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Name of Editor

Name of Newspaper

Address of Newspaper

City, State, and Zip Code

Dear Editor,

I’m ______ years old and I live in _________ neighborhood. As a student at ________________ school, I just completed a community survey for the Building Blocks program, a new STEM-focused program I am participating in. Presented by Samsung and Operation Military Kids, the Building Blocks program shows us how to use engineering to solve community issues. By taking the survey, I learned that my community needs _________________________________________________________.

I would like to build ___________________ in my neighborhood because I think everyone should have _____________________.

When I grow up, I want to be a(n) __________ so I can __________________________.

I hope we get more ___________________________ in my community.

I would like to invite you to come look at the model of my innovation at ___________________ [fill in where they can come to see the model and presentation]. Please call _____________ at _____________ to set up a visit and see the great work we’ve done on community solutions. I also wonder what solutions you can provide to solve the problem of _____________ in my community.


Your First Name and Last Initial, such as John D.

Your City, State

School or Teacher Email Address


Name of City/Town Council Representative

Name of City/Town Council Building

Address of City/Town Council

City, State, and Zip Code

Dear City/Town Council Representative ________________,

I’m ______ years old and I live in _________ neighborhood. As a student at ________________ school, I just completed a community survey for the Building Blocks program, a new STEM-focused program I am participating in. Presented by Samsung and Operation Military Kids, the Building Blocks program shows us how to use engineering to solve community issues. By taking the survey, I learned that my community needs ________________________________________________________.

Every day when I walk home I see ___________. This makes me think or feel _________________. What can the City Council do to make sure the residents of __________ neighborhood are __________ and __________? Our neighborhood needs _____________________. Could you identify funds to build or repair ___________________?

When I grow up, I want to be a(n) __________ so I can _______________. But before I grow up, I’ll need your help to have better __________________ in my neighborhood!

I would like to invite you to come look at the model of my innovation at ___________________ [fill in where they can come to see the model and presentation]. Please call _____________ at _____________ to set up a visit and see the great work we’ve done on community solutions. I also wonder what solutions you can provide to solve the problem of _____________ in my community.


Your First Name and Last Initial, such as John D.

Your City, State

School or Teacher Email Address


Mayor’s Name

Mayor’s Address

City, State, and Zip Code

Dear Mayor ____________,

I’m ______ years old and I live in _________ neighborhood. When I look at my neighborhood, I see a community that needs __________________. As a student at ________________ school, I am a problem solver. I teamed up with my classmates to create an innovation that _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________.

I learned about community innovations as part of the Building Blocks program. Presented by Samsung and Operation Military Kids, the Building Blocks program shows us how to use engineering to solve community issues. With my innovation, people in my neighborhood can _____________________.

I would like to invite you to come look at the model of my innovation at _______________________ [fill in where they can come to see the model and presentation]. Please call _____________ at _____________ to set up a visit and see the great work we’ve done on community solutions. I also wonder what solutions you, as the mayor, can provide to solve the problem of _____________ in my community.


Your First Name and Last Initial, such as John D.

Your City, State

School or Teacher Email Address


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