label the following parts: 124 ii. State the function of the following parts: 5 7 -

TUESDAY ? 15/06/2021

1. State the function of the following machines: i. Egg grading machine ii. Seed drill

iii. Combined harvester 2. Briefly explain the benefit of using implements or machines in agricultural farms.

5 WEDNESDAY 16/06/2021

1. Explain why should implements be maintained and stored in a safe and secured place. 2. Why it is important to keep implements under the shade. 3. Explore on the type of crops that can be harvested by a combined harvester. 4. How does the seed drill plant the seed at correct crop spacing?

THURSDAY ? 17/06/2021 Maintenance of implements

Tighten loose nuts and bolts. Replace damaged parts. Lubricate unit as required. Change broken parts. Check all nuts and bolts before and after using the unit for several hours on a regular

basis. Remove debris and soil. Keep the bearings lubricated. Sharpen the blades. In a paragraph, discuss five maintenance procedures to carry out in disc harrow.

FRIDAY 18/06/2021 a) The steps in preparing bio-fertiliser are listed below. Write the steps in the correct order. Remove dark, crumbly material Collect kitchen scraps, plant residue and paper waste Fill composting bin with biodegradable waste and sprinkle water

b. ) Explain why should implements be maintained and stored in a safe and secured place?


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