Guidelines for filling out Annual Report Fiscal Year 2021

Guidelines for filling out Annual Report

Fiscal Year 2021

The Annual Report form will be completed by the Soldier & Family Readiness Group (SFRG)

Leader, Family Readiness Military Liaison and the Unit Commander, with the assistance of the

Regional Soldier and Family Readiness Specialist (SFRS). It is required that all signatures be

completed on the Annual Report Form prior to submission to the Regional SFRS. If there is a new

SFRG Leader for the upcoming Fiscal Year, it is recommended that the previous SFRG Leader be

contacted to assist with completing this report. This document needs to be completed

electronically. If there is no SFRG, signatures are still needed from the Military Liaison, Unit

Commander, and Battalion Commander. If you have questions about how to fill out the form,

please contact your Regional SFRS. Signed report is due to Regional SFRS NLT 1 DEC 2021.

Section 1: Unit Information/Volunteer Information

The Commander, Military Liaison, and SFRG Leadership Team¡¯s name, phone number and email

is required.

Section 2: Events/Family Participation

Complete the event or date the Family Readiness Briefing was given to the unit members and their

families. Enter number of assigned unit members. Include the number of newsletters that were sent

to family members. POC for the newsletter distribution should be the name of the statutory

volunteer that is composing/mailing/emailing the SFRG newsletter. Upcoming SFRG events need

to include the required events/meetings in the format that your brigade requires.

Section 3: SFRG Activities and Awards

List all SFRG members that have been awarded or received recognition for their participation in the

SFRG. Please make sure if they have had official State recognition you annotate that in this

section. Indicate all events, activities, and meetings that your SFRG has hosted or participated in

during FY21.

Section 4: FRG Unit Binder/Private Organization Affiliations

These are the items that are required to be in the unit SFRG binder that can be inspected during

the Organizational Inspection Program (OIP). Private Organizations (PO) affiliated with your

company. The Commander has to authorize PO¡¯s for your unit and is also the Point of Contact for

that unit. The Military Liaison needs to sign this section. A digital signature is acceptable.

Section 5: Fiscal/Final Approval

Informal Funds Custodian should complete this section for SFRG account balance and income total

for the year. Bank statements don't have to accompany the report, however, they need to be kept in

informal funds binder at the unit for six (6) years. Commanders are responsible for reviewing and

reconciling all unit SFRG expenditures. If there are discrepancies, the Commander needs to

document and take corrective action. The Informal Funds Custodian needs to sign Section 5.

Once the report is complete the Unit Commander and Battalion Commander will need to sign

the last page, this can be done digitally. The SFRG Leader will need to sign the report.

FY 21 Family Readiness Annual

Report 1 Oct 2020¨C 30 Sept 2021

Date Completed:

BDE: Select BDE




Regional Soldier and Family Readiness Specialist: Select your Regional SFRS

Section 1: Unit Information/Volunteer Information

Command Team



Phone Number



Military Liaison:

SFRG Leadership Team


Phone Number



Volunteer Hours


Assistant Leader


Informal Funds


Hours include SFRG meetings, planning meetings/events, composing SFRG newsletter,

RISFAC meetings, State Professional Development Workshop, etc.

Section 2: Events/Family Participation

1. Date of most recent Family Readiness Briefing

2. Number of Soldiers Assigned to Unit

3. Number of command communications sent throughout

the year: (Email, hard-copy newsletter, or updates

through Facebook)





4. POC for newsletter Distribution/Facebook

Upcoming SFRG events (Family Readiness YTC can be submitted

for this section) For example: Holiday Party December x, 2021

Section 3: SFRG Activities and Awards

List SFRG members that have been awarded or acknowledged for their participation within the


Did your unit SFRG host, participate, or provide:



Annual Family Readiness Briefing


Deployment Send Off/Welcome Home

Family Day

Benefit Briefing (For example:Tricare, Military Onesource, Education)

Advertising and Awareness of SFRG

AT Send Off/Welcome Home

Internal Fundraisers

Attend State Family Readiness Professional Development Workshop (did

not happen in 2020)

Email Communication

Unit Open House

Recruit new Family Members/Volunteers

Section 4: SFRG Unit Binder/Private Organization Affiliations

Military Liaison: Do you have the following items up to date in your SFRG Unit Binder?



Duty Appointment Memo for Military Liaison with current commander


Duty Appointment Memo for all Statutory Volunteers with current

commander signature (SFRGL, ASFRGL, Secretary, and Informal Funds Custodian)

Copies of signed DD 2793 volunteer agreement for all statutory volunteers with

current commander signature (SFRGL, ASFRGL, Secretary, and Informal Funds Custodian)

CNGBI 1800.02 Chief National Guard Bureau Instruction Family

Program (Dated 31 July 2013)

AGOH 600-8-22 Program for Ohio National Guard Military Awards

(Dated 1 FEB 2003)

AGO Regulation 600-12 (Army) Ohio National Guard Family Readiness Program (Dated 1 December 2003)

Unit Family Roster (Phone/Email Tree)

Quarterly/Monthly Newsletters

Additional Information such as: copy of training certificates for

Commander, Military Liaison, and SFRGL

Most recent Annual Report completed and signed....FY20

Military Liaison Signature


Has the Commander authorized and or approved a Private Organization to operate or be affiliated

with the Unit?



If Yes, please complete the following:

1. Name of P.O.:

POC/Phone Number:

Date of Approval:

2. Name of P.O.:

POC/Phone Number:

Date of Approval:

Copy of request/approval letters and CDR checklist must be completed and maintained.

Section 5: Fiscal/Final Approval

Does the Unit SFRG have a current informal funds account?

If you answered no, please skip to the bottom of the page for signatures.


What is the current balance of your informal funds account as of 30 SEP 2021?

How much income, either by donations, or profit from fundraising, did you take in Fiscal Year 2021?

When was the Unit's Informal Funds Audits completed?


Did the Unit Commander, follow AR Army Directive 2019-17 (Changes to the Soldier &

Family Readiness Group Program) in FY21?

Does the unit have a current Informal Funds Bank Memo that designates the Informal Funds

Custodian that is signed by the Commander?

Does the unit have a current Informal Funds SOP?

Does the unit have a current informal funds ledger that matches bank statements, income/

expenditure, and all receipts?

Does the unit have an approved informal funds Annual Budget that is signed by the Unit Commander?

Does the unit have an approved fundraising request(s) (signed form or email) by the Unit

Commander if a fundraising event was conducted?

Does the unit have an approved and signed by unit commander, purchase request/

reimbursement form(s) for all purchases that were made and any reimbursement requested?

What corrective actions are you taking to be in compliant with Army Directive 2019-17?

Informal Funds Custodian Signature

I hear by certify that all information in this report is correct for my Unit.

Commander Signature

Battalion Commander Signature

SFRG Leader Signature



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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