The City of Oxnard Police Department is working with the community to educate people reference reporting crime or reporting being a victim of a crime. While being hesitant to report a crime is understandable, it is essential for the police to be advised when crimes occur to be better able to protect the public.

Spanish translators are available for Spanish speaking persons who call to report a crime. Call 9-1-1 or (805) 385-7740 from a cell phone. Tell the dispatcher you speak Spanish and need a translator. As soon as the translator answers the line, you can report the crime;

It's okay to be anonymous. If you would like to remain anonymous, let the dispatcher know! You do not have to give your name and address; and

If you are a victim of a crime, your immigration status does not matter. The police department does not discriminate on the basis of immigration status.

Emergency General Information Report a Crime Narcotics Hotline Anonymous Hotline Gun and Gang Hotline Violent Crimes Hotline VC Crime Stoppers

911 (805) 385-7600 (805) 385-7740 (805) 339-4045 (805) 486-8362 (805) 982-7043 (805) 982-7070 (800) 222-8477

Oxnard Police Department

251 South "C" Street, Oxnard, CA 93030 ? (805) 385-7600 ?


El Departamento de Polic?a de la Cuidad de Oxnard est? trabajando con la comunidad para educar a las personas en reportar crimen y reportando cuando es una v?ctima de crimen. Se entiende cuando una persona duda para reportar un crimen, pero es esencial para la polic?a saber cu?ndo un delito ocurre para estar en mejores condiciones para proteger al p?blico.

Traductores de espa?ol est?n disponibles para personas que hablan espa?ol que llamen para reportar un crimen. Llame al 911 o (805) 385-7740 desde un tel?fono celular. D?gale a la operadora que hablan espa?ol y necesitan un traductor. Tan pronto como el traductor responde a la l?nea, usted puede reportar el crimen;

Est? bien ser an?nima. ?Si desea permanecer en el anonimato, d?jele saber a la operadora! Usted no tiene que dar su nombre y direcci?n, y

Si usted es una v?ctima de un delito, su estado migratorio no importa. El departamento de polic?a no discrimina basado en su estado migratorio.

Emergencia Informaci?n General Reportar un Crimen L?nea de Narc?ticos L?nea An?nima L?nea De Armas Y Pandillas L?nea De Cr?menes Violentos VC Crime Stoppers

911 (805) 385-7600 (805) 385-7740 (805) 339-4045 (805) 486-8362 (805) 982-7043 (805) 982-7070 (800) 222-8477

Oxnard Police Department

251 South "C" Street, Oxnard, CA 93030 ? (805) 385-7600 ?


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