Microsoft Word - (Fillable) DCSD RCD Lesson Plan template …

School Name: FORMTEXT Ronald E. McNair Middle School Weekly Components Teacher: Co-?‐Teacher/Para: FORMTEXT Teacher: Je'Ronnda Gooden-SwanWeek of: Unit Implementation Week: FORMTEXT August 14th/Week 2 FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT FORMTEXT 9 Weeks FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Course: FORMTEXT English/Language Arts Unit Name: FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT Coming of Age FORMTEXT ?????Priority Standards: (content specific) FORMTEXT RL9: Compare and Contrast texts in different forms or genres in terms of their approach to similar themes and topics.Supporting Standards: (content specific) FORMTEXT RL2: Determine a theme of a textRL3: Describe how a particular story's plot unfolds. Non-?‐Content Standards: (WIDA, interdisciplinary standards, literacy, etc.) FORMTEXT ?????Learning Targets: (what learners will be able to do at the end of the learning activity) FORMTEXT Students will be able to create a plot diagram and identify the elements of a story in a literary text.Essential Question(s): (address philosophical foundations; contain multiple answers; provoke inquiry) FORMTEXT Why do good readers analyze and synthesize literary elements in a variety of texts? Big Idea(s): (main ideas, foundational understandings, conclusions, or generalizations) FORMTEXT Good readers analyze and synthesize literary elements in order to come to a deeper understanding of different texts. . Academic Vocabulary: FORMTEXT synthesize, analyze, theme, characters, setting, conflict, plot, exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution FORMTEXT ????? STEM/STEAM/ Interdisciplinary Integration: FORMTEXT N/AEngaging Performance Scenario: FORMTEXT Disney's Pixar Studios has commissioned our class to develop their next big blockbuster movie. Your task is to create a narrative that uses various literary elements that speak to a social theme relevant in today's society that can be developed into a feature film. In the areas below, place an “X” in the box(es) to indicate the selected strategies and resources. Research-?‐Based Instructional Strategies: (weekly strategies chosen to guide teaching and learning) OPENING: Engaging Instructional Activity Activate Prior Knowledge FORMCHECKBOX Questioning (Raises questions) FORMCHECKBOX Clarify Previous Lesson FORMCHECKBOX Phenomenon FORMCHECKBOX Provide Feedback FORMCHECKBOX Scaffold Instruction FORMCHECKBOX Create Interest FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMCHECKBOX WORK PERIOD: Exploring, Explaining, Extending, and Elaborating Facilitate Learning FORMCHECKBOX Academic Discussions FORMCHECKBOX Cooperative Learning FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMCHECKBOX Demonstrate/ Model FORMCHECKBOX Generating and Testing Hypotheses FORMCHECKBOX Independent Learning FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMCHECKBOX Explain/Apply/Extend concepts and skills FORMCHECKBOX High-?‐Level Questioning FORMCHECKBOX Interdisciplinary Writing FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMCHECKBOX CLOSING: Evaluating Summarize Lesson FORMCHECKBOX Provide Alternate Explanations FORMCHECKBOX Respond to EQs FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMCHECKBOX Allow students to assess their own learning FORMCHECKBOX Quick Write FORMCHECKBOX 3-?‐2-?‐1/K-?‐W-?‐L FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMCHECKBOX DCSD RCD Aligned Lesson Plan Template7/23/2017 5:04 PM Components of this lesson plan may change according to the needs of the students. 21st Century Learning Skills:(weekly strategies chosen to guide student engagement)Teamwork and Collaboration FORMCHECKBOX Innovation and Creativity FORMCHECKBOX Accessing and Analyzing Information FORMCHECKBOX Initiative and Leadership FORMCHECKBOX Critical Thinking andProblem Solving FORMCHECKBOX Effective oral and WrittenCommunication FORMCHECKBOX Curiosity and Imagination FORMCHECKBOX Flexibility and Adaptability FORMCHECKBOX Other: FORMCHECKBOX Intervention StrategiesIntervention Strategies (Tiers 1, 2, 3)Additional Support in ClassroomSpecially Designed Instruction for Exceptional Education StudentsStrategies for English Language Learners FORMCHECKBOX Re-?