Chapter #: Title of Chapter - Kean University

Technology in Focus 3: Computing alternatives

Multiple Choice:

1. An open-source alternative to Macromedia Dreamweaver is:

A. Impress.




Answer: C Reference: Web Page Authoring Software Alternatives: NVU Difficulty: Moderate

2. Almost as powerful as Adobe Photoshop, ____________ is free image-editing software.


B. Calc

C. Dia


Answer: A Reference: Image-Editing Software Alternatives: GIMP Difficulty: Moderate

3. Linux packages including the “kernel” and related programs are known as:

A. open programs.

B. distros.

C. models.

D. systems.

Answer: B Reference: Which Linux to Use Difficulty: Challenging

4. Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning Apple computers?

A. The Mac OS operating system is a less likely target for hackers.

B. Many applications for graphic designers and digital artists are superior on the Mac platform.

C. The Mac OS operating system has a lead in market share.

D. Macs are considered more user-friendly.

Answer: C Reference: Apple Computers Difficulty: Easy

5. Which of the following statements concerning the Windows operating system is FALSE?

A. Windows has security flaws, making it a target for hackers.

B. The Windows operating system has become more stable, making it less prone to lockups and crashes.

C. The Windows operating system runs on the Intel processor.

D. Open-source application software does not run on the Windows platform.

Answer: D Reference: Operating System Alternatives Difficulty: Easy

6. An alternative to Internet Explorer as a Web browser is:

A. Linux.

B. OpenOffice.

C. Mozilla.

D. Guest PC.

Answer: C Reference: Operating System Alternatives Difficulty: Easy

7. Recently, Apple computers began using ____________ chips.

A. Motorola

B. Intel



Answer: B Reference: Apple Computers Difficulty: Moderate

8. When you start a Mac, a program similar to Windows Explorer called the ____________ automatically starts.

A. Dock

B. Taskbar

C. Sidebar

D. Finder

Answer: D Reference: The Mac Operating System: Mac OS X Difficulty: Challenging

9. A disadvantage of building your own computer is:

A. you have the option of using higher-quality components.

B. you get exactly the configuration features you want.

C. you won’t necessarily save money.

D. it is a rewarding experience.

Answer: C Reference: Do It Yourself! Difficulty: Easy

10. ____________ Linux features one of the most fully automated installation procedures of all the Linux distros.

A. Mandriva


C. Gentoo

D. Slackware

Answer: A Reference: Installing Linux Permanently Difficulty: Challenging

11. The distro of Linux designed to be run from a CD is:

A. Mandriva


C. Fedora Core (Red Hat)

D. Gentoo

Answer: B Reference: Experimenting With Linux Difficulty: Challenging

12. An e-mail client alternative to Microsoft Outlook is:


B. Calc

C. Dia

D. Eudora

Answer: D Reference: E-Mail Client Alternatives: Eudora and Thunderbird Difficulty: Moderate

13. When saving a document in Calc, the default file format has an extension of .ods; however, by using the Save As command, you can save the file in the ____________ format so that it can be read by Excel.

A. .xls



D. .odt

Answer: A Reference: Calc Difficulty: Moderate

14. All of the following are Web browser software, EXCEPT:

A. Mozilla

B. Firefox

C. Kontact

D. Opera

Answer: C Reference: Installing Linux Permanently Difficulty: Easy

15. The equivalent of the systems properties box in Windows, which displays all the hardware and software installed on a Mac, is the:

A. Finder.

B. Mac OS System Profiler.

C. Spotlight.

D. Dashboard.

Answer: B Reference: Utility Programs Difficulty: Moderate

Fill in the Blank:

16. ____________ is an open-source operating system that is an alternative to Windows.

Answer: Linux Reference: Operating System Alternatives Difficulty: Easy

17. The ____________ is an alternative hardware platform to the PC.

Answer: Mac Reference: Hardware Alternatives Difficulty: Easy

18. The current version of the operating system used on Apple computers is ____________.

Answer: Mac OS X Reference: Apple Computers Difficulty: Moderate

19. ____________ is an example of a free suite of productivity software programs that provides similar functionality to Microsoft Office.

Answer: OpenOffice Reference: Productivity Software Alternatives: OpenOffice Difficulty: Moderate

20. Commercial software is also known as ____________ software.

Answer: proprietary Reference: Application Software Alternatives Difficulty: Moderate

21. ____________software can be downloaded free from Web sites, installed on as many computers as you wish, and redistributed without charge.

Answer: Open-source Reference: Application Software Alternatives Difficulty: Easy

22. Mac OS X is based on the ____________ operating system.

Answer: UNIX Reference: Apple Computers Difficulty: Moderate

23. A(n) ____________, such as Shorewall, can prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing your personal network.

Answer: firewall Reference: Installing Linux Permanently Difficulty: Moderate

24. Some people are switching to Macs because they love the handheld Apple ____________.

Answer: iPod Reference: Apple Computers Difficulty: Easy

True and False:

25. Mac OS X can run on an Intel platform.

Answer: True Reference: Apple Computers Difficulty: Easy

26. Distributions or “distros” of the Linux operating system include the “kernel” and related programs.

Answer: True Reference: Which Linux to Use Difficulty: Moderate

27. No royalties are paid to the creators of open-source software.

Answer: True Reference: Application Software Alternatives Difficulty: Easy

28. Files created with OpenOffice cannot be opened in Microsoft Office.

Answer: False Reference: Productivity Software Alternatives: OpenOffice Difficulty: Moderate

29. One reason to install an open-source operating system is portability because some versions of Linux can fit on a CD.

Answer: True Reference: Operating System Alternatives Difficulty: Easy

30. Impress is a free program that allows you to create Visio-like diagrams and charts.

Answer: False (Dia) Reference: Drawing Software Alternatives: Draw and Dia Difficulty: Challenging

31. A lot of spyware, computer viruses, and other hacker nuisances are designed to take advantage of security flaws in Windows.

Answer: True Reference: Operating System Alternatives Difficulty: Easy

32. Oracle is a free high-end SQL database application alternative.

Answer: False (MySQL) Reference: Database Software Alternatives: Base and MySQL Difficulty: Moderate


33. Match the following open-source software programs to their equivalent commercial programs:

I. Writer A. Microsoft Excel

II. Calc B. SQL Server/Oracle 10g

III. Impress C. Microsoft Visio

IV. Dia D. Microsoft PowerPoint

V. MySQL E. Microsoft Word

Answer: E, A, D, C, B Reference: Application Software Alternatives Difficulty: Challenging

34. Match the following Mac programs to their Windows equivalent:

I. Activity Monitor A. Taskbar

II. System Profiler B. Task Manager

III. Finder C. Windows Explorer

IV. Dock D. Control Panel

V. System Preferences E. System Properties

Answer: B, E, C, A, D Reference: Multiple locations Difficulty: Challenging


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