‐Voicing FORMCHECKBOX Conferencing FORMCHECKBOX Visuals/Realia FORMCHECKBOX Explaining FORMCHECKBOX Additional time FORMCHECKBOX Front-?‐loading FORMCHECKBOX Prompting for Participation FORMCHECKBOX Small group collaboration FORMCHECKBOX Echoing/Choral response FORMCHECKBOX Challenging or countering FORMCHECKBOX Modify quantity of work FORMCHECKBOX Color-?‐coding FORMCHECKBOX Asking “Why?” “How” FORMCHECKBOX Take student’s dictation FORMCHECKBOX Multiple exposures in different media FORMCHECKBOX Reread FORMCHECKBOX Scaffold information FORMCHECKBOX Pair-?‐share FORMCHECKBOX Practice new academic vocabulary FORMCHECKBOX Differentiatedcontent/process/product FORMCHECKBOX Modeling FORMCHECKBOX Assistive technology FORMCHECKBOX Consistent reward system FORMCHECKBOX Language scaffolds: eg, sentence frames FORMCHECKBOX Pre-?‐teach & re-?‐teach in a different way FORMCHECKBOX Refer to students’ IEP or 504 plan FORMCHECKBOX Deconstruct complex sentences FORMCHECKBOX Use of manipulatives FORMCHECKBOX Assistive technology FORMCHECKBOX Increase student-?‐to-?‐student talk FORMCHECKBOX Collaborative work FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Strategies vocabulary instruction FORMCHECKBOX Create differentiated text sets FORMCHECKBOX FORMCHECKBOX Additional think timeGifted – Extensions for LearningTier 1 FORMCHECKBOX Flexible-?‐Learning Groups FORMCHECKBOX Varied Pacing with Anchor Options FORMCHECKBOX Varied Supplemental Materials FORMCHECKBOX Choice of Books FORMCHECKBOX Work Alone or Together FORMCHECKBOX Computer Mentors FORMCHECKBOX Homework Options FORMCHECKBOX Flexible Seating FORMCHECKBOX Think-?‐Pair-?‐Share FORMCHECKBOX Use of Reading Buddies FORMCHECKBOX Varied Scaffolding FORMCHECKBOX Open-?‐ended Activities FORMCHECKBOX Various Journal Prompts FORMCHECKBOX Varied Computer Programs FORMCHECKBOX Explorations by Interest FORMCHECKBOX Student/Teacher Goal Setting FORMCHECKBOX Design-?‐A-?‐DAY FORMCHECKBOX Options for CompetitionTier 2 FORMCHECKBOX Gifted Edu. Cluster Classes FORMCHECKBOX Alternative Assessments FORMCHECKBOX Community Mentorships FORMCHECKBOX Gifted Edu. Collaboration Classes FORMCHECKBOX Subject Advancement within class FORMCHECKBOX Stations FORMCHECKBOX Tiered Activities and Products FORMCHECKBOX Curriculum Compacting FORMCHECKBOX Group Investigations FORMCHECKBOX Use of Literature Clubs FORMCHECKBOX Tiered Centers FORMCHECKBOX Assess Students in Multiple Ways FORMCHECKBOX Multiple Testing Options FORMCHECKBOX Spelling by Readiness FORMCHECKBOX Student choice FORMCHECKBOX Multiple Texts FORMCHECKBOX Varying Organizers FORMCHECKBOX SimulationsTier 3Tier 4 FORMCHECKBOX Advanced Content (all core content) FORMCHECKBOX Above grade level accelerated (all core content) FORMCHECKBOX Resource Classes FORMCHECKBOX Advanced Placement Classes FORMCHECKBOX Independent/Directed Study FORMCHECKBOX International Baccalaureate Classes FORMCHECKBOX Socratic Seminars FORMCHECKBOX Internship/MentorshipsDifferentiated Instruction(content, process, product)Assessment Evidence(formative, summative) FORMTEXT FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Resources:(weekly materials chosen to support teaching and learning)Textbooks FORMCHECKBOX Lab Materials FORMCHECKBOX Other: (List the other resources below.)Audio/Visual Aids FORMCHECKBOX Course Syllabus FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Handouts FORMCHECKBOX Dictionaries FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????White Boards FORMCHECKBOX Video Clips FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Electronic Devices FORMCHECKBOX Promethean Board FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Supplemental Texts FORMCHECKBOX Manipulatives FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Calculators FORMCHECKBOX Internet (tech) FORMCHECKBOX FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Daily Lesson Plan for MondayPre-?‐Instructional Activity: (sponge; bell-?‐ringer; journal; allows attendance to be taken) FORMTEXT Students will copy vocabulary words for the week and homework, receive literature workbooks and organize notebook.10 minutes Opening (ENGAGE): (introduces the lesson; summarizes previous lesson; clarifies misconceptions) FORMTEXT The teacher will explain the basis and purpose of the ELA pretest and distribute it.2 minutes Work Period (EXPLORE/EXPLAIN/ EXTEND/ELABORATE):(allows students to practice concept; assesses student learning) FORMTEXT Students will begin ELA pretest.When students are done they can use the literary book to write the definitions for their vocabulary words. The vocabulary words can be found in the literary glossary section of the book and the chart is on pages 24 and 26.35 minutes Closing (EVALUATE): (summarizes lesson; ensures understanding; clarifies misconceptions) FORMTEXT Review pretestHOMEWORK: Define vocabulary words using online book and copy plot diagram on page 26. Students may also use their literature workbook to define some of the words and the chart is on page 4.Due on WednesdayDaily Lesson Plan for TuesdayPre-?‐Instructional Activity: FORMTEXT .Work on vocabulary definitions and copy homework. 5 minutes.Opening (ENGAGE): FORMTEXT The teacher will explain the performance sceniro and tasks.Students will view a photo of a movie advertisement and identify the characters and setting. The teacher will display the photo and ask for volunteers to answer questions about characters and setting. 10 minutes Work Period (EXPLORE/EXPLAIN/EXTEND/ELABORATE): FORMTEXT Students will view powerpoint of the elements of a story. With teacher guidance and scaffolding, the students will read short stories or elements on pages 24-26 to answer questions and identify plot and the elements of a story.20 minutes Closing (EVALUATE): FORMTEXT Students will view another photo of a movie advertisement and describe the setting, characters and the beginning, middle and ending of the movie.HOMEWORK: Read "The School Play" on pages 5-11 in the literature workbook or pages 32-39 in the online book. 10 minutes Daily Lesson Plan for WednesdayPre-?‐Instructional Activity: FORMTEXT The teacher will distribute plot graphic organizer. The students will turn in vocabulary homework and answer the following questions from the homework reading: 1- Describe Robert and Belinda? 2-What happened on the day of the performance? 7 minutesOpening (ENGAGE): FORMTEXT Review DO NOW questions. Students will share answers The teacher will explain the plot graphic organizer and review vocabulary words.13 minutesWork Period (EXPLORE/EXPLAIN/ EXTEND/ELABORATE): FORMTEXT Read the School Play on page 32-36 and complete the plot graphic organizer as a class for the setting, characters, exposition, conflict and rising action.20 minutes. Closing (EVALUATE): FORMTEXT Students will complete 3-2-1 closing…list 3 things you learned, 2 things you liked about the lesson and 1 question you may still have.5 minutesHOMEWORK: Complete the questions in the blue margin on pages 5-9 of the literature workbook Daily Lesson Plan for ThursdayPre-?‐Instructional Activity: FORMTEXT Turn in homework…Copy homework and study for vocabulary quiz8 minutesOpening (ENGAGE): FORMTEXT Complete vocabulary quiz15 minutesWork Period (EXPLORE/EXPLAIN/EXTEND/ELABORATE): FORMTEXT Answer any questions from closing and review Wednesday's work period assignment. Continue reading the School Play pages 37 and 38 and finish the plot diagram for climax, falling action and resolution as a class.20 minutes.Closing (EVALUATE): FORMTEXT Exit Ticket: Students will answer this week's essential question.5 minutesHOMEWORK: Complete the questions in the blue section of the literature workbook on pages 10-12 and complete plot diagram if not completed in class.Daily Lesson Plan for FridayPre-?‐Instructional Activity: FORMTEXT Turn in plot diagram for "The School Play" and literature book homework Write a paragraph that summarizes "The School Play.5 minutes Opening (ENGAGE): FORMTEXT The teacher will pair students together and distribute graphic organizer for assessment (quiz). We will read "The Boar Out There" on pages 28 and 29 aloud as a class. 10 minutesWork Period(EXPLORE/EXPLAIN/ EXTEND/ELABORATE): FORMTEXT The students will work in pairs to complete the plot graphic organizer for "The Boar Out There". Students may use the information in the margins of the text as a guide to complete the graphic organizer.. 30 minutesClosing (EVALUATE): FORMTEXT Turn in graphic organizer.NO HOMEWORK ................

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